• Published 7th Jul 2014
  • 11,628 Views, 140 Comments

Princess Trixie Sparkle - Magpiepony

This epic adventure details the trials the mane 6 must face when their bodies have been switched! This story is also a mini-series musical on YouTube!

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Trixie screamed when the shadow alicorn consumed her. She squeezed her eyes shut for what only seemed like a moment and when she opened them again she was in a new place entirely. The sound of her scream echoed in the halls of the castle ruins so loudly that it caused her to stop. Sunlight was pouring in from the gaping holes in what used to be the castle walls. She knew she had not lost any time because it was just breaking dawn when she was magicked away from the Crystal Empire and the sun shining on her now was still just peaking over the horizon.

"The big bad beasty is a teleportation spell?" She asked rhetorically. "THAT'S what all this fuss has been about? I never needed their protection; all of that kissing up and good-deeding was for nothing. It's not like I can't just leave whenever I want-" Trixie started, but as she tried to use a spell to leave she realized her magic was failing her. She concentrated once more but nothing occurred.

"Right. Of course. Because using magic to get out of here would have been too easy. Is it really so much to ask for one thing to go right in my life?" She demanded.

"Doth thou always speak to thyself in this manner?" Astelle asked, joining Trixie in the ruins of the room.

"Astelle!" Trixie gasped. "You really are behind all of this, aren't you?!" she said. "You… used me, and you lied to me, and you're… talking really weird. What is going on, I demand to know."

"It is a good thing I like you." Astelle said, holding back the distain for Trixie's attitude. "I never uttered a lie to thee, hast thou not sought revenge on thy enemy and taken her form?"

"Well yeah, but she kind of blew my cover so there's really no point anymore." Trixie muttered.

"The fault, therefore, does not lie with me, but with thy incompetence." Astelle remarked.

"Why are you talking like that?" Trixie asked again.

"This is the way royalty addresses their subjects." Astelle replied.

"Royalty?" Trixie asked, annoying Astelle further with her incessant questions.

Astelle rolled her eyes and extended her wings; which had been visible from the start although Trixie had been too preoccupied to notice.

"You're an alicorn too? Okay, I'm so done with all this. There's nothing special about being an alicorn anymore, is there? Lemme guess; you are the princess of… I dunno… the Everfree forest or something?" Trixie asked.

"Thou art… partially correct; though I am no princess." Astelle remarked.

"Um, you JUST said-"

"I am a queen." Astelle replied impatiently.

"Right…" Trixie muttered, unconvinced. "Then how come is it no pony has ever heard of you, hmm? Twilight Sparkle couldn't find a single reference to you in all her books and trust me that's a big deal."

"It is unwise to venture down this path Trixie Lulamoon." Astelle said, gritting her teeth.

"And another thing; why doesn't my magic work? Did you cast another one of your freaky spells on me or something? I thought you and I had a little understanding, this was NOT our deal." Trixie said.

"ENOUGH!" Astelle screamed. She stamped her hooves on the ground causing the room to shake and the rubble of the walls to shift. Long black vines of thorns crept up through the cracks in the floor and hovered around Trixie, not yet taking her in their grasp.

"Okay! Okay; I'm sorry." Trixie said defensively, eying the sharp edges of the thorns threatening to bind her.

"Trixie Lulamoon, as before I wish thee no harm." Astelle said, calling back the vines into the earth.

"So what is you want?" Trixie asked, a little more careful with word choice this time.

"I want your assistance yet again, but the reward this time shall be far greater than that given to thee before." Astelle said, partially dropping the accent as she tried to appeal to Trixie.

"Hey, I'm no pony's side kick!" Trixie said; but realizing a little too late that she might be upsetting Astelle she quickly added. "But, you know, if this reward is really all that you say it is maybe I could give it a shot."

"First I require the return of my amulet." Astelle said, eying it around Trixie's neck.

"Yes, please, take it off!" Trixie exclaimed. "This stupid thing almost killed me."

Astelle and Trixie stood in silence for a few moments before Trixie realized Astelle was waiting for her to remove the amulet herself. Without the use of her magic, Trixie turned the amulet around and felt along the band for the clasp. Fortunately the clasp had returned and she could easily remove it. Astelle watched in anticipation trying not to let her emotions betray her.

"Wait a minute…" Trixie said, pulling her hooves away. "I'm not falling for THIS trick again. What's in it for me? And why do you need this? How exactly are you a queen and where in Equestria did you come from? What is that Alicorn monster thing?"

"The amulet is mine; forged by mine own magic." Astelle started. "Within it holds great potential that will unlock the greatest parts of me. I created it in anticipation of my defeat before I was banished from Equestria by the very mare you now call royalty. Only I can truly master the magic contained within and lead it to its intended purpose."

"What's its intended purpose?" Trixie asked.

"I see great sorrow in thee, Trixie. I have watched thee and the pain thou hast faced. Even now as you have to lower yourself to the protection of the unicorn you despise the hate inside you festers. I can turn that hatred into real power. Power unlike your little Twilight Sparkle could ever dream. Tis not a princess status you deserve, Trixie, but that of a queen." Astelle said.

Trixie was still thoroughly confused. She felt another wave of sadness when she thought of all the trials she'd faced and that harmful hatred was indeed beginning to fester inside, but then Trixie remembered the moment in the Everfree forest that contradicted everything she used to be. She cared for that little hayseed; the only one who truly attempted to understand and believe her words. She had not saved her life out of selfishness as she had said; but out of compassion. She had never known the feeling of compassion and caring and although it was foreign to her she began to feel that hatred melt away as quickly as it came.

"Join me, Trixie, and I will grant you that power." Astelle said, prodding Trixie to give the amulet to her.

"What's in it for you?" Trixie asked.

"As an old… acquaintance once said to me; I wish nothing more but to exist no longer as I am." Astelle said. That statement sent a strong spike of pain to her heart and she snarled in remembrance.

"You want to die?" Trixie asked. "You have the power to take over Equestria and instead you want to die? I'm not buying it."

"No, my dear, I do not wish death. I wish mortality." Astelle said.

"That's… technically the same thing." Trixie said.

"Not to me. I grow tired of ruling and carrying the burden that accompanies it. And yet in my wake I refuse to leave Equestria in inadequate hooves. When you assume the throne as Queen, Equestria will finally be ruled justly and with all the power it needs to avoid any threat without the assistance of any… elements." Astelle said, spitting out the last word.

"You mean, I'd be more powerful than the Elements of Harmony?" Trixie asked in awe.

"Indeed. As it should have been for any ruler in Equestria. The fact that your Princess has not had the means to protect her own ponies is a sad and sorry state indeed. Is this not peculiar to the ponies she ruled?" Astelle said.

"Well, I never really thought about it but yeah, that is really weird. You know, I heard she even had to let Princess Cadance and Shining Armor save her because she couldn't even defeat the Changeling Queen." Trixie noted.

"This is because a Queen possesses the magic that a mere Princess cannot. Even as a changeling queen her magic surpassed Celestia's." Astelle said.

"So what… you want to like… tutor me in kingdom ruling?" Trixie asked, still skeptical.

"You are the perfect candidate Trixie Lulamoon. If you had not been, I would not have sought you out in the first place." Astelle said.

"How do you figure?" Trixie asked.

"From the moment you received your cutie mark you knew you were destined for great magic. Magic that no pony understood nor could comprehend. The pain of your past has taught you how to cope with loss and sorrow; something that has molded you into a stronger pony." Astelle said.

"Yeah… Yeah that's all pretty true." Trixie said, warming up to the idea.

"With my help, Trixie, you will finally reach your full potential and become one of the greatest queens Equestria has ever had." Astelle said. "I need only my amulet, and then the power you seek will be yours."

Trixie looked down at the amulet around her neck and paused, deep in thought. Perhaps Astelle was right, perhaps she was destined for more than she could have imagined. She always believed she was a leader and this would be an unfathomable life of glamorous titles and adoration. Queen Trixie had a nice ring to it. However, common sense had finally crossed her mind. This pony could be lying. This pony could bring all kinds of destruction to Equestria. She had no proof of anything except the magic she had seen this pony perform even without the amulet. More than that, though, she began to worry for the ponies of Equestria. If a mare could possess the power to overcome any foe that power could twist the mind and create the greatest threat any pony had ever witnessed. Trixie closed her eyes and remembered the moment Twilight Sparkle had forgiven her. She never realized how much that moment resonated with her. In all her time hating Twilight, she had hated her in jealousy. She never would have imagined bringing her any physical harm. Even locked away in the dungeon she could not bring herself to do such a thing. She knew how power twisted her own mind. What if she became the monster? Feared throughout the world rather than loved. Perhaps it was best not to seek after the things the heart believes it wants the most. Perhaps thinking for the benefit of others might save them and yourself from total corruption. Trixie looked up at Astelle and dropped her hoof away from the clasp.

"Only you can release the amulet from around your neck, Trixie. Your dreams are merely a clasp away." Astelle said, a little more frantic now.

"I'm sorry, Astelle, but I think for the first time in my life, I-"

"Stop right there!" Twilight Sparkle called. Trixie and Astelle turned to see Twilight and her friends accompanied by Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, and the royal guard of the Crystal Empire.

"Your reign of terror ends here, Trixie Lulamoon. We know of your plot to take over Equestria and I can promise you that will never happen." Twilight said. Her friends all rallied around her nodding their heads in agreement.

"My my my… looks like the cavalry's here!" Astelle said, laughing.

"Return the amulet at once!" Shining Armor demanded.

"Or you'll what?" Astelle asked, bemused.

"Or I'll…" Shining Armor started, but paused when he realized his horn was not lighting up.

"Shining Armor, what's wrong?" Cadance whispered.

"My horn… it… it isn't working." Shining Armor realized.

"Join the club." Trixie muttered, too quiet for anypony else to hear.

Twilight and Cadance attempted to use their magic as well but found it powerless. They began to panic amongst themselves.

"What have you done to our horns!" Twilight demanded, more furious than ever at Trixie.

"Don't look at me! I can't do magic either, you know." Trixie snapped.

"A likely story!" Pinkie Pie said, trying her horn as well and failing like the others.

"You can't fool us anymore, Trixie." Rainbow Dash said.

"You've behind everything from the start haven't you?" Spike said, standing in front of Twilight protectively.

"If you ponies would just LISTEN to me for a minute you'd realize that I was about to-"

"Did you stage the manticore attack too, Trixie?" Applejack said bitterly. "You risked my life just to make yourself out to be the hero?!"

"You're making a big mistake." Trixie hissed. Astelle did nothing, watching in delight at Trixie's temper. "I'm trying to HELP you!"

"No more lies!" Twilight demanded. "This ends now."

"Twilight, LISTEN to me!" Trixie demanded.

"You're a pathetic liar and a waste of a unicorn; a waste of a pony! Equestria will be a lot safer when you're gone." Twilight said. All of her pent up rage had finally reached its breaking point and she could contain it no longer.

Trixie was stunned into silence. Twilight's words cut her deeply and tears formed in her eyes. How could she believe she would ever be seen as anything except s failure. No pony would ever give her that chance. If every pony wanted her to be the villain, she really had no say in it any longer. Trixie turned to Astelle, tears streaming down her cheeks. Astelle understood her anger, her pain. She'd offered her everything and now she had nothing to lose. Trixie ripped the amulet from her neck and stared directly at Twilight when she handed it over.

Astelle smiled and secured the amulet around her own neck. She closed her eyes, embracing the magic she had locked within. When she opened her eyes again, they were as bright red as the shadow alicorn's.

"The shadow alicorn…" Rarity whispered. Twilight and her friends began backing away in fear.

"Now!" Shining Armor said, charging at Astelle. Astelle didn't move, nor did she speak. She watched as the large quantity ponies raced towards her, spears and swords pointed in her direction. Astelle needed only to blink and the entire lot of them vanished into thin air. Twilight and the others screamed.

"SHINING ARMOR!" Princess Cadance cried. Astelle turned her head in Cadance's direction and smiled. She then looked to Trixie who was stunned at her side.

"I promise the pain will go away now, Trixie. You'll never have to feel it again." Astelle said. Trixie rose up off the floor and was consumed in swirls of red light. Every pony else shielded their eyes from the bright glow. Trixie screamed, more in shock than in pain. She felt her body changing, morphing into something different. Her wings stretched further, her legs grew longer, her mane felt light as air. Her coat turned dark and when she opened her eyes she saw with new clarity. Twilight and her friends gasped in horror when the light faded away. Astelle smirked as Trixie began to realize what had happened and who she was now. She was still in Twilight's body; though Twilight's body had certainly changed. She recognized this sort of transformation and examined her new and improved body in awe.

"I present to you your new leader; Nightmare Trixie Sparkle." Astelle said; laughing so hard that it turned into a cackle.


For the second time Twilight had to watch helplessly as Trixie slammed a door in her face locking her in yet another dungeon cell. This time, however, Twilight was not alone. Princess Cadance and all of her friends were with her and cast in total darkness unable to bring light with their magic. Astelle smiled and put a hoof on Trixie's back, reassuring her that she had made the right decision. Without another word Astelle and Trixie both vanished, off to do who knows what to an unsuspecting Equestria.

"Shining Armor?" Princess Cadance called into the darkness. Their cell was unusually large and her voice echoed as she called out his name.

"Princess Mi Amore?" Princess Luna asked somewhere in the darkness.

"Princess Luna!" Twilight exclaimed happily.

"Twilight Sparkle." Princess Celestia said, both with sadness and relief.

"Princess Celestia?" Rarity asked.

"Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie pie exclaimed.

Twilight and her friends heard the soft sound of a flame ignite and a torch was lit. They were able to see the two princess sisters in another corner of the room. Celestia looked very different. She had a simple pink mane as she had when she was filly, and no crown or jewels. She did, however, have chains around her hooves. Luna looked equally as different, although every pony had seen her in this state before. She on the other hoof was completely shackle-free. Twilight raced over to Celestia and threw her hooves around her in a hug. Celestia offered her a warm smile and returned the embrace. The others soon joined them near the torch light. Pinkie Pie and Spike threw their hooves around Princess Luna in a hug, which caught her a little off guard.

"We're so glad you're okay!" Applejack said.

"You are okay, aren't you?" Twilight asked, looking over Celestia with concern.

"Physically." Luna replied shorty.

"Is Shining Armor here?" Cadance asked frantically.

"No my dear, what happened?" Celestia asked.

"That unicorn… I mean alicorn, she did something and he vanished." Cadance said, tears in her eyes.

"Worry not Princess Mi Amore Cadanza. Astelle's magic could not harm a pony." Luna reassured her.

"I dunno, that amulet did something really freaky to her eyes." Pinkie Pie said.

"The amulet?!" Celestia and Luna both exclaimed.

"You gave her the amulet?" Luna asked in anger.

"It's my fault, Princess Celestia. I thought I could trick Trixie into revealing her plot by pretending to give her the alicorn amulet but I was wrong and now everything and every pony is in danger because of me." Twilight said, hanging her head in shame.

Princess Celestia did not offer any words of comfort.

Princess Luna shook her head in disappointment and turned away from the others. Twilight and her friends began to take notice of the tension between Celestia and her sister and were concerned something else might have happened.

"At least you are all safe." Celestia said at last.

"Well; kind of." Rainbow Dash said. "I wouldn't call being locked in a dungeon as 'safe'."

"Do you know what's going on, Princess?" Fluttershy asked.

"Indeed I do, and I am deeply sorry for having to risk your lives and the lives of my ponies because of my incompetence. You are not to blame my faithful student, and should in fact be commended for turning down Astelle's offer." Celestia said.

"What offer?" Twilight asked in confusion.

"Did she not offer to bestow upon thee great power?" Luna asked.

"No… but she did something to Trixie." Twilight said.

"Yeah, now she's NIGHTMARE Trixie. Except she was already a nightmare before that so it's like Nightmare NIGHTMARE Trixie." Pinkie Pie said.

Luna scowled and looked to Celestia. "Then hope is lost." She turned away from the others and walked into the darker parts of the dungeon leaving the others thoroughly confused.

"What does she mean, princess?" Spike asked warily.

"I'm afraid I have made many terrible mistakes, and am now having to pay the price. I feel that you valiant ponies deserve to hear the truth." Celestia said.

"Is princess Luna okay?" Fluttershy asked.

"Princess Luna is upset with me and rightfully so." Celestia said.

Each pony exchanged confused glances but turned their attention back to Celestia as she began to tell them the tale of Astelle.

"Back in the time of Starswirl the Bearded ponies enjoyed the magical miracles he performed and the wondrous magic he created. As time grew long, however, Starswirl grew weary of his immortality and the burden of the magical leadership. He would make himself known unto ponies only once every century, choosing a single mare or colt as an apprentice to his practice. After a year that pony was equipped with enough magic to take over his responsibilities for the next century. However, his search was not only for a competent apprentice but also for an adequate heir. As far as I remember, Starswirl had a vision that a certain pony would finally be able to free him from his immortality. He chose as apprentice a young earth pony who had nothing but great dreams of magic. This mare was given a horn and taught by Starswirl personally. That mare was Astelle."

"Ooo this is gonna be good." Pinkie Pie said, sitting on the ground and making herself comfortable.

"Forgive the intrusion princess but… there's nothing in Starswirl's diaries about an Astelle." Twilight said.

"And their wouldn't be." Celestia said. "I kept those volumes away from any other pony, in my room in the Canterlot archives."

"THE MISSING BOOK!" Rainbow Dash and Spike exclaimed.

"The missing what-now?" Applejack said.

"Yes. I retrieved the diary when I knew who I was up against. I had to remember everything I could about her so that I would prepared to face her once more. How were you aware of this?" Celestia asked.

"We sort of found your room Princess." Twilight said, chuckling nervously.

"It was kind of easy to pick the lock." Rainbow noted. Twilight shot her a mad glare. "What, it was!"

"I imagine it would be. I took away the magical seal from the room and did not re-seal it when I departed. I had many more things on my mind." Celestia noted.

"So Astelle took over and became immortal?" Rarity asked.

"Not exactly, dear one. You see, Astelle was able to perform great magic that rescued Equestria from a grave threat. The king passed away in the battle, but Astelle was able to spare the lives of the ponies fighting against the odds. Upon her victory, Starswirl presented Astelle to the ponies and announced her true calling as Queen. His final gift of magic was a pair of wings. She became the first known alicorn. Starswirl believed that Astelle would rule as an immortal but benevolent leader. He had given her the means to control all kinds of magic and every pony felt safe once more.

Unfortunately, Starswirl's vision of being released from his immortality was rejected and what happened next he did not anticipate. When he finally made his true intentions known, he was met with surprise and resentment. Astelle revealed her true feelings for her mentor; she had fallen in love with him. She believed they would rule Equestria together. She appealed to him several times, denying the throne if it meant losing him. Her unrequited love broke her heart and she fled from Equestria, making sure Starswirl would not have the chance to become mortal as he desired. Starswirl was forced to find a new apprentice, and after re-examining his prophecy he realized the pony that would set him free would still come from the same blood line. He then took Astelle's younger sister into his confidence and trained her as he had her older sister."

"Oooo I told you this was going to be good!" Pinkie said, nudging Rarity playfully.

"Who was that younger sister?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Me." Celestia said.

"YOU?!" Each pony gasped.

"Yes. Astelle is my older sister." Celestia said, hanging her head again in shame.

"But… you… and the… huh?" Twilight asked, dumbfounded.

"Woah… that kinda just blew my mind a little bit." Rainbow Dash said.

"I did everything I could to make Starswirl proud. He taught me the magic of life and love and I embraced my calling. As I was already related to the Queen, I was a princess, but upon completion of my apprenticeship I too was blessed with wings and became the Alicorn you see before you."

"What about Princess Luna?" Princess Cadance asked.

"My sister was still in the womb at the time, although when she was born she too had been born an Alicorn. It seemed my family line was blessed with such magnificent power." Celestia said.

"Speaking of which, where is Princess Luna?" Rarity asked, looking around.

"She is vexed with me. For I have kept this knowledge from her all these years." Celestia said.

"She didn't know about any of this?" Twilight asked in awe.

"Indeed she did not. I wished only to protect her from knowing the tragedy of the past."

"It wasn't a protection, it was a lack of trust." Luna said, somewhere in the darkness.

"But what happened to Astelle? I mean, she was probably not too happy that you took her place, right?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Yes, my little pony. Astelle returned after my coronation as Princess of Equestria. Starswirl could not bestow upon me the same magic he had given to Astelle as there can only be one Queen. As princess I had great power, but would still be inadequate in comparison to my sister." Celestia said.

"I guess that kind of explains a lot." Spike said.

"Astelle returned from her journey looking very different. Her once deep purple eyes were now a bright red and even the appearance of her cutie mark had changed. No pony had ever seen such magic before, nor did they immediately recognize her when she made her reappearance. When Astelle learned that I had assumed the throne in her place, she flew into a frenzy. During her exile she had turned her magic into something dark, unlike any magic that had been seen before. Starswirl's magic was rooted in goodness and powered by the Elements of Harmony: generosity, laughter, kindness, loyalty, and honesty."

"Generous, Honesty, Laughter, Kindess, Loyalty Twilight helped us each to see all that we can be so get up-" Pinkie sang softly.

"What are you singing?" Rainbow Dash asked, thoroughly confused.

"I have no idea… but it's really catchy isn't it? So geeeet up get doooown…" Pinkie sang, but each of her friends shushed her. "Oops, sorry. Please continue princess."

"She announced that she had created her own magic, the root of which did not lie with the magic she was taught. She wrought havoc on the ponies of Equestria but not in a way that any pony would have expected. Instead of using her magic to take back the throne she had an entirely different idea in mind. Astelle wanted to give Starswirl what he desired most: mortality. But for her, that was not enough. She believed that magic had ruined her life. She blamed it for tearing her family apart, and claimed I had betrayed her. She sought to destroy magic itself."

"What?!" Twilight gasped.

"Astelle had invented her own magic for the purpose of destroying all magic. Does any pony else think that's kind of a bit… contradictory?" Rarity asked.

"Was she successful back then?" Spike asked.

"Not completely, but yes. Her magic served to drain any kind of magical element it came into contact with. Her influence spread very quickly. Soon, the animals of Equestria could no longer speak."

"Animals could talk?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yes, dear one. At one point they could. Her influence also stole the magic of the weather, the earth, and even the sun and moon." Celestia said. "She intended to make the world run on its own, but this world was not built for such a lack of magic. The places influenced by her the most overgrew with all manner of wild beasts and plants. It became a dark and dangerous place for ponies. It became the Everfree forest."

"Woah nelly!" Applejack said.

"So that's why our magic isn't working? We're under her influence now too?" Cadance asked.

"I'm afraid so. Just being in close contact with her is enough it seems."

"How did you stop her?" Twilight asked.

"I had some help. Starswirl and I rose up against Astelle and challenged her. Astelle cast a spell on Starswirl that twisted his body into something entirely new; and forced his immortality to stay with him until such a time that all magic would be lost." Celestia said.

"Oh my gosh… I know what Starswirl became!" Twilight exclaimed. "He became the Element of Harmony tree, didn't he?"

"Very good, Twilight." Celestia said. "He did indeed. The core of his magic was then encased in himself as the Elements of Harmony. While Astelle was distracted with her spell I cast one on her as well. It was with heavy heart that I banished my sister to a tapestry. She became a gorgeous rose with beautiful weaving and detail."

"The tapestry from the castle? The image that was missing in the middle, was that the rose? Was that Astelle?" Rarity asked.

"Yes, Rarity. I have always kept that tapestry near, and upon seeing the tear in the fabric and the missing rose I knew my sister had escaped once more." Celestia said.

"Wait, what tapestry?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well, it was one we found when we went looking for Luna and-" Fluttershy started.

"Rainbow Dash, please, let the princess continue. It's so rude to interrupt." Rarity said.

"But you… fine." Rainbow muttered.

"After that I tried my best to re-introduce magic to Equestria, but despite my better efforts Astelle's influence still remained. She had infused her magic in places that I did not know, and it caused all manner of problems for the poor ponies."

"So those dragons in the woods, and my little animal friends, they're under Astelle's influence? Is that why they can't understand me anymore?" Fluttershy asked in a whimper.

"Yes, I'm afraid. Anything that can be linked to a magical property is taken away." Celestia said.

"Woah wait a minute, if Astelle is all about the big 'I don't want magic' why did she turn Trixie into Nightmare Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"So that she can finally carry out the deed she originally set forth to do. Only with Trixie's assistance can she murder the tree of harmony and rid Equestria of magic. For you see, the elements themselves are the root to every unicorn's magic. We are an extension of its power." Celestia said.

"Does Trixie know that?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"I doubt it, little one. You see, Trixie was not her first choice, she originally wanted…" Celestia started.

"Me. She wanted me." Luna said, finally rejoining the group. "I think it's my turn to finish the story." Luna said, still upset yet rational.

"If this wasn't so serious and dangerous this would be the best story EVER!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"As a young filly we grew up in the same castle where Starswirl had taught our sister the ways of magic. Our parents were still earth ponies, but as my sister has said, we were born an alicorn. We knew nothing of the dealings of the oldest sister, and no pony dared speak her name around us it seems." Luna began. She was pacing as she told the story, unable to sit still. She was battling the uncontrollable emotions she still felt from everything that had happened.

"Celestia taught us magic, and taught us about Starswirl the Bearded whom we had never met. We grew up in splendor but we knew there were secrets kept from us. No matter how we tried to prove our worth to our sister, she would not confide in us." Luna said, looking at Celestia as she talked. Celestia furrowed her brow in sadness but did not interrupt. Until now she had only been able to hear and say her side of this story. She was both curious and heartbroken to hear Luna's version.

"We believed that we would be seen as an equal to our sister upon the arrival of our cutie mark. We were the sisters who could rule the skies, and watch over the ponies who needed our magic and protection. We loved the earth's tranquil beauty at night and the dark sky that was lit only by the stars. However, ponies did not feel the same way. They shunned the night; they celebrated only the sun. They cast us out of their dreams, believing it was us who had given them their nightmares." Luna said, her eyes watering at the memory.

"Sister…" Celestia offered. "You do not have to tell this story if you-"

"You're wrong." Luna said sharply. "We must be the one to finished this story because we believe that we understand Astelle better then you, sister. You have never felt this pain, nor could you understand it."

The other ponies remained absolutely silent during Luna and Celestia's conversation, the tension in the room was so thick that it had every pony on edge.

"We were not warned about the history of the Everfree forest. We did not know of the dark magic that lurked there. It was the Everfree forest that offered the only relief to us when we were rejected by our kingdom. Celestia never took notice of my leave to the forest; she was far too busy living the life of luxury and praise. We had been able to bear all these trials until…" Luna paused, trying to force the memory out after having locked it away for so long. A few tears trickled down her cheeks but she was turned away from the light and no pony could see them. Unfortunately for Luna they could hear her sobs in her voice.

"Until our parents passed away. That's when we began to realize that the other ponies would age and die, leaving us behind as immortal rulers. Our friends, our families, all withered away to dust and we could do nothing to slow it down, stop it, or join them."

Pinkie Pie burst into tears and threw her hooves around Rainbow Dash in a hug. Fluttershy and Rarity did the same, with Rainbow barely able to catch a breath in the midst of them.

"I'm so sorry Princess." Twilight whispered.

"Does this mean Twilight will have to watch us…" Applejack started, unable to finish the sentence. The other ponies released Rainbow from their embrace with a look of sheer horror on their faces. How could they ever expect Twilight to undergo the pain of losing them? The thought of it brought more tears to their eyes.

"Shining Armor…" Cadance whispered; this too caused the other ponies to weep openly. Twilight sat on the ground slowly, trying to absorb this.

"No my little ponies, no!" Luna said above the roar of their cries. "Tis only our blood line that was cursed with Starswirl's immortality."

"Blessed, not cursed." Celestia corrected.

"Tis not a blessing to me, sister." Luna finally admitted.

"You've never told me that." Celestia said.

"Because you would never listen. You never saw the pain behind our smile as we raised the moon each night, looking out on our kingdom wishing for nothing more than mother's embrace and father's kind words. After a while, we stopped making friends with the ponies in the castle as we were not willing or able to lose any more ponies that we loved." Luna said.

"Oh sister…" Celestia whispered, tears returning to her eyes. Pinkie Pie offered her a hankie.

"In our despair we would wander into the Everfree forest and it felt as though for only a moment the weight of the crown was lifted. Only for a moment we could be as any other pony, mortal and free to live a life with love and friendship. But seeing how we did not know that Astelle's magic still lingered there we did not see the signs of its arrival. It had taken many years, but the sorrow and pain in our heart attracted the pieces of her magic that was left. It must have been like a replica of our oldest sister's heartbreak that drew it into us as we spent our darkest hours deep in the heart of the forest. We felt a slight transformation in the way we conducted ourselves around other ponies. The pain we felt was beginning to ease all on its own for no apparent reason. Although the pain was reduced, it was filled with hatred and anger instead. But having felt so pained for so long we welcomed any alternative. One fateful night we could not contain our jealousy any longer. Celestia had just celebrated the rising of the summer sun the day prior and the ponies cheered for her because she could so easily blot out our night. Those familiar feelings of anger washed over us and we embraced them unlike we ever had before, wishing it would destroy the sadness in our heart. Instead, it began to twist us… our mind, our body, and very being. The pain was gone, and in its stead laid nothing but a darkness unlike we had ever known. The dark magic that had turned me into Nightmare Moon was the residual magic left here by Astelle. Of course, we did not know this at the time. With Astelle's magic our anger for Celestia increased ten-fold, enough that we wanted to see her… gone." Luna said, pausing on the last word as she winced from the memory. "Had we been given the chance, we would have killed our own sister."

"It was not your fault, Luna. I had not seen the signs, nor had I recognized Astelle's influence in you." Celestia interrupted.

"When we were banished to the moon we became to know this magic in a different way, it seemed to understand us and to love us. It made us stronger with hate and it did not let pain or sadness take hold of us. Anger was far greater than sadness in our eyes. Time moved far more differently for us than for the ponies below. The longer we stayed on the moon the more this magical presence influenced us. However, a thousand years later we must admit that there was nothing more relieving than to have it banished from us by you ponies. You released us from one of the darkest and more frightening places in our heart, and though pain and sadness returned we embraced it happily knowing that we were once again in control of ourself and our senses."

"Of course, none of this made sense until Astelle finally revealed the secrets that our sister had kept from us for so long. She had never met me, but she knew me as I knew her. Her magic had been with me so long she believed we shared a deeper bond and a common goal. She offered to return the power that had once held me captive but in a much greater capacity. She offered to love me as Celestia never did. She wanted to destroy magic and Celestia so that she and I could live the remainder of our days as mortal ponies; something we both longed for above all else."

"But you said no?" Twilight asked, both thankful and shocked.

"Indeed, Twilight Sparkle, we rejected her." Luna said.

"Oooo that must have made her maaaaad!" Pinkie Pie gasped.

"Land sakes, how are you still standing? Seems to me a refusal like that could set her off on a rampage." Applejack noted.

"Perhaps longing for a sister that understands her pain has kept her from 'a rampage'." Luna said.

"Or maybe she just wants an audience for whatever it is she's gonna do." Rainbow Dash said.

"Do you really think she can destroy the Elements of Harmony tree?" Twilight asked.

"Not alone she couldn't. But with Trixie, yes." Celestia said sadly.

"Why Trixie?" Spike asked.

"She needed an Alicorn." Twilight guessed.

"We believe so, yes." Celestia said. "The Elements of Harmony tree cannot be destroyed alone. She realized this when she was banished into the tapestry. Starswirl and I were both infused with enough magic between the two of us to overtake her the first time. It would take much more to destroy him than just her anger-fueled magic alone. By nature, alicorns have the means to be more powerful than a unicorn."

"But without magic… how will we keep Equestria from becoming like the Everfree Forest?" Rarity asked.

"Without magic, we can't." Luna said.

"How do we stop her?" Applejack asked.

"The only way to prevent this from happening is to protect the tree." Celestia said.

"Getting out of here might be a good start." Cadance offered.

"Any suggestions?" Rarity asked.

The others remained quiet, no pony had the slightest idea how they could escape in time.