• Published 30th Jun 2014
  • 3,824 Views, 191 Comments

Burnt Orange Juice - Mike the Red

"Why can't I cook anything without burning it? I can't even pour orange juice without it coming out burnt!"

  • ...

Return to the Library

"Who are you and what are you doing in my sister's bed?!" the fashionista shrieked. Said sister woke to see me and started screaming. I covered my ears with my hooves to block some of the noise, but then I also noted how much longer my forelegs were. Rarity noticed my mane was still pink and lavender like her sister's, but was longer and curlier as well.

"Calm down, calm down, calm down!" I shouted to get them to stop. "It's me, Aurora, remember?" I asked, exasperation coloring my words. Rarity used her magic to rip the cover off us, now seeing for herself just how much bigger I had gotten. Her eyes went wide with surprise as did Sweetie's. I got a better look at myself as well, a smile crossing my lips upon seeing the changes which had taken place. I couldn't quite believe I had grown so much taller -- and more slender as well. It looked as though my bloated belly had flattened out to make way for my increased height and length.

"What happened to you, Aurora?" asked the fashionista. Sweetie simply ogled my increased size, though she now sported a big grin.

"Must have been the ice cream -- that or Discord's been busy again," I mused as I tried to get accustomed to my new size. It took a little trial and error before I was able to regain my balance and stand on all fours -- and now at the same eye level as Rarity. It was now her turn to smile.

"Aurora, darling, I simply must craft a new ensemble for you!" she chirped.

"So, that's what I'll look like when I grow up?" asked Sweetie as she continued to check me out. "Wow, cool! You look awesome! I hope I look as awesome as you!" she chirped happily. My smile widened a bit at this.

"I think you might look even better than me," I opined, eliciting a squeal of delight from the filly and a chortle from her sister.

"You know how to make a mare feel good about herself, Aurora," Rarity noted, turning her attention back to me. "Please, darling, let's go to my workroom!"

"Very well then, Miss Rarity," I stated in resignation, my hoofsteps a dull trod as I knew this was going to take some time. I followed her with Sweetie following me, still checking me out; perhaps she was satisfying her curiosity to see what she might look like from the back when she matures. I felt the weight of her eyes on my backside and I kept my tail down to keep her from seeing anything she shouldn't. I turned my head to glance over my shoulder and gave my "sister" a look to indicate she should stop staring at me. Her face turned a shade of puce and she uttered a barely audible, "Sorry," before turning her gaze away from me. Rarity gave me a curious glance and I flashed her a sheepish smile.

"We don't have all day, darling," she chided mirthfully as she entered the workroom. We followed her in and I was once again instructed to stand on a platform, Rarity swiftly taking my measurements and writing the numbers down. I was amazed by the flurry of activity she flew into, sketching a design for me and using her ability to multi-task her magic as she cut fabric, pulled thread, readied her sewing machine, and told me to wait on the couch.

Fifteen minutes later, she presented me with the finished item -- it was a larger version of an earlier dress she had made, but a little more ornate. I tried it on, noting a perfect fit, with just enough extra material to allow for ease of movement but not so much as to detract from the overall aesthetic design. I particularly liked the pastel pale blue and yellow to offset my lavender and pink mane and tail, and also the way the dress draped over my flanks, though my cutie mark was left uncovered. I examined myself in a mirror, smiling broadly at her work.

"Um, are you going to let me wear this right now? Outside?" I asked, a little apprehension in my tone.

"Of course, darling! I can hardly wait to see Twilight's reaction when she sees you!"

"Wait, we're going to the library?" I asked, my words sounding even more fearful.

"You simply have to show her what has happened, Aurora! Can't have you trotting around Ponyville looking like a mystery mare!" Rarity grinned. Her statement caused me to chuckle, but then my stomach grumbled to express my hunger.

"I believe we can't be trotting around on an empty stomach, either!" the fashionista giggled. "Come on, Aurora, let me fix breakfast for us."

"Thank you, Miss Rarity," I said as I took another glance at the dress I was wearing. "I'm fairly sure you don't want me wearing this while we eat -- I think I should take it off and set it aside for a more appropriate occasion," I added.

"That sounds like a good idea, Aurora -- but I would still like Twilight to see you wearing it," Rarity opined before trotting downstairs. Sweetie Belle followed but I remained at the top of the staircase, glancing first at the steps leading down and then at the base. I continued to weigh my options, but decided to light my horn and try to teleport. My horn sparked a few times and fizzled as my attempt failed. I heard my "sisters" talking to each other as I continued to look down, a seemingly baleful expression on my face. I gathered up my courage and took a tentative step down, gingerly taking them one at a time until I familiarized myself with the process. It seemed to take me forever to make it down, though Rarity came back to check on me.

"So sorry to have left you behind, Aurora. Breakfast is ready now," she said, her smile returning. I grumbled at her negligence but followed her to the dining area for breakfast. I ate four pancakes, two eggs, and a helping of fried hay potatoes and washed it down with a glass of orange juice. Sweetie and I helped Rarity with the cleanup before leaving for the library. The fashionista insisted I wear the dress she made for me now, so I obliged her. She also brushed up my mane and tail to make me look more presentable. We then left the boutique, Rarity closing and locking the door behind us as well as hanging a closed sign on the door.

We began our trek but hadn't made it two houses down the street when Pinkie met us. The moment she laid eyes on me, she gasped with all her breath and leaped five feet into the air before disappearing as though she had teleported.

"Pinkie, it's me, Aurora!" I shouted after her, though I doubt she heard my words. As we continued, I noticed several ponies staring at me, looks of surprise on their faces. Rainbow Dash noticed me as well and swooped down to meet us.

"Ooh, who's the new pony?" she asked, a big smile on her face.

"Um, my name's Aurora, Miss Rainbow Dash," I stated matter-of-factly, a soft smile gracing my lips.

"Rarity, I've never seen her before -- but she looks kinda like Sweetie -- who are you?" she asked as she stared hard at me.

"Ugh, do you want the short story or the long one? We're on our way to the library to meet Twilight -- and I suppose I can tell you while we go," I replied, though more than a little annoyance colored my tone.

"Sounds cool," the aviatrix chuckled as she resumed her hovering around us. "Tell me your story, Aurora!" she chuckled as she flew lazy circles around us while we continued our relatively short trek to the library. I could see the giant oak tree off in the distance, though why it was I couldn't see it yesterday was a mystery to me. I tried to relate the details of my story to the cyan pegasus, occasionally wincing whenever she found a particular point amusing to the point of laughter -- until I told her about Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon attacking me. We reached the library at this point, Twilight having heard us approach and opened the door as well. A look of shock crossed her face when she spotted me, though it seemed to deepen when I mentioned the two fillies by name.

"What's this about Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon?" asked Twilight. "And who are you? I don't recognize you," she added, flashing curiosity. Rainbow Dash was equally curious as I began to recount the tale, including details about meeting Filthy Rich at the hospital and eating a massive quantity of ice cream, eliciting a few giggles from the mares.

"So, I guess eating all that ice cream worked some magic on me -- or maybe it's Discord again -- and if it is, I'd like to thank him for this," I stated, a hint of pride in my voice.

"No need to thank me," the draconequus chuckled as he materialized in front of us, chuckling loudly then disappearing just as silently as he had arrived. The pegasus scowled at him -- or at the spot he had occupied before she turned her attention back to me, seemingly noticing my cutie mark for the first time.

"Huh? You have part of Twiley's cutie mark as your own?" she asked in amazement. The librarian took a moment to take another look at it, noticing the fuschia colored six-pointed star had filled in, leaving the heart still outlined. The gold star in the center appeared to be a little larger, though I couldn't tell or remember its exact size yesterday.

"Yeah, I guess my affection for Twilight is stronger than I thought," I offered mirthfully. I craned my neck around to take another glance at it as well. My "sisters" only took a moment to glance my way before returning their attention to what they'd previously been doing.

"Twilight, who are you talking to?" I heard another voice from inside call out. This voice seemed to have more authority to it, an almost matronly quality as well. I could have sworn I'd heard the voice before, but I couldn't place it exactly. The pony in question finally appeared in my line of sight and my jaw comically fell to the ground.

"Princess, this is -- do I call you by your human name?" asked Twilight as she gave me an almost helpless grin. I frowned at her.

"As long as I'm trotting around as a pony, I'd request you use my pony name," I replied firmly before bowing to the alicorn. I noticed a smile cross her lips as she addressed me personally.

"And what is your pony name?" she asked, her smile widening.

"Um, my pony name is Aurora Belle, your Majesty," I replied, bowing more deeply.