• Published 24th Nov 2014
  • 1,917 Views, 99 Comments

All I Really Want For Hearths Warming... - Ugly-Duckling123

We get a little look at what a certain orange filly wants for Hearths Warming

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Chap 3

By the morning, Rainbow and Scootaloo were still curled up together on top of the cliff.

Slowly Rainbow got up and shook off the snow that was on her back and stretched out her tired wings. Looking around she saw that everything was covered in a thick blanket of frost and snow, and a smell of gingerbread ponies and fruit cake was in the air.

"Come on Squirt," Rainbow said turning to the little filly. "Time to get up. Need to get you back to wherever it was you ran away from last night, and I need to get to work."

"No," Scootaloo murmured rolling over.

"Scoots come on," Rainbow said walking over crunching down on the snow as she did. "You need to go back. What would whoever you were arguing with think if you didn't come back?"

"No..." Scootaloo said again rolling over to her other side.

Not liking this for some reason Rainbow tried a question she knew would get a positive reponce from the filly.

"Rainbow Dash is the best pony ever."

"No..." Scootaloo answered again and this time Rainbow saw tears leaking out of her closed eyes and how scrunched up her face was.

Thinking quickly, looking around to see if anypony was there to listen Rainbow began to sing an old lullaby her mother use to sing to her.

'When storm clouds grow
And I feel blue
Your song comes drifting on the trade winds

Your bright smiles shines
Like sun on sand
An island dream of you'

Slowly Scootaloo stopped struggling and was placed back into a peaceful sleep that Rainbow didn't really want to break.

"Scoots," she said gently shaking her by the shoulder. "Scoots time to get up."

Yawning Scootaloo stretched as she sat up, and rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

"But mum... It's Saturday," Scootaloo said tiredly yawning then jumped at what she said and her eyes flung open. "Oh Rainbow um... Hi, err... Thanks for staying with me last night and..."

"What were you just dreaming of kid, if I'm allowed to ask," Rainbow asked as if Scootaloo hadn't just said that.

"My... My parents," Scootaloo said looking down as she packed her blanket back into her bag and pulled out her photo and gave it to Rainbow.

"But why would dreaming of your parents make you have such terrible nightmares?" Rainbow asked coming down next to the filly.

"Because it was about the day I... I..." Scootaloo said sniffing a bit.

Rainbow pieced together these reactions with what was said last night, and a look of realization came to her.

"Oh... Sorry Scoots," she said quietly "I... I guess I shouldn't of asked should I?"

"It's fine Rainbow Dash," Scootaloo said sniffing a bit and getting up. "But could... Could you walk back with me, before you do your job? Please?" Scootaloo asked looking up to the bigger Pegasus with hopeful eyes.

"Sure Scoots," Rainbow said getting up "Anything you say."

"And Rainbow..." Scootaloo said after she fished out her scooter from the snow "Can... Can you not tell anyone. About me and... and about what I called you?"

"Cross my heart hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Rainbow recited and together they made their way down the cliff and back to the orphanage.


After Rainbow had dropped her off at the orphanage, Scootaloo right away went to see Mr. Crinkle and apologize for what went down the night before, and for possibly scaring him for running off like that.

"That alright Scootaloo," he said after hearing the apology "Just as long as you're alright. How about you go and have some free time today, and I get one of the helpers to take the kids to the store if they want to go?"

Agreeing to that, Scootaloo thanked him then set off for Sweet Apple Acres to see if Apple Bloom could come out to play in the snow with her.


Up in the air Rainbow was thinking over last night, about Scootaloo. Agreeing with herself to visit her parents once she was done with work, she set to it.

*Cloudsdale - A few minutes later...*

"Mum... Dad..." Rainbow called out as she walked in though her parents front door back in Cloudsdale not sure if she should ask this to her parents, but then she couldn't just spring it on them can she?

"Rainbow?" somepony called from the kitchen as Firefly came out wearing an apron. "Oh Rainbow it's so good to see you." Firefly said coming over to her daughter.

"Hey mum," Rainbow said hugging her back "Listen is dad here? It's just I think I know what I, and a certain little filly down in Ponyville would like for Hearths Warming, but... It might need your... 'approval' before I set out to do it."

"And what might this request be Rainbow Merriam Dashery?" her father's voice asked as he came down from the attic a pile of boxes of decorations in his hooves. "Because if it's more money, or anything Wonderbolt-y you can forget it."

"No dad it's nothing like that," Rainbow said taking the top box from the pile helping him. "It's actually about that Pegasus filly. I have a good feeling, mostly because she's an orphan, what she wants for Hearths Warming, and I've grown to see her as a little sister, so... do you think... Can we adopt her or something?" Rainbow said looking up to her parents to see what they thought about this.

"Honey, we can't just adopt a filly just because you like her," Firefly said calmly "We don't even know who she is," she pointed to herself and Spectrum Dash who was untangling Hearths Warming lights. "And if it's the same filly you keep writing to us about, Scootaloo, right? Well how will she be able to live up here if she can't fly yet?"

"Scootaloo?" Spectrum repeated "That name sounds familiar... What's she look like?" he asked.

"Err... small... orange... purple hair... violet eyes... small wings.... and likes me a lot." Rainbow said "Don't know her last name though, but I think she's been down in Ponyville for at least seven years. Why?"

Putting down the lights not getting anywhere Spectrum told Rainbow to follow him into his study and shuffled through the news papers he as a police pony stashed in a couple of filing cabinets pulling out a clipping and a small photo of a little orange filly.

"That her?" Spectrum asked showing the photo to Rainbow.

"Yeah, but why would she be in your filing cabinets?"

"Just after you left to go live in Ponyville," Spectrum began "The Cloudsdale Weather Factory was asked to make some storm clouds for that time they forget that shower," Spectrum began getting nods from Rainbow slightly remembering that storm.

"Two of the ponies on the crew to make those clouds were Whirlwind, and Misty Air," Spectrum continued pulling out a picture of two ponies Rainbow had seen earlier.

"They were Scoots' parents weren't they?" Rainbow asked returning to being quiet when Spectrum looked at her.

"Yes. And they were the leaders of those going out to make the storm. From what we can tell, they had everything going correctly but somehow there was a faulty cloud, that went off with ten times the power then it was meant to have.

"Whether it was by accident or not, we couldn't work it out. And a part of me wonders if any of us ever will. But those two great ponies were knocked out by the sudden amount of electricity that ran through them, and they... Well you get the idea. Anyway it was all over the papers and little Scootaloo, because there were those who thought that this was no accident, and that she couldn't fly yet, was put under the protection of Ponyville Orphanage and I'm guessing hasn't found a new home yet if she's still there."

"Which is why I want this for her dad," Rainbow said handing Spectrum the file back as he put it in the draw. "If you don't want her here I'll keep her in Ponyville and all that stuff, but please can she become my new sister, seeing as we see each other as that anyway? Besides you taught me years ago it's better to give than receive. Right?"

"And how would adopting Scootaloo be giving Rainbow Dash?" he asked as they went back to the living room and back to the lights.

"It would 'Give' her a new family, a new home, a chance to feel loved once again, err..." Rainbow began listing.

"Well I think it's really sweet of you to want this for her honey," Firefly said after setting up the tree. "Maybe we should do it Spectrum," she said coming over to whisper something in his ear "You know she'll just keep asking until she gets what she wants right?"

"Ok, fine," Spectrum said still having problems with the lights "We'll come to Ponyville with you to get this sorted out Rainbow. But not today," he said cutting Rainbow's enthusiasm "Beside I get the feeling she might want a decorated house to walk into when we get her here right?"

"Right," Rainbow said smiling collecting the thread and popcorn from the kitchen and began threading it so it can go on the tree.

Thanks dad. she thought throwing one into her mouth before she started, smiling.