• Published 30th Jun 2014
  • 3,832 Views, 191 Comments

Burnt Orange Juice - Mike the Red

"Why can't I cook anything without burning it? I can't even pour orange juice without it coming out burnt!"

  • ...

Another Surprise

I'll have to admit to some degree of embarrassment as I was magically lifted and carried out of the bakery, then placed gently into a cart. This cart appeared to be something similar to a taxi, though the cart also appeared to be quite rickety with no cover. The driver was a stout dark grey earth pony stallion the cart was hitched to. A grey cap adorned his brown mane.

"Where to, Ma'am?" he asked, his voice rather gravelly. He craned his neck around to give us a once-over before returning his gaze forward. I took note of his yellow eyes with red irises, but kept my thoughts to myself -- saying his name might jeopardize my current situation.

"Carousel Boutique," Rarity responded curtly before hopping into the cart with me, followed by Sweetie Belle. I rested on my hocks, my belly forcing my hind legs to open very wide as I supported my somewhat upright sitting position with my forelegs beside me. My belly seemed to have distended into a round ball, making me look quite pregnant -- or about to burst. It gurgled loudly as I tried to let the ice cream digest. Sweetie Belle took the opportunity to lick some of the ice cream sticking to my coat off, much to the consternation of her sister.

"Sweetie Belle! Please control yourself!" Rarity admonished as the cart lurched forward. She lost her balance and fell on her side, smooshing her sister against me and eliciting a loud "OOF!" from me as my doppelganger landed on me, her forelegs draped around my round belly, a sly smile creeping across her face before she licked me again. Rarity's magic removed her before she could go much further, though.

"Sweetie, dear, I think that's enough," the fashionista opined as she physically moved the filly to my left side. The cart lurched again, the mare now falling onto my belly and forcing the air out of my lungs with yet another grunt of pain. "Sorry about that, Aurora," she offered, though she took the opportunity to steal a taste of my sticky coat. "Mmm, chocolate," she hummed in satisfaction.

"I knew you couldn't resist," I giggled as she stole another lick from my coat, my words causing her to blush.

"Aurora, darling, it has been some time since I last enjoyed some ice cream -- you don't mind if I have another taste or two, do you?"

"Uh, sure, Miss Rarity," I said as I gave her an almost curious look. Sweetie had turned toward me and grinned before stealing another lick from my left side. Rarity moved closer to me and took several licks off my fur, noting the different flavors. The sensation of her tongue caused me to giggle as it tickled somewhat, but it also sent a shiver through my body as a faint stirring within me made itself known. I managed to keep from showing it, though a soft moan escaped my lips before Rarity regained some composure and stopped licking me.

"Sorry about that, darling, it's just that the flavors are so good, I couldn't help myself!" the fashionista giggled. My expression was one of mild bemusement before the cart lurched one more time before stopping rather abruptly.

"Your destination, Ma'am. That will be fifteen bits," the driver stated stiffly. He craned his neck around and stole a glance at me, his face contorted in a sneer. "Looks like the little one got a little pudgy," he chortled in derision.

"Stop being such a ruffian," Rarity chided harshly, using her magic to levitate three coins to the driver. "And for being so uncouth, you get no tip. Come on, Sweetie, Aurora, we're home."

The driver grunted his disapproval and left, pulling the cart away quite suddenly, causing my doppelganger and I to fall onto the ground hard as we tried to exit. I fell on my belly, knocking the wind out of me. Sweetie groaned in pain as she had fallen on her right side, landing awkwardly on her right hind leg.

"Of all the nerve!" Rarity exclaimed as she rushed to her sister's side. She cautiously bent down to check out the filly, who righted herself on all fours, favoring her injured leg a little. "Sweetie, are you okay?"

"It hurts a little, but I think if I get a little rest, it'll be okay," she replied. "Maybe Aurora can help me as well," she offered softly, giving me a hopeful glance.

"I need to wash this ice cream off," I noted dryly. "And you should do something about that driver and his carelessness," I added, a hint of anger in my voice.

"I will see to it that ruffian is dealt with properly -- but that will have to wait until tomorrow. Let's go inside and get you two cleaned up -- you both need it," Rarity noted as she escorted us inside the boutique, locking the door behind us. "Aurora, you start the water -- I'll be up there shortly."

"Does that mean you're letting us wash each other?" I asked almost absent-mindedly, though a hint of hopefulness tinged my words. I gave the mare a big puppy-dog eyes look to try to persuade her a little. It's worth a try...

"C'mon, sis, let her wash me! I promise I'll behave!" Sweetie chirped brightly.

"Very well then, Sweetie -- Aurora, you'd better behave as well! I'll be coming up to check on you both in a little bit."

For having just injured her leg, the filly practically bounded up the stairs as fast as she could, eliciting a wide-eyed look of surprise on my face. I trudged up after her, my extra weight causing me to huff with my exertion. "Sweetie, wait up -- I need a moment here," I called out about half-way up. I continued to trek up the stairs, my belly wobbling as I waddled as best I could. Rarity noticed what was happening and used her magic to lift me and deposit me at the top landing.

"Thanks, Miss Rarity," I declared as I looked down at her, a genuine smile on my face. I was roughly grabbed by the filly who seemed to have developed super strength as she pulled me into the bathroom. "Geez, Sweetie, when did you get so strong?" I asked in wonderment.

"Magic," she opined dismissively as she turned on the water, adjusting it to her liking. She slowly climbed in and grinned at me to follow her. I slowly placed my forehooves on the edge of the tub, but I was too slow for Sweetie. Again she exerted her strength and pulled me in, my body splashing in the water, the sound causing her to giggle. "C'mon, Aurora, turn around for me."

I couldn't decide what tone her voice indicated, although I thought maybe she was being playful. I dutifully complied with her request, craning my neck around so I could see what she was planning on doing. She used her magic to take a bottle of shampoo and dumped a fair amount on my back and worked it into a thick lather. Her hooves felt nice on my back and I hummed softly in contentment. She took that as a positive sign and continued, working her hooves all over my body.

"You're so soft," she noted as she continued to rinse the shampoo out of my fur, mane, and tail. She ran her hooves up and down the sides of my belly, then reached under it to wash my underside as best she could. It tickled and I giggled at the sensation. Rarity entered the bathroom at this point.

"Are you almost finished?" she asked, causing both of us to give her a look of surprise. "You weren't doing anything naughty, I hope?" she added, her gaze hardening a little. We both shook our heads vigorously, uttering the word, "No," simultaneously. Our response elicited a soft chuckle from the fashionista, who approached us and lifted me with her magic to ensure I was completely clean.

"Please, Miss Rarity!" I pleaded, my expression of fearfulness emphasizing my plea. Every time she did this, a wave of nausea would wash over me as the sensation of gravity trying to pull me down caused her control over me to fluctuate ever so slightly. She lowered me back down, outside the tub, and gave me a towel. I dried off quickly, watching Rarity repeat the process with her sister, who also protested the levitation. We finished by brushing our teeth before we were escorted to bed.

"Sis, can Aurora sleep with me tonight?" asked the filly, giving her best puppy-dog eyes look again.

I never get tired of seeing her do that, I silently mused, a wry smile working its way across my lips.

"Very well then, I guess you may. Aurora, behave yourself," the fashionista advised, giving me another hard glare, though not as severe as the previous times.

"You have my word, Miss Rarity," I stated reverently, bowing slightly to her. This caused her to giggle before she turned and left us in Sweetie's room. We waited for her to leave and close the door behind her and we listened to her hoofsteps until they became too soft to hear.

"You wanna have a pillow fight?" Sweetie asked mirthfully, flashing a wicked grin at me. Without waiting for me to reply, she grabbed a pillow off her bed and flung it at me. My eyes widened in surprise before I lit my horn and stopped the projectile in mid-air with my magic, eliciting a loud groan from the filly. "Why not?" she asked petulantly.

"I'm kinda tired and wanna get a little rest," I replied. My belly gurgled as some of the ice cream tried to digest. "And I wanna make sure I'm well rested before I do some exercises tomorrow to work off some of this," I added as I patted my bloated belly with my left fore-hoof. My doppelganger approached me and likewise patted my belly, giggling as she did so. "Okay, Sweetie, that's enough. Let me get some sleep," I reiterated as I climbed into her bed.

"Oooh, I was hoping we'd get to sleep together!" she chirped as she excitedly hopped into the bed, bouncing on it a few times for good measure. I watched her jump a few more times, my expression showing disapproval at her annoying behavior.

"Could you stop jumping and lay down? I'm really tired," I groaned, turning over onto my left side. "And turn out the light as well, please."

"Aww, you're no fun, Aurora! C'mon, just a little pillow fight?" she pleaded, turning her puppy-dog eyes on me. I tried to ignore her by keeping my back to her, but she persisted, even going so far as to poke my belly with a forehoof several times. I groaned in disgust at this but finally relented -- and took a bunch of hits to my face with her barrage of pillows.

"C'mon, you're not fighting back! C'mon, Aurora! I wanna have some fun!"

"That's enough, young lady," Rarity admonished as she opened the door. "Lights out! Good night, sleep tight!" she chirped as she turned off the light and closed the door again.

"Thanks, Miss Rarity," I called out after her. Sweetie glared at me as we lay beside each other, then she turned her back to me. "Sorry, Sweetie, it's just that I'm really tired. Maybe tomorrow night we can have a proper pillow fight," I offered warmly. She turned back over to face me.

"Okay, deal!" she grinned and poked my belly again before laying her head down. I giggled a little at her poking my belly and returned her pokes with one of my own, which made her giggle as well.

"Okay, that's enough, Sweetie -- don't wanna make your sister come back in here," I said just barely above a whisper. She grinned at me and nodded her head as I tried once again to fall asleep. She snuggled against me, wrapping her forelegs around my belly. I laid my right foreleg over her barrel, but made sure not to move it at all.

"Mmmh, feels nice to be close to you like this," she said softly, snuggling even closer to me.

Okay, Sweetie, not too close now, you don't want Rarity to get the wrong idea, I silently mused. Truthfully, it felt quite nice to hold her as well as having the filly wrap herself around my belly. We drifted off to sleep rather quickly after that, our bodies snuggled closely together.

I awoke to find the filly still wrapped around my body, but something told me I was in a little trouble. Firstly, I noticed how much larger I was than the filly -- my guess was that I had experienced a growth spurt overnight, a thought which made my head spin. The early morning light shining through the window illustrated this fact. I didn't have much time to ponder the circumstance as Rarity entered the room.