• Published 7th Jul 2014
  • 11,628 Views, 140 Comments

Princess Trixie Sparkle - Magpiepony

This epic adventure details the trials the mane 6 must face when their bodies have been switched! This story is also a mini-series musical on YouTube!

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The Gala

Canterlot castle was glorious that evening, shining as a beacon for all of Equestria when it opened its gates for the guests of the Gala. Sophisticated ponies from across the nation were pouring into the castle courtyard wearing their finest. Rarity took pride in seeing some of her previous designs enter the Gala. She knew her new line would not be showcased after that disaster at Hoity Toity’s fashion show; which ended up working to their advantage. With the outfits no longer needed, Rarity and the others could sneak them out of the boutique to use as their disguises for the Gala.

“Do I really have to dress up like a girl?” Spike grumbled, he was wearing one of Rarity’s blue gowns with his mane done up in a beautiful and complicated pattern.

“Darling you look amazing! You shouldn’t be ashamed of that.” Rarity said with a smile.

“But I feel so ridiculous!” Spike protested.

“YOU feel ridiculous? What about me? That’s MY reputation you’re tarnishing in there! I’d never be caught dead wearing… well, something that froo froo.” Rainbow countered angrily.

Rarity sighed; she had given up trying to impart some fashion wisdom on Rainbow Dash long ago.

“Will you two knock it off already? It’s not the clothes that are important; we’ve just got to get inside without raisin’ any suspicion.” Applejack said.

“Yeah… about that, what’s the plan and how exactly am I gonna get in?” Rainbow Dash asked. Although they technically had a ticket for Rainbow Dash, it was unanimously decided she couldn’t join them walking in through the front gates. There wasn’t going to be another dragon in attendance and who knows what Trixie had told the castle guard. She was smart enough to have them on the lookout for Twilight’s friends and Spike would be a dead give-away.

Without missing a beat, Pinkie Pie reached up into the branches of a nearby tree and pulled down a chart. No pony knew where it came from but thought better than to ask. She used a stick to point to the image of Rainbow Dash in the corner near a crudely drawn diagram of the castle grounds and ballroom.

“Rainbow Dash will enter here, through the gardens, to find the dungeon tower.” Pinkie started.

“Pinkie and I will go in through the front and make our way out back to join you.” Applejack added.

“Fluttershy and I will be looking for Princess Luna, of course.” Rarity said.

“And I’m supposed to keep an eye on Trixie and get the Wonderbolts if she starts to suspect anything.” Spike concluded.

“Yeah yeah, I know all that, but how exactly am I going to get into the gardens without being seen?” Rainbow Dash asked skeptically.

“Like this!” Pinkie Pie said. Once again, out of nowhere, she pulled a costume out from behind her and threw it over Rainbow Dash. “You’ll blend right in!”

The other ponies took one look at her disguise and broke into a fit of giggles.

“What?” Rainbow Dash asked. “What am I wearing?” She looked down at her claws and gasped. She was covered in feathers! She felt behind her and found a feathery tail. “I’m a…. DUCK?!” she asked in horror.

“Oh wait I almost forgot!” Pinkie Pie chimed; she strapped a paper beak over Rainbow Dash’s nose and mouth. “NOW you’re a duck.”

“Aww it’s so… cute!” Fluttershy squealed in delight.

“Yeah, I’m not going to wear this.” Rainbow Dash said, less than amused.

“Do you have a better idea?” Rarity asked sarcastically.

“Yeah, it’s called ‘not getting caught’” Rainbow answered.

“We can’t take that chance.” Applejack decided. “It’s not going to kill you to wear it for a little while, till you’re in the clear at least.”

“Who wouldn’t want to be dressed like a duck? That would be so much fun!” Pinkie Pie said with a giggle; secretly wishing she could have been the one for this assignment.

“Unless you’d rather be a chicken.” Applejack teased, implying that Rainbow wasn’t brave enough to handle this sort of task. As she hoped, Rainbow took her bait and took Applejack’s remark as a challenge. She led the six of them over towards the hedge wall of the Canterlot garden.
Canterlot guards were stationed nearby, so the ponies had to find a secluded part of the garden wall that was unlit and out of sight; a difficult task. The original plan was to have Spike fly Rainbow Dash over the hedge and fly back before any pony could see him. Unfortunately, the only part of the garden they could find that was unguarded had a thick series of trees on both sides of the hedge wall. Spike wouldn’t have enough room to fly and the branches where too far from the ground to climb. Even though Rainbow had the advantage of claws she could use for climbing, they were hidden under layers of feathers and she hadn’t spent enough time in Spike’s body to know how to climb like that. Realizing the issue of timing, the ponies frantically began searching along the wall looking for a weak spot for Rainbow to crawl through. However, after a few minutes Rainbow decided it was pointless.

“Well I don’t see any weak spots over here and I can’t climb this thing so I guess I don’t have to wear this after all. Looks like we’ll have to make a plan B.” Rainbow said, reaching for the zipper on the back of her costume.

“We don’t NEED to go through the hedge.” Pinkie Pie observed.

“There isn’t enough time to tunnel under it, and I can’t fly over it.” Rainbow countered.

“Who said anything about needing to fly?” Pinkie asked. She picked Rainbow Dash up off the ground.

“Pinkie… what are you…” Rainbow Dash started, but she stopped mid-sentence when she realized exactly what Pinkie had planned. She tried to protest, but was too late; Pinkie had already flung her into the air and over the hedge wall. The other ponies gasped and pressed their ears up against it listening for her to land on the other side.

“Are you alright, Rainbow?” Applejack whispered through the hedge leaves.

“Ow.” Rainbow replied sardonically. She had gotten caught in the branches of a tree on the garden side of the hedge. Knowing that she had to get out of line of sight quickly Rainbow tried to untangle herself by prying one of the branches loose from her foot. In doing so, however, she tipped over backwards and plopped onto the ground. She cried out again in surprise and stood up dusting herself off. “Thanks Pinkie, that was invigorating.”

“You’re welcome!” Pinkie replied loudly. Rarity and Fluttershy gasped, covering Pinkie’s mouth.

“HEY! Who goes there?” a pony guard called out. Pinkie offered her friends a guilty smile and a small shrug. “Haha…. Oops…” she whispered.

The security guard and his companion had been passing by looking for anything suspicious. They shone their flashlights on Rainbow Dash, but were only able to partially see her through some bushes. They started towards her and Rainbow began to silently panic. She pulled the beak over her face and tried to think of something to do.

“Pssst!” Pinkie Pie said, much more quietly this time. “Your line is: Quack Quack.”

“Uh… Quack Quack Quack Quack.” Rainbow said, mustering the best duck impression that she could. The guards looked at each other then back at Rainbow. From where they stood they could only see her feathers and fell for Rainbow’s little charade.

“Ah just another stupid animal.” The second guard said to the first, both of them turning and walking away.

“Stupid?!” Fluttershy gasped in anger. “Just who do they think they are!? Animals are ponies too you know!”

“Guys, I’m good! Get going!” Rainbow Dash said, heading into the gardens and towards the southernmost towers to begin her search.

“Come on every pony, we gotta get inside there isn’t time to lose.” Applejack said urgently. The others nodded in agreement and followed her towards the front gates.

“Thanks for coming, yes it is the ‘Grandest’ of any gala, isn’t it? Let’s move things along now please.” Trixie said impatiently. She was standing proudly in the middle of the receiving room wearing an impressive amount of jewelry and had her wings extended out to show off her regality. Much to everypony’s dismay they soon discovered that the receiving room stood directly between them and the ballroom; there was no way to avoid passing through. Trixie looked far too pleased with herself as other ponies bowed before her.
“Ugh, it just makes me sick.” Rarity muttered, trying to take in Trixie’s performance. She and Fluttershy tried to maneuver quietly around the line of ponies waiting to approach the phony princess.
So far the five friends had gained entrance to the Gala without arousing suspicion. They decided it would be best not to enter as a group and broke off in pairs, with the exception of Spike. Spike went in first with the primary objective of finding the Wonderbolts. Every pony had counted on seeing Princess Luna standing with Trixie in the receiving hall and were surprised when she wasn’t there.
“Did we really expect anything less?” Applejack asked rhetorically. She and Pinkie had found Rarity and Fluttershy and joined them in the corner of the room.

“Glad you made it in okay.” Fluttershy said with a warm smile.

“It was easy… too easy.” Pinkie Pie replied cautiously.

“The guards didn’t seem all that interested in checking faces.” Rarity added.

“That’s just what they WANTED you to think.” Pinkie Pie said, darting her eyes back and forth suspiciously. “WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?” She screamed out at a pony that had only been innocently passing by.

“If Princess Luna isn’t here with Trixie… do you suppose she’s in the Gala?” Fluttershy asked getting the others back on track.

“I don’t ever recall seeing her at a Grand Galloping Gala before. I suppose she might not be here at all.” Rarity pointed out.

“That would mean she’d be in the western towers, probably overseeing her duties as the night Princess. Unless she’s in the ballroom with the other guests.” Applejack said.

“Then where do we look?” Pinkie asked in confusion.

“Why don’t we split up again. Pinkie and I can check the ballroom before we join Rainbow Dash. Rarity and Fluttershy can head up to the tower.” Applejack said.

“The only way to the tower is up those stairs.” Rarity said, pointing to the staircase where Trixie stood. “How do you propose we get past her?”

“I think that’s where we come in.” Spitfire said. The four ponies turned to see Spitfire, Soarin, and Fleet Foot accompanying Spike. The gala guests took notice of their arrival and began to crowd around them. Soarin and Fleet Foot tried their best to maintain crowd control while the others talked. “Me ‘n the Wonderbolts will keep Trixie outta your hair.”

“That’ll give us some time to sneak behind her.” Rarity said confidently.

Fluttershy whimpered softly but didn’t protest. She wasn’t so sure about all of this sneaking around business; it seemed mighty risky.

“Alright, we’ll do our best. Wait for the signal.” Spitfire said with a nod.

“Let’s try it.” Applejack answered. Spitfire nodded and tapped the other Wonderbolts pointing at the Princess before making her way through their fans towards the stairs. Spike and the others got into position and waited.

“Princess Twilight.” Spitfire said, interrupting Trixie as she greeted yet another guest. “What an honor it is to see you.”

“Oh… the Wonderbolts.” Trixie said with a smile. She certainly liked the attention they had brought with them. “My dearest friends!”

Spitfire stood beside her and put a hoof around her, posing for a picture.

“Be sure and get my good side.” Trixie said to the pony photographer, posing for her adoring public. Soarin stood on Trixie’s other side effectively blocking her view of the staircase to her right. He flapped his wings once to the others as their ‘all clear.’

“Best get a move on you two. Good luck.” Applejack said, urging Rarity and Fluttershy forward. It was easier than they thought to get past the other ponies and guards without being seen. Applejack, Spike, and Pinkie Pie waited until they were successfully out of sight before they started towards the ballroom.

Once they were in the Gala the three of them split up and began the search for the Princess. Pinkie Pie had immersed herself in the crowd of Gala guests and moved around with impressive agility; she poked her head up now and again from the crowd in various places always alert. She even managed to somehow stick her head up through a punch bowl on the Hors d'œuvre table and was met with surprise and disgust by gala guests who had come over for a drink.

“Punch?” she offered with a smile, her mane soggy and dripping. The other ponies shook their heads and backed away slowly.

While the three ponies searched, they were unaware of a pair of eyes curiously watching them from afar.
From a secluded balcony above the ballroom an intrigued Princess Luna watched the Gala guests and spotted the trio as they searched. She recognized them immediately; she could never forget the ponies who had taken away her dark power. This wasn’t the first peculiarity she had seen that evening; although it certainly began raising more questions in her mind.
Luna had not had the privilege of spending a lot of time with Twilight Sparkle in the past; but she couldn’t imagine her behavior changing so drastically from the pony she had seen to the one staying here now. Twilight was acting vain and selfish, and had made no effort to see any of her friends. Luna was equally as surprised when she learned from the Canterlot guard that Twilight had requested not to allow her friends access to the Gala. When she confronted Twilight about it, she claimed that they had gotten into an argument back in Ponyville and that she needed more time and distance to heal the wounds they had made. Luna had decided to keep an eye on Twilight Sparkle, and try to understand the change that had occurred; so when she saw her Ponyville friends poking around the ballroom it only served to make her feel even more uneasy.
Luna watched as the three ponies gathered back together to discuss something then head outside towards the gardens. The balcony where Luna stood was connected to a small hallway passage nopony knew about with the exception of Celestia. This hallway took Luna to a similar balcony outside; this one much smaller and concealed well with the design and layout of the castle stone. For now, she decided to keep her distance, watching ever vigilantly to see what these ponies were planning.

“Took ya long enough!” Rainbow Dash called to her friends when she finally spotted them outside. Applejack, Spike, and Pinkie had already ditched their Gala outfits and were wandering aimlessly around the castle grounds looking for her.

“Sorry, we had a bit of a situation inside to take care of first.” Applejack pointed out.

“Hey! Where’s your costume?!” Pinkie Pie asked.

“I got rid of that ages ago! I wasn’t going wander around looking like a duck.” Rainbow said bitterly.

“Aww but you looked so cute!” Pinkie Pie said, hugging Rainbow.

“Did you find her?” Spike asked nervously.

“Not specifically, but I did find the dungeon tower.” Rainbow said, leading them along the path towards the right tower. “It wasn’t easy either. There’s so many towers around here it’s a wonder anypony can figure out where they are. Here we go, this is it.”

The tower in question certainly looked the part; it was hidden between two other towers much taller and overpowering than this one. It looked like it was older than some of the other architecture around; the bricks had moss growing out of its crevices and the windows were smaller and differently shaped. The overall appearance was stereotypically creepy; the ideal place for the dungeon to be.

“How do we get inside?” Spike asked, wandering along the tower looking for a door or a window large enough to crawl through. He paused in front of a large old iron door and his eyes widened. “Oh.”

“So what are we waiting for?” Pinkie Pie asked happily.

“It’s locked Pinkie Pie.” Rainbow pointed out. “I’ve been fighting with it while you ponies took your own sweet time in there.”

From behind them, Luna waited. They had been seeking out the Canterlot dungeon? It didn’t make any sense. Perhaps there was more to this than she previously believed? Using her magic, she unlocked the iron door without making herself known. She thought it better to remain hidden for now; there’s no telling what may happen.

Pinkie Pie went up to the iron door and pressed her hoof against it. The door swung open easily with a low creak. Rainbow Dash’s jaw dropped and the others fought back a smile.

“How did… what the…” Rainbow started.

“Locked, huh?” Applejack teased.

“It was, I swear!” Rainbow said defensively. “I must have loosened it or something.”

“Right.” Applejack with a chuckle. The three ponies and dragon warily poked their heads inside. All that could be seen was a stone staircase leading both up and down. There was no light coming from either direction.

“It’s awful dark, isn’t it?” Spike said nervously.

Pinkie Pie made her thinking face for a moment and then got an idea. She bounced over to an unlit torch on the wall and pulled it free. Then, turning to Rainbow Dash, she straightened out her tail and pushed down on it as if it were an old-fashioned water pump. Rainbow Dash let out an involuntary burp of flame that successfully caught the torch on fire.

“I wish you would stop doing that!” Rainbow protested, snatching the torch from Pinkie’s grasp. “Next time you have to be the dragon.”

“Ooo and you can be a unicorn!” Pinkie said.

“Um, I’d actually like to be the dragon.” Spike offered shyly.

“Cut it out you three. Which way should we go: up or down?” Applejack asked.

“I think up.” Spike said, the thought of going downward into darkness seemed far scarier for some reason.

“Don’t worry Twi, we’re coming!” Rainbow said, stepping out in front of her friends and leading the way up the stairs.

Luna raised an eyebrow when she heard that. The more she heard the less she understood. As always, she waited and gave the ponies a good head start before she followed them up the winding stairs.

“Oh I’ve never seen this part of the castle before!” Rarity said excitedly. “I just love the décor, it’s so reminiscent of the pony renassience, don’t you think?” She asked Fluttershy.

Fluttershy was a little too preoccupied with the ominous-looking suits of armor to really understand or appreciate the beauty of the décor, as Rarity had said. Even though this castle had nothing on the scariness of the ruined castle in the Everfree forest, anything looked more frightening and intimidating at night.

“Oh Rarity, are you sure we’re going the right way?” She asked.

“To tell you the truth I have absolutely no idea, darling. I wish I had my horn, at least then we could see where we were going.” Rarity said, pulling Fluttershy out of the way of a side table and vase before she could knock it over.

“Thanks.” Fluttershy said.

Rarity suddenly let out a frighteningly loud shriek. Fluttershy screamed and ducked behind the side table causing the vase on top to wobble. “What? What is it!?” she whispered frantically.

“It’s GORGEOUS!” Rarity said in awe. She was looking up at a beautiful tapestry hanging on the wall of a small room nearby. Fluttershy let out a sigh of relief and quickly joined her friend. The light of the moon shone through a tall window illuminating the tapestry that Rarity was admiring. “Just look at the detail…. There is so much to take in! Do you see that? Those colorful lanterns look as if the fire was stitched into the fabric itself; like magic! Oh how I wish I had my sketch pad; can you imagine having a dress patterened with something like this?” Rarity gushed.

Fluttershy didn’t respond right away, she was noting a peculiarity in the tapestry that Rarity had not seen. In the center there appeared to be an outline of an object that was no longer there. Rarity turned to see what Fluttershy was looking at and she too was puzzled.

“That’s odd.” She said, running her hoof over the fabric.

“It’s like someone unstiched it there.” Fluttershy said meekly. The best she could make it out the outline appeared to be of some sort of flower, a rose perhaps.

“Oh how dreadful!” Rarity exclaimed, she held up one of the corners of the tapestry to show Fluttershy a tear in the side. “A beautiful piece like this deserves to be mended!”

Fluttershy felt a shiver of cold run down her spine and she turned around to see what could have caused it. The door where they had entered was closing itself. Fluttershy raced over to keep it open but it latched shut and locked. She tried desperately to get it to open again. Rarity was too busy mourning the tapestry to notice. Fluttershy gulped and took a look around the room for the first time. It seemed rather odd for a tapestry to be hanging in a side room rather than in the hall where most other tapestries would be. This room wasn’t a spare bedroom; there was no bed. In fact, there was hardly any furniture at all, merely some old boxes and trinkets layered under some dust.

“Who would ever try to keep a piece like this locked away in some dusty storage closet?” Rarity asked.

“Rarity…” Fluttershy said softly. That same chill when down her spine again and she ducked behind her friend. She tried to convince herself it was the wind. “Do you think maybe we could find a way out of here now?”

“What do you mean, darling?” Rarity asked. Fluttershy pointed to the locked door and Rarity went to investigate. “Ugh. Typical, just typical. A gust of wind closes the door and it locks from the outside!”

“Yeah… a-a gust of wind.” Fluttershy said, trying to convince herself that that must have been what happened.

“Well, here we are!” Rarity said, pushing a few dusty objects aside. “Another door.” She pushed it and it opened freely. “There, see? Nothing to be afraid of. I promise I’ll try not to get too distracted again. Although I must remember to ask the Princess about seeing to that lovely piece’s repair.” Fluttershy followed Rarity back out into the hall but it didn’t appear to be the same one where they had entered.

“Are we… lost?” She squeaked.

“Nonsense. Look, I can see the western tower from here! It looks like that little detour might have been a happy accident after all.” Rarity said, leading Fluttershy away. She started talking about the décor again but Fluttershy wasn’t paying attention. Every turn she made she had the uneasy feeling that somepony was watching them. The sooner they found the Princess the better.

“Did you hear something?!” Fluttershy said when she thought she heard a noise coming from somewhere up ahead.

“Fluttershy, do you remember how pointless it was to be afraid at the pony sisters’ castle? That was a creepy old castle but this is Canterlot castle, there’s no reason to fear this place.” Rarity comforted. However, before she could continue she too heard the noise and felt a flicker of doubt. “Well… I think it might be best to hurry this along a little bit. I’m sure the others have need of our help, right?” she said.

Fluttershy couldn’t answer; she was shaking as she walked. When Rarity and Fluttershy turned another corner they were greeted with a comforting sight. Down a wide hallway there was a room that had a light on from the inside. The room had large double doors with moons carved into them.

“That must be it!” Rarity exclaimed happily.

“Thank goodness.” Fluttershy said, letting out a sigh of relief. The two of them hurried quickly towards the door and knocked on it politely.

“Princess Luna?” Rarity called. Nopony answered. “Princess Luna it’s us, Rarity and Fluttershy? I’m sure you remember us. There’s a matter of great importance we must speak to you right away and--“

Rarity was interrupted when Luna’s door opened for them. Rarity smiled and let herself in, Fluttershy staying close behind. Once they had entered, however, the door slammed shut and both ponies screamed.

Twilight was curled up in the corner of her cell with a look of despair on her face. She hadn’t moved a muscle in what felt like hours. The food that had been given to her was left untouched in the corner. Despite her efforts to call out for her friends nopony ever answered her cries. Left alone to worry, she could only imagine the worst possible things that Trixie was doing to her friends. The anger she had for that unicorn was festering inside her and she hated what it was doing to her.

Twilight’s ear twitched when she caught a faint sound of hoofsteps outside. Usually she would only hear one set or two; Trixie or a guard. This time, however, there were several hoofsteps and they were moving very quickly. She stood up and and strained to hear who was coming.

“OW that was my tail!” she heard the familiar sound of Rainbow Dash’s voice say.

“Oops, sorry.” Came the reply from Pinkie Pie.

Twilight choked on a gasp, her heart swelling when she heard them.

“Pinkie Pie! Rainbow!” She called, her voice hoarse from crying.

“Twilight!” Spike cried, he rushed towards the sound of her voice and found her cell door at last.

“Spike? Girls?” Twilight said, tears streaming down her cheeks in joy and gratitude.

“Twilight, are you okay sugarcube?!” Applejack asked.

“How do we get in?” Spike called.

“There’s a key on a hook just outside the door.” Twilight replied. She heard somepony pull it free and fit it into the lock on the door. The door clicked and opened to reveal her friends’ relieved and smiling faces. Spike burst into the room first and tackled Twilight with a hug. He too was crying, though trying his best not to show it.

“Twilight!” The others said rejoicing. They all swarmed around her in a group hug. No pony could say anything for the first few minutes; they just embraced their friend in gratitude.

“Girls, Spike, how did you escape? Where’s Trixie? What did she do to you?!” Twilight gasped.

“Escape?” Pinkie asked in confusion.

“Sugar we didn’t escape from anywhere we just came lookin’ for you.” Applejack added.

“Trixie told me she had you all locked away.” Twilight said; and for the first time grateful that Trixie had lied.

“Why that good for nothing… slimey…backstabbing…” Rainbow Dash said through gritted teeth.

“Twilight we were so worried!” Pinkie said. “We tried everything we could to get here sooner but there was Discord’s trick and then the Wonderbolts and the bull thing, not to mention Rainbow Duck and..”

“Wait, what?” Twilight asked thoroughly confused.

“Nevermind.” Applejack said, covering Pinkie’s mouth. “Let’s get you outta here.”

Rainbow reached down with the keys and unlocked Twilight from her chains.

“Where’s Trixie?” Twilight asked.

“She’s at the Gala, puttin’ on the show like she runs the place.” Applejack said.

“And Princess Luna?” Twilight added.

“Rarity and Fluttershy are looking for her now.” Rainbow said.

“Trixie, she… she fooled everypony. It’s just like Queen Chrysalis, even Princess Luna fell for her act. I’m not so sure the Princess would believe us if we told her what she’s done.” Twilight said.

“We wouldn’t say that,” came a voice from outside the cell.
“Princess Luna?” everypony said in shock and relief.
Princess Luna entered, using her magic to illuminate Twilight’s cell with light. She was startled when the group of ponies threw a group hug around her; she wasn’t used to that kind of embrace.
“Art thou saying somepony has been lying and manipulating the princess of the night? Tell me more of this Trixie at once.” She said angrily. She had heard enough outside the cell to know these ponies were telling the truth. Now all she wanted to know what who to punish. The ponies looked at each other and back at Luna. Where should they start?

Trixie had had the night of her life. She was crowded by all the most important ponies all evening; each of them trying to get her attention and pleasing her with compliments. She could never have dreamed of a more perfect Gala. It seemed such a shame to have to bring the evening to a close; but even she had to admit she was getting tired. The guards were escorting the guests from the castle and Trixie was once again standing in the center of the receiving room bidding them all farewell. Somewhere in the back of her mind she wondered if she should pay her little prisoner friend a visit. She hadn’t seen a trace of Twilight’s friends all evening; nor had any of her guards. Maybe her power and influence finally scared some sense into those ponies.

“Don’t get too comfortable Trixie.” Twilight said.

Trixie gasped and looked down to see Twilight and her friends emerging from a side door under the stairs.

“You!” she screamed angrily. She shook off her jewelry and raced down the steps to confront her; fuming at the incompetency of her guards. “Guards! Arrest her immediately!”

“They shall be fooled by thy tricks again, Trixie.” Princess Luna said, appearing from behind Twilight and her friends.

“P-princess Luna?!” Trixie gasped. She stopped running and slid on her hooves trying to stop herself from reaching them. She turned around and attempted to run away.

“GET HER!” Rainbow Dash cried, running as fast as her stubby little legs would allow. Spike took off like a bullet after Trixie, tackling her to the ground.

“Let me go!” Trixie screamed, wriggling from under him.

Twilight used Trixie’s magic to transport herself in front of Trixie. Spike finally let Trixie up where she came face-to-face with her long-time enemy.

“What are you going to do to me, Princess? You wouldn’t risk losing your precious body now would you?” Trixie said with a strange combination of anger and pleading in her voice.

“I’m not going to do anything. YOU are going to switch us back and face the consequences of your actions.” Twilight said sternly.

“Well well well… if it isn’t the wise ruler in you trying to show the diplomatic answer. After everything I’ve done to you; you STILL think I can be reasoned with?” Trixie said, circling Twilight.

“Why I outta…” Rainbow started, but Applejack picked her up by her tail to stop her.

“Easy there Rainbow, we need Trixie in one piece to fix this mess.” Applejack muffled as she gripped Rainbow’s tail.

“Hah! You think I’ll give you an answer just like that?” Trixie laughed.

“It would be in thy best interest to do as thou is told, Trixie Lulamoon. For the punishment of your crime is dependent upon your cooperation with us now.” Princess Luna said calmly.

“You’re LUCKY the princess will take it easy on you!” Rainbow shouted.

Trixie turned to make a snide comment to Rainbow when she realized what had happened. Without thinking, she burst into laughter surprising Twilight and her friends.

“You actually got your friends switched? How foolish can you be, Twilight?” Trixie mocked.

Twilight growled and pinned Trixie to the ground, her horn shining brightly readying herself to cast a spell. Her patience was running very thin and she wasn’t sure how long she could wait before she took out her anger on her.

“How do we reverse the spell, Trixie?” Twilight said through her teeth.

“No!” Trixie shouted, she used magic to transport herself away from Twilight and onto the top of the staircase. “I’m not going back, I’m NEVER going back! I won’t live the life of a washed-up loser anymore! You deserved this Twilight Sparkle, you never had to know what it felt like to be hated, outcast, unwanted! You’ve always gotten everything you wanted. Not this time, you can’t make me give you back!”

“If you think you can just stand there and… wait… what’s that sound?” Twilight said. The entire room went silent and each pony could hear a faint but high-pitched scream getting louder and closer by the minute. Everypony was temporarily distracted and confused by the sound until Spike finally spoke to say:

“It’s Rarity!”

A few seconds later Rarity and Fluttershy came bounding down the staircase screaming at the top of their lungs. They ran directly into Trixie sending the three of them flying down the stairs and landing clumsily at the bottom.

“Good gravy girl, whatsamatter with you?” Applejack said, turning away from Rarity’s high-pitched wail because it hurt her ears. Luna and the other ponies had gathered around them, trying to get some answers. Rarity didn’t stop screaming, and Fluttershy was crying too hard to form coherent words.

Not one to question good fortune, Trixie managed to wriggle out from under the ponies and crept away from them slowly towards the door. Before she could get far, a large gust of wind tore through the room extinguishing all of the lights and causing everypony’s mane and tail to whip around in the air out of control. The wind was followed by a terrifying sound like a screech and a whinny combined into one. Everypony in the room gazed up unbelieving at a great shadowy figure of an alicorn that was almost five times the size of them that had appeared from the hallway where Rarity and Fluttershy had come from.