• Published 16th Jun 2014
  • 3,985 Views, 122 Comments

Blossoming Roses - Storm butt

Stand up straight, keep your apperance, be perfect. These are just a few things that Prince Blueblood believes is required of a common prince. It wasn't until he met Fancy Pants did he begin to see the world a little less demanding of himself

  • ...


Fancy Pants took a long drag of his cigarette. He stared up at the ceiling for a bit, but closed his eyes every time he breathed in on the stick. A cough was forced from his throat, and he put a hoof over his mouth to block his saliva from falling right back onto his face. The small room he slept in was filled mostly with boxes stacked to the ceiling. Most of them were filled with long forgotten cloth he swore he would use but ended up forgoing for something more eye-catching in the end. The room itself felt cramped, nonetheless, a small pathway from the door to the bed cleared. He really needed to give this place a good spring clean. There was a window in here somewhere, but it was buried somewhere behind the boxes.

The unicorn sat up, the cigarette hanging from his mouth. The day outside had to be growing close to noon, not willing to wait for him to get the energy to fall from his bed and crawl himself to the kitchen. He groaned loudly. Fancy moved his aching bones over the bed, rolling out ungracefully and took a moment to balance himself on a nearby box.

Fancy's fur felt ruffled, out of place and messy the more he moved about. He worked his way to the door and opened it with great impatience. The first gasp of fresh air that wasn't filled with smoke felt refreshing for only half a second before his headache began to fully set in. The bright colors hurt his eyes before he began rubbing his eyes, taking another breath of the cigarette.

Fancy Pants took a look around the place and deduced quickly that it was indeed, tragically, a mess. Bits of fabric and equipment were thrown about, hardly presentable to the public. He lifted a large bit with his magic before he coughed once more into his hoof, blowing the smoke out from his face with his hoof.

“How did it get this bad?” Fancy's words came out through the coughing, the smell already beginning to sink into the place. He blinked slowly and moved to the windowsill, pushing the end of the stick into the pile of ashes. His magic began to move the fabrics into a pile of what could be salvageable and what was so worthless it must be thrown away went straight into the garbage can. When his eyes glanced to the two piles, he saw the garbage can quickly fill up, the salvage pile looking thin and pointless. He eventually just dumped everything into the garbage.

He used his magic to straighten things up bit by bit, making it look less like a tornado came through, and a bit more like a small thunderstorm. His eyes looked to the floor and saw a few designs on paper which he had scribbled out halfway through drawing them. Most seemed pointless to keep so he moved them to the garbage as well.

A sudden knock on the outside of the door caught the older unicorn's attention, his head turning in the direction of the door behind. He could have sworn that sign was swung to closed the night before. The thought forced a sigh from his body, doing what he could in the few moments to make himself look a tad more presentable, fixing his mane, smoothing out his fur.

Fancy Pants moved to the door and opened it slowly to see who it was through the crack of the door. He was expecting a common pony, perhaps Fleur or Hoity Toity... but not this.

“I do apologize, but the shop is…” Fancy Pants saw the stranger's white fur, a common color in Canterlot, however when he moved up he found his head began to swim. Prince Blueblood stood before him, looking far more presentable than he had the night prior, his clothing fixed, eyes wide and blue with no sign of the tired grief of the night before. Behind him were two white as snow royal guards dressed in their golden attire.

“Yes… I did notice the sign,” Blueblood said, adjusting his tie with an awkward looking movement of his hoof. The stallion stood tall and proud, though Fancy noticed he occasionally glanced behind him to see the small crowd gathering at the sight of him outside, a small frown appearing on his lips. “I apologize, you seem very unprepared for a meeting."

“Oh, I suppose so.” Fancy looked down at his body, feeling unsure if he was meant to bow at the sight of the prince right at his door stop or not.

“My business here is brief, if you don't mind, Blueblood spoke, reaching out his hoof as one of the guards placed a folded set of clothing into his hooves, which Blueblood quickly passed forward to the pony before him. “I had them washed and dried for you...and I also…”

Fancy stared at the other, the prince’s words trailing off as he gripped onto the clothing he had lent the other. The fabric smelled strange, as if washed by a brand he had never used before. Perhaps royalty had everything personally made for themselves.

“You wanted to make sure I didn’t tell anypony about last night?” Fancy raised his brow. He fully opened the door to meet the other eye to eye. He watched Blueblood look down to his hooves, a mildly frustrated look on his face as if he couldn’t get out the words he wanted to say… or perhaps he himself didn’t even know. “I’ve played this game for a long time, I know how important social reputation is to some ponies.”

“Though my father always told me not to listen to rumors about myself and ponies around me, I choose to believe the rumors that you are kind and understanding.” Blueblood stated firmly, meeting the other’s eye. “So no, I don’t believe you would tell anypony.”

“Strange,” Fancy Pants couldn’t help but look a little surprised, a small grin appearing on his face. “I never expected rumors to be so pleasant.”

“There are much nastier ones. Rumors spread quickly.” Blueblood reminded the other, his polite smile turning a tad genuine the more he spoke. “I just haven’t experienced those ones first hoof.”

“I see… thank you Prince Blueblood.” Fancy used his magic to move the clothing to a safe area on top of a small pile of boxes. He paused a moment, the prince looking down at his hooves again and dragging it across the small cobblestone pathway that lead to the road.

“Would you like to come in? I was just about to make myself some tea.” Fancy Pants said with a smile on his face. He watched as Blueblood’s head shot up, a flicker of fire in his eyes quickly covered up by a stone expression and a curt nod. Fancy giggled, and a sign of a blush hit Blueblood's cheeks.

“I-I suppose I can spare some time.” Blueblood said. He lifted his hoof to the royal guards behind him as if telling them to stay put, Fancy Pants moving aside to let the other in. The Prince took several steps in before Fancy Pants had shut the door.

“I apologize for it being such a mess. I’ve been attempting to fashion together several dresses these past few weeks. I haven’t had much time to clean with the Gala approaching.” Fancy said. He moved in the direction of the small kitchen before he pulled out a kettle from the cupboard with his magic.

Fancy Pants looked to the prince, who had a rather strange look on his face. He shifted uncomfortably in his place, looking around the place as if unsure what to make of it, or if it was even his place to speak.

“Something on your mind?” Fancy Pants questioned. “I’d hate for you to bottle it all up.”

“It’s just that this place looks awfully...” Prince Blueblood spoke, one hoof off from the ground as he looked around, as if afraid to set it down.



Fancy Pants found himself laughing at the Prince’s bluntness. He watched Blueblood throw him a mildly annoyed look at him, but it wasn’t one that made the older pony feel as though he needed to put himself in line.

“I suppose it does look a touch ‘ratty’ by your standards.” Fancy Pants spoke as he began filling up the kettle with water. “It’s what I’ve called home for a long time though. I suppose your bedroom is the size of this place alone."

“You’re awfully open to be sociable after one insults your home.” Blueblood had a strange look on his face as he carefully reached out his hoof to touch a small pile of tattered fabrics.

“Darling, you find it easier to get over your fear of speaking up when you get to where I am.” Fancy laughed once more. “It’s better to make friends than enemies.”

“Surely you don’t live here though,” Blueblood said with a disgusted expression. He trotted awkwardly in the direction of the kitchen. “It feels awfully cramped.”

“It isn’t my main home,” Fancy Pants told the other. “Just my first in Canterlot… I opened up this shop fifteen years ago. It’s easy to grow when you manage to pin down a popular area like this before all the big stores move in. I haven’t been able to give this little place away for several years… it’s nice to go back to your roots now and again.”

“Surely your roots could be a little cleaner,” Blueblood stated. He earned another giggle from the older, but this time Blueblood's lips showed signs of a faint smile. "Tidy up a bit at least."

“Yes, I do suppose I let the place go a little,” Fancy Pants looked to the other as he lit the flame on the stove, setting the kettle down. “Though again… I hardly expected a visit from the prince.”

Fancy found himself looking at the prince when he said that, seeming to expect some kind of answer. He pulled out apple flavored tea packets from the cupboard, but kept his eyes on Blueblood.

“I felt odd just sending any old guard to give you your clothing back.” Prince Blueblood stated, glancing out the window into the street of Canterlot, several upper class ponies walking in large groups. “My father always taught me it was correct to repay those who are kind to you with something, and as rarely as it happens in our social standing, it felt like the right thing to do."

"I don’t doubt it's a rare occurrence for kindness where the two of us are,” Fancy’s eyes watched as Blueblood frowned, the prince looking unsure if he should feel offended or curious at that response. “I never see you at social gatherings outside of the castle. I make it a point to attend many. And at the castle you hardly talk to anypony during events. Assumptions are a strong thing ponies have going for them in events like that, the precious ponies we all look up to having imperfections simply amaze the common folk.”

“I don’t enjoy listening to every ponies pitch for their sales at events like that,” Prince Blueblood’s words were firm as he took a seat slowly on the purple pillow in front of the table, making sure to wipe it off with his hoof before seating himself down. “I’m there for the same reason as everypony else, to sell. Though I suppose I sell image more than anything else. Last night you saw me at my absolute worst, and yet you treated me kindly. Most ponies work out how to make themselves look better by making others look worse.”

“Deary, I’m at the top of the food chain just by being myself. Lying and manipulating situations is cruel and unjust.” Fancy Pants smelled the scent of apples lift to his nose when he breathed in, the smell of the cigarette from before fading from the room. He smiled gently at the other. Blueblood fidgeted a bit and once again looked unsure of how he should answer. “I hope you don’t take me for the kind of stallion that simply believes rumors… and I hope you are not so self doubtful that you visit the home of every pony you come into contact with.”

“I er… honestly I don’t see…” Blueblood bit on his lip, his own words trailing off. “You were kind to me. I really didn’t expect that, I just wanted to come and tell you that. Talking to you was easy if I'm being honest..."

“Truth be told once you ceased yelling at me you were rather charming in your own way,” Fancy said as he began pouring himself a cup of tea. “You didn’t seem like the pony I remembered from all those years at the gala, Prince Blueblood. It’s a shame you don’t let most ponies see you like that. You look cute right now, but you don't act nearly this shy in public, do you?"

“I’m not too used to this whole… going to another pony’s place to talk over tea.” Blueblood admitted, scratching at his cheek. Fancy wondered if it felt warm from how pink it looked. “My best friend was a royal guard who used to talk to me as he practiced his sparing and magic. Ponies like you talk about business and trade and... All I know is how to look nice and find my way around when I get lost. I try to avoid social parties if I can, I find their topics disinterest me, far too many whispers and disingenuous friendships form.”

“I know how to play the game well enough,” Fancy gave a sly grin when he spoke to Blueblood. “I’ve managed to make some true friends in the thick of it. It’s easier when you realize there is a difference between friendship and business deals. Sometimes one comes from the other. There's a certain kind of life you live at parties that fills you with... well I don't know how to put it exactly."

“My father was a lot like you,” Blueblood began running a hoof through his mane as he looked into his cup. “I suppose businessmen are alike, thinking of the big picture and all. He used to talk about appearance all the time."

“The big picture is nothing without painting the little parts.” Fancy stated as he handed the other a cup of tea using his magic, taking a sip of his own. “Friends over enemies and what not. I don't go for the business though, well at least not anymore. Ponies surrounding me and wanting to talk to me is just... enjoyable to say the least."

"Sounds stressful, having to fill all that silence all the time." Blueblood took the tea and took a brief sip. He smiled when the flavor hit his tongue. "I always stuck near the guards and talked to Shining Armor..."

“Do you always bring protection with you?” Fancy questioned, nodding in the direction of the door.

“Well ponies don’t stop and talk to you as much if the guards of Equestria are by your side. They always assume it is urgent business.” Blueblood chuckled as he continued drinking down the tea. “My great duty of delivering dry cleaning."

“You have a sense of humor at least.” Fancy smiled at Blueblood. He leaned his head on his hoof and sipped at his drink. “That’s good for royalty. I’m sure Celestia would have gone mad if she never developed one.”

“Shining Armor rubbed off on me,” Blueblood admitted with another chuckle. “He used to always tease me about taking everything so seriously. You develop fast when your friend makes fun of you for thinking he's serious every waking second."

“Sounds like you and the new prince have a history,” Fancy raised his brow as he ran a hoof across his blue moustache, pulling on the end gently. “You mentioned him last night as well.”

“I’m not sure you could call it much,” Blueblood looked into the other’s eyes briefly before rubbing his free hoof in small circles on the surface of the table. “His first assignment was to be the guard to my room. He was always more sociable than than the others, I guess it was because he grew up around the castle with his sister being Celestia’s student…. I don’t know why I’m telling you all of this.”

“Think of it as gossip, deary,” Fancy Pants waved his hoof in front of him. “Photo Finish enjoys eating fast food, Hoity Toity hooks up with Royal Guards, you and Shining Armor are good friends.”

“I despise gossip.” Blueblood mumbled quietly, gripping his leg with his hoof. “I must have looked awful last night. If ponies saw that, my image would be ruined. I hate to just think of them laughing at me in that ratty shirt I ruined, talking about how I must have ripped it like a spoiled child because I didn’t like the color or something.”

“I’m sure the rumors wouldn’t have been that vicious,” Fancy took one final sip of his tea as he ran a hoof through his mane. “You did look wonderful once I fixed you up last night though."

"Very funny." Blueblood rolled his eyes. "I was crying like a spoiled child... I could tell everypony wanted to ask why my eyes were so red."

"Oh I'm being serious," Fancy Pants pulled out a small pocket watch and flicked it open. "You are cute when you're relaxed like this."

"I... I uh..." Blueblood couldn't find the words, his mouth dry. Fancy Pants smiled when he watched Blueblood put his hooves over his face to hide his blush. "Ponies don't... normally call me that. Regal is a bit more common, handsome maybe..."

“Well there's a first time for everything," Fancy Pants shrugged before he glanced once more to his pocket watch. "I do apologize to cut this abruptly, but I made plans for me and my good friend to have dinner this evening, and I've already slept half the day away thanks to Hoity and his lousy drinks.” Fancy mumbled, scratching behind his ear with his free hoof as he did so.

“I suppose… this was all a little more than I intended for.” Blueblood coughed into his hoof as he took the final sip of his drink. “I do apologize if I’ve eaten up your time.”

“You could always join us, you know?” Fancy said to the prince. “We’re always welcome to having more ponies in our group. Nopony is around the same age as Fleur, and you look it. I bet she wouldn’t feel like she was surrounded by old men and women all the time.”

“I apologize,” Blueblood tugged uncomfortably at his bowtie. He put a hoof onto his chest where his heart was, squeezing it gently when he looked away from Fancy Pants. “Crowds are… I wouldn’t want to burst the bubble your group has. Having relation to the princess of Equestria tends to kill the mood for gossip like you ponies like to do.”

“I wouldn’t call it that.” Fancy frowned at the other, however Blueblood kept avoiding his gaze. The two were silent for a few moments as Blueblood folded the cuffs at the end of his shirt. “We should meet like this again.”

“Excuse me?” Blueblood's eyes flickered with life again, but somehow for an even shorter second.

“If you don’t mind hanging around an old man,” Fancy chuckled as he looked at the other. “Though I suppose being royal either spoils you or forces you to grow up fast. I haven’t pinpointed which one you are quite yet.”

“You're only... what was it, thirty five?” Blueblood mumbled, biting into his cheek.

“Thirty seven. Believe my, that number means a lot more when ponies expect you to go to social parties for business rather than pleasure,” Fancy shrugged his shoulders at the other.

“Twelve years isn't that much.” Blueblood’s eyes rolled.

"You sound like Hoity Toity when he talks to the twenty year old guards." Fancy Pants laughed. Blueblood smiled as well. "But honestly, I do want to see you again. Having more friends is never a bad thing in my book."

Fancy Pants stood up and offered a hoof to Blueblood when he walked around the table. The prince accepted it and got to his hooves, taking but a moment to straighten out his shirt.

“I do believe I will be seeing you again shortly, Prince Blueblood,” Fancy smiled at the other. “It was delightful to have you here, I promise I’ll appear more put together when I see you again.”

“Thank you,” Blueblood nodded his head firmly. “And… you don’t have to call me Prince… only ponies who I don’t know call me prince.”

“Very well than, Blueblood.” Fancy Pant’s tone was a pleasant one. He used his other hoof to run up Blueblood's foreleg and hold it gently. He pressed his lips down to the end of Blueblood's hoof, giggling when his eyes saw that blush again. “I’ll keep in touch with you, I promise.”