• Published 14th Jun 2014
  • 2,687 Views, 241 Comments

Dark Souls:the descent into friendship - star dust pony

I am a undead,im not sure how i got here,who braught me here or what this this place is...but even my strange dreams...they leave me smiling compared to what i feel is ahead of me

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chapter 13:The waiting game (WARNING:not yet filtered through editor)

"Hiya Twilight." A bouncing pink mare said as she bounced upside down, using her mane like a spring.

"Hi pin- PINKIE HOW ARE YOU DOING-...you know what?" Twilight sighs and puts a hoof to her head. "I'm not going to question it." Twilight put her hoof down and shook her head. "So what are you doing here? your usually allot more active around pony ville."

"Oh I was just looking for the new super duper awesome friend that arrived in Equeastria, I'm going to throw him a HUUUGGGEE Welcoming party." Pinkie leaped up into the air and spread her arms in a opening fashion to describe how huge its going to be.

Twilight chuckled and nodded. "Alright pinkie but first your going to have to wait until he comes back first, hes on a mission right now." Twilight gave a vaguely serious look to imply that its a serious mission.

"Ooooooo a mission, when will he be back?" Pinkie pie tilted her head in curiosity.

"Well hes going to get rid of the changelings for us." Twilight started to look a bit concerned, it had been hours since the knight left, almost a full day.

Pinkie pie flips back onto her hooves rather than being upside down. "Wowsa so the changelings wont be coming to steal our love?" Pinkie shoved her face close to Twilight's with only a little two inch gap separating them.

"Uhhh no they will not come to steal out love and Pinkie pleas don't get so close to my face...especially with your body in the same position." She leaned to the side to see that Pinkie's neck has extended two whole feet by some pinkie logic.

"Okie doki lokie." Pinkie retracts her head to the original position leaving everyone who saw it tilting and scratching their heads. "So how much longer are we going to wait huh?" Pinkie looked around and began thinking of a party set up.

"I think maybe a few hours...perhaps a day?" Twilight tapped her chin with her hoof.

"PERFECT, JUST ENOUGH TIME TO SET UP A PAAARRRTAY!!!!" Pinkie leaped up and zoomed around and started a song and da- NOPE SORRY I CANNOT THINK OF A SONG PINKIE PIE WILL SING nope, sorry i spent too long trying to understand her while shes bouncing around.

The whole town started getting a bit more enthusiastic after Pinkie pie logic happened and they started getting to work on getting the whole town ready for one big party.

"Alright everypony ARE YOU READY?!?!" Pinkie yelled out to the crowed.

"YEA!!!!" the crowed responded.

"ARE YOU READY TO MEET A ENTIRELY NEW PAL!?!?!" She yelled out again.

"ACTUALLY WE ALREADY MET HIM, YOU MISSED OUT!!!" The entire crowed responded in surprising unison.

"Oh..." She looked a bit disappointed "Well ARE YOU READY TO THROW THAT NEW FRIEND A HUGE PARTY?!?!?!"

"YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The crowed cheered.

"I THINK I SEE HIM!!" Rainbow dash yelled out from the sky as she saw a moving being in the distance.

The whole town hides as Pinkie starts the count down. "...3...2...1." The whole town jumped out-.

Author's Note:

yes i know it is a very abrupt ending,and a short chapter but i woke up late so i wasnt able to really put my all in the chapter without being constantly interupted
im sowwy

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