• Published 14th Jun 2014
  • 2,689 Views, 241 Comments

Dark Souls:the descent into friendship - star dust pony

I am a undead,im not sure how i got here,who braught me here or what this this place is...but even my strange dreams...they leave me smiling compared to what i feel is ahead of me

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chapter 26:lets try this again (WARNING:not yet filtered through editor)

I fallowed Twilight through the forest as she moved branches to the side with her magic. "Where are we going again?" I looked towards her.

"We are going to a blacksmith, he knows how to improve your blade, besides it looks like it needs sharpening." She was right too, my sword was getting pretty dull. "Come on Sparks, Its just ahead."

I wound up coming up to what I thought was a big grey block of cement at first until I noticed the sides were hallowed out, their were windows carved from the stone and a large smelter just outside the door with a big grey stallion with a long messy white beard. "Ummmm thats him?"

The Stallion stopped his work and looked at me. "If your talking about the blacksmith in the forest then yes...thats me." He glared into my helmet, not even flinching at my appearance while his milky filtered eyes made me shiver slightly, I think his eyes were the most frighting thing iv seen thus far.

I drew out my blade. "Could you...pleas make some improvements to my blade pleas?" As I handed it to him he simply nodded and took it from my hands, examining everything from the hilt, to the blade, to the guard and he even checked the pommel as he levitated out some strange bar like objects, I'm assuming ingots.

"Give me a moment...but I hope you have a spare blade." Aaaaand here comes the catch.

"Uhhhh why?" I reached for a different blade.

"Because the magic i'll be using may attract some feral beasts to here." The blacksmith and Twilight looked at me as I sighed.

"Very well then." I took out a rapier that had a long guard and probably the longest rapier blade I have seen and I prepared myself.

The growls of beasts began filling my ears and I saw...many...many red eyes glowing and the first thing I saw shocked me the most...it wasn't a timber wolf...it was a giant damn armored scorpion with a golden poison gland and it had a armored head.

Twilight gulped and backed away. "Uhhhh....good luck with that?" I could only roll my eyes but she was a pony without a weapon...so I as a knight must face this.

I snapped my attention just in time to raise my shield before the stringer nearly impaled me and it kept pushing, Putting hard strain onto my arm but regardless of this I pushed it back as now I had a feeling this was only luck that saved me. "A knight versus a giant scorpion...not what i'd call fair but I'v fought worse."

Another big mistake I made was talking because like a dumb-ass I didn't notice the pincers about to strike me so I wound of falling to my side but even then I managed to get up and in a slightly annoyed rage stabbed my rapier into one of its many eyes making it screech and trying to grab me. "Your friend is pretty brave to pull stunts like that." The blacksmith was speaking to Twilight.

I back-stepped from its second attempt to impale me and through natural instinct I charged into a thrust and while I did just jab its eye the damn thing grabbed me.

I could hear Twilight's worried gasp. "SPARKS!!!" Both she and I could hear a loud 'CRUNCH' as its pincers attempted to crush me and throw me down, assuming im dead...it made a mistake to make that assumption.

I got up and rose my visor just enough to receive a sip of my estus flask. "That was a large mistake." I put my shield behind me as I set my Rapier ablaze with some pine resin I had with me and with a slight too much confidence I charged at it, swerving between its pincers and taking jabs at its eye sockets and back stepping each stinger jab.

"C'moooon sparks..." Twilight was biting her bottom lip in worry and she was right if I made one slip up I would most likely be dead.

"GAH!!!" Through the lack of paying attention I ended up getting sent flying back a few feet by the giant stinger, not impaled but not killed poisoned perhaps...but this only made me smirk regardless weather i was groaning on the floor in pain.

Twilight gulped as the Scorpion turned to her, now with plans on ending her...only to receive a face full of magic lasers which I personally found hilarious. "Stay BACK!!" Now her worry was more like anger as she kept blasting the scorpion further back slightly.

"...Twilight." She stopped and looked at me as I rose. "Let me handle it...I faced it first, so i'll be the one to face it last." My body began to emit a very bright glow as the 2 rings I just put on began to take effect and due to these effects regardless of how weak I was at the moment I charged forward as it turned its attention back to me but it did so just a bit too late.

I thrust-ed my rapier into its last eye socket as it screeched and began flailing providing only enough time to exit its reach...and for the finishing blow I decided to get rid of it all together.

"Sparks be careful it can still hear you." The sound of the ember in the hand where I once had my shield could be heard as it began to glow with the power hidden deep within the user and as I unlocked this power I felt myself begin to hurt.

"I will be." It felt as if my soul had been ignited by this point and as I put the ember in my other hand and charged the strongest fire ball I know the stinger of the scorpion went back to impale whatever is in-front of it. "Die foul beast...may the gods find a way to redeem you into nature." I threw the fire ball just as it thrust-ed forward, my hand meeting with its skull plate.

"SPARKS?!?!" The blast had engulfed both me and the creature and I could feel the heat and I could still hear Twilight's voice.

"I'm fine." When the flames subsided I still stood but the scorpion...well...it was missing its pincers and upper half of its body. "What did you expect?" Now Twilight just looked annoyed...still funny.

"...I'm beginning to wonder why I even worry about you I mean you are perfectly able on handling yourself and you survived...that." She used her hoof to point at the giant limp stinger. "And really by now its no surprise that you can take a very very massive hit."

"True." I popped my neck slightly as I rose my visor to take another drink.

"Your blade is done." I quickly hopped over to the blacksmith who handed me the new blade that seems to be glowing now. "Try not to abuse it."

I took a nod and swung at a tree...and to both me and Twilight's shock the blade sent out a line of magic fire that sliced down three more trees behind the one I just cut down. "...This is simply amazing." I smiled. "Come Twilight I wish to show this to Solare." I picked up Twilight and she let out a tiny adorable squeak as I went full sprint towards canterlot where I assume Solare must be because its the closest he can get to the sun...now if only I noticed that one sound behind me.

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