• Published 4th May 2012
  • 1,367 Views, 20 Comments

All I want is a friend - burdockwing

Pinkie is labeled a monster after the cupcakes incident and tries everything to make up for it

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Chapter 4.

Pinkie throughout the week had contemplated a relationship with Rainbow Dash. Pinkie didn’t want a romantic relationship but was willing to suffer through anything to have somepony that cares about her. Rainbow was ecstatic about Pinkie excepting her feelings and was making sure she showed it.
Pinkie tried to take a nap on the bed but couldn’t fall asleep with Dash constantly snuggling up to her. "So. what do you want to do today?" Dash said with a grin. "Umm…not that." Pinkie said with a half hearted laugh. Dash continued pawing Pinkie over. "Awww. Why not? We haven't been together since our first time. We should be doing some crazy things." Pinkie struggled under Dash's influence but was a foreleg short and couldn’t do much. "Well. uh…well…I want to make sure you like me for me." Dash gave Pinkie an inquisitive look. "And not for…you know…my body." Dash's questioning look was replaced with a devious one. "You're so cute!" Dash hugged Pinkie harder, Pinkie obviously wasn't enjoying it but Dash didn't notice. "Fine. I love you for you and nothing more, but you do realize that when I do get my chance I'm not going to go easy on you." Dash got off the bed with a smile on her face and walked out of the room. Pinkie couldn't stop blushing, nor could she stop thinking of the awkward, disgusting, mischievous things Rainbow was planning.
Rainbow decided that she should go into town and get something to clean that wooden bath, it was beginning to look nasty. Rainbow gave Pinkie a quick kiss and was off. She made it extremely clear that she would be gone for a short while and Pinkie was not to move a muscle from the bed. Dash felt like she was walking on air. She had finally told Pinkie how she felt and everything was going great. They had a nice secret place and Pinkie was nearly healed. Dash went into several stores making sure that she had all she would need for the week but was grinded to a halt when she came across a newspaper stand that had the latest news on all of Equestria. The big front page story title read "Cupcake killer recruits" Rainbow paid for the paper and began to read immediately. "The brutal murders were far from over when a filly went missing. A filly by the name of Silver spoon was lost during these brutal murders and her friend "Diamond Tiara" was believed to have died (Due to a cutie mark apron as evidence) but was found unharmed, that is until just a few days after the murderer was caught. "The murderer had no way to get to the filly because she was behind bars at the time!" Stated Princess Celestia. So an immediate search was in effect, there was no evidence of a body or anything else. Just a few days ago a pony named Applejack went to the authorities and said that her sister (Applebloom) had come home one night covered in blood, she confessed to murdering a filly (Silver spoon) one of her classmates. Applejack admits to having hidden her sister from the guards. Applejack went on to say that one day she went into her apple cider cellar and found her sister gutting another one of her classmates (Diamond Tiara). Applejack continued to hide her sister but turned her in eventually. "That aint my sister no more. Pinkie took her away from me." Said Applejack to our interviewers. The filly Applebloom was taken into custody and analyzed. Applebloom showed no signs of mental illness. She was questioned and stated that she was taught by Pinkie on how to dissect a pony and torture them, she also made it clear that she murdered them because she hated them and only regretted letting Diamond Tiara die before she could play some more. The filly was stuck with the death penalty and was executed today. The princess chose not to punish the Apple family. "They were only doing what they thought was right. They have suffered a great loss and do not deserve punishment. Only our sympathy" This leaves us to wonder who else could be carrying on the legacy of the Cupcake killer?" Rainbow Dash stopped reading. She felt like she was going to vomit. This was highly detailed and sickening. She knew that Pinkie didn't do any of this, but it still was bone jarring. Rainbow stood there for a couple minutes and decided to just head home with the supplies. She wanted Pinkie to get over this, and this newspaper wasn't going to help. Pinkie didn't need to know all of this anyway.
Pinkie was sleeping peacefully, dreaming of weird worlds and impossible things that can never be. To be honest her dreams were nice but there were still subtle hints and hidden clues of her disturbed, twisted, scarred mind. No matter how far in the back of her mind she tried to place her grotesque thoughts and memories, they always found a way through. "Pinkieeeeee…" All of a sudden the little cracks and crevices of her impossible dream world began to split and splinter open. Pinkie wanted to just focus on her playful dreams. "Pinkie!" Something was fighting against her efforts. It was like there were cracks in her skull and whatever was inside was clawing them open. "Let's play!" Pinkies attempts to focus on her dreams were shattered and now she was fighting to hold this thing back. Pounding, endless pounding "I'll gut you alive whore!". There was clawing and scratching, like a mindless beast using every last bit of its energy to escape. Pinkie remembered the pure hatred and fear she ever felt, thoughts of blood and murder began to crawl like insects out of the cracks in her mind. "The first to die is that rainbow cunt!" Suddenly thoughts of gutting, burning, ripping, cutting, gouging and torture began to force its way out of her skull, threatening to overwhelm her and explode. As Pinkie watched these thoughts flood out she noticed each one had the same pony in them, Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash was being gutted and tortured, Pinkie watched the brutal horrors that this thing inside her head was planning. "No! Fuck off! You touch her I'll kill us both!" Each horror meant for the mare she loved. Pinkie was scared, she fought and screamed, but it was all a dream and she couldn’t do much, she watched herself scream and cry in the middle of a pitch black room, her skull ripping open and demons flooding out like so much blood. She felt something pressing into her neck, in real life. And with that the demons were startled and forced backed into her skull with lightning speed, nearly destroying all that took space in her mind… it was gone, the darkness was shoved back into the deepest darkest cracks and crevices of Pinkies mind. Then her impossible and happy dream world returned, taking the place of the darkness. The dreams of a giddy happy filly. That feeling of something pressing and rubbing against her neck continued, she was in a dream state and didn't think anything of it. It kept pressing and rubbing softly against her neck. 'damn penguins…I'm gunna punch them' Pinkie thought, not recalling anything but her magical dreams and the wonders of her impossible world. Pinkie was slowly being awoken. She felt warm air spread over her neck, it felt like a warm cloud was spreading over her body, beginning at her neck. Pinkie slowly opened her eyes, she first saw a rainbow mane. She tried to move but realized something was on her neck, restricting her movements. It was Dash, nuzzling into Pinkies neck, Dash was breathing in Pinkies sent and in return was letting her warm breath wash over Pinkies neck. "mph…" Pinkie was still drowsy. "Mmm…isnt that a nice way to wake up?" Pinkie would never admit it to herself but that was a fantastic way to wake up.
"Are you okay?" Rainbow stepped back and eyed Pinkie. "Yeah…why?" Rainbow had a worried look on her face. "Well for one…your curled up in the fetal position, and two…your crying." Pinkie rubbed her eyes. She noticed she was crying so she did her best to rub away her tears. "What happen?" Pinkie wasn’t sure herself. "Nothing…I was sleeping." Rainbow kissed Pinkie caringly. "Okay. Dinner will be ready in a little." Dash thought that maybe Pinkie had gotten hold of a newspaper, but there was no way.
After dinner Pinkie and Rainbow went to bed, Dash was trying hard to get past the whole Applebloom thing and Pinkie was trying to figure out what was bothering her. Dash tried to force herself on Pinkie but to no success. Pinkie tried forcing Dash away but eventually they both compromised and snuggled. Somehow being so close to Dash made Pinkie feel way better. That night Pinkie didn't dream but unfortunately Dash did. "*smack *smack *smack" Rainbow was walking in the dark forest closest to their house. "*smack *smack *smack" She looked around for the cause of the noise but saw only darkness. "*smack *smack *smack" Rainbow noticed Pinkie was nowhere to be found. Dash began to grow frantic. "*smack *smack *smack" Before she knew it Dash was running through the forest towards the sound as fast as she could. It felt like hours. "*smack *smack *smack *CRACK!" Rainbow grinded to a halt when she found herself in a clearing within the forest, there was a figure standing in the middle. Rainbow recognized the hat on the figures head. It had to be Applejack, she had a baseball bat between her jaws and she was in tears. Applejack lifted the bat up and continued to smack something on the ground, it was Pinkie, her head was smashed to bits. The mangled corpse of her lover laid before Applejack as she continued to crush the remnants of Pinkie skull and brain. Dash inched forward. "*smack *smack *sm-" Applejack slowly turned around, she kept her head lowered. Although Dash couldn’t see her face she could see the tears stream from Applejacks eye's and hit the ground. Dash was frozen with fear, Applejack never raised her head as she slowly walked away from Pinkies destroyed corpse. Rainbow couldn't move, her heart raced faster and faster. Even if she could move she wouldn't, for why would she continue on without her lover. "Pinkie may die…but I'll be here for you." What was that? It sounded like Pinkie. "You can continue. I can heeelllp you. You need to let me innnn…and then…I can help…" Rainbow wasn't in control as she ran at Applejack. Rainbow Dash tackled Applejack and they both hit the ground, Dash held her down. "A blade is an awful thing to waste…if it can't delve into the heart of a pony like this!" Dash had a knife in her right hoof, where it came from was unknown but the path of the blade had already been planned out. The knife delved into Applejacks chest, she screamed in pain. Applejack was violently coughing up blood. Rainbow couldn’t stop herself, even if she could she wouldn’t. The pain was far from over, Rainbow got off of Applejack and put two hooves in her wound. Applejack screamed as Rainbow thrusted her forelegs into her chest and ripped her rib cage in half. The sound of bones cracking and flesh tearing was only matched by the horrible screams from Applejack. Rainbow looked at Applejack and then back at her chest, her organs were beating and pulsing but not more as her heart. The source of life for every pony. It was insulting. So Rainbow with a sickly grin, put a hoof around Applejack heart then squeezed. Applejack looked on in horror as Rainbow gripped her most vital organ harder and harder. Then with a sudden burst of anger, Rainbow ripped Applejacks still beating heart right out of her chest. The blood was flooding Applejacks chest cavity and spilled all over the forest floor. Rainbow was bathed in blood and had a look of satisfaction on her face. "Ow" What? Who said that? "Ow!" Where the hell is that coming from? "Hey! Ow!" Rainbow jolted awake. She was holding Pinkie in her forelegs. Pinkie looked at Dash. "Why are you holding me so tight?" Rainbow realized that she was not in the forest. There was no Applejack. There was no brutal murder scene. Only her and her love. "S…sorry. I had a bad dream." Pinkie wrapped her one good front leg around Dash and held Rainbow tightly. "It's okay. I'm here." Rainbow took in Pinkies scent and laid her head back on their pillow. "Good."
Sadly Rainbow couldn’t get much sleep after that, but Pinkie slept like a foal. Rainbow hugged Pinkie harder and harder when she tried not to remember her dream. She made sure not to hug Pinkie to tightly, she didn't want her to wake up again. After an hour of her eyes playing tricks on her, Rainbow Dash got up and decided it best to get breakfast ready or clean something. Anything to keep her mind off of…whatever happened. Rainbow walked into the pitch black living room, which only had a couple cabinets and a closet, and tried to look for a candle. Rainbow felt sleepy, like she was sleep walking. "I am the feeling you get when behind a blade, the feeling you get when all your friends turn on you, the feeling when you stand atop a high place and want to jump." Rainbow shrugged it off. She light some candles and planned out a meal.
Pinkie woke up and found her friend wasn't in bed. "She must be making breakfast." Pinkie left her room and found breakfast waiting. Pinkie finished off her eggs and hay then found a note waiting for her on the counter. "Pinkie, went into town to grab some things be back in a little. xoxo" Pinkie cleaned her dishes and put them away, which was a real struggle. Pinkie had finally learned that standing on her hind legs is a lot easier, but walking on her hind legs was still trouble. Pinkie finished up and then thought for a second. "Wait…Dash went shopping already." Pinkie thought that maybe she just needed some things. She walked around the house, picking up stuff. "This place is always getting dirty, for Celestias sa-" Pinkie grabbed a cloth out of the kitchen drawer and found a large butcher knife. "What the buck…this belongs in the knife holder." Pinkie went to put it in the holder but to her surprise, all the knives were accounted for. Pinkie shrugged it off and put it in the sink. She still had a whole house to clean, she continued onto the other bedrooms. Pinkie picked up a book, she didn’t bother reading the title. "Damn…Rainbow needs to pick up after herself." Pinkie slid the book into the desk "I know Rainbow likes reading but-AUGHH!" Pinkie withdrew her foreleg from the desk and blood ran down her leg. "What the buck!" Pinkie looked into the desk and took out a scalpel. "What the…" Pinkie put the scalpel down and went to bind up her gash. "This seems familiar...oh Celestia." Pinkie remembered all those blades and those…cupcakes, that her other self stashed all over sugar cube corner. "Fuck…its happening again…I thought I was better!" Pinkie was scared but knew exactly where this would lead if need be. "…Celestia damn it."

Pinkie decided to slit her throat. She spent a few minutes reflecting on her life and was ready. She didn’t even notice the time, it was dark and Dash should have been back a long time ago. Pinkie was second's away from slitting her throat when Dash walked through the door. "Hey I'm back." Pinkie quickly hid the scalpel. "Hi! how are y…where's the groceries." Pinkie tossed the scalpel under a cabinet. "Oh yeah…anyway, I have something special to show you! What happen to your leg?" Pinkie stood up and walked over to Rainbow "I…hurt it." Rainbow gave Dash an inquisitive look but just continued. "Well I need you to follow me." Pinkie got up and decided to wash off what little blood was still on her leg. "Hey why did you take that knife out?" Pinkie finished washing up "Wha…what? You put that knife in there?" Dash walked over to the sink and picked the knife up. "Yeah. There wasn't any room in the knife holder." Pinkie was piecing it together slowly. "ummm…why didn't you just put it in the utensil drawer?" Dash put the knife back into the wash cloth drawer. "Umm…I don't understand the question." Pinkie backed up a little. "And did you put anything in the desk?" Dash looked down "Umm…well…yesss." Pinkie backed away. "Are...are you okay?" That voice…it was all to familiar. Dash opened the drawer and closed it, she did this repeatedly. "Yesssss." Pinkie was getting ready to dive for the scalpel. "Rainbow…why did you put them there?" Dash had a blank expression but quickly snapped her head back up. "What?" "What we were just talking about." "Oh yeah. I have a surprise. c'mon!" Rainbow walked towards the door and smiled back at Pinkie 'This is exactly what I did to the others.' Pinkie was scared but followed anyway. 'Shit…this is gunna hurt." Dash walked side by side with Pinkie. Dash had a smile on her face but Pinkie was fighting back tears. "What's wrong?" "Nothing. Im just thinking about that knife." Rainbow pressed her side against her lovers. "What knife?" Pinkie rubbed her cheek against Rainbows "Never mind. Why did you take so long? It's already dark." "We're almost there!" Rainbow was getting excited, just like that thing before it…made cupcakes. 'How the hell did it get to Rainbow…at least a friend is the one to kill me." Rainbow put her mouth to Pinkies ear "Don't worry. Close your eyes." Pinkie was in tears but did what she was told. Dash couldn't see her cry because it was far too dark thankfully…it would only fuel that thing, Pinkie knew that much. Dash grabbed Pinkie by her leg and led her. "We're almost there!" Dash's grip became harder. Pinkie was walking blindly to her death through the pitch black forest. "Surprise!" Pinkie opened her eye's expecting skulls, guts, bodies and blood but instead found a picnic table lighted with candles everywhere as well as a whole romantic dinner. "Pinkie…are you crying?" The candle light revealed Pinkie's face "Yeah…I…umm…its just really touching." Pinkie was stunned. It was all going to be alright. "But…the knives?" Rainbow sat down at the picnic table "What knife do you keep talking about!?" Pinkie didn't say anything and just sat down. "anyway…is this all-" "For you! I just realized lately how lucky I am to have you and I want to show it." Pinkie looked at the food, veggie burgers and fries! Pinkie hadn't eaten since breakfast. "Here! Some of the best cider I could find." Pinkie was deeply touched at all this. She was glad to have such a great friend, even if Dash didn't consider her just a friend.
"Y'know I think you can't handle cider well Pink!" Rainbow had gone to the same side of the table as Pinkie. "Buck you to! I cin…can do whater…whatever." They both continued laughing and tried to use each other as a means of support. "Thank you…thank you Dash. You really make me feel loved." Pinkie rested her head on Dash's shoulder. "I love you. You're so cute I could eat you up." Pinkie fell on the ground and stumbled to recover. "What the fuck does that mean!" Dash was taken aback by the sudden comment "Wha-" "You! get out of her! you…killer!" Dash tried to calm her down "What! Pinkie you're drunk calm down!" "No! No! I know what inside you! Wait a second…holy shit!" Rainbow tried to grab Pinkie but she backed away. "Pinkie! Shhhhh!" Pinkie began to grow even more hysterical. "No! You drugged my food! Why…why am I…everything's all blurry! I feel weird!" Dash was growing worried. "Pinkie! Calm down!!!" Pinkie tried to make a run for it but fell. "I thought you were gone! How'd you getn Dash!? huh!huh!" Dash tried to grab Pinkie but she punched her in the face. "P…Pinkie." Pinkie finally got herself up but before she could make another failed attempt to run Rainbow clocked her in the back of the neck, effectively knocking her out. "I'm sorry love." Dash nuzzled Pinkie. "I shouldn't have given you strong cider. Let's go get you some rest." Dash put Pinkie on her back and walked down the path that would take her to their house. She didn't bother to blow out the candles.
Pinkie woke up under Rainbow dash, she tried to move but was instantly stopped by a painful headache. Pinkie remembered drinking but not much else. she decided to follow Dash's example and just sleep it off. Pinkie felt pain everywhere. The biggest pains were her head and her only foreleg. The gash had gotten worse. It was big enough to need stitches but Pinkie wasn’t thinking about that. Rainbow got up. "Hey. You okay?" Pinkie got out from under her. "No. I have a hangover and the gash on my leg hurts like hell." "No I mean after you kinda freaked." Pinkie began to remember the whole night. "Yeah I don’t normally drink a lot" Dash got up even though she probably had a bad hangover like Pinkie. "Yeah..sorry but umm…what was all that talk about?" Pinkie knew damn well that something was inside Dash but it had to be well under and probably couldn’t do anything to hurt any pony, so Pinkie decided to keep Dash in the dark a little longer. "I don't know…it was some pretty strong cider" Dash got back on top of Pinkie and began to nibble on her ear. "Sorry about that whole knocking you out thing. I was afraid you might hurt yourself." Pinkie didn't try to fight Dash from getting on top of her. Dash went from Pinkies ear to her mouth and began to kiss her. "Dash… I have a really bad hangover." Dash gave an agitated sigh and got off of Pinkie. "um…no hard feelings, right Dashie?" Dash clambered out of bed and left the room. "Uh huh. We need to go get you a check up with Scout. between your cut and me knocking you out I want to make sure your completely fine."
Pinkie and Rainbow Dash didn't bother eating, and so they were off to another wondrous adventure…or every pony was going to get murdered…brutally. "So while we're there…can we get a check up for you?" Pinkie was still worried. "Awww. Are you worried about me?" "Yeah. You just seem distant. Did anything happen?" Rainbow's smile turned to a frown. "Did you find it?" Pinkie was a little shocked by the confession. "Ye…yeah." Dash tried to find the best words to explain herself. "I'm sorry, I didn't want you to know about Applebloom, it's not your fault…I want you to know that." Pinkie stopped in the middle of the trail. Scouts house was within eye sight. "Wait what?" "You didn't find the newspaper?" "No I'm talking about…what did you say about Applebloom?" Dash thought for a second. "Nothing. C'mon." "Wait. What were you talking about?" Dash started to walk again and Pinkie followed her. "Nothing. Leave it at that." Pinkie was about to say something but Dash gave her a stern look and Pinkie dropped it.
Pinkie and Rainbow Dash walked into scouts house. Scout was mixing a few "special" herbs but quickly hid them under a nearby jacket. "Hey. Ever heard about knocking?" Dash sniffed the air. "Sorry. I knocked but you didn't answer. Have you been burning something?" Scout pretended to be going through some medical supplies. "No…er…yes. A candle." Pinkie walked into the house. "Anyway. Wutcha need Dash?" Dash helped Pinkie over to a makeshift examining room. The walls and counters were lined with medical equipment, probably his fathers. "Pinkie has a cut that is pretty deep, and we just need an overall checkup." Pinkie chimed in quickly. "And Dash needs a checkup to." Dash tried to say she didn't need it but Pinkie insisted, Dash eventually gave in. Scout went to work on removing Pinkies old bandages. "Hey. I'm missing a scalpel. I lost it around the last time you two were her. Did you happen to take it?" Dash shook her head and Pinkie just said no. "Oh well, it looks like I can remove the stitches and bandages today. And from what I can tell by looking at that cut on your leg you should just need bandages on that." Pinkie looked at where she once had a leg, she hated the reminder. "And what might be wrong with Dash?" Pinkie got off the examination mat and pushed Dash onto it. "Just a checkup." Pinkie pulled scout aside. "I think there is something wrong with her. Mentally. Don't tell her about it though." Scout just shrugged and whispered. "I'm not a therapist. But I have some mental evaluation scrolls that will help." Scout went into a closet, Pinkie saw a room filled with potions, scrolls and magic items. "Okay Dash step on this." Scout laid down a large sheet of paper that had symbols and a pegasi anatomy diagram. Dash gave him a questioning look but got on. As soon as dash got on the symbols began to glow. The pegasi anatomy diagram bagan to spin around, showing the entire figure. "Okay now I want you to think about something peaceful." Dash closed her eyes. a line of red words began spread across the paper. "Good, now think of something scary, now think about anything. The first thing that comes to your mind, I want you to concentrate on." The words began to right faster. Finally with a wirr sound the symbols stopped moving and the magical glows stopped, except for the red words that covered the entire page. "Okay. Step off and I'll look at it." Dash stepped off and stood beside Pinkie. "Well that was…weird. What was all that about?" Scout looked at Pinkie who shook her head. "Uh…it's supposed to be quicker, and I wanted to try it out." Scout began to scan the paper, then a look of horror spread across his face. "Oh…my…Celestia!" Pinkie began to freak out, she ran to scouts side and looked at the paper. "What!?" Scout pointed at the words. "You see that!?" Pinkies breathing began to speed up. "Yeah?" scout looked back at the paper. "I have no idea what it means!" Pinkie gave him a questioning look. Scout started laughing then folded up the paper. "It was just a joke. I don't know how to read this. I'll go to Halsburg, the town next to us, and have the magic foundation there decode it." Pinkie nudged scout in the arm. "That was not funny!" Rainbow and Scout shared a laugh. "Lighten up Pink." "Aww. You were scared for me." Pinkie was still sore about the joke. "I hate that nickname." And with that Rainbow and Pinkie left, Scout headed into town saying that there was a pegusus chariot business that could get him there fast. Rainbow offered to take him there, but scout said she wouldn't be able to carry him for that long.
"Well its almost nigh, what should we do?" Pinkie wasn’t really that tired. "Well…we could drink some more." Dash opened the door and went in after Pinkie. "Hay no!" Pinkie giggled. "Well then what?" Dash leaned in and pecked Pinkie on the lips. "I have an idea." Pinkie didn't want to do that. But whatever she could do to make Dash happy. "Okay. But nothing to wild." Dash pushed Pinkie into the bedroom. "Too bad! You shouldn't have kept me waiting!" Pinkie was blushing pretty bad and Dash was getting impatient. Dash threw Pinkie onto the bed. "How about something special?" Pinkie flinched when Dash's mouth made contact with her…other pair of lips. "Gah! Not that!" Dash giggled. Pinkie began to moan when Rainbow started using her tongue to explore her…privates. "Now that your already getting off. I'm ready for you to help me." Dash began to reposition herself. Pinkie closed her eyes, she was in heaven. Dash's mouth never left from between her hips. When Pinkie opened her eyes, Dash's Privates were barely an inch from her face. Dash continued to lick vigorously but Pinkie was hesitant. Pinkie placed her mouth in between dash's hips and was greeted by a flood, both from her and Dash. "It smells sweet…" Dash moved her hips faster and faster. "You taste sweet. Like…cotton candy." Pinkie began to explore Dash's insides with her tongue. Dash moaned and began to twitch as Pinkie sped up her tongue strokes. Pinkie could feel her heart race, She was almost there. Dash noticed the signs and went to finish strong. Pinkie was trying to finish Dash as well but she was in orgasmic heaven. She gave out one more large gasp. She felt herself overflow and then she fell limp. "I still need to be taken care of." Pinkie continued to lick Dash, the sweet scent washing over her. Dash started to clean up her lover. Pinkie stuck in her tongue as far as it could go. Dash moaned showing she was ready to finish strong. Pinkie stroked faster and faster until Rainbow thrusted her hips, pinning Pinkies head against the bed. Dash began to gasp for air then she let herself go. Dash went limp into a sweaty exhausted pile, she got off of Pinkie and turned around so they were face to face. Pinkies face was covered in Rainbows orgasm. "Sorry." Dash giggled then cleaned up all the remains by licking them off. Pinkie put her foreleg around Rainbow and let her clean up. "See. That wasn't bad. Was it?" Pinkie was trying to lay her head down and sleep. "It was…nice." Dash held Pinkie closer. Pinkie was still panting heavily, as was Dash. "I love you." "I love you too."
Pinkie was dreaming very peacfully, but something wasn't right. Pinkie didn't know it but she was looking through her dreams, searching for something. What was it? She looked past the giant bunnies, past the soda lakes, past the giant wooden pianos. Something…was absent from this world. Pinkie was happy, yet somehow that wasn't normal. Something was missing! The cracks! The demonic voices, the claws prying the cracks open and the constant fear. It was all gone, where it went was unknown. Pinkie heard something in her attempts to find what was missing. "Wake up!" Pinkie had no idea where it was coming from. 'Wow that’s rude. Whoever it is doesn’t need to yell.' more yelling. "Wake up!" Then Pinkie woke up to find Rainbow Dash shaking her. "Wha…what!?" Dash stood up, she ran to the door and peaked out of a crack from their room. "I heard screams! And I smell something." Pinkie walked over to the door. "I'm still super tired. I'm never this tired in the morning." Dash stood still. "It's not morning." Pinkie must've misheard. "Then what's that light?" Dash opened the door and ran to the window. "Fire!" Pinkie ran out the door. "Really!? This is exciting!" Dash ran after her. "No it not! We're in a forest!" Pinkie stood dumbfounded. The fires were coming from far away but they were huge. There were pegusi flying through the air trying to tame the growing flames, and ponies from the town came to help. Rainbow stared at them all for a while but then realized something. "Hey isn't that place on fire Scouts house?" Pinkie darted towards the flames. "Shit!!!" Both ponies ran towards the heart of the fire. Most trees showed signs of burn damage but seemed to be put out. They came up to Scouts house which was up in flames, all the town ponies were scrambling to put it out. "Shhh! we need to stay out of sight!" Pinkie hesitated but then they both hid near a bush. "Oh no. This is so bad! Where's scout!?" Dash calmed down Pinkie but they both just sat and watched as every pony tried putting out the forest fire. It felt like hours passed as the ponies sat and watched not knowing if their friend was alright. Pinkie turned to a tree about fifteen feet away on her right. "Did you hear that?" Pinkie got up and walked towards the cause of the sound, but Rainbow Dash just sat and watched the flames. "Rainbow! Come quickly!" Rainbow ran over to where Pinkie was. "Oh my." They found scout beaten and bloody in the bushes. "Scout! Scout!" Scout moaned in response. He had a black eye and his peach coat was spattered with blood. "Scout! What happened?" Scout sat up. "Orange…mare…red stalion…crazy." Rainbow picked him up. "Scout…are you okay." Scout tried to reject the help and stand on his own but couldn’t. "Broken…things…it hurts…don't let any pony see you." Pinkie put a hoof on his forehead. "What do we do?" Rainbow struggled to put him on her back. "He doesn’t have any pony else so we should probably get him to our bed." Pinkie made sure he wouldn’t fall off, then they left for their house.
"Don't move so much. I need to clean you up." Pinkie stood on her hind legs and rubbed scouts face with a wet washcloth. Scout was either fading in and out of consciousness or he was just in pain and tired. "That’s good. Let's get him to bed." Pinkie nodded and then took him to bed, trying to put him in bed without waking him was the hardest part. "We have some extra sheets in the closet. We can just make a place for us to sleep on the floor." Rainbow grabbed the sheets but was still very concerned. "What do you think happened?" "I don’t know. Some pony did something. He told us to not be seen so it might have something to do with us." Pinkie laid down on the sheets with a sorrowful look. "Oh Celestia. This is all our fault." Rainbow laid beside her. "You don’t know that. We can ask him in the morning. He just need's rest."
After that Pinkie Pie and Rainbow got a few more hours of sleep, but Scout stayed asleep for half the day. When he finally woke up Rainbow and Pinkie were playing chess in the living room. "I don’t get it…what about the dude with a cross?" "Pink…I told you he's the king. He can move one space and you need to prote- Oh how you doing scout?" Scout had a bad black eye and many bruises. "Hey…thanks for finding me." Pinkie stood up and ran over to him. "Now what happeded?" Scout shrugged. "I don't really know."
Yesterday in Halsburg
Scout was on his way to the magic foundation. "Hmm…I should get some supplies while I'm here." Scout turned into a big shop. A black unicorn behind a desk checked through some paperwork "Hello. Can I help you?" Scout tossed his town doctor ID on the counter. "I need some sedative, a package of scalpels, one set of vaccines and cures, enchanted twine and bone mending paste." The unicorn fetched all Scout asked. "The bone mending paste here isn't as effective as the bone mending paste the magic foundation sells. By the way they have some of the newest magical medical equipment and potions there, you should check it out." Scout tossed a few bits on the counter and grabbed his stuff. "Does frost hawk still work there?" The store owner held back a chuckle. "Yeah but he's not as…sharp as he once was." Scout gave the unicorn a grateful nod and left. 'I can't even remember when he wasn't senile.' Scout walked down passing all the travelers that came here to partake in the towns rich economy and events. He still remembers how amazed he was whenever his father took him here, he always said it was the only town that had the best and newest supplies. Scout was lost in his memory's but was brought back by a passing earth pony that accidently bumped into him. "Excuse me." Scout was afraid to have bumped into a snooty Canterlot pony. "Pardon." Scout kept walking towards the magical foundation. 'What a nice mare, but who wears Stetsons anymore?"
Scout entered the shop, or as he called it "The unicorn headquarters". "Hello! Come for anything special?" Scout looked around the room. There were scrolls and books everywhere. Incense filled the room. The whole building was painted a dark purple and black. There was one fireplace that had wood carving all over the frame. Dragons and unicorns. Scout remembered when Frost Hawk explained the meaning of every carving to him while his father browsed supplies. "Yes I am here to get this medical analysis decoded." The unicorn took the folded up piece of paper from him and opened it. "Oh my this is an old one. This is in the old unicorn writing system. I'll need to call my grandfather in on this. Hawk Frost! I need some help!" The old unicorn walked out of a room behind the counter. He looked better than scout last saw him. Maybe they found a spell to help him. "Oh Scout! So nice to see you. How's your father?" Okay maybe not. "Still dead Hawk Frost." "Oh that’s nice to hear. Tell him I said hello." The other unicorn handed his grandfather the large sheet. "Ah let me see. Oh this is from the good times. When we unicorn took pride in our work." He glared at his grandson, he just rolled his eyes and went into the backroom. "So anyway…hmm…mental evaluation…wow, lots of data. I'll need a while to translate it into a full report." "Okay. How much." The old unicorn raised a hoof. "No charge. To work in the old text is payment enough. Besides I just want to put my snobby grandson in his place, show him that he doesn’t know everything." Hawk frost chuckled. "The medical supplies are in the corner as always." Scout thanked him and began looking at supplies. He grabbed a few scrolls and other things then put them on the counter. Two earth ponies walked into the store and waited for their turn at the register. The old unicorn was writing down all the info. "So is your dad letting you treat patients yet?" Scout counted up the cost of all the supplies. "Yeah I'm treating a major patient now. An amputee" "Oh my that's some nice practice!" "Yeah she stays happy though it though." Hawk Frost counted up the change and started writing a receipt. "Very inspiring. What about the mental evaluation patient?" "Yeah it's her friend. A rainbow pony, I've never seen a pony like that before." The ponies behind him perked up. "Excuse me, did ya say rainbow?" Scout recognized the orange Stetson pony but didn't recognize the red stallion standing next to her. "Um yes." "And a legless pony? Was she pink?" Scout nodded. "Hmm…anyway ya said you’re a doc? I have a friend that could use a checkup." "I guess I could stop by." "That’s the problem. I can't quite get a hold of her at the moment. If you told me where you live I could stop by if that’s okay." Scout didn’t think anything of it. Frost hawk was still jotting down his report. Scout borrowed some pen and paper then wrote down the house and town he lived at. "Thank you. Ah promise not to be a bother. I'll get there in a day or two." The red stallion just sighed and gave a half hearted "eyup". They both trotted out the door. "Wait didn't ya need something?" the orange mare turned around. "Na…I found what ah was lookin for." Hawk frost was finishing up the translation. "Here we go! Just between me and you…that mare is fucked up." His grandson poked a head out. "Grandpa!" "Oh please he's grown up!" "He's just a colt!" Scout grabbed his stuff said goodbye and left before the family feud became to heated. Scout finished his business and just in time, it was getting dark. "What did he mean by fucked up?" Scout was too tired to question much. He just wanted to get home.
"Thank Celestia I'm ho- *CRACK" Scout was out cold. He woke up slowly tied to the bed in his house. "What the buck was that!? He's just a colt!" "Who helped Pinkie! He knows where she is!" "Sis you're crazy!" Scout looked up to see the orange mare and the red stallion. "What?" She walked over to him and kicked him in the face. "Aughh!! My eye!" "Sis!" He pulled her away from the colt. "You know where Pinkie is! where is she!?" The stallion silenced her. "What my sister means is…we are looking for a pink mare…she's a very bad pony…she hurt a lot of ponies." Scout cried out for help. "Shhh! I'm sorry I kicked you." The red stallion bent down to get to eyelevel with Scout. "It's okay. I'm Macintosh and that’s Applejack. We don't want to hurt you." Applejack seemed appalled "Why the hell are you telling him our names!" "Well what your doin sure as hell aint gunna calm him down!" Scout tried to get untied from the bed. "I don't know!" Applejack looked at her brother. "Well. He aint talkin. Do you want to avenge Applebloom or not!?" Macintosh sighed then stepped back. "Where is she!" Apple jack struck Scout in the jaw with a strong hoof. "Please…stop." Applejack continued to strike the colt. Blood was all over the floor. "Tell me where she is…please…tell me where she is." Applejack fell to the ground exhausted and sobbing. "Applejack…he's not moving." Applejack got up and stared at the unconscious colt. "Oh no." "C'mon Applejack we need to go!" Apple jack put her muzzle close to Scouts neck. "I am so sorry. I just…I just want my sister back…I'm sorry." Applejack grabbed the scruff of his neck and began to drag him outside. As she tried to carefully take Scout outside she hit a table, unknowingly knocking over a candle. "Applejack! Bring him over him we need to bury him." Apple jack with remorse drug him across several trails. "Shh! Do you hear that?" Applejack burst into tears. "They know what we did!" Macintosh put a hoof too his sisters mouth. "Quite! The house is on fire we need to leave now!" Applejack turned to Scout. "We can't leave him like this!" Macintosh shoved her. "Go go go!!"
Rainbow Dash and Pinkie were dumbfounded. "After I blacked out…I don't know what happened." Pinkie couldn’t believe it. "Are you sure it was applejack!?" Rainbow was ready to buck some ponies teeth in. "No shit it was Applejack! For fucks sake this is just horrible!" Pinkie was taking in the whole horrible story of good mares gone bad. "Umm what happened to that thing on Rainbow?" Scout was barely concerned with that "It burned like everything else." Pinkie suddenly regretted the question "Sorry. Wait…what was that about Applebloom?" Dash immediately went from psyched up to somber. Every pony looked at her, she obviously knew something she wasn’t sharing. "What was she saying about Appleblom Dash?" Dash looked at Pinkie then at scout. "Neither of you need to hear this." They both looked at Dash attentively. "If it has something to do with me then I need to hear it." Pinkie motioned for Scout to go back into the room, Scout got up with a grunt and limped back into the room. "You're not going to like it…Fine…Applebloom was with you when you…made cupcakes. And for some reason she murdered one of her classmates the same way you…did to those others. Applejack found out and hid her but when she murdered another one of her classmates…she turned her in. Applebloom got the death penalty and died a couple days ago." Pinkie looked at Rainbow. "What? It just won't end. Why the fuck won't it end? SHIT! DAMN IT ALL!!! WHY!?!?! WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY!?!?!?" Dash ran to Pinkies side. "It's not your fault. And don’t worry! It will end I promise!" Pinkie was having a major breakdown, all the horrors finally caught up to her. She rested her head on Dash's shoulder. "Why? I just wan…want to move on. this is why Applejack hates me so fucking much…Applebloom was just a filly…damn it." Dash put a foreleg around Pinkie and embraced her in a hug. "It's okay. I'm here." She was shaking and sobbing horribly. Pinkie wanted more than anything too lead her old normal life. Rainbow wanted nothing more than to make Pinkie happy. What happened was horrible and unforgivable, but no matter what it was something no pony could forget. The murders were over but the horrors wouldn’t stop. "Pinkie…you can't keep beating yourself up. You need to focus on the positive. But no matter what… I will always be here for you." Pinkie sobbed and in response, Dash held her tighter. They laid there for hours. Taking in each other's warmth and love. Rainbow felt Pinkie slowly calm down, from an uncontrollable sob to silent crying. It had to be at least seven at night. "Pinkie…Pinkie, are you awake?" Dash felt Pinkies warm soft breath on her foreleg. Dash carried Pinkie over to their makeshift bed and placed her softly on the sheets, Dash crawled beside her. Pinkie nuzzled her muzzle into Dash's fur. "Don't worry Pinkie…It's alright." Dash was going to do whatever she could to make Pinkie happy. Dash buried her face in Pinkies mane, her wonderful scent washing over her, until Dash was lost in this simple bliss. Dash slowly faded away, Pinkie was here and nothing could be more perfect. Dash was almost asleep, so close to the peace. so close. Then a strange voice. "…Pinkie is the first to die."