• Published 8th Aug 2014
  • 6,792 Views, 259 Comments

The Amazing Spider-Man: The Web of Friendship - Time Pony Victorious

Peter Parker, intrepid photographer and moonlighting superhero, stumbles into the world of ponies! How will he cope being a pony... without hands?!

  • ...

The Truth


Thank goodness her castle was pretty big, otherwise it would’ve been filled to the limits with how many ponies had joined her. The Wonderbolts had followed her along with an angry mob of villagers and Zecora and Fluttershy and Mayor Mare but she was kept outside because Twilight simply wasn’t in the mood.

They stood in the main room awkwardly awaiting Twilight’s next decision as she paced the room. She had hoped to talk to the strange stallion (or Web-Head as Spitfire named) alone but of course everypony had questions. First things first however.

Twilight walked over to Fluttershy and Zecora. Zecora was applying healing paste to Fluttershy’s injured wing which began to look better but Twilight suspected it may need a cast. She magically enchanted her wing, her purple aura flickering over Fluttershy’s form, as she scanned for any severe injuries. Fluttershy giggled from the sensation.

“Nothing too serious,” Twilight decreed. “But we’ll need a cast.”

Fluttershy didn’t seem too disappointed with that. She nodded with a small smile. Zecora was the only one who looked really miffed by that decision.

“Nonsense, with my magical brew, little Fluttershy’s wing will be good as new!” she said.

“We’ll deal with it later—“

“Though, that does sound wonderful,” admitted Fluttershy.

“Right now, I want to talk to this guy.” Twilight said, glaring at the Web-Head who shuffled nervously.

For some reason, he insisted upon keeping his costume on, especially his mask so Twilight couldn’t tell what expression he was making. Spitfire and Soarin’ stepped forward, standing stiffly at attention. “Ma’am, don’t punish him,” Soarin’ said. “He saved us.”

“And me,” Spitfire agreed only to mumble, “Though I could’ve handled it…”

“And us!” the Cutie Mark Crusaders spoke up.

“We would’ve been toast without him!” Scootaloo said.

“Yeah, he’s a hero!” agreed Sweetie Belle.

“Though, toast does sound mighty tasty right ‘bout now…” muttered Applebloom.

“Nothing is going to happen,” Twilight promised.

“Can I get that in writing?” the Web-Head asked.

Twilight scowled. “I just need to know a few things… I’ll talk to you guys later, okay?”

Reluctantly, everypony, save Twilight, the stallion, and Fluttershy, left the castle and locked the doors behind them. Twilight sighed and went over to her chair, sitting down. Fluttershy sat at her own chair, wincing as her wing began to hurt from the movement.

“Please, take a seat,” Twilight said, gesturing to Rainbow Dash’s chair.

He looked at it for a moment, as if wondering if it was a trap, then sat down awkwardly. He couldn’t stay still, he kept shifting his position like he didn’t know how to sit down. It took him a few tries but he finally got a position where it was somewhat comfortable.

“Who are you?” Twilight asked.

“I’m… Spiderman,” he answered.

“Spiderman?” Fluttershy echoed. “Why, you don’t look like a spider and… whatever a man is.”

Spiderman cursed under his breath. “Okay, that figures then…”

“What figures?” Twilight asked.

“Okay, this is going to sound completely crazy…”

“We’re fine with crazy.”

“I’m from another universe.”

Twilight and Fluttershy exchanged a look. Fluttershy just looked extremely concerned, like she thought Spiderman had a severe head injury or something. But Twilight considered it for a moment…

“That would explain the meteor…”


“A few nights ago, a meteor fell from the sky,” Fluttershy explained. “Along with it, a large magical disturbance. It was so powerful, Twilight’s magic was lost for a while.”

“What’s that got to do with me?” he asked.

You were that meteor,” Twilight answered. Spiderman recoiled in surprise then leaned forward as if in deep thought. “Zecora found you in the forest, in a giant crater, and brought you to her cottage to fix you up.”

Spiderman nodded, understanding. “So that means… this really is another universe…”

Twilight’s expression softened. Spiderman looked completely lost at the moment, he must be so scared to be so far from home. Twilight remembered the feeling she experienced when she went into that alternate universe to get her crown back.

The Princess stood up and headed for a desk. “I think I know what you mean by alternate universes, Spiderman,” she said, pulling out a sketchpad and some colored pencils. “A while back, I traveled to another universe with strange creatures there instead of ponies. I never understood what they were but you may be from the same place.”

While she spoke, she magically drew on her sketchpad in a hasty, abridged manner. When she was finished, she held up the sketchpad for Spiderman. There was a quick, yet surprisingly detailed and well produced, drawing of Sunset Shimmer in her alternate universe form. She was bipedal with long arms and hands and fingers, it still freaked Twilight out to have to use fingers and hands like that instead of hooves.

Spiderman nodded as he took the sketchpad, studying it. “Yeah, except we aren’t exactly… technicolored. It looks like its out of a cartoon.”

“What’s a… cartoon?” Fluttershy asked.

Spiderman tilted his head at her. “Never mind. Anyways, yeah, that’s a human, or at least a version of it. That’s what I am, or rather, what I was.” He looked down at his body like he couldn’t believe it was his.

“So, what happened to you?” Twilight asked. “Did you happen to cross any interdimensional portals or magical doorways by chance?”

Spiderman shook his head. “I honestly don’t remember. I can’t remember the last few days. All I know is that I woke up in Zecora’s place and bam, I’m… a pony.”

He explained about his life back home. He explained his job at the Daily Bugle, how he became Spiderman, the things he’s done and the people he’s saved, he talked on and on about New York and Manhattan that it hurt Twilight hearing to wistfulness in his tone.

“New York… That sounds like New Yoke,” Fluttershy remarked. “And Manehatten.”

Twilight nodded. “Probably alternative versions of places here. So you’re the only human… like you?”

“Yep,” he said. “I was bitten by a genetically modified spider which gave me my abilities. It was scary at first but I like it. No other human can do that apart from, like, the Avengers or something.”



“So, that’s why you wear the mask?” Fluttershy asked.

Spiderman instinctively touched his mask as if to make sure it was still there and nodded with trepidation. “To… protect the people I love from the enemies I’ll make. You… didn’t take it off, did you?”

“No,” Twilight answered. Even if they had, it wasn’t as if they could recognize him in pony form or human form. Twilight got the feeling it was more than a shield to protect his loved ones, it protected him as well. “But you don’t have to wear it… You’re amongst friends here.”

Spiderman hesitated, deeply considering it. He took a deep breath and pulled his mask off in one go. Twilight felt her heart go a relay in her chest. He was, well, handsome. Exceedingly attractive, Rarity might say. He had a youthful face, around Twilight’s age, and big, sad brown eyes. His coat was a light shade of brown, like custard, his mane was spiked up crazily and chocolate brown so Twilight was reminded of Pipsqueak, he looked like he could pass as his older brother.

“Well, how do I look?” he asked, smiling weakly.

Twilight reminded herself how to breathe.

“You look good,” Fluttershy answered with a smile.

Twilight nodded dumbly. “Now then, what’s your real name?”

He frowned which was a cute expression for Twilight since his brown eyes became fixed with concentration, so he looked like a puppy thinking of a trick to perform. “Peter Parker.”

“Nice to meet you, Peter,” Twilight said, extending her hoof. “I’m Twilight Sparkle—“

Princess Twilight Sparkle,” Fluttershy corrected, pointing to her crown.

“Yeah, princess,” she agreed. “And you know Fluttershy.”

“Yeah, sorry about your wing again…” Peter apologized, it was really hard not to accept the apology with those sad eyes of his.

“I’m fine,” she promised. “Besides, I think somepony else will be a bit more upset over my wing than me—“

The doors crashed open. Everypony looked over to see Rainbow Dash in the front with a look of absolute fury on her face. She looked around the room until she zeroed in on Peter. Her wings revved up and she zipped across the room in a second. “Wait, Rainbow!” Twilight yelled but it was too late.

Rainbow tackled Peter and the two went rolling across the room until she pinned the elusive Web-Head. She held up a hoof to attack. “You hurt Fluttershy?! Why I outta—“

“Stop!” Twilight yelled, levitating Rainbow off Peter. “It wasn’t his fault, it was nopony’s fault, it was just an accident and besides, Fluttershy is fine.”

She turned Rainbow to face Fluttershy and the pegasus meekly waved at her. “Hi.”

The other girls came inside. Applejack was the first to hug Fluttershy, awkwardly apologizing for harming her wing in the process. “Ya okay, Sugarcube?” she asked. Even Pinkie had the grace to be sensitive, bouncing by the injured pegasus and asking questions gently.

Rarity was the last in and she took a breath in relief once she saw Fluttershy. “Thank goodness she’s alright,” she said. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if something had happened to her. Oh my stars! What happened to your outfit, darling?”

Peter frowned, looking down at his costume. It was torn up even worse than before with green stains from the Hydra poison covering it up, it left very little to the imagination but the girls, apparently, didn’t mind or care.

Twilight frowned as she noticed the gash on Peter’s side. “Peter,” she said, pointing to the injury. “What happened?”

Peter looked down. There was only a white scar left, some of the fur around the wound was green but he felt fine. “The Hydra bit me, I thought I dodged it but I—“

“He what?” Twilight cried. “We need to get you to the hospital, Hydra poison is very dangerous!”

“No, no, I’m fine,” he insisted. “It’s healed up. One of my powers is that I’m extra resilient and I have regenerative capabilities.”

Pinkie Pie tilted her head in confusion and Peter sighed. “I can heal faster than normal.”

“Darling, perhaps now would be the time for you to explain everything to us?” Rarity asked Twilight.

By the time Twilight was done explaining, Rainbow had already set a blue cast on Fluttershy’s wing (it was her favorite color, Rainbow didn’t complain) and everypony signed it except Peter who wasn’t able to write properly with his mouth.

The girls were seated around Peter, looking at him with awe, which Twilight must’ve imagined made him uncomfortable but he seemed fine. “So you’re from another world?” Rainbow asked.

Peter nodded. “Or another universe, I’m not really sure. Point is, I didn’t originally look like this.”

“And ya don’t know how ya got ‘ere?” Applejack asked.

“Not really no. But Twilight said it might be magic. She’s traveled to another world before, so maybe there’s a way to send me back?” Peter asked, looking at Twilight.

Twilight realized she preferred his mask because at least he couldn’t give her that heart-breaking expression of innocent hope. Twilight winced and frowned sadly. “Yes, there is the magic mirror that leads to the human world but… I don’t think it’ll work, it only led to that dimension and I’ve never heard of a universe like yours…”

Peter’s face fell. He looked so lost and sad that Twilight wished there was something more she could do. Some spell or something that could fix everything, but unfortunately nothing she knew could do that. “But, I’ll keep looking. I’ll ask Princesses Celestia and Luna, and even Cadance if they could do anything. You might not be stuck here, Peter, we’ll find a way.”
