Twilight goes to celebrate her birthday with her friends. Everything was basic until what she saw that changed her life later that night.
Its Twilight's birthday and she is going to Sweet Apple Acres to celebrate it with her friends. After the party she walks home. On her way back to her humble home she sees a young colt crying while sitting up against a tree. Twilight, being the one to not meddle with strangers, keeps walking. But a sudden feeling inside her tells her to talk to that boy and help him. Little did she know, he would change her life forever.
*Quick note: This is my first fanfic i have ever published to show anybody. Please go easy on me. And there are many main characters in the story but this website only lets me select 5.*
It was a bright morning when Twilight woke up. She opened her blinds to let the light in.
"What a beautiful morning," she says with great enthusiasm.
She walks downstairs to the kitchen and fixes herself some breakfast which consists of some cereal and a muffin. A banana nut muffin, a favorite of hers. After breakfast she sat on her couch to read a book. It was a action type book that Rainbow Dash had mentioned to her. She told her it was an awesome book so Twilight thought she would check it out. After she started reading it, she ended up really liking it. After about an hour of reading she gets a call from Pinkie. Twilight answers.
"Hey Pinkie, whats up," she asks with a happy tone.
"Me and the girls are having a get together at the farm. You should come," she says excitedly.
"Sure thing. I'll be there in about 15 minutes."
"Alright! See ya then," said Pinkie extremely excited.
Twilight puts her phone on the table and goes to get dressed. About 7 minutes later she comes back downstairs in a nice T-Shirt that's light purple with a light pink star on it and jeans and grabs her phone and purse to leave the house.
As she walks down the street she smells a mixture of smells. She smells sweets baking at Sugarcube Corner, fresh pies from the local shops, and even fresh cut grass. Oh yes she loved the Spring time. She continued walking down the street while saying hello to the fellow townsfolk of Ponyville.
After about 10 minutes she arrives at Sweet Apple Acres. The place seems like no one is in it. She opens the doors at the barn and it is completely dark. Just as she was about to turn around to walk out, something brushed up her leg. She turned back to look in the barn and it was still completely dark. Finally a light turned on and all of her friends jumped out.
"SURPRISE," they all shouted while jumping towards Twilight.
Twilight was taken aback.
It was her birthday. How could she forget her own birthday. She starts to tear up a little.
"You guys are the best friends a girl could have," she said as they all got into a group hug.
The party goes on for quite a while. They have many laughs, cupcakes, and they played a lot of games together. After all of the fun Twilight says her goodbyes and heads home. On her way home it begins to rain. She curses herself for not bringing an umbrella. She continues to walk in the rain. She hears some odd crying in the distance. She attempts to ignore it but part of her says to go check it out. She sees a young boy sitting up against a tree crying. She thinks that he probably got in trouble with his parents and ran away for a few minutes. She continues walking but realizes how rude it would be if she just left him there. She slowly walks towards him and he looks up at her with tear filled eyes. Twilight looks at him.
"Hello there," she says while getting on a knee.
The boy is too shy to speak so he stays quiet.
"I heard you crying while I was walking and being the kind hearted person I am, I thought that I should see if you were okay."
He stays silent but looks into her purple eyes. He finally decides to speak.
"I-I'm not okay. Not even the slightest bit."
Twi looks at the ground and thinks of ways to help.
"Where are your parents," she asks worriedly.
"Long gone," he says with a quiet tone.
She looks back at the ground.
"Do you have anywhere you can go?"
"No. I have no one else except for my brother and sister who both live in Cloudsdale."
He looks down at the ground and shuts his eyes tight hoping that this is all a dream.
Twi looks at him not knowing what she can do to help.
"Look, I know you don't know me, but I want to help in any way I can. If you want to, you can come stay with me for a little while until you can get ahold of your brother or sister. I know it sounds weird of me to be offering you this but I want to help."
He looks up at her for a few seconds.
"R-Really? You'd allow me to stay with you?"
Twi nods and helps him up. He smiles brightly at her.
"So is that a yes," she asks him.
He nods and she smiles. They start to walk as Twi turns to him.
"You hungry," she asks.
"Yeah actually. I'm starving."
She walks with him to Sugarcube Corner and she gets them both an apple pie. She walks with him back to her house. They walk inside and they sit at the kitchen table. She hands him his pie and he begins eating. He started to eat fast but then remembered his manners and slowed down. Twi chuckles and starts to eat.
"So, whats your name kiddo?"
"It's Silver Light."
"Oh, nice to meet you Silver. My name is Twilight Sparkle," she smiles brightly at him.
He smiles back.
"Its nice to meet you Miss Sparkle."
She smiles again at his good manners. After they have both finished eating, Twi cleans up. She shows him the guest bedroom in the house and he lays in it yawning.
"Thank you... so much Miss Sparkle."
He pulls the blankets over himself and smiles.
"You're very welcome Silver. Goodnight."
He slowly drifts off to sleep and Twi walks to her room and sits in her bed. She smiles at the fact that she helped someone today. She lays in bed and quickly falls asleep.
Silver awoke the next morning not remembering much about last night. All he could think of at the moment was going to the bathroom. As he got out the bed and walked around he didn't remember where he was. Then finally the memories of last night hit him hard. He became instantly depressed and walked out of the room. He uses the bathroom after finding where it was. As he walks out of the bathroom he smells pancakes and bacon and it puts a smile on his face. He walks downstairs and sees Twi cooking the pancakes on the stove. He sits down at the table and Twi notices him.
"Hey Silver. You hungry," she asks with a smile on her face.
"Yes Miss Sparkle," he says with a huge smile on his face.
She chuckles a little.
"You can call me Twilight."
"Oh okay," he says while still wearing a big smile.
She hands him his plate with 3 pancakes with butter and syrup and bacon on the side.
"Thank you very much Twilight."
"You're very welcome Silver."
He begins eating and Twilight gets her cup of coffee and she sits down across from him at the table. She sips her coffee and he eats his breakfast in a well mannered term. Silver finishes his food and cleans off his plate. A few moments after his phone goes off and he walks out of the room to go answer it. Twi silently sits at the table drinking her decaf coffee with caramel creamer. She loves caramel creamer in her coffee. It gives off a nice sweet taste. A few minutes later Silver walks in with a straight face.
"Silver what's wrong," she asks looking concerned.
"My brother just called. He is coming into town tomorrow. I told him about what happened last night. He was devastated."
"What exactly did happen last night?"
Silver winces at the thought of what happened last night. He takes a deep breath and sits down.
"Last night, I was at home with my parents. We own a farm a few miles away from here. Or... we did."
He holds back tears and tries not to cry. Twi starts to regret asking what happened but after a minute Silver continues.
"Last night my parents were putting out the candles in the house when one candle fell over and started to spread a fire throughout the house. The fire became uncontrollable and my dad tried to put it out. The fire engulfed him and he fell to the floor trying to get it off of him. I tried to get help but the ceiling caved in and landed on him. My mom tried getting it off of him but failed. The fire spread even more and it trapped her in the kitchen. I ran out of the house to find help but as I turned around... the house collapsed completely leaving a fiery mess and a pile of rubble," he tears up as he thinks about it and starts to cry.
Twilight comforts him in any way she can. Without thinking, he hugs her tightly needing someone badly. She hugs back showing that she is there for him in any way possible. He cries on her shoulder as he hugs her as tight as possible. After a few minutes the he pulls away with eyes full of tears.
"I'm so sorry about your parents Silver. I'm here for you if you need me."
He nods his head. Twi begins to clean up the kitchen as Silver sits there silently at the table. Occasionally Twi would look back at him to check on him. She became worried about him so she called her friends to see if they wanted to meet up somewhere and hang out. She was going to bring Silver along so that he could meet more people around town. After that was setup Twi walked over to Silver.
"Hey Silver, I'm about to go see my friends. Would you like to join me," she said with a small smile.
"Sure. I've got nothing better to do," he said with a depressed tone.
Twi looked at him worriedly. He stood up from the chair and put his phone in his pocket. Twi grabbed her purse and her phone as they head out the door. They walk through the streets of Ponyville as they head to the park to meet Twi's friends. They arrive at the park as Pinkie, AJ, Rainbow, Rarity and Fluttershy are sitting at the park's picnic table. Twi and Silver walk up to them.
"Well hi there Twi," says AJ as she notices them walking towards the table. "Who's this little guy?"
"Everyone, this is Silver Light. I found him yesterday. He..." she didn't finish because Silver nudged her and gave her a face that said that he didn't want her telling them. She looked down at him and noticed the face and immediately understood. "... is an old friend of mine's son. I told her I would watch him for the day while she ran some errands."
Pinkie runs up to him and smiles excitedly.
"Hi I'm Pinkie Pie!"
He is caught off guard at her immense energy.
"H-Hi. It's nice to meet you."
He shakes her hand and Pinkie bounces her way back to the table. AJ is the next to walk up and greet him.
"Ah'm Applejack. Ah run the farm around here that supplies all the apples."
"Oh really? That's so cool. I used to live at a farm not too far out of town."
Applejack smiles and shakes his hand firmly and he notices her strength in the handshake. Next to come up is Fluttershy.
"Uh... I-I'm Fluttershy," she says in a near whispered tone but just loud enough for him to hear her.
"Its nice to meet you Fluttershy."
She shakily extends her hand for a handshake and he accepts it. Fluttershy sits back down using her hair to cover her eyes. Next up is Rainbow Dash.
"Hey there squirt. The name is Rainbow Dash. I'm the fastest most daring pony in Ponyville, and I'm awesome."
AJ rolls her eyes at Dash's boasting. Dash shakes Silver's hand and sits back down. Last but not least is the fashionista herself Rarity.
"Why hello darling. I'm Rarity."
She extends her hand and Silver is shocked by her beauty. He accepts the handshake and Rarity sits back down. Twi smiles at the fact that he got to meet all of her friends and they like him. Silver gets a wide smile on his face. It was silent for about a minute. Rainbow is the one to break the silence.
"So kid how old are ya?"
"I'm 13," he replied still smiling his wide smile.
Applejack spoke next.
"You're just around the age of mah sister. She and her friends have a little club they have called the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Seeing as how you don't have yours, maybe they will let ya in."
Silver smiles at now knowing there are more people here around his age.
"They're over in that clubhouse over there," said Applejack while pointing at the big pink clubhouse. "You should go talk to them."
Inside the clubhouse the CMC are planning what to do next to receive their cutie marks.
"We should try zip lining again," exclaimed Scootaloo excitedly.
"No, remember last time? We got a bunch of sap in our hair and that took me a while to get that out," explained Apple Bloom.
There was a knock at the door. Sweetie Belle went to go answer it. When she opened the door she saw a young colt with long gray hair and white skin. He spoke shakily.
"A-Are you guys the Cutie Mark Crusaders?"
Scootaloo stood in front of him.
"Yes we are. Who are you?"
"I'm Silver Light. I'm new to town. I heard you guys were always going on adventures to get your cutie marks."
"That we are," said Sweetie Belle in her squeaky voice.
"Cool. I don't have my cutie mark either and I was wondering if I could join you guys."
"Hold on a sec. We need to have a CMC meeting," said Apple Bloom as the three girls huddled together to speak about whether or not he could join.
The talk went on for a few minutes but to Silver it felt like forever. He really wanted to be accepted around here and this is the first step to doing so. Finally the CMC broke the huddle and looked at him with stern faces. Then they all smiled and jumped up.
"You're in," they all shouted in unison.
Silver smiled wide and was happy that he finally found some new friends. They bring him inside to show him all there is to show about the clubhouse. Applebloom pointed to a table.
"This is where we eat our lunch."
Scootallo and Sweetie Belle demonstrated what it looked like when they ate lunch. Next she pointed at a corner in the room.
"This is where we come up with all of our ideas."
Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo demonstrate them thinking and a light bulb popping on.
Applebloom tells him all of the rules about being a CMC. After about 15 minutes their little tour comes to an end. Silver smiles wide. In that day they go on a few adventures. One involved Mini Golf, another involved hiking, and even one with a pie eating contest. But at the end of the day, they didn't have their cutie marks. They sighed in a sad tone. Silver was determined to cheer them up.
"Okay so we didn't get our cutie marks today. That doesn't mean we will never get them. We have to work hard each day to figure out what our special talents are. It may even be something unexpected. Don't be sad, we still have tomorrow."
This got them all to smile. It was late so Silver said goodbye to everyone and went back to the park where Twi was still talking with her friends. He sits next to her and yawns.
"Tired," she asks with a smile.
He smiles and nods. They say goodbye to everyone and they head back to the house. Silver says goodnight and heads up to bed. Twi goes to her room and sits on the bed with a smile on her face. After about 20 minutes of reading, she turns off her light and closes the book. She places it on the night stand next to her and lays down. She quickly falls asleep.
The next morning soon arrives and Twi gets out of bed and heads downstairs where she is surprised to see that Silver is already awake and sitting on the couch looking a little hyper. Twi walks over to him.
"Hey Silver. Why are you up so early?"
"My brother's train gets here in about 30 minutes. I wanted to go meet him there."
Twi smiles.
"Want me to go with you?"
"Yes please. I think he'd like you."
"Okay well let me go get dressed and we can head over to the train station."
He smiles as she heads upstairs to get dressed. She comes back down with a black T-Shirt with a star on it and black jeans.
"Ready to go," she asks with a smile.
He nods and they head out the door. They walk to the train station which is about a 10 minute walk. As they get there a train pulls up. Silver starts to get excited. The train doors open and a tall colt with white skin and long blue hair steps out. Silver runs up to him.
Equinox hugs him tight.
"Hey there squirt."
The hug lasts a few minutes and after that Equinox stands up and walks over to Twi.
"Hello I'm Equinox."
He extends his hand.
"I'm Twilight," she says while shaking his hand with a big smile on her face.
"I'm guessing that you were the one who has been taking care of my brother for the past few days."
"Yes I am."
"Thank you... so much for taking care of him. After what happened... I couldn't stand to think of him being on his own."
"It was my pleasure. Really. Do you need a place to stay?"
"Yes actually."
"Well come on then. You can stay with me."
They both smile as they all 3 walk back to the house.
After a nice walk, they arrive back at Twi's house. Equinox, being tired from the train ride, sits on the couch. Twi walks up to him.
"Would you like anything to drink or eat?"
He shakes his head lightly.
"No thank you, I had something to eat and drink on the train." He smiles at her.
She smiles back and walks over to the kitchen to get herself something to eat while Silver and Equinox catch up. She gets herself a big glass of water and sits at the kitchen table. Silver starts to talk to his older brother.
"So how are things in Cloudsdale," he asks trying to sound cheerful.
"Well its going pretty good. It sucks living in an apartment alone though," he says with a slight chuckle.
Silver also chuckles a bit. They catch up a bit more and Silver asks about their sister.
"So how has Midnight been doing," he asks.
"She has been doing good. We hang out every now and then. She works at a cloud factory now. Not exactly the job I imagined for her, but she seems happy with the job," he smiles at Silver.
Silver smiles back and they give each other a hug. Equinox's smile fades after a minute as he remembers the reason why they were there in the first place. The hug tightens and Silver knows exactly why and he tries not to cry. Equinox lightly strokes Silver's hair. He also tries not to cry. Silver lightly speaks.
"It happened so fast. I couldn't help them."
Tears stream down his face. Equinox starts to tear up now.
"It's not your fault Silver. You had no way of helping them. Don't blame yourself."
They stay there in the hug for a few minutes. Twi goes back to the living room and sees them hugging and she sighs. Equinox notices her and wipes his eyes.
"Sorry you saw that Miss Sparkle."
She goes and sits next to them.
"No need to apologize. And please, call me Twilight." She smiles at him which causes him to smile back.
"Okay Twilight." He gives another big smile.
Twi just smiles back.
"You must be exhausted. You should get some rest. Here, I'll show you to where you will be sleeping."
They all stand up and they walk to the other spare room which actually used to be Spike's room when he was still there. She grabs him some blankets and a pillow and puts it on the bed. He sits in it and yawns. He says goodnight to them and drifts off to sleep. Twi and Silver walk out of the room and they close the door. Silver gives Twi an unexpected hug which catches her off guard.
"Thank you for being so nice to me and Equinox," he says while smiling.
She hugs back and smiles.
"You're very welcome Silver," she says in a positive tone.
Silver is next to head off to bed. He says goodnight and goes into the room. Twi heads to the kitchen to clean up a bit. After that she heads off to bed herself.
The next morning Twilight is the first to wake up. She goes to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. She decides to make French Toast and bacon. After about 10 minutes, Silver and Equinox wake up and smell the breakfast and they make their way to the kitchen. Twilight sees them and smiles.
"Hey guys, I hope you are hungry."
They nod and sit down. She hands them both a plate and they begin to eat. Twilight makes herself a plate and grabs her cup of coffee and places it on the table.
"Would you guys like something to drink," she asks in a positive tone.
They nod and she gets a glass of milk for each of them and places their cups on the table. Everyone enjoys their meal. Silver and Equinox help Twi clean up. She thanks them and they all sit at the kitchen table chatting away as Twi learns more about Equinox.
"So Equinox, tell me a little bit about yourself."
"Well, I work at a music shop in Cloudsdale, I love Dubstep and Heavy Metal music, I can play guitar, and I used to be in a band."
"Oh, how did the band thing go?"
"Well it was going good for a while, then the lead singer had a weird depression phase and disbanded us. We haven't seen him or heard from him in a couple years now," he says while looking at the ground as he remembers the last time he saw him.
"Oh," she says while looking at her cup of coffee.
"Yeah, I just hope he didn't do anything to hurt himself," he says while looking back up at Twi.
They continue talking for a while. At one point someone knocks on Twi's door. Twi goes to see that its Rainbow Dash.
"Hey Dash, what's up," she asks with a smile.
"Hey, I just finished reading Daring Do and I wanted to return the book to you."
Twi smiles.
"Well thanks Dash. I knew I could trust you with the books I lend you," she says while still smiling.
Dash notices Equinox sitting at the table and her heart starts to race.
"Who's that at the table?"
Twi looks back and sees that she is pointing at Equinox.
"Oh, thats Equinox, its Silver's brother."
Dash smiles.
"He is pretty cute, you making a move on him," she asks with a devious smile.
"What! No!"
Dash chuckles.
"It was just a joke Twi. Calm down. Can I come in?"
Twi nods and lets her in. Dash immediately walks over to Equinox and she introduces herself.
"H-Hey there. I'm Rainbow Dash," she extends her hand for a handshake. He happily accepts the handshake.
"I'm Equinox, its very nice to meet you."
He looks into her eyes and his heart starts to race. Rainbow pulls her hand back and smiles and sits in the chair next to him.
He starts to blush a bit and so does she. They start chatting it up and they start to learn a bit about each other. Twi and Silver are sitting in the living room.
"Well they seem to be getting along together," she says while smiling.
"Yeah. I'm happy hes made a new friend."
After about an hour of talking Rainbow Dash is ready to leave. Before she does she stops at the door way and turns to look at Equinox.
"S-So would you like to go out for some coffee sometime or something," she says while her cheeks are beat red.
"Yeah sure," he says while smiling at her.
She smiles back and heads out. Equinox closes the door. He looks over at Twi. She looks at him with a devious smile.
"What," he says with the blush still on his face.
"You have a crush on Rainbow Dash don't you?"
"M-Maybe," he says while studdering,
Twilight chuckles and Equinox sits down to watch tv with them.
The day was dying down as they all sat inside Twi's house watching TV, playing board games, or just hanging out and talking. Silver decided that he would go outside for some fresh air. He steps out to see a sunset slowly descending in the sky. He could see that the Moon was being raised by none other than Princess Luna. He looked across the street to see others getting ready for bed and closing up and locking their house. In the distance he saw a someone who looked a bit short and was standing next to her mom he presumed. He didn't think much of it and walked inside to get ready for bed.
As morning rolled around, he had his usual routine: Get up, use the bathroom, wash hands, eat breakfast. After he did all of that he went back outside. He saw that girl again but this time she was playing with a toy of some sort on her front porch. He hadn't been too good with talking to girls but he thought he would go over there and try to start up a conversation and hopefully make a new friend. He found the courage to start walking towards her house. As he got closer he was able to identify the toy she was playing with. It was a small toy carriage with mini dolls. He could hear faint talking but couldn't make out any of the words. Now he was very close and his heart was racing and he became very nervous. She notices him and smiles. She was a light pink Unicorn with yellow hair. Silver smiles back at her as a little sweat drips off of his head on onto the soft ground. She was the first one to speak.
"Hello there," she said with a bright smile on her face. "I'm Dinky, what's your name?"
It took him a minute and a nice deep breath before he answered.
"I'm Silver Light," he says while extending his hand for a handshake.
Dinky gladly shakes his hand with the smile still plastered on her face. There was an awkward silence for a few minutes and Dinky was the one to break it.
"Are you new around here? I have never seen you in Ponyville before," she says with a confused look.
"Y-Yeah, I'm from just outside of town. I've been staying with Twilight Sparkle for a little while now because of... um... reasons."
Dinky's smile returns. As she smiles at him, his heart starts to race a bit. He didn't really understand this feeling all too well but he was liking it.
"Well that's cool. I understand if you don't want to talk about the reasons. Maybe one day you'll warm up to me enough to tell me," she says with a bright smile.
He smiles back and is blushing a bit but Dinky doesn't notice. He sits next to her and they start talking and he grows more comfortable around her. As they are talking someone opens the front door and sees them. Dinky smiles up at the person.
"Hey Mom," she says with a bright smile.
Her mother smiles back. Silver looks up at the woman and notices that her eyes are a bit different. They were not straight. But he didn't judge her because that would have been against his nature. He isn't mean to people.
"Hey sweetie, who is your friend here," she asks with a big smile.
"This is Silver Light, he is new around here."
"Hello ma'am, its nice to meet you."
"Its nice to meet you too. Are you two having fun hanging out?"
They both nodded. Ditzy smiles and goes back inside to get them snacks. Silver and Dinky continue talking throughout the day. After a few hours, Twi goes to check where Silver is and she sees that he is across the street talking to Dinky. The sight makes her smile. Equinox also pokes his head out to check and sees him. He smiles brightly.
"Looks like my little brother is getting the ladies," he chuckles and Twi does too.
As it begins to be night time Silver finishes up his conversation with Dinky and says goodbye and heads home. As he walks through the door he sees Twi cleaning the kitchen and Equinox is watching TV. Equinox spots him and smiles.
"So how was my stud little brother's date huh?"
Silver starts to blush.
"I-It wasn't a date, we were just talking that's all," he says while still blushing and feeling nervous.
He storms off to bed and Equinox and Twi chuckle. Silver climbs into bed and can't stop thinking about Dinky. It takes a few hours but he finally falls asleep.
Silver wakes up a little later than he usually does. It was most likely because of the hard time sleeping seeing as most of the night he couldn't stop thinking of Dinky. He rises from the bed and stretches. He does his usual morning routine of going to the bathroom and heading down for breakfast. Today was a little different though. He gets to the bottom of the steps and sees his brother Equinox all dressed and looking like he is ready to dash right out of the door. He goes up to him to see what he is doing.
"Hey Equinox, what's with the fancy clothes," he says with a little bit of confusion in his voice.
Equinox chuckles a little bit as he checks his belt to make sure his pants won't fall while he is out.
"I'm going out for coffee with Dash. She called me up about an hour ago asking if I wanted to grab some coffee with her and I gladly accepted. Its nice to make some new friends around here," he says while giving Silver an eerie look.
Silver immediately knows why he gave him a look like that and the blush comes back as he starts to think about Dinky again. After a minute he quickly shakes his head and protests.
"I'm telling you, we are just friends. Nothing more," he says with a bit of anger in his voice from being annoyed.
Equinox just chuckles a bit and goes to check his hair in the small mirror in the living room. Silver gives an eerie look right back.
"So are you going to make a move on her?"
Now Equinox is blushing. He had been bested at his own game. Damn that kid.
"Maybe I will, maybe I won't. I guess we will just have to see what happens afterwards huh?"
Silver feels defeated as his trick didn't work the way he wanted it too. Equinox was too calm about it. He just sits down on the comfortable couch in the living room. Equinox grabs his phone.
"Well squirt, I'm off, see ya later," he says while waving and heading towards the door.
Silver just waves back as the door lightly closes. He sighs while staring at the blank TV in the living room. He starts to wonder where Twi was at. A few seconds after the wonder he sees Twi walking down the stairs wearing purple pajama pants with stars on them and a light purple shirt. As she walks down the stairs she yawns. It wasn't like her to sleep in this late but she doesn't do it too often, so its not a major set back for her. Twi smiles at Silver.
"Hey Silver," she says with that bright smile of hers. "Where is your brother?"
"He went out for coffee with Dash," he says while still slumped over on the couch and with a somewhat sad tone.
Twi gets a concerned look and goes to sit next to him on the couch.
"What's wrong," she says with a concerned tone.
"I am bored and I can't stop thinking about Dinky. I don't really understand why though."
Twi just smiles and puts her arm around him to pull him closer.
"Oh I understand exactly what's going on," she says with a very bright smile.
"You do," he says questioningly.
"Mhm. You are in love Silver."
This immediately shocks him. Was he really in love? Could he be in love with Dinky? No, he couldn't be in love. He barely understands the basic concept of love. He doesn't know what love is. How could he be in love? He just looks at Twilight and doesn't speak. Twilight starts talking.
"Trust me on this one Silver, I know a thing or two about love. My Sister-In-Law told me a lot about it. The feeling you get, how your heart beats at the thought of them, and the fact that you can't get them out of your head. All signs are pointing towards love," she says while keeping the smile.
He is still shocked.
"A-Are you sure about that? There is no way..."
She just nods. She goes to stretch and he keeps thinking.
"I-I need to go see her."
He stands up to go put some outdoor clothes on. Twi smiles and turns on the TV to the local news as she usually does every morning. Silver comes scurrying down the stairs and quickly runs outside and closes the door behind him. Twi smiles again and looks back at the TV.
Silver looks around a bit and sees Dinky on her front porch playing with a toy doll. He smiles and goes to walk over there. The closer he got, the slower he went as if he was starting to think this was a bad idea. He sees her beauty from this distance. His heart begins to race frantically. He keeps walking. Eventually she notices him and it snaps him out of his trance. She waves and he waves back. He reaches her porch and sits next to her.
"Hey Silver," she says with excitement in her voice.
"Hey there Dinky," he says as his heart relentlessly beats fast.
"How are you this morning," she asks with a bright smile on her face.
"I'm doing good and what about you?"
"I'm doing great."
They both sit there in silence for a minute. Silver is the first to speak.
She looks at him with her head tilted showing that she is paying attention.
"I-I have something I need to tell you," he says extremely nervously.
"And that would be," she asks with her head still slightly tilted.
He does his best to find the courage to tell her. It takes a few minutes but he finally speaks.
"When I went to bed last night... I couldn't..... stop thinking of you," he says while shaking a bit.
Dinky is a bit surprised as to what she just heard. Silver continues talking.
"When I think of you... my heart races. I get a knot in my stomach.... and I feel a warm feeling in my heart. I asked Twilight about these feelings and she told me it means that I'm in love. I'm still very confused about this feeling but I didn't know how I should tell you that..."
Dinky stares at him blankly. She grabs one of his hands and looks into his eyes.
"Honestly, I get those feelings around you too. I didn't know if I should tell you or not. Well I guess I didn't have to be the one making an awkward moment," she says chuckling a bit.
Silver is now blushing a bit as he looks Dinky. Dinky is blushing too. Silver starts to speak.
"W-Well I was wondering... i-if you would like to maybe.... g-go out," he asks extremely nervously.
She smiles and holds his other hand.
"I would love to."
Silver smiles wide. She pulls him in for a hug and they both smile. Silver is extremely happy now. He now has a girlfriend. This will be a new chapter in his life.
Silver was very happy. He now has a girlfriend and he couldn't be happier any happier. Or so he thought. After a long day of hanging out with Dinky, he heads back to the house. Upon walking in he sees Twi doing the same thing she was doing, watching TV on the couch. Except she wasn't in her pajamas. She has a purple shirt with dark blue jeans on. She sees Silver and smiles at him.
"Hey Silver, how was your day with Dinky," she asks with an eerie look on her face.
"Well, it was great. And you were right about those feelings. She had the same for me actually. So now she is my... girlfriend," he says while smiling brightly at that last word.
Twi puts on a huge smile.
"I knew you could do it Silver," she says while smiling brightly.
"Thanks Mom," he quickly catches what he just said.
Twi grows wide eyed and doesn't speak. She just sits there kind of staring at him. Silver starts to feel embarrassed and tears up. He covers his eyes. Twi stands up and goes to hug him in which Silver gladly accepts the hug and hugs back. He cries for a few minutes and the whole time he does so Twi holds him, comforting him. After a few minutes, he calms down a bit but the hug continues.
"I miss her so much," he says in a light depressed tone.
Twi just tightens the hug, showing that she is there if she needs him at anytime. Silver wipes away the tears and pulls away. His eyes are now red and puffy. Twi looks at him, trying herself not to cry. He speaks.
"Wh-Where is Equinox? You'd think he'd be back by now," he says trying to forget the fact that he was just crying and that he just called Twilight his mother.
"He said he would be out for a little longer. He wanted to spend the day with Dash I guess."
Silver just nods and heads upstairs, not to be seen for the rest of the night. After about an hour, Equinox comes through the door with a smile on his face. Twi notices him and smiles at him.
"Hey there Equinox, how was your night?"
He smiles wide and goes over to her.
"It was AWESOME!!"
Twi chuckles and finishes her show and turns off the TV. She yawns and stretches.
"That's good. Well I'm off to bed Equinox, goodnight."
She heads upstairs. Equinox takes off his shoes and goes to the room where he is staying. He hears faint crying coming from Silver's room. He opens the door and sees him curled up and crying.
"Silver? What's wrong," he asks with concern.
"I-I accidentally called Twilight Mom."
Equinox immediately hugs him. He tries himself not to cry. And he fails as tears fall. Equinox stands up after a little while and heads to his room. He lays in the bed and cries himself to sleep.
The next morning started out just like any other would. Everyone wakes up and does their usual morning routine. Except for one person who didn't really get out of bed at all throughout the day. Silver laid in bed, not eating, not really moving, just crying all day and regretting what he said last night to Twi. Twi still felt a little odd after he said that. She didn't really mind it much but it did give her an odd feeling seeing as how she has never been called Mom before. When she was preparing breakfast, the scene of Silver calling her mom went through her head a lot. She couldn't keep it from replaying in her head. She felt so bad for him. She wanted to hug him and tell him that everything was ok. But that didn't work out so well. Every time she came near the room to talk, he would be silent and turn away. When she would walk away, she would hear sobbing. This made her heart feel as if it just shattered into a million pieces. She walks back downstairs and sees Equinox already enjoying his breakfast. Twi sits next to him.
"Enjoying your breakfast," she asks while trying to put on a smile and act happy.
He nods. "Why yes I am Twilight. It is delicious like always."
He gives her a smile and she smiles back. She grabs a mug and gets some coffee from the coffee pot and sits in the chair on the other side of the table. She sips her coffee and looks over at Equinox who is constantly checking his phone and replying to texts. Twi just smiles and sips her coffee again. Equinox notices her looking over at him and just smiles.
"I'm just texting Dash, she wants to hang out later for something," he says with a huge smile on his face.
"Well that's cool. And don't worry, I'll keep an eye on Silver," she says with a lower tone as if the happiness just disappeared.
Equinox's happy expression quickly fades away as he hears Silver's name. He just sighs and looks back at his phone. Without looking at Twi he speaks.
"I'm sorry."
This catches her off guard as she looks at him.
"What do you mean," she asks with concern in her voice.
"I keep leaving to go places and with Silver being depressed, I feel as if I am never there for him when he needs me."
A tear falls as he finishes that sentence. Twi notices and goes back to sit next to him and just puts a hand on his shoulder.
"Its okay Equinox. I'm sure he understands. Don't worry about it. Besides, I like hanging out with Silver. We always have fun playing board games, watching TV, and even going outside to do stuff. Its really not a bother to me and I know that he doesn't mind it either. He wants you to be happy. He doesn't want you to feel held back because of him."
This makes Equinox smile and some tears still fall. He wipes them away and lifts his head.
"Thank you Twilight. Thank you so much. I never thought someone that started out as a complete stranger could turn out to be such a great friend."
She smiles at him and gives him a friendly hug. Equinox happily returns it and wipes away the last few tears that remained on his face. He pulls away and just smiles as she smiles back. Equinox finishes his breakfast and Twi finishes her coffee. They clean up the dishes and Equinox goes to put on his daytime clothes. Twi does the same. Once they both come back to the living room, they sit down and chat for a while. After a few hours pass, Equinox checks his phone to see that it is time to go out to see Dash. He says goodbye and heads out. Twi just sits there reading an old book she found on the shelf that she seemed interested in reading. She hears creaking coming from upstairs that shows that Silver has finally started moving around. This gives Twi a small smile seeing that he is finally moving around. He goes down the stairs halfway and looks at Twi with a depressed look. Twi's smile quickly fades. Silver speaks.
"Can we talk Twilight?"
She nods and pats the seat next to her. He walks over to the couch and sits down next to her. He starts to speak.
"I'm sorry, for calling you Mom."
Twi just sighs and pulls him closer.
"Its ok. I'm not mad. It was just a small mistake and I completely understand. Don't beat yourself up over it."
She smiles at him but he still keeps his frown.
"Its just that I've never felt so at home since the accident. And you have been so nice and caring these last few weeks, it is kind of Motherly like."
This makes Twi's eyes grow wide. She had never looked at it like that. The way that she has been caring for him and such is kind of motherly like but this is something that Twi is not used to seeing as how she has never been a Mom. She hugs him tighter.
"Its ok Silver. I understand. And I will care for you as long as you need me."
This makes Silver actually smile. It was nice to get closer to Twi. She was so nice to him. He was so happy that he had another mother figure in his life. He also had his brother, which was great for him. He really enjoyed getting closer to Twi. He enjoyed the games they played, the movies they watched, and the time they've spent outside. He loved her like a Mom, and he hoped that he would never lose her or that feeling. Twi runs her hand through his hair and smiles. Silver was happy, really happy. And for the first time in a long time, he felt like he was at home.