• Published 9th Jul 2014
  • 700 Views, 18 Comments

The Sparkle In Her Eyes - MetalHead777

Twilight goes to celebrate her birthday with her friends. Everything was basic until what she saw that changed her life later that night.

  • ...

Love Is A Strong Word

After a nice walk, they arrive back at Twi's house. Equinox, being tired from the train ride, sits on the couch. Twi walks up to him.

"Would you like anything to drink or eat?"

He shakes his head lightly.

"No thank you, I had something to eat and drink on the train." He smiles at her.

She smiles back and walks over to the kitchen to get herself something to eat while Silver and Equinox catch up. She gets herself a big glass of water and sits at the kitchen table. Silver starts to talk to his older brother.

"So how are things in Cloudsdale," he asks trying to sound cheerful.

"Well its going pretty good. It sucks living in an apartment alone though," he says with a slight chuckle.

Silver also chuckles a bit. They catch up a bit more and Silver asks about their sister.

"So how has Midnight been doing," he asks.

"She has been doing good. We hang out every now and then. She works at a cloud factory now. Not exactly the job I imagined for her, but she seems happy with the job," he smiles at Silver.

Silver smiles back and they give each other a hug. Equinox's smile fades after a minute as he remembers the reason why they were there in the first place. The hug tightens and Silver knows exactly why and he tries not to cry. Equinox lightly strokes Silver's hair. He also tries not to cry. Silver lightly speaks.

"It happened so fast. I couldn't help them."

Tears stream down his face. Equinox starts to tear up now.

"It's not your fault Silver. You had no way of helping them. Don't blame yourself."

They stay there in the hug for a few minutes. Twi goes back to the living room and sees them hugging and she sighs. Equinox notices her and wipes his eyes.

"Sorry you saw that Miss Sparkle."

She goes and sits next to them.

"No need to apologize. And please, call me Twilight." She smiles at him which causes him to smile back.

"Okay Twilight." He gives another big smile.

Twi just smiles back.

"You must be exhausted. You should get some rest. Here, I'll show you to where you will be sleeping."

They all stand up and they walk to the other spare room which actually used to be Spike's room when he was still there. She grabs him some blankets and a pillow and puts it on the bed. He sits in it and yawns. He says goodnight to them and drifts off to sleep. Twi and Silver walk out of the room and they close the door. Silver gives Twi an unexpected hug which catches her off guard.

"Thank you for being so nice to me and Equinox," he says while smiling.

She hugs back and smiles.

"You're very welcome Silver," she says in a positive tone.

Silver is next to head off to bed. He says goodnight and goes into the room. Twi heads to the kitchen to clean up a bit. After that she heads off to bed herself.


The next morning Twilight is the first to wake up. She goes to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. She decides to make French Toast and bacon. After about 10 minutes, Silver and Equinox wake up and smell the breakfast and they make their way to the kitchen. Twilight sees them and smiles.

"Hey guys, I hope you are hungry."

They nod and sit down. She hands them both a plate and they begin to eat. Twilight makes herself a plate and grabs her cup of coffee and places it on the table.

"Would you guys like something to drink," she asks in a positive tone.

They nod and she gets a glass of milk for each of them and places their cups on the table. Everyone enjoys their meal. Silver and Equinox help Twi clean up. She thanks them and they all sit at the kitchen table chatting away as Twi learns more about Equinox.

"So Equinox, tell me a little bit about yourself."

"Well, I work at a music shop in Cloudsdale, I love Dubstep and Heavy Metal music, I can play guitar, and I used to be in a band."

"Oh, how did the band thing go?"

"Well it was going good for a while, then the lead singer had a weird depression phase and disbanded us. We haven't seen him or heard from him in a couple years now," he says while looking at the ground as he remembers the last time he saw him.

"Oh," she says while looking at her cup of coffee.

"Yeah, I just hope he didn't do anything to hurt himself," he says while looking back up at Twi.

They continue talking for a while. At one point someone knocks on Twi's door. Twi goes to see that its Rainbow Dash.

"Hey Dash, what's up," she asks with a smile.

"Hey, I just finished reading Daring Do and I wanted to return the book to you."

Twi smiles.

"Well thanks Dash. I knew I could trust you with the books I lend you," she says while still smiling.

Dash notices Equinox sitting at the table and her heart starts to race.

"Who's that at the table?"

Twi looks back and sees that she is pointing at Equinox.

"Oh, thats Equinox, its Silver's brother."

Dash smiles.

"He is pretty cute, you making a move on him," she asks with a devious smile.

"What! No!"

Dash chuckles.

"It was just a joke Twi. Calm down. Can I come in?"

Twi nods and lets her in. Dash immediately walks over to Equinox and she introduces herself.

"H-Hey there. I'm Rainbow Dash," she extends her hand for a handshake. He happily accepts the handshake.

"I'm Equinox, its very nice to meet you."

He looks into her eyes and his heart starts to race. Rainbow pulls her hand back and smiles and sits in the chair next to him.

He starts to blush a bit and so does she. They start chatting it up and they start to learn a bit about each other. Twi and Silver are sitting in the living room.

"Well they seem to be getting along together," she says while smiling.

"Yeah. I'm happy hes made a new friend."

After about an hour of talking Rainbow Dash is ready to leave. Before she does she stops at the door way and turns to look at Equinox.

"S-So would you like to go out for some coffee sometime or something," she says while her cheeks are beat red.

"Yeah sure," he says while smiling at her.

She smiles back and heads out. Equinox closes the door. He looks over at Twi. She looks at him with a devious smile.

"What," he says with the blush still on his face.

"You have a crush on Rainbow Dash don't you?"

"M-Maybe," he says while studdering,

Twilight chuckles and Equinox sits down to watch tv with them.

Author's Note:

Well here is Chapter 3. Sorry it ended so abruptly I am very busy lately and that is why I haven't posted it. I hope you all enjoy.