• Published 23rd Jul 2014
  • 1,432 Views, 23 Comments

What Happened Last Night!? - DemonBrightSpirit

So, I let my step-brother convince me into going to a party. It led to the worst thing I've ever experienced. I didn't get hit on or taken advantage of. No, I just ended up stranded in the freaking land of talking ponies!

  • ...

How Did I Get Here?

I was on that couch again. I didn't even want to know how that little pony got me over here. Then again, there was the "dragon." That thing might've been strong enough, but that only made me feel worse. I shuddered just thinking of that thing touching me.

At least the headache was gone. Sitting up, I clutched my head again. Well, it was mostly gone, anyway. Glancing about, I looked for those two. The pony—Twilight, I think she called herself—was nearby reading a book. At least it looked like she was reading a book. I was struck with one, singular thought. I had to sneak away.

Warily, I draped my legs over the side, silently thanking whatever diety still had pity on me that I was wearing flats, and quietly set my feet on the ground. Twilight didn't stir. I lurched forward and up before slowly heading for the door. I crept along slowly and silently, looking back just about every step to make sure that I didn't alert the purple guard.

Finally, I reached the door and only then realized that this would be the loudest part. I could either do it as slowly and quietly as possible, or fling the door open and run for it. I had no idea what was on the other side of the door, but, for a pony, Twilight had tiny little legs. Outrunning her might not be out of the question. Though, on the other hand, she had wings. She flew! How a pony can fly is beyond me, but she... this is insane!

Screw it! I'm running!

Throwing the door open, I ran with all my might—at least for about three seconds or so. I came to a dead stop once I had realized where I was.

It was an entire city of ponies! Every color of the rainbow! Ones with wings, ones with horns, and just, ponies. They were everywhere!

"Where are you going?"

I spun around to see Twilight looking at me. "I-it's… I'm going home! Where the hell is home?"

"Well, I'm still working on that," she said, holding up a hoof in a very human-like gesture. "I have a few theories on where you came from, but I was hoping you could give me more insights."

Where I came from? I struggled to process that information. After a few seconds, I finally came up with a question. "Where am I?"

"You're awake!"

The next thing I knew, a mass had crashed into me, slamming me to the ground. I looked up to see two blue eyes staring at me.

"HI! I'm Pinkie Pie! You can call me Pinkie!" that shrill voice continued shouting at me. "What's your name? I've never met a human before! Well, Twilight, I guess, but that doesn't really count! She was only a human for a few days!"

I wormed my out of from under it, to find a pink pony with a curly mane. I could have sworn horses all had straight hair... manes? Doesn't matter!

"What do you mean, 'never met a human?'" I demanded, staggering back to my feet.

"Well, there's never been a human in Equestria before, silly!" the pink one said, bouncing all the while. "That's just kuh-razy!"

"E-Equestria? Please, tell me that that is the name of this... village?" I stammered out, pointing to the very village-like miniature houses.

"It's more of a town, really," Twilight said matter-of-factly. "This is Ponyville, which is in the shadow of Equestria's capital, Canterlot." She pointed over to a mountain in the distance. Built into the side of that mountain was a castle.

My eye twitched as I realized something. "I-is Equestria... a planet?"

"Oh, no, not at all," Twilight explained. "You see, Equestria is the country where we ponies live, but there are others out there. We are allied with the Griffon Kingdom to the east, and to the south is where the dragons live. Most of that is still unexplored..."

"So... either I'm in a bad science fiction flick, or in a straight jacket. I don't even believe in ghosts…" I laughed as I looked at the technicolor, misshapen ponies and houses straight out of a fairy tale. "None of this is here! This-this is all just white, padded walls!" I continued to laugh uncontrollably as I pointed at Twilight. "You! You're so clever! I bet you're my doctor or therapist or whatever!" I pointed to the pink one. "And you…" I trail off, considering just what real-life thing she could be. "Either you're a figment of my deranged mind, or some kind of rough nurse, given the way you tackled me."

"I don't think…" the purple one started, but trailed off as a musical tone echoed out.

It was coming from my pocket!

I quickly fished my phone from my pocket and looked at the screen. It said "Sam!" Sam was calling me! I pick it up, practically shouting his name.

"Jen! Where the hell are you!?" he shouted right back. "You disappeared from the party last night! Everybody's been worried sick about you!"

"I-I think I'm the loony bin! There's talking horses and all these old cottages and-and a talking dragon! I mean, they all talk! But it's a real dragon! That talks!"

"What!?" his voice sharply hissed in my ear.

"Yeah, I know. I've freaking lost it and—"

Beep! Beep! Beep!


I pull the phone away from my ear to see that the call was dropped. I didn't have any bars!

"Damn it!" My last line to sanity and it craps out on me! I was half-tempted to throw the thing, but I wasn't about to abandon my last hope for salvation. I held it up to the sky in hopes of a signal.

"What is that thing and why is she talking to it?" the pink one asked.

"It's a phone. They had them in the human world—they were amazing! You see, if you have two of them, you can talk to somepony from anywhere. You talk into one, and the other one mimics your voice. I never did figure out how they worked."

"So who is she talking to?"

"Sam!" I snapped at her as I pocketed my phone. "He's my step-brother, and he got me into this mess! I didn't even want to go to that party!" I quickly shifted my focus back to Twilight. "What do you mean, 'human world?'"

Twilight sighed as she pointed at... a tree with a door? "Why don't we talk about this back inside?" she suggested. "I have some theories, but we don't have all of the pieces. Hopefully, you'll be able to bridge the gaps for us."

I threw my hands up. "Fine! It's not like I have anywhere else I can go!"

A few minutes later and I was sitting on that wretched couch next to the hyperactive pink one, introduced to me as "Pinkie Pie," while Twilight and Spike set up charts and diagrams. Twilight led what had to be the most boring presentation you can possibly lead with magical, floating charts and pointers. Apparently there was some sort of magical mirror to the real world that only works once every two-and-a-half years, but that I must've come here some other way. She explained that there were all these parallels between my world and this, but I had yet to see any.

"Any questions?" she asked, finally reaching the end of the presentation.

I shook my head. "That doesn't help me at all. I want to go home, and I don't wanna wait two years to get there!" Twilight laughed at me. She laughed at me! "What's so funny!?"

"We're not using the mirror. After all, you didn't," Twilight said, matter-of-factly.

I furrowed my brow. "How did I get here?" I spoke my thoughts.

"We were hoping you might have some idea, Jenny," Twilight said. "Pinkie found you, but there weren't any signs of where you came from."

"You were in an alley!" Pinkie practically shouted in a sing-song voice.

"I've already looked for clues," Twilight explained. "There was some weird, ambient magic there, but I couldn't make any sense of it."

I shook my head. "I don't know how I got here, okay? I can barely remember anything from last night!"

Twilight looked confused. "Do you have amnesia?" She suddenly gasped. "Did you hit your head? Are you feeling all right?"

I facepalmed. "No, I'm just hung over."

"Hung over what?" Pinkie asked.

"N-no," I said, facepalming a second time. "I have—had a hangover. I had too much to drink, you know?"

"Oh! I get it!" Pinkie jumped up and pointed. "The bathroom is just around that corner!"

I would have facepalmed again, but I decided to jump at the opportunity to some alone time away from the psychotic ponies. The bathroom was, surprisingly, a bathroom. No, like, an actual bathroom. Toilet, sink, shower, the whole shebang.

I crouched in front of the sink to look at myself in the mirror. Same messy, black hair. Same brown eyes. My makeup was nothing short of a mess, but the rest of me seemed normal enough. It didn't look like I was in a straight jacket. It all looked... real. That was disappointing. I was hoping for, I don't know, a third arm or something. Anything that would've revealed this to be some sort of bizarre dream, or an acid trip. Something, anything but real!

Pulling out my phone, I found myself to still have no bars. Worse, my phone barely had 30% charge left. It didn't have much longer to live.

My last lifeline to anything that made sense, and it was dying! I leaned up against the door as I cradled my head in my hands. I was trapped here—a million miles from home—surrounded by talking animals!

I slid down to the floor as I succumbed to the tightness in my throat. I just couldn't hold back any longer. Sobs escaped my throat as I finally stopped deluding myself. This was really happening! I was trapped in some bizarre world. Sam, my parents, my family—I might never see any of them again. Instead, all I have are these freakish, talking animals!