• Published 14th Nov 2014
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Rainbow Sentai Harmonyranger - Xero Key

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Lone Ranger

Lone Ranger: by Xero Key

Canterlot High School
Two girls are talking by their lockers. The subject of conversation is one that’s been on everyone’s lips recently: the Power Rangers.

“I’m telling you BonBon, I really don’t care where they got their powers from.”

“Lyra Heartstrings, not caring about a conspiracy?”

“A conspiracy, honey, implies that they overtly hide information, not publically announce it on the news. Besides, discovering where the Rainbooms got Morphing tech is Her thing.” Lyra said while pointing with her thumb to a blue and purple trash can, which started to scoot away as when it was noticed. In doing so, it ended up in the middle of the main hallway, just as five teenagers with attitude came running down full sprint. Fluttershy knocked it over, and without even looking back said “Sorry Trixie, Ranger Emergency.”

The now trash covered Trixie Lulamoon glares from her sitting position on the floor. “I’ll find out eventually Power Rangers, just you wait!”
Lyra and BonBon just watched the most recent variation of a common occurrence, then shrugged, took their books from their lockers, and walked hand in hand out the front door.

Power Rangers

In the Ranger’s jeep Applejack was driving at full speed towards the most recent monster attack. Over the radio, Vinyl Scratch was informing them of the situation. ”Ok, here’s the sitch. Our new friend is about 8 feet tall, about 2000 lbs, likes warm walks on the beach…”

“Um, Vinyl dear…not helpful.”

Jeeze, take a joke. He looks like someone took King Hippo out of Punch-Out, then gave him steroids so watch out for punches. He’s ransacking the mall with Terrorvons , so getting the civilians out of harm’s way is a first priority.”

“Got it sugar. He’ll go down just as easy as the last one.” Applejack said confidently. The other Rangers only looked at her strangely. Then remembered that the last monster didn’t require a Megazord, only Applejack firing her Zord’s blasters point blank into the monster’s face. And the time before that she beat it so completely into submission it didn’t reform properly when it grew giant size. Applejack’s slasher smile did not help.

“Anybody feel AJ is a bit…trigger happy?” Rainbow asked. Pinkie attempted to respond but Applejack swiftly took a corner and swerved into the parking lot of the mall, so she just settled on nodding like a bobble head.

“What are you waiting for slowpokes? we got a monster to beat!”

Inside the Hippounder was leading his Terrorvons through a…lingerie store? “Move it!” he said in a helium like voice completely opposite to his form. “The Mistresses want the best and I won’t disappoint!”

“Too bad ugly! Hi Ya!” Applejack performed a flying jump kick and knocked Hippounder back, before landing safely. “Element of Honesty: Green Harmony Ranger!” She posed in a boxing stance and green smoke exploded behind her.

The other Rangers followed behind her morphed. “Applejack? Maybe we could slow down a little?” Fluttershy asked, to her dismay was too late as she was in a boxing match with Hippounder. “Oh dear.”

Hippounder and Applejack’s fight was intense and brutal, neither opponent giving an inch. Applejack and an opening and went to use a round house kick to Hippounder’s head, but at that exact moment Hippounder fired an upper cut straight to Applejack’s solar plexus and sent her flying and forced her to dimorph. “Well, that was quick and easy. Come on boys, we’re heading home!” Hippounder laughed as the other Rangers rushed to Applejack’s side, who merely glared as the monsters disappeared into smoke before she fell unconscious.

Two days later Applejack was at the Youth Center gym wailing on a punching bag when Sunset came up behind her. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Talk about what?”

“The fight I lost. And the one after that, and the one after that!” As she spoke, Applejack’s punches became more forceful. “That darn Hippo is mocking me every time we fight and I can’t beat him!”

“Why are you trying so hard?”

“I’m a Power Ranger, simple as that.”

Sunset was not happy with the answer and stopped the bag from flying. “Fight me.” Applejack just stared incredulously at Sunset. “If you win, we drop it. I win, you talk, got it?”

They both started to circle each other, Applejack in a boxing stance and Sunset with one hand up, palm out, and right arm held behind her back. “You’re gonna lose with only one hand Sunny.” “Just watch.” Applejack opened with a straight towards Sunset’s head which was deflected and Sunset followed with a sweep kick, and Applejack jumped to avoid. Applejack rushed in close when Sunset surprised her by using a right hook, knocking Applejack down in a single blow.

“You cheated.”

“I knew only one hand wouldn’t be enough, so I had to remember that I did in fact have two. So start talking.” Sunset said as she sat down next to Applejack.

*Sigh* “Remember Cathulu?” Sunset shuddered at the memory of the Cuttlefish/Cat combination. “Thought so. Applebloom was near the fight, cheering us on.” She looked down dejectedly. “When it grew giant, it knocked a tree over and it landed on Applebloom’s arm. I feel responsible.”

“Applejack, it wasn’t your fault alone. If one Ranger is responsible for something, we all are. That’s what makes a team.”

Applejack looked up at that, slightly smiling and wiped the tears from her eyes. “Thanks Sunset, I needed that.” Just then Applejack’s morpher went off and Sunset checked her phone.

“Up for a beach trip?”

“Aah, A day off at last! I could get used to this!” Hippounder said, laying down on a beach towel.

“Don’t get too comfortable loser, you’re here to keep the Rangers off me while I tan.” Aria Blaze likewise was laying on a towel and a tanning mirror was in her hands.

“I’m pretty sure that a pale face like yours would burn, honey.” Aria and Hippounder looked up and saw Applejack standing on an outcropping unmorphed.

“Ugh. Well my day is ruined. Deal with her and the others when they show up.” Aria said then vanished.

“Looking for more punishment honey?”

“Nope, gonna beat you this time for sure. How abouts a fight? Montero a Womano.”

“You’re on Greenhorn.”

“Alright then. It’s Morphin’ Time!” Applejack brought her morpher in front of her “Power Rangers!” Then moved her arm up and pressed the revealed button. “Harmonize!”
A green light pulsed from Applejack’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-green glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind was a desert canyon and rocks and pebbles landed on her limbs as she stomped and punched. A boulder landed on her head as a loud neigh was heard. With a final stomp, she posed in a boxing stance.
The two opponents squared off, preparing for a fist fight. Hippounder rushed in to land the first blow when applejack pulled out her blaster and fired a green blast, four other blasts of color coming from around them and hitting Hippounder. The other Rangers leapt out of their hiding places and joined Applejack.

“Great plan Applejack, he totally didn’t see that coming!” Pinki Pie said.

“Hey! That’s cheating!”

“Eenope. Teamwork, bucko. Mind if I finish him off?”
“Go right ahead AJ.” Rainbow Dash said.

Applejack nodded and pulled out her Bass Hammer and played a quick riff, causing a fissure to appear and Hippounder fell into it. More music caused Applejack to be raised on a plateau above everyone else, where she leapt off and slammed her hammer into Hippounder’s head, causing him to explode.

When the negative light made Hippounder grow, the Megazord was already formed and had landed a Rocket Punch right to his face. “Will you stop cheating?”

“Not cheating, just trusting my friends. That’s what I should have doen before and just been Honest with them.” When Applejack said these words, her apple shaped belt buckle began to glow green, and the pulsing image of an apple exploded from the Megazord. The light then turned into a giant, green, metallic apple on a metal chain. The Megazord grabbed the chain with both hands and held it high, revealing it to be a ball-and-chain weapon. The Megazord swung it around and hit Hippounder multiple times. On a final swing, the apple began to glow and attached to Hippounder, pulling him upwards into the sky, before being slammed into the ground. Hippounder exploded as the Megazord posed, the apple slung over its shoulder.

At the ruined castle, Nightmare was not pleased with the Dazzlings, who were laying on the floor in pain. “You used one of my creatures to steal clothes and act as a body guard, while I was resting. Are you IDIOTS!” Nightmare shouted, causing the black/blue flames on the torches to grow in intensity. “Do this again…and there will not be enough for the Theif and her pet Rangers to destroy. Remember that.” Nightmare then stalked into the shadows, leaving the Dazzlings in the main hall.

The Rangers were practicing for an upcoming concert at Sweet Apple Acres when Applebloom came in. Rainbow Dash was the first to speak up. “Uh, sorry about getting you hurt kid.”

“We should have taken the fight out of the area.”

“Yeah, it’s not fun when we let people get hurt.”

“Ah shucks guys. It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have been there.” Applebloom smiled. “Besides, my arm should be healed pretty fast, and Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are trying for Nurse Merit Badges! I’ll be fine.” She walked off when she heard her friends arrive.

“Well I need to apologize to you all. I should have been honest from the beginning. Which caused that weapon to appear…Hey where’s Sunset?” The Rangers looked around, finally having noticed their lead vocalist was missing.

Meanwhile Sunset was reviewing a tape with Vinyl. On it, a green glow enveloped the command center, time stamped for the exact moment the Megazord’s Apple Chain appeared.

“I’m telling you, you need to call Princess Twilight. This is getting freaky.”

“I’m keeping her up to date.” Sunset brought up an image of the Megazord gaining its new weapon on one of the monitors. “She thinks we should wait and see if the others do this as well. If the Elements of Harmony are growing here, she wants us to make sure we don’t need her.”