• Published 16th Sep 2014
  • 4,991 Views, 738 Comments

Absolution 2 - ed2481

After Cres left, Applejack thought that she'd never have to hear the words 'Pokemon' again outside of Twilight's constant questions. However, it seems that hope was misplaced. With only the help of Cres, can she find her way back

  • ...

Chapter 1

“Wakey, wakey, rise and shine,” a darkly playful voice whispered in Applejack’s ear.

Applejack let out a low moan, as a splitting headache rolled through her skull. “Uggh...” was all she managed to get out.

“Yes, you might feel a bit dizzy and nauseous, but it should pass... eventually, heheh,” the dark voice said chiddingly.

The stubborn earth pony tried to get up, but her legs felt as if they were made of lead, and as she couldn’t move them, aside from the occasional slight twitch.

“Your body might feel a bit weak...though, it is only because of it still recovering from a few helpful modifications. I can't have you break so easily during your first encounter now can I?” the voice questioned her, a slight lilting chuckle hiding beneath its words.

“What... is... going on...” Applejack managed to get out

For reasons unknown to Applejack, that simple question caused whoever it was that was speaking to her to burst into laughter, yet it somehow also spoke mid laugh without the slightest bit of interrupt. “Oh my dear Applejack, you'll soon find out,” it told her before both the voice and the laughter accompanying it faded.

Applejack let out a groan and started to look around.To her slow moving mind’s shock, she was lying directly in the middle of a gravel road. Trees ran along either side of it, and what appeared to be the noonday sun, as it was high in the sky.

The mare narrowed her eyes and tried once more to stand, this time actually managing it. Unfortunately, her triumph was short lived and her legs wobbled uncontrollably beneath her beneath her weight and she stumbled forwards into the gravel. She let out a hard exhale and forced herself to stand again, meeting with a similar amount of success as the last time. Suddenly, Applejack’s ears perked up and she heard the distinct sound of hooves sinking into gravel.

Applejack’s tired mind directed her in the direction of the sound, surly, somepony would be able to help her. At the very least, they’d give her a drink, her throat was sore and numb.

“He-hello?” she managed to call out, as she distantly caught sight of the ‘pony’ who was walking towards her.

The shape grew larger as it got closer to her and Applejack’s mouth fell open. It was no mere pony! In fact, it was a zebra, and a giant one at that. The stallion, definitely a stallion, had a mane that flickered as if it had electricity flowing through it and he easily towered high enough over Applejack that she had to crane her head up to even see his, or that of his rider.

That was what caused Applejack’s eyes to truly widen. Sitting astride a well crafted saddle was a tall, almost apelike creature, wearing a long, white, lab coat similar to what Twilight wore sometimes when she was in a ‘sciencey’ mood. Oddly enough, the creature wore the cloak with a style that Applejack was more accustomed to finding in Rarity then Twilight. She, judging by the chest protrusions, had fair skin and raven hair along with intelligent brown eyes.

“Sweet Celestia...” Applejack said, staring with shocked eyes as she began to back away.

“Well , what have we here?” the stallion asked with a slightly raised eyebrow, his voice was deep and courteous , yet contained more than a hint of casual laughter.

“OH! I've never seen any pokemon like you before!” a more feminine voice, shockingly similar to Twilight’s, if she had a Prench accent, exclaimed causing Applejack to look up at the creature astride the zebra.

“Are you alright? You look a bit… confused,” the stallion asked her, bringing his head down to look closer at Applejack.

“I... I...” Applejack managed to stutter out before her legs gave out beneath her and she flopped to the crunchy gravel. She was still awake, but she was so very exhausted.

“Oh my, I think she's hurt,” the zebra said with a frown.

“She must be hurt,” the rider said, her voice full of concern. “Which means I should get her to a Pokemon Center as soon as possible,” the female added as she reached into her lab coat’s pocket and pulled out a black and yellow orb from within it, and then, much to Applejack’s confusion, threw the orb at her.

What followed was even more confusing and much more terrifying. Applejack felt herself being... sucked into the orb, and found herself staring into empty blackness. Her eyes widened in terror and she tried to strain against the ball but it did nothing more then possibly cause the ball to shake back and forth once or twice.

Suddenly she heard a ‘ding’ and then felt as if she was being lifted into the air as the Prench Twilight began to speak again.

"Wow, a whole new breed of Pokemon and it just happens to be a horse, maybe something you'd be interested in, eh Zeb?" she asks jokingly. “Especially if we want to breed some more. After all, it wouldn’t be your first time studding.”

Applejack’s eyes widened in fear. Just what were they talking about?!

Thankfully, the stallion spoke before Applejack’s mind could go down too many dark passageways “I'm more than happy with Reva, Roxanne” he said stiffly.

Apparently his voice had been stiff enough for the woman to pick up on it. “Oh come on, I was only joking,” Prench Twilight said with a small chuckle.

Meanwhile, Applejack finally found her voice “Who, what, where, how!” she shouted a stream of question before settling on what she felt was the most important.“Where am I?!” She began to rock back and forth in the weird, empty area hitting small invisible walls, causing the Ultra Ball to rock slightly in Roxanne’s hand.

“Hey, you're a lively one in there. Don't worry I'll get you to the Pokemon Center and get you all fixed up,” the female voice said comfortingly from above her.

Applejack stopped dead as her ears snapped up at a word the strange creature said. “Pokemon... no... no... NO! LET ME OUT OF HERE!” she screamed, her rocking increasing as she tried to break free of her confinement, causing the ball to rock even more.

“I'm sorry if this is new for you, but there’s no way someone in your condition can get out of a pokeball,” Roxanne told her. “But trust me, there's nothing to be afraid of, we’re getting you help. I promise, I'm a nice trainer, heck, I'm a PROFESSOR! We're all nice!”

However all of Roxanne’s words fell on deaf ears as the mare continued to shake the ball, screaming, “LET ME OUT!” She did so until all of her last bit of energy finally began to drain and her strength fading from her body as she just floated limply in the void like world.

What in tarnation is going on... she muttered in her thoughts. One minute, I remember going to sleep after saying goodnight to Apple Bloom the next.... she shivered violently at the memory of her nightmare before her eyes narrowed in anger. Cres... it has to be his fault, he just couldn’t just settle with leaving, he had to drag me into his world... I swear, when I see him I’ll buck him so hard he won’t be feeling anything from the waist down for the rest of his life!

Roxanne smiled as she pulled open the door to her apartment. "Matt, I'm home!" she called. “Cynthia told me to say hello and more importantly, guess what! I caught a never before-seen Pokemon on the way home!"

“Really? That's kind-of hard to believe, if you don't mind me saying,” Matt said, brushing his blonde hair away from his blue eyes as repositioned himself on his chair, then moving his right leg, which was noticeably leaner than his left.

“Not at all, I'm really surprised by it too!” Roxanne replied, an infectious smile on her face. “I mean, it isn't a very impressive one, but it's probably just the un-evolved form and it's still incredible to find a new Pokemon in a region as well explored as Sinnoh!”

Matt raised an eyebrow at his wife. “Well are you going to just tell me about, or show me this new 'Pokemon'?" he asked, putting the book he was reading down on a small stand next to the chair.

“Oh, I guess someone’s eager to meet her,” Roxanne said, her Kalos accent becoming a bit stronger in all her excitement. “Alright then, introducing Groundta~” the woman trilled as she held up the Ultra Ball and press the release button on front of it.

A ball of light and energy flashed out as it swirled around in the middle of the rug and the were greeted by Applejack, who looked blinked blankly in confusion before she rapidly looked around. Her eyes fell on the two and her body stiffened for a small moment before she quickly took an offensive stance.

“Okay, I don’t know who or what y’all are, but I’ve had enough of this!” she shouted at the two.

Matt frowned slightly, it was strange... he could understand her, but her words were... jumbled. Though one thing was clear to him, and that was her tone. “She sounds a bit... hostile dear, from what I can make out that is.”

“I noticed...” Roxanne said as she bent down and put a comforting hand on the newly dubbed ‘Groundta’s’ shoulder. “Relax Groundta, we're not going to hurt you, I promise.”

Applejack raised a hoof and slapped the hand away while taking a few steps back “Don't touch me!”

Matt grabbed one of his crutches leaning against the chair and walked up to Roxanne and placed a hand on her back. “I don’t think that was the best move my dear,” he told her.

“Yeah... looks like all I managed to do was make her angrier,” the woman agreed with a frown. “What do you think we should do Matt?”

“I think you should return her before she tries to use an attack inside our small apartment,” he replied calmly.

“Probably,” Roxane agreed as she held up the ball and pointed it calmly at Applejack. “Okay Groundta, back in the ball.”

Applejack’s eyes widened at the sight of the ball. “DON'T YO-” she was cut off as a red beam hit her and she was scooped back up inside the Ultra Ball, which shortly started rocking back and forth volatility.

“Good thing I used an Ultra Ball,” Roxanne commented as she held onto the ball till it went still. “She’s got a lot of fight in her.”

“It looks like it,” Matt said with a small frown as he placed his left thumb and index finger underneath his chin. “Still, we should probably find some way to calm her down... otherwise, trying to train her will be impossible.”

“I’m sure that between the two of us we can figure it out,” Roxanne said with a small chuckle. “After all, I’m Professor Roxanne Redwood and you’re Champion Matthew Keenan, together there’s no Pokemon we can’t train.”

Matt chuckled lightly as he wrap his left arm around her waist and pull her in to kiss her lightly on the forehead. “Yeah, I guess so... though we probably want to figured that out in my gym, just to be on the safe side.”

“Yeah, I agree,” Roxanne said with a nod. “Less chance of property damage that we have to explain to our landlord, after all, our lake house isn’t done yet.”

“I still can’t believe you had all that money and didn’t tell me about it,” Matt said with a small shake of his head. “I mean, over fifteen million pokedollars, why keep that a secret till now?”

“I honestly didn’t think it was all that weird,” the woman said before she gave him a kiss. “After all, in Kalos millions of pokedollars is the norm Matt, you can’t get into most good cafes without it.”

The man shook his head some more, a small smile forming along the edge of his lips. “Whatever you say my dear.” He leaned down to give her another kiss. “Let’s just hope we won’t spoil our upcoming daughter huh?”

“Oh I’m sure we won’t,” Roxanne replied with a chuckle. “After all, I don’t even notice the wealth, we’ll raise her to think the same way.”

“Good... now, how about you head to gym and get ‘Groundta’ ready for us to talk to again, I think I’ll probably get Cres to help us just in case she gets a bit rowdy,” he said, unwrapping his arm around her.

“Alright, I’ll head over on Zeb, see you soon my dear,” she told him before she unwrapped her arm from him and gave him a kiss on the cheek before heading out the door.

Matt smiled for a moment after she left before a small thoughtful frown form on his face. New pokemon huh... hmm... why do I have this feeling that’s not true... His frowned deep slightly as he shakes his head. Maybe it’s just me and thinking I’ve know everything about pokemon, which is not really true. Still... Groundta... I don’t think is not a very good name.

He shook his head slightly and turned around to head to the bedroom, though before he could reach it, the door opened slightly and an Absol walked out of it with a sleepy yawn.

“Did I hear yelling?” Cres the Absol asked with another yawn. “I could have sworn I heard yelling.”

“You can say that,” Matt replied. “It seems Roxanne discovered a new pokemon... maybe.... It’s some weird orange ponyta looking one whose mane isn't on fire. She was a bit... steamed about being captured, though at least I think that was the problem. Strangely I couldn’t understand what she was saying. It was like a different language for me.”

Cres blinked twice at that description but shook his head “That’s weird,” he said aloud as he thought about who else that could describe. Could it be...No, Not a chance.. “So, I take it the two of us are going to help her blow off some of that steam at the gym?”

“Yeah, if you don't mind that is,” Matt replied with a small shrug.

“No, I've got nothing going on, Belle and Xav are at the library studying quantum mechanics or something...” he trailed off, the subjects that interested his mate and his son mystified him.

“Then how about you fully wake up and grab something to eat before we head off, who knows how long this will take,” the man suggested.

“An excellent idea, hopefully Roxanne will be able to resist her scientific urges before we get there,” Cres said, shaking his head as he walked over to the fridge and grabbed a few slices of Clefairy meat. Then with a few quick gulps he ate the delectable meat and turned back to Matt. “Alright, let's get going.”

Matt nodded and the pair set off for the elevator together. After a short ride down they walked out the front door to where Reva was standing idly by a water trough. Matt walked up to the silver maned Rapidash and gave her a loving pat before he mounted her.

“You up for a little run, Reva?” Matt asked her.

“To the Gym? Of course,” Reva said with a small chuckle before she glanced down at Cres. “Provided of course Cres can keep up.”

“So long as you don’t try and outrace the cars, I should be fine,” Cres told her confidently.

“Of course,” Reva said with an amused chuckle before she set off for the gym with Cres keeping up easily enough thanks to lots of practice and years on the road. As they went down the road, Cres couldn’t help his thoughts from turning back to a rather dark place from his past.

I really hope this isn’t who I think it is... he thought to himself worriedly. Because if it is... then I’m going to have a very bad headache before all this is over.