> All I want is a friend > by burdockwing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All I want is a friend So this story is an alternate ending to cupcakes that brings pinkie through a very tough and bloody journey. So if you haven't read cupcakes then don't read this. we join our ponies in the most brutal dissection of our feathered rainbow friend. chapter 1 As Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity entered the pastry shop the smell of delicious cake filled the air, the cakes were at the counter. "Hello there Mrs. and Mr. cake where are Rainbow dash and pinkie pie? We were told they came in here?" said Twilight "Hello dear! I'm afraid that I haven't seen either of them." said Mrs. cake, as twighlight thought for a moment on where they might be a loud shriek filled the room. A look of horror spread across the group. They instantly whent looking for the source of the shriek "what? Whered it come from?" said Applejack "I think it came from the basement!" said Mr. cake. They all stood in the basement looking for any evidence of their friends. "Shhhhh...I think I hear something." said Twilight. They heard a muffled sound from underneath them "now stop moving Dash or ill keep missing the bone!" they found the secret trapdoor and were faced with a gory seen of a wingless rainbow dash and the brutally gory decor. The stench of death and blood was what made the cakes puke on sight. At the sound of this pinkie turned around with a wide grin "How nice! you guys came to watch me work!" pinkie said "p...pl..please...sh...she's crazy" Dash was bleeding and in tremendous pain. "Pinkie what are you doing!" said Twilight, Applejack didn't give her a chance to explain. A hard kick to her gut flung her across the room and as she hit her head everything went black. She could still hear the frightened ponies screaming for an ambulance and to get dash out of the harness. Then the blood curdling screams as the obvious sound of dash going into shock and flailing around like a fish. Pinkie awoke in a harness and in a padded cell. "Huh...he..hello why am I here?" she said to the armed guard she could see through the bars on the door. Pinkie didn't know what was going on..it has something to do with the blackouts she's been having lately. She would often appear in places not even close to where she was and she was assured by a voice that it was just running some errands. Besides the voice brought her some awesome cupcakes! "There has to be a mi-" she was interrupted by Twilight, Applejack and Celestia herself walking through the door. there was an awkward silence and pinkie said "why am I here...Twilight can you help me up?" a pure look of disgust came from everyone. Celestia said in a bold voice "Pinkie pie you are charged with the murder and torture of many ponies which is punishable by death but I will allow you to explain you're self to your friends." Then pinkie heard her friend "Don't worry it's just a joke! They tell lies!" Pinkie didn't listen "WHAT!" "Pinkie...you nearly killed Rainbow Dash! She can never fly again! That was her life!!!" said Twilight obviously still shuddering from the ordeal. "What are you talking about? is Rainbow Dash okay!?" Apple jack was furious "You murdering whore! those brutal murders and those sick decorations in the basement and those fucking cupcakes that you fed to other pony's you sick fuck!" said applejack while she was tearing up over the traumatic events. Pinkie didn't know what was happening but she was hurt by her friends words very much "She says I'm not allowed in the basement!" Pinkie said with tears streaming down her face, this peaked princess Celestia's curiosity "What do you mean? Who is this 'she' you're talking about?" pinkie was scared and confused "She...she's..sh.." Pinkie thought for a second and was scared when she realized she never thought about it. She never even saw her before, she just hears her voice. She just remembers when they met. After she thought her friends abandoned her during that birthday ordeal some pony just came to her party, she was sitting next to rocky and she just started talking. "don't give us a bunch of bull shit pinkie! there are countless deaths and rainbow is in urgent care!!!" Twilight yelled "What? please.." as pinkie moved to get up AJ and Twilight moved back for fear. Celestia slammed pinkie against a wall with her magic "It doesn't matter! you're execution has been scheduled for tomorrow!" Pinkie struggled to get free but finally fell to the ground "what...I just woke up after finishing my chores for the day!" pinkie said sobbing. Twilight looked at Pinkie "It's been three days since we caught you! you've been doing nothing but screaming and flailing around!" pinkie was shocked and still confused "t..twi...Twilight please I thought...I thought I was you're friend!" Twilight and Applejack were still disgusted "You were! But now you are just a piece of worthless murdering shit!" Twilight yelled sobbing and then both her and applejack ran out of the room. "Tomorrow, it will be at three o'clock." then the princess left. The door slammed and locked. pinkie scared and disturbed and worried about rainbow dash just sat down sobbing "wha...what happened." "nnnnnothing" a creepy voice that sounded slightly like hers said "Who are you!" "pinkie I'm hurt I thought we were friends?" "I don't even know you! What are you...where are you!" pinkie realized in fear that this was all real and something had to be seriously wrong "I thought I told you not to think about it." "What were you doing with me" "I...neeeeeeed you, I ammmm you" "n...no...nooooooo!!!!HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP ME!! Some pony any pony! Get me away from it!" "pleeease I thought we were friends?" "No! they were my friends now what happen!" "I looooovvvve gaaaaammes so I made a game of it...and dash's number came up!" "wha...?" " You said they were delicious. Im alllllllllll yoooouuuu haaaaave, when the shit hit the fan who wassssss therrrreee for you? who caaaarrreeed for you, I loooove you." pinkie felt scared yet loved and slightly happy this only made her more scared. She fought the urge to simply accept whatever happened and be embraced by a friend "Go away! I don't love you! I hate you! I hope you die!" there was silence as pinkie laid curled up in the corner "he...hello? Are you there?" more silence befell the room, pinkie felt so alone...so very alone and scared "I...I'm sorry! Please come back!" nothing but silence, then pinkie realized she was completely alone and she broke down sobbing in the dark...dark lonely scary room. That night at the urgent care Rainbow dash awoke after three days of a small coma do to physical and mental pain. Feeling sick and in pain she remembered the horrible events that took place. She move to get up while pushing off a oxygen mask with one hoof. "your awake! How are you feeling?" Twilight jumped up from a chair, rainbow just stared at the end of the bed and said "Are they gone? My wings." "I'm sorry rainbow dash but they couldn't reattach them...I'm sorry." Fluttershy said in a kind voice. Dash just looked at AJ, Twighlight, Rarity, and Fluttershy and started to cry. Apple jack was the first to comfort her. everyone began to tear up and Twighlight said "Don't worry Pinkie pie is to be executed tomorrow." Rainbow dash didn't know whether to disagree or to approve, she didn't know anything anymore. Pinkie was wondering of death and what exactly she did to those "countless ponies" she was enraged at this unjust execution but more enraged at what "she" did to rainbow dash. As she lay there thinking over all this, the cell door opened and in came three guards. They undid her coat and told her to follow them. As pinkie walked to what was her death with one guard in front and two in back she was scared. pinkie inched closer and closer to a court yard with Celestia on a wooden platform with another pony by her side. As she drew closer she realized it was Twilight then she thought "My friend! My friend is to kill me and for what something I didn't do! Bu...but maybe I am dangerous...no...no!" then rage enveloped her and she jumped over the guard in front of her. she dove in front of a building going for a forest in sight "This isn't happening! I don't except this fate!" Celestia and Twilight appeared in front of her, and the sight of her "friend" merely enraged her more as she ran towards the forest. She dodged Twilight and the princess and ran into the forest. "After her! retrieve all the guards we can spare I want her dead!" Celestia yelled, pinkie looked back to see Twilight with a hateful face filled with rage and the rage in pinkie was replaced with sadness. Pinkie ran for what she thought were hours but got tired. Pinkie went into a large hollow tree and cried "my friends...all gone...I...I want to die." she laid in the tree fully aware of the forest being stormed with guards. She put foliage over the entrance into the tree and hid but could still hear the guards all around her yelling to not anger the princess further and find the murderer. Pinkie wept silently for fear of being heard and the night came. Pinkie stayed there for two days. She was hungry and scared so she left the safety of the tree after hearing the guard say she must have made it into the field on the other side of the forest. Pinkie was very weak and didn't know what to do, she remembered the one thing her parents said to her the day she left the rock farm "Pinkie anytime you need anything...remember your family is always here for you." this slight beam of hope gave her energy and she was off. Back at the hospital Rarity and Applejack were enraged "What do you mean 'she got away'? there's a blood thirsty murderer on the loose!" Rarity said, Applejack was also angry "We need to kill her ourselves she must be going back to her old place!" Apple jack yelled, Fluttershy broke down and started crying after this conversation on killing one of her best friends and she dove into the arms of a reassuring Rainbow dash still in a hospital bed. "Well...I don't know she looked...scared...don't you think that were being a little drastic? She is our friend." Twilight said not being so sure of her previous thoughts "I am not friends with a murder like her! look at all the things she did!" said rarity enraged even more at Twilights suggestion to pity a murderer "Yes and she needs help!" "You were the one who asked to be the one to execute her!" Apple jack said "Yes and I saw her, she was scared, hurt and confused!" "Fuck you Twighlight! there's no w-" Dash interrupted "Well...I did notice that she was different...as...as if she was trying to pretend to be pinkie..." apple jack had a somber look then Applejack continued "It aint make no difference. She's dangerous whether it was pinkie murdering those ponies or something in her mind." the room grew silent except for Fluttershy still crying in Dash's arms. "How are you Rainbow dash?" Rarity said trying to change the conversation to calm Fluttershy down "im fine... Just sad that I can't fly" she said while beginning to tear up. She held Fluttershy tighter and buried her face in her mane. Pinkie was stopped by a passerby and was given a sandwich. She was very grateful and touched by the gesture of kindness. They said their goodbye's and parted ways. Pinkie was a social creature, she loved kindness and friendship. Pinkie had to dodge into the bushes whenever seeing a Pegasus in the air for fear it was a royal guard. Pinkie eventually made it back to the rock farm she grew up at and was filled with joy while making her way towards the door. She went to knock on the door but was pegged with a rock. She turned to see her sisters holding rocks preparing to throw more, Pinkie dove off the balcony and ran around the house to find her parents standing in front of her. They were Shocked at the sight of her. "Dad!" Pinkie was relieved "What the hell are you doing here!" her father yelled in a hateful voice she had never heard before. Pinkie was shocked at the look of disgust from her mother and rage from her father "We were told of what you did and you are no daughter of mine! Get the hell outta here!!!" pinkie was about to breakdown and cry but was struck by a barrage of rocks from her sisters then she was struck hard with a bone jarring strike from her father. Pinkie was held down and stuck several times in the face by her father's hoof. She struggled to get up but was blinded by her blood, she fought to stand then ran. Pinkie tripped over a rock but got up quickly and kept running, she was blinded by all the blood but her tears quickly washed it out of her eyes. As Pinkie ran over the hill towards ponyville, all she heard was her father yelling "You ever come back again and I'll kill you!" Pinkie was hurt, her whole family turned against her in the blink of an eye. She went from a run to a slow walk. Pinkie walked back to the forest, while walking she saw a cave and decided to sleep there. At least no one could find her, by the time she was in the cave it was completely dark. She felt her way to the edge of the cave and sat against it then began to cry. "What now? I have no one, I can't go on like this..." she curled into the fettle position and kept crying, but then she felt some pony hold her. Pinkie heard a voice much like her own say "You still have me, you always have meeeeee." pinkie felt not so alone and wished to be held tighter, as if she knew what she was thinking she held pinkie tighter. Pinkie felt loved and safe, she dare not open her eyes for fear to see no one there. Pinkie cried but slowly went to a whimper then she fell asleep feeling secure, safe, and loved. Pinkie awoke weak from hunger and decided to go into a town for food, she had no bits but she could snag an apple or two from a cart. Pinkie combed her hair to lay flat and found a jacket hanging out to dry by a nearby cottage. As she walked into town there were several guards, probably nothing but she kept her distance. She bumped a cart full of apples and knocked over a few but quickly picked them up "sorry, here" she said casually while picking up the apples "you keep 'em" the heavy set colt said, "Thanks!". Pinkie had worked for applejack several times and knew that they never keep an apple that fell. As the starving pony indulged in her only food for days she noticed someone on the sidewalk yelling "Pony murders case special! Read all about it!" she remembered the horrors she had committed but she didn't know what she did exactly. She spotted a pony toss the latest issue near the trash can and decided to read it. she walked into an alley to read it "Pony named Pinkie pie murdered several dozen ponies brutally: WARNING CONTAINS GRUESOME CONTENT. The ponies were only identified dead by a dress made of their cutie marks. The bones used to decorate the room where the murders took place. The ponies were tortured and kept alive only to watch their organs and entrails removed. The bodies were never found but due to cupcakes found at the scene being made of pony, they believe they were baked and eaten. Several ponies around town confess to having eaten these cupcakes. the only survivor Rainbow Dash has been tortured brutally, her wings were completely removed, she is in critical condition having experienced traumatic mental and physical pain no other info on this pony can be retrieved due to patient doctor confidentiality." Pinkie was shocked yet knew it had to be this bad "Don't listen to this paper." a voice said "You did hurt my friend! And so many others! I...I have to go see dash!" "no you don't!" "I...I don't care!" pinkie said angrily "She won't be your friend again! No one will! I...I'm all you have!" "Leave! Get away from me whatever you are...I don't care...you're a horrible sick fuck!" there was silence once again "you're in my head and I want you to leave me alone I can't be your friend after what you did!" "...what we did..." "no I would never do this..." "well you did..." pinkie said nothing, and there was a long pause "I loooove yooooouuuuu." pinkie said nothing "say something..." pinkie kept her eyes shut "hahahahaha...say something!" pinkie remained still and silent "SAY SOMETHING!!!!" pinkie flinched at the loud angry voice "pinkie...please...SAY SOMETHING!! SAY SOMETHING!! SAY SOMETHING!! SAY SOMTHING!! SAY SOMETHING!! SAY SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Then nothing...silence....peace. pinkie opened her eyes and knew she gave up the last friend she had...she was on her own no one else would love her again, she began to cry, alone forever...forever's a long time. Back in Ponyville Twilight began to think of helping pinkie and was confused so she asked rainbow what she thought. Twilight walked into the hospital room, as always Rainbow had an extremely spaced out look and a depressed voice. She was disturbed and everyone knew she would never be the same after that ordeal. "Hi dash how you doing today?" It took her a moment to respond "Good...the doctor says that I'm pretty much healed...but...he said I couldn't leave...why?" Dash looked at Twilight with a blank expression "Well...everyone is worried about how you are doing...what you went through was very horrible and...your oddly unfazed..." Twilight said with a worried look "I...I..." Rainbow decided against saying anything "...I need to ask you something about pinkie..." Rainbow looked at Twilight showing she was willing to listen "well...I was wondering...If you think that pinkie could be helped...I might be able to talk the princess into it" Twilight said as if worried of offending Dash. "Well...yeah she's a friend and we need to do everything we can to help her...she would never do anything like this." "Hmmm... I'll start looking into spells for mental illness." as Twilight left, Rainbow thought of all the good times she and pinkie had, but also what she took away from her "My...my life...my dream...it's all gone...I'll never become a wonder bolt, I'll never fly again...because of her" Rainbow dash was confused "No friend would do that..." Pinkie made it into Ponyville by means of disguise and some hair dye she robbed from a store, she didn't like anything she was doing but she needed to get to Rainbow. Her mane and coat were all blonde and she straightened her hair as well. She dyed her cutie mark and replaced it with a blotch...she's not an artist. Pinkie now went to the hospital, and went to the front office "Hello I'm from the royal guards here with some questions for Rainbow dash." she said in a poorly imitated voice "Hi they said you would be here...umm...she's asleep but you can wake her up if you...um" pinkie started to get worried "Is there a problem?" "Well...if you don't mind me asking...what's your special talent?" the nurse asked "ummm...psychiatry...I'm a therapist." "ohhhh, it's an ink blotch." pinkie smiled sheepishly "Her room is on the fifth floor, room twenty eight." Pinkie braced herself for whatever she was to see, she opened the door and saw her sleeping friend in bed. Pinkie inched forward and was startled when Dash turned on her right side, Pinkie noticed her exposed back, there were bandages around her rib cage and two red bumps on her back where her wings used to be. Pinkie walked up but then rainbow screamed "Pinkie! No! Noooooo!!!" then she fell back to sleep. Pinkie held back a scream. Pinkie was filled with sadness, what did she do to her friend to traumatize her so? Pinkie put a hoof on Dash's head "I will make up for this dash...I swear...I'm so sorry...I'll make up for it somehow." she picked up the chart on the end of her bed "...nail's in hoofs...amputated wings...severe mental trauma. Recommendation: two years of physical therapy? No less than fifteen years in mental wellness institute? Oh my Celestia...what have I done?" Pinkie then heard loud hoof's like lot's of ponies were running, she thought there was no way they could have known of her. She realized with horror that she had only dyed one of her cutie mark's. The door broke down as Rainbow jumped awake. "What's happening?" Dash said, but then she noticed the blonde pony in her room had three balloons as a cutie mark and then Dash was frozen with fear. "Don't run! Or we'll use force!" one of the armored guards said. Pinkie had come too far to die so she jumped out the open window. She grabbed a branch but it broke and she hit other branches. She then collided onto the ground, not high enough to break anything but high enough to knock the wind out of her. She got up and ran into some ponies backyard then hid in the house. There she waited and was alert for any pony in the house but there was no pony. Pinkie watched out of the windows and saw the guards run looking for her down the road. Pinkie was relived and then took the liberty of making herself at home. Pinkie ate some food then took a shower, she found out that the dye she used was washable and her disguise was ruined, pinkie expected the pony's that own this house to be home soon but there was a note on the counter it read "Please be sure to water the plants and feed the fish thanks big bro! love, Flower wishes" Pinkie found a towel, dried up then took the liberty of feeding the fish and watering the plants...it was the least she could do. Pinkie full and clean in the first time for days felt rejuvenated and decided to sleep in a real bed. she fell asleep thinking that maybe...maybe there was a potion to help Dash in Zecora's home library. Pinkie was determined to help Rainbow dash get better, she thought to herself "I will not allow Rainbow to spend a minute in a loony bin! I'll do anything and everything to make up for what I did...but...how will I get her to listen...I'll make her listen...and maybe...there could be something to help me...something is seriously wrong with me." Fluttershy burst through the door into to dash's hospital room with the hope to see pinkie but there was only all her other friends. "Pinkie got away, they think she made it back into the forest, so they are searching it again." Twilight said, having all the connections she did, she was updated on the latest news whenever possible. Fluttershy had an obvious look of disappointment "Wh...why was she here? Did she hurt Dash?" "No but she was going to." Applejack said with a look of anger, Twighlight had a stunned look on her face "There's no way to be sure about that, the nurse said she was in here for five minutes before the guards came in, if she was going to do anything then she would have done it by then!" Applejack rolled her eye's and said "Please Twilight, look at what she's done!" she pointed to Rainbow dash. Dash was still shaking with fear "...Dash what did she do to you" Twighlight said with a concerned look on her face "Nothing...but seeing her face remi...reminds me...of *sob*" "Look how easily she got here! through town and into a hospital, we have to find and stop her or anyone of us could be next!" Rarity said, "Shut the fuck up!" Fluttershy yelled fed up with all this talk of finding and killing one of her closest friends "What the fuck are you thinking she's pinkie! Our best friend!! She never gave us a reason to believe she would do anything like this! we need to find out what made her do what she did! This isn't pinkie!" everyone was stunned by her sudden aggressive behavior "She's right they say by what they can tell the murders took place roughly two months ago and they found no sign of anything happening before this. I've been looking into medical cases about these types of symptoms and I found several, something about the brain creating a separate pony due to a chemical imbalance, some shock, or for some cases where the patient was trapped or lost for a long time and they were needing social interaction." Twilight said accidently letting her nerd show "Pinkie was the most social pony ever!" Rarity said "Well then maybe...it was shock?" "From what?" Fluttershy said "Dash. Didn't you say you found pinkie freaking out when you went to get her for her surprise party?" Dash wiped her eyes and said "Yeah...she was talking to things...and she started talking to the wall behind a pile of rocks." Dash said "She was screaming something about a 'she' when she was in the insane asylum." "But how would she go into shock from something as simple as that?" Rarity said "Well you said yourself that she was an incredibly social pony, she really needs her friends...and we just abandoned her without even trying to help her." Twighlight said, Applejack was still mad "That medical mumbo jumbo aint got nothing to do with what she did! Those ponies just tried to get out of going to jail!" Applejack said furious at the idea that her friends would take pity on a murderer, then she stormed out. "We need to help her!" Fluttershy said "The princess might be willing to listen...then again she sounded extremely mad when she ordered all possible guards to kill pinkie." Pinkie managed to sneak out of the house without being noticed. she made it into the everfree forest and was now watching Zecoras house waiting for her to leave. Pinkie sat there for hours and finally Zecora left with her mysterious hood on. Pinkie made her move and snuck into the hut. There was many things she excepted to be used for potions and brews, But she found the small library of incantations and recipes she was looking for. She started to look through all the books, many filled with letters and symbols she never saw, probably from Zecora's home land, but she found some books in her language and one in particular caught her eye. It read "Mental potions" there were many potions to induce love or other emotions but there was a section strictly form mind alteration, there was illusion, and a few others but one sounded promising "Amnesia spell: some things are better left forgotten." perfect! Pinkie was about to get the necessary ingredients and then she saw a book labeled "Equal exchange and not so equal exchange" she started to read, it said stuff about a dead animal put under a tree forces the tree to bear fruit, taking some ponies life can cure any disease, most of them were about taking some ponies life for something not even worth it, but she got to a ritual for limbs she read intensively "Eye for an eye: for one to endure pain and give up a limb willingly then place it on a table along with a lock of hair or anything from the old limb they hope to give, will regrow a limb. The pony must be ready to receive the limb. Reopen the wounds where the limb used to be on the pony ready to receive, then burn all that lies on the table and shout this chant 'May bones crack and flesh tear! I remain awake through the pain to heal what was lost! Turn back the clock let time reverse! Bring back what once was theirs! As I bleed onto the ground and am greeted by death may all be as what once was! Death! I have a trade to make! Hear my words! And bring back what once was!' If all goes correctly bones shall sprout then the flesh will grow on in one day." pinkie felt optimistic! She grabbed a book on the anatomy of all the types of ponies. Then grabbed all the necessary ingredients and left filled with hope. Back at the hospital "What do you mean I have to stay longer! I'm not even wearing bandages!" Dash yelled almost in tears "I'm sorry! But we...just...thought you'd feel safer here, what with that pony still on the loose." the nurse said "It's been weeks!" she said while bursting into tears. Back out in the hall Rarity was standing beside's a doctor "Okay I think you should calm you're friend down." the doctor said when realizing this could go badly. "Rainbow Please! what's wrong!?" Rarity said walking into the room pretending not to know anything "She says I still need to stay!" the nurse bid a hasty retreat as Rarity comforted her friend "It's okay, you need protection! besides how would you get to your ho..." Rainbow looked up at Rarity and began to cry uncontrollably, Rarity was regretting every word about reminding Rainbow that she had no wings. Rarity held Dash tightly and Rainbow hugged her back. The doctor walked into the room and shared some good news "Well Rainbow, if you are getting cabin fever I believe we could make some exceptions and you can go shopping or visit some friends! As long as you would...allow us to give you some protection, we can do it tomorrow." Rainbow began to perk up, the thought of getting back to a normal life was making her feel better already "Oh! I think that's a fabulous idea! I can help you pick out some clothes that will look stunning! And I promise nothing to frufru!" Rainbow looked up at her gratefully and nodded. Applejack walked into Twilights house and saw Twilight and Fluttershy talking but they both stopped to see what AJ wanted. "Hi girls...I'm sorry for saying those things about pinkie, I just can't believe what she did to Dash." she said with a regretful look, But twilight had a worried look on her face "It's okay we all were shocked but we need to start thinking rationally! What are we going to do about Rainbow Dash!? They say they are going to put her in some sort of insane asylum because their afraid she might be to traumatized and might commit suicide or something worse! Like...she might try and cope with it by trying to understand what it was like! So she can understand why Pinkie did it!" Twilight said freaking out "What that can't happen! You need to stop reading those books Twilight!" Spike said walking in with cookies and punch "he..hey what ever happen to gummy?" Fluttershy said worried about the animals as always "I think he's over with the cakes why?" Applejack said "Well...animals have really good sense...if I talk to him I could find out whether pinkie was insane and if Rainbow will do anything drastic." Apple jack and Twighlight shared a questioning glance but both decided it was the best option so they decided to get gummy and catch up with Fluttershy later at the hospital "Hi gummy how you doin?" Fluttershy said with a concerned voice, gummy just derped and did nothing else. "Oh my he is absolutely traumatized by the ordeal." Applejack holding the baby crocodile just raised an eyebrow, "um, excuse me but...how was pinkie doing before she you know..." gummy bit a strand of Fluttershy's hair and growled, "I see...he says she was fine till two months ago she started to talk to some pony who wasn't there. She sounded nice but she borrowed pinkie sometimes." gummy growled again and coughed Fluttershy looked at Twighlight then said "And whenever she was pinkie she was really mean and always frowned, and talked about cupcakes...gummy doesn't like her when she turns into that other pony" then gummy frowned and shook his head. Everyone looked at her questioning her mental stability. Fluttershy took gummy out of Apple jacks hooves and placed him on the bed with Rainbow. Gummy frowned then snuggled up to Rainbow and whined "Oh my...he knows Rainbow Dash is depressed and unhappy." gummy made a low growl "She has some problems..." Fluttershy was saddened at the alligators response, then she pulled her friends aside "He says that she could turn...suicidal, she's in mental anguish and he feels she's getting worse." she said softly so Rainbow couldn't hear her. "What is he a doctor?" Twilight said "No but animals senses are far superior to pony's they can sense emotion just by being around ponies, angel saved me from suicide several times!" every pony looked at her "What..." they all said "...what" Fluttershy replied. They decided to keep Rainbow in the hospital for now until a further mental evaluation could be conducted. As for pinkie they didn't know what to do yet. Pinkie now hoofing it found a cottage out in the everfree forest that she supposed was only used for winter get vacation. Pinkie went over everything she needed for the ceremony. She already had a hard top granite counter for the ceremony, she had all the ingredient's all ready, she had knives and a hacksaw. Pinkie didn't want to think of what she was going to do, she only focused on the positive, all she needed was Rainbow dash "I'll make up for whatever I put Rainbow through..." as she said that she wondered, how was she going to get Dash...she remembered the way to make a homemade sedative "Ho...how do I know how to make a sedative..." pinkie was worried about herself but didn't care what happened after she fixed up Dash. Pinkie fixed it all up, she ran through what she was going to do and what she needed several times. Pinkie decided to get some rest, tomorrow was a big day. Tomorrow was a big day for Dash, she finally got to leave the hospital in weeks! Rainbow was going to greet her friends and go window shopping with Rarity. She was about to go to sleep when she realized that every pony was going to be looking at her...judging her...what was she going to do...she spent hours thinking about all the ponies staring at her taking pity on her for being wingless...this only reminded her of all she lost...Rainbow couldn't stop thinking of her life dream of becoming a wonderbolt and how it would never come true. That night she cried herself to sleep. she wished one of her friends was there to comfort her but...she was alone in a dark...lonely...scary room. Rainbow Dash woke to Rarity walking in "Geez are you still asleep! Its three o'clock we've got to get ready! quickly quickly!" Rainbow was excited at the thought of getting some actual exercise and getting out of the stuffy hospital, she quickly tossed off the bandages. "My my you're wounds have completely healed!"Rarity said looking Dash over. Rainbow was glad she didn't need new bandages, the bumps where her wing were blended seamlessly into her blue coat she could easily pass as an earth pony! As they left Rainbow could tell this was going to be a good day. > Chapter 2. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2. Pinkie woke up realizing it was three o'clock in the afternoon "Oh..I gotta go get dash." as pinkie got up and the cabin was cold and dark, She thought for a second about what she was going to do but shrugged it away once again and only looked at the positive. Pinkie had made a sedative last night out of some draino and sap...weird combination but she remembered making it several times and knew the recipe by heart, she needed to be able to get hold of dash's food somehow...oh well she'd think of a way. She gathered the jar full of the grey goop and was heading out. Pinkie made it into a bush beside the hospital hoping she would continued to be unnoticed, she had made friends with every pony in ponyville and they would certainly recognize her, She managed to climb up the tree she had previously dove into, the foliage made great cover for her, she made it to dashes window hoping to see the Pegasus sleeping and her meal right by her but there was no pony there, she hopped through the window and felt the bed, it was still warm, pinkie was determined to find her, just then pinkie looked over her side and saw a hazard box filled with used needles, she grabbed one that was the cleanest, she washed it and sucked up some of the grey goop with it, she heard someone knocking on the door saying "Housekeeping!" she carefully got out the window, hopped onto a branch "Great where could dash be? I'm starting to get worried...I know!" pinkie hopped onto the closest roof and starting walking, searching for any sign of a blue Pegasus, It was almost dark Pinkie was worried she might have left town when she heard Dash's voice, "Twighlight Apple jack what are you doing here?" Pinkie saw Dash as well as Rarity, Twilight and Apple jack were talking as well with some big stallion standing next to Dash, Dash must have gone shopping because she was wearing a new hat. "what do I do? I can't do this in front of everyone! They'll get the wrong idea." Pinkie sat there for thirty minutes, her friends hadn't moved and they just kept talking, pinkie got scared she was nervous about getting to Dash regardless if her friends were there or not, she didn't want to hurt her friend, pinkie stared at the two bumps on Rainbows back a clear reminder of what she did, Pinkie had a mixture of rage and fear, she charged. She had the needle ready between her teeth, as she charged Rainbow rarity let out a shriek and every pony in town turned and saw pinkie, pinkie was scared about what was going to happen but finally pinkie hit Rainbow and the needle sunk deep into her chest. The grey liquid went streaming into her heart...bulls eye. Rainbows guard went for pinkie but she bucked him right in the jaw removing the needle from rainbow at the same time, as Rainbows heart started to beat faster the sedative only worked faster and she was paralyzed, pinkie scooped up Rainbow onto her back, nearly having a heart attack from the fear, she ran as fast as she could without dropping Dash but applejack was hot on her tail as she ran through town to get back to the forest and try and loose AJ. Pinkie ran through town knowing all eyes were on her, she heard Twighlight and Rarity screaming for her to let go of Rainbow she also heard what sounded like a thousand hooves hitting the ground, she looked behind her to see at least fifteen Pegasusi in the air as well as half of ponyville chasing her with pure hatred in their eyes, pinkie was in tears, she was scared alone and hated by all the ponies she loved, all she wanted was to make it right, She couldn't go any faster with ought dropping Rainbow but luckily the forest was within eye sight and she kept going she knew that if she stopped they would surely kill her, as she ran into the forest she heard most ponies stop, probably because they were afraid of the forest, but many were still chasing her she eventually lost them while running through the bushes but one was not giving up so easily, Apple jack, so Pinkie kept running, it was pitch black and pinkie amazingly didn't trip, she hid behind a tree and applejack kept going then stopped "Pinkie! For the love of Celestia don't kill her!" Apple jack was crying uncontrollably but there was still rage in her voice "I will kill you! I will hunt you down and gut you alive! The same way you did to all the others!...Come out you bitch!!" Pinkie didn't want to hear anymore and walked away, she still didn't know all the details about what she did but one thing was certain...she regretted every last bit of it. Pinkies heart was still pounding when she got to the cabin, it had to be at least eleven by now, Pinkie opened the door and placed Rainbow in the corner by the fire place. She restrained all four of her legs, she was spread out so pinkie could get to her back easily. She stared at her sleeping friend and hoped everything will go smoothly. She decided to go to sleep and start in the morning she needed the energy. Pinkie woke up to Rainbow screaming "Where am I!?" pinkie looked her way, it was too dark to see but she replied "It's okay...your safe." Rainbow freaked when she heard Pinkies voice, pinkie got up and light several candles. She walked over to Dash and stepped in something "What the fuck...did you pee yourself?" Rainbow was freaking out, she couldn't look up but cried wildly, pinkie tried to calm her down "calm down...it's all okay." Pinky went down to put a sympathetic hoof on rainbows back but was answered by even more screams and urination, Rainbow flailed around and was close to breaking something, pinkie went to go fetch a towel, Pinkie began to cry "What the hell did I do to her?" she came back and cleaned up all the warm yellow liquid, Dash was still crying but silently, It had to be six o'clock in the morning so pinkie decided to go out and get some food from the farthest town. Pinkie came back an hour later with eggs, bread a few vegetables, a can of gasoline and some milk, Rainbow was silent and still, Pinkie went over to the stove to make some breakfast, she went over to dash with a plate of eggs and toast. She unknowingly left the stove on. She bent down and put the plate by dash, Dash didn't move, she looked expressionless, Pinkie put a piece of bred to her lips "Please eat...It's okay..." Pinkie gave up and hugged Rainbow, Rainbow didn't flinch or even blink, Pinkie couldn't take it anymore "I'm going to fix this...you'll get you're wings back and you'll be you're old self..." Pinkie got up, She noticed a single feather on rainbow, A small one that blended perfectly into Dash and she plucked it, she placed it on the counter with all the knives and the hacksaw, Pinkie took a single knife then kissed dash on the head "It will only hurt a little...okay?" dash was unfazed, Pinkie slid the knife across the bump, Dash screamed and Pinkie slid the knife across the other bump. Blood trickled down Rainbow, Pinkie walked over to the table she opened the book on the ceremony and picked up the hack saw, she thought it over then took a deep breath, she held up her left hoof and put the saw to her shoulder, She began to cry and then took one swift movement through a bit of the bone, she screamed louder than Dash had, Blood flooded the floor and escaped through the cracks. Rainbow Dash looked over in horror as Pinkie sawed away her entire left arm. Pinkie began to pass out but refused to die like this and continued with heavy strokes, it only got more painful, tears streamed down Pinkies face but it was no match for the amount of blood coming from her shoulder, the arm went limper and limper until she felt it hit her side like a dead weight, she sawed through the rest of the flesh but quickly puked onto the floor, she was overcome by pain, it hit the ground with a thud, Pinkie had to act fast she felt herself about to pass out, she pressed a cloth to the hole were her arm used to be, she bent down and bit the arm, she then dropped it onto the counter, she held onto the counter for support, she knocked over the can of gasoline and it spilt onto the arm. She light a match and threw it onto the soaked arm. Pinkie stepped back as the counter was engulfed in blue flames and the feather and the arm burned, the pain was incredible but she read the chant "May bones crack...and flesh tear!" Pinkie stumbled and felt weak "I remain awake through the pain to heal what was lost! Turn back the clock...let time reverse! *Huff* Bring back what once was theirs! As I bleed onto the ground...and am greeted by death may all be as what once was! Death! I have a trade to make! Hear my words! And bring back what once was!" Pinkie threw up again and fell to the ground as the flames dulled and the arm and feather completely disappeared she turned over to look at dash, dash jolted and screamed "AUUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHH!!! P...please...just kill me already!!" Dash fell back to the ground lifelessly but pinky could see blood covered bones out of Rainbows back "I...I did it! Please...Rainbow... I'm sorry! I hope this makes up for it!" Pinkie knew nothing could change what she did but it didn't matter. Pinkie crawled to the kitchen, she couldn't find her knife and she needed to free dash. "one...last thing for Dash!" She was tired and ready to die but with every last bit of energy she forced herself to grab the counter, she accidently grabbed the frying pan and fell, as she hit the ground the frying pan landed on her shoulder cauterizing it, she screamed loudly as the red hot pan hit the open wound, she shoved it off but still screamed, as blood sizzled and flesh burned she felt she deserved this. Then everything went black. Pinkie woke up tired and hungry, she crawled across the blood stained floor over to dash and began to eat her food from the morning before, she didn't know how long she was out for, Dash's wings have almost completely grown back, she got up her side was killing her, she hopped over to cut dash free, Pinkie realized she had all the ingredients for the amnesia potion and got right to work on making it. pinkie tilted dashes head back and put two drops in her mouth, the exact amount said to forget about a month, Pinkie tired, in pain, and lonely laid beside Rainbow Dash and slept. She woke up after what she excepted to be a day, it had become dark out, she noticed her friend was still asleep and completely healed, Pinkie nuzzled dash, for the first time since this all began she was herself again. Pinkie didn't care if she was weak, she wanted to get dash home, she also intended to bring back Zecora's books. Pinkie tried to get dash on her back but she couldn't support both of them, she found a filly's wagon in the shed and decided to use that. "come on dash, time to go home." she said while hauling the snoring pony onto the wagon, there were bags under pinkies eyes and for the first time she had absolutely no energy. She was no longer the energetic pony she once was. Pinkie was going along a forest path back to ponyville, it felt like her leg was still there so she fell many times but kept grabbing the wagon handle and pulled. Pinkie was at the town border and she saw Twighlights house, first she decided to take rainbow there. Pinkie was satisfied, her friend was well and about to go back to her happy life, Pinkie put the wagon with dash in it as close to the door as she could, she stumbled one more time. She kissed dash on the head and walked away, not caring what happen now she just walked wherever she felt was the right way. Just as she passed the quills and sofa store she thought "What an odd store, they only sell two things but their always out of one of them." Right then a rock came out of nowhere and connected with pinkies head, as she hit the ground she wished she didn't have to go through anymore pain "I told you I would kill you! Now where is dash!?" Apple jack said holding another rock threateningly, Pinkie knew that AJ gets up early to work, Pinkie should have been more careful about being seen "Where is she!! I saw you with her in that wagon! What did you do to her!!!" Apple jack said with tears in her eyes, Pinkie didn't care what happened and remained silent, she noticed more ponies coming out of their houses and another rock nailed pinkie upside her head. Rainbow dash woke up to a screaming Twighlight "How did you get your wings back!!" Rainbow dash rubbed her eyes, dazed and confused she replied "I won them in a lottery smart one." Twilight shrugged aside the snappy comeback "Where have you been you've been gone for two days! we thought you were dead!!" "You need to lay off the apple cider..." just then they heard loud yells and screams, Dash ran towards the sound and Twighlight quickly followed, they ran to find Applejack kicking pinkie pie, surprisingly missing an arm. Pinkie laid on the ground and kept taking hits as a crowd of blood thirsty ponies shouting for Applejack to gut her. Dash was the first to respond to this confusing fight "What are you doing!?!?" but Apple jack kept kicking, Applejack got one really good kick to the side of pinkies head and Dash knew she had to intervene. A streak of rainbow was all any pony saw and pinkie was gone. Rainbow Dash was in the air holding a bloody Pinkie pie "What the fuck are you doing!? Why are you all letting her do this!?" Rainbow said angry enough to buck someone upside the head "RAINBOW?!?! How'd you get your wings back!?" Rainbow didn't understand the question so AJ continued "Pinkie cut off you're wings and was...We need to kill her!!!" Rainbow dash was disgusted that her own friend would want to kill Pinkie! So Rainbow bolted out of town and landed near a pond then set Pinkie down "Pinkie! Are you ok!? Please stay awake!" Pinkie was in pain, nothing compared to what she did earlier of course, Pinkie looked at dash "Pinkie! Why did they do that!?" Pinkie began to cry, no pony had shown her kindness like this in a long time. "I'm so sorry!" Pinkie said in almost a whisper "Pinkie where is your arm?" Dash said trying to remain calm, Pinkie began to fade out of consciousness, she put her head on dash's shoulder. Dash was confused. Tears streamed down Rainbows face, she picked up her friend and bolted for the ponyville hospital, Dash got to the hospital and got her friend into urgent care, the doctors took her in with ought question, they didn't notice it was pinkie or that there was also dash, even though their case had become famous. Rainbow waited for an hour until the doctor came to greet her "Hello I'm doctor Fitz, you're friend is in critical care, she's stable and we managed to get her all patched up...um...might I ask...how did she loose her arm?" Rainbow dash was crying, afraid for Pinkie "I don't know! I found her getting beaten up by my friend and a group of ponies!" she said not sure whether this was really happening or not "Hmm...we'll need to file a report, you can see your friend after we're through cleaning her up." Rainbow sat in the waiting room for an hour then a royal guard came in looked at her then left, she was suspicious but shrugged it off. Two minutes later all her friends came running in through the door "Dash what were you doing?" Apple jack said but she couldn't get another word out before Rainbow decked her in the face, Aj hit the ground and Dash was held back by Fluttershy and rarity "What the hell did you do to pinkie! Why the fuck is she missing an arm!?" Aj looked stunned "Wha...what do you mean why? What she did to you and all those other ponies was unforgivable!" Applejack got up "What are you talking about!!!" Twilight interrupted the fight "Wait! I can explain everything! When I woke up I found Dash in a wagon with her wings back, after that I found several books on potions! One about giving up a body part and one on amnesia!" Dash gave Twilight another confused look "What are you talking about!?" "Pinkie must have given up her leg to get back you're wings and then she erased you're memory!" and then Twighlight told the entire story about dash and all the others getting tortured and killed, how they looked everywhere for Pinkie, and how she kidnapped dash just recently. "So now you see we need to bring her to justice!" Apple jack said while making a motion towards pinkies room, Rainbow swooped right in front of her before Aj could go any further " I don't care what she did, from what you've told me it wasn't her, the pinkie I just saw can't do something like that." Rainbow said showing exactly why she was the element of loyalty "Well she did and I won't let her do anything else like it." They butted heads "You touch her and she won't be the only one with a concussion." as the two were about to butt heads princess Luna walked through the doors escorted by several guards "Hello Twighlight keeping busy it seems...and Rainbow dash I'm glad to see you made a speedy recovery! But I am here to tell you in person that I believe one or even many deaths does not justify another. My sister was thinking purely for the safety of her people but no matter what I believe we can help Pinkie pie. There were even more brutal displays of punishment than what she did back in my time." Twighlight walked up to the princess "Thank you princess, I'm surprised how quickly you responded to my letter." the princess stood up even more "When punishment is this harsh how can I not be so swift? Pinkie woke up in pain and bleeding. Her feet were restrained and she was also hooked up to many machines, Rainbow was by her bedside " Hey, good morning...how are you feeling?" Pinkie had a blank look but then smiled and grasped Dash's hoof "I'm fine how are you?" Rainbow still smiled "I'm fine, but everyone says I'm not so...did you really do something to me?" Pinkie glanced at her fully healed wings and her bandaged shoulder and started to cry "Yes...I didn't want to..." Rainbow gave Pinkie a hug, this was the most compassion Pinkie had been showed and she was very happy "Pinkie from what I heard you gave up your leg for me, did you?" Pinkie looked up "Yes I didn't want my friend to go through something like that." "Why did you get rid of my memory?" Pinkie was still crying "Something was wrong with you because of me...the hospital wasn't going to let you go and I thought if I cleared your mind I could get you out of this whole situation" Pinkie buried her face in Rainbow Dash, then the rest of her friends walked in and pinkie dare not look up and face their accusing glares "I don't think pinkie is ready to talk to you all" Dash said, but Fluttershy ran over to pinkie hugged her and began to cry, AJ was the first to talk but her voice was cold and unforgiving "Well we're not her for that, we're here to tell you that the doc says you check out and there's no need for you to stay here Rainbow. Whatever you did it worked pinkie but there's still a dozen other murders you can't fix." AJ walked out but Rarity and Twighlight still stood by the door, Rainbow and Fluttershy were still hugging pinkie, Twighlight walked up but pinkie still didn't look up "Pinkie...I have been reading into cases that sound...similar to yours and I believe that you may be suffering from a chemical deficiency and this can be easily controlled with medication or just several magical treatments." Pinkie looked up shocked by the news "Really? But...what about my death penalty?" "Well Princess Luna believes that Celestia over reacted with that sentence and she declared you will just stay in the hospital until we are absolutely certain you're illness has...gone." Fluttershy began to cry harder but smiled, Rarity stepped forward "But I need to ask who in your mind did this?" Pinkie's smile left and she replied in fear "I don't know..." The news papers were quick to try and get the latest scoop on the murderer set free ,with little but a slap on the wrist, but royal guards guarded the hospital. Pinkie was already though her magical therapy after about a month. She didn't feel anything different. she was still in pain from her lost leg but was happy. Pinkie went to physical training several times a day and she pretty much had it down. Pinkie walked into her room escorted by a doctor to find her friends sitting in her room waiting for her with the exception of Apple jack, Rarity stood up "Honey, we think it's great you're better but the ponies in town are really not happy and we are going to have a riot on our hooves." "What?" Twighlight stood up "we need you to get somewhere safe. we can get you to your parents." Pinkie was shocked "We can't they were the first I ran to for help and they were the first to try and kill me..." Everyone was shocked and didn't know what to do next "Pinkie...we need to get you out of here!" Pinkie was tired of running and just sat down, everyone sat and thought just then Apple jack burst through the room "Pinkie I have room for you at my barn to hide you we need to go now!" Pinkie wasn't sure about this and just moved back "Pinkie we need to go! A riot is going to form any minute!" Applejack reached for Pinkies hoof and Rainbow dash dove in front of her "What are you doing?" "I'm trying to save pinkie!" "You were the first one to try and kill her!" just then two big colts walked through the door "Pinkie I think we should get outside." one of the colts said. Pinkie was scared, she stumbled forgetting that she only had one front leg. She couldn't run away. Rainbow swooped over pinkie and grabbed her. They flew through the window. Rainbow landed way out of town in a field "What the hay is her problem!" Pinkie stared blankly at the ground, she knew nothing would ever be the same. "Pinkie! snap out of it!" "They all want me dead and I can't do anything to change it..." Pinkie laid down in a patch of grass "Pinkie..." Rainbow dash laid next to Pinkie and scooted closer to her till their sides were touching "Pinkie we need to get somewhere safe for you." "Fine but you can't tell anyone about where it is or even that you helped me or they will hate you too." Dash looked at Pinkie with a smirk "What do you mean? I can't leave a friend in her time of need" Pinkie looked up at her confident friend and said sternly "Dash thank you very much for helping me but I think I can find a new home or somewhere else that no pony will know anything about me on my own. I can get along on my own." Rainbow didn't want to hear it "Do you think I became the element of loyalty because I abandon my friends?" Pinkie was tired of running especially when she had nowhere else to go "well what then, if I know anything they are out looking for me." Pinkie said limping still not used to being three legged "We can go to my house....wait no... how about we just..." Rainbow was thinking hard. Pinkie walked over to a stump and laid down "What are you doing Pink?" "I'm sleeping...we can't do anything now it's getting dark" Rainbow was also tired and she wanted to sleep but couldn't help but pace trying to think "We need to get somewhere nice yet where no one will recognize you...hmmm" Pinkie was beginning to get irritated "No...I need to get somewhere safe...you are going back to Ponyville" Rainbow paced around then stopped in her tracks "What did I tell you I am no-" "What did I tell you! It's my life and my problem!" Rainbow walked over and sat right beside Pinkie practically laying on her "Don't be crabby, you're just hurting. But once we find a home everything will be great." Pinkie flinched when rainbow laid against her bandages covering her horrible wound "What about you're other friends and you're dream of becoming a wonder bolt?" Dash ignored Pinkies obvious irritation towards Dash laying on her "Well who said I have to give up my dream? I'll still train to get faster. And it won't take so long for them to cool down, I might still visit them I just won't let Apple jack or any of those other Ignorant idiots follow me!" Pinkie gave up and let dash lie on her "They aren't going to cool down after what I did." there was silence for a second "What exactly did you do?" Rainbow was never told what it was Pinkie did just that it was horrible "I don't know and I don't want to know." they decided to end the conversation right there and sleep. Pinkie was comforted by being close to a friend, but she didn't want to take any of rainbows time away or to make her associate with a murder and become hated by everyone just like her. Pinkie woke up at what she expected was 4 o'clock, Dash was sound asleep next to her. Pinkie got up and walked in a direction opposite to Ponyville. She wasn't going to take any more of Dash's time. Pinkie had walked about half a mile on a road. It had been light out for about two hours and she was getting tired of constantly stumbling. She slipped and fell directly on a jagged rock, opening her stitches. screaming in pain she rolled over on her good side and tried to get up. She managed to get up but her bandages were soaked red with blood and she began to black out, she hit the ground making sure to keep from rolling over on her wound. Everything went black but Pinkie didn't care, she had done what she hoped to do and she had lost the will to live. Pinkie woke up to some pony yelling something above her head and pressing on her wound. Rainbow Dash was on Pinkie. "Pinkie wake up! Come on!" Pinkie looked up "Hey..." Dash was crying on Pinkie "What the fuck happened!" Pinkie was tired and confused "I fell..." Rainbow was furious and bawling "Why did you leave! Stay awake!" Pinkie was beginning to doze off. Dash tightened Pinkies stitches with her teeth and re bandaged her with her old bandages. Pinkie was still awake but disorientated. Dash had found a fruit tree with pears and grabbed as many as she could carry "Pinkie you need to eat so you regain some blood..." Pinkie ate and in an hour she was feeling better. Dash never left her side and when she was sure Pinkie was fine she got mad again "Why the fuck did you leave!? This is exactly why I didn't want you to go on your own!" Pinkie leaned on a tree "I don't want to take up anymore of your life. I fixed some of it and I want you to live a normal life." Dash calmed down "You need to worry about yourself, I am here to make sure you have a long happy life too." Rainbow sat next to Pinkie "We are going to find a new place and we are both going to be happy! I am not taking my eyes off of you." "Where huh...the whole of equestria hates me and wants me dead." "We can find a cabin for sale or something, I've been stashing bits for a very long time." Pinkie laid down but dash was quick to get her up "We are going house hunting!" Pinkie had a reluctant look on her face "Fine..." Rainbow Dash was holding Pinkie in her arms as she flew through the air "What about over in that thin forest? Enough tree's for cover yet not enough for crazy monsters or to get lost." Pinkie was scared about being in the air so she didn't say anything "Wait ooooh I see a cute cottage down there lets go check it out!" Dash was oddly excited about looking for a house to hide a murderer in. Pinkie touched the ground on her back hooves and remained balanced when she went on all three's "The sign says for sale! 9,000 bits...three rooms...one bathroom...plumbing, kitchen, fire place...contact Brick John in town pub." Pinkie looked at Rainbow and realized how lucky she was to have a friend like her "9,000 bits is a lot." Rainbow smirked and said "I have 8,000 I bet I could talk him down, I'll run back to my old house grab my money and be back here in ten seconds flat!" Pinkie sat on the side of the house with shade "Okay, I'll stay out of sight." Rainbow was about to leave but looked at Pinkie "I swear with Celestia as my witness if you leave I will break your other legs." Pinkie was frightened by how serious she was, Dash smiled and nuzzled pinkie "I'm serious." and she took off faster than she ever had. Pinkie stayed in the shade, she was afraid that if she moved dash would come back and break her legs. Pinkie looked around at the soft waving grass and the few tree's surrounding her she felt at peace here. Rainbow showed up not more than five minutes later Pinkie was amazed at her speed "Dang that was fast" Dash was carrying a bag of bits, Pinkie tried to walk over to Dash but tripped, Rainbow ran under Pinkie and stopped her from falling "Thanks." Rainbow smiled and put Pinkie back on her feet "Okay you can stay here and I will go into town, get some bandages, necessity's and find the guy who wants to sell this, I'll be back in an hour tops ." she walked Pinkie over to a tree and sat her down "Remember stay here! I won't be gone long...take a nap or something." as Rainbow left Pinkie felt sleepy while looking over the grass field with the few stray tree's , she laid her head down and let the warm breeze comfort her, she thought back to all the things her friend has done for her, Rainbow was the closest pony she had and she felt blessed to have her. > Chapter 3. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3. Pinkie woke up to some kid over her head. He was a earth pony. The young colt had a light orange coat and an orange mane "Um hi…" the child only stared but then spoke up "Hi! Are you Pimy pie?" Pinkie looked puzzled "umm…" the young colt jumped up and down "The one pony in the news! They say you are pink, fluffy and have a balloon cutie mark!" Pinkie got scared "Why do you need to know?" the colt stopped jumping "You are! Why is every pony talking about you?" Pinkie looked around expecting his parents to come around "You don't know?" "No, everyone says I shouldn’t read the news papers because I won't understand, so they won't let me look at them." Pinkie was still worried he would tell his parents "No I'm not, you should really get home." the colt looked at her side where her leg used to be. Her bandages were old, muddy and bloody. "Are you hurt? Wait here!" The colt ran away and Pinkie was scared that he went for his parents so she was ready to run but the colt was already back "I know some medical things! My dad taught me!" Pinkie sat down relieved "It's okay I'm fine." The colt began opening up his small medical bag. "Your bandages are really filthy, it shouldn’t be that way." The colt began to cut through Pinkies bandages. He pored bottled water onto a rag and began to lightly clean Pinkies shoulder of all the blood. Pinkie flinched "By the way what's your name? And where are your parents?" The filly finished cleaning and grabbed a bottle of antiseptic. "My name is Scout. My mom was lost during my birth and my father died of illness about a year ago." Pinkie flinched as Scout poured some antiseptic on her shoulder "Then who watches after you?" Scout wiped her shoulder with a dry cloth "The town mostly but I stay in my old house. I can redo your stitching if you want. It looks like it's been loosened." Pinkie didn't want to but she thought it would be better to get all the medical help she could. "Umm…sure, do you know what you're doing?" the young colt went rummaging through his bag "Yeah my dad taught me, he was the town doctor." Pinkie took a deep breath as Scout stuck a needle in and out of her shoulder then removed the old stitches, making sure to keep the wound closed at all times. "Now you just need new bandages!" Scout wrapped the bandages around Pinkies shoulder then over and under her one front leg "There! how does that feel? To tight?" Pinkie moved a little "No its great! Thanks." Scout packed up everything and grabbed his bag. "If you need a check up or anything I'm over there." He pointed to a house about eighty six feet away "By the way what is your name?" Pinkie thought for a second "I'm…pink…berry." Pinkie couldn’t really think of a good name "Cool, but you should probably get some rest, too much movement might reopen the stitches. Thanks for the practice!" Scout walked back to his house and Pinkie was happy to have met someone new. Pinkie walked back over to the tree and sat down. Pinkie daydreamed for about ten minutes until dash got back with a couple groceries. "Hey Pink, I got the house for cheap!" Pinkie smiled. Rainbow set the groceries down and unlocked the door "The bad thing is that there's only one bed." Pinkie walked into the house and it was surprisingly big "Is there a couch?" Rainbow put up the groceries "No but it's okay, we can just share the bed." Pinkie looked at dash "Ummm okay." Rainbow finished with the groceries "There's a bathroom with a tub, a kitchen, two empty rooms and that’s pretty much it." Pinkie limped through the house looking around. "Pinkie. You really need to get some rest, It's been a big day." Pinkie didn't feel like arguing. Rainbow walked Pinkie over to the bed "So do you feel fine, I noticed you have new bandages." Pinkie got under the covers "Yeah there's this nice kid that lives around here and he knows some medical stuff, but he doesn’t have any parents." Rainbow pulled the covers over Pinkie "That’s nice." Dash wasn't really paying attention. Rainbow stared at Pinkie for a while "What?" Pinkie raised an eyebrow. Rainbow smiled "Nothing." and she walked out "Good night." the she closed the door. Pinkie thought for a second "Is she alright..." Rainbow wasn't herself, Pinkie was worried that the memory potion didn't work or was wearing off. But shrugged it off, it couldn’t have failed. Pinkie wiggled deeper into the covers and went to sleep. Rainbow Dash walked around the house and put all her groceries away. Rainbow was tired but thought it best to let Pinkie have the bed, it was only three o'clock anyway. Rainbow was shocked at how every pony acted back in ponyville, even Rarity showed some resentment towards Pinkie back at the hospital. Rainbow thought back to the night Applejack tried to kill Pinkie, the look of hate in every ponies eye's was appalling. Rainbow was worried that they would be found, she was worried for Pinkie. If what every pony says is true then Pinkie has been a little more than a friend to her. "Poor Pinkie. This has to be really hard on her." Rainbow walked into the kitchen and started making dinner. Around six Pinkie woke up "Mmm…something smells good." Pinkie got out of bed and stumbled out of the room. "How'd you sleep? I didn't think you'd wake up so early." Pinkie walked to the dining room pulled out a chair and sat at the table "I slept good, but I smelled food so I got up." Rainbow dash walked over with a salad and a bowl of pasta. "You haven't eaten since you were in the hospital right? You must be starving!" Pinkie looked at the food and smiled. Dash got herself some food and sat down. The two ponies ate their food, Pinkie especially enjoyed it. The two were almost finished when a loud banging at the door startled them. "Open up!" Pinkie and dash dove into a room. "Shhh!" they both were very quiet as the banging continued. A smaller voice started talking and then the same loud voice "Well we were told someone just bought this house!". Then the same small voice, but it was too soft to hear. Pinkie and dash's hearts were racing. Dash was squeezing Pinkie tightly but Pinkie was to scared to notice. They remained silent. There was no banging or voices for a while then a soft tapping at the door "Hello? They're gone!" Dash crawled over to the window and pulled back a sliver of the curtain to see a small orange foal at the door. Pinkie poked her head out of the bedroom "Who is it!?" Rainbow turned "Some foal!" "Is he orange?" "Yeah." Pinkie walked over to the door and opened it. The colt was standing proud "Some ponies are looking for you." Pinkie and Dash looked around "Don't worry I told them my sick aunt from the country side is living here." Pinkie still wasn't sure "Why would you do that?" "Well I'm not stupid. You have to be the pony every pony is talking about! But you seem nice so I fooled them!" The proud young pony had a look of triumph on his face, feeling smart enough to fool several adults. Rainbow grabbed the foal and took him inside "Were they wearing gold armor?" Scout thought for a second "One was. I thought it was kind of weird" Rainbow looked at scout "You fooled a guard and several others!? Good job slugger." Rainbow patted his head "His names Scout!" Pinkie said while smiling. "Yeah well I need to go, but you probably should lay low." Scout waved back to the two mares and walked back to his house. Either Luna stopped helping Pinkie or Princess Celestia just wasn't giving up. Rainbow cleaned up all the dishes and Pinkie put them back in the cabinets. Rainbow finished cleaning. "By the way when was the last time you took a bath?" "At the hospital." "Well you should probably take a bath." Pinkie grabbed a towel out of a closet and walked over to the bathroom, dash was filling the tub. "Excuse me." Dash smiled at Pinkie "What you think I'm going to let you walk on slippery tile and break something?" Pinkie looked at dash "I don't need your help!" Pinkie started unwinding her bandages. Dash finished filling up the tub then stepped aside "Fine. Try and get in." Pinkie walked for the tub. She almost slipped but regained her balance. Dash giggled. Pinkie tried getting in but couldn’t hold onto the tub. Dash was quick to catch her. "What did I tell you!" Pinkie looked at dash menacingly. Pinkie started cleaning herself, Dash started to clean Pinkies back. "I can clean myself!" Dash gave a blank expression "Do you really want to play this game?" Pinkie sighed. Dash began to hum a song as she poured water onto Pinkies head "Hey! *cough* You could have warned me!" Dash just kept washing. Rainbow Dash then dove a hoof with a wash cloth under the water, Pinkie screamed "I can wash that part!!!" Dash smiled "Oh don't be such a drama queen." Pinkie finished taking a bath and Dash helped her out. Dash began to dry off Pinkie who was in no joking mood. "You know I didn't need your help." Dash smiled and patted Pinkie on the head. "Whatever you gotta tell yourself." Pinkie woke up to the sounds of birds and some pony snoring. She tried to move but was restricted by something, she poked her head out from under the cover to be nose to nose with Rainbow Dash, still asleep. Pinkie shoved Dash away "Wha…" Dash sat up and yawned. Pinkie got out of bed "You need to stay out of my personal space." Dash rubbed her eyes "Good morning to you too." Pinkie limped out of her room and into the kitchen. It was time to start a new life, one day at a time. Pinkie sat in the shade as Rainbow washed the bed sheets with a wash board. "Come on! I can help!" Pinkie said annoyed at the fact that she couldn’t do anything "No! The last thing you need is work." Pinkie sighed and laid down in the shade "Well what do I do…" Dash grinned "Well you could take another bath." Pinkie blushed "I…I don't need another bath. I want to help by doing something." Dash finished washing all the sheets and then hung them out to dry "Well I don't want you getting hurt! You need to remember that you're injured and being hunted! You need to not only remain hidden but you need to recover!" Pinkie was shocked when dash snapped at her. Pinkie didn't need to be reminded that she was hated and crippled. Dash walked over "I'm sorry I snapped. I'm just trying to help you." Pinkie looked up at dash "I know. It's okay" Pinkie still looked depressed. "How about we eat lunch?" Pinkie just got up and went inside. Dash made some daisy sandwiches and cleaned up after a very quite lunch. Dash looked at Pinkie who was still very quiet "Are you okay? I'm sorry about what I said." Pinkie didn't look up "It's alright." Pinkie couldn’t help but think about everything that had happened. Dash walked over to Pinkie "You can help me clean up." Pinkie began to perk up. Dash and Pinkie had finished up cleaning and Pinkie still seemed a little depressed. So Dash decided to pay Scout a visit. "I'll be back Pinkie just stay put." Pinkie was making the bed and didn’t acknowledge the Pegasus. Rainbow decided to see if there some sort of anti depressant that Scout could prescribe for Pinkie. "Hey Scout!" Rainbow said when Scout opened the door. "Hi! Is Pinkie hurt?" Dash looked almost embarrassed to be asking for this "Well kind of…she's been kinda…not herself lately. I was wondering if there was anything you could do?" Scout thought for a second then motioned for Dash to come inside. "I have a book on some plants that help mental anguish. Would that help?" Dash smiled "Yes that would help big time!" Scout flipped through pages and then stopped. "Yellow harvest snips. A plant that helps make a more positive attitude. To induce happiness. This plant has three yellow petals, and a long dark red stem." Rainbow sat down "Where does it grow?" Scout flipped a page "It should grow in…forests…I think it should grow over in the natural gardens. A place in the forest where there are tons of natural flowers. Rainbow bolted out the door "Perfect!" Scout chased after her "Are you sure you don't want the book as a reference!?" But Rainbow Dash was already flying into a forest. Rainbow swooped past tree's going deeper and deeper into the forest with tons of flowers around her. Dash looked at the beautiful garden that was around her. She came upon a clump of flowers with three yellow petals and a long dark green stem "Perfect! This will make Pinkie her old self in no time!" Dash walked back, she was happy that her friend would soon be happy. Dash burst through the door of the cabin. Pinkie jumped but relaxed when she saw her friend. "Pinkie! I got something for you!" Dash floated over to the table and placed one flower on the table. "It will make you happy! It’s a flower that scout said helps ponies." Rainbow smiled. Pinkie had a blank expression "Wait that’s…" Dash looked at Pinkie "What have you seen this flower before?" Pinkie gave a week smile "Yeah…" Dash smiled and nudged the flower towards Pinkie. Pinkie ate the flower without hesitation. Dash nuzzled Pinkie and they both smiled. "Thanks Dash. You're a really good friend…I'm really lucky to have you." Rainbow looked at Pinkie "That flower must be working! I'm glad you're happy." Pinkie smiled. Pinkies teeth were red, red foam began foaming from her mouth. Dash stepped back as Pinkie hit the ground and began to seize up. Rainbow dash burst into Scouts house with Pinkie on her back. "Help! Something's wrong with her!" Rainbow put Pinkie on the floor. Scout stepped back but quickly dashed to his patient when he realized this was serious. Pinkie twitched on the floor as Scout looked her over. Rainbow was in tears over in the corner. Scout fetched an anti poison and poured it down Pinkies throat. Pinkie slowly stopped foaming and began to twitch less and less. "What happened to her!" Scout checked Pinkies heart beat then replied "She ate something. What did she eat?" Rainbow sat next to Pinkie, Dash was still sobbing. "I gave her that flower!" Scout was surprisingly calm, and he walked over to his books. "I think you confused yellow harvest snips with rotten fang. You got the wrong plant. It's pretty common" Rainbow leaned over Pinkie and nudged her "She's dead…" Scout pulled rainbow away "No she's not. She's in pain though." Pinkie threw up. A mixture of plants and stomach acid spewed out. "What do you mean the wrong plant!" Scout flinched at Rainbows angry voice "Well the one that is safe has a red stem. The other has a green stem. Both of their petals are shaped differently." Rainbow stood silent. She had almost killed Pinkie. Scout began giving Pinkie several different shots of medicine, then finally Pinkie came to. "Pinkie!" Rainbow dove for Pinkie and hugged her. Pinkie was dazed and confused. Pinkie just remained silent. Rainbow stepped back. Pinkie had a blank, ashamed look on her face. "Did…did you know!?" Pinkie just looked down "Why won't you let me die?" Rainbow was furious "What the fuck!" Dash looked disgusted. Pinkie saw this look and it reminded her all too well about all the looks she got from every pony else. Pinkie kept her head down and began to cry "I don't want to have to deal with all this! I'm done!" Rainbow looked at Pinkie with tears in her eyes and said "Your done when I say your done!" Scout tried to intervene "Arguing won't help!" Pinkie threw up some more then blacked out. Rainbow dragged Pinkie back home after thanking Scout. Pinkie woke up on a hard wooden floor, Rainbow dash was chucking out a bunch of stuff. "What are you doing?" Dash kept throwing away stuff "I'm getting rid of anything you can use to harm yourself." Pinkie sat still then she realized she was covered in vomit. Pinkie stood up and headed towards the bathroom but was stopped by Dash. "What are you doing?" Pinkie didn't want to look Rainbow Dash in the eyes "I'm filthy…I need to take a bath." Rainbow went in ahead of her and started running the water. Rainbow cleaned up Pinkie and then finished throwing everything sharp, chemical, or dangerous away. By that time it was dark. Pinkie was limping over to bed when she was slammed into the ground. "Ugh! Hey what are you-" Rainbow held Pinkie down "What you did today was horrible! If you ever put me through something like that again I will hurt you!" Rainbow began pressing on Pinkies wound where her leg used to be. "Hey! Aughhh! It hurts! Please stop! Ple…please!" Pinkie squirmed to try and get out from under Dash but it only hurt worse. Rainbow had a look of anger on her face. Rainbow pressed harder and harder. "Aughhh! Stop!" Pinkie started to freak out but couldn’t get away. Rainbow got off of Pinkie and helped her up. Pinkie was scared now, she walked a little faster towards the bed and quickly got in. Rainbow also got under the covers. Pinkie was officially worried that there was something wrong with Rainbow. Pinkie was scared not only for herself but also for her friend. Pinkie woke up and Rainbow Dash was cooking eggs. Rainbow is always cooking or doing something helpful. Rainbow looked at Pinkie with a smile. "Breakfast will be done soon." Pinkie sat down at the table, she was really hungry. Pinkie and Dash finished their breakfast and were both cleaning up. "Ow. My side really hurts." Dash looked at Pinkie "I wonder why…maybe we should go see Scout." Pinkie still felt scared of Rainbow Dash. They got to Scouts house. "Well you need clean bandages and I guess some pain killers but other than that everything is healing up rather nice. I think the flower is out of your system but another thing you might need is an anti depressant. I think I could order a shipment from some of my father's old contacts." Dash smiled "So how long till she is completely healed?" Scout finished putting on Pinkies new bandages and was now getting some herbs out of a jar. "Well at the very most I would say two months." Rainbow tried to give scout some bits as payment, he politely refused but Rainbow insisted and Scout excepted the payment. The two mares were walking home and Rainbow decided that Pinkie needed some rest, Pinkie didn't want or need rest but she thought it best not to anger dash. Pinkie laid in bed thinking about all the things she did and the things that the "other" Pinkie did. She was wanted dead and every pony else hated her, Dash would too if Pinkie hadn't done what she did. Pinkies side hurt and she didn't want to be here. Pinkie thought about Dash and what could be wrong with her, this didn't seem like the normal Rainbow Dash. Pinkie wanted her old life, her old friends. She wanted to throw a party for some new pony coming into town. She had lost all the laughter she once had. Pinkie didn't want to go on like this. Just then Pinkie heard dash open the door and walk to the bed. Pinkie laid in bed still and silent 'What does she want? This is fucking creepy…oh Celestia this is it! I am so dead! Please make it quick." Dash was standing at the edge of the bed but remained silent. Pinkie was frozen with fear. A minute passed and Pinkie decided to turn over and look at dash. Pinkie turned over and saw Dash standing right above her with a grin on her face. 'Oh shit…' Pinkie was scared shitless. Rainbow got up on the bed with her front legs. She moved her face closer to Pinkies. Pinkie couldn’t move, she wanted to run but couldn’t. Dash's muzzle was no more than a half inch away from Pinkie's. Dash kissed Pinkie for a couple seconds. Pinkie was shocked and decided to move. "What the hell! What the hell! " Dash got off the bed then looked at Pinkie "What?" Pinkie was completely thrown off and confused "Why did you do that!?" Dash also had a look of confusion "What do you mean why did I do that? I've been dropping hints like crazy! I thought…" Pinkie got out of bed, she wasn't scared just confused "I thought you had the same feelings." Dash walked over to Pinkie. "What feelings?" Pinkie felt very awkward. Dash just blushed "What…why would you think that?" "Well from what everyone told me you gave up a leg for me!" Pinkie inched back. "Yeah! Because your my friend!" Dash looked at Pinkie with a confused look. "That’s a little more than being a friend!" There was a long awkward pause "Look Dash, I'm not…that way." Dash blushed even more "What? I…I thought…I should go." Pinkie stopped Dash. "Wait if you care about me so much then why were you hurting me?" "Because I care about you so much!" Dash left the room and closed the door. Pinkie was still coming to terms with what just happened. 'son of a bitch! This is weird!' Pinkie went back to bed, But couldn’t sleep. This just changed everything from scary to awkward. Pinkie woke up, It had to be at least seven at night. Pinkie walked out of the room hoping everything was just a bad dream. Dash was nowhere to be found, there was a note on the counter "Gone to pub. Be back with dinner later." Pinkie knew Dash felt something for her but didn't want to think about it. Pinkie sat looking out the window. An hour and a half passed and Dash finally got back. She flew down to the door with a brown paper bag in her jaws. Dash walked into the house nearly stumbling. She was obviously drunk. "Hey are you okay Dash?" Dash put the Paper bag on the counter. "Yeah…fine…I'm fine. Here its food…" Dash looked at Pinkie, She looked like she had been crying. Pinkie was worried "I'm going to bed now." Dash stumbled to bed. Pinkie was thinking about it and just decided to eat then deal with it the morning. Pinkie finished eating and walked over to their room, She lost her footing and hit the ground. "Ow!" She tried to get up but it took a lot of effort. She finally got up. Pinkie felt alone, like there was no pony there for her. She knew the feeling all too well. Pinkie walked into her room and Dash was splayed out on the bed. Pinkie got under the covers, Dash was murmuring in her sleep. Pinkie woke up and Dash was still sleeping. Pinkie for the first time didn't wake up to the smell of Breakfast or the smile of her friend. she decided to make Breakfast herself. Pinkie tried making breakfast but dropped almost everything, including some of the food. She made oatmeal and eggs. The eggs had shells in them and the oatmeal was cold. Pinkie made Dash some breakfast too. Rainbow Dash woke up with a huge hangover. She walked out of their room. "Good morning. I made breakfast." Pinkie said with a small smile on her face. Dash looked at her but quickly looked away. "I need to run some errands. I'll grab some breakfast in town." Pinkie knew what this was about. "But you're hungover…" Dash walked outside without saying anything else, she made it outside but not before vomiting in the bush. Pinkie closed the door, she felt so alone. Her only friend was avoiding her at all costs. Dash got back late at night after doing "errands" Pinkie didn’t do anything else but lay at the door waiting for Dash. Pinkie didn't want to lose her only friend. Dash walked in the door and tried to get to bed without saying anything but was stopped by Pinkie "You're avoiding me!" Dash looked down "No. I've just been busy." Pinkie couldn’t believe her friend wouldn’t even look at her "Well…I need to tell you something." Dash looked at Pinkie to show that she was listening. "I…I actually like you…in that way." Dash perked up "Really!?" Pinkie was ashamed of what she was doing. "Yes…I just haven't been true with my feelings because I'm embarrassed." Dash ran over to Pinkie and nuzzled her. "Thank goodness! I thought you were going to hate me for kissing you!" Pinkie didn't have those kind of feelings for Dash but she just wanted her friend. Pinkie nuzzled into Dash. It felt great to know she had her friend back. Dash looked Pinkie In the eyes and kissed her. Pinkie didn’t want Dash to find out she was lying so she played along. Dash had a grin on her face "How about we make it official?" Pinkie felt this could go badly. They walked into their room pressing sides along the way. Dash got into bed and Pinkie followed. Dash cuddled Pinkie then kissed her neck slowly. Pinkie blushed and began to feel really weird. Dash made a move and crawled on top of Pinkie. Pinkie flinched as Dash locked their legs together and Dash thrusted into her. Pinkie thought this felt incredibly wrong but was happy that she was with Dash. Rainbow Dash began to moan and thrust even more. Pinkie felt strange but couldn’t fight the really great feeling and she moaned loudly. Dash kissed Pinkie and began to work her tongue into it. Pinkie followed by wrapping her tongue around Dash's tongue. Dash rubbed her cheek against her new found lovers "I'm so happy…" Pinkie wrapped her legs around Dash as she thrusted even harder. "Me..too…" And Pinkie really was happy. This felt weird but also good. Pinkie felt ashamed that she could feel any pleasure from her friend but her mind slowly grew foggy and Pinkie began to gasp for breath. Dash began to nibble on Pinkies ear, this made Pinkie feel even better. Dash began long harder thrusts, Pinkie could feel a warm wetness begin at her crotch and it began to flood out of her and all over the bed sheets. She couldn’t help but moan. Dash licked Pinkies muzzle with caring and loving strokes. Dash thrusted into Pinkie harder and harder letting the feeling take over her body. As she shared her pleasure with Pinkie she was falling in love with Pinkie all over again. Rainbow was losing herself in the bliss. Pinkie felt soaked, she felt Dash's wet Privates grind against her own. Dash was enjoying this too much, Pinkie couldn’t fight it even if she wanted to, there was too much pleasure clouding her mind. Dash kissed Pinkie again, sliding her warm wet tongue into Pinkies mouth made Pinkie feel really weird. Dash wanted to show Pinkie her love by doing everything she could. Pinkie felt a strange sensation, her breaths grew deeper and her body began to twitch as she came. Pinkie was oblivious to everything including the pain of her shoulder. Dash panted and was feeling ready to finish so she hit Pinkie with one more long thrust. As Rainbow threw all her weight into Pinkie she came. They both were tired and panting. Rainbow Dash laid limp on her lover. She cuddled with Pinkie. Dash was really happy that she could get these feelings out that she has kept bottled up for the past couple years. "I'm so happy we can be together." Pinkie buried her face in Dash's chest and started crying tears of joy. "Me too." > Chapter 4. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.4 Pinkie throughout the week had contemplated a relationship with Rainbow Dash. Pinkie didn’t want a romantic relationship but was willing to suffer through anything to have somepony that cares about her. Rainbow was ecstatic about Pinkie excepting her feelings and was making sure she showed it. Pinkie tried to take a nap on the bed but couldn’t fall asleep with Dash constantly snuggling up to her. "So. what do you want to do today?" Dash said with a grin. "Umm…not that." Pinkie said with a half hearted laugh. Dash continued pawing Pinkie over. "Awww. Why not? We haven't been together since our first time. We should be doing some crazy things." Pinkie struggled under Dash's influence but was a foreleg short and couldn’t do much. "Well. uh…well…I want to make sure you like me for me." Dash gave Pinkie an inquisitive look. "And not for…you know…my body." Dash's questioning look was replaced with a devious one. "You're so cute!" Dash hugged Pinkie harder, Pinkie obviously wasn't enjoying it but Dash didn't notice. "Fine. I love you for you and nothing more, but you do realize that when I do get my chance I'm not going to go easy on you." Dash got off the bed with a smile on her face and walked out of the room. Pinkie couldn't stop blushing, nor could she stop thinking of the awkward, disgusting, mischievous things Rainbow was planning. Rainbow decided that she should go into town and get something to clean that wooden bath, it was beginning to look nasty. Rainbow gave Pinkie a quick kiss and was off. She made it extremely clear that she would be gone for a short while and Pinkie was not to move a muscle from the bed. Dash felt like she was walking on air. She had finally told Pinkie how she felt and everything was going great. They had a nice secret place and Pinkie was nearly healed. Dash went into several stores making sure that she had all she would need for the week but was grinded to a halt when she came across a newspaper stand that had the latest news on all of Equestria. The big front page story title read "Cupcake killer recruits" Rainbow paid for the paper and began to read immediately. "The brutal murders were far from over when a filly went missing. A filly by the name of Silver spoon was lost during these brutal murders and her friend "Diamond Tiara" was believed to have died (Due to a cutie mark apron as evidence) but was found unharmed, that is until just a few days after the murderer was caught. "The murderer had no way to get to the filly because she was behind bars at the time!" Stated Princess Celestia. So an immediate search was in effect, there was no evidence of a body or anything else. Just a few days ago a pony named Applejack went to the authorities and said that her sister (Applebloom) had come home one night covered in blood, she confessed to murdering a filly (Silver spoon) one of her classmates. Applejack admits to having hidden her sister from the guards. Applejack went on to say that one day she went into her apple cider cellar and found her sister gutting another one of her classmates (Diamond Tiara). Applejack continued to hide her sister but turned her in eventually. "That aint my sister no more. Pinkie took her away from me." Said Applejack to our interviewers. The filly Applebloom was taken into custody and analyzed. Applebloom showed no signs of mental illness. She was questioned and stated that she was taught by Pinkie on how to dissect a pony and torture them, she also made it clear that she murdered them because she hated them and only regretted letting Diamond Tiara die before she could play some more. The filly was stuck with the death penalty and was executed today. The princess chose not to punish the Apple family. "They were only doing what they thought was right. They have suffered a great loss and do not deserve punishment. Only our sympathy" This leaves us to wonder who else could be carrying on the legacy of the Cupcake killer?" Rainbow Dash stopped reading. She felt like she was going to vomit. This was highly detailed and sickening. She knew that Pinkie didn't do any of this, but it still was bone jarring. Rainbow stood there for a couple minutes and decided to just head home with the supplies. She wanted Pinkie to get over this, and this newspaper wasn't going to help. Pinkie didn't need to know all of this anyway. Pinkie was sleeping peacefully, dreaming of weird worlds and impossible things that can never be. To be honest her dreams were nice but there were still subtle hints and hidden clues of her disturbed, twisted, scarred mind. No matter how far in the back of her mind she tried to place her grotesque thoughts and memories, they always found a way through. "Pinkieeeeee…" All of a sudden the little cracks and crevices of her impossible dream world began to split and splinter open. Pinkie wanted to just focus on her playful dreams. "Pinkie!" Something was fighting against her efforts. It was like there were cracks in her skull and whatever was inside was clawing them open. "Let's play!" Pinkies attempts to focus on her dreams were shattered and now she was fighting to hold this thing back. Pounding, endless pounding "I'll gut you alive whore!". There was clawing and scratching, like a mindless beast using every last bit of its energy to escape. Pinkie remembered the pure hatred and fear she ever felt, thoughts of blood and murder began to crawl like insects out of the cracks in her mind. "The first to die is that rainbow cunt!" Suddenly thoughts of gutting, burning, ripping, cutting, gouging and torture began to force its way out of her skull, threatening to overwhelm her and explode. As Pinkie watched these thoughts flood out she noticed each one had the same pony in them, Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash was being gutted and tortured, Pinkie watched the brutal horrors that this thing inside her head was planning. "No! Fuck off! You touch her I'll kill us both!" Each horror meant for the mare she loved. Pinkie was scared, she fought and screamed, but it was all a dream and she couldn’t do much, she watched herself scream and cry in the middle of a pitch black room, her skull ripping open and demons flooding out like so much blood. She felt something pressing into her neck, in real life. And with that the demons were startled and forced backed into her skull with lightning speed, nearly destroying all that took space in her mind… it was gone, the darkness was shoved back into the deepest darkest cracks and crevices of Pinkies mind. Then her impossible and happy dream world returned, taking the place of the darkness. The dreams of a giddy happy filly. That feeling of something pressing and rubbing against her neck continued, she was in a dream state and didn't think anything of it. It kept pressing and rubbing softly against her neck. 'damn penguins…I'm gunna punch them' Pinkie thought, not recalling anything but her magical dreams and the wonders of her impossible world. Pinkie was slowly being awoken. She felt warm air spread over her neck, it felt like a warm cloud was spreading over her body, beginning at her neck. Pinkie slowly opened her eyes, she first saw a rainbow mane. She tried to move but realized something was on her neck, restricting her movements. It was Dash, nuzzling into Pinkies neck, Dash was breathing in Pinkies sent and in return was letting her warm breath wash over Pinkies neck. "mph…" Pinkie was still drowsy. "Mmm…isnt that a nice way to wake up?" Pinkie would never admit it to herself but that was a fantastic way to wake up. "Are you okay?" Rainbow stepped back and eyed Pinkie. "Yeah…why?" Rainbow had a worried look on her face. "Well for one…your curled up in the fetal position, and two…your crying." Pinkie rubbed her eyes. She noticed she was crying so she did her best to rub away her tears. "What happen?" Pinkie wasn’t sure herself. "Nothing…I was sleeping." Rainbow kissed Pinkie caringly. "Okay. Dinner will be ready in a little." Dash thought that maybe Pinkie had gotten hold of a newspaper, but there was no way. After dinner Pinkie and Rainbow went to bed, Dash was trying hard to get past the whole Applebloom thing and Pinkie was trying to figure out what was bothering her. Dash tried to force herself on Pinkie but to no success. Pinkie tried forcing Dash away but eventually they both compromised and snuggled. Somehow being so close to Dash made Pinkie feel way better. That night Pinkie didn't dream but unfortunately Dash did. "*smack *smack *smack" Rainbow was walking in the dark forest closest to their house. "*smack *smack *smack" She looked around for the cause of the noise but saw only darkness. "*smack *smack *smack" Rainbow noticed Pinkie was nowhere to be found. Dash began to grow frantic. "*smack *smack *smack" Before she knew it Dash was running through the forest towards the sound as fast as she could. It felt like hours. "*smack *smack *smack *CRACK!" Rainbow grinded to a halt when she found herself in a clearing within the forest, there was a figure standing in the middle. Rainbow recognized the hat on the figures head. It had to be Applejack, she had a baseball bat between her jaws and she was in tears. Applejack lifted the bat up and continued to smack something on the ground, it was Pinkie, her head was smashed to bits. The mangled corpse of her lover laid before Applejack as she continued to crush the remnants of Pinkie skull and brain. Dash inched forward. "*smack *smack *sm-" Applejack slowly turned around, she kept her head lowered. Although Dash couldn’t see her face she could see the tears stream from Applejacks eye's and hit the ground. Dash was frozen with fear, Applejack never raised her head as she slowly walked away from Pinkies destroyed corpse. Rainbow couldn't move, her heart raced faster and faster. Even if she could move she wouldn't, for why would she continue on without her lover. "Pinkie may die…but I'll be here for you." What was that? It sounded like Pinkie. "You can continue. I can heeelllp you. You need to let me innnn…and then…I can help…" Rainbow wasn't in control as she ran at Applejack. Rainbow Dash tackled Applejack and they both hit the ground, Dash held her down. "A blade is an awful thing to waste…if it can't delve into the heart of a pony like this!" Dash had a knife in her right hoof, where it came from was unknown but the path of the blade had already been planned out. The knife delved into Applejacks chest, she screamed in pain. Applejack was violently coughing up blood. Rainbow couldn’t stop herself, even if she could she wouldn’t. The pain was far from over, Rainbow got off of Applejack and put two hooves in her wound. Applejack screamed as Rainbow thrusted her forelegs into her chest and ripped her rib cage in half. The sound of bones cracking and flesh tearing was only matched by the horrible screams from Applejack. Rainbow looked at Applejack and then back at her chest, her organs were beating and pulsing but not more as her heart. The source of life for every pony. It was insulting. So Rainbow with a sickly grin, put a hoof around Applejack heart then squeezed. Applejack looked on in horror as Rainbow gripped her most vital organ harder and harder. Then with a sudden burst of anger, Rainbow ripped Applejacks still beating heart right out of her chest. The blood was flooding Applejacks chest cavity and spilled all over the forest floor. Rainbow was bathed in blood and had a look of satisfaction on her face. "Ow" What? Who said that? "Ow!" Where the hell is that coming from? "Hey! Ow!" Rainbow jolted awake. She was holding Pinkie in her forelegs. Pinkie looked at Dash. "Why are you holding me so tight?" Rainbow realized that she was not in the forest. There was no Applejack. There was no brutal murder scene. Only her and her love. "S…sorry. I had a bad dream." Pinkie wrapped her one good front leg around Dash and held Rainbow tightly. "It's okay. I'm here." Rainbow took in Pinkies scent and laid her head back on their pillow. "Good." Sadly Rainbow couldn’t get much sleep after that, but Pinkie slept like a foal. Rainbow hugged Pinkie harder and harder when she tried not to remember her dream. She made sure not to hug Pinkie to tightly, she didn't want her to wake up again. After an hour of her eyes playing tricks on her, Rainbow Dash got up and decided it best to get breakfast ready or clean something. Anything to keep her mind off of…whatever happened. Rainbow walked into the pitch black living room, which only had a couple cabinets and a closet, and tried to look for a candle. Rainbow felt sleepy, like she was sleep walking. "I am the feeling you get when behind a blade, the feeling you get when all your friends turn on you, the feeling when you stand atop a high place and want to jump." Rainbow shrugged it off. She light some candles and planned out a meal. Pinkie woke up and found her friend wasn't in bed. "She must be making breakfast." Pinkie left her room and found breakfast waiting. Pinkie finished off her eggs and hay then found a note waiting for her on the counter. "Pinkie, went into town to grab some things be back in a little. xoxo" Pinkie cleaned her dishes and put them away, which was a real struggle. Pinkie had finally learned that standing on her hind legs is a lot easier, but walking on her hind legs was still trouble. Pinkie finished up and then thought for a second. "Wait…Dash went shopping already." Pinkie thought that maybe she just needed some things. She walked around the house, picking up stuff. "This place is always getting dirty, for Celestias sa-" Pinkie grabbed a cloth out of the kitchen drawer and found a large butcher knife. "What the buck…this belongs in the knife holder." Pinkie went to put it in the holder but to her surprise, all the knives were accounted for. Pinkie shrugged it off and put it in the sink. She still had a whole house to clean, she continued onto the other bedrooms. Pinkie picked up a book, she didn’t bother reading the title. "Damn…Rainbow needs to pick up after herself." Pinkie slid the book into the desk "I know Rainbow likes reading but-AUGHH!" Pinkie withdrew her foreleg from the desk and blood ran down her leg. "What the buck!" Pinkie looked into the desk and took out a scalpel. "What the…" Pinkie put the scalpel down and went to bind up her gash. "This seems familiar...oh Celestia." Pinkie remembered all those blades and those…cupcakes, that her other self stashed all over sugar cube corner. "Fuck…its happening again…I thought I was better!" Pinkie was scared but knew exactly where this would lead if need be. "…Celestia damn it." Pinkie decided to slit her throat. She spent a few minutes reflecting on her life and was ready. She didn’t even notice the time, it was dark and Dash should have been back a long time ago. Pinkie was second's away from slitting her throat when Dash walked through the door. "Hey I'm back." Pinkie quickly hid the scalpel. "Hi! how are y…where's the groceries." Pinkie tossed the scalpel under a cabinet. "Oh yeah…anyway, I have something special to show you! What happen to your leg?" Pinkie stood up and walked over to Rainbow "I…hurt it." Rainbow gave Dash an inquisitive look but just continued. "Well I need you to follow me." Pinkie got up and decided to wash off what little blood was still on her leg. "Hey why did you take that knife out?" Pinkie finished washing up "Wha…what? You put that knife in there?" Dash walked over to the sink and picked the knife up. "Yeah. There wasn't any room in the knife holder." Pinkie was piecing it together slowly. "ummm…why didn't you just put it in the utensil drawer?" Dash put the knife back into the wash cloth drawer. "Umm…I don't understand the question." Pinkie backed up a little. "And did you put anything in the desk?" Dash looked down "Umm…well…yesss." Pinkie backed away. "Are...are you okay?" That voice…it was all to familiar. Dash opened the drawer and closed it, she did this repeatedly. "Yesssss." Pinkie was getting ready to dive for the scalpel. "Rainbow…why did you put them there?" Dash had a blank expression but quickly snapped her head back up. "What?" "What we were just talking about." "Oh yeah. I have a surprise. c'mon!" Rainbow walked towards the door and smiled back at Pinkie 'This is exactly what I did to the others.' Pinkie was scared but followed anyway. 'Shit…this is gunna hurt." Dash walked side by side with Pinkie. Dash had a smile on her face but Pinkie was fighting back tears. "What's wrong?" "Nothing. Im just thinking about that knife." Rainbow pressed her side against her lovers. "What knife?" Pinkie rubbed her cheek against Rainbows "Never mind. Why did you take so long? It's already dark." "We're almost there!" Rainbow was getting excited, just like that thing before it…made cupcakes. 'How the hell did it get to Rainbow…at least a friend is the one to kill me." Rainbow put her mouth to Pinkies ear "Don't worry. Close your eyes." Pinkie was in tears but did what she was told. Dash couldn't see her cry because it was far too dark thankfully…it would only fuel that thing, Pinkie knew that much. Dash grabbed Pinkie by her leg and led her. "We're almost there!" Dash's grip became harder. Pinkie was walking blindly to her death through the pitch black forest. "Surprise!" Pinkie opened her eye's expecting skulls, guts, bodies and blood but instead found a picnic table lighted with candles everywhere as well as a whole romantic dinner. "Pinkie…are you crying?" The candle light revealed Pinkie's face "Yeah…I…umm…its just really touching." Pinkie was stunned. It was all going to be alright. "But…the knives?" Rainbow sat down at the picnic table "What knife do you keep talking about!?" Pinkie didn't say anything and just sat down. "anyway…is this all-" "For you! I just realized lately how lucky I am to have you and I want to show it." Pinkie looked at the food, veggie burgers and fries! Pinkie hadn't eaten since breakfast. "Here! Some of the best cider I could find." Pinkie was deeply touched at all this. She was glad to have such a great friend, even if Dash didn't consider her just a friend. "Y'know I think you can't handle cider well Pink!" Rainbow had gone to the same side of the table as Pinkie. "Buck you to! I cin…can do whater…whatever." They both continued laughing and tried to use each other as a means of support. "Thank you…thank you Dash. You really make me feel loved." Pinkie rested her head on Dash's shoulder. "I love you. You're so cute I could eat you up." Pinkie fell on the ground and stumbled to recover. "What the fuck does that mean!" Dash was taken aback by the sudden comment "Wha-" "You! get out of her! you…killer!" Dash tried to calm her down "What! Pinkie you're drunk calm down!" "No! No! I know what inside you! Wait a second…holy shit!" Rainbow tried to grab Pinkie but she backed away. "Pinkie! Shhhhh!" Pinkie began to grow even more hysterical. "No! You drugged my food! Why…why am I…everything's all blurry! I feel weird!" Dash was growing worried. "Pinkie! Calm down!!!" Pinkie tried to make a run for it but fell. "I thought you were gone! How'd you getn Dash!? huh!huh!" Dash tried to grab Pinkie but she punched her in the face. "P…Pinkie." Pinkie finally got herself up but before she could make another failed attempt to run Rainbow clocked her in the back of the neck, effectively knocking her out. "I'm sorry love." Dash nuzzled Pinkie. "I shouldn't have given you strong cider. Let's go get you some rest." Dash put Pinkie on her back and walked down the path that would take her to their house. She didn't bother to blow out the candles. Pinkie woke up under Rainbow dash, she tried to move but was instantly stopped by a painful headache. Pinkie remembered drinking but not much else. she decided to follow Dash's example and just sleep it off. Pinkie felt pain everywhere. The biggest pains were her head and her only foreleg. The gash had gotten worse. It was big enough to need stitches but Pinkie wasn’t thinking about that. Rainbow got up. "Hey. You okay?" Pinkie got out from under her. "No. I have a hangover and the gash on my leg hurts like hell." "No I mean after you kinda freaked." Pinkie began to remember the whole night. "Yeah I don’t normally drink a lot" Dash got up even though she probably had a bad hangover like Pinkie. "Yeah..sorry but umm…what was all that talk about?" Pinkie knew damn well that something was inside Dash but it had to be well under and probably couldn’t do anything to hurt any pony, so Pinkie decided to keep Dash in the dark a little longer. "I don't know…it was some pretty strong cider" Dash got back on top of Pinkie and began to nibble on her ear. "Sorry about that whole knocking you out thing. I was afraid you might hurt yourself." Pinkie didn't try to fight Dash from getting on top of her. Dash went from Pinkies ear to her mouth and began to kiss her. "Dash… I have a really bad hangover." Dash gave an agitated sigh and got off of Pinkie. "um…no hard feelings, right Dashie?" Dash clambered out of bed and left the room. "Uh huh. We need to go get you a check up with Scout. between your cut and me knocking you out I want to make sure your completely fine." Pinkie and Rainbow Dash didn't bother eating, and so they were off to another wondrous adventure…or every pony was going to get murdered…brutally. "So while we're there…can we get a check up for you?" Pinkie was still worried. "Awww. Are you worried about me?" "Yeah. You just seem distant. Did anything happen?" Rainbow's smile turned to a frown. "Did you find it?" Pinkie was a little shocked by the confession. "Ye…yeah." Dash tried to find the best words to explain herself. "I'm sorry, I didn't want you to know about Applebloom, it's not your fault…I want you to know that." Pinkie stopped in the middle of the trail. Scouts house was within eye sight. "Wait what?" "You didn't find the newspaper?" "No I'm talking about…what did you say about Applebloom?" Dash thought for a second. "Nothing. C'mon." "Wait. What were you talking about?" Dash started to walk again and Pinkie followed her. "Nothing. Leave it at that." Pinkie was about to say something but Dash gave her a stern look and Pinkie dropped it. Pinkie and Rainbow Dash walked into scouts house. Scout was mixing a few "special" herbs but quickly hid them under a nearby jacket. "Hey. Ever heard about knocking?" Dash sniffed the air. "Sorry. I knocked but you didn't answer. Have you been burning something?" Scout pretended to be going through some medical supplies. "No…er…yes. A candle." Pinkie walked into the house. "Anyway. Wutcha need Dash?" Dash helped Pinkie over to a makeshift examining room. The walls and counters were lined with medical equipment, probably his fathers. "Pinkie has a cut that is pretty deep, and we just need an overall checkup." Pinkie chimed in quickly. "And Dash needs a checkup to." Dash tried to say she didn't need it but Pinkie insisted, Dash eventually gave in. Scout went to work on removing Pinkies old bandages. "Hey. I'm missing a scalpel. I lost it around the last time you two were her. Did you happen to take it?" Dash shook her head and Pinkie just said no. "Oh well, it looks like I can remove the stitches and bandages today. And from what I can tell by looking at that cut on your leg you should just need bandages on that." Pinkie looked at where she once had a leg, she hated the reminder. "And what might be wrong with Dash?" Pinkie got off the examination mat and pushed Dash onto it. "Just a checkup." Pinkie pulled scout aside. "I think there is something wrong with her. Mentally. Don't tell her about it though." Scout just shrugged and whispered. "I'm not a therapist. But I have some mental evaluation scrolls that will help." Scout went into a closet, Pinkie saw a room filled with potions, scrolls and magic items. "Okay Dash step on this." Scout laid down a large sheet of paper that had symbols and a pegasi anatomy diagram. Dash gave him a questioning look but got on. As soon as dash got on the symbols began to glow. The pegasi anatomy diagram bagan to spin around, showing the entire figure. "Okay now I want you to think about something peaceful." Dash closed her eyes. a line of red words began spread across the paper. "Good, now think of something scary, now think about anything. The first thing that comes to your mind, I want you to concentrate on." The words began to right faster. Finally with a wirr sound the symbols stopped moving and the magical glows stopped, except for the red words that covered the entire page. "Okay. Step off and I'll look at it." Dash stepped off and stood beside Pinkie. "Well that was…weird. What was all that about?" Scout looked at Pinkie who shook her head. "Uh…it's supposed to be quicker, and I wanted to try it out." Scout began to scan the paper, then a look of horror spread across his face. "Oh…my…Celestia!" Pinkie began to freak out, she ran to scouts side and looked at the paper. "What!?" Scout pointed at the words. "You see that!?" Pinkies breathing began to speed up. "Yeah?" scout looked back at the paper. "I have no idea what it means!" Pinkie gave him a questioning look. Scout started laughing then folded up the paper. "It was just a joke. I don't know how to read this. I'll go to Halsburg, the town next to us, and have the magic foundation there decode it." Pinkie nudged scout in the arm. "That was not funny!" Rainbow and Scout shared a laugh. "Lighten up Pink." "Aww. You were scared for me." Pinkie was still sore about the joke. "I hate that nickname." And with that Rainbow and Pinkie left, Scout headed into town saying that there was a pegusus chariot business that could get him there fast. Rainbow offered to take him there, but scout said she wouldn't be able to carry him for that long. "Well its almost nigh, what should we do?" Pinkie wasn’t really that tired. "Well…we could drink some more." Dash opened the door and went in after Pinkie. "Hay no!" Pinkie giggled. "Well then what?" Dash leaned in and pecked Pinkie on the lips. "I have an idea." Pinkie didn't want to do that. But whatever she could do to make Dash happy. "Okay. But nothing to wild." Dash pushed Pinkie into the bedroom. "Too bad! You shouldn't have kept me waiting!" Pinkie was blushing pretty bad and Dash was getting impatient. Dash threw Pinkie onto the bed. "How about something special?" Pinkie flinched when Dash's mouth made contact with her…other pair of lips. "Gah! Not that!" Dash giggled. Pinkie began to moan when Rainbow started using her tongue to explore her…privates. "Now that your already getting off. I'm ready for you to help me." Dash began to reposition herself. Pinkie closed her eyes, she was in heaven. Dash's mouth never left from between her hips. When Pinkie opened her eyes, Dash's Privates were barely an inch from her face. Dash continued to lick vigorously but Pinkie was hesitant. Pinkie placed her mouth in between dash's hips and was greeted by a flood, both from her and Dash. "It smells sweet…" Dash moved her hips faster and faster. "You taste sweet. Like…cotton candy." Pinkie began to explore Dash's insides with her tongue. Dash moaned and began to twitch as Pinkie sped up her tongue strokes. Pinkie could feel her heart race, She was almost there. Dash noticed the signs and went to finish strong. Pinkie was trying to finish Dash as well but she was in orgasmic heaven. She gave out one more large gasp. She felt herself overflow and then she fell limp. "I still need to be taken care of." Pinkie continued to lick Dash, the sweet scent washing over her. Dash started to clean up her lover. Pinkie stuck in her tongue as far as it could go. Dash moaned showing she was ready to finish strong. Pinkie stroked faster and faster until Rainbow thrusted her hips, pinning Pinkies head against the bed. Dash began to gasp for air then she let herself go. Dash went limp into a sweaty exhausted pile, she got off of Pinkie and turned around so they were face to face. Pinkies face was covered in Rainbows orgasm. "Sorry." Dash giggled then cleaned up all the remains by licking them off. Pinkie put her foreleg around Rainbow and let her clean up. "See. That wasn't bad. Was it?" Pinkie was trying to lay her head down and sleep. "It was…nice." Dash held Pinkie closer. Pinkie was still panting heavily, as was Dash. "I love you." "I love you too." Pinkie was dreaming very peacfully, but something wasn't right. Pinkie didn't know it but she was looking through her dreams, searching for something. What was it? She looked past the giant bunnies, past the soda lakes, past the giant wooden pianos. Something…was absent from this world. Pinkie was happy, yet somehow that wasn't normal. Something was missing! The cracks! The demonic voices, the claws prying the cracks open and the constant fear. It was all gone, where it went was unknown. Pinkie heard something in her attempts to find what was missing. "Wake up!" Pinkie had no idea where it was coming from. 'Wow that’s rude. Whoever it is doesn’t need to yell.' more yelling. "Wake up!" Then Pinkie woke up to find Rainbow Dash shaking her. "Wha…what!?" Dash stood up, she ran to the door and peaked out of a crack from their room. "I heard screams! And I smell something." Pinkie walked over to the door. "I'm still super tired. I'm never this tired in the morning." Dash stood still. "It's not morning." Pinkie must've misheard. "Then what's that light?" Dash opened the door and ran to the window. "Fire!" Pinkie ran out the door. "Really!? This is exciting!" Dash ran after her. "No it not! We're in a forest!" Pinkie stood dumbfounded. The fires were coming from far away but they were huge. There were pegusi flying through the air trying to tame the growing flames, and ponies from the town came to help. Rainbow stared at them all for a while but then realized something. "Hey isn't that place on fire Scouts house?" Pinkie darted towards the flames. "Shit!!!" Both ponies ran towards the heart of the fire. Most trees showed signs of burn damage but seemed to be put out. They came up to Scouts house which was up in flames, all the town ponies were scrambling to put it out. "Shhh! we need to stay out of sight!" Pinkie hesitated but then they both hid near a bush. "Oh no. This is so bad! Where's scout!?" Dash calmed down Pinkie but they both just sat and watched as every pony tried putting out the forest fire. It felt like hours passed as the ponies sat and watched not knowing if their friend was alright. Pinkie turned to a tree about fifteen feet away on her right. "Did you hear that?" Pinkie got up and walked towards the cause of the sound, but Rainbow Dash just sat and watched the flames. "Rainbow! Come quickly!" Rainbow ran over to where Pinkie was. "Oh my." They found scout beaten and bloody in the bushes. "Scout! Scout!" Scout moaned in response. He had a black eye and his peach coat was spattered with blood. "Scout! What happened?" Scout sat up. "Orange…mare…red stalion…crazy." Rainbow picked him up. "Scout…are you okay." Scout tried to reject the help and stand on his own but couldn’t. "Broken…things…it hurts…don't let any pony see you." Pinkie put a hoof on his forehead. "What do we do?" Rainbow struggled to put him on her back. "He doesn’t have any pony else so we should probably get him to our bed." Pinkie made sure he wouldn’t fall off, then they left for their house. "Don't move so much. I need to clean you up." Pinkie stood on her hind legs and rubbed scouts face with a wet washcloth. Scout was either fading in and out of consciousness or he was just in pain and tired. "That’s good. Let's get him to bed." Pinkie nodded and then took him to bed, trying to put him in bed without waking him was the hardest part. "We have some extra sheets in the closet. We can just make a place for us to sleep on the floor." Rainbow grabbed the sheets but was still very concerned. "What do you think happened?" "I don’t know. Some pony did something. He told us to not be seen so it might have something to do with us." Pinkie laid down on the sheets with a sorrowful look. "Oh Celestia. This is all our fault." Rainbow laid beside her. "You don’t know that. We can ask him in the morning. He just need's rest." After that Pinkie Pie and Rainbow got a few more hours of sleep, but Scout stayed asleep for half the day. When he finally woke up Rainbow and Pinkie were playing chess in the living room. "I don’t get it…what about the dude with a cross?" "Pink…I told you he's the king. He can move one space and you need to prote- Oh how you doing scout?" Scout had a bad black eye and many bruises. "Hey…thanks for finding me." Pinkie stood up and ran over to him. "Now what happeded?" Scout shrugged. "I don't really know." Yesterday in Halsburg Scout was on his way to the magic foundation. "Hmm…I should get some supplies while I'm here." Scout turned into a big shop. A black unicorn behind a desk checked through some paperwork "Hello. Can I help you?" Scout tossed his town doctor ID on the counter. "I need some sedative, a package of scalpels, one set of vaccines and cures, enchanted twine and bone mending paste." The unicorn fetched all Scout asked. "The bone mending paste here isn't as effective as the bone mending paste the magic foundation sells. By the way they have some of the newest magical medical equipment and potions there, you should check it out." Scout tossed a few bits on the counter and grabbed his stuff. "Does frost hawk still work there?" The store owner held back a chuckle. "Yeah but he's not as…sharp as he once was." Scout gave the unicorn a grateful nod and left. 'I can't even remember when he wasn't senile.' Scout walked down passing all the travelers that came here to partake in the towns rich economy and events. He still remembers how amazed he was whenever his father took him here, he always said it was the only town that had the best and newest supplies. Scout was lost in his memory's but was brought back by a passing earth pony that accidently bumped into him. "Excuse me." Scout was afraid to have bumped into a snooty Canterlot pony. "Pardon." Scout kept walking towards the magical foundation. 'What a nice mare, but who wears Stetsons anymore?" Scout entered the shop, or as he called it "The unicorn headquarters". "Hello! Come for anything special?" Scout looked around the room. There were scrolls and books everywhere. Incense filled the room. The whole building was painted a dark purple and black. There was one fireplace that had wood carving all over the frame. Dragons and unicorns. Scout remembered when Frost Hawk explained the meaning of every carving to him while his father browsed supplies. "Yes I am here to get this medical analysis decoded." The unicorn took the folded up piece of paper from him and opened it. "Oh my this is an old one. This is in the old unicorn writing system. I'll need to call my grandfather in on this. Hawk Frost! I need some help!" The old unicorn walked out of a room behind the counter. He looked better than scout last saw him. Maybe they found a spell to help him. "Oh Scout! So nice to see you. How's your father?" Okay maybe not. "Still dead Hawk Frost." "Oh that’s nice to hear. Tell him I said hello." The other unicorn handed his grandfather the large sheet. "Ah let me see. Oh this is from the good times. When we unicorn took pride in our work." He glared at his grandson, he just rolled his eyes and went into the backroom. "So anyway…hmm…mental evaluation…wow, lots of data. I'll need a while to translate it into a full report." "Okay. How much." The old unicorn raised a hoof. "No charge. To work in the old text is payment enough. Besides I just want to put my snobby grandson in his place, show him that he doesn’t know everything." Hawk frost chuckled. "The medical supplies are in the corner as always." Scout thanked him and began looking at supplies. He grabbed a few scrolls and other things then put them on the counter. Two earth ponies walked into the store and waited for their turn at the register. The old unicorn was writing down all the info. "So is your dad letting you treat patients yet?" Scout counted up the cost of all the supplies. "Yeah I'm treating a major patient now. An amputee" "Oh my that's some nice practice!" "Yeah she stays happy though it though." Hawk Frost counted up the change and started writing a receipt. "Very inspiring. What about the mental evaluation patient?" "Yeah it's her friend. A rainbow pony, I've never seen a pony like that before." The ponies behind him perked up. "Excuse me, did ya say rainbow?" Scout recognized the orange Stetson pony but didn't recognize the red stallion standing next to her. "Um yes." "And a legless pony? Was she pink?" Scout nodded. "Hmm…anyway ya said you’re a doc? I have a friend that could use a checkup." "I guess I could stop by." "That’s the problem. I can't quite get a hold of her at the moment. If you told me where you live I could stop by if that’s okay." Scout didn’t think anything of it. Frost hawk was still jotting down his report. Scout borrowed some pen and paper then wrote down the house and town he lived at. "Thank you. Ah promise not to be a bother. I'll get there in a day or two." The red stallion just sighed and gave a half hearted "eyup". They both trotted out the door. "Wait didn't ya need something?" the orange mare turned around. "Na…I found what ah was lookin for." Hawk frost was finishing up the translation. "Here we go! Just between me and you…that mare is fucked up." His grandson poked a head out. "Grandpa!" "Oh please he's grown up!" "He's just a colt!" Scout grabbed his stuff said goodbye and left before the family feud became to heated. Scout finished his business and just in time, it was getting dark. "What did he mean by fucked up?" Scout was too tired to question much. He just wanted to get home. "Thank Celestia I'm ho- *CRACK" Scout was out cold. He woke up slowly tied to the bed in his house. "What the buck was that!? He's just a colt!" "Who helped Pinkie! He knows where she is!" "Sis you're crazy!" Scout looked up to see the orange mare and the red stallion. "What?" She walked over to him and kicked him in the face. "Aughh!! My eye!" "Sis!" He pulled her away from the colt. "You know where Pinkie is! where is she!?" The stallion silenced her. "What my sister means is…we are looking for a pink mare…she's a very bad pony…she hurt a lot of ponies." Scout cried out for help. "Shhh! I'm sorry I kicked you." The red stallion bent down to get to eyelevel with Scout. "It's okay. I'm Macintosh and that’s Applejack. We don't want to hurt you." Applejack seemed appalled "Why the hell are you telling him our names!" "Well what your doin sure as hell aint gunna calm him down!" Scout tried to get untied from the bed. "I don't know!" Applejack looked at her brother. "Well. He aint talkin. Do you want to avenge Applebloom or not!?" Macintosh sighed then stepped back. "Where is she!" Apple jack struck Scout in the jaw with a strong hoof. "Please…stop." Applejack continued to strike the colt. Blood was all over the floor. "Tell me where she is…please…tell me where she is." Applejack fell to the ground exhausted and sobbing. "Applejack…he's not moving." Applejack got up and stared at the unconscious colt. "Oh no." "C'mon Applejack we need to go!" Apple jack put her muzzle close to Scouts neck. "I am so sorry. I just…I just want my sister back…I'm sorry." Applejack grabbed the scruff of his neck and began to drag him outside. As she tried to carefully take Scout outside she hit a table, unknowingly knocking over a candle. "Applejack! Bring him over him we need to bury him." Apple jack with remorse drug him across several trails. "Shh! Do you hear that?" Applejack burst into tears. "They know what we did!" Macintosh put a hoof too his sisters mouth. "Quite! The house is on fire we need to leave now!" Applejack turned to Scout. "We can't leave him like this!" Macintosh shoved her. "Go go go!!" Rainbow Dash and Pinkie were dumbfounded. "After I blacked out…I don't know what happened." Pinkie couldn’t believe it. "Are you sure it was applejack!?" Rainbow was ready to buck some ponies teeth in. "No shit it was Applejack! For fucks sake this is just horrible!" Pinkie was taking in the whole horrible story of good mares gone bad. "Umm what happened to that thing on Rainbow?" Scout was barely concerned with that "It burned like everything else." Pinkie suddenly regretted the question "Sorry. Wait…what was that about Applebloom?" Dash immediately went from psyched up to somber. Every pony looked at her, she obviously knew something she wasn’t sharing. "What was she saying about Appleblom Dash?" Dash looked at Pinkie then at scout. "Neither of you need to hear this." They both looked at Dash attentively. "If it has something to do with me then I need to hear it." Pinkie motioned for Scout to go back into the room, Scout got up with a grunt and limped back into the room. "You're not going to like it…Fine…Applebloom was with you when you…made cupcakes. And for some reason she murdered one of her classmates the same way you…did to those others. Applejack found out and hid her but when she murdered another one of her classmates…she turned her in. Applebloom got the death penalty and died a couple days ago." Pinkie looked at Rainbow. "What? It just won't end. Why the fuck won't it end? SHIT! DAMN IT ALL!!! WHY!?!?! WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY!?!?!?" Dash ran to Pinkies side. "It's not your fault. And don’t worry! It will end I promise!" Pinkie was having a major breakdown, all the horrors finally caught up to her. She rested her head on Dash's shoulder. "Why? I just wan…want to move on. this is why Applejack hates me so fucking much…Applebloom was just a filly…damn it." Dash put a foreleg around Pinkie and embraced her in a hug. "It's okay. I'm here." She was shaking and sobbing horribly. Pinkie wanted more than anything too lead her old normal life. Rainbow wanted nothing more than to make Pinkie happy. What happened was horrible and unforgivable, but no matter what it was something no pony could forget. The murders were over but the horrors wouldn’t stop. "Pinkie…you can't keep beating yourself up. You need to focus on the positive. But no matter what… I will always be here for you." Pinkie sobbed and in response, Dash held her tighter. They laid there for hours. Taking in each other's warmth and love. Rainbow felt Pinkie slowly calm down, from an uncontrollable sob to silent crying. It had to be at least seven at night. "Pinkie…Pinkie, are you awake?" Dash felt Pinkies warm soft breath on her foreleg. Dash carried Pinkie over to their makeshift bed and placed her softly on the sheets, Dash crawled beside her. Pinkie nuzzled her muzzle into Dash's fur. "Don't worry Pinkie…It's alright." Dash was going to do whatever she could to make Pinkie happy. Dash buried her face in Pinkies mane, her wonderful scent washing over her, until Dash was lost in this simple bliss. Dash slowly faded away, Pinkie was here and nothing could be more perfect. Dash was almost asleep, so close to the peace. so close. Then a strange voice. "…Pinkie is the first to die." > Chapter 5. The end > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch. 5 Pinkie was sleeping peacefully. The hard wood floor softened by the heavy blankets underneath her and her lover…friend. It had gotten hard to distinguish which category Rainbow fell under. Pinkie was certain Rainbow Dash was nothing more than a friend, maybe a sister. But lately Pinkie didn’t try fighting against Dash's feelings or any of her own urges. The comfort Dash gave her and the care she showed made Pinkie think…maybe this is love? Pinkie shook the thought away. What does it matter? All she wanted was to enjoy her peaceful sleep. Being comforted in an embrace by the one pony who would do anything for her. Dash's warm breath on Pinkies head, her soft fur. So gentle. Her warm body pressing against Pinkie. Dash's heart beat, so soft, then picking up its pace. Pinkie felt herself being held tighter and tighter. Then an intense ringing in her ears…what the buck? Pinkie jolted awake. Dash was screaming inaudible and franticly. Pinkie shook her awake. "Dash!" Dash opened her eyes and stopped screaming. She looked around the pitch black room realizing she was home. "What's wrong Dash?" Pinkie's ears were still ringing. "Huh?" Dash panted furiously and tried to regain her composer. "I…it was that thing...I don’t….what…I can't remember." Dash tried to control her breathing. Pinkie wrapped her foreleg around Dash trying to calm her down. Dash scanned the room in fear as if each dark corner concealed a freakish monster ready to rip flesh and break bones. Pinkie hugged Dash tighter until she laid her head down. Dash buried her face into Pinkies chest and sighed. Pinkie knew something was happening. The knives, the constant nightmares and how she can't remember some things. 'She is going to start blacking out eventually but that shouldn’t be happening yet. How did this happen anyway.' Pinkie thought it was best to deal with this…thing later. She noticed that Rainbow was already calm and falling asleep. 'Well this can't end well.' after that the night was rather uneventful. Aside from Rainbow twitching and crying. Rainbow finished chopping firewood and decided to check on Pinkie and Scout. Scout was staring at his destroyed house and Pinkie was sitting beside him, both lost while reflecting on the destruction and life shattering event's that have occured. Dash stopped and sat down with them. "So was there anything in there that was majorly valuable?" Scout sighed. "No…a few pictures and some supplies…but we might be able to recover some things." Rainbow stood up and helped scout up as well. "Well we should go into town and make sure every pony knows your fine…and you Pinkie, should try and see if there is anything salvageable in scouts house…and make sure no pony sees you!" Pinkie got up and gave a salute. "Yes captain!" Pinkie tipped over but saved herself at the last second. She was skilled at being handicapped already. Rainbow rolled her eyes, she was happy to see Pinkie start to become happy. "Jeez it's all clutter…and jars." Aside from several medical kits and a few other supplies everything was gone. "Wait…what's this?" Pinkie pulled out a thin stack of papers from underneath a support beam. "Evaluation…mental report. It’s the mental report!" Pinkie flicked away the ash and began to read. "Central cortex…brain waves…irregular stimulation. There's nothing here!" Pinkie threw the papers away, they were going to be no help with the medical mumbo jumbo. Pinkie continued through the remains and gathered a few things. She then continued on the trail back to her house. "Pinkie!" She turned around to see Rainbow and scout galloping towards her. "Wha-" Rainbow collided into Pinkie and dragged her towards their house. "Shit! Run!" Pinkie scrambled to get back to her legs but Rainbow carried her the rest of the way with scout running right behind them. Scout was the first to reach the house and dive in followed by Pinkie and Rainbow Dash. "What!" "Applejack was in the fucking bar!" Pinkie was shocked. "What!" Rainbow closed the curtains and locked the door. "We went to tell some of the other ponies that scout is fine and Applejack was in there!" Pinkie looked around for scout. "Did she see you!?" "No! I have a fricken Rainbow mane and I blended right in, of course she saw me!" Pinkie looked around the room again. "Where's scout!" Both ponies ran in and out of rooms franticly. "Over here!" Rainbow ran into the bedroom and found Pinkie with her head under the bed. Scout was huddled underneath the bed bawling. "She's gunna kill me!" Pinkie tried to extend a hoof to comfort scout. "It's okay but we need to go." Rainbow tried to inch closer but was greeted with screams and flailing hooves. "We're gunna die!!!" Rainbow Grabbed scout from underneath the bed. "Calm down. We need to go!" Rainbow said trying to keep a calm voice. Scout calmed down enough for Rainbow to get out some orders. "We need to get out now. grab some things and lets go." They all spread out across the house Pinkie grabbed the essentials and limped over to dash. "Are…are we going to be okay." Dash nuzzled Pinkie caringly. "Don’t worry I won't let anything happen to you." Then Dash turned to the drawers and starts rummaging through them. "Umm…what are you doing? I already went through those." Dash pulled out a butchers knife. "Ahh! Here we go!" Pinkie flinched. "Wh…why do you need that?" Dash put the knife into her satchel. "Protection." Pinkie decided it was best to get scout and get out of here. "Hey scout you okay?" Scout nodded as he put some of the things Pinkie brought back into his satchel. "Did you actually see Applejack in the bar?" Scout nodded then thought for a second and shook his head. "I never saw her but when Rainbow started to push me, she told me Applejack was in there. I looked around for them but..." Pinkie stared at the colt for a second. "It's just…I think you would be able to see Applejack with a large hat and her huge stallion brother." Pinkie and scout walked out of the room and were ready to go. Rainbow Dash was stuffing the entire contents of the knife drawer into her satchel. "Rainbow?" Dash didn’t notice Pinkie and scout standing next to her. "RAINBOW!!!" Rainbow turned around nearly in tears. "Dash are you alright?" scout tried to make sense of the situation. "I…I can beat this. I'm fine. It can't make me…me." Pinkie inched back but scout grabbed Dash and began to walk out the door. "We need to go!" Pinkie tried to grab scout away from her but they were already out the door. Pinkie followed anyway. Scout was already trotting down a path going in the opposite direction of the town, with Rainbow right beside him. Pinkie caught up with them. "Scout you need to get away from he-." Rainbow interrupted her. "I know a perfect place for us to hide." Dash turned and stared at Pinkie angrily then continued down the path. Pinkie tried to keep up with scout and Rainbow but Rainbow sped up whenever she tried to warn scout. They walked into a forest and continued on the path. Finally the forest opened into a small field, completely covered by the top of the forest. The sun began to go down, causing the black forest to grow darker. Pinkie could barely see the ponies in front of her. "Here we are! Beautiful aint it?" Even though it was hard to see, Pinkie could still make out a grin on Dash's face. Scout started a fire and put down a large blanket. "There. Very comfy!" Rainbow chuckled. "Hey scout. Can you help me get some firewood?" Rainbow said as she rummaged through her satchel. Scout tried to get up but Pinkie quickly pushed him back down. "I'll go!" Rainbow pulled out a large butcher knife. "Fine by me." They both walked towards the edge of the forest. "What's with the knife?" Dash clenched the large knife between her teeth. "So we can cut some branches off." Pinkie continued walking to what was a sure death with her head held low. "You can't cut a branch off with that." Rainbow smiled with the blade still in her teeth. "You'd be surprised how far you can go with a big knife." Rainbow Dash and Pinkie stood alone in the dark forest. The tree's seemed to remain silent. The forest gloomed with fear and held its breath in anticipation."We had a good thing going! I was there for you and you were there for me!" Dash said, pushing Pinkie to sit. "How are you still here?" Pinkie was looking for an escape route but she wouldn’t be able to run faster than dash even if she didn’t trip in the dark. "Oh…I don't know…magic. I've been living in you for a long…long time, and it hurt when you made me leave! I couldn’t cope, and then like a blessing your friend showed up, so full of hate! Not for you which is surprising, but hate is hate." Dash circled around Pinkie. "So what are you going t-" Dash slammed Pinkie into the ground and held the knife to her throat. She had a sinister look on her face. "I'm going to make you hurt! I'm going to put you through the pain you put me through! And there's no pony better to make you suffer than your lover! Scouts next and after that I'm going to turn myself in and watch this Rainbow cunt be thrown in the dungeons and then killed!!! OH! I’M GOING TO ENJOY THIS!" Pinkie squirmed under the blade but Dash kept her pinned to the ground. Dash began to twitch and the blade shook in her hoof. Dash grunted and tried to force the knife into Pinkies throat but only shook harder. "AUUUUGGGHHH!!!" Scouts scream rang through the silent forest. Pinkie and Dash turned to look towards the campground. "What did you do to scout!?" Rainbow gave Pinkie a hateful look. "Nothing yet!" Pinkie raced back to the campsite followed by Rainbow Dash. They both halted when they got to the edge of their camp sight. "Im gunna tell ya one more time! Scream louder!" Apple jack was standing next her brother as he twisted scouts foreleg leg harder and harder. Pinkie ran for Scout but hit the ground when she was tripped by Rainbow Dash. "I'm the one to kill you…Stay down." Rainbow walked towards the farm ponies and the colt with the blade still in her teeth. "W...what are you doing?" Rainbow went from a walk to a run. "I'm gunna kill this bitch." Rainbow didn’t get far before Big mac and Applejack noticed her. Startled by the galloping mare Big mac slipped and snapped scouts foreleg. "AUUGGHH!!!!" Scout blacked out immediately as Big mac slammed into Rainbow knocking the knife out of her mouth. "Rainbow! Wh…what are you doing?" Rainbow got up and smiled. "I'm fine, thanks for asking, How are you Mac And Applejack?" Applejack was getting ready for a fight but Rainbow knew better than to charge her and get bucked in the face. "Rainbow…ah don’t want no trouble now. Just Pinkie." Dash began to circle around the siblings towards her satchel full of knives. "Don't worry she is going to die, but you have been calling me some awful names and been treating me awfully rude! Me and your sister were best friends too! How is she by the w- oh that’s right! DEAD! THE WHOLE FAMILY WAS THERE WERENT THEY!?!? and you…you just sat there and watched her get executed, you all just watched her die! Too bad…she was my favorite apprentice." Applejack stepped back in horror. Scout was bleeding pretty bad. "Rainbow…you…you BITCH!" Rainbow laughed then reached down into the bag and drew a long knife. "ONCE A BLADE IS DRAWN I CAN NOT REST UNTIL IT DRAWS SCARLET, THE CRIMSON WILL RUN AND THE RED WILL FLY!!!" Rainbow fought the urge to dive at the ponies. Rainbow heard the cruel voice. "Don't fight Rainbow dear or else I will prolong it." Rainbow dug the knife into her chest then fell to her knee's. "Rainbow…you need my help." Pinkie dove in and wrestled the knife away from Dash. "Pinkie! What did you do to her!?!?" Pinkie got back up only to be slammed to the ground by Mac. Rainbow was clearly in pain. "You can't…*cough* stop me." She rolled around in a puddle of blood. Macintosh was holding Pinkie down when Applejack threw him off. "I've been waiting for this!" Pinkie got up and tried to run but Applejack bucked one of Pinkies back legs, it snapped with a loud crack. Pinkie let out a scream of sheer pain and horror, but she died down to a whimper when she fell back to the ground. The bone stuck out of her leg but you couldn’t see it through the immense amount of blood spilling onto the ground. Applejack grabbed a red hot rock out of the fire and stuck it to Pinkies leg. "Stay with me. It'll be fun." Applejack positioned herself over the mare and grasped her neck with both hooves and pinned her down. Pinkie couldn’t manage a scream so she flailed what remained of her limbs around furiously. Macintosh wasn’t so sure of the whole situation. "Applejack this is a little much don't ya thi- *CRACK!*" Rainbow Dash smashed a branch against the stallions head with enough force to ensure a serious head injury. Applejack decided to let go of her chance at revenge and help the little family she still had. She tried to grab rainbow but got a hoof to the face. Rainbow inched towards the lifeless remains of Pinkie with pure horror on her face. "Look what they did! She's gooooone! What do they deserve?" Rainbow turned to face Applejack who just shook her brother awake. Applejack and Macintosh looked on in horror as Rainbow walked closer to them with that…insane look on her face. Rainbow reached down for the knife at her hooves, blood poured out of her like a waterfall as she winced in pain. Mac stood between of Rainbow and Applejack. "You aint gunna lay a hoof on my sister!" Mac jabbed his hind legs but Rainbow dodged them easily. Rainbow was at his right side and quickly dug the knife into his shoulder, then his stomach, then his spine. She was jabbing him furiously over and over with quick, precise, fatal stabs. Applejack was learning firsthand what brutality was. Rainbow finally slid the knife across sections of his body. Macintosh was still standing, his strength and moral was overwhelming, He just wouldn’t die. Rainbow grabbed the flesh on his back and ripped it all off, completely exposing his rib cage and the few remaining muscles. Mac hit the ground and began to finally die, but not before Rainbow had some more fun with him. She grabbed one of his front legs. She hacked and tore until it ripped off completely. The cuts earlier helped to sever the most troublesome bone and flesh. The stallion flailed around the ground like a fish and wanted nothing more than for it to end. "YES!!! GUT HIM!!!" Rainbow had no control so of course she obeyed. First to go were the ribs, snapping them off one by one was easy and fun. She peered into the ribcage to notice a non beating heart and other organs, gushing blood as if they were crying crimson tears. Then she flipped him over and ripped his spine out. The muscles made it awfully difficult. Rainbow looked over to the bawling, scared, poor little Applejack. Too scared to move she was easy prey. Rainbow didn't care what she did, these ponies deserve to suffer. Dash felt like she was in a haze. The one pony that meant more than life to her was dead. Her entire life was gone. nothing to live for. She gave up her life to pursue another life with Pinkie but it was torn apart so she gave what little there was to this other pony inside her head without regret or remorse. Rainbow walked towards Applejack slowly with the red thick liquid dripping of her mane. "Watch me work with this one, watch…you know you want her to suffer more than me… in fact I'll let you do it. Dooo what you want, let your anger out…something horrible….make it slow….make it loud….MAKE IT MESSY!!!" Rainbow smiled as she realized it was her time for revenge. She was going to have fun with this. "Crack bones! Tear flesh! Gut her!" "yes…" "Make her suffer!" "yes!" "Then finish the job with her brother!" "YES!!!" "THEN GUT PINKIE!" Rainbow stopped. "What?" "AHAHAHA!!! C'MON! WE'VE COME TO FAR TO DO THIS HALF ASS!" "Get the hell out" "What? YOU CAN'T J-" Rainbow dropped the knife and walked towards Pinkie. "Yes I can it's my god damn mind." Rainbow looked back at Applejack and sighed. She was once a friend…and in a way still is. Big Macintosh was…gone, as was Pinkie, scout and well…I'm pretty sure Applejack is gone, at least mentally. Rainbow sat beside Pinkie. Rainbow winced when she remembered that she was injured. The knife really only made it into muscle and didn't go past the bone. Too bad…Dash was looking forward to ending this misery. Rainbow looked around at the several corpses and the one mentally broken down Applejack. She was in the fetal position and crying about family and loss or something. Rainbow Kissed Pinkie on the head and got up. She walked through the extremely large puddle of blood and sat down beside Applejack. Rainbow turned her around so she wouldn’t face the remains of her brother then she rubbed her back soothingly. "It's okay…it's okay." Applejack began to calm down, she had to be suffering. Applejack had been through a lot and just didn't know the right way to deal with her problems, so she suffered more. Dash felt rather bad for her. Rainbow continued rubbing her back until she finally fell asleep. "Damn conscious." Rainbow got up and went back to Pinkie but hit the ground three feet away from her. "Damn blood loss." Rainbow inched towards Pinkie and grabbed her hoof. Rainbow reflected on the shit that happened over the past months and how it all was worth the pain to spend the time she could with Pinkie. No matter what Pinkie made it worthwhile. "Rainbow! Rainbow Dash!" Rainbow woke up to see Pinkie standing over her as well as the white curtains of their bedroom. Rainbow jumped up and grabbed Pinkie. "You're alive!" Pinkie wrapped her foreleg around Dash and nuzzled into her. Pinkie stared at Dash as if examining her. Dash looked away with a frown. "Don't worry its gone." Rainbow looked around and saw that scout and Pinkie both had casts, as well as Applejack who was still in the fetal position. "Where are we?"The morning air wafted into the room peacefully. "We were found by some ponies and scout walked them through the medical procedures. He was really amazing!" Scout smiled and stood proud. "We were going to die for sure." Rainbow got up and winced at the pain of her deep wound. Scout sat by Applejack and tried to talk to her but she only cried and buried her face in her hooves. Pinkie tried to get up but having only a foreleg and a back leg to made it extremely difficult, Dash helped her up. "Rainbow, we should get going. They found Mac and I'm pretty sure they sent for the royal guards." Rainbow looked for the essentials. "We don’t have anything to live on." Pinkie smiled. "Don't worry we have survived off of less. Hey Scout how is Applejack doing?" Scout helped AJ up. "She is damaged but we can find a spell…I know someone who can help, and may be willing to hide us for a little." Pinkie turned back to Rainbow Dash and smiled. "Things have been horrible but it can only get better." Rainbow smiled when she realized that Pinkie was right. Scout helped Applejack out of the house. Rainbow carried Pinkie. "Scout what are you going to do now?" Pinkie smiled. "He's coming with us." Rainbow looked confused. One thing Rainbow learned from all this was that no matter what family and friends helped you through anything. She was blessed with Pinkie and Scout. Life could only get better "okay then what are we going to do with Applejack?" Rainbow Dash flew out of the house with Pinkie still in her hooves. "She's a friend in need. We can't just leave her." Rainbow sighed and admitted that it was the right choice. "Their part of the family now!" Rainbow blushed a little. Pinkie nuzzled into Dash's blue fur and smiled. "Our family." So the family of ponies had gone through the most difficult ordeal. nothing else can get worse. So they went down the path towards Halsburg, the only things that were certain, was an adventure and the unconditional love of each other. Happy ending =)