• Published 3rd Dec 2014
  • 3,974 Views, 248 Comments

Sweet Pea - CartoonNerd12

The spin-off to The Midnight Dance starring the CMC as they take a journey to an island kingdom to face challeges that lie ahead

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Chapter 30

The sun was setting. Button sighed as he looked in the mirror. He wore a white uniform with a red sash across his shirt. He thought miserably, A couple of days ago, I thought this was going to be the greatest day of my life… Now it feels like the worst…

A knock came at his door and in came Snips, who was wearing black with a white sash as all the knights would wear at the ceremony. Button wished Featherweight was here to play the best stallion to help him get through the wedding.

Snips announced, "We're ready to begin."

"Thank you…" Button dejectedly said. His heart was pounding as if screaming, Call it off! Call it off! But his head was saying, Just get it over with… Just it over with…

Ultimately, he listened to his head and slowly walked out his room, except it wouldn't be just his room after tonight. He made his way down the steps where the guards opened the doors for him and he stepped outside. He had to wait for his bride to come so they could get in the carriage together and be taken to the wedding ship. When she came, she had a wide smile when she faced him, but he only gave her half a smile. Once they were in the carriage, the gates opened and crowds were gathered to wave off to the 'happy' royal couple.

When they made it to the port, they walked onto the ship together and a few minutes later, they were cast off.

"So you saw us at the talent show?" Scootaloo asked Rainbow.

"Yup, and those were some awesome moves you had there, squirt."

Scoots heard Rumble chuckling behind her. She glared at him.

"Okay, hotshot, what sort of names did your brother call you?"

He went pink, "You don't want to know…"

"Oh…" she smirked, "That bad, huh?"

"The worst way possible…"

Her face softened, "You love him a lot…"

"I do, but I also…" he stopped, knowing there were others listening.

But Scootaloo got the message. As much as he loved his brother, he loved her just as much…

Pip and Apple Bloom were on the other side of the ship and talking.

"You have an amazing family." he told her.

AB smiled, "They're pretty special, all right." Then she frowned, "They… could be your family, too…"

"I know…"

"But I admire how you want to help your aunt so much. I hope to meet her someday."

"She sure would love to meet you." he smiled.

Sweetie watched her sisters and thought of Button. I have to get there… Show him that I'm not dead… That we can get married and have our happy ending just like we've always wanted…

Twilight must have read her thoughts because she told her, "We'll get there before it's too late…"

"That's right," said Flash, "I remember when we had to save Twilight and your sisters from the curse before it was cast on all of them."

"Naturally, thanks to my brilliant leadership skills, we got there right on time." Discord bragged.

Flash face-hoofed, "It was a little more than that, Discord…"

"Right," Cheese came up, "Had we not found Sombra, the girls wouldn't have declared true love for him and rendered the changeling queen powerless."

"Need I remind you that I was the one who suggested we looked in the castle in the first place? So it was I who made possible getting Sombra to come to the rescue." he gave off a smug look, knowing he got them.

Soarin' slack-jawed, "Whoa! He's right…"

Flash sighed, "Fine, you win this round."

Discord did a fist-pump. He so loved it when he won.

Sweetie Belle started to worry when she saw their mother's sun going down. "Can't this thing go any faster?"

Rainbow flew to her, "You want fast? We'll give you fast!" She and Soarin' went to the main sail and started creating a strong breeze.

Sweetie went up to the front of the ship, silently begging, Please, Button… Please… don't say 'I do'… don't say 'I do'…

The wedding march started and the bride and groom walked down the aisle with the bridesmaid right behind them. They made it to the altar with the queen presiding the ceremony. The music stopped, and the queen spoke in a loud voice for all the guests who were present on the ship.

"Friends, today we gather to witness the union of Prince Button Mash and Princess Diamond Tiara. My son has chosen a bride that would be beneficial to our beloved kingdom… I thank him for his selfless act…" When she gave her son a comforting smile, he gave a small one in return. "Now, let us begin," she turned to the princess.

"Ship ahoy!" Pinkie cried out from the mast. They looked to see a ship nearby and the younger princesses recognized it as the royal wedding ship of Marendelle.

"Quick!" Scootaloo shouted, "After it!"

Twilight looked through a telescope and she passed it to Sweetie, who cried, "Oh, no! They're starting it!"

"Princess Diamond Tiara, do you take Prince Button Mash to be your husband, and to accept the responsibilities before you as his future queen?"

Diamond put on her best sweet grin and replied, "I do."

She turned to her son, who had a distraught look on his face, "Button…" he turned back into attention, "Do you take Princess Diamond Tiara as your wife?"

Button stood there and all waited to hear his answer.

"I've got to go!" Sweetie started to jump out until Discord stopped her.

"Like you're going to catch up on your own!" he shaped himself into a seahorse, put her in a rowboat, and started pulling the boat.

"Button?" the queen questioned, "Your answer?"

Button looked at Diamond Tiara, who was giving him a look that betrayed her impatience. He took her hoof and slowly began to say, "I… I…"

Sweetie was almost to the ship's edge and started to reach for it.

"I…" then he shouted out, "I don't!"

The crowd gasped just as Sweetie was coming over the rail. She was surprised but happy.

"What?!" Diamond yelled.

"I don't." he repeated, "I can't… I can't do this…" he turned to his mother, "I'm sorry, Mom…"

"No, Button, you have nothing to be sorry for…" the queen smiled.

"That's right! You don't!" a voice said out loud.

Button froze. He recognized that voice. He couldn't believe it, but he had to see… He slowly turned around and there she was… Walking her way towards him… His eyes were filling with tears of joy. He could hardly say the words, "Sw… Sweet… Sweetie Belle…?"

She nodded her head.

He broke into a run as she had her arms out. They embraced, feeling each other.

"Is… Is this a dream…?" he whispered.

"A dream made into reality…" she whispered back.

Back on their ship, the princesses were either cheering or crying out of happiness. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom, with their special some ponies, sighed in relief.

"We did it…" said Scootaloo.

"Thank goodness…" said AB.

The couple was about to kiss when they heard Diamond Tiara sputtering, "But… that's impossible! You can't be alive!"

They turned back to in confusion.

"And why do you find it so unbelievable?" Sweetie asked.

She winced, "Well… um…" Before she could think of a good excuse, there was a cannon shot.

The crowd gasped as they turned to see another ship coming over. The royal Canterlot ship was close from this new ship that came in. The new ship had a gold skull on the flag, which Rumble recognized as some pony's cutie mark and he gritted his teeth at the sight.

Caballeron made his appearance as he swung onto the wedding ship.

"YOU!" both Button and Sweetie shouted in fury.

"A surprising turn of events this has been." Caballeron spoke, "Here we were about to crash the party, but it seems that my last plan was unsuccessful anyway…" He looked at Sweetie Belle.

"You're going to pay for what you did!" Button yelled.

"Pardon me, Your Highness, but your gripe is not with me… While it's true we kidnapped you, but you were part of a much bigger plan… at the expense of a certain princess who wanted her competition eliminated…" he smirked.

Behind him, Diamond Tiara was fuming at what he was pulling here.

"What are you saying?!" Button demanded.

Caballeron chuckled, "That the princess you were about to married was the reason you almost lost your bride to begin with!"

The crowd gasped as all eyes turned to Diamond Tiara, who was boiling red.

She screeched, "How dare you! How dare you! Revealing our plan like that!"

"Serves you right since you cut out of our deal!" he pointed at her.

There were more gasps this time, not just from the crowd, but from the king, queen, Button, Sweetie, and her family.

"Let me at her!" Scootaloo yelled and was about to fly if not Soarin' held her back.

Apple Bloom was about to pounce out, too, but Flash held her.

Sweetie said to Tiara, "Just why? Why do that?"

"Why?" Diamond stipulated, "Because I am a true princess while you were some nobody who came off the streets! You don't deserve to be a queen or anything that gives you authority! I don't know what your adopted parents were thinking. They deserve so much better."

Rainbow bitterly said, "Why, that little…" She was to fly up if not for Pinkie and Cheese using both of their strengths to keep her down.

"But I suppose they would do anything, especially since they did let their real daughters marry beneath them…" she said that with disgust.

The girls were appalled by that and the boys scowled. Discord bared his teeth and harshly whispered to Twilight, "Can I please smite her…?" He pointed his glowing finger.

"As tempting as that would be… we don't want to cause a rift between kingdoms here…"

He grunted and put the trigger finger down.

Sweetie frowned and yelled out, "You know, it's one thing to mess with me… but when you insult my family… that's going too far!"

"Guards! Arrest them!" Button ordered.

The knights on board rushed towards Diamond Tiara and Caballeron. He shouted out, "Trixie!"

She hesitated for a bit, but then the amulet around her neck glowed, causing her to obey. The amulet's power transformed the guards into different animals, such as chickens and bunnies.

Twilight gasped as she recognized the amulet, "The Alicorn Amulet!"

Caballeron chuckled and faced the crowd, "Now if you would be so kind as to cooperate…put your valuables in the bags…" he signaled for his henchponies and crew to come.

Rumble felt anger raging inside him and shouted out, "That does it! This ends now!" he flew off.

Scootaloo shouted back to him, "Rumble, wait!" She quickly flew after him.

Caballeron was about to steal from a rich pony until he felt a punch and landed on his back. He looked up to see Rumble glaring at him.

"It was bad enough that you stole treasure and tried to kill me, my wife, and her sister… But now it's gone too far… Harming innocents to get what you want…"

Caballeron got up and faced him, "You were the one who turned your back on us… You could have had it all! Riches beyond your wildest dreams! With the amulet, we could have gotten just that! You're the reason we have stooped so low! You took the amulet and left us to fend for ourselves! There's no one to blame but you…" he yelled as he lifted his hoof and was getting ready to strike.

Rumble braced himself and was about to fight back when suddenly, Caballeron was pushed back by an orange blur. He heard a yelp and thump. He turned to back to see his love on the ground.

"Scoots!" he cried and rushed to her, "Are you alright?!"

"I think so…" she started moving, but felt a pain in her left wing, "Ah! My wing!"

He worried and asked, "Can you move it?"

"No… I think… it's broken…"

He turned back to Caballeron in fury, "You did this!"

"Well, she flew right into it! It's her own fault!"

"Rumble!" Button called and began tossing a sword.

Rumble grab hold of it with his teeth. He told Caballeron, "We settle this once and for all…"

A henchpony gave Caballeron a sword as well.

"So be it…" The two started dueling.

The crowd panicked and Twilight said to everyone on the ship, "This way! We'll get you to safety!"

Rainbow was telling Pinkie at the helm of the Canterlot ship, "Okay, easy does it, Pink…"

But Pinkie took a hard turn and slammed to the wedding ship.

"I said 'easy', not 'ram into it'!"

Pinkie shrugged, "Eh, close enough."

The guests came piling onto the ship as Flash and Soarin', with Apple Bloom and Pip, were helping them.

Diamond Tiara was about to go on, but was stopped when Button said, "Not so fast! You've got a lot of explaining to do!"

"Humph! I don't have to explain anything! I am a princess!"

"Princess or no, you still had a hoof in trying to get rid of my true love!"

"And for kidnapping mine!" said Sweetie.

"So I had to do a few things to make sure things would go my way! I was so upset about losing the final test that I had to something! I was and always will be the better choice for queen!"

"All you care about is the crown when a princess is so much more that!" Sweetie shouted, "I now know what the tests were about… They weren't just to prove who could be Button's queen, but they were lessons… Obviously, you learned nothing from them… A princess is wise, kind, modest, confident, and noble…"

"No! A princess is a figure of power, who's destined to rule those underneath her! I won't let some fake tell me otherwise!" she was about to pounce when she felt being lifted into the air and rope was tied around her.

Sweetie smiled to see Discord magically holding the rope. Twilight came up to them and addressed Diamond Tiara, "You have been deceived by your own cold heart… You are willing to hurt others instead of showing compassion. You know nothing about what it takes to be a true leader… We will send you home and let your father know of the terrible things that you have done while you were here… Hopefully, he can give you the punishment you rightfully deserve… Discord, if you please."

"Aw, but I've always wanted to try this!" he snapped and Diamond had an apple in her mouth while being dangled above a cauldron of boiling water.

Sweetie shook her head, "No, Discord… we'd be no better than she was…"

Discord gave a small smile, "You're a bigger pony than I'll ever be…" He snapped and Diamond was back to normal except she still had an apple in her mouth. She gave off a glare before Discord snapped again and she was gone.

Button and Sweetie sighed in relief and embraced each other. But their sweet moment was short-lived when they saw a battle going on with Caballeron's crew and the others were fighting. Pinkie and Cheese were using their party cannon, Rainbow and Soarin' had to swordfight, and Flash, Apple Bloom, and Pip were trying to keep the guests safe from the impact. Caballeron and Rumble had their own fight going on. Button noticed Trixie was watching from the sidelines and went to her.

"Can't you stop this?!"

She lowered her head, "I want to, but I have no choice…"

"There's always a choice! I was supposed to marry for the sake for my kingdom, but when I decided I couldn't love the pony I was marrying, I renounced it! Look, it's not easy, I know… but you need to do what your heart tells you even if your head is telling you something else…" then he went off to join the fight.

Rumble used his wings for most of the fight and he went up top of the sail.

"That's it! Fly! Fly! That's all you do, you coward!"

"Coward?! Me?!"

Caballeron climbed on the rope ladder while saying, "You wouldn't dare fight stallion-to-stallion. You would fly away like the coward you are!"

"I'm not a coward!"

Their swords clashed, "Prove it, then! Show me you can fight without those wings!"

Scootaloo screamed below, "No, Rumble! It's a trick!"

"Fine… You have my word… But I want your word that if I win, you will never harm me or my family again! That includes my wife, her sisters, and their families!"

This intrigued the royal Canterlot family who heard that.

"An amusing bargain… Very well, but I want your word that I get the amulet if I win…"

Rumble slowly nodded, "Deal…" The fight commenced as the other ponies watched.

"So, wait, he's married?" Discord had his brow up and turned towards Scootaloo, who had her head down.

Twilight asked in concern, "Did you know about this?"

Apple Bloom and Sweetie went to Scoots and AB said, "Tell them…"

Rainbow said, "Tell us what?"

Scootaloo released a tear and cried, "It's me, okay! He's talking about us! I'm his wife! He's my husband! We're married, so there!"

This left the family that was there stunned by the news. Bloom and Sweetie kept their heads downs, waiting for the blowout. Scootaloo panted as she watched her husband fight for his life.

Dash was the first to break the silence and say, "Whoa! Whoa! Let me get this straight: you've been married this whole time?!" she gaped.

"Yeah! You got married and you didn't invite me to the wedding?!" Discord gestured.

"There was no wedding!" Scoots retorted.

"When and how did this happen?" questioned Twilight.

Scootaloo spilled more tears and told the whole story.

Caballeron was impressed at Rumble's performance, "It seems that you've been practicing since I last saw you. But of course, you did learn from me… There were a lot of things I could have taught you…"

"And teach me what?! To steal? To hurt others to get what I want?! Even if I had stayed with you, I would have rejected your methods of surviving!"

"Insolent boy! Did you not see the plans I laid for you?! You could have been my son!"

Rumble was genuinely stunned and stopped fighting for a bit, "Son…?"

"Of course, my son! Wouldn't you have wanted a father to guide you to a bright future?"

Rumble was slowly lowering his guard.

"Yes… It can be that way again… Why must we fight? Leave this life you gotten yourself into… Come back to the life you deserve…" he held his hoof out.

Rumble stared at it, and then he look down to see Scootaloo talking to her family with a look of despair and her family gave solemn looks. With their secret out, chances were he'd never see her again… But it was the amulet that bought him to Canterlot in the first place. He thought he was going to resupply to be on his way. He never once imagined he would meet a mare he would like, let alone a princess… Something in him stirred, but he was also sure that she would never understand him. Then, when the amulet led him to the ship he stowed away on, he was shocked when Scootaloo and he crossed paths again. Had she not sprained his wing, they wouldn't have gotten to know each other and discover how well they went together. Interestingly enough, it was because of the amulet they got married…

The amulet led him to Scootaloo for a reason. Their future may have been uncertain at the moment, but he was going to trust the amulet. He stepped away from Caballeron and said, "No…"

This confused Caballeron, "No?"

"No." Rumble repeated, "My life may not have been always gracious, but I have found something precious and I don't plan on ever letting her go…" he looked down and smiled.

Scootaloo heard that and felt touched. She then proclaimed, "I don't want to lose you, too! I don't care what happens as long as I am with you!"

Rumble smiled widely before Caballeron scowled and grunted, knocking out Rumble's sword and leaving him defeated and crawling on his back.

The group gasped and Scootaloo shouted, "Fly, you idiot! Fly!"

"No! I gave my word!" he saw the flag above his opponent and jumped for it. He tied the flag on Caballeron while grabbing for the sword and pointed at him.

The gang cheered.

Caballeron looked at the sword and then smirked at Rumble, "Well, what are you waiting for? Be a stallion…"

Rumble glared at him and threw the sword away, "I'm not a stallion like you! Now, a deal is a deal…"

"Perhaps… but certain promises must be broken!" he threw the flag at his face, causing Rumble to stumble and begin falling.

"NO!" Scootaloo screamed.

Then out of nowhere, Rumble was caught in a net and was lowered down. Scootaloo ran to him, grasped him, and kissed him with tears running down their faces.

Scoots turned to her family, who gathered around them, "Oh, Discord, thank you…"

"Uh… You're welcome, but I didn't do anything." he scratched his head.

She turned her head in confusion, "Then… Twilight?"

The purple alicorn answered, "I was about to, but some pony beat me to it."

A voice said, "That would be me."

They turned in surprise and Button and Rumble said, "Trixie?!"

Scoots gasped, "You… you did this? Why?"

"I couldn't repeat the same mistakes as before… I'm so sorry I ever hurt you… any of you…"

Caballeron shouted, "Trixie! What do you think you're doing?!"

She yelled back, "What I should have done a long time ago!" she took off the amulet and her original magic aura was back to normal. Then, she threw the dark amulet.

Caballeron bared his teeth, "Then it's best that I take my leave without more traitors messing my plans…" he took out a vital of red powder and threw it down, causing a red cloud and making everyone cough.

When the smoke cleared, Pinkie yelled, "He's gone!" Then, she spotted something, "Oh, wait. There he is…"

Everyone could see Caballeron making a getaway in a rowboat with his three henchponies.

"Oh, no you don't!" Discord started to snap, but nothing seemed to happen, "What the…? Hey! He short-circuited my powers!"

Twilight tried her horn, but it was flickering. The same thing happened to Trixie, "Mine, too!"

"He's getting away!" Apple Bloom pointed.

Sweetie said, "No, he's not!" She blew her conch shell.

Caballeron shouted, "So long!" He chuckled, but his laughter died the minute the boat rocked. "What…?"

His henchies yelled out in fright. The boat kept rocking until it was tipped over. Caballeron found himself facing a group of mermares and a large kelpie…

Caballeron was finally arrested for his crimes. It was safe to say that he would be in prison for a very long time, considering that he kidnapped a prince and attempted to kill a princess…

On the shores of Marendelle, the girls had finished telling their older sisters about their adventures in Marendelle.

Sweetie said, "So… please don't be mad at us for not telling you anything…"

Apple Bloom nodded, "I know Pip was only supposed to be our personal escort, but I couldn't help it… I fell in love…"

Scootaloo nodded, too, "Yeah… Rumble may be a thief, but he means well… I understand if you don't like him as my husband, but… I can't live without him…"

There was silence for a while until Pinkie broke it by snickering that led to full-scale laughing. Twilight and Rainbow followed suit. The younger girls looked at them with confusion.

Rainbow said between laugher, "Sorr… Sorry, but I can't believe what I'm hearing!"

Twilight shook her head and said, "Oh, girls… you don't need to seek any pony's approval… Who you choose for a very special some pony is your own affair…"

"Yeah! Why, we're the ones who went behind everypony's backs first!" Pinkie pointed out.

"Pinkie's right…" Twilight motioned, "When Mother told us we had to marry stallions we didn't know, we were so upset that we had to keep our relationships with the ponies we did love a secret."

"So there's nothing to worry about." said Dash.

"But… what's Mom and Dad going to say about me being married?" Scoots worried.

Rainbow wrapped her wing around the mare she knew since fillyhood, "It may come as a shock at first, but once they meet Rumble and get used to the idea, they'll be cool with it." she smiled.


Twilight and Pinkie nodded in agreement.

While the sisters were talking, Button and the boys were having their own talk with Trixie.

Rumble said, "Trixie, thank you for what you did…"

"It was the least I could do…"

"So where are you going to go now that Caballeron doesn't have a hold on you?"

"Oh, Trixie will go here and there, performing in front of audiences again. Trixie has been missing that…"

Button pondered on this and then pointed, "How about instead of just going from place to place, how about you stay and perform right here?"

Trixie had her brow up, "What do you mean?"

"Our court jester, Featherweight, had to leave due to personal matters, so we could use a court magician to take his place."

Trixie touched her heart in awe, "Trixie is pleased by this! I accept!" The two shook on it. "Oh, and Trixie almost forgot…" she took out the Alicorn Amulet and handed it over to Flash.

"Ooh!" Discord said, "Let me see! Let me see!"

"No way!" Flash kept it out of his reach, "You're not getting ahold of such a powerful object! This thing is going into hiding and I know just the zebra to help us with that…"

Discord humphed.

Moments later, the Canterlot family climbed aboard their ship. Even Button went on it, since he figured it was the best way to meet the rest of his fiancé's family before their wedding. As they were setting sail, Rainbow gestured.

"So we're just going to have to sail all the way back home?"

"I quite agree," said Discord. "How utterly boring, but I know a way to liven up this cruise! All of you might want to hold on to something…"

"Why would we-" Twilight started, but then decided, "Never mind…" she went to grab on to the mast.

When everyone else grabbed hold onto a piece of the ship, Discord rubbed his hands and started blowing gold dust around the whole ship and it turned gold! Suddenly, the ship is being lifted the air!

"We're flying!" they all said.

"Alright!" Dash cheered.

Discord smirked, "You're welcome."

They admired the ocean view as they flew higher and higher into the sky…

Author's Note:

This is it, we're finally to the ending. Ugh! This was my first and hopefully last longest story I have ever made! I sure hope the third installment isn't going to be just as long or more... Oops, did I say that out loud? Oh, well... I was going to tell you anyway, yes, just like with Sweet Pea, I thought of yet another story to continue this series. I'm calling it 'Daughter of the Moon' that will star Luna's long-lost daughter, Princess Cadence. It's safe to say you'll get the last chapter tomorrow because I'll be gone all Easter break which means I'll miss the start of Season 5 of MLP. Dang.