• Published 23rd Jul 2014
  • 1,431 Views, 23 Comments

What Happened Last Night!? - DemonBrightSpirit

So, I let my step-brother convince me into going to a party. It led to the worst thing I've ever experienced. I didn't get hit on or taken advantage of. No, I just ended up stranded in the freaking land of talking ponies!

  • ...

Where on Earth am I!?

Consciousness started to filter in, and I wish it hadn't. My stomach was sour, my throat was dry, and my head was killing me. Of those three, thirst seemed to win out, urging me to get up. "Hnng, my head," I muttered, sitting up.

Pulling my ebony bangs from my vision, I looked myself over. I was a mess. My blouse was stained and disheveled. My pants mostly looked okay, but I was sure my makeup looked like crap. I hoped I didn't smell as bad as I looked.

Looking around, I found myself in an alien environment. There were books everywhere. I was in some sort of library, but something was off. All the books were undersized. In fact, the couch I was on was pint-sized, too. Was I in a midget's house?

"That's the last time I let Sam convince me to go to a party." I rubbed my face, trying to remember what was going on.

"Oh! You're awake!"

I cringed at the feminine, too-chipper voice. Turning, all I found was an oddly proportioned, purple horse. Like everything else here, it was smaller than it should have been. Did it have a horn? And... wings? Cradling my head in my hands, I called out a reply, "Hey, can anybody tell me where Sam is?"

"Sam, is that a name?"

It talked.

That purple pony talked!

I'm pretty sure I stared for some time as my mind raced in circles. "I… bwuh?"

Her head tilted to the side as she furrowed her brow a bit. "Are you all right?"

I stumbled to my feet, and my stomach did not appreciate the sudden movement. I looked around the unfamiliar house a moment before the bile rose against my will. Framing my face with my hands, I drew my hair back as I hunched over.

"Eww! Ugh, Spike! Spiiike!"

I barely heard that pony-thing talking over my heaving, but, by the time it passed, I felt something gingerly tracing circles on my back. Looking over, I saw it flying next to me. It was rubbing my back with it's foot!

I would've tried to jump away, but I wasn't about to step in my own mess. Instead, I ended up just tumbling backwards. I smacked my head on the floor as I fell flat on my back. I reflexively grabbed the back of my head before opening my eyes. It was that horse-thing and—a lizard! A giant lizard!

Shrieking, I backpedaled until I hit a wall. The horse-thing and the lizard looked at each other before looking back at me. "S-stay away!" I warned, grabbing a nearby book and brandishing it.

"She's really freaking out," the lizard said in a boyish voice as he looked at the flying pony.

"Easy now. There's no need to worry. Nopony is going to hurt you," the pony said in a sugary voice taking a step back along with the lizard. "Look, I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle, and this is Spike," she insisted, pointing to herself, then the lizard. "What's your name?"

"J-Jen... Jenny," I managed to choke out, lowering the book a bit.

"What a weird name," Spike muttered.

Twilight glared at him before turning and smiling at me. "Don't mind Spike," she assured. "Spike, why don't you clean up this mess?"

He rolled his eyes and muttered, "Fine."

Once he turned around, I found that pony staring at me again. "Is there anything I can get you?"

"Water." The word left my mouth before I had even realized it. She said something about being right back and flew away, leaving me alone with the lizard. He was busy cleaning up my… Well, he was busy cleaning.

Time to leave crazytown behind. With the lizard's back to me, I started to quietly crawl towards what looked like the door. I'd barely made any progress at all and a flash of magenta filled my vision. I halted immediately. Blinking a couple of times, I found a glass of water—but it wasn't sitting on anything. No one was holding it. It was just... floating. And... glowing purple.

"Here," the purple thing said as she stepped into my field of view.

Tentatively, I reached out and poked the glass with a finger. Surprisingly, it didn't burn or shock. Pushing my fears aside, I wrapped my fingers around the glass. It stopped glowing and it was... just a glass of water. It might've been shaking violently, but that was probably just my hand.

I looked up at whatever-her-name-was before looking back to the water. I sat back and brought it to my lips. After downing the entire glass, I turned back to… "Um, thanks uh…"

"Twilight Sparkle," she said, smiling at me. "You can call me Twilight."

"Okay. How are you talking?" I demand, pointing at her. "It-it's impossible!"

She cocked an eyebrow—something I didn't think animals could do—and gave me a funny look. "Did you hit your head?" she asked. "Everypony can talk. There's nothing impossible about it."

I staggered to my feet, clutching my head. I was having a conversation with a flying purple pony! "I hit my head, went insane, or—oh, God! Someone must've spiked my drink!" I laughed a bit. "Th-that's it. None of this is real. It's some sort of drug-induced hallucination."

"Excuse me, but I'm not a hallucination," Twilight insisted. "Besides, a hallucination, by definition, requires a delusional state wherein there exists a suspension of belief. Therefore, simply being able to question something as a hallucination proves that it isn't."

I felt my eye twitch as I stared incredulously at her. That sounded really smart. I didn't understand all of it, but it sounded really smart. Smarter than a hallucination I could come up with could possibly sound. I laughed again. "This-this can't be real. Talking—flying—horses and a lizard the size of a dog…"

Twilight frowned. "I'm not a 'horse.' I'm a pony. An alicorn, to be precise." She held out her hoof in the direction of that horrifying lizard-thing. "And Spike is a dragon, not a lizard."

I let out a single, sharp laugh. "A dragon? Like, breathes fire and kidnaps maidens, dragon?"

The "dragon" threw a rag into a bucket. "I can breathe fire, but what does being a dragon have to do with kidnapping maidens?" he asked, picking up the bucket.

Nope. I remember going fetal and muttering to myself for some time, but I don't remember much after that. Not until I woke up again.