• Published 20th Jun 2014
  • 3,040 Views, 85 Comments

The Umbra Queen - Car Cloth

All is well until, one by one, the inhabitants of Ponyville begin acting… strangely. Shaken by a terrible feeling of dread, Rarity believes she may be the only one left to save everypony from the rising darkness.

  • ...

I am Dragon

“There! All done!”

Sweetie Belle looked up from the twin foals and stared. Spike had moved some of the smaller rocks around to construct a semi-cave in the gorge. It was small enough to fit two or three ponies and that was it. That was fine for Sweetie Belle; she just wanted to get out of the rain and shield herself from the wind.

Using her magic, Sweetie Belle levitated the foals into the cave and stepped in herself. It was nicer than standing in the cold water. “Thanks, Spike,” she said with a smile.

“Don’t mention it,” he replied as he curled most of his body around Sweetie Belle and the foals, insulating their heat.

Sweetie Belle pulled Spike’s tail close and rested her head on it. “I mean it though. You’re really considerate and nice. I never would have thought to build a little cave like this. You didn’t have to… I’m sure it was hard work.”

“R-really, don’t mention it!” Spike was red in the face with embarrassment from Sweetie Belle’s praise. “It just comes naturally.”

“I bet you would have gotten a cutie mark for all your hard work,” Sweetie Belle joked. “Something that represented a seneschal… That should be your title! Seneschal Spike, Dragon to the Princess of Friendship!”

Spike smiled. “Yeah… I guess. I’ve always wondered what kind of cutie mark I would have if I were a pony… I guess something that represented a seneschal would be appropriate.”

“I’ve always wondered what my mark would be like too, so I guess we’ve got something in common…”

“You shouldn’t worry about it so much, Sweetie Belle. If you only see the end you’ll never enjoy the journey, and that’s the best part to life.”

The twin foals began stirring. They were struggling to free themselves from the carrier they were in and both were whinnying and on the verge of tears.

“What’s wrong?” Sweetie Belle asked them as though they were full grown ponies capable of speech. “It’s okay. Rarity will be back soon.”

“Wait, do you hear that?” Spike asked, his voice hushed. “Listen.”

Sweetie Belle craned her head out of the cave and closed her eyes. She could hear… a flock of pegasus and… the buzzing of wings… She turned back to Spike with a frown. “What is it?”

“Get the kids to quiet down,” he said in a stern tone. “We need to be silent.” Spike ran to the front of his tiny cave and pulled some rocks up in order to hide them. He left some rocks down so they would have a hole to see out of. It was a small hole and Sweetie Belle suspected nopony would find them unless they were actively looking.

Much to Sweetie Belle’s horror, a group of changelings and pegasi landed in the gorge, including the Rainbow Dash that Spike had attacked in the forest. They looked at each other for a moment before parting enough to allow Discord and Fluttershy a landing place. Sweetie Belle ducked her head down, fearful that Discord would somehow sense where she and Spike were.

The twins began making noise again and Sweetie Belle immediately placed her hooves over their mouth. Spike placed a clawed finger in front of his lips, trying to impart his desperation to remain quiet. Some of the changelings turned their way, but their attention was pulled back to the group when Fluttershy cleared her throat.

“Change back into your pony forms,” Fluttershy hissed. “You remember what Queen Chrysalis said! Sombra is never to see us in our true forms!”

All of the changelings in the gorge reluctantly complied. One by one they transformed into the inhabitants of Ponyville; some earth ponies, some unicorns and others as pegasi. Sweetie Belle slowly looked out onto the gorge again, scanning the area and gulping down her fear.

An echoing clop drew Spike and Sweetie Belle’s attention to the large cave entrance. From there, Rarity emerged holding herself with dignified nobility and grace. She smiled to the group of ponies before her and nodded to Discord.

“You have him under control?” Rarity asked, straightening her mane in the rain.

“Of course, my queen,” Fluttershy muttered, taking a bow.

“And Princess Twilight Sparkle? You… disposed of her?”

“O-of course, my queen,” Fluttershy nervous stuttered.

“Where is her body?”

“Destroyed. By Discord’s magic.”


Fluttershy stood up and walked over to Rarity. She pulled from under her wing a piece of purple mane. “This is all that remains.”

Rarity took the strands of mane and smiled. “Good. Now there is nopony left to warn Celestia, Cadance and Luna of my arrival…”

“Well…” the Changeling-Rainbow Dash muttered.

“Spit it out,” Rarity hissed in a disgusted tone.

“I saw three of them in the forest on the way here… Rarity and two others. One was the dragon and the other a foal, I think.”

Rarity rolled her eyes and gave Rainbow Dash a dismissive wave. “Hm. Those babies are no concern of mine. You all find them and put them with the others. They shouldn’t put up much of a fight.”

The scales along Spike’s back stood on end. Sweetie Belle could see his pupils constrict into slits with anger. Normally he didn’t get this angry when somepony insulted him… It wasn’t long ago that he had been mopey when people compared him to Hum-Drum, the useless comic book sidekick to the Wonder Ponies. He didn’t get angry then.

“Should Discord and I handle collecting them?” Fluttershy asked.

Sweetie Belle held her breath in fear. How would they hide from Discord? He would surely find them in a matter of minutes…

“No,” Rarity replied. “You and Discord are to accompany me to Canterlot. I will want to bring my full force against the princesses… This time I shall not fail.”

The changeling-ponies in the gorge gave each other worried glances. They seemed nervous, almost fearful of returning to Canterlot.

“What're you all waiting for!?” Rarity suddenly shouted. The changeling-ponies grimaced at her voice. “Get to it! Find the dragon! Find the foal! The rest of you will march with me on Canterlot! We will take the capital before nightfall tomorrow evening, do you understand me!?”

All of the ponies nodded and began frantically running about to comply with their queen’s orders. Sweetie Belle turned to Spike and whispered, “What does this mean, Spike? Where’s Rarity?”

“It means we’re the only ones left,” Spike said in a melancholy tone. “We’re going to have to solve this on our own.”

Fluttershy and Discord took to the sky in a single bound. The pegasus ponies took the forest, fanning out in order to better search the area. The earth ponies and unicorns began their climb out of the gorge, all of them preparing to go to war with Canterlot. Rarity, on the other hoof, stood by the cave entrance with a triumphant smile.

“Sombra!” she called into the cave, her voice echoing along the walls. “Sombra, it’s time! Your queen needs you!”

For a moment there was nothing but the sound of the rain hitting the rocks all around them. Then, suddenly and disturbingly, the ground began to quake and rumble. Boulders in the gorge tumbled downward, some close enough that Sweetie Belle was concerned they might be crushed hiding in their tiny cave…

A mature Ruin Worm burst from the cave. It was long, nightmarish and black. The body was large enough to rival Twilight’s castle and the back of the worm was covered in black crystals; the same black crystals Sombra summoned with his dark magic. The shadows around the Ruin Worm twisted and moved, answering the call of their master. The smell of death filled the gorge; death and rot. Sweetie Belle had to cover her nose just to prevent herself from gagging.

The mouth of the worm was much like a lamprey. It had rows of circle teeth and raze-like fangs. On the “forehead” of the creature, if you could call it that, was a bright glowing red gem. Sweetie Belle had never seen it in person, but Rarity had described it to her enough that she was certain she knew what that was: the Nightmare Gem. A powerful magical artifact that drew its magic from the fear and hate of others around it. Sweetie Belle shivered in place, certain the gem was drawing power from her, if nothing else.

Spike wrapped one his arms around her and drew her close. “It’s okay, Sweetie Belle. I don’t think they know we’re here.”

Rarity trotted over to the terrifying beast and gently nuzzled its side. “Sombra! There you are! Are you ready, my love? We’re to travel to Canterlot…”

The monster that responded to the name of Sombra leaned over and allowed for Rarity to climb up on him. The black crystals lining the monster’s back were enough for her to step up onto, allowing her a perch atop the massive beast.

Once settled, Rarity lovingly rubbed her hoof along the head of the worm with a cruel smile. “Go.”

The Ruin Worm roared in compliance and began slithering toward the portion of the gorge that was cracked. Sweetie Belle looked to Spike for guidance. “What’re we going to do, Spike? What’re we going to do!?”

Spike took a deep breath and hesitated. For a split second Sweetie Belle could see the fear in his eyes, but before she could say anything it was gone, replaced by steely determination. “You wait here,” he commanded. “I’m going to go face them. Once they’re distracted you go find help.”

“No!” Sweetie Belle cried. “No, that’s what everypony keeps telling me to do and look where we are now! First Twilight Sparkle, then Rarity, now you… I’ll be all alone! I can’t make it on my own! I’m just a filly!”

“You’re old enough, Sweetie Belle,” Spike curtly commented, his eyes glued to the monster in the gorge. “You’re no longer a little filly. You can handle yourself.”

“You don’t need to go! They’ll leave soon! You can stay with me! We can go together!”

“I have to do this,” Spike said forcefully. He pushed the rocks concealing them out of his way. Sweetie Belle grabbed him, and stared deep into his green eyes.

“It’s okay to be afraid… You don’t have to prove anything to me.”

Spike pulled himself out of her grasp and sighed. “I don’t want to have to face my friends and tell them all I did was hide. I have to try. I have to do something. I’ve been afraid too long. It’s time I grew up.”

“If you only see the end you’ll never enjoy the journey,” Sweetie Belle stated. “You can wait to be brave. It doesn’t need to be now.”

Honestly conflicted, Spike turned away. The Ruin Worm was almost to the crack of the gorge, the area where it could slither up and out with ease. Shaking his head, Spike ran through the gorge after it, rejecting Sweetie Belle’s pleas to remain by her side. She watched him go with a heavy heart. What was he trying to prove?

“HEY!” Spike called out, skidding to halt in the middle of the gorge. “You forgot about me!”

The Ruin Worm that was Sombra stopped its upward climb and turned its massive head toward Spike’s calls. Rarity looked down on the gorge with a contemptuous laugh. “Oh. If it isn’t the baby dragon. And here I thought my ponies would have a hard time finding you. It’s nice of you to join us.”

The ground shook as the Ruin Worm turned away from the crack of the gorge and slithered back to where Spike was standing. Sweetie Belle could see it all; they weren’t that far away. Even the twins could see what was happening and they watched as though they knew the consequences of this outcome.

The Ruin Worm stopped just short of crushing Spike with its massive body. Looming overhead, it stared down at the dragon, “looking” at him with the Nightmare Gem acting as its sole eye.

“Have you come to surrender?" Rarity asked. "Or were you here to empower the Nightmare Gem before we leave? Sombra told me all about your little… outburst… the last time you two met.”

Spike began growling, his eyes glassy with water. Sweetie Belle didn’t know what had happened, but she could tell it bothered Spike.

Rarity began laughing. “Oh my! Did you come here to fight us? You? And your adorable chubby lil’self? That’s precious. Do you know who you’re dealing with, boy?”

“Hey!” Spike barked. “Do you know who you’re dealing with? I’m a dragon. My kind almost destroyed all of Ponyville when one of us fell asleep too close to town. My scales make me immune to the heat and pressure of liquid magma! My jaw is strong enough to crush diamonds! Why do you think ponies avoid dragons? I’m not scared of you! If you knew any better it would be the other way around!”

Rarity lifted a single eyebrow as she glared down at Spike. After a moment of contemplation she sarcastically remarked, “Well. If you’re all that I suppose I should consider you a legitimate threat to my operations. I was going to let you surrender and grovel at my hooves, but I guess now I have to deal with you. Sombra, my dear… Break him.”

The Ruin Worm Sombra instantly smashed downward with enough force to crack the stone of the gorge floor. Spike nimbly jumped aside, but he was small compared to the worm and nearly fell through the cracks created. Rarity laughed as Spike fumbled to get proper footing. Without warning, the worm slammed its head to the side, causing a small rock slide of boulders to come tumbling down all around them, even shaking the entirety of the gorge.

Dodging the boulders, Spike ran up to the worm and leapt at it. Like a flea clinging to the back of a dog, Spike held on as the worm lifted its body to attack again. Spike began ripping into the hide of the creature, peeling away parts of flesh. The worm slammed down, however, dislodging the dragon.

Landing on all fours, Spike immediately took a deep breath and exhaled with all his might, blasting a stream of green fire so hot it became white in the center. Twilight Sparkle’s magic hadn’t been enough to pierce the hide of a Ruin Worm. Discord’s magic hadn’t been enough to pierce the hide of the Ruin Worm. Spike’s fire… it burnt just enough to scold and singe… piercing the hide and drawing a hint of blood.

Outraged, Sombra used the power of the Nightmare Gem to summon the powers of the shadows. They lashed out like bladed tentacles, hitting Spike from all angles and throwing him to the ground with lashes throughout his scales. While prone, Sombra slammed him with his massive Ruin Worm body, crushing Spike against his underside and the rocks. If he had been a normal pony… he would have been crushed to death.

Not Spike.

Dazed and bleeding from his wounds, he struggled to stand. More shadows lashed out against him, one striking his left eye with enough force to send him flying to the ground. Suddenly, black crystals began sprouting over everything, the power of the Nightmare Gem coming to fruition. The shadows picked Spike up, threatening to rend him in twain.

Imposter-Rarity began laughing as Spike’s body was tossed into the air and allowed to the hit the stone floor of the gorge with a sickening slam. “Was that it?” she sarcastically asked between laughs. “You’re a scary dragon? I’m so frightened! I should have never challenged the likes of you!”

Spike slowly began to stand, but he couldn’t find the strength. He fell back to the ground, applying pressure to the lacerations on his side, attempting to stop the blood flow. With one eye open he glared up at the false Rarity and the Ruin Worm Sombra.

Sweetie Belle was panicking, unable to look away from the fight. She knew she was supposed to be escape while Spike fought, but…

“I grow tired of this,” Rarity suddenly stated with a forced yawn. She looked down at Sombra and frowned. “Kill him,” she coldly commanded.

Sombra lifted up and slammed back down on the dragon, cracking the stone. When he lifted again, Spike was still there, barely conscious but still breathing. Sombra prepared to crush him again, this time to finish it.


Sweetie Belle jumped from her stone hiding spot and galloped with all her might to Spike’s side.

“Stop!” she shouted. “No more!”

The Ruin Worm halted its attack in midair. Through the Nightmare Gem Sombra “watched” Sweetie Belle stop near Spike. Sweetie Belle pulled Spike’s body closer to her, horrified at how much damage his small frame could handle. What was he thinking!? How could he be so reckless!

“What’re you waiting for?” Rarity cruelly remarked. “Kill them both.”

Sweetie Belle closed her eyes and braced for the impact she knew would instantaneously kill her, tears streaming down her face. When the release of death never came, she fearfully opened her eyes and looked up. Sombra pulled away and screeched defiantly into the air.

Rarity struggled to hold on. “What’re you doing!? I told you they were all enemies! The girl included!”

The Ruin Worm screeched again and the shadows of the gorge began forming into hate-filled monsters of only the most twisted nightmares. “W-wait,” Rarity said, her voice quavering. “Y-you’re right! You did say you never wanted to hurt foals! It was my m-mistake, my love! Forgive me! I’ll never ask you to do such a thing again!”

The shadows of the gorge began to subside and Sweetie Belle took a deep breath of relief. That Ruin Worm was Sombra! The same stallion that had defended her from the bullies at school…

Sombra calmed down and stared down at Sweetie Belle, the Nightmare Gem pulsing with power and hate. Sweetie Belle looked up at him and came to the horrible realization he was trapped within that monster of a body… “Sombra…” she whispered to him.

“Leave them!” Rarity called out. “The dragon has been subdued and Canterlot awaits!”

Sombra reluctantly turned away from Sweetie Belle and slithered his massive body all the way to the crack of the gorge and out onto the lands of Equestria. Sweetie Belle held what remained of Spike in her hooves as the rain came down all around her.