• Published 22nd Jun 2014
  • 3,989 Views, 456 Comments

A New World - A New Game - V-Oblivion

How will a group of Pokemon Mercenaries react to be in the friendly word of Equestria? Sidestory to Zeusdemigod131 "A New World, a New Way"

  • ...

Fifteenth Move

Fifteenth Move

The Friendship Express
Going back to Ponyville

The overly colorful machine kept its engine roaring and its wheels spinning across the mountain side of Canterlot. The city bestowed on the very mountain's submit been already a sight on the horizon. The engineer had the steam powered machine running at tip top shape, making it so the passengers would properly arrive at Ponyville in time as always.

Of course, that wasn't counting that train which was almost derailed by some Pokemon, but that was a different story.

On each wagon was a group of Ponies eagerly looking at the marble capital of Equestria at the distance, all but one.

Daring looked at the window from beneath her big hat and fake corrective glasses. A full body cape covered the rest of her. She would have preferred to fly back at Ponyville, but the train was giving the explorer mare some good privacy as she thought over what the merchant had told her.


Caterlot's alley
The night prior

"What do you mean by that?" Asked the explorer with surprise and disgust. "There hasn't been such a thing like a sacrificial ritual in centuries. Why would Tlaloque want something like that? Let alone someone agreeing to it!"

"I only told you what I have heard miss Yearling," replied the shop keep. "But I could give you something more with the right incentive of course!"

The mare simply took a single bit out of her pocket. The gray pony was about to take it when she slammed her hoof on it, leaving it as flat as a piece of paper while looking at the shop keep as coldly as she could.

"I-I presume that is incentive enough" replied the mystical pony with slight fear, "I think Terrowin saw a chance to get rid of Empress Victoria with the ritual and I presume others against him as well. He has never been too bright after all, so the implications of his 'escapade' may have been over his intellect."

Daring just gave the stallion another cold look.

"O-o-of course that is not what you want to know," he stuttered and cleared his throat, then continued. “People say that old creature broke his ties with Ahuizotl because of disagreements. He seemed to be looking for something that the three legged dog was never able to deliver, so he grew weary of him and left his side."

Daring arched an eye.

"He seems to be looking for that ever since. The ritual may be a key for that, at least that is what some of us theorize. That creature rarely talks about his plans, or talks at all for that matter."

"Do you know where he is?" She asked/demanded.

"I am afraid not miss," the shop keep honestly answered while cleaning his glasses. "But I have a colleague that may be of your assistance. He has his own shop in the colorful city of Las Pegasus, so even if he can't be of help. You can hear a thing or two from the gossips."


Back on the present

Daring continued to look at the window. Her mind lost in thought, while the train had stopped to deliver some cargo and let other passengers board. These kind of inconsistencies made Ponies wonder if the train should really be called 'express' at all.

The explorer, however thanked the solar diarchs for the extra thinking time. The sudden revelation of having a psychopathic creature looking for blood while in the middle of a world wide crisis didn't settle easily in her head. She thought about the possibilities behind Tlaloque's ritual. “First of all it was a ritual," she thought. "Meaning that it is meant to call for something else, which now brings me to the next question: why? If is something he can summon no matter the place, then why bothering with the Griffin? He could achieve his goal just as easily with any of the rouge Diamond Dogs all over Equss, not to mention those Hyena breed from Hoofrika..."

Then a rather odd sight made her snap out of her out of her thoughts: an all out musical number, or at least the end of one. Ponies erupting into such thing at the drop of a hat wasn't such a rareness. In fact, all of Equestria was rather proud of their sporadic ability to create a whole melody for the simplest of events. The one Daring just saw seemed to be about trains as the music stopped in perfect synchrony with their arrival.

Such things weren't of the explorer's delight, but she paid little attention to them. What did catch her attention this time was the thematic of the music: opera.

Despite the roaring notice from the train, she could clearly hear the finishing notes they achieved. Specially a rather slim Unicorn Pony directing the group and clapping her hooves in glee after a perfect performance.

As always, the routine life returned as if nothing happen. The slim mare was still clapping so an Earth stallion gently pulled her into the train, and by some twist of fate, right before her seat.

"Is this seat occupied?" Gently asked the stallion with a Trottingham accent. He wore a black smoking over his soft blue coat. A blonde and stylishly combed mane over his gentle but sharp eyes. Daring noticed all of this and it made her think of somepony, although, she couldn't quite remember.

'It was that guy of the martinis,' she thought while mindlessly giving them a nod.

"Thank you," thanked the Pony and first offered the seat to the slim mare of before.

"Danke!" Thanked said mare in an old and thick Griffinheim tone, "Mhm..." She had a grayish blue coat and a braided jet black mane, but what called more the attention was her big cold blue eyes, as Daring subtly noticed as the mare had her face inches of her snout.

"...can I help you?" Asked the disguised explorer while masking her voice as much as possible, although her tone was clearly of discomfort.

"Mein freund," she calmly replied without moving away. "You have a rather large amount of clothes for creatures who like to be naked."

"What my friend means," quickly interjected the stallion while softly pulling the big eyed Unicorn back. "Is that it’s such a waste to cover that lovely face of yours with so much clothing." A suave smile upon his lips as he flattered her.

'Nice save,' she thought while chuckling. It wasn't the first time she had met with ponies hiding something, but she had to admit the stallion did a good job doing so. Even when she wasn't some pony to fall for flattery.

"Thanks," she dryly replied while giving them an odd look from beneath her fake glasses. "I see your friend here still has some spirit despite the number she just pulled."

"She sure does," he replied with what Daring could only assume was embarrassment over the musical number from last stop. "She often likes to break into songs. I never expected the town's folk to go along with it to the point of getting a whole set out of no where!"

"Ya!" Exclaimed the mare with glee. "I have never been part of something like that."

"Never... Really?" Daring questioned with disbelieve, something the stallion quickly picked up to.

"Is that not supposed to be weird?" He asked with his calm demeanor, yet his eyes showed how interested he was.

"Not really," she casually replied with a shrug, as she thought things had suddenly gotten interesting. "I guess she is lucky to have ended up directing."

"Indeed she was," replied the stallion while looking at his friend who was currently humming the song from before.

Daring smiled as he seemed to have let go of the topic. Although she preferred to use her time to think over Tlaloque's plan, she had to admit it was fun to have some old Agatha Crystal like adventures from time to time.

"By the way, I never got to hear your names," she began while letting them see a bit more of her face. "I am Yearling by the way."

"Uns auf sie!" Chirped the Unicorn mare. "I am Roa!" she held out a hoof towards Daring.

The explorer took it gently and then noticed the black circles around Roa's eyes, and how they seemed to be lifeless.

"And I am agent Gold," added the Earth Pony a bit too quickly, apparently having noticed how she was staring.

"Nice to meet you," she gently replied with her fake voice, while also noticing that they didn't recognize her fake, yet more popular name. "Agent? That is one odd name. Not the strangest I’ve heard though." She recognised.

"Y-yeah, my crazy dad's idea," he replied, a bit confused at first.

"It sure seems like that," calmly replied Daring with her real voice now, which both passengers noticed.

At the distance, a mountain could be seen.

"So unless you work for that rare agency with a lot of zeroes," she began as the train began to enter through a tunnel. "Why don't you two tell me who you really are, or rather what type of Pokemon you are?"

The cart they were in finally had to go under the mountain, where the shapes of Ponies before Daring disappeared and were replaced with two big shadows sitting as a certain bipedal Pokemon she knew.

"What gave us away?" Inquired the male one. His voice was still the same elegant one of before, although he didn't move his lips, or rather beak, anymore.

Daring calmly replied. "Musicals are way too common here. If you two were to play dumb about it, then you should have better chosen different species than Ponies."

The female one didn't say a thing. All she did was shiver in the corner of her seat. Daring quickly noticing the big fur ball trembling and added.

"Relax, its not like I will start screaming or anything. I just don't see the need to camouflage yourselves when Pokemon are pretty much normal by now," she patted her head as she said this, noticing how much hair she had. "Or at least they aren't such a fuss anymore."

Roa seemed to calm down in response.

"Its mostly because of my friend here," explained Gold. "She doesn't like to be the center of attention, at least not when everyone points at her like she’s some kind of dangerous creature, so I suggested that she disguise herself as one of the locals."

Daring made use of the information she received from Arceus the night prior and run a list of Pokemon capable of doing such a thing as disguising as Ponies while also been able to talk. The list narrowed to a couple of them, but the furry sensation she received from Roa turn it into only one option.

"So she is an Illusionist Pokemon then?" She asked more as a formality, as she was sure to be correct.

If Gold was surprised or not was a mystery for the Pegasus, since the train was still dark. Roa on her end stopped trembling, instead she grabbed her hoof and pull her close, again having her snout inches from her now shining blue eyes.

"Beeindruckend!" She exclaimed, "I didn't know there were psychics in this world too!"

Daring couldn't stop comparing Roa's expression with that of a child.

"I’m sure it is just a mental deduction," interjected the agent. “But how you arrived at that answer in the first place is what surprises me the most."

Daring could hear the seriousness on his voice.

"We may not be that much of a hot topic, as you say, but I don't see how you became capable of knowing so much about her. Not many people know of her kind back on our world, so how come you do?"

"Let's just say I have a very important acquaintance," She replied cryptically. "But don't worry, I can introduce you to him."

"That is something I look forward to," Complemented Gold as the train left the darkness of the mountain.

Daring had a mere glimpse of what they looked like, it was too faint to make much out of it, yet she was impressed all the same, as one thing was to know about something and another very different was to see the real thing. Although Gold only looked like some blue duck who was really wearing a black tuxedo. Once the flash of light was over, both Pokemon returned to the Ponies she had meet a few minutes prior.

"I, however, do not know what you are. Care to answer the question?" Inquired Daring while retuning at her fake voice and looking at Gold. Roa was now looking at the window like a child.

"Me?" Retorted Gold with fake humility while smiling, "I am just a ladies mon."


Outside of Poniville
Racing grounds

The general public seemed to be in both, awe and discomfort, as the race had an unexpected end despite how impressive it was. Weiss however, wasn't around for the 'celebrations' as he was currently talking with someone else.

Edge had left some time ago to give the duo, Weiss and Latios, some privacy.

The Bisharp waited for her to be far enough to hear them and then he started, "what is it that you are looking to discuss Lord Latios?"

"Just Latios is fine," replied the Eon Pokemon with cool elegance while adding. "You do call my sister without any formality after all."

'So its going to be one of those talks,' dryly thought Weiss, happy about his Dark-type advantage. “Very well then, so how may I be of help?"

Latios looked directly at Weiss’ eyes with his usual seriousness. "I know you and Latias are close," he began. "And I also know you became a great source of moral support for her once I was gone, for which I am thankful."

Weiss nodded, accepting his words, and was about to reply something when Latios raised a claw, meaning he wasn't done yet.

"Latias can be really friendly and kind towards others, she has a very soft heart after all."

Weiss had to hold himself from adding 'she is too good for her own sake.'

"Yet I see she acts slightly different with you." The legendary continued. “She seems to treat you on a more carefree way, a way I would say I have only see her use with me."

'Is that... Is that jealousy I hear on his voice?'

"Besides, I have little reasons to think you to be someone to dislike Pokemon or consider them as inferior, your relationship with your team makes that much clear."

There was a silent pause.

"So I will be direct here," if possible, Latios eyes become even more serious as he asked, "what is your relationship with my sister?"


Weiss remained silent, not because he was taken off guard, he saw the question coming from miles, but because he didn't have to answer such a question before, properly at least.

"Well, what else could I be?" He replied casually. "I am just a good friend."

Latios arched an eye as he found that hard to believe, but waited for him to elaborate.

Weiss sighted and continued. "You don't have to worry about anything happening between us. I am nothing but a grain in the massive sand clock which is time." He shrugged while finishing.

Latios was about to say something else when a voice join them, a voice both of them knew very well.

"He is right brother," Latias commence as she make herself visible, a gentle but fake smile on her face. “There is nothing, there can't be something, between us beyond friendship."

"... I'm so-" Latios began, but was cut short.

"I am tired, from the race and all the cleaning..." She abruptly said while turning around, her voice a lot less gentler than before. “So I will be heading back." And so she took off.

"We will catch up another day!" Weiss exclaimed before she was too far.

The female legendary looked back and nodded. A small glimmer of sadness and happiness mashed together shone on her teary eyes as she took off.

Latios then turned back to glare at the former human, who didn't seemed phased in the slightest as he commented.

"I am a mere mortal," he walked beside Latios and added, "So I entrust her happiness to you, demigod." A silent second later he added, "And I would suggest that you start now."

Latios couldn't reply as he too took off behind his sister.

Weiss look at them flying away, sighte, and then said, “Eavesdropping is a terrible habit you know."

From behind a three, a slim Togekiss came out, a sad look in her dilated eyes.

"I didn't want to..." She began, "I thought you were in trouble because of your actions before Lord Arceus... So..."

"You didn't expect to find this washed out soap opera cliche?" Joked the mercenary.

"She does like you, you know!" Valerie snapped, not comfortable with Weiss’ choice of words. "And yet you...!"

"She can read my mind, remember?" Weiss replied calmly. “She already knows how I feel."

Valerie looked confused. “Then why?"

Weiss sighed again. “A hundred years. That is as about as far as my life will last, and even that is only with lots of luck. She had over a millennia and still she has that lovely juvenile heart."

The Fairy-type remained silent.

"My words are causing her pain now. That is the truth and it hurts me back, but it will be a mere second in comparison to what my departure could become to her if I ever stopped being 'her friend'." He continued to look at the retreating forms of the Eon duo, apparently talking in the distance. "You should have seen what losing her brother was like for her."

"..." At the moment, Valerie seemed to be through an emotion she rarely experienced: anger, "What do you think is worse?" She coldly began. "To mourn a loved one for a couple of years and cherish the good times, or regret over the 'what could have been' for eternity?"

And then she left.

Leaving Weiss alone with his thoughts. Meanwhile above, a dragon legendary received a Mist Ball to the face as his sister flew away into the distance.


The walk back was very uncomfortable for the Bisharp. Not because of what had happened, at least not in the 'awkward walk' kind of scenario. Valerie had been kind enough to cover the events as she told Edge, Greninja and Char about her night.

"... and then I spent an hour calming June down, and another one to convince Princess Twilight not to throw the royal guard at you ..."

What was troubling Weiss was the fact he made Latias cry. It wasn't the first time though. He had a record of those from which he wasn't proud on the slightest, but every time he achieved another 'milestone' he regretted it greatly. That was what had been troubling the former human all the way back.

His team already knew what happened without needing to ask. Weiss looks said it all, so they preferred to hear at Valerie's story. The mercenary leader, however, was grateful for that, as it give him time to think.

"But anyway, I promised the Princess I would visit her later so I could give her the information I know about Fairy-types, so if you’ll excuse me," And without adding much she left.





"... So, Char!" Edge broke the silence with a scream. “How was the search for Lala?"

The veteran mercenary seemed glad about her sudden and abrupt inquiry. "I am afraid I wasn't able to find out much," he began while walking into the Village, at a rather fast pace in fact. “There were many lovely ladies like her, but none were her equal. I think we should ask around for information.."

Weiss looked at them rapidly disappear in the distance, and looked to his side, only to find that at some point Greninja had left as well. The former human couldn't blame them though. It was something his own stubbornness had brought and thus it was up to him to deal with it. Not to mention the rest of his team constantly tease him in order to make a choose, either be true with himself or cut his ties with her.

Yet he was unable to do neither of them, which weary him even more.

So he did the only thing he could think of, walk aimlessly.


Griffin Empire
Training grounds

Shredder had a wonderful night and that could clearly been seen on her shining metallic skin, although her expression remained the same thought one of always, so etching her 'trinies' did noticed with sadness, as they were currently running around the castle.

"Watch your breathing!" She exclaimed. “You are too used to fly to solve most problems, and while is a good advantage, some Pokemon will know how to abuse it on their favor. You need to be able to maintain your ground without relying on the sky!"

The tired Griffin would be glaring at their instructor if it wasn't for how unfamiliar running was for them.

Truth, they could be fast sprinters if they wanted, but keeping a phase for a long time was new to them, much to their tiredness, but mostly, for their instructor's confidence. They had no way to retort at her when they clearly show weakness in this aspect, so they keep trotting around, focusing on their breathing.

As morning training continued, a young maiden approached the female Bisharp.

"What news do you bring Linza?" Asked Shredder to her newly given maiden. It was something the Pokemon felt unnecessary, but Empress Victoria insisted on her having a servant.

"Morning my lady," replied the maiden with a soft and gentle voice.

Unlike most Griffin, who had the head of a bird of prey and the rear of a hunting feline, Linza had an exotic body: a elegant Red-rumped Swallow face with big eyes, and a petite Ocelot's rear. Obviously either of these creatures were unknown to the Pokémon, but even so she could tell how different this maiden was from the rest, her soft and gentle demeanor increased this fact enormously.

"I see your training regime has started earlier than yesterday's" pointed out the maiden.

"I had to show kindness to those under my command, for the first day at least." Calmly replied Shredder.

'That was kindness!' Mentally exclaimed the few trainees capable of hearing her.

"But that is to be expected," finished the Pokemon.

"I see my lady is very strict with her morals," replied Linza with a smile. “The Empire is surely is at good claws."

Shredder wasn't a mon who liked flattery, but she had to admit Linza's tone made her think about accepting them.

"You still haven't told me what you come for," the Pokemon retorted.

"My apologies my lady," replied the Griffin unphased "I was sent to look for you. It seems a group of Pokemon had gathered on the front door. They seem to be looking an audience with the Empress."

"Oh!" Said Shredder with delight, happy to see some Pokemon willing to approach the castle. “So I am needed to translate then?"

"Actually no, my lady," calmly answered the maiden.

"So there is a Psychic-type with them?" Asked the mercenary with renewed interest.

"I am afraid not, my lady," replied Linza, much for Shredder's dismay and confusion. "One of their members seem to be capable of talking just like you do."

"That is rare," proclaimed Shredder as she turned to the running Griffin and order them. “Take a ten minute break, then began combat training!"

The soldiers were happy to oblige as they sat down on the ground.

"I want to meet this talking Pokemon," explained Shredder as she let Linza guide her. "I have only met one in my whole life. What kind is it?"

"He is accompanied by a large number of pokemon, and he claims to be a..."


"Meowth, that's right!"

Happily exclaimed a rather common looking cat being. The only difference been the gold plate on its forehead, the fact he was standing on two legs and mainly the part when he was talking in perfect and proper equish. He also happen to be wearing a ringmaster costume.

"We are more than willing to perform for the great Empress as a show of good will and thanks for the kindness she has bestowed upon us!"

An assorted group of Pokemon cheered in agreement, some wearing other circus costumes and eager to perform, like a strong man Machamp, a fat lady Snorlax, a contortionist Medicham, a knife throwing Lucario, a magician Hypno, a group of clowns conformed by a Spinda, a Ursalisc, a Jinx and a Wobbuffet, and of course a mime Mr. Mime.

"I see you are an interesting group..." Commented the guard looking at the gates while glancing at the Meowth and the two other Pokemon beside him, a lioness like creature with a red mane longer than her body and a sophisticatedly smirking Roserade, although this one had a short leaf-cape, "but I can't let you all in just like this, if you want to perform before our highness, I suggest you to present the proper petition for an addition, then your group will be allowed entrance."

"Oh, don't be so stubborn!" Replied the Meowth while elegantly twirling the fake mustache that lied on his face. “Can't you see the enthusiasm these good Pokemon are showing? Not to mention you will make waste of the hard work these lovely ladies put on making these attires."

The Meowth then pointed his rolled whip towards a smiling group of Leavanny and Spinarak, beside them was yet another two groups, apparently one was in charge of carrying most of the equipment, like a Vigoroth, a Pinsir, a Gigalith and a Granbull. The other group was confirmed by some Iluminise, a Froslass, a Vivillon, a Loudred and a couple of Kricketune. The roll the last group had wasn't clear.

The guard look at the eager group, sad to be about to crush their illusions, when someone arrived to remove that weight off him.

"They can perform." Commanded Shredder as she arrived, much to the guard's surprise, meanwhile Linza took off.

"Milady," greeted this Griffin with a bow. "I don't think that is wise..."

"Nonsense!" Replied Shredder back. “These Pokemon look forward to perform for our Empress and I don't see a reason why we should stop them."

"How about security?" Offered the guard in a deadpan.

"If anything were to happen, I will deal with them myself." Calmly and surely replied the Bisharp as she walk out the castle gates. "You all can rejoice. Your enthusiasm will not be wasted!"

Needless to say, the circus troupe cheered at her words.

"We thank your generosity milady!" Thanked the ringmaster with a bow as he rubbed both of his paws, the Pyroar and Roserade bowing in a similar fashion beside him.

"You are the ones I should be thanking. With your help the relations between Pokemon and Griffin will grow stronger." She then give the trio a small but respectfully bow in return."I will talk with the Empress about grant you entrance. I am sure you will be able to perform this afternoon."

Shredder then left the little circus troupe waiting as she went to inform Empress Victoria about what was about to happen. "Laughter is what we need more in times of need," she told to herself as she left.

The trio look at Shredder go, once they were sure she was out of sight, they began to chuckle as devilishly as toddlers.

"Infiltration completed!" Proclaimed the male Roserade in a whisper.

"I can't believe it was so easy," added the Pyroar with a grin. "but it was to be expected from one of MY plans!"

"Now all we need to do is waltz in and let the show begin!"

The childish hodle ended with a silent proclamation the three of them made.

"For the New Team Rocket!"

"Wooooobuufett!" Added one of the clowns.


Weiss walked around Ponyville for what felt like hours to him, even if they really were just a couple of minutes. During the time, not once had he looked at anything other than the road beneath his feet. Then he found himself in an unknown place, some small forest beyond the colorful houses, yet still nothing compared to the dark Everfree. The atmosphere was quite tranquil and calm, which made Weiss think on a certain memory he charged with his friend once, the mood was quickly ruined as he remembered the situation said friend and him had.

"Ahhhhh!" Shouted Weiss as he rubbed his hands over his head. It would have seemed normal on a human with hair, but he now looked as if the helmet he had for a head was itching him to death.

"Why do things have to be so difficult...?" He wondered to himself as he proceeded to walk some more, eventually finding something he didn't expect to find; Pokemon training other pokemon.

It took him a second to realize that with humans out of the picture, it was up to Pokemon to train them.

As he looked from the distance, he recognised the Gallade from last night as well the Gardevoir currently instructing him.

"Then the rest of the ones training must be humans as well," He told himself as he watched as two Lucario practicing with a Mismagius, a Blaziken teaching a Delphox and Vaporeon receiving lessons from a...

"Is not fair you know," Weiss heard some energetic child's voice said. “Why can't we be a part of their training as well!?"

"Ah don't know if you remember Scoots, but we ain precisely good a battling yet" retorted another young voice with a thick southern accent.

"Not to mention we’re not Pokemon," added a gentler third child.

Curious, Weiss silently moved closer the childs spying on the Pokemon. It didn't took him long to found the owners of the voices, three little fillies one of each race: an orange Pegasus, a cream yellow Earth Pony and a white Unicorn, the later seemed slightly familiar to Weiss for some reason. The girls made no moment of silence, thus making the Bisharp sneaking around them so much easier.

As the girls talk, another group of voices could be head besides them, although these didn't seemed as interest as the others.

"They do know we are the ones who can fight, right?" mentioned a Charmander behind the orange filly.

"You do know how these three get once something sticks on their head," reasoned a Bulbasaur behind the southern accented one.

"You mean your companions!" proudly proclaimed a Squirtle behind the familiar Unicorn, "Sweetie Belle keeps her hooves on the ground, most of the time." he admitted on the end.

'Sweetie Belle...' Weiss thought, 'I have heard that name before..."

"Come on!" Exclaimed the Pegasus with exasperation, "you two have to admit that looks awesome. I mean: imagine if we could use crazy moves like those!"

"So you are thinking...?" asked the Unicorn with some concern, as if the Pegasus' ideas were a bad thing by default.

"Something dangerous ah’m sure," complimented the Earth Pony.

Her words were ignored as the Pegasus proclaimed. "We should look for some Pokemon and see if they can show us too!"

"That sounds dangerous alright," deadpanned the Unicorn.

"And quite short sighted," added Weiss behind them, having decided that letting the fillies proceed without further supervision was beyond careless from his part. “What will you do without proper knowledge of Pokemon moves."

The three fillies, and the three starters, jumped and twirled toward Weiss as soon he finished talking, although they were more surprised by his presence instead of him talking.

"Good day there," calmly saluted the Bisharp.

"Ehm... good day to you too sir?" shyly but gently replied the Unicorn.

"You gave us the fright of our lives there!" proclaimed the Earth Pony.

"Those who owe nothing, fear nothing," replied the Bisharp with a wise tone, however the Ponies didn't seem to understand him. "I mean you three shouldn't ask about being sneaked on when you were spying on others to begin with." He explained.

The three fillies look sheepishly at Weiss as they tried to think of a good comeback, one finally came from the orange Pegasus, "We weren't spying, we were... ehm... right! We were properly looking at our friends training from a safe distance."

"Uhu..." Replied Weiss unconvinced. "But back on topic. You three should be more careful with Pokemon. Some can be quite nasty."

The orange filly groaned. “We get it. Wild Pokemon are dangerous. We’ve been told that to death!"

"Good, good," complimented Weiss with sarcasm. “And do you know why are we dangerous?"

It felt odd for the former human to refer himself as a Pokemon, although only for a second.

"Isn't that obvious?" doubtfully asked the Earth filly. “Some are said to have caused chaos all over Equestria!"

"Points for knowledge," prized Weiss. “But what kind of Pokemon do you think has caused more chaos over the world?"




"I won't deny those types are known for causing lots of destruction," replied Weiss as he found quite impressive the part they already knew some of the Pokemon types. “But not all of their kinds are bad. I mean, aren't a few of your new friends some of those types?" Weiss pointed at the group training.

"Ah guess you are right mister, but what about it?" asked the filly while scratching the back of her head, which was adorned with a ridiculously big bow.

"Simple!" proclaimed the Bisharp. “Just as some of the scary looking pokemon can be good, some of the harmless looking ones can be dangerous."

"Oh yeah, like what?" asked he Pegasus filly in a defiant tone. “The bugs already living on Apple Bloom's orchard are very weak. Only one of them is strong and it already looks the part."

"Mhm..." Weiss thought for a few seconds and then he hit the three behind him, making it shake so violently than a bunch of birds and Flying-types were scared because of it, this also caused a small beetle like creature to fell of one of the branches.

"Oh come on! Karra-karra !" exclaimed the little Bug-type. "I was just taking a nap here! Karrablast karra!"

Weiss calmly kneeled before the Karrablast and whispered to him, "Throw the strongest attack you know and I let you live."

The calm Weiss said that line was enough motivation the Clamping Pokemon needed to throw a Signal Beam at him. The mercenary dodge it effortlessly with a jump, but the attack went on to hit a tree, a big healthy and thick tree, only for it to fall as the beam reached it.

"That should do it, thank you," thanked Weiss as he softly knocked the bug unconscious before he threw another attack. "Was that lesson enough?"

With an unanimous nod, starters included, the youngsters admitted his point.

"Good, now with that solved, why don't we..."

Weiss next line was cut by an abrupt shriek coming from the woods. The Pokemon trainers looked over at the source of the noise.

"And I presume that is our cue to leave. Come on girls, you don't want to know what caused that."

Weiss took a few steps away, only to turn and see the fillies were on the contrary eager to know what happened.

"I bet it was some sort of monster!" proclaimed the Orange filly.

"Which ones, the old or the new?" asked the Unicorn innocently.

"Now that you mention it, we already have a good amount of dangerous critters in this world. We could make a monster encyclopedia out of them!" Added the ribbon wearing filly.

"Hey that is a great idea!" exclaimed the Pegasus exited.

Before the last filly could add her own portions of their next exciting, and most likely dangerous, adventure, Weiss walked upon them.

"You three lose focus rather quickly, don't you?" The Bisharp then recalled something 'three of each race, energetic and voisterous, looking for any kind of danger they can get themselves into’ he mentally listed and gave them a sigh. “Now I know why your name sound familiar." He looked at Sweetie Belle.

"Huh?" incurred the confused Filly.

"Sweetie Bell, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom, you three are the CMC, am I wrong?" Now all three fillies look confused, so before they ask how and why, the mercenary simply replied, "I know your sister. And I would be a terrible acquaintance of her if I let you and your friends, run into some unknown danger. So tell you what. You all come back with me and I will give you a good story, is that okay?

The three fillies ponder over his proposition.

"And what kind of story can you probably share with us?" inquired Scootaloo.

'This one is a pain.' Weiss thought.

"Yeah, no offence mister, but even if your story is good, we aren't supposed to follow strangers." admitted Apple Bloom.

'This one has some common sense.'

"Well, I don't think going back on our own is a good idea. I mean we were lucky coming here." pointed out Sweetie Bell while pointing a hoof at the three down the road. "Besides, he seems to be a good mon and happens to know my sister. I say we could trust him."

'And this one is too innocent for her own good,' the former human mentally face palmed as his mind returned at the thoughts that brought him there to begin with.

"If you want," began the Bisharp. "I can tell you the story and then you go back home. Is that okay enough for your three?"

The six youngsters hoddled and deliver for a few seconds. Then they broke up and proclaimed, "If it’s a good story, you can."

Weiss smiled at their curiosity.

"Okay then, this will take some time so may want to sit down. Now how should I start it? I guess I should avoid as many name, locations and terms unknown to you as much as possible, so lets begin like this: It was a cold snowy day."


The past
Kanto Region

I should first say is that I have a team, a big family if you will. We specialize in performing jobs of many kinds. I won't get into the details too deep but I will say we did one of every possible job out there.


"So you were looking for your own special talents then?" Inquired Apple Bloom.

"Oh no, we have our talents well defined," calmly replied Weiss. “Although saying we were a bit 'lost' would be more precise."


One of said jobs had taken us to a frigid mountain from our previous world. We were contracted to fight a certain champion whose abilities were said to be legendary and his achievements well proved those legends.

However, our contractor wanted to see if those gossips were indeed true or just exaggerated stories.

Thus we head towards the peak of one of the tallest and less populated places of all that world: Mount Silver.

We could have easily arrive by air, but rumors also said this legendary champion would never take a challenger who doesn't climb properly. Thus we had to go by the hard way, but taken the jobs which included things like climbing walls or pass through mountains. To climb a mountain was rather easy for us. Not to mention those guarding the champion were ease to pass too, because somehow some people thought they had to test those looking for a challenge.

To not make things too long, I will cut to the good part, when we arrived at the peak.

The wind stormed as if the nature itself tried to persuade us from our decision, but we pushed forward till we reached a neutral battle ground. On the other side was a lone young man.



"Oh, right, forgot that part. Let me retrace that."


A lone young adult stood at the other side. His serious gaze looking at us with enthusiasm and determination.


"That is one odd greeting," I commented as I placed myself on my respective position. "I am looking to challenge the one called Red! Would you happen to be him?"

"..." The smile grew on my opponent, as well did his excitement on his eyes. "I am the one known as Red."

The tone he was using was quite difficult to decipher. He clearly looked excited, yet his voice was really calm, I would even dare to say emotionless.

"Then shall we start?" I simply asked as I sent my first comrade into the fight. “Go! Simon!"

Still smiling, Red sent his own companion as well. "Snorlax, take care of him!"

And then the battle started.

My family and I had taken care of numerous foes in the past, from strong monsters to overwhelming numbers to both at the same time,but Red, Red was indeed something else entirely. Simon's kind is known for been able to pierce through anything, yet he was unable to break through the thick body of Red's Snorlax. In the end, and to my surprise, my comrade was out of commission in less than five minutes.

"Come back Simon, you did a great job!" I congratulate my friend. Once I was over the surprise, however, he had managed to leave the opponent damaged enough for the next round. “Go, Burton!"

With each Pokemon we draw, a small war of only two combatants broke loose, and for every mon we took off, a very tired and weakened one remained, only to be taken out in return. Finally we ran out of Pokemon, and had to put our trust on our best fit there, mine was my second in command Shredder, a Bisharp, his was a very brave Pikachu, and I mean brave since it didn't doubt to go against a fully rested adversary after had taken care of a Haxorus on its own.

Now something you should know about my team. The world subtly doesn't exist in our dictionary when we decide to go all out, with the exception of my second in command. She always goes full force from the beginning.

"Shred, don’t give them time to react, Iron Head!" I order her and she immediately replied with a full frontal charge against the small electric Pokemon.

The famous trainer wasted no time however, as he made his companion avoid the attack and increase its speed again, and again and again. As you see, as quick on her feet my Shred is, Pikachus are damn fast, and their speed give them a certain advantage, as there is a single attack they can learn which exploits this advantage, an attack which becomes stronger the faster the user its. Now I can't tell you how that is done, because I am not a Pokemon professor, but all I will say its this. A fully speed boosted Pokemon knowing that move is a threat to be reckoned with and as such we already knew what was coming.

Shredder continued to throw attack after attack at the Pikachu, knowing well he would dodge them as soon as she throw them and then boosted its speed once more, because we were looking for that attack.

Finally the look on both, trainer and Pokemon changed, as they no longer focus on avoiding, and finally charge at us, quite literal in fact. The Pikachu began to release energy out of his body at an accelerated rate, creating a small ball of light right above it. That was the attack Red was preparing and the one we were waiting as well.

"Electro Ball!"

As these words left the boy's lips when the Pikachu spinner on its feet and throw the ball directly at Shredder at a blinding speed. She barely had time to react.

A small explosion covered her body as I desperately tried to look into the smoke I was worried stiff, but I dared not show it. Instead, I kept up playing my part. The Pikachu was looking at the smoke as well although he and his trainer were both sure there was no way a Bisharp could have taken the hit and survive it. I don't mean in the literal sense of course.

Then I smiled as my comrade dashed out of the dirt curtain at her maximum speed, a dark light glowing on her arms as she charged at the little Pokemon, who could have avoid her with the same ease of before if it wasn't for the ahead start Shredder had thanks to the dirt. He still tried to jump out of the way, but Shredders Night Slash reach him fist, throwing it away.

We both smiled. The previous fight would most likely leave the Pikachu too tired to endure such an attack.

Yet he stood up.

We were struck dumb by this event, his trainer included, but while we were in shock, he regained his composure right away, ordering a barrage of Iron Tails at her.

This time was Shredder who had little time to react. She managed to block and avoid some of the attacks, yet most reached its target. Luckily for her, those weren't that damaging to her, but if she didn't feel the strength on each strike, she surely felt the sheer amount of them. Yet Red wasn't done yet, before the Pikachu landed, and thus become an easy target, he ordered the Pikachu to throw yet another Electro Ball, which he did in an instant.

Shredder had just a second to dig one foot into the ground as she readied the rest of her body, letting all the power of the attack to go through her body and directly into the ground. However, the trick was now discovered.

"A lighting rod." Red noticed.

"Yeah," I replied, not seeing the point of hiding the obvious. “A little trick I copied from a kid a friend of mine once meet ..."


"Are you alright sir?"

"Eh!? On, sorry, I just remember I never thanked the friend who told me about that trick. Anyway..."


Red smiled at our ingenuity and my fighting friend commented.

"The electric charge should go through my body and into the ground thanks to my metallic skin, but your little friend here has so much power I don't go unscratched when doing this..." And then she loses her balance, as if fate wanted her to prove her point.

Read and his Pikachu chuckled. “Then I guess it’s time we settle this, last attack?"

For some reason, and despite how badly we were going on the fight, Shredder and I smirked back at the legendary trainer's words. We were excited about the battle, for the first time in forever.

"Electro Ball," Red commanded as the Pikachu began to generate yet another ball. We on our end prepared another round of dark power to counter as Shredder dug another leg on the ground, yet we didn't expect what come next. "Volt Tackle!"

Suddenly, the Pikachu absorbed the ball into its tiny body and charged at us at its blinding speed. We didn't have time to react at all. The mini electric nuke blasted Shredder away from the ground, causing the effect of the earth to disappear and thus to make her take the full force of the attack. She was sent flying, abruptly landing on the ground head first.

The Pikachu on its end didn't end any better. Since Volt Tackle is an attack that uses so much strength, the impact ends ricocheting on the user. That plus the already increased attack of the Electro Ball, made the electric rodent to fall unconscious right after Shredder.

We didn't wait for any ceremony or congratulations as we both cached towards our fallen friends. Shredder was laying on her face as I reach for her, trying to wake her over as subtly as I could, and I must admit that isn't my speciality.

"Come on, come on, come on!" I exclaimed as I repeatedly slapped her face, which was quite painful for me may I add.

She finally come back, although with no strength on her body to stand up, "sorry..." She weakly, yet proudly, said, "I lost."

"It’s okay," I replied. “You give your all."

"It has been a great battle," said Red as he walked to us, the unconscious Pikachu on his arms. “It's been quite some time since I fight this hard. Last time was when I lost to that Gold kid." He then skilled and offer us a hand. “Looks like we ended on a draw."

"It was no draw," I replied. Shredder looked at Red with a expression which said she thought the same. “It was your attack what ended this battle, thus we lose before your partner lose consciousness." Then I took his hand.

"I was contracted to see if your legend was real, or beat you if not, but I am happy to say you are 100% right to have such fame, and I... No, we are proud to have been able to fight you."

As to agree with me, every one of my comrades come out of their Pokeballs, all looking beated and tired, but also damn happy to have been able to fight in such honorable way, for a change at least.

Red simply chuckled.

We proceeded to heal our teams and bid our farewells. Then I mentioned how much of a pain the trip down was going to be.

"Don't you have a Flying-type with you?" Red calmly asked.

"...huh!?" I replied.

"To take you down. I just don't understand why people always come up here on foot. It's a mountain after all. Who wants to climb that?”

I could only facepalm myself as subtly and elegant as possible.


"And that’s the story," Weiss said with a smile. “What do you girls think?"

"So all of that was a glorified story about you losing?" Asked Scootaloo with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, no offence mister, but ah thought this story of yours would be more special." Added Apple Bloom.

"But I liked how you tell your story," finished Sweetie Bell, much to the mercenary's satisfaction.

However, he couldn't relish on that small victory as the three little starters were currently staring at the Bisharp.

"No.Freaking.Way!" Began Charmander. “You mean you actually met Red?"

"Not to mention you fought with him as well!" Added Squirtle.

"You look quite different in my eyes now sir," Finished Bulbasaur.

Weiss chuckled. "I see you six are meant for one another," needless to say, the three fillies were confused. “Your friends here are awestruck by my story," he proudly explained. “It’s good to see some of you actually enjoy it."

"But ah still don't get it," replied the Earth Pony. “What was so amazing about the story, besides the fight and all."

"Well, I presume you could understand it better if you knew what my team and I do more properly, but let's just say we hardly have the time to simply enjoy life and what ever comes from it." Again, his thoughts went towards a certain legend.

"You mean before coming here, right sir?" Added the soft voice of the Unicorn filly.

"Huh!?" Weiss snapped from his thoughts.

"Sweetie is right, with all of you here, I don't see why you and your friends should have the same life of before." Added the Pegasus.

"True!" Finished Apple Bloom. “Mah sister learned that change isn't such a bad thing. In fact, she says keeping yourself in your old stubborn ways will only cause you more trouble."

Weiss remained silent for a moment, eyes wide as he looked at the small child's, and then erupted into laughter.

"To think I, who have done so many unthinkable things, would be taught by a group of children!"

"Hey!" Proclaimed the trio.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to 'insult' you girls," he apologize. "I just never realized the simple wisdom your innocent minds can reach."

"It come natural to us!" cheerfully proclaimed the white filly.

"So, would you girls go home now?" Asked the Metal-type kindly.

"Yeah, I don't see the point of staying here." Replied Apple Bloom.

"They seem to have left already after all," added Scootaloo as she looked were the others had been training until a moment ago.

"And don't worry sir, we will be careful on our way back." Finished Sweetie Bell.

Yet she wasn't the last one to talk.

"We will be sure to bring them home safely!" Began Bulbasaur.

"We will put our honor on it" added Charmander.

"You can count on us sir!" Finished Squirtle with a toothy grin.

The three starters seemed to take Weiss as some sort of influential figure now, as the Pokemon stood proudly before him as if he were some sort of leader.

"Ehm... You guys know I didn't personally fight Red, right?" Inquired the former human with curiosity.

"Technically speaking sir, neither did Red, but you both were part of the fight alright."

"That is what trainers do, don't they?"

Weiss again chuckled at the matter-of-fact answer the Fire and Water-type give him.

"I guess you two are right, but know you should be taking these confused fillies back home," motioned Weiss a hand at the lost girls, as they could only get half of the conversation.

The trio nodded and the six of them left to their homes.

Weiss did the same, but he couldn't stop thinking about the little truth he just received from them. ‘Having a new chance means having a new way to do things huh...?' Wondered Weiss to himself as he also thought over the possibility of having a more common life on Equss. A proper job on the empire. A proper family relationship with his comrades, and maybe even a 'mate.'

"Only time will tell," he said to himself while smiling.


Weiss returned to Ponyville, quite calmer now as he had made amends with his mind, at least for now.

"So our great leader has cooled his head properly now?" Smoothly asked Char as he leaned against a wall.

"Sort of," Weiss replied, "I received help from some of the locals though."

"Oh yes, they have a rather unique way to express themselves don't they?"

Weiss chuckled. “So, do you know when Daring will return?" Char looked confused. “Oh right, you haven't meet her yet. She is..."

"There you are!" Proclaimed a familiar voice, although the mercenary had troubles to recognise its owner with all the clothes covering her. "I need you to get everyone. We’re leaving."

"Right here," finished Weiss, confusing the hurried explorer. "Daring, I would like you to meet Char, the red comet," the Bisharp pointed at the Scizor as he said this. "Char, this here is our guide, friend and temporary contractor, Daring Do."

"An honor to make your acquaintance," said Char with a sophisticated bow.

"Same," was all she said back. “Sorry, bit of a hurry. Need you guys on the next train to Canterlot as soon as possible."

"I presume it would be better get the explanation together then," said Weiss as he turned to Char. “Would you mind gathering everyone. We’ll wait here."

With a nod, the Steel/Bug-type took off.

"As we wait, I think you should make some introductions as well," pointed Weiss as he looked at the thin mare staring at him from behind Daring and the tuxedo wearing Pony besides her.

"Oh yeah, I forgot they had stuck with me," joked Daring. "I met these two on the way back. Roa, this here is Weiss, my temporary employee."


"G-gleich," shily replied Roa while still looking at Weiss with slight fright. "You sure he is friendly?"

"Once you get to know him properly, sort or of... Almost... Let's just say he is tolerable." Joked the writer.

Weiss stared at her with a deadpanned gaze. "And the other one is?"

Without waiting for Daring to introduce him, the second Pony walked before Weiss and offered him a hoof. "I am Agent Gold and I must say that of all the Pokemon from Earth, I never expected a bunch of mercenaries to make it here."

There was a second of silence, then Weiss said with confusion.

"And who are you again?"

Author's Note:

A very huge thanks to Evowizard25, I been having this chapters dusting on my folders since my grammar is so shity, but now I can finally keep on publishing! Anyway, so yeah; Weiss and Co. have meet Red, and though they lose, they lose 'following the rules' something they rarely do on their job :trollestia:

Next chapter will have a fight!

Editor notes:
Evo: MY CHARACTERS ARE IN THE STORY!! CELEBRATION!!!...Sorry, everyone. Just excited. I had a blast working over this chapter and I’m sure you’re going to have a blast reading it. V is certainly an author to appreciate.

TDN: Interesting chapter. I look forward to see what will come from these developments, especially a certain trio

Pokemon of the day:

Bulbasaur (As himself)Charmander (As himself)
Squirtle (As himself)Karrablast
Snorlax (As himself) Pikachu (As himself)