• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 12,498 Views, 1,467 Comments

A New World, a New Ranger - ed2481

When a Pokemon Ranger is turned into a Ninetales along with her mate (who just so happens to be an Arcanine) she must find a way to survive in this new, and very odd world, and maybe find a way to make some reforms to the old Ranger Handbook.

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Chapter 1

Abby let out a small sigh as she blinked awake. That, in and of itself, was odd. The last thing she remembered, she and Kasai had been chasing after a suspect who’d been selling Slowpoke Tails. The woman let out a yawn. It probably didn’t matter. All that really mattered was the soft breathing from beside her and the feeling of warm fur on her furry side. She rolled over slightly and found herself muzzle to muzzle with her partner, Kasai.

As a Pokemon Ranger, perhaps one of the best Pokemon Rangers, though she’d never been the type to keep up with that sort of thing, the relationship that Abby had with her partner was...

Well, okay, it was completely illegal and in society's eyes morally bankrupt, but... well things had fallen into place and Abby found herself strangely not really caring all that much. Sure, it meant that every day risked discovery, or that one of the other Ranger’s Psychic-type pokemon would give them away, but Abby wouldn’t trade Kasai for any man in the world.

Speaking again of Kasai, he was a large male Arcanine’s whose fur was warm and always, possessed an incredibly comforting smoky scent, as if someone had captured a hickory wood campfire and shoved inside of him so that he always smelled like it.

At the moment, he was sleeping in his favorite position, his prosthetic right leg wrapped around her side, his furred limb resting beneath her. His head pressed against hers, his tongue lolling out of his mouth, the picture of contentment. Abby smiled and leaned forward to give him a kiss with her long pink tongue as her nine tails swirled around her.

Then she froze. Furry sides... muzzle... long pink tongue... nine tails!?!

Her eyes widened for a moment before she relaxed. It was just a dream. That’s all it was. Heck, this wasn’t the first time that she’d dreamed of being an Ninetales or an Arcanine. It might not even have been the most convincing. A small chuckle rolled out of her muzzle and she nuzzled her love again, enjoying how freeing it felt to do so. It was all just a dream so she might as well enjoy it, right?

Kasai didn’t stir in his sleep. He’d always been the type to sleep like a hibernating Geodude. Unless something was attacking them in which case he’d be up in seconds, fire shooting from his jaws and his angry howls filling the air. At the moment, that meant that when Abby nuzzled him, he made a soft snorting sound and rolled over on top of her, his warm front coming to rest on her vulpine chest.

Abby let out a soft sigh as she felt his comforting weight settle in atop her. They were perfect for each other now. Normally, he was a bit too heavy for her like this and she’d have to push him away, but now... now he didn’t really feel all that heavy. His muzzle came down to rest on her golden white chest just under Abby’s chin and she saw a happy smile on his face as he murmured something in his sleep.

The Ninetales grinned and craned her head forwards to give his muzzle a few licks. To her surprise, he began to blink awake. Normally... the dreams where she was a Pokemon of any kind had only two real ‘scenarios’. Either she was sleeping beside him... or he was on top of her already. He never ‘woke up’ in the first one, and the second never started like this. Of course, it was all just a dream so Abby supposed it was no surprise that things could have changed.

Kasai blinked twice as he saw who and more importantly what he’d been lying on top of and let out a surprised bark.

“What?! Who are you?!” he shouted in confusion, his big expression filled eyes widening. His voice itself was strong and firm, though every once and a while, it held a wry humorous edge as well.

That caught Abby off guard. Even in her dreams, she’d never really heard his voice. That was reserved for when Luke was feeling up to giving them a few hours worth of translation. She didn’t have long to dwell on that thought because Kasai leapt off of her chest, his body snapping awake, his mouth opening to reveal his fangs. A deep growl leapt from inside his chest and for a moment, Abby was afraid. Kasai could be [incredibly] intimidating when he put his mind to it.

“I don’t know who you are, or why you smell like my Abby, but if you’ve done anything to her, I swear you’ll regret it!” he snarled.

Abby gulped and managed to say. “Kasai, it’s me!” she exclaimed, her tails wrapping around herself protectively.

Kasai blinked twice. “What?”

“It’s me, Abby,” the Ninetales said as she rolled unsteadily to her paws.

“... yeah right,” Kasai replied with a roll of his eyes as his snarl deepened to an even more terrifying pitch. To Abby, it sounded as if he was storing Zapdos' thunder deep in his chest. “Now I’m going to ask you again. What did you do to Abby? Are you one of the other Ranger’s Pokemon who thought it would be fun to try and convince me that a Ninetales was a better mate than my Abby?”

Abby blinked twice. That was not something she’d been expecting to hear. “Kasai, I swear to Arceus that it’s me,” she said, her breath becoming level.

She was a Pokemon Ranger after all, she’d been snarled at by a pack of Mightyena in the middle of the night and stopped a rogue Tyranitar from destroying a town. Heck, she’d personally raised a formerly abused Haxorus, her lover at his angriest wasn’t that frightening. Especially because she knew that he’d never hurt anyone who didn’t really deserve it.

“How could you be Abby? You’re a Ninetales!” Kasai retorted angrily.

Abby let out a small breath as her mind fell into what she’d long ago deemed ‘Ranger Mode’. It was a state in which large amounts of data filled her brain and she could rapidly come up with plans or strategies. It was effective in both battle, and in investigations.

“When I first met you, you had your right leg trapped in a poacher’s Ursaring trap. I got you back to the Pokemon Center and we managed to save the leg,” Abby said smoothly. “After a lot of PT, you managed to not only walk again, but fight as well. About a year later, you evolved and with Luke’s help, confessed your feelings for me. At first I denied it but eventually, you wore me down with your eyes alone.”

Kasai froze, the snarl dying in his throat. “...Abby?”

Abby smiled. “Yes... yes it’s me Kasai.”

“... am I dreaming?” Kasai asked slowly.

“I don’t think so,” Abby replied as she plopped down on her rear, tails curling around slightly so that she could get a better look at them. “Because... let’s be honest here... I’ve never had a dream this detailed. Have you?”

Kasai frowned for a moment before shaking his head. “No... No I haven’t.”

A long silence passed between the two before a small smile crossed Abby’s muzzle. “Well... I’m a Ninetales at the moment. Let’s enjoy it okay?”

Kasai blinked twice. “Abby... aren’t you the least bit worried about this?”

“Oh, I am,” Abby replied with a rapid nod of her head. “But I’m trying not to think about it because I know that panicking does nothing right?”

“Right...” Kasai said, nodding his slowly. This was... new to him. Completely new in fact. But, Kasai was nothing if not adaptable. So, he walked up to Abby and gave her an affectionate nuzzle. “Mmmmh you smell just as good as ever Abby, if not better. Now it’s strawberries and charcoal.”

Abby let out a happy sigh and nuzzled him back, feeling his warm fur against her own was a surprisingly lovely sensation. His warm breath on her neck was also an incredibly nice sensation and without realizing it Abby wrapped her forepaws around him and pulled him close to her, her face sinking into his smokey fur. Kasai blinked once and then leaned his head down against her back, pulling her yet further into his fur.

The pair stayed like that for a long few moments, simply enjoying the sensation of being together as Abby came to grips with what she now was. Eventually, Abby released him from the slightly awkward hug and let out a sigh.

“Okay... let’s go over the facts as we know them, shall we?” she asked Kasai as she sat down in front of him. “Maybe that way we can figure out what the heck happened that turned me into an Ninetales.”

“Right,” Kasai agreed, he was long used to this sort of thing. Or at the very least, acting as his Mate’s silent sounding board.

Abby smiled and nodded her head. “Okay, so we were chasing after that guy who was selling Slowpoke Tails, looking to see if we could find his smuggling base.”

“Yes,” Kasai agreed with a swift nod as he remembered the foul smelling man, his hands forever stained with the blood of a hundred Pokemon. Kasai had been inches away from him. Mid-leap in fact, ready to take him down. “I almost had him.”

“Right. We’d found him trying to sell in an alley and you two were running towards the end of it,” Abby said with another nod of her head. “And then...”

“A voice...” Kasai said with a frown, his bushy brows coming together. “A voice in my mind.”

Abby frowned but nodded. Now that he said, she remembered it.

“Rest now my children, for when you awake a whole new world shall be your home.”

The voice was deep and kind, strangely ancient sounding as it reverberated within her mind.

“Rest now my children, for when you awake a whole new world shall be your home.” She and Kasai blinked as she recited it.

“Huh...” Abby trailed off, a confused expression on her face. “Any idea what that means Kasai?”

“... not at all,” the Arcanine replied, shaking his head slowly. “But, I do know that nothing is going to get solved if we just sit here in the middle of the grassland. Come on Abby, let’s go see if we can’t find anyone else who knows more about what’s going on.”

Abby frowned for a moment and then shrugged. At the moment, they had virtually no clues to what was going on or how they’d gotten there... not to mention the ‘little detail’ about her having become a Ninetales somehow. Kasai was right, if they wanted to solve this mystery then they’d need to gather some evidence.

So, with a small smile on her face, she got up and began to walk beside Kasai, a sense of peace overtaking her mind. She was with Kasai, as long as she was, no one and nothing could stop them.

Axel had been having a rough day. The last thing he remembered was Abby and Kasai calling the backup team to tell them that they were about to investigate a Slowpoke Tail seller. Then he’d woken up in the middle of a rather large city street being stared at by over a dozen pairs of strange Ponyta like creatures. Of course, the fact that they were staring at Axel wasn’t so great a surprise. You’d stare too if a giant armored dragon with an immense axe blade growing out of his head had appeared in the middle of the road some time before the morning rush.

At the moment, said giant lizard was on the edge of going ballistic. There were so many of the little Ponyta creatures and all of them were glaring or shouting at him. It was INCREDIBLY annoying. He understood every word but there was so much noise that he couldn’t think straight

“GO AWAY AND SHUT UP!” Axel roared as he swung his head from one side to the other, scattering Ponyta with each sweep, though he was careful to not actually hit them. Abby would have his head if that happened. His heavy right foot crashed into the street and he found to his annoyance that it had sunken in slightly, the asphalt giving way beneath his claws like butter.

This further frustrated the dragon as he was forced to physically pull it out. Anger began to bubble in his chest as a Ponyta wearing golden armor approached him, shouting something at the immense Haxorus about getting out of the street. Axel glared daggers, or in this case, axes, at the Ponyta. Who was this unevolved whelp to yell at him?

“You have one warning!” Axel shouted at the Ponyta. “Stop yelling at me or you’ll know why I’m Abby’s tank!”

The Ponyta appeared unperturbed by this threat and continued to yell at him, levitating a net of some kind in the air above its head. Axel paused for a moment. Okay. That was REALLY odd. Then he remembered the fact that he was being threatened with a net. He hated nets.

With a mighty roar Axel charged the Ponyta. The net flew at his legs but the experienced Haxorus leapt over it and came down with a crash in front of the Ponyta, his feet sinking into the asphalt.

“BIG MISTAKE!” Axel thundered and then brought his head down at an angle so that the flat of his blade slammed into the Ponyta’s head, sending the armored equine flying into a nearby wall. That was when the real screaming started.

Lyra was walking down the street humming a tune to herself. It was a lifting, happy tune, which fit her mood very well at the moment. She’d just bought Bon-Bon a new chocolate making book with a bunch of recipes that she’d never even heard of before but couldn’t wait to try out. Oh, and she’d bought a cupcake at the bookstore too and couldn’t wait to eat it! Even better than the eventual, surely delicious cupcake, was that her gig the night before had gone off without a hitch and she was literally, and figuratively, rolling in the bits.

As she hummed, the mare’s head rocked along with the beat, a smile on her face as she deftly avoided some of the more excited ponies on the Las Pegasus streets pushed to get wherever they were going. They seemed to be doing a lot of yelling too. Odd ponies in Las Pegasus. As Lyra had found out over the years she’d been coming and going to the city on music gigs, all it really took to get them running and yelling in a new direction was the opening of a new casino.

As the mare chuckled lightly at the thought, she rounded the corner and saw something that took her by surprise. Standing there in the middle of the street, surrounded by several unconscious guards was a six and a half foot tall lizard, or maybe it was a dragon now that she looked closer, with a head that looked quite a bit like one of the old double bladed axes like the ones from the Minoan Empire in a few museums.

“... that’s not a new casino,” Lyra said after a moment, a guard falling out of the sky and landing several feet away from her, unconscious.

“HAX! HAX!” the beast was shouting as several more of the guards tried to subdue it with nets. Unfortunately for them, all that seemed to do was make it even more angry. The beast let out a roar of pure hatred and ran forwards with surprising speed for something so large and it’s tail swung out like a thick whip of scales, sending more of the guards flying.

Now, the normal pony’s reaction to this would, and probably should be to run away screaming.

Lyra, Lyra was not exactly what you’d call a normal pony. She’d lived in Ponyville for the last five years and during that time, she’d seen all sorts of monsters pop up and this giant lizard? He didn’t even compare to a lot of them. So, Lyra smiled and like any long-time resident of Ponyville, or maybe just her, would do, she walked calmly up to the beast.

The creature turned and stared down at her with angry red eyes, black pupils glaring at her, rage radiating off of it. Lyra smiled back up at it.

“Hey there big guy, you having a rough day?” she inquired with a smile.

“Ma’am get away from that thing!” one of the few remaining conscious guards shouted at her. Lyra responded by waving away his concern with an errant hoof.

“Shush, I’m talking to him,” she said without looking in the guard’s direction.

The giant lizard was looking down at her with narrowed eyes. She hadn’t tried to attack him yet, unlike the others, and she wasn’t screaming or yelling so he had no reason to become annoyed with her. Instead it just nodded his head in answer to her question.

“Hax, Hax, Haxorus,” it grumbled, casting an annoyed look around the plaza. “Hax, Haxorus hax, hax hax,” it added, rolling its eyes as it looked at the guards. Lyra could sense its disdain for the guards.

“Yeah, look Scales, can I call you Scales?” she asked, glancing up at the reptile. It shrugged. “Cool, I’ll call you Scales for now. Anyways, you can’t just roar a lot and hurt the guards like that,” she continued casually, Lyra was a bit of an odd mare really.

“Hax!” the creature replied, folding its arms over its chest and giving her an incredibly irked look. As if to say he already knew that but they started it. It was hardly his fault that they’d proven so feeble of a challenge.

“I know, I know, but seriously, you can’t do it,” Lyra said with a shake of her head. “Understand?”

The reptile rolled its eyes but nodded its head.

“Great!” Lyra said, a grin on her face as her horn began to glow. The dragon tensed, already having come to associate that with attack, but before he could do anything the mare’s saddle bags opened and a box containing a cupcake rose out of it. “So, I was going to eat this all myself, but you’ve had a rough day. Why don’t we split it 50/50, what do you say?”

The dragon tilted its head to the side for a moment before nodding its head, a smile appearing on its face for the first time since it had woken up in the middle of the street. “Haxorus!”

Lyra grinned and used her magic to cut the cupcake in half and hovered it up to the dragon’s face. Without waiting, it took a bite and its eyes widened and then it stuffed the entire half of the rather large cupcake in its mouth, letting out a pleased rumble. The unicorn smiled, it really was all about how you talked to someone, you didn’t need to be a country crossing musician to know that.

As the guard began to stagger awake, they were greeted by a rather odd sight, a mint green unicorn sitting on her rump eating a cupcake beside a surprisingly docile gold dragon.

Author's Note:

If anyone is wondering, Kasai got his leg caught in a trap. Then he went to PT for a long time and got it back to full strength, then something happened and he completely lost it (you'll find out how later).