• Published 4th May 2012
  • 1,367 Views, 20 Comments

All I want is a friend - burdockwing

Pinkie is labeled a monster after the cupcakes incident and tries everything to make up for it

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Chapter 2.

Chapter 2.
Pinkie woke up realizing it was three o'clock in the afternoon "Oh..I gotta go get dash." as pinkie got up and the cabin was cold and dark, She thought for a second about what she was going to do but shrugged it away once again and only looked at the positive. Pinkie had made a sedative last night out of some draino and sap...weird combination but she remembered making it several times and knew the recipe by heart, she needed to be able to get hold of dash's food somehow...oh well she'd think of a way. She gathered the jar full of the grey goop and was heading out. Pinkie made it into a bush beside the hospital hoping she would continued to be unnoticed, she had made friends with every pony in ponyville and they would certainly recognize her, She managed to climb up the tree she had previously dove into, the foliage made great cover for her, she made it to dashes window hoping to see the Pegasus sleeping and her meal right by her but there was no pony there, she hopped through the window and felt the bed, it was still warm, pinkie was determined to find her, just then pinkie looked over her side and saw a hazard box filled with used needles, she grabbed one that was the cleanest, she washed it and sucked up some of the grey goop with it, she heard someone knocking on the door saying "Housekeeping!" she carefully got out the window, hopped onto a branch "Great where could dash be? I'm starting to get worried...I know!" pinkie hopped onto the closest roof and starting walking, searching for any sign of a blue Pegasus, It was almost dark Pinkie was worried she might have left town when she heard Dash's voice, "Twighlight Apple jack what are you doing here?" Pinkie saw Dash as well as Rarity, Twilight and Apple jack were talking as well with some big stallion standing next to Dash, Dash must have gone shopping because she was wearing a new hat. "what do I do? I can't do this in front of everyone! They'll get the wrong idea." Pinkie sat there for thirty minutes, her friends hadn't moved and they just kept talking, pinkie got scared she was nervous about getting to Dash regardless if her friends were there or not, she didn't want to hurt her friend, pinkie stared at the two bumps on Rainbows back a clear reminder of what she did, Pinkie had a mixture of rage and fear, she charged. She had the needle ready between her teeth, as she charged Rainbow rarity let out a shriek and every pony in town turned and saw pinkie, pinkie was scared about what was going to happen but finally pinkie hit Rainbow and the needle sunk deep into her chest. The grey liquid went streaming into her heart...bulls eye. Rainbows guard went for pinkie but she bucked him right in the jaw removing the needle from rainbow at the same time, as Rainbows heart started to beat faster the sedative only worked faster and she was paralyzed, pinkie scooped up Rainbow onto her back, nearly having a heart attack from the fear, she ran as fast as she could without dropping Dash but applejack was hot on her tail as she ran through town to get back to the forest and try and loose AJ. Pinkie ran through town knowing all eyes were on her, she heard Twighlight and Rarity screaming for her to let go of Rainbow she also heard what sounded like a thousand hooves hitting the ground, she looked behind her to see at least fifteen Pegasusi in the air as well as half of ponyville chasing her with pure hatred in their eyes, pinkie was in tears, she was scared alone and hated by all the ponies she loved, all she wanted was to make it right, She couldn't go any faster with ought dropping Rainbow but luckily the forest was within eye sight and she kept going she knew that if she stopped they would surely kill her, as she ran into the forest she heard most ponies stop, probably because they were afraid of the forest, but many were still chasing her she eventually lost them while running through the bushes but one was not giving up so easily, Apple jack, so Pinkie kept running, it was pitch black and pinkie amazingly didn't trip, she hid behind a tree and applejack kept going then stopped "Pinkie! For the love of Celestia don't kill her!" Apple jack was crying uncontrollably but there was still rage in her voice "I will kill you! I will hunt you down and gut you alive! The same way you did to all the others!...Come out you bitch!!" Pinkie didn't want to hear anymore and walked away, she still didn't know all the details about what she did but one thing was certain...she regretted every last bit of it.
Pinkies heart was still pounding when she got to the cabin, it had to be at least eleven by now, Pinkie opened the door and placed Rainbow in the corner by the fire place. She restrained all four of her legs, she was spread out so pinkie could get to her back easily. She stared at her sleeping friend and hoped everything will go smoothly. She decided to go to sleep and start in the morning she needed the energy.
Pinkie woke up to Rainbow screaming "Where am I!?" pinkie looked her way, it was too dark to see but she replied "It's okay...your safe." Rainbow freaked when she heard Pinkies voice, pinkie got up and light several candles. She walked over to Dash and stepped in something "What the fuck...did you pee yourself?" Rainbow was freaking out, she couldn't look up but cried wildly, pinkie tried to calm her down "calm down...it's all okay." Pinky went down to put a sympathetic hoof on rainbows back but was answered by even more screams and urination, Rainbow flailed around and was close to breaking something, pinkie went to go fetch a towel, Pinkie began to cry "What the hell did I do to her?" she came back and cleaned up all the warm yellow liquid, Dash was still crying but silently, It had to be six o'clock in the morning so pinkie decided to go out and get some food from the farthest town. Pinkie came back an hour later with eggs, bread a few vegetables, a can of gasoline and some milk, Rainbow was silent and still, Pinkie went over to the stove to make some breakfast, she went over to dash with a plate of eggs and toast. She unknowingly left the stove on. She bent down and put the plate by dash, Dash didn't move, she looked expressionless, Pinkie put a piece of bred to her lips "Please eat...It's okay..." Pinkie gave up and hugged Rainbow, Rainbow didn't flinch or even blink, Pinkie couldn't take it anymore "I'm going to fix this...you'll get you're wings back and you'll be you're old self..." Pinkie got up, She noticed a single feather on rainbow, A small one that blended perfectly into Dash and she plucked it, she placed it on the counter with all the knives and the hacksaw, Pinkie took a single knife then kissed dash on the head "It will only hurt a little...okay?" dash was unfazed, Pinkie slid the knife across the bump, Dash screamed and Pinkie slid the knife across the other bump. Blood trickled down Rainbow, Pinkie walked over to the table she opened the book on the ceremony and picked up the hack saw, she thought it over then took a deep breath, she held up her left hoof and put the saw to her shoulder, She began to cry and then took one swift movement through a bit of the bone, she screamed louder than Dash had, Blood flooded the floor and escaped through the cracks. Rainbow Dash looked over in horror as Pinkie sawed away her entire left arm. Pinkie began to pass out but refused to die like this and continued with heavy strokes, it only got more painful, tears streamed down Pinkies face but it was no match for the amount of blood coming from her shoulder, the arm went limper and limper until she felt it hit her side like a dead weight, she sawed through the rest of the flesh but quickly puked onto the floor, she was overcome by pain, it hit the ground with a thud, Pinkie had to act fast she felt herself about to pass out, she pressed a cloth to the hole were her arm used to be, she bent down and bit the arm, she then dropped it onto the counter, she held onto the counter for support, she knocked over the can of gasoline and it spilt onto the arm. She light a match and threw it onto the soaked arm. Pinkie stepped back as the counter was engulfed in blue flames and the feather and the arm burned, the pain was incredible but she read the chant "May bones crack...and flesh tear!" Pinkie stumbled and felt weak "I remain awake through the pain to heal what was lost! Turn back the clock...let time reverse! *Huff* Bring back what once was theirs! As I bleed onto the ground...and am greeted by death may all be as what once was! Death! I have a trade to make! Hear my words! And bring back what once was!" Pinkie threw up again and fell to the ground as the flames dulled and the arm and feather completely disappeared she turned over to look at dash, dash jolted and screamed "AUUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHH!!! P...please...just kill me already!!" Dash fell back to the ground lifelessly but pinky could see blood covered bones out of Rainbows back "I...I did it! Please...Rainbow... I'm sorry! I hope this makes up for it!" Pinkie knew nothing could change what she did but it didn't matter. Pinkie crawled to the kitchen, she couldn't find her knife and she needed to free dash. "one...last thing for Dash!" She was tired and ready to die but with every last bit of energy she forced herself to grab the counter, she accidently grabbed the frying pan and fell, as she hit the ground the frying pan landed on her shoulder cauterizing it, she screamed loudly as the red hot pan hit the open wound, she shoved it off but still screamed, as blood sizzled and flesh burned she felt she deserved this. Then everything went black.
Pinkie woke up tired and hungry, she crawled across the blood stained floor over to dash and began to eat her food from the morning before, she didn't know how long she was out for, Dash's wings have almost completely grown back, she got up her side was killing her, she hopped over to cut dash free, Pinkie realized she had all the ingredients for the amnesia potion and got right to work on making it.
pinkie tilted dashes head back and put two drops in her mouth, the exact amount said to forget about a month, Pinkie tired, in pain, and lonely laid beside Rainbow Dash and slept. She woke up after what she excepted to be a day, it had become dark out, she noticed her friend was still asleep and completely healed, Pinkie nuzzled dash, for the first time since this all began she was herself again. Pinkie didn't care if she was weak, she wanted to get dash home, she also intended to bring back Zecora's books. Pinkie tried to get dash on her back but she couldn't support both of them, she found a filly's wagon in the shed and decided to use that. "come on dash, time to go home." she said while hauling the snoring pony onto the wagon, there were bags under pinkies eyes and for the first time she had absolutely no energy. She was no longer the energetic pony she once was. Pinkie was going along a forest path back to ponyville, it felt like her leg was still there so she fell many times but kept grabbing the wagon handle and pulled. Pinkie was at the town border and she saw Twighlights house, first she decided to take rainbow there. Pinkie was satisfied, her friend was well and about to go back to her happy life, Pinkie put the wagon with dash in it as close to the door as she could, she stumbled one more time. She kissed dash on the head and walked away, not caring what happen now she just walked wherever she felt was the right way. Just as she passed the quills and sofa store she thought "What an odd store, they only sell two things but their always out of one of them." Right then a rock came out of nowhere and connected with pinkies head, as she hit the ground she wished she didn't have to go through anymore pain "I told you I would kill you! Now where is dash!?" Apple jack said holding another rock threateningly, Pinkie knew that AJ gets up early to work, Pinkie should have been more careful about being seen "Where is she!! I saw you with her in that wagon! What did you do to her!!!" Apple jack said with tears in her eyes, Pinkie didn't care what happened and remained silent, she noticed more ponies coming out of their houses and another rock nailed pinkie upside her head.
Rainbow dash woke up to a screaming Twighlight "How did you get your wings back!!" Rainbow dash rubbed her eyes, dazed and confused she replied "I won them in a lottery smart one." Twilight shrugged aside the snappy comeback "Where have you been you've been gone for two days! we thought you were dead!!" "You need to lay off the apple cider..." just then they heard loud yells and screams, Dash ran towards the sound and Twighlight quickly followed, they ran to find Applejack kicking pinkie pie, surprisingly missing an arm. Pinkie laid on the ground and kept taking hits as a crowd of blood thirsty ponies shouting for Applejack to gut her. Dash was the first to respond to this confusing fight "What are you doing!?!?" but Apple jack kept kicking, Applejack got one really good kick to the side of pinkies head and Dash knew she had to intervene. A streak of rainbow was all any pony saw and pinkie was gone. Rainbow Dash was in the air holding a bloody Pinkie pie "What the fuck are you doing!? Why are you all letting her do this!?" Rainbow said angry enough to buck someone upside the head "RAINBOW?!?! How'd you get your wings back!?" Rainbow didn't understand the question so AJ continued "Pinkie cut off you're wings and was...We need to kill her!!!" Rainbow dash was disgusted that her own friend would want to kill Pinkie! So Rainbow bolted out of town and landed near a pond then set Pinkie down "Pinkie! Are you ok!? Please stay awake!" Pinkie was in pain, nothing compared to what she did earlier of course, Pinkie looked at dash "Pinkie! Why did they do that!?" Pinkie began to cry, no pony had shown her kindness like this in a long time. "I'm so sorry!" Pinkie said in almost a whisper "Pinkie where is your arm?" Dash said trying to remain calm, Pinkie began to fade out of consciousness, she put her head on dash's shoulder. Dash was confused. Tears streamed down Rainbows face, she picked up her friend and bolted for the ponyville hospital, Dash got to the hospital and got her friend into urgent care, the doctors took her in with ought question, they didn't notice it was pinkie or that there was also dash, even though their case had become famous. Rainbow waited for an hour until the doctor came to greet her "Hello I'm doctor Fitz, you're friend is in critical care, she's stable and we managed to get her all patched up...um...might I ask...how did she loose her arm?" Rainbow dash was crying, afraid for Pinkie "I don't know! I found her getting beaten up by my friend and a group of ponies!" she said not sure whether this was really happening or not "Hmm...we'll need to file a report, you can see your friend after we're through cleaning her up." Rainbow sat in the waiting room for an hour then a royal guard came in looked at her then left, she was suspicious but shrugged it off. Two minutes later all her friends came running in through the door "Dash what were you doing?" Apple jack said but she couldn't get another word out before Rainbow decked her in the face, Aj hit the ground and Dash was held back by Fluttershy and rarity "What the hell did you do to pinkie! Why the fuck is she missing an arm!?" Aj looked stunned "Wha...what do you mean why? What she did to you and all those other ponies was unforgivable!" Applejack got up "What are you talking about!!!" Twilight interrupted the fight "Wait! I can explain everything! When I woke up I found Dash in a wagon with her wings back, after that I found several books on potions! One about giving up a body part and one on amnesia!" Dash gave Twilight another confused look "What are you talking about!?" "Pinkie must have given up her leg to get back you're wings and then she erased you're memory!" and then Twighlight told the entire story about dash and all the others getting tortured and killed, how they looked everywhere for Pinkie, and how she kidnapped dash just recently. "So now you see we need to bring her to justice!" Apple jack said while making a motion towards pinkies room, Rainbow swooped right in front of her before Aj could go any further " I don't care what she did, from what you've told me it wasn't her, the pinkie I just saw can't do something like that." Rainbow said showing exactly why she was the element of loyalty "Well she did and I won't let her do anything else like it." They butted heads "You touch her and she won't be the only one with a concussion." as the two were about to butt heads princess Luna walked through the doors escorted by several guards "Hello Twighlight keeping busy it seems...and Rainbow dash I'm glad to see you made a speedy recovery! But I am here to tell you in person that I believe one or even many deaths does not justify another. My sister was thinking purely for the safety of her people but no matter what I believe we can help Pinkie pie. There were even more brutal displays of punishment than what she did back in my time." Twighlight walked up to the princess "Thank you princess, I'm surprised how quickly you responded to my letter." the princess stood up even more "When punishment is this harsh how can I not be so swift?
Pinkie woke up in pain and bleeding. Her feet were restrained and she was also hooked up to many machines, Rainbow was by her bedside " Hey, good morning...how are you feeling?" Pinkie had a blank look but then smiled and grasped Dash's hoof "I'm fine how are you?" Rainbow still smiled "I'm fine, but everyone says I'm not so...did you really do something to me?" Pinkie glanced at her fully healed wings and her bandaged shoulder and started to cry "Yes...I didn't want to..." Rainbow gave Pinkie a hug, this was the most compassion Pinkie had been showed and she was very happy "Pinkie from what I heard you gave up your leg for me, did you?" Pinkie looked up "Yes I didn't want my friend to go through something like that." "Why did you get rid of my memory?" Pinkie was still crying "Something was wrong with you because of me...the hospital wasn't going to let you go and I thought if I cleared your mind I could get you out of this whole situation" Pinkie buried her face in Rainbow Dash, then the rest of her friends walked in and pinkie dare not look up and face their accusing glares "I don't think pinkie is ready to talk to you all" Dash said, but Fluttershy ran over to pinkie hugged her and began to cry, AJ was the first to talk but her voice was cold and unforgiving "Well we're not her for that, we're here to tell you that the doc says you check out and there's no need for you to stay here Rainbow. Whatever you did it worked pinkie but there's still a dozen other murders you can't fix." AJ walked out but Rarity and Twighlight still stood by the door, Rainbow and Fluttershy were still hugging pinkie, Twighlight walked up but pinkie still didn't look up "Pinkie...I have been reading into cases that sound...similar to yours and I believe that you may be suffering from a chemical deficiency and this can be easily controlled with medication or just several magical treatments." Pinkie looked up shocked by the news "Really? But...what about my death penalty?" "Well Princess Luna believes that Celestia over reacted with that sentence and she declared you will just stay in the hospital until we are absolutely certain you're illness has...gone." Fluttershy began to cry harder but smiled, Rarity stepped forward "But I need to ask who in your mind did this?" Pinkie's smile left and she replied in fear "I don't know..."
The news papers were quick to try and get the latest scoop on the murderer set free ,with little but a slap on the wrist, but royal guards guarded the hospital. Pinkie was already though her magical therapy after about a month. She didn't feel anything different. she was still in pain from her lost leg but was happy. Pinkie went to physical training several times a day and she pretty much had it down.
Pinkie walked into her room escorted by a doctor to find her friends sitting in her room waiting for her with the exception of Apple jack, Rarity stood up "Honey, we think it's great you're better but the ponies in town are really not happy and we are going to have a riot on our hooves." "What?" Twighlight stood up "we need you to get somewhere safe. we can get you to your parents." Pinkie was shocked "We can't they were the first I ran to for help and they were the first to try and kill me..." Everyone was shocked and didn't know what to do next "Pinkie...we need to get you out of here!" Pinkie was tired of running and just sat down, everyone sat and thought just then Apple jack burst through the room "Pinkie I have room for you at my barn to hide you we need to go now!" Pinkie wasn't sure about this and just moved back "Pinkie we need to go! A riot is going to form any minute!" Applejack reached for Pinkies hoof and Rainbow dash dove in front of her "What are you doing?" "I'm trying to save pinkie!" "You were the first one to try and kill her!" just then two big colts walked through the door "Pinkie I think we should get outside." one of the colts said. Pinkie was scared, she stumbled forgetting that she only had one front leg. She couldn't run away. Rainbow swooped over pinkie and grabbed her. They flew through the window.
Rainbow landed way out of town in a field "What the hay is her problem!" Pinkie stared blankly at the ground, she knew nothing would ever be the same. "Pinkie! snap out of it!" "They all want me dead and I can't do anything to change it..." Pinkie laid down in a patch of grass "Pinkie..." Rainbow dash laid next to Pinkie and scooted closer to her till their sides were touching "Pinkie we need to get somewhere safe for you." "Fine but you can't tell anyone about where it is or even that you helped me or they will hate you too." Dash looked at Pinkie with a smirk "What do you mean? I can't leave a friend in her time of need" Pinkie looked up at her confident friend and said sternly "Dash thank you very much for helping me but I think I can find a new home or somewhere else that no pony will know anything about me on my own. I can get along on my own." Rainbow didn't want to hear it "Do you think I became the element of loyalty because I abandon my friends?" Pinkie was tired of running especially when she had nowhere else to go "well what then, if I know anything they are out looking for me." Pinkie said limping still not used to being three legged "We can go to my house....wait no... how about we just..." Rainbow was thinking hard. Pinkie walked over to a stump and laid down "What are you doing Pink?" "I'm sleeping...we can't do anything now it's getting dark" Rainbow was also tired and she wanted to sleep but couldn't help but pace trying to think "We need to get somewhere nice yet where no one will recognize you...hmmm" Pinkie was beginning to get irritated "No...I need to get somewhere safe...you are going back to Ponyville" Rainbow paced around then stopped in her tracks "What did I tell you I am no-" "What did I tell you! It's my life and my problem!" Rainbow walked over and sat right beside Pinkie practically laying on her "Don't be crabby, you're just hurting. But once we find a home everything will be great." Pinkie flinched when rainbow laid against her bandages covering her horrible wound "What about you're other friends and you're dream of becoming a wonder bolt?" Dash ignored Pinkies obvious irritation towards Dash laying on her "Well who said I have to give up my dream? I'll still train to get faster. And it won't take so long for them to cool down, I might still visit them I just won't let Apple jack or any of those other Ignorant idiots follow me!" Pinkie gave up and let dash lie on her "They aren't going to cool down after what I did." there was silence for a second "What exactly did you do?" Rainbow was never told what it was Pinkie did just that it was horrible "I don't know and I don't want to know." they decided to end the conversation right there and sleep. Pinkie was comforted by being close to a friend, but she didn't want to take any of rainbows time away or to make her associate with a murder and become hated by everyone just like her.
Pinkie woke up at what she expected was 4 o'clock, Dash was sound asleep next to her. Pinkie got up and walked in a direction opposite to Ponyville. She wasn't going to take any more of Dash's time. Pinkie had walked about half a mile on a road. It had been light out for about two hours and she was getting tired of constantly stumbling. She slipped and fell directly on a jagged rock, opening her stitches. screaming in pain she rolled over on her good side and tried to get up. She managed to get up but her bandages were soaked red with blood and she began to black out, she hit the ground making sure to keep from rolling over on her wound. Everything went black but Pinkie didn't care, she had done what she hoped to do and she had lost the will to live.
Pinkie woke up to some pony yelling something above her head and pressing on her wound. Rainbow Dash was on Pinkie. "Pinkie wake up! Come on!" Pinkie looked up "Hey..." Dash was crying on Pinkie "What the fuck happened!" Pinkie was tired and confused "I fell..." Rainbow was furious and bawling "Why did you leave! Stay awake!" Pinkie was beginning to doze off. Dash tightened Pinkies stitches with her teeth and re bandaged her with her old bandages. Pinkie was still awake but disorientated. Dash had found a fruit tree with pears and grabbed as many as she could carry "Pinkie you need to eat so you regain some blood..." Pinkie ate and in an hour she was feeling better. Dash never left her side and when she was sure Pinkie was fine she got mad again "Why the fuck did you leave!? This is exactly why I didn't want you to go on your own!" Pinkie leaned on a tree "I don't want to take up anymore of your life. I fixed some of it and I want you to live a normal life." Dash calmed down "You need to worry about yourself, I am here to make sure you have a long happy life too." Rainbow sat next to Pinkie "We are going to find a new place and we are both going to be happy! I am not taking my eyes off of you." "Where huh...the whole of equestria hates me and wants me dead." "We can find a cabin for sale or something, I've been stashing bits for a very long time." Pinkie laid down but dash was quick to get her up "We are going house hunting!" Pinkie had a reluctant look on her face "Fine..."
Rainbow Dash was holding Pinkie in her arms as she flew through the air "What about over in that thin forest? Enough tree's for cover yet not enough for crazy monsters or to get lost." Pinkie was scared about being in the air so she didn't say anything "Wait ooooh I see a cute cottage down there lets go check it out!" Dash was oddly excited about looking for a house to hide a murderer in. Pinkie touched the ground on her back hooves and remained balanced when she went on all three's "The sign says for sale! 9,000 bits...three rooms...one bathroom...plumbing, kitchen, fire place...contact Brick John in town pub." Pinkie looked at Rainbow and realized how lucky she was to have a friend like her "9,000 bits is a lot." Rainbow smirked and said "I have 8,000 I bet I could talk him down, I'll run back to my old house grab my money and be back here in ten seconds flat!" Pinkie sat on the side of the house with shade "Okay, I'll stay out of sight." Rainbow was about to leave but looked at Pinkie "I swear with Celestia as my witness if you leave I will break your other legs." Pinkie was frightened by how serious she was, Dash smiled and nuzzled pinkie "I'm serious." and she took off faster than she ever had. Pinkie stayed in the shade, she was afraid that if she moved dash would come back and break her legs. Pinkie looked around at the soft waving grass and the few tree's surrounding her she felt at peace here. Rainbow showed up not more than five minutes later Pinkie was amazed at her speed "Dang that was fast" Dash was carrying a bag of bits, Pinkie tried to walk over to Dash but tripped, Rainbow ran under Pinkie and stopped her from falling "Thanks." Rainbow smiled and put Pinkie back on her feet "Okay you can stay here and I will go into town, get some bandages, necessity's and find the guy who wants to sell this, I'll be back in an hour tops ." she walked Pinkie over to a tree and sat her down "Remember stay here! I won't be gone long...take a nap or something." as Rainbow left Pinkie felt sleepy while looking over the grass field with the few stray tree's , she laid her head down and let the warm breeze comfort her, she thought back to all the things her friend has done for her, Rainbow was the closest pony she had and she felt blessed to have her.