Princess Twilight Sparkle stared up at the sky. It was raining. Rain, in and of itself, wasn’t a foreign concept to her, but rain during the day was. The Pegasus of Ponyville were to regulate the weather… it only rained during the night or on days pre-approved ahead of time. Why was it raining now?
Putting her concerns on the backburner for now, Twilight instead continued on her path to Rarity’s boutique. Spike was to meet her there so that they could all discuss Rarity’s paranoia from yesterday. At first Twilight had been skeptical about Rarity’s concerns but certain facts, like the rain, lead Twilight to think that perhaps Rarity had been onto something.
The boutique was open and Twilight let herself in. Rarity was busy hemming a white and blue dress. The dress itself was simple, yet elegant, reminiscent of a wedding gown. Twilight Sparkle smiled. “What’re you working on?”
Rarity turned on her hoof, startled. “T-Twilight,” she said between anxious gasps. “How did you get in?” There were dark bags under her eyes and she glanced around the shop nervously.
“I opened the door,” Twilight said with a laugh. As Rarity calmed herself, Twilight realized all the blinds were closed and boxes had been piled in front of the backdoor. “Is everything okay? You look like you haven’t slept…”
“I couldn’t. I've been having terrible nightmares…”
“Nightmares? About what?”
Rarity trotted over to the front door and locked it with her magic. “I could have sworn I locked the door when I came back in…” She turned back to Twilight, shuddering to herself, obviously deep in thought. “My nightmares?” she repeated.
Twilight nodded. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I could have sworn I saw ponies watching me… But I can never catch them. I thought I might have been dreaming but now I don’t thinks that’s the case. I’m afraid to go to sleep because I think they’ll break in…”
“Are you serious?”
“I wouldn’t joke about this!” Rarity curtly replied.
Twilight walked back to the front door, unlocked it and looked outside. Besides the rain, which was very uncharacteristic for the town, everything was peaceful. Not a pony on the streets. “I don’t see anyone,” she whispered to Rarity.
“Of course not. They only come out when I’m about to go to sleep,” Rarity said, a hint of panic in her voice.
“Don’t worry, Rarity. I’m here. I’m sure everything’ll be okay.”
“I sure hope so, Twilight… I feel like I’m starting to lose myself…” Rarity hung her head and tightly closed her eyes. “I scared, more so than I’ve ever been. Enemies I can see, I know how to deal with. I don’t even know what’s going on here… All I feel is dread and… what if something happens to me? Who will be there for my kids? For Sweetie Belle?”
“Rarity, I’m sure it’ll be okay. I promise you’ll make it through this.”
Her eyes scrunched shut, Rarity took a step back. “You promise? Just because you promise doesn’t mean… You can’t be sure… What if you fail?”
Twilight had never seen her friend so distressed before. Sure, Rarity had been through tight spots before, but not like this. Twilight didn’t fully understand, but she was willing to stay by Rarity’s side until she managed to calm herself. And then the two of us can gather the rest… We’re going to need everyone to solve this dilemma.
Sweetie Belle ran through the rain and stopped once she was under a local shop awning. This wasn’t a scheduled rain day… what were the Pegasus doing today? Sweetie Belle didn’t like it. Even if Rarity didn’t find anything, she knew something was up.
Much to her delight, Babs Seed, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo came running through the rain to her location. There weren’t many ponies out today, but those that were out were galloping from one place to the next in order to avoid getting too wet. As they got close, Sweetie Belle could see Babs new cutie mark: an apple next to a skyscraper. Scootaloo had already gotten her cutie mark a while ago, making Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom the only ones left of the Cutie Mark Crusaders who hadn't discovered their passion. Sweetie Belle was convinced she would be the last of them to get her mark...
“Sweetie Belle!” Apple Bloom said with a smile as she approached. “Why didn’t you come back to the Cute-ceañera? We missed you!”
“Sorry,” Sweetie Belle said sheepishly. “I thought… Well, I don’t know what I thought. I was just worried about Big Mac.”
“Oh, he just wanted me to decorate the barn. I was wrong about everything I said. Nothing weird was going on.”
“Really? You mean it?” Sweetie Belle felt some relief, but her unease didn’t completely leave her. “What about this rain? Don’t you think this is weird?”
“Why is it weird?” Babs asked. “You guys don’t have rain here?”
“Don’t the Pegasus control the weather in Manehattan?”
“Er… Well, Manehattan is a big place,” she said with a nervous laugh. “They can’t get around to everyplace.”
“It’s weird for Ponyville. Rainbow Dash doesn’t usually let these thunderclouds get so close.”
“Huh. I see…” Babs turned to the rain and mulled over the conversation.
Scootaloo shrugged. “Whatever. A little bit of rain never hurt a pony.”
“Aren’t you worried about Rainbow Dash?” Sweetie Belle asked. Scootaloo looked up to Rainbow Dash like a sister!
“She can take care of herself.”
Rainbow Dash was a very strong and serious contender…
“Hey,” Babs suddenly interjected. “Why don’t we go to our clubhouse? I have so much to tell you, Sweetie Belle!”
Sweetie Belle nodded. It was cold out and the clubhouse was a safe place where she could pour out all her theories about the odd behaviors of the Ponyville citizens. They were getting a little old to use the clubhouse, but the nostalgic factor made the place comfortable. “All right.”
Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Babs all smiled in unison. “Good,” Apple Bloom stated. “Let’s hurry!”
They all galloped away from the awning and through the streets of Ponyville. Everywhere they went the ponies in their houses stared out their windows, their eyes following the fillies. No words were uttered. Just silent stares. Sweetie Belle kept her head down, keeping her gaze on the road ahead of her. With Scootaloo and Apple Bloom by her side she could do anything; including exposing everypony here for what they really were!
The run through town left Sweetie Belle absolutely soaked, but it was worth it. The sight of the clubhouse in their sturdy tree was heartwarming. She happily ran up to the stairs and laughed when Apple Bloom raced her to the top. Babs followed quickly behind and Scootaloo flew up to the window and sailed into the clubhouse.
Sweetie Belle instantly skidded to a halt. Did Scootaloo just fly!? Her mouth was agape in pure shock. Everypony knew Scootaloo couldn’t fly! Right? What’s going on here? Nopony is even reacting! Don't they realize how strange this is!?
Apple Bloom, Babs and Scootaloo turned to her with questioning stares. “What’s wrong, Sweetie Belle?” Apple Bloom asked.
“I… I need to leave…” Sweetie Belle took hesitant steps backward, too afraid to turn her back on these ponies. “I… forgot something… at my house.”
All three of the fillies narrowed their eyes. Babs smirked. “I think you’ll find whatever you left is already here, Sweetie Belle.”
“Who are you guys?” Sweetie Belle whispered. “What’s happened to my friends?”
Scootaloo moved forward with a dark smile. “What’re you talking about? We are your friends.”
No! Sweetie Belle turned and ran through the clubhouse door, not daring to look back. She jumped down the stairs in a single bound and hit the mud hard but still running. Her suspicions had been correct, but that fact didn’t comfort her. What had happened to her friends!?
“Don’t let her escape,” Sweetie Belle heard someone hiss.
Frightened, and unsure of where to go, Sweetie Belle turned toward Twilight’s castle. It could be seen from anywhere in town and, if she was lucky, she could get to the princess in time to inform her what had happened!
Scootaloo unexpectedly crashed into her from the sky, sending them both tumbling to the ground. Sweetie Belle picked herself up first, but Babs and Apple Bloom were close behind her, both carrying rope and a large brown potato sack. Using all her strength, Sweetie Belle continued to run. The clubhouse was somewhat out of the town, but all she needed to do was get to the road… Then other ponies would see what was happening!
“Gotcha!” Babs laughed, jumping and grabbing Sweetie Belle by the hind legs. They fell to the ground, mud splashing up on them both.
“Let go of me!” Sweetie Belle cried. “Help! Somepony!” She kicked Babs in the face but Apple Bloom jumped on top of her and began wrapping the rope around her neck and mouth.
“Help-hm!” Sweetie Belle struggled to free herself from the restraints but it only became worse when Scootaloo joined in. Using her magic, Sweetie Belle tried to untie herself, but Babs bucked her across the muzzle, nearly knocking her unconscious. Dazzled and confused, Sweetie Belle barely moved as they hurriedly shoved her into the potato bag.
“Sleep tight, Sweetie Belle,” Apple Bloom taunted as she secured the string on the bag.
All three of the fillies began laughing. Sweetie Belle could barely breathe. What was she going to do? Rarity! Rarity, where are you? I… I need your help! I'm scared, Rarity! Please! Please... help me...
Wow, pretty freaky chapter. Especially the staring ponies from the windows...
I am equally freaked and excited to see what comes next...I am so freakcited
i would think changelings but i would hope Discord would notice Fluttershy being replaced so I've got nothing great story so far