• Published 16th Oct 2014
  • 9,305 Views, 207 Comments

The Midnight Dance - CartoonNerd12

An MLP fairy tale comes to life when six princesses fight for love.

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Chapter 17

"Sombra?!" the guys all shouted out.

"As in King Sombra?!" Flash questioned.

"The Lost King of Equestria?!" Fancy Pants gasped.

"But… I thought… you were dead…" said a confused Spike.

"You assumed incorrect…" the king hissed.

Discord pointed out, "Besides, remember what Celestia said, Spike? He was placed with a curse. She never did say that he died."

"Wait, that's the curse?!" Cheese cried out, "That's what's going to happen to our girls if we don't stop it in time?!"

Discord bared his teeth, "That won't happen! I won't let it!"

"Girls? You mean… something has happened to my daughters?!"

"Unfortunately, yes, Sombra, ol' boy. Chrysalis has taken your daughters and we are determatied to bring them back."

"But why…? Why do you care and for that matter… how did you escape your stone prison?!"

"I'm so glad you asked that. You see, it was your daughter, Fluttershy, who had set me free. She gave me the kindness that your wife and you never gave me in the first place."

"And now… you are good because of this?" Sombra found it hard to believe.

"On my oath! For the safety of your daughter is all that matters to me now."

He was skeptical at first until he started to softly chuckle, "Fluttershy always could see the good in others, even if that being was bad…"

"Yes, she does seem to have that effect…" Discord sighed dreamily.

Then the king's face turned back to serious, "But this is distressing news. My daughters are at risk and I intend to find them…"

"So do we, Your Majesty," Flash took a step forward and bowed before him, "Your daughters mean everything to us, sire."

"And who are you, young colt?"

"Flash Sentry, my lord. I was a new guard in Canterlot when I met your daughter, Princess Twilight."

Fancy took a bow and properly introduced himself, "I am Fancy Pants, my king, and I was under the service of the Canterlot castle when I met your daughter, Princess Rarity."

"Cheese Sandwich, and I met Princess Pinkie not too long ago and made my joke shop in Canterlot just to see her."

"I'm Soarin'. I was a lowly water boy for the Wonderbolts when I first met Princess Rainbow Dash. Now, I'm one of them."

Spike finished it up with his bowing, "And I am Spike the Dragon. I was actually taken into your family as an egg by the queen and Twilight raised me. While it's true I had a thing for Rarity first, it is your daughter, Princess Applejack, who has caught my eye now and who I want to be with."

Sombra was amazed by these statements and was quite impressed with these colts, who obviously held his daughters in their hearts. It showed him that they cared for them and would stop at nothing to be with them.

"You are brave to go after them, and I thank you for that. My daughters deserve colts who are willing to do so much for them. You have my upmost respect."

"Whoa…" Spike gawked.

"Yeah, whoa…" Discord was gawking too, then shook out of the shock and asked, "So, Sombra, would you like to come with us?"

"I will go, but on my own."

"Why?" Cheese raised his brow.

"This curse is unpredictable. It takes all of my energy just to keep it under control. You could get seriously hurt if I lost that. No, it'd be best if I went ahead and meet you there."

"Whatever you thinks best." said Discord, being secretly glad he would get to keep his role as leader.

"Just tell me, how…"

"How what?" questioned Soarin'.

"How did my daughters get captured by that changeling queen? When I casted that fainting spell, I was sure they would be safe…"

"So you were the reason they fainted when they did!" Spike motioned.

"I regret to say, yes. I couldn't risk them seeing me… To see their father being a monster."

"Ugh, you and Celestia both! You push away your daughters instead of facing them with the truth! It's no wonder that you two are perfect for each other!" growled Discord, "Did you know your wife tried to get your girls in an arranged marriage?"

"She did? Well… knowing my sweet Celestia, she only did that as a last resort since I could not be freed from the curse. If our daughters were at risk to have the same thing happen to them, then she had no choice but to… If our sititutions had been reversed, I would have done the same… But anyway, what matters is getting there and stopping this…" he moved in his shadowy form, "…from happening to them! Have courage, lads, for this is one battle we cannot afford to lose…"

They nodded as his shadowy form had turned to a regular unicorn body, but his facial features remained the same. "Be gone with you and we shall rendezvous at the gateway of the changeling kingdom." he trotted off to a section of the castle while the guys headed out the door.

When the dungeon door creaked open, a couple of changelings gave prison rations to the princesses. Upon seeing the bread and water, Rarity was appalled and complained:

"Is this any way to treat royalty?!" she pushed the tray away.

"News flash! We are their prisoners!" Rainbow implied.

"Ah, but you don't have to be…"

They turned their heads in annoyance to see the royal pain, Prince Blueblood, at the door.

"So, which one of you is my lucky bride? Because if you are, you can get out of here and enjoy a feast matching our royal status… Any acceptances?"

There was nothing but dead silence with a few death glares.

"No pony? Oh, well, there's only one more day before I make the final decision and I certainly have an idea of whom I want… so think about it before it comes to that. Cheerio!" he walked out with the changelings.

Rainbow grunted, "Cheerio my-"

"Rainbow Dash! Language!" Rarity warned.

"Well, I'm sorry! But for him to- Arrgh!" she used her hind legs to punch the wall.

"What I like to know is why he's being a nasty, mean, meanie pants?!" said Pinkie, "He wasn't like this when we were little!"

"Maybe," said AJ, "But we don't know that. For all we know, he could be showing his true colors at last…"

"He must be pretty unhappy…" said Fluttershy.

"That may be true, but he's going about it all wrong." said Twilight, "He made a deal with Chrysalis that he can choose either one of us even if we refuse. Secondly, he's only using us to get closer to the throne and possibly for…" she couldn't say that last part and grimaced.

They didn't need to ask what she was getting at. The sisters also did a grimace and that made them wish they had their colts right then and there for comfort.

"Oh, Cheese… Where can you be…?" Pinkie whispered.

As a matter of fact, he and the other guys were on a road leading out of Pony-Ville. Cheese opened his mouth and said, "Are we there yet?"

"No." replied Discord.

"Are we there yet?" he asked again.

"No." responded Fancy Pants.

"Are we there yet?" he repeated.

"No." countered Spike.

"Are we there yet?"

"NO!" they all ended up saying.

"Sheesh, Cheese! Any pony can see we're not there yet!" retorted Soarin'.

"Sorry… but it's just so boring! No talking, no travel games, no sing-alongs!" Suddenly, his face lit up, "Oh, but I can fix that!" he took out a banjo and started playing it.

Flash gaped, "Tell me he's not…"

"Sing a song, yes, a travel song…"

Spike heaved a sigh, "He is…"

"When you gotta go somewhere… 'Cause the fun is getting there! Yeah! Oh, what the hay, I must confess, I love a road trip! Sing a song! Hit the trail! Forget the maps, forget the guides! Before ya know it, you've made strides with me! And I know- all I need- all along, is a path-and a pal-and a song! So I'm singin' and I'm pallin' with you! See? Makes the time go by faster!"

Fancy sang out, "Why me…? Why me…?"

Cheese said while taking in the scenery, "This is nice."

"Tell me what was my crime…" Soarin' sang.

"We are strolling!"

Discord sang in a near whisper, "As chatty as a parrot, more annoying than a mime…"

"Hey, look! A cat who's wearing boots! You don't see that every day!"

Spike sang out, "Why me? Why me? A simple answer would be fine…"

Cheese jumped around them, "This is good cardio!"

"Won't someone please send me a sign?" sang Flash.

"Hey, a sign! Yunita Pal Avenue straight ahead!"

Discord resumed singing, "What did I do to deserve this? Honestly… This pony here is imprudent!"

All of them, minus Cheese, sang, "Why me?!"

"Oh, man, what could be better than this?!"

"Why me? Why me? A simple answer would be fine! Won't somebody please send me a sign?!"

"Sing a song! Hit the road! It's the way to get around! Before ya know it, you've gained ground with me!"

"What did I do to deserve this? Honestly…"

"And I know all I need all along is a path and a pal and a song!"

"This pony here is imprudent…"

"So, I'm singin' and I'm pallin' with youuuuuu!" he finished the cord and took a show bow.

"You done now?" Discord asked impatiently.

"Yup! Unless you wanted me to sing another song. Ooh! I could!" he took a gulp of air, but was suddenly tackled by Soarin'.

"That…won't be necessary…" the Wonderbolt slowly got off of him.

He pouted, "Aw, you guys are no fun!"

"Oh, don't talk to me about fun!" Discord went in his face, "I invented fun! What you're doing is plain annoying!"

"Easy…" Flash said, being the voice of reason, "We don't want to lose our heads. Remember why we're doing this… for the princesses…"

"He's right," nodded Fancy, "This whole trip is to find them and save them from a most awful curse… After seeing it on the king, I feared the worst for my poor Rarity…"

Both Discord and Cheese had a look of sorrow, knowing they were right.

I certainly can't let Fluttershy feel like she'd be a monster… I know how that feels, after all… I can't let that happen to her!

I know Pinkie would want me to keep smiles up since she's not here to do it… I swear on camaberry that I will keep on smiling even if I'm not in a cheery mood after all and that I'm traveling with these grumpy gussies…

Spike moved forward, "Come on, then. Let's keep going!"

They just kept on moving.

After some time later, they took a break near Froggy Bottom Bog for a picnic lunch. Spike was passing a garden salad and looked up to Discord, saying, "Would you like some?"

"That's generous of you, Spike, but I'm good." he snapped as a bowl of parchment appeared in his hand and he took a fork and began smacking.

The steeds looked up in bewilderment and Soarin' asked with a raised eyebrow, "Is that… paper?"

"What?" Discord said with his mouth full, "It's good." he gulped it down.

They could only shake their heads and continued to eat their packed lunches, though Fancy Pants had a tea set before him and magically poured another cup of tea to sip. When they were done eating, Discord yawned and stretched out, "I'm going to take a quick nap before we head out. I'm not used to all this walking around, after all."

He floated between two trees and stretched himself out like a hammock by using his arms to hold on to one tree and holding the other tree's branch with his tail. He yawned again and fell asleep.

"Well, I suppose some pony has to clean all this up…" Fancy pointed out and began to magically throw away empty wrappers, pack the dishes in the basket, and fold the blanket.

"Sure you don't want help?" Flash questioned.

"I've got this." he kept using his magic to concentrate on the mess.

"Okay… The rest of us will go get some supplies."

"Why?" Soarin' motioned, "We all know that Discord could do that."

"Yes, but remember what he said about teleporting? It takes a lot of his magical energy, and frankly, I rather he was rested up for when we get there on what we'll have to face. Even Queen Celestia and King Sombra couldn't stop this curse from happening or get rid of it! We're going to need every bit of Discord's magic to get through this… so in the meantime, it'd be best we fend for ourselves so he can use his magic when the time comes."

"I guess you're right." said Spike.

"This way." Flash took to a sector of woods, with Spike, Soarin', and Cheese following close behind.

The bog bubbled in its brown sticky substance. Cheese was hopping from stone to stone while the bubbles popped. He found himself wishing that Pinkie was there with him so they could have fun together with the bubbles.

Soarin' was flying from tree to tree before declaring, "I'm not seeing anything we can use for eats or anything useful that might help us."

Flash bit his lip in thought, "Hmm… Spike? Find anything?"

"Nothing so far…" the dragon pointed out.

"Looks like this was a waste of time!" Soarin' came down, unaware that something was moving in the bog… "I say we head back and keep on going until nightfall."

"I vote for that." Spike nodded.

"Me, too." agreed Cheese.

"Alright… at least it was worth a try," Flash said as a stench filled the air, "That we…" he coughed, "…we were looking!" he started coughing more, "What is that smell?!" But he saw the three of them gripping with fear, "What? What is it?"

"L-look, b-behind you-u…" Spike was quivering.

Flash did a quick turn around and saw above him a four headed fifty-foot hydra! He slowly backed away while asking, "Cheese, what would you call that thing?!"

"Two words… AMSCRAY!" he screamed and made a run for it, with the others yelling and running right behind him.

Soarin' realized something and screeched to a halt, "Wait… why am I running? I got wings!" he flapped up and zipped through the air.

Flash took notice and thought, Oh, what the hay… he opened his own wings and began to fly.

Cheese and Spike were still running until the brown sticky stuff caught hold of them and they got stuck. The hydra was coming closer to them and the guys shouted out, "HELP!"

The pegasi heard them and grabbed them up just in time as one of the hydra's heads tried to eat them. Soarin' had grabbed Cheese Sandwich by the fore arms and Flash had Spike on his back. The hydra reached its necks out to get them into their mouths.

"Incoming!" Cheese pointed to an open mouth and Soarin' dodged it.

"Nice save!" the Wonderbolt praised the party pony.

"No problem!" grinned Cheese.

"There's got to be some way to stop this thing!" Flash yelled out, "Spike! See if you can find something that can help us!"

"On it!" Spike saluted and used his claws like binoculars and scouted out the terrain from above. By then, he saw tree branches full of vines. "There! Those vines!"

"Good work!" He turned to the light blue pegasus in midair, "Soarin'! We need to fly down there and grab those vines! Then we can wrap it around the creature!"

"We got it!" Soarin' swooped down with Cheese for him to grab one half of the vines as Flash did the same with Spike, grabbing the other half of vines.

With vines in hoof, the pegasi, with their flying partners, wrapped the vines from top to bottom of the hydra. The hydra started to lose its balance and began falling.