• Published 30th Oct 2011
  • 796 Views, 1 Comments

Clock, and a Pony - Mr.Clock

A random encounter happens when a crime-fighting Vigilante gets sucked into Equestria!

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Where in Equestria?

A bright flash of light appears, as Clock is in a new world, that he doesn't recognize. The grass looks dead, and the sky is black. When he walks around a bit, he finds a stick, or two. He then remembers he still has the remote thingy, and he randomly hits buttons, since he is so bored here. Another bright light of flash makes him travel to another dimension which held the most horrid thing he had ever seen. They were... CARE BEARS! He quickly jammed the buttons as fast as he could before a even brighter flash of light took him away to a land he thinks he knows about.

The flash of light did leave quite a mess on the grass he was standing on, so he quickly walked around, when he then say something in the sky. It appeared to be a Lion riding a Eagle, but he dismissed the fact as those don't exist, so he walked along, until it swooped down, and grabbed his remote. The voice said something along, " Cool thing, dweeb. Don't mind if I take it, do you?" Clock quickly hesitated at the Lion talking, or maybe it was the Eagle. Clock responded with " I sorta do, can't stay here forever. I mean, I am already starting to see Lions riding Eagles, so I must of gone insane, already!" The Lion became quite angry, and charged right at Clock, knocking him down. The Lion flew back up and yelled at Clock, " Listen, dork! I ain't no lion, i'm a Griffin, and don't you forget that!" Clock chuckles a bit, before Klolc takes over and responding with, " Listen, I don't care what you are, and you are going to tell me." The Griffin possibly took great offence to this and charged at Clock a second time, but he managed to dodge it, and countered by pulling out a weapon. [Let it be a net!] he thought to himself, before throwing a pie and the Griffin and hitting it straight on.

Clock could see the Griffin was quite made, but Klolc insisted by laughing straight at it, and saying, " It's what you get for messing with us!" The Griffin raged, and threw the remote into the Forest, then it charged at Clock, and picked him up. He tried to fought off, but apparently Griffins are strong, so he had quite a hard time fighting it off, while Clock was yelling, " HEY! PUT ME DOWN! I HAVE A LAWYER, YA'KNOW!" The Griffin showed showed a evil grind, and let him go, dropping him down, and he was screaming, a lot.

Comically, a big pile of hay broke his fall, but so did his back. He grunted as he stretched out his back, with a loud crack along it. He took notice of his surroundings, and noticed he was at a Apple Farm, which was quite strange, since he could have sworn he saw this before, but was surprised when someone from behind him was yelling, " Howdy, Partner! I didn't expect anypony to be here, but if you want a Apple, you just have ta' ask!" Clock turns around, seeing a orange pony, and just now realizes where he is.