• Published 30th Apr 2012
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The mildly cliched quest - Figment and Spazz

The mane six are joined by some new and-um-interesting friends as they embark on a quest. Hijinks!

  • ...

There's TWO of them!?

Chapter 3- There's TWO of them?!

"Hello sir, and welcome to Mystique's Mystical Odds and Ends, is there something in particular you're looking for?"

"As a matter of fact, there is."

"Well, I'd be glad to help."

"I am seeking a map."

"Well, I'm not in the cartography business."

"Oh, I know. I also know that you posses the map I seek. You see, that map is rightfuly mine. It was stolen from me long ago, and I want it back."

"... How-"

"-Did I find you and my map? Oh, I've known for years, however, I only recently developed a use for it again."

"I'm afraid I can't allow that, sir."

"Really now? Who's going to stop me?"

"I a-"

"Huul TEM!"

"Wh-what is-?

"That, madame, was what is called a command. Your father was one of the only beings powerful enough to disobay them. If you must know, that command means 'halt.' It always has been one of my favorites."


"Ah, there it is. Thank you for keeping it in such great condition. I'm surprised your pathetic wretch of a father didn't burn it behind Celestia's back."

"Don't you DARE speak of him like that!"

"I was going to offer you a chance to take my side in the comming war. Maybe even a spot on my council once I take the throne... but your words have cost you dearly... Don Sedrax!"


This week is turning out to be far more eventful than I had hoped. First, Spazz gets us kicked out of another city; then, he introduces a cousin that is absolutely nothing like him; now, there's... TWO! That was the only way Figment could think of to describe his current situation. And here I was, thinking that perhaps this place would offer a bit more peace than Stalliongrad. The pegasus silently lamented.

Figment prepared to excuse himself from the group to continue his writting when he noticed something... out of place. Looking at his collegue, Spazz, he saw an expression on his face that the philosopher was, until now, unsure the unicorn was capable of: anxiety. Most wouldn't have noticed the small changes in demenor that signaled the change, but then again, most hadn't spent about half of their lives with Spazz. The rhythm with which he spoke was off, ever so slightly; his legs were completely still; and there was an almost invisible amount of sweat forming just under the afro.

What could be so mind numbing as to drive Spazz to such a state? Figment wondered to himself, Is it possible that the mare is causing it? Is Spazz, the pony who was shunned from his family for his obnoxiousness, smitten by what appears to be his female doppelganger? If so, is it a good or bad thing? A relationship may serve as an outlet for his hyperactivity, but this mare may just end up encouraging him.

"Figment!" Spazz whined, interrupting his train of thought, "Why you no answer?"

"Oh, my apologies, Spazz. I was lost in my thoughts, what were you saying?"

The strange pink mare, Pinkie Pie, answered in a sing song tone that almost perfectly mirrored Spazz's except a few octaves higher, "Oh, I was wondering why you were being so quiet for so long. Spazz said that it was because you were philosophisizing, and I thought that was pretty cool so I wanted to know what you were philosophisizing about, but you wouldn't answer, so Spazz was all 'Figment! Why you no answer?' and then we went through this."

"Philosophisizing isn't a word Pinkie. The word is philosophize." Another mare's voice came from somewhere behind Figment.

"Hi Twilight!" Pinky shouted, "Have you met our new friends?"

As Figment turned around he saw a lavender unicorn with a mane that was almost black, save for a single pink highlight. Perched on her back as a small dragon whose body was mostly similar in color, perhaps a little brighter purple, but had green spines on his head.

She looked at Figment, then Spazz and said, "I don't believe I have. Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle."

"My name is Figment. It's nice to meet you."

"I'm Spazz and I have doughnuts!" He said as he reached into his mane.

Twilight shyed away from the sight, only to be shocked further when the unicorn brought a large suitcase out instead. "Wait... What? How did... you can't just... that shouldn't be..." Twilight sputtered.

The dragon that was on her back looked at her with concern, "I think he broke Twilight."

"NEW HIGH SCORE!" Spazz shouted with glee.

Figment looked around at the group of ponies he was surrounded by: Spazz was doing what Figment assumed to be a victory dance with Pinkie Pie, both of which were singing; Twilight was still sputtering broken attempts at comprehention of Spazz; Spike and Fluttershy were trying to snap Twilight out of it. At that, he took to wing and flew to the peacefull looking park he'd seen on the way there. Just another day.

-Pinkie Pie-

"OOH OOH! What else do you keep in there?" Pinkie asked her new friend, Spazz. She was having a ton of fun, so much fun that she had yet to notice her other friend, Twilight Sparkle, babbling about his appearent rejection of the laws of physics.

He put his hoof to his chin, "Well... just about everything I need. I've got food, shelter, tungstine, seeds, clothes, a blow torch, some nunchucks, a small herd of moose, and a bunch of other stuff."

"WHAT?!" Twilight's shout got Pinkie's attention, "That isn't possible! Your mane may be large, but a herd of moose would not fit in that!" She punctuated the statement with an accusative hoof pointed at his mane.

Spazz was completely unfazed by this, "Somepony's being kinda cranky, I think somepony needs a hug." he said as he streched his forelegs to give the lavender unicorn a hug.

"NONONO!" She shouted in panic, "I'm fine."

"Awwwww." Spazz slumped down a little.

"I want a hug!" Pinkie immidately said.

"Yay!" Spazz rejoyced as he embraced her. As Pinkie held on she found herself feeling something that she hadn't felt in a long loooooooooong time. It was a feeling she'd almost forgotten, that slight burning sensation in her cheeks. She was blushing. Why am I blushing like this? It's nothing to be embarrased about, he's my friend and I made him smile. She reasoned with herself.

As the embrace ended, she looked at Spazz and saw that he was blushing to. They stood there in an akward silence for a moment until they realized that it had become just that... silent. The two looked at their three companions remaining to see a mix of reactions. Fluttershy was smiling broadly at her cousin, Twilight was starring at the two with wide eyes, and Spike, being the slightly immature dragon he was, was rolling on the ground laughing.

"What did I do?" Spazz asked.

Spike was quick to answer, "You found yourself a new friend." He emphassized the last word in a rather suggestive way.

Spazz was silent for a moment, contemplating the implications of Spike's words. He then squeaked in a way that seemed to prove his relation to Fluttershy and jumped up into his mane. Literaly, he just jumped up and was enveloped by the thing.

Pinky did just about the same thing when the implications hit her like a brick wall. "Spike! They just met!" Twilight scolded before Pinkie had the chance to do so herself.

"Hey, you were all thinking it!" Spike petulently replied.

"I wasn't!" Spazz said, "I was thinking about tacos!"

Pinkie chuckled at the sudden outburst. Then her stomach rumbled angrily. "I think it's time for lunch. You guys wanna come have lunch with me?" Pinkie asked.

"Um... okay." Fluttershy said quietly, "That is... if that's okay with you."

"I guess I can." Twilight agreed.

"Nom nom?" Spazz asked.

"Nom nom." Pinkie affirmed.

"YAY! I'm in!" he happily sang.

Pinkie Pie just laughed. She didn't know why, but she didn't have to. She was the element of laughter and she had a new friend. Perhaps that is reason enough.