• Published 7th Jul 2014
  • 11,619 Views, 140 Comments

Princess Trixie Sparkle - Magpiepony

This epic adventure details the trials the mane 6 must face when their bodies have been switched! This story is also a mini-series musical on YouTube!

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Misadventures in Canterlot

Author's Note:

The YouTube mini-series musical version of Princess Trixie Sparkle is here!! You can find the link to episode 2 below, make sure you subscribe on YouTube to keep up with all things PTS related!
in addition, there is now a PTS website! You will find games, music videos, music downloads, and so much more! Come meet and greet the fabulous talent behind PTS

Upon arrival at the gates of Canterlot, Trixie demanded a carriage and an escort to the palace. Her intention was to appeal to the princesses for a room to stay. Along the way, she came up with a convincing excuse for her sudden desire to leave Ponyville. She ran over it again in her mind as she made her grand entrance to the Canterlot castle.

"Announcing her royal highness, Princess Twilight Sparkle." One of the Canterlot guards said. Trixie pushed past him with her head held high, but faltered when she noticed the absence of Princess Celestia. Instead, Princess Luna smiled from her pedestal and greeted her.

"Ah, Twilight Sparkle. You are early; although having been a star student of my sister's we expected no less. Come, there is much we must show thee." Princess Luna said.

"And Princess Celestia is…" Trixie started, slightly annoyed at having been stuck with the second sister.

"She has already departed on her journey and will return within a fortnight." Luna replied leading Trixie from the hall into a large corridor. "As princess of the night, we rest during the hours of sunlight. We are not able to run an entire empire on our own. This is why you are here."

"So you want me to stand on a pedestal and make decrees?" Trixie asked.

Luna sighed, slightly annoyed at Trixie's ignorance.

"Thou hast a narrow view of royalty, Twilight Sparkle. One should not take such things for granted. Our crown is a symbol to the ponies that we will justly watch over them and protect them. It is not a mere show of one's status." Luna replied.

"Forgive me, Luna." Trixie said, only partially paying attention. As they walked through the halls of the castle, Trixie admired its grandeur and tried to wrap her head around the fact that this would be home. She wondered to herself why Twilight would give up such an opportunity. Trixie always believed she would live a life such as this; with ponies catering to her every whim in a castle where she would always be respected and heard.

Luna paused in front of two large double doors where unicorn guards were stationed. When she approached them they moved out of her path and opened the doors for her. Trixie followed Luna into a giant room, decorated in purples and pinks. The bed post and furniture had stars carved into them, and the pillars in the room were sculpted with intricate design. There were large windows overlooking Canterlot and a canopy bed that looked as soft as cloud.

"We hope thou likest these accommodations and will be comfortable here during your stay." Luna said, watching Trixie inspect the room. "The royal guard will inform thee of any task that needs attention whilst I get some rest in the western tower."

"Don't worry, princess." Trixie said running her hoof over the blanket on her bed. "Equestria is in safe hooves."

Satisfied with her reply, Luna departed and Trixie was left alone to her spoils. She danced around her room in glee and then stepped out on the balcony to take in the view. Trixie let out a sigh of satisfaction.

"I could get used to this." She whispered to herself. "Now it seems there is only one loose end to take care of, my dear Twilight. I can't have you take this away from me; not now that I've seen what I can have." Trixie said, contemplating her next move.


"Oooo this one is pretty!" Pinkie Pie chimed happily poking her head through a rack of clothing eying a tasteful blue dress with white lace trimming.

"Pinkie, do try to pay attention!" Rarity said anxiously, grabbing her by the tail and pulling her away from the rack. "We haven't got the time for nonsense!"

Pinkie turned her full attention to Rarity with a determined look on her face, but she was far too excited to sit still for long. Being stuck as Rarity was kind of fun. There was one thing, however, that she could not get control of and that was magic. Pinkie's energetic personality interfered with the magic of her horn. A rather attractive feather hat caught her eye and she smiled.

"I like that too!" she announced happily, pointing her hoof at the hat on Rarity's desk. As she did so, the hat lifted up off the table and flew over towards the two ponies colliding into Rarity. "Oops…" Pinkie Pie muttered, holding out a hoof to help her up.

Rarity spat a few feathers out and shook her head. "Pinkie, you have to control the magic before something happens to-"

Before Rarity could finish her sentence she was knocked in the head by the same hat as it flew back across the room landing clumsily to the side of the work desk.

"No wait, I got it!" Pinkie chimed happily, trotting over to put the hat back in place. As she got closer, the hat moved further away. "Hey!" she shouted.

"Pinkie Pie! Watch out!" Rarity shouted just before Pinkie collided into a shelf of bobbins.

"Oops! Don't worry, I can fix that." Pinkie said, abandoning her pursuit of the hat to gather up the bobbins instead. Rarity didn't have an opportunity to protest before Pinkie's magic went awry again. This time, the many bobbins that had been scattered across the floor were now bouncing about every which way, knocking into more supplies and creating greater havoc. "Ha…ha… I can fix this! I swear!"

"Pinkie, please! Just stop and I'll-"Rarity started.

"Get back here you naughty bobbin!" Pinkie shouted, racing across the room her mouth already full of bobbins.


"Hey! That hurt! GAH they won't stop moving!"


"Oh no you don't mister!" Pinkie said, jumping on top of one bobbin while others scattered about.

"PINKIE PIE!" Rarity screamed, stamping her hoof in anger. At the sound, Pinkie's horn extinguished and all of the dress-making supplies came crashing to the floor.

"Yes Rarity?" Pinkie said unfazed by the massacre that was once Rarity's creative studio.

Rarity heaved a sigh and composed herself. This wasn't the first time she'd had to deal with a mess like this, Sweetie Bell could accomplish this in 10 seconds. This time, however, she didn't have her horn to help clean it up.

"We need to go over your lines again." Rarity said.

"Ooo Ooo I know! This is your, uh I mean my, Canterlot Cheek collection!"

"Chic darling! It means fancy, sophisticated." Rarity corrected.


"And these dresses were made for…" Rarity said, leading her to finish the sentence.

"Oh! I know this one too! These dresses were made for the Grand Galloping Gala this weekend!" Pinkie said proudly, bouncing up and down.

"Exactly! There isn't much more you need to say, these outfits do speak for themselves." Rarity said, eying the hem of one of her dresses.

"They're all so beautiful Rarity, and I especially like this one!" Pinkie said, pulling a dress loose of its hanger with her magic, accidentally sending it soaring across the room and into an unsuspecting Rarity. Rarity sighed; this would take a lot more luck than she had originally thought.


"It's settled then. We meet in the Canterlot archives at 5:00." Twilight said as the train to Canterlot pulled into the station. Rarity and Pinkie Pie were the first to exit and Rarity's luggage was piled onto a cart. She gave instructions to send them to Hoity Toity's boutique.

"Just think of the possibilities Pinkie Pie!" Rarity chimed happily. "I'll finally secure my place with the Canterlot elite. My status as a very important pony will be practically permanent!"

Pinkie bounced along beside her before Rarity held out a hoof to stop her.

"Pinkie Pie, remember, you must walk with grace. These ponies expect sophistication from me here." Rarity scolded.

"Oh, right. Sorry Rarity I guess I'm just soooo happy for you!" Pinkie exclaimed hugging her tightly.

Rarity smiled softly, and frowned when Pinkie was turned away. Her reputation was on the line and she wasn't so sure Pinkie could play the part. As they were walking to Hoity Toity's boutique Rarity spotted two familiar and judgmental faces. She gasped and snatched Pinkie to hide, choosing to duck into a modest café nearby.

"Woah!" Pinkie exclaimed in surprise.

"Get down! That's Jet Set and Upper Crust! Don't let them see you!" Rarity whispered frantically to Pinkie, but much to her dismay the familiar duo had seen them and crossed the street to talk.

"Why miss Rarity it is a pleasure to see you again." Jet Set said, his deep accent dripping with sarcasm.

"It's good to see you too!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed happily.

Jet Set and Upper Crust looked at Pinkie with wide eyes and then to each other before erupting into laughter.

"My dear whatever has happened to your voice? You sound ridiculous." Upper Crust said.

"Hahaha she's just a little excited." Rarity said, pushing Pinkie out of the way. "Her latest fashions will be featured in Hoity Toity's pre-Gala fashion show."

"Ah yes, an extraordinary event we wouldn't miss it for the world." Jet Set agreed.

"Don't we know you?" Upper Crust asked, eying Rarity suspiciously.

"You met her at the Canterlot Garden Party, remember?" Pinkie said with a smile.

"Ah…" Jet Set said, backing away slowly. "Yes the charmingly rustic Ponyvillian. I'm surprised to see you back in Canterlot, Rarity. Your sudden departure was most unbecoming of your new status. You say Hoity Toity himself wishes to showcase your line?"

"Well, actually…" Rarity started then remembered that they weren't talking to her. She nudged Pinkie Pie.

"We're on our way to secure our place in his show right now, so if you would excuse us…" Pinkie Pie said, in a rather impressive formal accent.

"Well, if it was at all inspired by your 'friends' then I wish you luck, dear. Hoity Toity doesn't particularly care for formal wear from a hoe-down." Upper Crust added. The two of them broke into laughter again.

Embarrassed, Rarity buried her face in her hooves.

"Hoe Down?" Pinkie exclaimed, feeling particularly protective of Rarity in that moment.

"Do you even /know/ who she… I mean I… am?" Pinkie asked, trying her best to talk in Canterlot snobbery.

"Wait, Pinkie!" Rarity shouted, but she was already too late, Pinkie had begun to sing:

"We know the Princess Twilight, she is our bestest friend. And rarity's new fashions are all the latest trend. Do you know how many times that we've saved Canterlot? Two or three or four, the point is: quite a lot! I'm singing she's the most important pony I know, oh the many places that she can go and her great new designs in Hoity's fashion show will probably be enough to really STEAL THE SHOOOOOOOW!"

Pinkie sang, a little out of breath near the end.

Jet Set and Upper Crust watched her, stunned.

"She?" Upper Crust finally asked timidly.

"She! I mean me! I! Ohhhh you know what I mean! Come on Pinkie Pie we don't need their approval." Pinkie said, turning up her nose and walking with Rarity out of the café.

They waited until they were sure Jet Set and Upper Crust hadn't left the café and could see them before they broke into a fit of giggles.

"I don't think I've EVER seen those ponies stunned into silence before! Thank you Pinkie, you are a great friend." Rarity said, nuzzling Pinkie appreciatively.

"Aw it was nothing; those two were just being bullies." Pinkie said. Rarity nodded in agreement.

"Rarity, look!" Pinkie exclaimed, pointing to a large dress shop with Hoity Toity's signature on the window where Canterlot's fashions were displayed. "We're here!"

"Thank heaven we didn't run into anypony else." Rarity said, breathing a sigh of relief. "Let's just get this presentation over with so we can help Twilight find a cure. I miss being me!"

"Me too!" Pinkie agreed humming along to a song in her head as they walked.


"Fabulous! Simply stunning! I must have these for my show." Hoity Toity said, looking through Rarity's work appreciatively. "Yes, this one is quite lovely!"

"And what about this one?!" Pinkie Pie asked, reaching for an outfit. Once again her enthusiasm caused a reaction with Rarity's horn and the outfit in question went soaring around the room. Rarity gasped, and tried to help Pinkie Pie catch it while Hoity Toity watched.

Rarity finally caught it in her mouth, pulling it down from the ceiling where it had been hovering. She blushed and shot a glare to Pinkie Pie who chuckled nervously.

"My dear… it seems your fashions are far too fabulous for the rack." Hoity Toity said, laughing at the display. Relieved, Rarity released the dress and hung it back on the hanger. "What is it you call this line, my dear?"

"It's um… the Canterlot chic collection, inspired for the Gala." Pinkie recited perfectly.

"Ah yes! I'd wager these will be quite popular for this weekend. You are indeed a talented pony." Hoity Toity complimented. "Now, let us talk about the details, the show starts in a few hours and I need you to come with me for a fitting. I believe the models are already out back trying on the other outfits for the show."

Rarity fought back a squee as she and Pinkie followed Hoity Toity outside and towards the backstage of the runway. Hoity Toity and Pinkie Pie passed through security without question, but Rarity was stopped.

"Only designers and models past this point." A particularly large pony said, blocking her path.

"I am a designer!" Rarity said angrily, trying to maneuver around him.


"Why I'm…" Rarity started then trailed off without an answer. "I'm not on your list."

"Then I'm going to have to ask you to go."

From the stage Rarity caught a glimpse of a rather intimidated-looking Pinkie Pie. She gave her a confident smile and watched in jealousy as Hoity Toity led her away. Dejected, she paced around outside. While she was excited to have her designs on stage, it hurt to think somepony else would receive all the recognition and applause. She was beginning to think this was a bad idea when her thoughts were interrupted by the sight of two unicorn guards. It was strange to see them wandering about so far from Canterlot castle. They had a pile of fliers with them, and would stop on every corner to post one before moving on. Intrigued, Rarity approached them. One of the guards saw her coming and offered her a flier from his pile.

"A message from the princess," he explained. Rarity read its contents in horror.

"The princess?" Rarity gasped unbelieving.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle." The second guard explained.

Without another word Rarity tucked the flier away and ran back towards the fashion show.


From back stage Pinkie Pie struggled to maintain Rarity's image. There were so many lovely things she wished she could see, but knowing the consequence of a magical mishap, she stayed calm at Hoity Toity's side. A wonderful aroma caught her attention and she spotted a modest buffet set aside for the designers and models. Following the growl in her stomach she practically floated towards a particularly delicious-looking daisy sandwich but was stopped by a mane stylist.

"What style do you want for this model?" She asked rather impatiently.

"Uh…" Pinkie Pie said

"Do you want eye shadow on this model?" A make-up artist asked

"What order will these designs be going down the runway?" A stage manager asked.

"Where is your logo? We must have it displayed over your designs." Another pony added.

"Uh… uh…" Pinkie Pie said, sweating nervously. "Is that Photo Finish?!" She asked, pointing in the opposite direction. While the others were distracted, Pinkie slipped behind a curtain and waited until the ponies had seen she'd gone and looked somewhere else. She set her sights once again at the buffet line but her daisy sandwich had been taken by one of the members of stage crew.

"Awww" she said sadly, looking at the other options and finally settling on a bowl of fresh fruit. She bounded towards it but was once again thwarted as a group of model ponies pushed past her. She was unexpectedly herded into a section back stage where each of the models were being fitted for the show. Pinkie tried her best to excuse herself, but was swept up by some of the stage crew and fitted for an outfit.

"Wait! I just wanted a sandwich!" She protested in vain. "Ow! Hey! Too tight!"

The unicorn dressing her pulled a mirror in front of Pinkie to see how the outfit was looking. Pinkie struggled to breathe in the impossible dress; this certainly wasn't Rarity's design.

"You don't understand!" she gasped, but she was pushed on to the mane and makeup department. She spotted the table again, this time more food was missing and her stomach growled. Her mane was being combed, pulled, and twisted while another pony drowned her in a sea of makeup. Pinkie tried her best to keep her cool, but none of these fashion ponies would listen to her protests. When she caught a glimpse of the food table there was one pastry left and a designer heading straight for it.

"THAT'S MINE!" she cried out, tripping over her outfit and other ponies trying to reach it first. She couldn't contain herself anymore and her horn lit up involuntarily. The make-up artist ponies pursuing her were being bombarded by their own make up brushes; they made clouds of blush that blocked their vision and pursuit of Pinkie Pie. The back-stage crew ponies that had been asking Pinkie for her instruction were being chased by their own clipboards and quills. The other designers had problems keeping their outfits together. Even Hoity Toity himself was affected, his rather large white wig was running away from him; he attempted to cover his bald head with various hats while he pursued it.

Oblivious to the mayhem she was creating, Pinkie Pie finally reached the buffet table in time and tried to dive face-first into the last pastry on the table. Before she could do so, she was pulled backwards away from the table by Rarity who had sneaked in during the confusion.

"Hey!" Pinkie protested until she saw it was Rarity who had pulled her away. She looked around to see the magical mistake she made and frowned. Her horn extinguished and she whimpered, ashamed of ruining Rarity's good name. "Oh Rarity I'm so sorry I just wanted…"

"Pinkie we have to find Twilight!" Rarity said interrupting her. "There's a flier and… Pinkie, what in Equestria are you wearing?" She asked, eying her rather ridiculous ensemble.

Pinkie burst into dramatic tears "I don't knowwww!"

Rarity put a hoof over her mouth. She motioned for Pinkie to follow her quietly out the back way. Pinkie had no objections; she wriggled out of the uncomfortable dress and darted for the exit. Somewhere behind them Hoity Toity was attempting to fix his wig.

"Ruined!" he cried, "My whole show is ruined!"


"Wanted: for Confidence Scams and Fraudulence" Pinkie Pie read.

"Highly dangerous, armed, approach with caution, manipulative, and wields dark magic" Rarity continued.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie Lulamoon!" They finished together.

"Look, there's even a reward!" Rarity added.

"30,000 bits! That's more than Sugarcube Corner makes in a year!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"We've got to find the others, warn them what Trixie's trying to do." Rarity said tucking the flier away. They didn't waste any time, running towards the Canterlot archives hoping against the odds that Twilight and the others were alright. When they reached the hill just above the archives they paused to catch their breath.

"Look!" Pinkie cried out, pointing at the swarm of royal guards surrounding the Canterlot archives. Rarity and Pinkie Pie watched in confusion as a royal carriage pulled up to the doors. There sitting proudly with a smirk on her face was Trixie. The guards near the entrance parted on either side and helped the princess down and into the archives. Pinkie Pie and Rarity exchanged worried looks. There was only one reason they could think of that Trixie would want to be here and that meant Twilight was still somewhere inside. They ventured closer and ducked behind a bush before they were seen.

"Eiw…" Rarity grumbled, trying to shake the "nature" from her tail and mane. Frustrated and uncomfortable Rarity mumbled quietly to herself.

Pinkie slumped to the ground and put on her thinking face. They had to figure out some way of getting inside. Then with a gasp Rarity declared, "I've got it! There, just behind those bushes and trees, I see a window. Do you think we could get in?"

"Ooo Ooo it's like a secret mission: Twilight rescue style." Pinkie chimed happily, humming the theme to mission impossible, darting her eyes back and forth and prancing about like she imagined a secret agent would be. Rarity pushed Pinkie's head down back behind the bush where they were hiding and shushed her with an annoyed look on her face; Pinkie merely smiled.

Pinkie managed to somehow lift the entire bush where they had been hiding and tip-toed it along with them towards the side of the archive building. They paused and dropped the bush whenever a guard passed by and continued tip-toeing until they reached their destination. Rarity tried her best not to make any noises of discomfort as she transitioned from hiding in one bush to another. She watched her mane and tail on Pinkie Pie becoming ratted and tangled and had to fight her distain for the sake of their "mission."

Without any direction, Pinkie hoisted Rarity up on her shoulders, causing Rarity to make a soft noise of surprise. Rarity reached for the small window and poked her head up to look inside. She couldn't see Twilight or any of the others from that window, only shelves of books and scrolls with little piles of them on the ground; probably from Twilight's searching.

"Higher!" Rarity whispered to Pinkie Pie. Pinkie had been distracted watching a ladybug until she heard Rarity, and quickly hoisted Rarity higher towards the window. Rarity hadn't actually meant for Pinkie to push her so quickly and had to steady herself before she opened the window. Rarity struggled, putting her front hooves in and pulled herself up to her waist. When she tried to move again she realized she was stuck; half in half out. "Pinkie. Pinkie I think I need a push!" she whispered frantically.

Before Pinkie could respond, one of the guards spotted Pinkie's purple tail sticking out of the bushes and trees along the side of the building.

"Hey you!" he called out, using his magic to pull Pinkie away from the wall. Pinkie's sudden departure left Rarity REALLY stuck, her back legs flailing helplessly outside while her front hooves pushed against the wall on the inside.

"This area is off limits!" The guard told Pinkie, eying her suspiciously. "You'll have to vacate the premises until the prisoner is detained and the Princess gives the word…" The guard said, continuing his lecture to Pinkie Pie. However, she wasn't paying much attention. Moments after he had pulled her away from the wall Pinkie spotted a modest rolling cart of delicious cupcakes for sale. The pony pushing it was calling out to ponies on the street to buy his delicious wares. Pinkie's eyes widened, her stomach growled, and she began to drool. She never did get a bite of the food from that buffet table, and having her favorite dessert so near was too tantalizing to pass up. Before thinking it completely through, Pinkie's horn lit up and the cupcakes from the cart all came flying towards her and the Canterlot guard at an impressive speed. Pinkie awaited their impact with an open mouth, while the guard who had been lecturing and a few of his companions nearby were pelted by cupcakes and their frosting goodness. The guards shouted in protest, alerting more guards to come see what was happening. The frosting covered their faces and made the ground slippery wherever they landed. Guards were tripping all over themselves, trying to wipe their eyes and regain their footing.

Rarity heard the cries of shock and protest from the guards outside but could not figure out what was actually happening. She tried to seize the moment by pushing even harder against the wall to get inside but to no avail. Then she felt her hindquarters being forcibly tugged back outside and she screamed in surprise.

Pinkie Pie, mouth still open and expecting a cupcake to land inside, was pulled sideways away from her treats. "Hey!" she protested, she didn't even get a single taste of frosting!