• Published 9th Apr 2012
  • 10,803 Views, 471 Comments

Lost Tales from the Silmareillion: Morgoth in Equestria - Imperius

The Dark Lord is defeated and given a chance at redemption by Ilúvatar

  • ...

Enter Loyalty

It was around four hours after midnight at this point, and the sound of a pony lost in pleasant slumber filled Twilight’s library. Following the completion of his story, Morgoth had finally given in to the calling of his newly mortal body and drifted off into a peaceful sleep. The same, however, could not be said of the others at the slumber party.

While Morgoth may have found the telling of his story entertaining the other ponies had been, quite frankly, terrified. Though it was well past four in the morning all the lights in the library remained on and the six mares all sat huddled together, shivering in fear, in the center of the floor.

Rainbow shot a jealous glance at the soundly sleeping Morgoth. “Man, how come he’s able to sleep after that story? He’s the one who told it!”

“G-g-g-giant s-s-s-spiders...” was all Rarity could manage.

“Those poor trees...” Fluttershy whimpered, eyes damp.

“Oh come on, everypony,” Twilight said. “There’s no such thing as giant spiders! Why are we even afraid?”

“‘Cause Shadowfax is pretty darn good at spinnin’ a terrifyin’ yarn?” Applejack offered.

Pinkie Pie, meanwhile, was curled up in a ball and letting out a few half-hearted giggles with every breath. “Giggle at the ghostie...”

After a few more moments, Rainbow, fed up with the whole ordeal and attempting to salvage what remained of her image, broke away from the group. “Well you scaredy-fillies can stay up all night jumping at shadows if you want, but I’m going to sleep... over here... next to Shadowfax... ‘cause he’s, uh, cool.”

Rainbow Dash then promptly fluttered over to where Morgoth slept and settled down next to him, closing her eyes immediately and doing her damnedest to pretend she was asleep.

“Umm... I th-think I’m going to go to sleep too, girls. I have to get up in...” Fluttershy checked a clock on the library wall, sighing heavily when she saw the time. “... three hours to feed the animals at my cottage.” And so without any further ado the yellow pegasus followed Rainbow’s lead and curled up on the floor next to her and Morgoth.

“Ah can’t help but agree with Rainbow on this one.” Applejack spoke up. “This all seems a mite silly. Ah’m off ta sleep, night y’all.”

“Same here. I can’t believe I stayed up this late for something so silly. I’m gonna fall so behind in my studies tomorrow...” Twilight lamented as she curled up on the floor next to the group.

“Y-yes well... I simply must get to sleep too. Mustn’t fall behind on my beauty rest!” Rarity hastily added.

Pinkie just crawled over to the group, still half-heartedly giggling the whole time until she fell asleep.

Slowly the rays of the morning sun entered the library, worming their way through Morgoth’s eyelids and rousing him from a sleep that he would never admit to another living soul that he’d enjoyed. He let out a groan at having been awoken, agitated at the fickleness of sleep. It forced itself upon him when he wanted nothing more than to remain awake and then left when he was finally comfortable and simply desired to continue sleeping. In an act of pure spite, Morgoth attempted to roll over and see if he couldn’t simply resume sleeping, only to find that he had been rendered immobile.

Confusion worming its way through his sleep-addled mind, Morgoth began to realize that he was far warmer and more comfortable than he was when he’d gone to sleep. Cracking an eye, the ex dark lord looked around for the source of his newfound comfort and inability to move. When he looked down at himself, Morgoth froze.

Piled around and, in a few cases, on top of him were six ponies. Morgoth’s frown could not have been any deeper. By his own black name, how had any of this come about? Immediately realizing he cared far less for how it had happened than he did for the fact that it was happening, he decided that his first order of business should be to remove the annoying rainbow and purple ponies from his chest. However as he began to shift a few of the ponies began to mumble in their sleep, his actions bringing them close to awakening.

This proved to be a different problem altogether. Removing them from his person would likely cause them to wake up, which meant they would probably start talking. To him. That in itself was a fate worse than death. However the alternative was to simply lay there beneath the pile of infuriatingly adorable ponies while they slept for Ilúvatar only knew how long. Truly he was damned no matter what choice he made. And so Morgoth, Black Foe of the World, Tyrant of Utumno, Master of Angband and Lord of the Balrogs simply laid there beneath a pile of cutely snoring, colorful, magic, tiny horses, completely powerless to do anything at all about it. This was the worst hell.

Twilight slowly opened her eyes, yawning pleasantly as she awoke for the day. But something was off, she didn’t remember going to sleep on a pillow or anything similar, so why was it she found herself on such a comfortable surface. Her natural inquisitiveness taking over, she began to search about for the answer. She quickly found said answer as soon as she looked down to see a white stallion laying on his back beneath her, staring up at the ceiling with the least amused expression she had ever born witness to.

“Good morrow, Lady Sparkle. Though thou appeareth to be quite comfortable, might I request that thou remove thyself from my person?” he asked flatly.

Twilight, a blush beginning to color her cheeks as she realized her position promptly rolled off of Morgoth and onto Pinkie Pie, landing atop the pink pony and causing a squeaking sound she knew better than to question. After extricating herself from the slumbering party pony, Twilight got to her hooves, casting an embarrassed glance at Morgoth. “S-sorry about that. Um, have you been awake for a while?”

“Two hours, forty-six minutes, and seventeen seconds.” he replied.

“O-oh.” she said. “You didn’t try to wake us up?”

“It seemed an impolite thing to rouse thee.” he lied. “Thou did not seem as though thou wouldst be sleeping anytime soon when I myself fell to slumber, I imagined thou wouldst have had very little sleep.”

“Oh,” Twilight said. “Thanks for being so nice about it. We didn’t really get much sleep after that story of yours. You’re really good at telling ghost stories you know! You told it so well it’s almost like you were there watching it happen.”

“I thank thee for thy compliment, Lady Sparkle. However, if thou wouldst do me a kindness...?” he replied.

“Sure, what do you need?”

Morgoth looked from Twilight to the ponies still piled about him, then back to Twilight. It took Twilight a moment to figure out what he was getting at, but finally realization dawned. “Oh! Sorry, Mister Shadowfax, I’ll take care of this!” she said, hurriedly moving to wake the others.

A few startled “Eep!”s and a lot of avoiding eye contact with Morgoth as best as possible later and the stallion was relieved of his burden. However now came the other thing Morgoth dreaded. Now the ponies had begun talking and he sincerely was beginning to miss the Halls of Mandos. He’d have preferred the company of the grim Vala over these prattling creatures any day.

“Yeah, don’t worry about, it’s all good.” Rainbow said, continuing to act as if she wasn’t the one that had crawled on top of him. “I know my awesomeness can be pretty irresistible at times.” If there had been a single doubt left in Morgoth’s mind, it would have been put to rest by this point; the rainbow one would die first.

Ignoring her words as best he could, Morgoth turned to address Twilight. “Lady Sparkle, might I inquire as to when my lessons shall begin? I wish to begin as swiftly as is possible.”

“Oh, um... well you see...” she began, scuffing a hoof against the floor, “I wasn’t really expecting this arrangement that the princess set up, so my schedule for today is completely full. And... um... so is my schedule for the rest of the month.”

“Would it not be but a small matter to simply rework thy plans to make space for thy appointed task?” Morgoth asks, his ire already beginning to build.

Twilight looked as if he’d just suggested that she kill her own mother. “I couldn’t do that!” she exclaims. “I always write out my schedule for the entire month beforehoof! I couldn’t just go and break from my schedule! It would be chaos! How would I know what to do? How would I decide what book to read or when I should go out with my friends?”

Morgoth was beginning to have serious doubts about this creature. Clearly this Twilight Sparkle was an extremely unstable individual. And he was to be bound to her service for the duration of his time upon Equestria. Things were certainly not looking to be in his favor. Idly he wondered if Celestia knew the kind of pony she’d given such immense knowledge and power.

“I... apologize... if I have offended thee, Lady Sparkle.” he said, the hated word leaving a sour taste in his mouth. “Truly I meant nothing ill by it.”

“Aw shucks, Shadowfax, don’t worry about Twi’ here. She gets a little nutty when it comes ta schedulin’.” Applejack said.

“I do not!” Twilight rebutted. In response the others just stared at her for a few moments. “Alright, maybe a little.” she relented. “But next month I’ll be able to work my schedule around teaching you about friendship.”

“Dost thou mean to say that thou hast no free time at all in which to pursue my lessons?” Morgoth asked, aghast at such a delay.

“Well I had planned to have you spend time with a different one of us for your time here so that you could learn different aspects of friendship, but it was just a thought, I haven’t really finalized any plans for teaching you yet.” Twilight explained.

“Oh! Oh!” Pinkie yelled, hopping up and down excitedly. “I like that idea! We each get to hang out with Shady!”

Shady?” Morgoth repeated incredulously.

“Yeah! Your name is Shadowfax, but that’s way too long to say every time, so I figured Shady would work just as well! And I love how it sounds!” she explained. And just like that Morgoth could not decide who should die first yet again.

“Well it would solve my scheduling problem.” Twilight said, putting a hoof to her chin in thought. “Well which one of you would have time this month?”

“All month?” Pinkie asked, her hopping coming to a stop.

“Well yeah, I figure that since I can’t write a new schedule until next month we could just do it for a month at a time.” Twilight explained.

“So he’d be here for six months?” Applejack asked.

“Well Princess Celestia didn’t mention if there was a time limit or anything, so I figure we could just take as much time as we need. Good things take time to do right.” she said.

‘Father!’ Morgoth screamed in his head. ‘I repent! I rescind my evil ways! I beg thee, do not leave me to such a doom!’

Applejack put a hoof to her chin and hummed. “Well it’s gettin’ near Applebuck Season, so ah’m gonna get a mite busy in the near future. Ah probably won’t be able to take him for a while.”

“I just got a huge order in from Canterlot.” Rarity said. “So I’m afraid none of you may see me for quite a while. I’m going to have to pull quite a few all night sewing sessions to finish this.”

“I have too many animals with me right now, it just takes up nearly all my attention these days. I’m so s- wait, what time is it...?” Fluttershy checked the clock and paled when she saw that it was past noon. With a distressed squeak she bolted out of the library without a second’s hesitation.

“I have a job and two foals to take care of.” Pinkie said flatly.

Everyone in the room turned to look at Rainbow Dash with varying degrees of terror ranging from none at all for any of the ponies all the way to heart stopping levels for Morgoth. Rainbow, seeing everyone’s looks, just shrugged. “Eh, why not? I suppose I’ve got some free time.” she said casually. “Just don’t be surprised if there’s nothing left to teach him by the time my turn with him’s up.”

‘Oh by Ilúvatar please no!’ Morgoth thought.

“Oh! I can even take him along on Weather Patrol! That’d be so cool!” she said enthusiastically.

“An’ how’re ya gonna do that now, sugarcube?” Applejack asked. “Hate ta burst your bubble but he ain’t no pegasus pony.”

“Well...” Twilight began. “I have gotten a lot better at that wing spell.”

Pinkie burst out laughing. “Oh man, you mean the one that gave Rarity pretty butterfly wings? You’re gonna use that on Shadowfax?”

‘There are worse things than death, it seems.’ Morgoth thought.

“Well I can do more than just butterfly wings now.” she replied. “I can do normal pony wings. It just needs to be reapplied pretty often.”

“Awesome!” Rainbow cheered. “How often?”

“I can make it last up to three days at a time now, so every third day he should come back to have it recast.” she said.

‘Have I no say at all in this matter?’ he thought. And try as he might all he could do was think it, the damnable oath still had him bound. ‘This must have been what it was like for that idiot elf.’ And to make it worse, against his will he was beginning to empathize with the Noldor’s plight; to be eternally bound by one’s word with no further choice.

“Alright Shadowfax, so does all that sound alright to you?” Twilight asked.

Realizing they’d continued speaking while he’d been lost in his thoughts, Morgoth tried to think up a suitable way to tell them exactly what they could do with that idea of theirs. Though... the oath would just force him to comply anyways, and there was no truer fact than Morgoth’s hatred of being commanded. While he had claimed to have been humbled his heart was still ruled by his pride, and that pride refused to let him be ordered about like some minion. The only way he could see to avoid the iron hand of his oath was to go forward with his trial of his own volition, complete it on his own terms rather than be forced.

Taking a deep breath and steeling himself for whatever would come next, Morgoth made his choice. “I would consider it an honor to be taught by those held in such high esteem by a Vala. I gladly give thee my consent for thy chosen course of action.”

“Wonderful!” Twilight exclaimed. “Now if you’ll just hold still we can get this started.” With that Twilight’s horn began to glow and she slowly advanced on the stallion. Morgoth, for his part, faced his doom with grim resignation, standing stoic before what he was sure would be a painful and humiliating beginning to a similar ordeal.

‘I am going to kill every single one of these creatures, one day.’ Morgoth thought the instant before Twilight’s spell overtook him.

Morgoth looked hesitantly backwards and fluttered his new wings experimentally. It was something of a strange sensation, being immediately gifted with additional appendages.

“Well I’d say that was a complete success!” Twilight said enthusiastically, if not a little wearily. “And see? Normal pegasus wings this time. Guaranteed not to burn up within seconds of sun exposure. I think.”

“That does not-” unfortunately before Morgoth could voice his concerns about the flammability of his new wings he was seized by the hated rainbow pegasus.

“Thanks a lot, Twilight! Sorry to bolt like this but I should probably start training Shady here in how to use his wings. Later guys!”

And just like that Morgoth found himself being dragged from the questionable safety of the library by the maniacal cyan pony. ‘Strange how one can grow to miss old enemies. At least Túrin would have given me the honor of a sword through the heart.’

Suddenly the pegasus ceased her dragging and allowed Morgoth to stand under his own power. “Hehe, sorry, I guess I got a little excited there.” she said.

Morgoth brushed himself off. “Verily...” he said, distractedly.

“Alright, so my first idea is for us to go out over Sky Mirror Lake and have you get used to using your new wings. We’ll see how long that takes before we do anything else. Sound good?”

“Aye, Lady Dash-”

“Just call me Rainbow, man.”

“... Rainbow then. Aye Rainbow, I find this to be agreeable. Let us be on our way then.” he said.

“Right then! Let’s get going, don’t wanna waste anymore daylight.”

“After you, my lady.” Morgoth said, sarcastically holding out a hoof.

“Smart-flank,” Rainbow chuckled, flicking him on the nose with her tail as she passed. It took every ounce of the Vala’s willpower to keep from brutally murdering her then and there.

Rage barely under control, Morgoth fell into step behind Rainbow Dash and the two began to make their way through Ponyville. As the pair trudged through the town Morgoth couldn’t help but try to take in as much of the place as possible. It was such a stark contrast from what he was used to on Arda, the polar opposite of Angband and Utumno. It was bright, it was happy, there was no sense of fear or apprehension, all the ponies seemed as happy as could be.

Was this what Arda would have been like if he had not created the Discord during the Music of the Ainur? Could Arda have been so peaceful? Would the world have been so... happy? It was a question that Morgoth likely would never learn the answer to. A fact that made him glad, to see Arda in such a state would have been a painful affair.


The sudden and unexpected sound wrenched Morgoth from his thoughts of Arda. What in the name of-


Whatever that sound was it grated on his nerves and he wished nothing more than to silence it at once. Taking a look around the street he and Rainbow walked down it wasn’t long before he located the source.


Two pegasus ponies trotted down the street behind a grey pegasus mare, making that insufferable sound and making strange faces as they walked. Upon further inspection he saw that the mare’s cheeks were a bright red as she glared at the ground with mismatching eyes.


“Thy culture is possessed of very strange customs, Rainbow.” Morgoth commented.

“What’re you talking about, dude?” she asked, coming to a halt.

Morgoth pointed a hoof at the trio of ponies as they neared the end of the street, disappearing around a corner, the grating sound still echoing from around the building. The sight, however seemed to enrage the cyan mare.

“Oh not those jerks again!” she growled.

“What has thee so out of sorts, Rainbow? Is that not some Equestrian custom?” Morgoth asked.

“No, those jerks are just bullying poor Ditzy again. Hang on here while I take care of this.” she said, getting ready to bolt off. However a touch on her shoulder stayed her.

“Perhaps I might be of some use here, Lady Rainbow. Allow me to deal with these rabble-rousers in thy stead.” Morgoth suggested.

Rainbow put a hoof to her chin. “I dunno, these guys are serious jerks. You think you can handle them?”

“Perhaps thou might consider it my first lesson in loyalty.”

“Well rescuing Ditzy from bullies would be more to do with kindness than loyalty. Tell ya what, you make friends with Ditzy after helping her and I’ll consider it a point in your favor.”

Morgoth felt an involuntary spasm in his left eye. More ponies meant more frustration. However... if it got him out of there that much faster he could stand such a sacrifice. “Very well Lady Rainbow, I accept thy conditions. I shall return when fair Ditzy has been relieved of her troubles.”

“Alright, but don’t hesitate to ask me for help if they’re too much for you.” she said.

“I shall keep thy offer in mind.” he said as he trotted off after the pegasus, grinning to himself as he went. What an excellent opportunity this was! Little did that idiot rainbow pegasus know Morgoth was not doing this out of the goodness of his heart, as surely none existed there yet. But rather this was out of a desire to cause harm and relieve the stress of his ordeal. If these two pegasi were as unlikeable as Rainbow professed then this was simply an opportunity he could not afford to pass up. He could be openly cruel to these two and yet still appear benevolent to the rest. Perhaps there was something to this friendship thing after all.

After turning the corner the trio had taken Morgoth had little trouble locating them. The road upon which they walked was empty save for the three pegasi. The grey mare’s situation seemed to have taken a turn for the worse though, her two antagonists having cornered her against the wall of a building. As he neared he became able to make out some of their words.

“Haha! Look, now Derpy’s crying! What a baby!” the first exclaimed gleefully.

“Oh wow, really? I missed it, I was too busy looking at her freaky eyes.” the other said.

Morgoth scowled. How weak these creatures must have been to have accosted such a pathetic pegasus. Likely there were no others weak enough for them to assert dominance over. This would be greatly entertaining. Morgoth put on his best smile and approached the group. “Hail brave heroes!” he greeted them.

The first, a tan pegasus with a cloud and a hammer on his flank turned to scowl at him. “Whadda you want, scrub?”

Suppressing the desire to end him for his insolence, Morgoth continued on. “I came upon thee in my travels and saw that thou stood over a fallen foe and wished to congratulate thee on thy great victory! Tell me, how great were this villain’s deeds to warrant such celebration for her disgrace?”

The second, a deep blue pegasus with a flank mark of three stacked rocks looked at Morgoth quizzically. “Dude, it’s just Derpy and we’re messin’ with her.”

Morgoth adopted a quizzical expression. “So thou doth mean to say that thy great conquest was naught to do with any wronging?”

“Dude, you talk weird. Get lost.” the tan one said.

“And I shall, but I shall require the company of thy fallen opponent before I do.” Morgoth said.

“Nah dude, we’re still, uh, hangin’ out with her.” the blue one replied.

“Thy meeting can be postponed. I require her presence at once.”

The tan one walked up to Morgoth, getting well into his personal space. “Just walk away, dude. Before I make you.”

Morgoth did not cow before the stallion, instead remaining in his place and returning his glare with an even stare of his own. “I think thou hast little say in this matter, foal. Take thy pitiful selves away from my sight and leave the mare with me.”

The other pegasus stallion joined the tan one, standing threateningly before Morgoth. The Vala cracked a grin at their weak display of dominance. Oh if only they knew what it was they opposed.

Morgoth moved in very close to the stallion and spoke barely above a whisper so the grey mare would not hear. “Hear me, fools, I have killed better men than thee. I have littered an entire world with corpses and now I am here to do the same to this world. Thy seas shall run red with blood and the very world shall be torn asunder. Despair, mortals, for I am the end of days!”

They could not break eye contact with him, his terrifying gaze pulling them in. In those evil orbs they saw absolute conviction for what he was saying and so had no reason to doubt him. Morgoth eventually blinked and freed the ponies from his hold, prompting the two to tuck tail and run for their lives from the crazed monster in the form of a pony.

Morgoth allowed himself a smug smile as he watched the two fools sprint away. Such weak, pitiful creatures they were. Satisfied at relieving his desire for cruelty slightly, Morgoth made to trek back to Rainbow to begin his... tutelage under her. Before he could take two steps, however, a weight struck his side and sent him toppling to the gorund. “What in Ea?!” he shouted.

“Thank you thank you thank you thank you!” the grey mare he’d forgotten about sobbed into his coat. Morgoth was not at all sure how to react to that. One thing he was sure of, however, was that she was getting tears all over him and that was completely unacceptable!

“Stop crying.” he said bluntly.

“I’m sorry, I just can’t help it.”she said between sobs. “Those guys were so mean and I’m just so happy you got rid of them! Thank you, thank you so much!” And still she kept crying.

“Aha, so it seems you completed both parts, eh?” a familiar, annoying voice said.

“Aye, Rainbow, I rid Lady Ditzy here of her problem.” Morgoth confirmed.

“And it looks like you made friends with her too.” Rainbow Dash added, snickering at his position on the ground. “So are you alright Ditzy? Dide Shadowfax here help you out alright?”

Ditzy turned to look at Rainbow Dash, sniffling. “Oh, hi Rainbow. Yeah, he chased off those jerks that keep making fun of my eyes.” she said, slowly getting to her hooves with Morgoth right behind her.

“Aye, those fools shall not bother thee again, Lady Ditzy.” Morgoth said.

“Thank you so much. So your name’s Shadowfax? I’ve never seen you around Ponyville before.” Ditzy remarked.

Before Morgoth could make an excuse Rainbow came to his defense. “He’s actually a friend of Princess Celestia’s! She sent him here so we can teach him what we learned about friendship or something. I don’t really remember, I wasn’t actually listening.” The rainbow pony’s stupidity was quickly proving to be Morgoth’s greatest ally in this ordeal.

“Well I’m really happy you’re here.” Ditzy said. “And thanks again. I’d stay longer but I’ve gotta finish delivering these letters. I’ll see ya soon, okay Shadowfax? See ya!” And with that she took off, Rainbow waving happily after her and Morgoth awkwardly waving goodbye.

As the two continued on their way Rainbow gave Morgoth a pat on the back. “That was a great job ya did there, Shady. Looks like I’m a pretty great teacher after all! Man, this is gonna be so easy!”

“Truly thou art an inspiration to us all, Lady Dash. All would do well to aspire to attain thy level of wisdom.” he said, the sarcasm completely missed by the rainbow pony.

“Yeah, I am pretty awesome, aren’t I?”
