• Published 30th Jun 2014
  • 3,828 Views, 191 Comments

Burnt Orange Juice - Mike the Red

"Why can't I cook anything without burning it? I can't even pour orange juice without it coming out burnt!"

  • ...

A Trip to the Rich Mansion

"Regardless of the amount, it has to be paid," Nurse Redheart insisted, her tone showing a level of impatience as she furrowed her brow.

"Oh, come on! That's ridiculous! Twilight, can you send a letter to Princess Celestia? See if we can get some reasonable resolution to this crisis?" I asked, my voice having risen an octave as a result of the distress. I glanced nervously at the librarian and my "sisters." The nurse tapped a hoof impatiently and cleared her throat, lifting the hoof she was tapping and pointed at the bill, which Rarity was still holding.

"Okay, Aurora, I'll give it a shot," the librarian replied somewhat tersely. She magicked ink, quill, and parchment and scribbled something very quickly before using her magic to dispel the items, rolling the parchment into a scroll, and sending the missive to the princess.

"Could you hurry it up, I have other patients to attend to," Redheart noted, her annoyance becoming quite evident at this point. I flashed her a worried look before glancing back at Sweetie, Rarity, and Twilight, who was impatiently tapping a hoof herself. Another moment of waiting and the reply appeared in a puff of smoke.

"Let me read it," I announced eagerly. I was practically prancing in place on the tips of my hooves in anticipation of the response.

"I'll read it," Twilight groused. "Dear Twilight, I regret to inform you that such matters are to be dealt with on a local basis -- and although your guest was treated unfairly, he will have to seek redress by other means. The crown is not obligated to pay for medical assistance, regardless of the pony involved in whatever medical treatment necessary. I apologize for the inconvenience. Signed, Princess Celestia."

"Give me that!" I retorted angrily, trying to grab the letter in my magic. Twilight used her magic to push mine away, then folded the letter before teleporting it somewhere. "Ugh! How am I supposed to pay that bill!" I shouted.

"Aurora, I will pay it -- and we will all take a short trot to Filthy Rich's mansion to seek reimbursement," Rarity stated coldly, giving the nurse a death glare. Redheart harrumphed loudly and led the way to the front desk, behind which was yet another nurse, this one a cool blue mare.

"Cold Heart, these ponies are here to pay their bill," Redheart announced stiffly, hoofing the bill to the other nurse.

"I thought you were supposed to be checking on your patients," I said, noting the seeming nonchalance of the nursing staff.

"We do our rounds, sir, and in a timely fashion as well. Please pay your bill and leave, before we decide to add more charges to it."

I opened my mouth to say something, but Twilight used her magic to silence me, shooting me a rather dirty look in the process. Rarity's expression seemed somewhat pained as she fished out her coin purse and paid the exorbitant sum of fifty bits for my medical care. I turned to Rarity and whispered, "Back where I came from, medical care was much more expensive."

"That's irrelevant, darling," she retorted. "Now let's go to Filthy Rich's mansion, I need to have some words with him."

"If you know the way, please lead," I said, a bright and optimistic tone to my voice. I was hoping to have words with that stallion as well. Twilight grumbled something under her breath and Sweetie flashed a look of indifference mixed with some degree of boredom before heaving a sigh and falling in line with us. As we left the hospital, I turned my gaze back towards the nurses who were chatting almost animatedly with each other. I narrowed my eyes at them, then turned with my companions as we finally left the hospital. As soon as we were far enough away, Twilight let me have it.

"What in Celestia's name were you thinking?" she practically exploded. "You need to exercise restraint!"

"I was restrained -- you have no idea just how much I wanted to use my magic for something more than just trying to grab that letter from you," I growled. "Filthy had better have a change of mind regarding that payment," I added darkly.

"What's that supposed to mean? Do you intend to threaten him?" the librarian asked, her tone even more venomous than a moment ago.

"I don't make threats -- I make promises," I retorted, tacking a dark chuckle onto the end of my statement.

"I don't like the sound of that -- and I don't want you causing any trouble!" Twilight shot back, her voice increasing in pitch and amplitude.

"Aurora, darling, let's deal with this like civilized ponies, shall we?" Rarity nearly pleaded as we continued towards a rather large and ostentatious mansion which was now coming into view. As we neared the entry gate, the size of the manse was something to behold -- that, or my somewhat lower visual perspective made it appear more imposing. I suspect if I were to look at it from my formerly human level, it wouldn't be some impressive. I allowed a low whistle to escape my lips as we approached the front door.

"I had no idea this place was that big," I observed.

"Give me a little room, darling; I shall ring the bell."

Rarity pushed a button by the front door and we waited what seemed to be an interminable length of time before the front door opened to reveal a salmon-colored mare with purple mane and tail, her muzzle seemed to be upturned, giving her an appearance of a permanent sneer.

"Is your husband home, Mrs. Rich?" asked Rarity. The earth pony mare frowned up at us before responding.

"No, he's at his store. You can find him there," she replied tersely. She caught sight of me and the corners of her mouth turned upwards just a tiny little bit. "And who might you be? You look familiar," she observed, her tone a little softer.

"Ma'am, I am Aurora Belle, and your husband assured me he would be willing to help me with a particular financial obligation," I replied, trying to maintain a diplomatic tone to my voice.

"And what would that be?"

"Your daughter and her friend attacked me yesterday, resulting in my having to visit the hospital and the dentist's office -- your husband informed me he was willing to cover those medical expenses," I replied. I watched her expression darken somewhat.

"Why would my daughter attack a stallion? What would she benefit from that?"

"Because yesterday, I wasn't a stallion -- that happened earlier. Yesterday, I looked like her," I said, pointing at Sweetie. The mare laughed at me at this point.

"That's impossible!" she chortled. I heard somepony trotting towards the front door and caught a glimpse of Diamond Tiara as she approached.

"Mom, what's going on?" she asked before she saw us. When she saw me, she gasped audibly. "YOU! You have some nerve coming here after what you did to me!" she shouted.

"You attacked me, along with your sycophantic friend -- you knocked out my teeth and blacked my eye -- and you're upset with ME?!"

"One of your friends dropped a piano on top of us!" she wailed.

"Not my fault -- karma's a bitch," I retorted sharply before adding a half-hearted, "Oops, sorry," onto the end of my careless utterance.

"Language, Aurora!" Rarity scolded, glaring harshly at me.

"I can't help but think it's partially your fault as well, considering you forced me to leave your house yesterday morning," I averred, narrowing my gaze ever so slightly at the fashionista. Twilight was motioning to me, silently telling me to zip it before I got into any further trouble. Apparently, not soon enough.

"You have offended me and my daughter -- you'll be hearing from my attorney," announced Diamond's mother.

"Words, words, words," I responded. "I'm going to see your husband," I added.