• Published 10th Dec 2014
  • 2,746 Views, 148 Comments

Imperium et Imperator - Emperor Gerald I

Gerald Wellesley: historian, politician, imperialist, and monarchist, is transported to Equestria, where he is given a taste of absolute power. Gerald must decide between possessing the power he has always desired and his newfound friends.

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VII- A Dark Discovery

Another bloody day in the bloody field! Gerald had just about had it with farmhouse existence. The Apple family was nice and all, not that he had much time to socialize with them due to all the bloody farming! He had no idea how Applejack and Big Mcintosh could stand rising early every day, working, then returning to bed. Gerald was used to a more... intellectual lifestyle. Gerald enjoyed reading, learning, writing, and playing boardgames and computergames in the evenings. He enjoyed perfecting his appearance, trimming his beard, ordering custom tailored suits. He did NOT enjoy farming. It had been less than a week since he had arrived in Equestira and the only thing he has experienced is farming. Thankfully for Gerald it was the last day before the weekend.

Gerald had only just awoken, and already he felt tired of the mundanities of farming, and he hadn't even left the room! He could hear Applebloom's cheery voice from the kitchen. Gerald had only met Applebloom in passing a few times but her youthful, seemingly endless joy always brightened his day. A small smile crossed his face as he imagined her, asking her sister infinite questions, wondering when she would get her cutie mark. He stood and stumbled toward the hallway, being careful not to hit his head on the doorframe- again. The rustic floor creaked as he walked toward the bathroom. As he entered he looked in the mirror, he was revolted by what he saw. Gerald could tolerate a bit of dirt, but this was ridiculous. The once pristine white dress shirt he wore was covered in dirt stains, and yellow trails marked the sweat flowed in droves from his skin. His trousers were stained, and ripping slightly at the knees. His ascot was long abandoned to rest on the bedside table. His beard was unkempt and a thin, dirty moustache had begun to grow across his upper lip. 'Disgusting' he thought to himself as he removed his clothing to enter the shower, which of course was much too small.

As he descended the stairs to attend breakfast he sighed to himself. 'Why can't I live with Twilight in the library, or Rarity in her boutique?' he wondered.

"Mornin' young feller'!" came Granny Apple's usual greeting.

"Good morning, Mrs. Apple." Gerald replied.

"For the last time, call me Granny!" she laughed.

Gerald sat down to eat another one of Granny's, actually quite delicious, breakfasts. "Where is Applejack and Big Mcintosh?" Gerald asked Granny.

"They went out to the field early this morning!" she replied "they told me to tell you to take a day off, you look tired!"

A huge smile crossed Gerald's face. No farming today! He could go into town, get a shaving kit, Rarity might have some clothes ready for him! Granny Apple broke into his fantasy.

"They also said that the Applebloom gets off school at noon today, you have to take care of her and those little "crusader" friends of hers!" Granny informed Gerald.

Gerald sighed. He looked up at Granny Apple. "I shall be upstairs, washing my clothes. You wouldn't happen to have a razor in this house would you?"

"Big Mcintosh has one, you can use it. Its in the warsh room, lower cupboard." Granny responded, standing up to begin washing the dirty dishes that were piled in the sink. "And by the way, I will leave you directions to the school house Gerald!" she called after him.

By the time Gerald had washed his clothes, brushed his teeth, and made his facial hair presentable once again, it was time for him to retrieve Applebloom and her friends from the schoolhouse. Gerald strapped on his kit and began walking toward the schoolhouse. It was a moderately cloudy day. Gerald who hated the heat did not mind the sun being hidden in the slightest. As Gerald's boots crunched along the road, it reminded him of the sound of an army on the march. He imagined himself at the head of one of Napoleon's legions, marching to some great battlefield. His step became more regular and he rested his hand on the hilt of his hunting knife, as if it was a sword. He heard the squeak of the fife and the beat of the drum. It was glorious. Gerald came back to reality as he approached the schoolhouse. There he saw Applebloom and two other ponies surrounded by a group of the other students "Hey blank flank, are you gonna use your day off to go crusading?" one of them laughed.

"Now, now Silverspoon, I am certain they will get they're cutie marks... before they turn thirty!" a young filly added. She seemed to be the leader of the group. The other ponies burst out in laughter.

"Excuse me, young lady." said Gerald.

"Yeah, what do you want..." the leader of the group turned around to see a huge creature towering over her. She was speechless.

"What is your name young lady?" Gerald asked.

"D-Diamond Tiara sir." she responded.

"Might I ask why you are harassing Applebloom and her friends?"


"Gerald!" cried Applebloom, pushing past the other schoolchildren, who were staring at Gerald in awe. Applebloom clung to one of Gerald's legs.

Gerald patted Applebloom gently on the head and looked back to Diamond Tiara "Well?" he prompted her to continue.

Everypony looked to Diamond Tiara. "I'm sorry Mr. Gerald, it won't happen again. I promise." she lied.

"It better not occur again Miss Tiara, or I shall have to take some... unsavoury actions."

"Y-yes Mr. Gerald!" said Diamond Tiara, grabbing her friend Silverspoon and darting off.

Applebloom looked up at Gerald "Thanks for dealing with Diamond Tiara."

"Think nothing of it Applebloom." Gerald said sweetly. He found these little ponies endlessly cute, he just wanted to cuddle them!

Applebloom's two friends cautiously approached Gerald "These are my friends, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle!" Applebloom explained.

"Whoa... your new brother is COOL." said Scootaloo staring up at Gerald.

"I heard of you Gerald, my sister is making clothes for you!" said Sweetie Belle excitedly. "She says that you have a good taste in fashion!"

"Indeed." Gerald responded. "At any rate, Applebloom, might I ask you why you are calling me your brother?"

"Because Applejack said that you were a new member of our family!"

"Ah... interesting." Gerald replied.

"So... are we gonna go do some Crusading?" Scootaloo asked Applebloom.

"Crusading?" asked Gerald "Like a religious war?"

"No silly, like a crusade for a cutie mark!" said Sweetie Belle.

"Yup, I am up for some Crusading! CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS LETS GO!" cried Applebloom, hurrying away from Gerald.

"CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!" cried Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo in unison as they ran after Applebloom.

"Please return here at once!" yelled Gerald, running after them.

Unfortunately for Gerald not even a week at the farm could bring his portly self up to par with the speed of these sprightly fillies. He soon was huffing and puffing, and sweating profusely. "Applebloom!" Gerald called. There was no answer. Although he was exhausted Gerald forced himself to run even faster. As he entered into the foliage on the side of the road he noticed that some of the trees and plants seemed familiar. This is where he had entered into Equestria. The thought quickly exited his mind as he heard a crash come from deeper in the forest. He was about to change direction to follow the sound when the ground gave out from underneath him. Gerald barely managed to remain on his feet as he fell down into the darkness. As Gerald looked around he noticed that the hole was not extremely deep, he might be able to climb out!

"Gerald!" came a echo from the darkness.

It seemed as if Gerald's little wards had themselves been entrapped below ground. Gerald reached into his bag and grabbed his flashlight. As he illuminated the area Gerald realized that he had fallen into some kind of underground complex. The walls were of dark stone, made even darker by the moss growing heavily upon them. As he moved cautiously through the room, he noticed that the room was adorned with tapestries, all of them simply depicting a crescent moon. Upon closer inspection, almost everything in the room was similarly adorned. The tiles, the walls, and even the ceiling were all covered in crescent moons!

"Gerald, help!" The voice came from the far end of the room. Gerald began running toward the sound.

As he neared where he supposed the voice had originated from, Gerald stopped in his tracks. There before him, situated upon a pedestal near the back wall of the room, was a diamond The diamond itself was jet black, about one centimetre across, and Gerald could have swore he saw a black mist hovering around it. Gerald, without hesitation, reached out and grabbed the diamond. He held it before him greedily, inspecting it closely, basking in it's beauty. There was something... magical about it. When Gerald held it he felt more powerful, like there was someone (or something) awaiting his command.

"Gerald, is that you?" came a voice from the other side of the wall.

Gerald quickly stuffed the diamond into his kitbag, and ran up to the wall. "Applebloom, is that you?" Gerald called.

"Yes!" came the frightened reply.

"Stay calm Applebloom, I'm coming to get you!" Gerald pushed on the wall with all his might. To Gerald's surprise the wall gave away almost immediately, throwing him to the ground.

"Are you okay?" asked Sweetie Belle as the dust settled.

"Yes I am. But are you three unhurt?" Gerald asked, scrambling to his feet.

"Yes." replied Scootaloo.

"Thank god! You three were acting foolish! Running off like that!" Gerald scolded.

"I'm really sorry Gerald." said Applebloom, making a terribly sad face at Gerald

Gerald's demenour softened "Its okay Appleboom, everyon- err everypony makes mistakes sometimes, now lets get you three back to the farm."

Gerald helped the three fillies out of the hole that he had fell into, then they helped pull him out. As they walked back Applebloom looked up at Gerald.

"Gerald, me and the other crusaders were talking, and we have a question."

"You may ask me any question you wish Applebloom." Gerald replied.

"We were wondering if next time we go Crusading, if we listen better and stuff... if you would come again?"

Gerald laughed "I certainly can, but I don't know if you would find me particularly interesting or helpful."

"I'm sure we will all have loads of fun!" said Sweetie Belle, jumping up and down with excitement.

"Yeah, you seem pretty cool." added Scootaloo.

When they arrived back at Sweet Apple Acres Gerald told Applejack of what had transpired, purposely leaving out his discovery of the diamond.

"Applebloom! You can't just run off like that, one day you might get hurt!" Applejack told her.

"I'm sorry big sis, its just that we were gonna see if we could get our cutie marks in the Everfree Forest and-"

"Applebloom, I already told you that that forest was dangerous!" Applejack sighed. "Now, I want the three of you to stay in the farmhouse, for the rest of the evenin'. "

"But Applejack!" the three fillies said in unison.

"No buts, get goin'!"

"Yes Applejack..." Applebloom sighed as she walked into the house.

Applejack looked apologetically at Gerald "I'm sorry bout that Gerald."

"Its not your fault Applejack." Gerald replied.

"Well, the good news is, I have somethin' for ya'll, follow me!" said Applejack, pulling Gerald by his shirtsleeve.

Applejack went over to a locked cupboard in the kitchen and rummaged around for a moment. "Here we are!" she exclaimed, "two silver bits! For working on the farm for a week and stuff."

Gerald took the bits from Applejack "Thank you exceedingly Applejack!" Gerald said, delighted.

"You can use em' when ya'll go into the village." Applejack explained. "Ya'll can go in now if ya want, I'll take care of these hooligans." she said, gesturing to the farmhouse.

"I think I shall go in now." said Gerald happily.

"We'll see ya on Monday Gerald." said Applejack, turning back toward the farmhouse.

As Gerald walked along the road on his way to Ponyville, he took the diamond that he had found out of his kitbag. He inspected it closely and held it up to the light. Just like in the underground complex, he felt empowered when holding it. This time though, when he placed it back in the kitbag, the feeling of power did not dissipate. Gerald concluded that he was just overly infatuated with this expensive rock, and continued on his way.

Author's Note:

Gerald has come across quite the unique gemstone. He should thank the Cutie Mark Crusaders, not scold them!

I would really appreciate your thoughts on the story so far: Do you like Gerald? What is positive about the story so far? What could be improved? What do you think/hope will happen next?

Thank you exceedingly.

-Emperor Gerald I