• Published 5th Sep 2014
  • 2,614 Views, 30 Comments

Doctor Whooves Adventures with Luna: A Sister's Reunion - CrackedInkWell

On the eve of her 800 year reign without her sister, Celestia gets a visit for the Doctor along with his companion, her sister.

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6: Master

Author's Note:

Now, I'm aware this might not exactly be the best writing, so if there's anyone who finds some kind of fault, please let me know though the comments.

“Getting us captured; are you mad?!” Celestia protested.

“The very first step to overthrow an enemy is to know what they’re up to.” The Doctor replied, “Besides, we have an advantage. The Master most likely doesn’t know that Luna is even here at all. If all else fails, Luna would have to step in.”

“Fear not, sister of mine,” -Luna reinsured- “if Discord and Sombra can be overthrown, what chance does this so-called “Master” have with the three of us?”

Celestia nodded. “Alright Doctor, whatever it takes to save my- no, our kingdom.”

With that, the Doctor set the machine into motion.


An hour before sunrise in the throne room the TARDIS appeared with a room full of guards plus a general was waiting. As soon as they caught sight of the box, the guards lifted their weapons towards the box.

The general made his way towards the doors of the ship, which a moment later opened up to the Doctor. “Hello again, Herr Doctor.” Some nearby guard immediately grabbed the Doctor.

“Go fetch her highness.” The Master told the other guards. Six of them rushed into the TARDIS, a moment later, Celestia can be heard, demanding her guards to let go of her.

There was some commotion coming inside of the ship, “Stop! What are you doing? Let go of my horn! My magic! What have you done with my magic?!” Celestia demanded. About a minute later, the guards lead out the Sun Princess, now having a stone ring on her horn and her wings tied to her sides.

“Doctor my old dear less sane friend; I’m quite disappointed in you.” The master said. “Here I thought that you of all Time Lords would have a plan. Try to sneak up on me or something, but instead, you park your TARDIS right where we’d expected.”

“But how?” The Doctor asked.

“Her Majesty wrote a book.” The Master grinned, pulling out a book that defiantly didn’t come this time period. “A Thousand Years Alone: The Reign without Luna by Princess Celestia. I got this from the year 1,020. You ought to pick it up sometime, it’s the quite the read.” He opened up the book to a marked page. ““On the morning of my eight hundredth, just before sunrise, I went down into the throne room to find a curious object. A blue box with the words “Police Public Call Box” on it. And out of the box, a stallion came, when I asked who he was; he said that he calls himself The Doctor.” And what do you know? Here you are! Oh, and before I forget, Princess Celestia, you’re a few hours late to your assassination.”

“Wait a moment!” Celestia interjected. “If you do kill me, what will happen to that book? Wouldn’t it create a paradox?”

The Master rolled his eyes. “Why should that bother me? I’m trying to create a brand new future here. And you just so happen to be in the way. Now guards, go get the leach.”

“What are you doing here anyway?” The Doctor asked.

“Isn’t it obvious? Do you even know what year it even is? Yep! Eight hundred. This is the very year that Equestria really kick starts itself into its industrial revolution. I mean, come on, we both have the same level of intelligence here; what do you think would happen if, say, we give them the knowledge to build rockets into space at this time period, hum?”

The Doctor’s eyes widen in realization.

“Which means, things are about to get much more fun!” The Master said, ending it with a smile.

“Sir. The leach.” A guard said with a glass jar in his hoof with the red leach inside.

“And one more thing Celestia, you were a good boss and all, but I’m afraid we have to go our separate ways. Oh! And by-the-way, this will hurt, allot. Have fun dying!”

Then everything went still at the sound of the TARDIS doors opening. To the guards' shock, there in the doorway was the Princess of the Night.

“Well, don’t just stand there, seize her!” The Master ordered. But none of the guards step forward, if anything, they were stepping back away from her. “Guess I have to do something myself then.” He muttered under his breath. He drew near the blue alicorn with a scowl on her face.

“Princess Luna, I don’t believe we’ve met. My name is-”

“How dare you,” Luna said. “I overheard everything.”


“You sir, are trying to harm my sister.”

The Master laughed. “That’s what you’re mad at? Ha-ha-ha-ha! Oh, this is too funny!”

“What is?”

“A mad princess that was so jealous of her sister that she tried to kill her is mad at me for doing the very thing she wanted!”

“Tis a lie!! I am neither mad nor jealous! How dare you insult me?!”

“Insulting? I’m just merely complimenting you. And you know what? Out of all the strange and dangerous things I’ve found out on this planet, I personally found you the most relatable. You see,” -at this point, he started to type that four-beat rhythm- “you heard it too. The drums of war. The music that made you rise to claim what was yours, for you saw your sister took what was rightfully yours. Do you hear the drums? It’s a call that I’ve heard every single waking and sleeping moment. A call to rise and destroy anything that’s in your path, even if that means your sister.”

“Shut up.”

“So you’ve had!”

“Luna! Don’t list-” The Doctor was gagged before he could finish.

“You’re just trying to trick me!”

“Am I? Or am I just telling you the truth?”

“Luna-” Celestia was gagged too.

“Tell me, did they really tell you why your older sister locks you away on the moon alone?”

“What!? Celestia would never do that!”

“Would she? After all, it was you who tried to kill her in the first place.”

“No! You’re lying! I would never do such a thing!”

The Master smiled: “Oh? You wouldn’t? Tell me this then? Other than your sister or from the Doctor, when was the last time any of your subjects had so much as complimented about your night?”

Luna fell silent, shaking her head.

“Do you want to know why you tried to kill Celestia? It’s was all because of her sun.”


“Those ponies saw that your sister’s sun was and still is the most useful light between the two.”

“Stop it.”

“And because of that, they see your stars and moon to be useless.”

“I don’t believe you!” Luna said, getting angrier as he spoke.

“But it’s true, isn’t it? Oh! I see now, you’re still in that stage of denying what’s really in front of you. Trust me, your highness, I’ve been there. You don’t want to admit to yourself that no one on this stinking planet really cares for your art.”


“Let’s face it; the only way you’d get others to notice that you still exist is to do something drastic, which was why you turned into a monster. Luna dear, not everyone is born as an insane beasty for no apparent reason, just like me.”

“BEGONE!!!” Luna yelled at the top of her voice, her horn glowed brightly when it died down, the Master was nowhere to be seen. All was silent in the room except for the loud huffing of a very crossed Luna.


Every single guard in the room quickly nodded their heads. They untied Celestia as well as the Doctor. While Celestia went over to Luna, the Doctor picked up the book the Master had dropped.

“Luna, are you alright?”

Luna nodded. “He’s lying. Me trying to kill you, what kind of a twisted, sadistic mind would come up with something like that?”

Celestia nodded, giving a very uneasy smile. “So… What happened to him?”

Luna took a few more breaths to calm down, “I sent him away.”


“I put him somewhere that he would never harm you or Equestria ever again.”



The room fell silent for a moment before Celestia turned towards the guards in the room. She told them that each and every single one of them will court-martialed for what just happened. She also instructed that what they just saw will remain in the castle only until further notice. And then she ordered them to get out of the room.