• Published 14th Jun 2014
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Dark Souls:the descent into friendship - star dust pony

I am a undead,im not sure how i got here,who braught me here or what this this place is...but even my strange dreams...they leave me smiling compared to what i feel is ahead of me

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chapter 0:strange dreams (EDITED VERSION)

"Surrender you fool, I have defeated larger than you, the power of THE SUN is with me." I felt myself speak these words as my blade collided with Lord Gwyn's, sparks dancing and his grey beard flowing back sharply from the force of our swords clashing in THE battle.

I gripped my blade and gritted my teeth, closing one eye to stop my own blood from entering my vision and damaging my eye, we both wavered, I had weakened him but he had proven to be a valiant fighter as well. So I opted for the final thing available to me, as I back-stepped he did as well, our blades clashing as we did so, casting even more sparks of brilliant white into the air. I groped at my bag and it seemed my opponent had a similar idea...I gazed at my blade as it now sparked with the power of lightning, shinning it's magnificence in the dark room. I gazed at the fires of my enemy's blade, this was going to decide this battle.
"You cannot defeat me, undead, you lack the skill and you lack the heart to face lords." Under normal circumstances I would have been mocked by his words, but I knew they were not true... I have defeated Nito, First of The Dead, Seethe the Scaleless, and many others before this day... It was time that this SICK game ended.

"Perhaps not before, but now I carry Souls of the Lords, dispense of your prattling and let us be done with you!" I felt my remaining eye twitch as I stared down Lord Gwyn as he charged, bringing his sword back to prepare another fierce attack. "Not today." I felt the words escape my lips, a mere mumble, I swung the weight of my shield into the oncoming blade, throwing the Lord from his balance in a effective parry. "YOU SHALL FALL BY MY HAND!!!" Both my eyes shot open as I rammed my sword into his chest, forcing it through his would-be heart.

I was panting and exhausted. I looked upon my blood stained blade then at the Lord I had felled, the Lord of Sunlight, dead by my hands. And as his body started fade I could feel his soul, as powerful as it was... I did not care for this... I sheathed my blade and put my shield on my back as I remembered my last dream, similar to this one, only victored by different methods... Hehehe perhaps I was seeing the future. Regardless, I brought my hand forward. "...May you find your sun my friend." I cracked a smile, remembering my closest brethren, the one I was fondest of, the being Solaris...as I wished his soul it's dues into the bonfire I gazed upon it and felt my body fade. "At last...peace..."

I felt my lungs burn like an inferno in the blackness, I felt panicked. My body numb and stiffened, was this death? True death?...I received my answer when the burning stopped and my eyes fluttered open. Through my visor I was allowed a view of the sky, a beautiful, blue sky... was everything before this... just another dream? I did not know but chose to rise, pushing on my hands and pulling my feet beneath me, to examine my surroundings.

The breeze felt upon my face was rather nice, calming and... relaxing, really. I cherished the moment before taking in my surroundings. What I was greeted with was odd, but welcomed. It did seem to me that I had awoken in the middle of a forest path. My blade and shield and all my other worldly possessions from the dreams seemed to accompany me.

"Quiet a beautiful young place..." My voice was filled with gravel, making my voice come as more of a growl. Most peculiar, It wasn't like that when I last heard myself speak. Though, that was a dream. Facts are likely subject to change between dreams and reality. The forest around me was a maze of great trees. Dark, cracked bark shielded the wood beneath and deep green leaves sprung from the branches, creating a thick canopy over the clearing, except for the very centre, which afforded a glimpse of the deep blue above, from which a mess of vines hung limply and were just inches above even my tall stature.The sun's piercing rays didn't quite penetrate the blanket of leaves but was filtered through the leaves, becoming a dim, slightly greenish light, while the light also seeped through tiny gaps between leaves. The narrow shafts of sunlight slowly grew, shrank and shifted as a light breeze rustled the leaves.

I felt myself crack my first smile at the beauty of the trees around me; something I haven't done since the last time I saw Solaris...
But now was not the time to celebrate for I had not yet truly escaped danger it seems for as I turned I caught sight of a strange new creature. "Ah, a simple wolf,this should b- Wait...is that wolf made of...wood!?"

As I gripped my blade and looked the figure over, I yet again received a answer through a roar and wolves made of hard wood jumping out to surround me, my shield was not going to help me block all of them however they were mere animals... And the best part is that they are made of wood... This gave me an edge. "My my, looks like its time for some fun for once..."

I put my shield away as a spark ignited in my hand and I held the ember of a close friend. I sheathed my blade and charged the flame just as the wolves charged me. "RRRRRAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!!" I threw the powerful flaming energy onto the floor, unleashing a storm of pure white brilliance and unfettered heat which set them ablaze, in their tracks, and then making them fall apart only for the pieces to be engulfed in more flame and incinerate. I now stood in the centre of a circle of small, yet intense flames and embers as the nearby trees creaked under the heat of the flames that sprang up around their thick trunks.

"Ohhhhh that does not look good..." I slowly backed away from the small mess of flames and wood; hoping no one was around to see that. "Lets hope this forest is not significant; otherwise I have much explaining to do." I made off at brisk pace down the wide path, which was flanked by overgrowth. I kept walking for what felt like hours, though it was welcomed. After many dreams of constant running it felt amazing to have a nice, relaxing walk on my way to wherever it may be that the wind takes me.

Proceeding in my travels, humming a jolly tune that reverberated within my helmet, I saw a large red building in the distance. I thought this to be a barn, although painted in a color that's fitting but uncommon in my home of Lordran. "Ah, civilization at last." I took a moment to gaze at the sun in thanks, praising its magnificent light before I started forward, towards the barn... Only to be stopped in my tracks... For what I saw kicking the apples down was no man... but... but a small... orange... equine.

Author's Note:

Just as a side note their WILL be transitions between the knight's POV and the ponies in the early chapters,this is just him waking up in Equestria (Also thank you allot SweetAutumns for editing this)

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