• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 12,489 Views, 1,467 Comments

A New World, a New Ranger - ed2481

When a Pokemon Ranger is turned into a Ninetales along with her mate (who just so happens to be an Arcanine) she must find a way to survive in this new, and very odd world, and maybe find a way to make some reforms to the old Ranger Handbook.

  • ...

Chapter 34

Abby, Kasai, Luke, Scarlet, Rill, Lex, Justice, Claire, Axle and Lance stepped off of the train, more or less at the same time. It had taken them about a day to get from Las Pegasus to Ponyville even with the fastest of trains and they were all ready to get off of it. Especially considering Axle’s size. Still, Abby was a vixen on a mission.

“Okay mom, you fine with finding everyone some lodging?” she asked, turning to Scarlet. “Kasai and I are going to go find our friends.”

“Yeah, shouldn’t be too hard,” the Serperior nodded her head. “I mean, that is if Lance doesn’t scare anyone off,” she teased, giving the Bisharp a nudge with her vine. Lance just rolled his eyes slightly and didn’t comment on Scarlet’s joke.

Abby smiled. “Thanks mom, come on Kasai, let’s go find Gene and Belle,” the Ninetales said with a grin as she began to trot away. “You have their scent memorized?”

“Well I got Fang memorized well enough... maybe I can track him down,” Kasai said as he took a few sniffs in the air.

Abby nodded. “That’s a start, and if nothing else, Fang can lead us to Gene and Belle, and Kasai, don’t get mad at him if he’s staring at my rear, it’s a lovely rear and it’s alright to stare.”

“Looking is okay... but if he starts sniffing at it that will be the stopping point,” Kasai replied before he opened his eyes. “Okay, I smell Fang’s scent and it’s recently fresh.”

“Great,” Abby said with a grin as they started forwards. Then she frowned. “I feel like someone is watching us...”

“Oh, I get that feeling all the time,” A voice chirped up beside her.


Abby jumped a full half-foot in the air in surprise, her teeth flashing out as a snarl leapt from her throat as she came down face to face with... the most non-threatening pony she’d ever seen. She had a cotton candy mane and a smiling pink face that was currently upturned into a wide grin. Kasai stared at her blankly, waiting for the mystery pony to make a move.

“Hi,” She said with a smile. “I’m Pinkie Pie.”

“...Abby Trombley,” Abby said, letting out a breath as her lips lowered back over her teeth. “You really should be careful about scaring pregnant Pokemon... or Pokemon in general actually.”

Pinkie gasped. “Oh my gosh! You’re pregnant!”

Abby nodded her head ever so slightly. “Yes, thanks to this one,” she said, nudging Kasai with her hips.

Kasai blushed slightly but cleared his throat. “Anyways... it was nice meeting you... Pinkie Pie, but we’re kind of busy at the moment looking for some friends of ours and-”

“Oh, I can help with that,” Pinkie interrupted. “I know everybody in Ponyville, see I use to know everypony, because it was mostly ponies, but ever since the Pokemon showed up, I’ve just been saying everybody, which I probably should have been before anyway, since Spike, and Zecora, and Discord, and Matilda already lived here anyway.”

Abby blinked blankly and then let out a breath, her ranger training taking over a little. “That’s great Pinkie Pie, do you know a Gardevoir named Belle? I’m not sure what Gene got turned into but I’m sure he’s near her. Also, can you take us to them maybe?”

Pinkie gasped. “You know Gene and Belle?!” She asked excitedly. “They’re some of my best Pokemon friends!”

Kasai smiled. “Yeah we know them, they’re our friends too, some of our best.”

“Well, any friend of a friend of mine is a friend of mine,” Pinkie said with a nod. “And Pinkie Pie always helps her friends.”

Abby smiled down at the mare, grateful to have found a guide so easily. “Thanks Pinkie Pie, that would mean a lot to us all I’m sure,” she said before she glanced at the Las Pegasus Guard shoulder badge, grateful that it was still translating perfectly. “I can’t wait to see them and tell them our little secret.”

“You can just call me Pinkie,” Pinkie said. “And what’s the secret, is it that you’re pregnant?”

“Something like that...” Abby said with a small sigh, a mixture of exhaustion and worry sweeping over her. “I’m sure you’ll hear about it from them or maybe if you eavesdrop on our conversation... I just want to get it over with if you don’t mind so would you please just take us to them?”

“Okie dokie lokie,” Pinkie said. “Follow me! WEE!” Pinkie bounced off.

Kasai watched her bounce away. “Is it just me... or does she remind you of Vivi?” he asked Abby as he slowly followed the mare.

“Yeah, she kind of does,” Abby agreed, nodding her head. “I shudder to think how many hugs will be exchanged.”

“I don’t think the world would survive the outcome.... heh,” Kasai said with a small chuckle.

Abby chuckled as well as Pinkie led them down the path until they came to a large building shaped like a carousel. “Gene and Belle are staying with my friend Rarity right now, at least until their house is done.” Pinkie said.

“Thank you Pinkie Pie,” Abby said, letting out a small breath. “Should I just knock on the door or...?”

“That’s what everyone tells me I should do before I go in someone’s house,” Pinkie said with a grin before hopping off.

“Well then... let’s just get it over with,” Kasai said as he walked up and raised his prosthetic leg and gave the front door a few knocks with it.

“I got it!” A voice called from inside. A few second later, a purple head stuck itself through the door. “Sorry, Rarity is-” Mage’s eyes widened as she saw who was standing at the door.

“Well if it isn’t Mage the Prank Queen,” Abby said with a small smirk. “What’s the matter, Skitty got your tongue?”

“Abby?” Mage asked. “You’re a... be right back.” The Mismagius ducked back into the house and a few seconds later, the door was flung open by a very surprised looking Gardevoir.

“Abby?” Belle asked. “Kasai?”

“Hey Belle,” Kasai said with a wide grin. “Long time no see huh?”

“Belle!” Abby exclaimed with a grin as she got up on her hind legs to lick her friend across the cheek. “It’s good to see you!”

Belle smiled and wrapped her arms around the Ninetales. “It’s good to see you too Abby,” She said.

Letting go of her friend, she stepped out of the doorway. “Come right in, I’ll be right back with my dear mate.” Belle disappeared in a flash of blue.

Abby looked over at Kasai, a smile on her face. “I think she remembers us or something,” she said with a chuckle as she led the way through the door.

Kasai chuckled in agreement as he followed her. “I think you’re right.”

“Gene’s right upstairs,” Mage said. “I’m sure they’ll-”


“... be down in a moment.”

After a moment, a frantic looking Gallade rushed down the staircase. “Abby! Kasai!” He said happily. “I can’t believe you’re here!”

“Thought we’d get left behind on Earth?” Abby inquired playfully as she rushed up to him, as fast as she could anyways, and got up on her hind legs to give him a lick on the face as well. “And here I was hoping you’d be a Lopunny with thighs of steel for Belle to appreciate, for once, heh.”

“That would have been... interesting,” Belle admitted with a blush. “But I’m happy with him just the way he is.” She kissed Gene on the cheek.

Gene rolled his eyes. “So, how have you guys been?”

“Oh you know, adapting to a new world, getting ready to start a family, you know the usual,” Kasai replied with a smile.

“Yep, getting pregnant, making love, stopping riots, fun times,” Abby agreed, giving Gene another lick on the cheek before she got down and showed off her rather prominent belly. “Any day now the egg is due.”

Despite her inward shock, Belle smiled calmly. “Lucky you,” She put a hand over her belly. “I still have a few months.”

“Figured you would,” Abby said with a sly smile. “You two are just as active as Kasai and I are, heh.”

Gene chuckled. “Yeah, well, aside from that, we’ve been helping the Princesses, met Twilight our first day here, and we,” he grabbed Belle’s hand, and held both of theirs up, showing off their rings. “We finally had our wedding.”

Kasai’s eyes lit up. “Really? Well congratulations! I’m sorry we missed it, it must’ve been a memorable day for the two of you.”

“You had your wedding without us there?” Abby asked, pouting up at Belle. “And here I thought we were friends,” she added jokingly.

Belle laughed. “To be fair, Pinkie kinda sprung it on us too.”

“We didn't know it was happening until the day before the actual wedding,” Gene added.

“... really?” Abby replied, confusion on her face.

The couple nodded. “Pinkie’s a great mare, and an even better friend, but when it comes to any kind of celebration she can go kinda...”

“Overboard?” Mage asked.

“Crazy,” Belle and Gene completed together.

Kasai and Abby shared a glanced at each other. “We really probably don’t want her to meet Vivi...” he noted to her.

“Yeah... I don’t think that even mom could keep them from taking over the entire country beneath a party tent...” Abby agreed.

“Mom?” Gene asked. “I thought-” He bit his lip and stopped himself.

“Yeah...” Abby let out a small sigh. “Is there anywhere in here that we can sit down? It turns out that Kasai and I have a lot to tell you... see... we may have lied a little bit when we first met you...”

Gene and Belle looked at each other, then at their friends. “This way.” They led them to Rarity’s waiting/living room and over to the pair of couch around the coffee table. “What exactly did you lie about?” Gene asked.

Abby let out another sigh. “Look, I want you two to promise us something... you can’t freak out when we tell you this, not until we’re absolutely done okay?” she looked... scared more than anything, scared that she was about to lose two of her best friends in the world.

“We promise,” they said together.

“I promise too,” Mage added. “In case anyone was wondering.”

“Alright...” Kasai said with a small frown. “There’s no real good way to say it but... Abby is a Ranger.”

“A Top Ranger, Pokephilia division,” Abby added with a small nod of her head, one of her tails twirling around Kasai’s. “My main job was to track down the most wanted violators and see them brought to justice.”

Belle, Mage, and Gene stared at them in shock. “You’re kidding,” Mage said. “I mean... come on, you can’t be serious.”

“Dead serious,” Kasai replied, his ears falling flat against his face. “The night Abby and I... stumbled into your campsite wasn’t by coincidence, we were there to... well, to judge the two of you.”

“Yes...” Abby agreed as she took in a deep breath. “You see, Kasai and I fell in love early... and well... we both knew that there was such a thing as good Pokephilia so we made it our duty to track down the most wanted and judge them. If they were abusive then we took them down, if they weren’t we let them go free and told Hastings that the Union would never catch them... normally it worked well and we never saw them again...” Abby trailed off. “But you two... we became friends with your little family and well... we don’t have many friends.”

“So we made a promise that the next time we saw you... we would tell the truth and... we kept putting it off and putting it off and... well, here we are,” Kasai said, glancing his head up at the three.

Gene had his eyes closed and was absentmindedly rubbing his ring with one of his fingers and for a long moment he was silent.

“After all these years,” He began, his voice low, Abby’s ears flicked back reflexively with worry. “After knowing us for so long, did you really think,” Kasai winced at what was about to come, but instead Gene opened his eyes. “That I could stay mad at you two?”

The Arcanine and the Ninetales both blinked in surprise for a moment before smiles slowly grew on their faces. “You’re... you’re not mad?” Abby asked slowly, almost disbelieving what she was hearing.

Gene smiled. “I forgave two Rangers who tried to arrest me, and I barely knew them,” he said. “I think I can forgive two of my best friends, especially after they kept the less understanding Rangers off our backs for so long.”

Kasai’s smile turn into a grin. “Thanks... I’m glad you understand, heh, in fact... it feels nice to finally let the truth out after all this time.”

“Yeah...” Abby said before she moved forwards on the couch and for a brief moment, Gene’s face was covered in slobber before she moved off of him and did the same to Belle. “Hehehe, I love having an excuse to do that.”

Belle smiled, then blinked in realization, then blushed.

“What?” Abby asked her, catching the expression.

“Everything I... told you... I told... Ranger,” Belle finished with a squeak. I knew I should have done a mental check!

Kasai frowned. “Wait... what?”

Abby smirked. “Hey, it’s not like I ever told anyone, honest, look into my mind if you don’t believe me,” she said with a raised eyebrow.

Belle frowned slightly, then reached towards Abby’s mind with her own. Then immediately jerked back upon hitting the surface, blushing furiously. “GAH! Abby! What the heck?!”

Abby sniggered. “Sorry, couldn’t resist,” she replied. “Luke put that in place a while ago just in case, but seriously, I promise that I haven’t told anyone those things Belle.”

The Gardevoir sighed. “I believe you,” She said. “I wouldn’t have told you them if I didn’t trust you.”

“What are you two talking about?” Gene asked.

“Womanly business,” Abby said aloofly. “You’re missing a few requirements to gain knowledge of it, maybe if you were a Lopunny you might be able to fool us into thinking that you were one, but definitely not as a Gallade.”

“I think there are things that we’re just not meant to know Gene,” Kasai said with a shake of his head.

Gene looked to his wife, who was staring off in the other direction. “Alright,” he said. “So, did you guys come all this way just to talk to us?”

“Nope. My mom, Kasai and I are going to Canterlot tomorrow to talk to Princess Celestia about setting up a new Ranger Union here in Equestria, minus all the bad Pokephilia laws of course,” Abby answered. “Hopefully, we can find a fairly central town to set things up in... one where I won’t get knocked unconscious by a brick to the head.”

“Who did what now?” Belle asked coldly, her eyes glowing blue.

“Long story, don’t worry Arceus already handled it,” Kasai replied.

“That guy seems to be everywhere now,” Gene commented. “And the rest of the Legendaries are about an hour some walk that way.” he gestured in the general direction of the Everfree.

“Hmm, good to know... this might be a good town to set up in...” Abby mused thoughtfully. “And as an added bonus, we can be near some of my favorite friends in the world right?” she asked, nuzzling Gene and then Belle.

“That would be awesome,” Gene said. “We never got to see you enough back on Earth... granted, now I know why, but still, it’d be great to have you nearby.”

“Yeah, and we can introduce you to Abby’s mom... well adoptive mom but it should be interesting,” Kasai said with a smile.

“I’m looking forward to it,” Belle said. “And if you’re planning to visit Princess Celestia, you might want to go see Twilight, she’s a Princess too and since she lives here, she’d probably be a big help.”

“Hmm, I already have an appointment thanks to Princess Luna... but a little pre-preparation can’t hurt,” Abby said, nodding her head with a smile. “Nice mare Luna... helped me out of a nightmare.”

“We know her,” Belle said. “Turns out, she’s been helping Darkrai with his... powers, so she’s kinda on a whole nother level.”

“Darkrai?” Abby inquired with a deep frown. “Huh... that is a whole nother level... So... other than the two of us both getting knocked up and you two getting married, what have you been getting up to without us? Also, have you seen Cynthia anywhere? Has she forgiven Kasai and I for destroying her bed?”

“Well, Cynthia performed the ceremony at our wedding,” Gene said. “And she not the type to hold onto a grudge... wait, how did you... ya know what? Never mind, I don’t think I want to know.”

“Probably for the best,” Kasai said with a chuckle.

“It was fun,” Abby said with a smirk.

The two psychics stared at her for a moment before they burst out laughing, Abby never really changed did she?

Rill smiled as the wind rushed through her wings, she had left Lex behind for once, since he just wanted to stretch out his legs and do a good long run after a long day crammed in a train. Scarlet had given the more responsible members of Abby’s team free reign to run free in Ponyville, with the exception of Axle who had somehow snuck away before she could say anything about it. The Shiny Flygon wasn’t sure how he’d managed that, tall as he was, but she didn’t blame him for it.

There was one particular Pokemon she was looking for if Gene and Belle were in this oddly named town, and that was Draco, her fellow Flygon. She had been looking for several minutes before she spotted him, along with the river dragon, the aptly named River, flying below her, closer to the ground.

Rill grinned and closed her wings, descending rapidly towards them before her wings snapped open just above them. “Draco! River! It is good to see you both again!” she exclaimed with a grin on her face. “It has been quite some time!”

Draco wobbled slightly in the air in surprise, while River twisted around to see Rill. “Rill!” She exclaimed happily. “It’s good to see you too... what are you doing here?”

“I in particular am here to see you both and inquire if you are with egg yet,” Rill told River with a smile, causing Draco to stop in midair, and River to blush profusely. “As for my family in general, we are here to confess that we’ve been Rangers all along and did not tell you because we did not want to ruin our friendships nor the protection we were providing you from the rest of the Union.”

Both Dragons stared at Rill for a moment. “I think,” Draco began. “That we should continue this conversation on land, one more surprise out of you and I’ll end up freezing up from shock.”

Before Rill could answer, Draco began to descend, River looked at Rill who looked back in puzzlement. “Did I say something troubling?” Rill asked with a raised eyebrow.

River, still blushing, shook her head. “Just... why don’t you explain...” She realized that there probably wasn’t much else to say. “Just... come on.” River flew after Draco.

Rill frowned, still slightly puzzled by her friends’ reaction but followed them downwards to the ground, settling down in front of them. “I thought that someone as smart as you are you had figured it out Draco,” she said, tilting her head to the side. “Surely you must have found it strange that five out of six of Abby’s team were damaged in some way, such as Luke’s sex slavery and Axle and my own imprisonment and fighting followed by eating of other Pokemon.”

Draco sighed. “I did, I just thought Abby was either always in the wrong... or right, I guess, place at the wrong-slash-right time.”

“I thought she was some kind of superhero,” River said. “And that she rescued Pokemon wherever she went.”

“Ah, well she did do that and she did kill a man wearing a mask once after he fed her parents to his Hydreigon so I suppose that makes her a superhero,” Rill said, frowning slightly. “At least, if what Lex has told me about superheros is correct.”

Draco shook his head. “So then, why did Abby track us down in the first place? You said she protected us from the Union.”

“To judge upon whether or not Gene was raping Belle,” Rill answered. “It was what she did as a human for those well known Pokephilia criminals. If she had discovered such a thing then she would have arrested him but she did not so he was not. Also, are you with egg yet River? I would so very much like to be a Godmother if possible.”

River blushed again. “No,” she said softly.

Rill glanced over at Draco. “Are you infertile Draco?”

“I most certainly am not,” Draco said indignantly.

“Then why is she not with egg?” Rill asked, gesturing at River.

“I.. we’re... but,” River was having trouble putting her words together.

Draco put a claw on her back. “We’re taking things slow,” he said.

“Ah, slowness,” Rill said, nodding her head slightly. “Lex and I take it slow as well, but I don’t think we have ever drawn out mating for this long. I’m not actually sure how it is possible without you two being connected come to think of it...”

Draco resisted the urge to facepalm. “Rill, we aren’t mates yet,” he stated. “We’re taking our relationship slow, not the actual mating.”

“Oh,” Rill blinked twice. “Have you bitten her and claimed her as your own yet at the very least?”

River eeped and ducked a little lower, her face now completely red.

“Not yet,” Draco said with a sigh.

“Whyever not? It is clear that you belong with and to each other,” Rill stated with a tilt of her head. “The least you could do is bite her Draco.”

At this point, Draco was blushing. “Rill, how long after you met Lex did you claim him?”

“He was an Eevee at the time so I did not claim him until he had evolved,” Rill said. “As for that, it was after our first flight together that I bit him.”

Draco sighed, mostly because he had no real explanation. By all rights, he should have at least bitten River by now.

“You should bite her,” Rill affirmed before glancing down at River. “He should, it is what is done, else it means that any drake could take you from him.”

“I would never allow that,” Draco said in a growl.

“I did not think you would, I am simply explaining the rules to her,” Rill said blankly. “Have I said something to upset you?”

Draco sighed and shook his head again, no matter how many times he spoke to her, he never got the hang of talking to Rill. “Nevermind,” He said.

River, still blushing, wrapped around Draco. “What’s she talking about?”

“You see River,” Draco began after sighing once. “When a Dragon, or in some cases, a Dragoness, wants to claim a mate, they bite them, leaving a mark that tells others that they’re taken.”

“Indeed, it is why Lex is missing a piece of his ear,” Rill said, nodding her head. “Some say that it is symbolic, whatever that word means, but I just think of it as my claiming him as my own.”

River glanced up at her head wings. “Um... no, I wouldn’t have to bite part of those off,” Draco said, noticing her gaze. “Just a small bite on the back of the neck would do.”

River winced slightly, then looked up at Draco. “And after that would we... would we mate?” Her blush was still lighting up her face.

“Indeed, it will be most wonderful, the orgasms that is,” Rill stated, smiling. “I really would like to be the Godmother if that is possible.”

River eeped again and hid her head behind Draco. “Not. Helping.” He said blankly.

“Did I say somet-” Rill was cut off when a ribbon suddenly wrapped around her mouth.

“Hey guys,” Lex said causally to Draco and River, waving a free ribbon at them. “I see Rill has met up with you, and judging by the looks on your faces has said something to embarrass you. We’ll be leaving you alone now,” he said with a smile as he gently urged Rill to follow him.

“I wasn’t embarrassing them, I was simply inquiring about Godmotherhood,” Rill said as she allowed herself to be led away by Lex. A loud sigh could be heard coming out the Slyveon as the two left the Flygon and Dragonair to be alone.

Author's Note:

AND I'M BACK! (see, I said it so you don't have too). I have over 80 pages worth of chapter material to work with here so you're not going to be seeing any droughts for the future. I'd like to ask you guys to focus on the actual chapter sections instead of just yelling 'it's alive'.