• Published 16th Jan 2015
  • 1,510 Views, 70 Comments

Paradox - CCC

When a visitor from the future appears out of nowhere in Twilight's new castle, he triggers a series of events that sends Twilight back and forth through history...

  • ...

Paradox Explained

Twilight opened the TARDIS door, and stepped inside, just ahead of the Doctor.

She almost ran into Spike, heading out.

“Spike?” she asked. “I thought you were going to stay in the TARDIS?”

Spike crossed his arms. “I was worried,” he said. “You weren't coming back... I was going to look for you.”

Twilight smiled, and nuzzled the little dragon. “Spike,” she said, “you know why you couldn't come with. A dragon – even a baby dragon – in old Everfree City would have caused a massive panic. Ponies could have been hurt. It could have been a disaster.”

“It was a disaster,” said the Doctor, closing the door behind himself. “It's hard to see how Spike could have made things any worse, exactly.”

“I... still don't know what I did wrong, Doctor,” said Twilight, meekly. “I saw a way to get Laughter back without causing any more prob-”

“Do not finish that sentence.” The Doctor pointed a hoof at Twilight. “You didn't need to get Laughter back, and you caused massive problems up and down the timeline!”

Twilight frowned. “I... don't get it.”

“What exactly did you do?” asked Spike.

“I managed to trigger Paradox's time machine,” said Twilight, “sending him back to Discord's time again. Since Laughter couldn't travel through time, it was left behind.” She turned to face the Doctor. “But, Doctor, without Laughter, Celestia wouldn't have the Elements of Harmony. Nightmare Moon could have defeated her, easily.”

The Doctor rolled his eyes. “You're an alicorn, idiot!” he snapped. “Nightmare Moon could perhaps have defeated Celestia, but she could never have defeated the two of you working together!”

He stomped over to the TARDIS' controls and started flicking switches and pulling levers.

“Oh. I... didn't think of that,” admitted Twilight. “But then... wait. I couldn't have done that. I saw their whole battle before, with Zecora's potion. Since I didn't see myself -”

“Time,” snapped the Doctor, “is not as linear as you think. A few minor things might have changed in your memories, anything bigger we could have gone on to sort out on a case-by-case basis.”

“Soooo... you can't sort out whatever problems Twilight just caused?” asked Spike.

The Doctor snorted. “We've done what we can already!”

Spike blinked, twice, and raised a claw to tap on his chin. “I'm... not quite seeing the problem,” he admitted. “What exactly did Twilight cause?”

The Doctor pulled down a particularly large lever with his mouth, and then stepped back from the controls. Twilight could hear the strange sound of the TARDIS launching. “Paradox,” he said.

“I caused a paradox?” asked Twilight.

“Not a paradox,” said the Doctor. “Paradox. Big grey stallion with a time machine on his wrist. You caused him.”

Twilight and Spike shared a look of mutual bafflement.

How?” asked Twilight. “How could I have possibly caused him?”

The Doctor threw his forelegs up in the air. “Oh, for crying out loud, do I have to spell it out for you?” he asked.

“Um , yes please?” said Spike.

The Doctor glared at Spike, but complied. “Paradox,” he said, “is a time loop.”

“He's what?” asked Twilight.

“A time loop. Round and round he goes, repeating the same events time after time after time. He doesn't have a beginning, he doesn't have an end, he just goes around through the same set of actions again and again and again! First he finds himself in Discord's era, he loses his time machine and then manages to wait around until Discord's defeat, rebuilds the machine, travels to the future to try to kill you in retaliation for your having trapped him in Discord's time, goes back to try to kill you as a baby, then tries to crash my TARDIS when it's damaged, then goes further back to try to arrange Nightmare Moon's victory so that there isn't even a world for you to exist in... and then you do something completely stupid and send him back to Discord's era, starting the whole loop over again!”

Spike frowned and raised a claw. “Wouldn't he get older every time round the loop, until he died of old age?” he asked.

“Weren't you listening?” asked the Doctor. “He doesn't age he doesn't learn he can't be injured – he doesn't change.”

“Wait a minute,” said Twilight. “You're saying he tried to kill me in retaliation for me sending him back to Discord's time? Doesn't that mean that Discord managed to change him – at least his goals?”

“No, it does not,” said the Doctor, firmly. “His goal was always to kill you, and thus to not exist. In all of his cycles, that never changes.”

“Soooo...” said Spike, “does that mean that every time he gets out of Discord's era he's going to make a new attempt on Twilight's life?”

“No,” said the Doctor. “It means that every time he gets out of Discord's era he's going to make the exact same attempt on Twilight's life. The same place, the same time. We know she survives it.”

“That memory,” said Twilight, with sudden realisation. “When we were in Discord's era, and he remembered where Discord was going to throw those fire balloons. It was never your memory – it was his own memory, from a previous loop!” She frowned. “But wait, does that mean he was learning from his own memory?”

“No,” said the Doctor, “he didn't learn anything that he hadn't already – and always – known. If you had just been able to keep your hooves off that strawberry milk flower, none of this would ever have happened! You would have been able to live out your entire life without having to deal with any crazed time-travelling assassins, I would never have crash-landed and been forced to take on an identity as a clockmaker, and Paradox wouldn't be trapped in the age of Discord for all eternity! Aside from that, everything would have been exactly the same, or at least fixable!”

“Oh, I don't know about that,” said the flower still in Twilight's mane, speaking in Discord's voice.

There was a long moment of silence.

“You don't need to look at my flower like that,” said the flower, the petals moving like a mouth. “I still can't time travel, this is just a recording. And no, I can't hear you, but I do have access to Twilight's diary, and she certainly wrote about this conversation in detail! Anyway, I just wanted to say that, when you get back to the present, you might just want to talk to me about a number of side-effects of Paradox's existence that you're not aware of quite yet.”

The flower grinned in the approximate direction of the Doctor, and then fell limp, its message delivered.

Spike shakily raised one claw to point at it. “Are you really sure it's a good idea to keep that thing in your mane?” he asked, nervously.