• Published 16th Jun 2014
  • 3,986 Views, 122 Comments

Blossoming Roses - Storm butt

Stand up straight, keep your apperance, be perfect. These are just a few things that Prince Blueblood believes is required of a common prince. It wasn't until he met Fancy Pants did he begin to see the world a little less demanding of himself

  • ...


Fancy Pants brought the end of the cigarette to his lips, shutting his eyes when the taste hit his tongue. He inhaled the smoke while he leaned over the balcony railing as he gave a flick to the end of his cigarette into the wastebin beside him. He brought his hoof up to his lips before he coughed into it while he shook his head, the white marble floor under his hooves while he stared out to the city of Canterlot from the second story window. Many ponies bustled in the streets and made plenty of noise, a stark contrast to the quiet hallways located behind him.

“Sorry to make you wait, dear,” Fancy called behind him before he turned his head to the white prince. Blueblood was in a long black dress coat that fit his body snugly. “I’m afraid I’d get a tad cranky if I didn’t get one out. I’d hate for you to see me so vile.”

“It’s quite alright. My father used to smoke cigars.” The prince responded to Fancy Pants. His face held a mild look of discomfort when the scent hit his lungs. “Him and every diplomat in Equestria, it seems. I never got used to the scent, but I did adjust well to putting up with it.”

“I’m not quite ready to speed my death up that much.” Fancy Pants laughed before he buried the last of the stick into the waste bin, adjusting his tie with a pull of his magic. “Dreadful habit this is. Don’t let this old man be an influence on you.”

“A lot of ponies agree it’s truly dreadful as well. I don’t believe the public needs more of a reason to dislike me.” Blueblood gave the stallion a half smile before he shrugged his shoulders.

Fancy turned to him. His hooves tapped on the marble while he entered the nearly empty hallway, and he looked up to a set of paintings behind the stallion. The artwork all had a set of rope in front of them a good three feet away, the artwork in this specific room not very noteworthy, as it was only the entrance hallway to the museum.

The older stallion turned his head down the hallway. He spotted a pair of grey unicorns covered in the golden armor of royal guards throw them a glimpse. The two stood far enough away that Fancy Pants and Blueblood could have a private conversation, yet close enough that it was clear the guards were following them.

“I apologize about them.” Blueblood’s voice was a tad sheepish. The prince’s eyes dodged Fancy’s when the older looked back to him. “It’s common for the royal guards to watch over royalty. Sunny doesn’t like the idea of me spending time with a stranger so far away from any kind of protection, even if they are well known.”

“It’s quite alright.” Fancy chuckled before he lifted his hoof to the prince’s chin in order to bring the prince’s eyes back to his own. “I understand how the royal family works. If it bothered me I wouldn’t be here with you. You can stop apologizing about them.”

“T-Thank you,” Blueblood’s voice still contained that sheepish tone as he brushed back his mane with the back of his hoof. “But you aren’t exactly a stranger to me by now, much less to the public.”

“We didn’t have to come to this museum,” Fancy Pants told his friend, lips forming a slight frown. “The guards don’t follow you around outside the castle, at least not these past few weeks.”

“They’re already everywhere around the castle, they don’t exactly need to escort me around my own home for Celestia’s sake.” Blueblood forced a chuckle, though his lips quickly turned to a frown as if it tasted something bitter on his lips. “I thought it might be a touch selfish of me if I kept asking us to just stay put. It’s just guards high-tailing me brings a lot of attention I’d rather not get. I don’t enjoy having to put myself together perfectly just to leave the castle. Besides, I’d rather not...”

Blueblood turned his eyes away from the unicorn once more as his words trailed off. Fancy took a moment to examine his outfit closely. His coat was black with small white lines long enough to reach the end of his hooves. It looked new, no wrinkles or sign of it worn too often.

“You look lovely today.” Fancy Pants commented as Blueblood’s eyes looked to him with mild confusion.

“Excuse me?”

“You don’t normally dress up like this when I see you at the castle. You throw on a tie and rose, sure, but you rarely look quite this dashing when I see you.” Fancy spoke to the prince. He watched a mild shade of pink appear on Blueblood’s cheeks.

“Uh… I uh...” Blueblood spoke before he lifted his hoof to the dress shirt under his coat, squeezing it in his grasp as if he meant to adjust it. “You’re just teasing me, aren’t you?”

“A bit,” Fancy admitted, a sly grin on his face as he snatched up Blueblood’s hoof in his own to give it a squeeze. “Though I’m not lying. I’m sure anypony who looks at you will be jealous that you’re spending the day with me instead of them. And if the guards bother you so much, just look at the art. Or me. Both are hard to look away from I suppose.”

Blueblood didn’t say anything to that, though his blush did darken and his lips did form a bit of a smile. Fancy gave his hoof a tug and a small squeeze before he released him, pulling him down the hallway.

“I apologize if this place isn’t to your liking. I mean it doesn’t have that many ponies walking around,” Blueblood spoke up while the two kept walking. “I know you like it when you’re surrounded by others.”

“Oh, that’s not entirely true,” Fancy Pants adjusted his monocle as they walked before he began glancing at the artwork. “I just happen to enjoy where my friends are located. Most of them enjoy the party life more than I do. I’m convinced Hoity Toity still thinks he’s in his early twenties with the kind of boys he tries to pick up. I wouldn’t want to force you out of your comfort level - enjoying my friends is a bit difficult if they’re uncomfortable.”

“It seemed a touch rude,” Blueblood admitted, frowning as he looked down to his hooves. The two turned corners into the hallway while Fancy Pants looked to the prince. “I thought you might like it here. You’ve probably been here a dozen times, though. I know I have.”

“It’s always been rather calming for me to visit this place, even if I’ve been here a dozen times.” Fancy Pants gave Blueblood a small grin of excitement. “When I first began to make a name for myself, I used to love to cover a mare or stallion in one of my finest outfits, and tell them how a piece of art from this museum inspired me to throw it together. Of course I always liked to throw in how stunning it looked on them in comparison.”

“Did you really draw inspiration from these pieces?” Blueblood questioned as he raised his eyebrow at Fancy Pants.

The other threw him a devious grin when he asked the question. “A few.” Fancy Pants admitted. “Mostly color schemes. I don’t like to lie to my dates, just bend the truth a bit.”

The two traveled down the hallways of the museum for a bit, their small talk only halting when the two stopped to stare at a rather eye-catching work of art. The gallery was fairly busy, though thankfully most ponies kept to themselves as they passed. Some of the ponies around them looked touristy, many either casual dress or not clothed in anything at all. Mostly the building contained stallions in fancy suits and mares in long tender-looking dresses.

Fancy Pants kept a steady pace, looking to his side every few moments in conversation every time Blueblood’s words trailed off. Whenever the prince seemed distracted his eyes were fixed upon a painting. Once or twice he stopped. He didn’t say much about a piece of artwork, and his expression hard to read. Fancy smiled at him whenever the prince shook his head, as if he were coming back to his senses after being mesmerized for some time.

Colors and shapes filled Fancy Pant’s gaze, catching his attention briefly, though never quite pulling him away from the conversation at hoof. He had only walked perhaps five hoofsteps before he realized the prince had fallen behind. When the older stallion had stopped, he looked at the prince gazing up at a large painting before them. A frown was on his face, as if he were deep in thought.

Fancy Pants’ eyes glanced to the piece of art, a large canvas in dark colors. It depicted a doorway as it opened on the bedroom of a three ponies, two stallions and a mare. The three were laying together, wrapped in each other’s embrace over a crimson set of covers, though the covers were indeed stained with a bit of white. The way the room was decorated, the room seemed to belong to royalty. The bed frame was a glow of gold, the white unicorn in the middle of the two had a silver crown for a cutie mark on his flank. Their faces were pale, all three of them. In the doorway stood a shadow, a pony with a hoof pressed to their face, as if in shock.

“I recognize this painting.” The words came from Blueblood’s lips. He looked to Fancy briefly, a little bit of embarrassment shown on his face when he realized he had stopped without warning. “My uh… My father used to make me study fine arts. I used to look at those pictures and read stories about them all day long sometimes. It’s was a bit exhausting if I’m honest.”

“Oh?” Fancy Pants commented as he trotted up beside Prince Blueblood. He examined the artwork a bit further. “I’m sorry, I’m a bit unfamiliar with this piece. I never really know the history behind them. I’ve seen it before though, I just prefer the more… colorful ones if you will.”

“Abstract?” Blueblood asked, a bit of a chuckle in his tone. “Well, it helps that this particular painting was also based off of a fairy tale. It was one of those older ones, the ones that aren’t exactly made for little foals. I didn’t mind studying those so much.”

“What’s the story?” Fancy pants inquired as he raised his eyebrow to the prince.

“Let’s see,” Blueblood admitted, bringing a hoof to his lips as he bit down on the end. “I think the story is mostly about that unicorn in the middle. He was a prince, and he was the oldest child. His mother had died, but his younger brother was already married, so he was a better candidate to obtaining the throne. He was already in love with a mare at the time, but held off marrying her because he had met a stallion who he had also fallen in love with… I can’t remember if he was a baker or a basket weaver, it along the lines of something common… sorry, my memory is a bit spotty.”

“Keep going, you’re doing fine” Fancy encouraged. The older's grin caused Prince Blueblood to give him a nod, a thankful smile on his face.

“Anyway, there was a time limit of some sorts. It was better to have a married couple who could have children on the throne, but the prince was torn apart because of his feelings. He loved both the mare and the stallion, and the day kept drawing closer for him to make up his decision. He stressed over his duty to the throne and his family and his heart, unsure if he loved the mare or if he wanted to make his family proud. He was also unsure if he loved the stallion, or just wanted to be defiant to his family's rules and go against them. On the night before the wedding, he had invited both the mare and the stallion to his room telling them he would give them his decision in the morning, and that he just wanted a nice night with the two of them. He had given them each a goblet filled with cider and poison from a snake’s bite. They both laid in his bed and fell asleep. It was painless, but they had died in their sleep.”

“That’s a bit morbid.” Fancy Pants commented, a frown on his face.

“That’s not all,” Blueblood raised his hoof to silence Fancy Pants. “The prince had planned to drink the poison himself and rest in bed with them. However he felt so much guilt over their deaths that he had taken a knife to his belly and bled out. He embraced the two while he bled, and his white bedsheets had turned to crimson. He believed that he could be happy with the two of them after death. He died holding the two of them, the pressure of his decision driving him insane in the end. The shadow in the doorway is his bed maiden finding them… I think that’s how the story ended.”

“That’s quite the story.” Fancy Pants mumbled as he stared at the picture. “You don’t see many tragedies in today’s literature.”

“The prince was selfish.” Blueblood frowned as he shook his head. “He wanted far too much… He should have just picked one or the other. In the end three families suffered instead of one… I despise this story.”

“That’s one way to look at it, I suppose.” Fancy Pants spoke to Blueblood. “Though you have to feel a bit sorry for the prince. Though despise is a rather strong word.”

Blueblood looked down at his hooves briefly, not answering the unicorn for quite some time. He pushed his mane back with his hoof, scratching behind his ear.

“Shining Armor was looking for me today. He told it right to Sunny, too, so I couldn’t avoid him… but I came here with you instead.” Blueblood laughed a dry laugh.

“That seems a touch rude.” Fancy Pants commented, lifting his brow. “You must really not want to see him.”

There was a long silence where Blueblood refused to speak, the words not finding a place in his mouth. Several times he opened his mouth, only to close it. It took him three attempts before he found a voice.

“I was engaged once, you know.” The Prince spoke.

“Oh?” Fancy Pants responded, curiosity in his voice.

“My father set up a marriage that was political of sorts when I was young.” Blueblood looked to the other, a forced smile on his face that didn’t reach his eyes. “I was told that when I turned twenty-one I would marry her. He wanted the royal bloodline to continue, and her family saw it as a good connection to the crown. I knew nothing of her but a photo I received when I was young, and that her family were important diplomats across Equestria.”

“Of course the wedding never happened.” Fancy Pants spoke up.

“No.” Blueblood shook his head. “But I just sort of… accepted it. I thought it was normal. When I met Shining a few years later, it took forever for me to open up to him. He was just some guard who was really nosy. Most new recruits are scared of upsetting me because I can get them fired if I hate them, but he was always really annoying about trying to talk to me.”

The prince chuckled, and Fancy Pants saw a glimmer of happiness in his eyes, the memory bright for a single moment.

“I could have told my father at any time that I just didn’t want to marry that mare.” Blueblood shook his head as he bit into his cheek. “The more time I spent with Shining the more I just wanted to scream at him that I didn’t want to marry her. Even if he didn’t like it I could have convinced him. Aunt Celestia was always against the idea of arranged marriages. If I had just told her she would have stood up for me.

Fancy Pants watched as Prince Blueblood tugged at the end of his coat. He looked to the marble floors, a sigh escaping his lips.

“Cadence used to spend time with us too after a while, I think mostly because she babysat Princess Twilight a lot. The three of us used to go out all day and just… have fun. Even when my dad kept me inside they used to sneak me out. He used to get really angry when we came back, but Cadence was already a Princess and always stood up for me. After she found out he used to yell when I tried to do something he didn’t like, she always stood up for me. They were the only two who ever liked me because I was me. Growing up ponies, were always terrified of offending me and upsetting me because I was a prince. Ponies never treated me like I wasn’t a figurehead. A lot of mares and stallions have tried to get close to me over the years because of my political standing, it’s made me a tad wary of friendship… and still I was… scared…”

“Scared of what?” Fancy Pants questioned. He reached out his hoof briefly, however Blueblood shrugged it off when it touched his shoulder. The older unicorn frowned.

“I used to… I remember this story. I used to read this story all the time back then.” Blueblood looked back to the artwork of the prince and his two lovers. “I used to think that somewhere in it there was some hidden message over what the prince should have done. Even with Cadence and Shining being there for me, I couldn’t tell my father I didn’t want to marry that mare. When he died, Celestia called off the wedding… It was only a week after he died, and all I could do was feel relieved. That must make me an awful child, but it didn’t even cross my mind, it was like a large weight had been lifted.”

Blueblood seemed to bite harder into his cheek. Fancy Pants glanced back to the painting, the stallion embracing both of his lovers.

“A month after that it was my birthday. It was the day I was supposed to marry that mare, but instead me and Shining and Cadence were going to all go out to a violin recital. I wanted to go a little early and talk with Shining… when I got to the royal guard quarters, I saw him sitting there kissing Cadence… I don’t think they saw me…”

The muscles in Blueblood’s leg seemed to tighten, though not from anger as Fancy had first had thought. The prince had closed his eyes as he kept his head pointed firmly to the ground.

“I… He never talked about mares. He never talked about… dating or how cute mares we saw were, he only talked about his sister and Cadence, and never about that kind of stuff. I thought that maybe he never talked about that because he might… But he was right there, kissing Cadence… and not me.”

Blueblood felt his leg with his free hoof, rubbing the fabric up and down.

“Are you alright?” Fancy Pants asked, Blueblood finally looking to him. His eyes seemed full of emotion, though of what kind it was hard to pinpoint.

“Sorry that… I hadn’t thought about that painting in a long time… I’ve never actually told that story to anypony.” Blueblood sighed, his breath shaky. He shook his head slowly. “Shining has been bothering me for weeks. I… I can’t be around him without remembering how it felt. It feels like forever ago, he never knew why I just… drifted apart from the two of them. Talking to Shining is hard enough, but I can’t even be around Cadence without just getting upset… I don’t know how to fix things…”

Fancy pants looked down at Blueblood’s hooves, reaching out his own to grasp one. He felt the prince began to pull away, however he held it firmly in order to keep him in place. Blueblood’s cheeks were red as the crimson sheets in the painting before them. There was a silence, one that Fancy searched deep in his thoughts to fill.

“Sweetheart,” Fancy began, watching as Blueblood’s ears pricked up a bit at that name. “It’s okay to get emotional, even if the middle of a high class museum isn’t exactly the most ideal place.”

He managed to get a smile out of that, even if his eyes looked ready to spill over with a fresh set of tears.

“C-Can we just not talk about this?” Blueblood asked Fancy Pants, looking into his eyes with a sense of regret. “I didn’t want to spill this on you. Not you of all ponies, because you… You’re the first friend I’ve had in a long time...”

Blueblood trailed off, though Fancy looked at his eyes.

“I just… being around you makes everything confusing…” Blueblood had trouble speaking after that, a touch of frustration in his words as he bit his lip.

The eyes of the older were warm, understanding even. Fancy Pants looked back to him, blinking slowly before he leaned in, pressing his lips against the prince’s cheek. It was warm and soft, and the prince didn’t fight it. A gentle warmth was in his chest, one that made it loosen for just a moment. It tasted sweet on his lips when he pulled away, though the prince only felt the spot.

“Being hung up on the past just restricts your future.” Fancy said to the prince. “But never thinking about your past hurts your own growth. It’s a big part of growing up, actually.”

Blueblood didn’t respond to that. He kept his hoof on the spot where Fancy Pants had kissed him, as if somepony might come and snatch it away from him.

“We don’t need to discuss this now.” Fancy Pants smiled at Blueblood as he spoke, releasing the hoof. “Let’s just look at the art a little bit more. I can take you out for some lunch afterwards if you want. I know this great little place, or we could go back to my place for some tea. What do you say?”

“That sounds nice.” Blueblood’s voice was a bit quiet, though a sense of excitement loomed underneath his tone. “Either of them… I owe you that much for listening”

“You don’t owe me anything.” Fancy Pants insisted, pointing down to a new hallway. “You’re just accepting my offer.”

“Fancy Pants?” Blueblood’s voice questioned the stallion beside him.

“Hmm?” Fancy Pants raised his brow. “What is it, sweetheart?”

“Would it be… rather unbecoming of a prince if I were to lean on your side?” Blueblood stared into the other’s eyes. The prince looked as though he struggled not to show emotion, though a sense of desire was breaking through his wall. “Just for a bit, I do believe spilling all of that made me a tad fatigued, I honestly wasn’t prepared for that kind of emotional heart to heart thing. I don’t normally do that.”

“It’s fine, if that’s what you’re asking.” Fancy Pants laughed, Blueblood’s face containing a hint of relief. “Though you needn’t ask. I certainly wouldn’t mind if it was you who leaned on me of all ponies.”

As the two began to walk, Fancy Pants felt a weight on his side. Blueblood leaned up against him as they walked, not saying anything, simply sharing the warmth of the other’s body. The older pony didn’t mind. In fact, his smile only grew.

The rest of the morning was quiet and simple for the two stallions, a moment of peace and the warmth of each other.