> Clock, and a Pony > by Mr.Clock > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Clock, Super Hero! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clock was enjoying one of his average days of fighting crime! He did what all normal heroes do, steal kittens, save old ladies' purses, and fighting criminals! Aside from the average bank heist, which some reason always occurred on Saturday mornings, everything was peachy smooth, except for one thing that Clock had no idea would forever change his view on nothing! You may be wondering to yourself " Who is this Clock Hero? What does he do? Why am I questioning you?" and all these answers shall be revealed! Clock was the average Vigilante who used his powers of time manipulation to pull out anything from anywhere, or anytime. While this may be incredibly helpful, most of the time it gives him something of complete opposite. Let me tell you about this one story when his nemesis called "Dragor", who incorporates Dragons into everything, for some strange reason, created this machine that could create small black holes, that sucked everything in it's path! Clock, being quite the smart one decided to use a anti-black hole hole. While questioning one existed he pulled out a rubber chicken from the old times of Dinosaurs, and such. He threw the rubber chicken into the black hole machine, and it caused it to explode from existence, including any black holes it shot out. Aside from those quite silly stories, he also had some problems with himself! Clock also has a split-personality, thanks to his time manipulation powers. His split personality named Kcolc, because it the opposite of Clock. Klolc tends to be mean, but more witting then Clock. Clock also tends to be fooled a lot, but is suspicious of most things. Clock is also training a kitty army, so he doesn't have to watch over the city of New Pillow. New Pillow is quite a interesting place that takes all the fun of being a hero, and makes it 20% better! The crime rate is very high, but it is a very nice city! The city was founded on a vein of gold, so any damage coming from Villain, or Hero can be easily paid off! Enough of his back story, it is time for commercial break! > Dragor, and his PLAN! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragor, the evil Dragon genius, was working on a new plan to put Clock to a evil end! Dragor owned a company called E.V.I.L., which sells things from rocks to Death Rays. Dragor became a villain, because one day he got bored. Dragor's plan this time was to send Clock to a new dimension, with his new invention called THE REMOT-O-CHARGER DIMENSIONLAS, or ROCD for short. Since ROCD looked like a TV remote, it was also the perfect disguise! Clock used a separate address for any gifts, or "donations" he called it. The only problem was getting him to use the remote, so he packed a flat screen TV with it! All he would have to do is hit any button on it, and it would teleport him to other dimensions! Dragor had no idea which he would teleport them to, but with him gone, it would be a easy feat to take over the country, since taking over the world would provide a bit hard, in his current situation. Clock had gone to retrieve all his flattering gifts, from fans, which were usually 3, or 2. But he at least got gifts from his fan, unlike Pink Avenger. Clock had got all of his gifts, which came out to 1. He returned to his home, which was quite a drab, since it was a small house with a Kitchen, a medium-sized backyard, 1 full bathroom which most of the time smelled of snakes, for some reason. His original TV was small, and looked like it would explode at any moment, because it did several seconds later. He had no idea why it exploded, it just did. He question if it was a assassination attempt, as he just got one, but then remembered his TV had a timer on it that was connected to a bomb. Still in his Hero wear, which looked quite like a SteamPunk cyborg of some sort, he pulled up his best seat in the house, which he keeps hidden so no one else may sit on it. He turned on the TV, and went to look for the remote. The moment he hit one button on it a huge wave of blue energy took over, and he found himself in a different place, which didn't resemble his home at all! > Where in Equestria? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A bright flash of light appears, as Clock is in a new world, that he doesn't recognize. The grass looks dead, and the sky is black. When he walks around a bit, he finds a stick, or two. He then remembers he still has the remote thingy, and he randomly hits buttons, since he is so bored here. Another bright light of flash makes him travel to another dimension which held the most horrid thing he had ever seen. They were... CARE BEARS! He quickly jammed the buttons as fast as he could before a even brighter flash of light took him away to a land he thinks he knows about. The flash of light did leave quite a mess on the grass he was standing on, so he quickly walked around, when he then say something in the sky. It appeared to be a Lion riding a Eagle, but he dismissed the fact as those don't exist, so he walked along, until it swooped down, and grabbed his remote. The voice said something along, " Cool thing, dweeb. Don't mind if I take it, do you?" Clock quickly hesitated at the Lion talking, or maybe it was the Eagle. Clock responded with " I sorta do, can't stay here forever. I mean, I am already starting to see Lions riding Eagles, so I must of gone insane, already!" The Lion became quite angry, and charged right at Clock, knocking him down. The Lion flew back up and yelled at Clock, " Listen, dork! I ain't no lion, i'm a Griffin, and don't you forget that!" Clock chuckles a bit, before Klolc takes over and responding with, " Listen, I don't care what you are, and you are going to tell me." The Griffin possibly took great offence to this and charged at Clock a second time, but he managed to dodge it, and countered by pulling out a weapon. [Let it be a net!] he thought to himself, before throwing a pie and the Griffin and hitting it straight on. Clock could see the Griffin was quite made, but Klolc insisted by laughing straight at it, and saying, " It's what you get for messing with us!" The Griffin raged, and threw the remote into the Forest, then it charged at Clock, and picked him up. He tried to fought off, but apparently Griffins are strong, so he had quite a hard time fighting it off, while Clock was yelling, " HEY! PUT ME DOWN! I HAVE A LAWYER, YA'KNOW!" The Griffin showed showed a evil grind, and let him go, dropping him down, and he was screaming, a lot. Comically, a big pile of hay broke his fall, but so did his back. He grunted as he stretched out his back, with a loud crack along it. He took notice of his surroundings, and noticed he was at a Apple Farm, which was quite strange, since he could have sworn he saw this before, but was surprised when someone from behind him was yelling, " Howdy, Partner! I didn't expect anypony to be here, but if you want a Apple, you just have ta' ask!" Clock turns around, seeing a orange pony, and just now realizes where he is. > The Uncanny Apples! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The orange Pony takes another good look at Clock, before noticing something was up. " Where did you come from?" She says, while walking a bit closer to Clock, while Clock starts to get on his hands, and knees. He manages to say, " I'm just a normal ol' pony, ya'know? I got lost, and stuff. Now excuse me while I go, and.. uh do stuff!" She moves closer, seeing Clock in a costume. " What are you wearin'? Is that one of those things Lyra was talking about?" She questions Clock, while he walks away from AppleJack. Clock Responds with, " I..uh.. made it myself! I heard it was NightMare Night?" She looked at him a bit weird, and said, "Sorry, pardner, but you just miss it! It was a couple of days ago, in fact!" She tells Clock. Klolc gets a bit tired of this whole charade, and decides to break it all, by standing up. " Enough of this, this is embarrassing! I will not crawl on my knees at all! Why would you ever think this was going to work, anyway?" Clock responds to himself with, " Well, I thought it was kinda working, before you blew it up!" Klock gets a bit peeved from being blame, and stars to yell, " Well, excuse me for not wanting to be on the ground! Only dirty anima-, I mean, uh, WE GOTTA GO!" Clock starts to run the other way, away from AppleJack, while she just stands there not actually knowing what to say aside from, " Erm." Clock ran so far, that he didn't even know where he was running to, until he came across PonyVille. " Well, this is a bit strange." Clock said to himself, yet Kcolc responded with, " Strange? We are in a different dimension, and the only thing you can say is that is STRANGE?" Clock is quite tired of his bothersome yelling, and tunes him out. " I know what you are doing, because I AM YOU!" Kcolc yells at himself. Clock was searching through one of his portal thingies. Clock wonders for a second why he didn't go through one, before realizing that these things can led him anywhere, while he pulled out a Cupcake, and just stared at it for a second. He wondered if Applejack was going to chase him, or not, but went on his merry business. He then noticed a pink pony staring right at him, and it said, " Are you gonna eat that?" Clock stop for a second and just stare at the pink pony. He know Pinkie Pie, too, but he is afraid Kcolc might be a tad rude to her. > The 4th wall master! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clock stares at Pinkie before responding a question she asked with, " Noooo." Pinkie Pie quickly gulps the Cupcake in one bite, Clock knew about her weird behaviors, but seeing it up close is a bit funky, to say. Clock started to back up, hoping that Pinkie Pie won't follow, but she did. " Oooh, I've never seen you here before, and if I never seen you before, then you must be new here, cause I know everypony here, but you don't look like a pony, but I will still throw a party for you, anyways!" She questions. Clock just responded, " I don't think I want a party." Pinkie Pie starts to bounce up, and down, yelling, " Nonsense, you can never not be in the mood to party, that's like not being in the mood to eat Cupcakes, it is impossible! Come on, i'm sure everypony would be interested in meeting you! You can make Cupcakes in thin air, how is that not great? I may have no idea who you are, but there shall be a party!" After a few hours of party planning, and invites. The Party is ready, being forced there, Clock couldn't possibly say no to Pinkie Pie. While everyone gathers about, Twilight Sparkle is the most excited as nopony has ever seen such a creature of this proportion. Clock stands in the middle of the crowd, and sticks his hand through a portal, and another portal appeared on the snacks table, pulling a cupcake through it. Everypony was surprised at this, but Twilight Sparkle starts questioning it. " How did you do that? How do you know that doing that wouldn't cause a split between time, and space?" She asked, and asked, and asked. Trying to keep cool, as bursting out yelling at her would very much kill the mood Clock replied with, " I can just DO IT! I don't REALLLY KNOW!" Klolc then questions, " WHY DOES SHE KEEP ASKING US QUESTIONS?!" Clock simply replied with, " I think it has something to do with wanting to know?" Twilight Sparkle looked at him, her ears drooped a little, and asked, " Umm, did I do something wrong?" Clock simply stated, " Just a little split-personality, and what not, nothing to be afraid of." Pinkie Pie cut in saying, " Your split whatever you called it, is a tad mean, maybe she should turn the frown upside down! Maybe if he had a best friend he would feel better!" Before Kcolc could reply, Clock promptly shut his mouth. " I think I have to go somewhere, I think." He quickly ran out the building, into the side of the forest, where 3 little fillies were playing at. They either forgot about the party, or didn't get a invitation. Before taking another step, all three of them came rushing towards him.