• Published 14th Jun 2014
  • 2,689 Views, 241 Comments

Dark Souls:the descent into friendship - star dust pony

I am a undead,im not sure how i got here,who braught me here or what this this place is...but even my strange dreams...they leave me smiling compared to what i feel is ahead of me

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chapter 3:Celestial greetings (EDITED VERSION)

Twilight tried to using magic to knit together Rainbow Dash's torn muscle and flesh, causing pained hisses to come from her friend, she then, having succeeded after nearly an hour of exhausting concentration and painful fidgeting on Rainbow's part, drags the large creature apparently called 'Sparks' behind her as they make their way back towards town. Needles to say: his armour isn't quite so shiny anymore.

"So... you're sure it talked?"

Rainbow attempted to face-hoof but the pain shooting through her flexing tissues and the slight reopening of the wound just caused her to wince. "Yes, for the millionth time Twilight, that thing talked to me, his name is Sparks and...well...he said he was a knight." Rainbow dash looked over her shoulder, examining the armor and only just know noticing that this being is definitely sentient, no monstrous animal could carry around so many different things without the knowing of their functions, maintenance , and it's quite clear it definitely knows how its own gear works. Or coherently string together multiple sentences of speech.

"Well I won't trust it until Celestia has had a look at it. And possibly a talk... but I really don't like this." Twilight starts using her magic to cause the being's body to become invisible as she entered town so no pony else could see it as she made her way back to her library with absolutely no concern as to what happens to the creature. Or cursed lump of metal/some kind of steel construct.

"Hey! Be careful Twilight, do you really think its going to appreciate waking up to notice its body is all dented?" Rainbow slowed her pace for a moment to get behind Twilight and check to see if any of the bumps had hurt it, and if it was even still alive. Well it didn;t seem to breathe but steel doesn't need to breathe, right?

"Its probably not even a real thing, I, personally, think it may just be an enchanted suite of armor." As she tries to fit the creature through the door it seemed as if it was going to be impossible. But Twilight posses an abundance of common sense and uses her magical teleportation to make it move to the middle of the room. "There... and now to prove my theory I am going to-." Twilight's smile quickly faded when she lifted the creatures helmet, not enough to reveal its whole face but enough to show the flesh. "Nope, this is armour being worn." She quickly drops the helm back onto it's head.

"See? I told you its a living thing." Rainbow says as she closes the door to the library just as Apple jack's hoof steps can be heard descending the stairs.

"Howdy y'all, what ha-" Apple Jack froze mid-way down the stairs as her pupils dilated to the size of plates. "WHAT IN TARNATION IS THAT?!?!" Apple Jack's pointed hoof at the metal creature caused Twilight's and Rainbow's heads to turn and the yelling caused Spike to fall out of bed. Painful is the injury but more so is the fact that he was woken up. Everyone likes a lie-in.

"Oooooowwwww....keep it down you guys I'm trying to sleep!" Spike's voice called from upstairs, It was starting to get late in the day almost to the point of darkness. OK, maybe some of prefer to not wake up at all.

Twilight stepped onto the stairs. "This is the 'monster' that was watching your farm."

Rainbow dash poked the creature causing a jolt of panic from Apple Jack. "DON'T YA'LL TOUCH IT RAINBOW!!! who knows what that thing can do, and look at yer' wing, That was probably its work."

Rainbow raised a eyebrow while not stopping her constant poking. "Yes it was BUT it said it was sorry and then Twilight brought guards to try to kill it, But it did not hurt them either, even though it was trying to protect itself! So I'm more for givin' it a chance. I have doubts that this thing is evil."

Both Twilight and Apple Jack started giving apprehensive looks but Twilight was the one to speak out. "I am going to go contact Celestia, she'll judge if it's evil or not, if it is we'll imprison it. If not... Then I have no idea." Twilight makes her way past Apple Jack and to her desk with spike.

Apple Jack slowly trotted to stand next Rainbow Dash, examining the design of the armor. "Holy over weighted armour, batma- uh, Rainbow! This thing has a lot of endurance to be able to carry all this and still stand up straight, let alone walk." She tried to lifting the metal arm and only resulted in a struggle to get it more than a couple inches from the ground, she wasn't sure if she was getting weak, the armor was really heavy or she was just too short, the creature was noticeably taller than her while standing up. It had to be at least six and half feet tall.

Twilight comes back down with a proud smile on her face. "The princess should be here any se-." In a flash of brilliant light Celestia was in the room, her beautiful multi-colored mane flowing as she smiled down at her subjects. "Ooooorr she'll just do that." Twilight comes down from the stairs as she, Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash all bow to Celestia, causing her to giggle slightly.

"No need to bow my little ponies, and besides I am not here for any ceremony, I am here to see this new cre-...oh my." Celestia's smile turned into a face of curious but cautious interest. "This is new, this certainly isn't like anything I have seen before...Rainbow Dash, Twilight said you're the one that had the most interaction with it? What did it do?"

Rainbow stood up and took a deep breath. "Well at first when i flew towards it it shot me with a arrow to my wing BUT, before you judge it on nothing but that alone, it apologized when I landed, it could speak Equestrian and not only that but it defended itself without harming others and even told me to take cover! I think that shows it has concern for other living creatures...Twilight doesn't trust it though."

"Yeah... because it SHOT you." Twilight gave a slightly cold glare at Rainbow Dash but it was also filled with poorly concealed .
Celestia gave a soft chuckle. "Well I am sorry Twilight but from what I'm hearing this creature may not be that bad, perhaps when it wakes up we can speak with it, to see if we can get a few more answers from it." Celestia lowered her head down to the creature's helmet, looking into the holes to examine whatever might be inside, only to be greeted with too much darkness to make out anything.

As Twilight gave a sigh and nodded Apple Jack was making her way to the door. "Well ah'd love to stay and see where this goes but mah brother is probably gettin' real worried." She trots out of the room, making sure to close the door behind her.

Rainbow dash just shrugged. "Well I got nothing to do, mind if I crash here for tonight?"

Twilight decides this moment to make the most obvious joke in history of Equestria. "You never asked for permission all those other times you crashed here and didn't stay long enough to clean up your mess." By now the reader is probably doing a major face-palm because this joke was so Obvious a blind rat with eyes made of lemons saw it coming from a mile away. And the editor is wondering why she's having to help break the fourth wall while the author rambles on about the physical impossibilities of a rat having eyes which are actually lemons that have been rammed into it's skull.

Rainbow dash just sighed. "I'll sleep on the cloud outside." She goes to the window and jumps to do a very short but very painful dash towards a cloud and gets stuck inside of it in that apparently comical way in which her back end is exposed to the skies above.

"...Close enough."

Celestia chuckles yet again. "I really do find it quite amusing here, I should really come and visit more often. Come now, Twilight You should probably be off to bed, it's getting late. I shall meet you in the morning." Celestia leaves in yet another flash of light, causing Twilight to release a sigh before going up to her bed.

Spike is asleep and Twilight feels just as tired causing her to instantly flop onto her bed and fall into her dreams as her head makes contact with the pillow. "Aaahhhh...." A smile comes across her sleepy face as she begins a new dream... not knowing that in the morning their will be questions needing answers for those on both sides of the coin.

Author's Note:

yes i know warp isn't the proper term for it but i always preferd warp over teliport and sorry if this part was a bit rushed,i was short on time

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