• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 12,489 Views, 1,467 Comments

A New World, a New Ranger - ed2481

When a Pokemon Ranger is turned into a Ninetales along with her mate (who just so happens to be an Arcanine) she must find a way to survive in this new, and very odd world, and maybe find a way to make some reforms to the old Ranger Handbook.

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Chapter 30

The Ninetales didn’t get it, she honestly didn’t how on EARTH could she be hungry again already? She’d awoken from her nap to find her mate gone and in his place was no one. Her head felt a bit heavy but even worse was the fact that her stomach felt like none of what she’d eaten before had ever been there in the first place.

With her mate missing, that left her with a singular option. Move. Almost without thinking about it, the Ninetales rose from the bed and slunk down the hallways, ignoring the ponies who tried to talk to her along with a passing griffin. There was only one thought on her mind.

Food. I need food.

Her nose twitched as the scents of food came drifting down the hall towards her and without a moment’s hesitation, the Ninetales followed it into a large room filled with delicious aromas. There was one other scent in the air, her mate, but that too the Ninetales ignored as she walked towards the counter and snatched a plate with a roasted chicken on it, there for the griffins, off of the counter and carried it over to a table by herself.

She barely glanced up as she felt he mate sidle up next to her and didn’t hear a word he said as her nostrils filled with the delectable scent. Instead, she wrapped several of her tails around his and dove in, muzzle first.

“Ugh...” Abby moaned as she leaned against Kasai’s side, her plate empty but for bones. “That was a lot of food.”

“You’re telling me...” the Arcanine said as he eyed several others empty plates. “Finally full?” he inquired as he glanced down at the Ninetails.

“Mhm,” she said with a nod of her head. “I never... want to eat another thing in my life.” Her stomach gurgled and she pouted. “And the worst part is... I barely remember eating any of it.”

Kasai frowned, his face full of concerned. “You know, I don’t like hearing that.”

“You’re telling me,” Abby grunted back as she leaned against him and gave his cheeks a lap with her tongue. “Hope I didn’t nip you.”

“Not at me... though at some of the waiters who tried to take a empty plate away,” Kasai replied. “Why do you think there’s a stack right next to you?”

“...” Abby didn’t say anything though she blushed a deep crimson. “I hope I didn’t break the skin.”

“I’m more thankful your ‘other self’ didn’t try to Fire Fang them from the threatening growl you gave them...” Kasai said with a sigh. “We really should see Luke you know. You’re actually scaring me a bit Abby.”

Abby frowned, concern coloring her expression. “Yeah... maybe you’re right,” she said softly.

She hated not being in control of herself and yet it was a state that she’d occasionally found herself in as a human, though it was not always a bad thing. Sometimes it was when her vision went red and her blood turned to fire when battling poachers or the bad Pokephile, and then other times, it was Kasai himself who’d elicited that sort of reaction from her, though in that case it was more... primal. Whatever the case, she needed to get to the bottom of it.

“This isn’t like how you sometimes got me riled up enough to forget myself in the moment,” Abby murmured softly as she leaned against his warm side, his soft fur cushioning her.

“I know... think you can walk or do you need to get on my back?” Kasai asked.

Abby closed her eyes and then pushed herself back to her paws. She wobbled there for a moment before shaking her head and glancing up at Kasai who was looking down at her with concern.

“I’m fine,” she said slowly as she began to walk out of the cafeteria, though her pace could in no way be described as ‘speedy’. Kasai walked by her with every step, ready to help her at any moment.

The Ninetales smiled as she walked, several of her tails wrapping around his and pulling him close as the pair made their way down the hallway towards the room that Luke had claimed. The door was open and Luke sat there upon the bed, his eyes closed, his stance meditative.

“Luke,” Abby called, breaking the silence of the room and causing the Gallade to open his eyes. He smiled upon seeing them both.

Abby...Kasai, what brings you to me? he inquired, still smiling.

“We need you to look into her mind... she’s keeps having blackouts, and empty spots in her memories,” Kasai informed him. “Especially a few minutes ago when she was eating and threateningly growling at a waiter for trying to take one of her empty plates away.”

Luke’s smile dissipated and he got up off of the bed, walking over and sitting down in front of Abby. I see... that’s troubling.

“You don’t have to say that twice,” Kasai said as he sat in between Gallade and the Ninetales from the side.

“Can you do something?” Abby asked him with a worried frown.

Let me see, Abby, Luke answered as he moved a hand forwards and touched it to her forehead. Abby froze stock still, Luke’s hand glowing blue. They stayed like that for a long moment before Luke took his hand away. I see... it is like I said the first time, just a bit... stronger than I first believed.

“Stronger?” Kasai asked with a trouble frown.

“Meaning?” Abby inquired, tilting her head to the side.

Well... it appears that your instincts have taken on an anthropomorphic persona all their own, Luke answered them both. At first, I believed that it was a simple apparition created by your mind... but this is clearly something different.

“...what?” Abby asked. She wasn’t stupid, but she had no idea what Luke was talking about.

Luke sighed. It seems that the mystic part of yourself has come to life within you, he said slowly. Ninetales are well known for their inner ‘magic’ and it seems that here in Equestria where magic is rampant... yours has developed its own... personality of sorts.

“And... what does that mean for Abby?” Kasai asked, frowning in concern as he nuzzled his mate.

Essentially that whenever she’s going to use her inner powers or if her instincts bubble over that her ‘Inner Ninetales’ will take over... Luke answered, frowning deeply.

“Is there any way you can make it stop?” Abby inquired, frowning as well. She did not like the idea that she’d be booted out of her own body.

Not that I know of... this is all new to me, Luke confessed, shaking his head. I’m more of a mental fighter and a mentor than a therapist or mind expert... perhaps when we go to Canterlot we can find someone who can help.

“You’re telling me that she’s going to have this thing inside of her for another week?” Kasai asked, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly. “Are you sure that you can’t do anything Luke?”

Yes, I’m sure, Luke answered, nodding his head and ignoring Kasai’s narrowed eyes.

“Okay... well can you at least let me talk to ‘her’?” Abby inquired, whapping Kasai lightly on the rear with one of her tails, it was hardly Luke’s fault.

That much I can do at least, Luke replied as he extended a hand towards her forehead. Abby sat there as his warm fingers touched her forehead and then the world fell away from her.

She appeared floating in what at first appeared to be absolute darkness, however as she slowly got used to the place she began to pick up bright lights all around her. It was the night sky, and laying upon her side, a smooth, amused smile on her face, was herself, tails pulled around her stomach as she licked them clean. Abby blinked twice.

“Well don’t just stand there looking like a fool,” her Inner Ninetales told her with a small chuckle. “Sit down and we shall have a chat.”

Abby stared for a moment longer before doing as she was asked. This was what she’d wanted wasn’t it?

“So... you’re the magic me?” Abby asked slowly, her mind working over what was happening.

“More or less, though it goes deeper than that,” the Inner told her with a small shrug. “I’m your most natural, instinctive state. Ninetales are by and large mystic beings after all, so your magic and powers are tied to your instincts. Like I told you the first time, I’m your Inner Ninetales.”

“Right... okay...” Abby nodded her head, pieces beginning to come together a little. “So in other words... you’re my maternal instincts given a face and you have control of my magic.”

“A bit simplistic, but that’s the basic gist of it, yes,” the Inner told her with a nod of her head. “My we are smart aren’t we?”

Abby bristled slightly. “I want you gone. I want to be in control of myself, not giving that up every time you get hungry.”

“That’s not me, that’s you,” Inner pointed out.

“Then why don’t I remember it?” Abby growled.

“I don’t enjoy suddenly being given control of your body without any warning either, you know,” Inner responded. “While it’s nice to interact with real things, that’s not something I’m supposed to do.”

“Okay... then what are you supposed to do?” Abby asked, her frown deepening. “Because as far as I can see, you don’t have a point other than driving me crazy.”

“Part of it is to guide you, to show you what to do. After all, you’re new to being a Ninetales, so I have my work cut out for me, in that respect,” she explained. “The other part is to stop you from inflicting particularly twisted curses on anyone you think deserves it,” she said coldly.

“I would never,” Abby replied with a scowl. “You’re the only one who has used that power, and it got me knocked unconscious!”

“I used that power because you were unfamiliar with it. I had to take over, for your own well-being. And never using it for twisted purposes?” Inner asked, a portal opening up to her left. “Need I remind you of what you did before you were granted this form?”

Abby looked through the portal, seeing herself plunging the knife through the Masked Man’s throat. The Ninetales snarled and turned away.

“It was the heat of battle,” she growled out, her eyes narrow and red.

“Whatever helps you sleep at night, dear,” Inner replied coolly. “After all, it’s not as if his Pokemon were all disabled or dead. Or that his allies had been scattered. Or that he couldn’t fight ba - ”

With a snarl, Abby leapt at her, flame blossoming from her mouth. “SHUT UP!”

“Oh, calm down. Even if you could hurt me, it would not be a good idea. Without me, you’re liable to lose everything about you. After all, if I’m not around to take control when you lose it, and give it back when you’re ready, who would?” the Inner inquired as Abby and her flames passed right through her body.

Abby spun on her heels and snarled. “I don’t know but you’re a bitch! I want you gone!”

“No-one,” Inner continued, unperturbed. “With no-one to give you back your body, you’d simply be a prisoner in your own head, only able to watch as you became an actual animal, ruled only by pure instinct. Is that what you want?” she inquired.

Abby shook with either rage or fear, it was hard for her to tell at the moment. “I... Kasai would save me. He always has.”

“Your mate, and I must commend you on your choice, has only been able to protect you from outside threats. Maybe that Gallade could help, but he’d have to be quick. If he’s too late, well…” Inner trailed off ominously. “That’s why you can’t be rid of me. At least, not yet.”

“I...” Abby shook her head, unable to think of a response of any kind to that, instead she just lowered her head.

“Oh, it’s not all bad,” Inner said, poking Abby with her nose. “The more control you gain over your instincts, whether they be maternal, predatory or territorial, the weaker I’ll become. The power I had will become yours, and I’ll become nothing but a bad memory.”

“You don’t... you don’t sound sad about that,” Abby said with a confused frown. “Wouldn’t you not want that to happen? I mean... not that I care, but it sounds like I’ll be killing you.”

“You have a lot to catch up on,” Inner stated. “By the time most Vulpixes find their own Fire Stone, the voices like mine have been gone for years. If anything, keeping me around for longer than necessary is very unhealthy. It’s just the way things are,” she added with a shrug. “Honestly, the sooner you gain control, the better. For you and your family.”

“Okay... how do I do that?” Abby asked.

“That’s the question isn’t it?” she replied cryptically. “I can’t give you the answer, because I don’t know it myself.”

“Great. You’re ever so helpful, is there something you’re actually useful for?” Abby asked bluntly, her temper getting the better of her again.

“Without me, you could end up no better than a wild Hydreigon,” Inner said.

Abby scowled but shook her head. “Right...” She let out a sigh. “I just don’t like this.”

“Nobody said you had to. You’re certainly not expected to. What is expected of you is to do something about me. If you don’t we’ll keep switching places whenever your instincts get the better of you. And one day, you might find that you. Can’t. Switch. Back,” she stated darkly. “And that is something neither of us wants, believe me,” she added, sounding disturbed by the idea.

Abby shuddered slightly but nodded her head. “I... okay. Just... please stop snapping at people, Kasai most of all.”

“I’ll try. Oh, and the fact that we’re even having this conversation, even if we needed help getting it started? It’s definitely a step in the right direction. Now you know what’s at stake, and what has to be done. Much better than flailing blindly in the dark, no?” she asked rhetorically.

“Yeah... yeah I guess it is,” Abby agreed, nodding. “Thanks I guess... now how do I leave?”

“Simple,” Inner stated, wearing a cryptic smile. “You just wake up.”

Author's Note:

Thanks to Speven for writing Inner.