• Published 4th Jun 2014
  • 2,263 Views, 120 Comments

Eternal Night - Lucaro

In an alternate dimension where Nightmare Moon's coup succeeded, three ponies must find their destiny

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Chapter 25: Propaganda

Persei lay on her cot, staring up at the wooden roof. The gentle lapping of the ocean against the wooden hull of the ship created a relaxing ambience, along with the occasional creak from the wooden boards.

The unicorn sighed, and for the thousandth time, looked down at her new cutie mark. It was a scarlet circle with six dark orange frills. Intermittently, it would begin shimmering with heat. She had actually burned her sheets several times because of it. But when her cutie mark wasn’t glowing with thermal energy, it absorbed light, making the colors look deeper and more prominent. What this all meant was a mystery to her.

Ultra Violet had been the first one to see her cutie mark. She had then immediately taken her to the grandest ship in the harbor, and had told her to stay in this room until she returned. “I knew you were special,” she had kept saying, and then had left. All with no explanation, but she seemed very pleased.

Persei sighed. There were two burly looking guards outside her door, so it was pointless in trying to escape. Besides, it was comfortable in here. She had needed a break from the vigorous physical training she had been assaulted with.

The militant lifestyle was enjoyable, but she was tired of waking every morning too sore to move. Callista, her personal trainer, had said that Ultra Violet needed her in fighting shape as quickly as possible. So every day for the month she had been here was full of intense training, all physical, mental, and even magical. Persei hadn’t even known that her horn could get sore from using it too much.

Regardless, she was glad to have a little break. But once she had slept around for hours on end, her mind began to wander. Worry pierced her tranquility. Cepheus and the villagers were supposed to be here at least three weeks ago. What had happened to them?

Did they get lost in the forest? Did they get attacked by wild animals? Did the Night Guard catch them? Or were they still on their way, just slowed by the elders?

Persei didn’t know what to think, but her mind assumed the worse. She remembered that time which felt like ages ago. It was when Cepheus, Candle, Mother, Ultra Violet, and she had parted ways. They had already lost Mother….

She couldn’t bear to lose the last of her family.

Cepheus was the best, kindest pony she knew. He had stayed behind so he could save not only Candle’s family, but the entire village. He had urged her to save herself, and she had.

Persei remembered how badly Cepheus had been injured that night. Even then, he had been thinking about the welfare of others. She remembered his parting words. “You go ahead, because you know that Nightmare Moon prefers fillies….”

Persei was reminded of her predicament. This group she was part of called themselves “The Scions of Celestion.” The amount of times she heard the word God uttered was beyond belief. They were all believers in the fire-goddess, Celestion. So when Cepheus had said that Nightmare Moon preferred fillies. Did he think that Nightmare Moon wanted to kill her because she was a survivor of the hospital massacre? Did Nightmare Moon think that she was Celestion reborn?

Persei looked down at her cutie mark again. It was qualitative of everything fire was like. It burned everything that touched it. It warmed her insides. It somehow had strengthened her willpower.

Persei sighed. She didn’t know what to think. But what she did know, that there was no such thing as a magical fire goddess that would make everything in this world right again. Life didn’t work that way. It seemed so unrealistic….

But everypony around her believed it. There has to be some truth to this strange faith. She would give this matter more thought later on. It was like her mind was tired of thinking.

Persei looked over at the door and heard Ultra Violet’s voice from outside. There was a rumble which was one of the guards speaking. The door opened, and Persei came inside followed by two other ponies.

Persei slid off her cot and stared at the strange ponies. A mare had a large camera and a tripod, a case of makeup hanging on her saddlebag. The other stallion had a stack of papers in his hooves, a quill tucked behind both his ears.

The guards locked the door behind them, and Ultra Violet grinned. “Now tell me that this isn’t the genuine article.”

Their eyes immediately fell on Persei’s cutie mark, and they both gasped and nodded. Persei stared at them both. “What do you ponies want?”

The photographer mare looked at Ultra Violet questioningly. “My lady, isn’t she supposed to have wings as well?”

Violet looked at the writer stallion. “Argent Quill, why don’t you start a transcript right now? We want to get everything that Persei says for our latest batch of propaganda leaflets.” Violet gestured to her. “Persei dear, why don’t you take a seat?”

Persei sat down, and Argent Quill immediately sat down in front of her. The photographer began setting up her tripod. Violet stood behind Argent as he prepared a notebook. “Alright,” Violet said. “Tell us your story. Why are you here? Why do you want to fight against Nightmare Moon? Remember, thousands of other ponies will be reading this, looking for strength in your words.”

Persei was a bit taken aback by the suddenness of all this, but she often thought about all that had happened to her. She used it as motivation to keep her going. It was just a matter of articulating her thoughts. “I used to be an ordinary villager just like anypony else…” she said, starting. Argent Quill began scratching down words, and everypony was looking at her. “I lived in the Fringe Colonies, and I lived with my brother, half-brother, and my Mother…” the words began to stream out, and Argent drank up every word.

She told them of her feelings of not belonging there. She began to tell them of Mother’s suffering, when Argent stopped her. “So, who was your Mother? Why was she suffering?”

Persei opened her mouth, but Violet interrupted her. “Argent, we talked about this. Persei’s Mother was a survivor of the Canterlot Hospital Massacre, and Persei herself was the only filly to make it out of there alive.”

“How did you know about that?” Persei blurted out.

Violet raised her hoof, silencing her. “I have been looking for you for a long time, Persei. A lot of ponies have. Now keep on going.”

Who did they think she was? Persei swallowed. She told them of Sirius’ betrayal, and the photographer cursed the Nightborn bitterly. “It is to be expected, Persei. I’m sorry you had to go through that.”

Argent nodded, and she noticed they were all very absorbed by her story. Persei continued. She spoke of the Night Guard’s approach, Cepheus’ sacrifice, Mother’s death, her journey through the forest and her arrival at the camp.

“So,” Argent said, when Persei paused. “When did you get your cutie mark?”

“And what happened to your wings?” The photographer added.

Persei was confused by the last question, and Violet chimed in. “She got her cutie mark vowing vengeance for the undeserved suffering of the Dayborn ponies.”

“So heroic,” Argent whispered, and she noticed tears in his eyes.

“And the wings?” the photographer persisted.

Persei was about to ask what she meant, when Violet barged in again. “They were cut off.”

Argent dropped his quill, his jaw hanging agape. The photographer froze, staring at Persei.

Violet seized the moment. “She was trying to save her Mother, when the Night Guard showed up. They cut them clean off. I had to cauterize the wound, and covered up the scars. Our surgeons are going to graft her new ones once they find an adequate pair.”

The photographer was crying. “You’re my hero, Persei…” she sobbed.

Argent Quill was enraged. “How dare those Nightborn scum defile her? The believers will surely take up arms when they read this.”

“I don’t know what you guys are talking about…” Persei said, and Violet took her hoof, lifting her up.

“Photographer,” Violet said. “I need you to make some wing stumps where Persei’s wings used to be. I want our readers to see a glimpse of what it looked like right after the Night Guard did the deed.”

The mare immediately set upon her task, dusting powder onto Persei’s back. Argent was talking to Violet. “So, when can we get the printing ready? And who will distribute these?”

“Print them as soon as the presses are ready,” Persei ordered. “And we will be doing air drops to deliver them. Our agents will fly over the Dayborn slums and rain them down.” Violet laughed, rubbing her hooves. “Nightmare Moon will go mad with paranoia, and our Dayborn friends will finally have hope of a brighter future.”

Persei was so shocked by the abruptness of all this. The bright flash of a camera blinded her. She saw Argent writing down a headline on top of his notes: “CELESTION HAS RETURNED.”

They thought she was Celestion?! Her mind was reeling, trying to find a logical reason why this couldn’t be true. She wasn’t a flame-goddess alicorn… or was she?

There was another camera flash, and Argent was shaking hooves with Violet. “My lady, this is just what the Scions needed. This is what we’ve been waiting for.”

Violet nodded. “The time to act has finally come, now that our goddess has come.” She turned around and trotted towards Persei. “Equestria is ripe for revolution. Nightmare Moon shall be slain. The Dayborn race will find salvation. Persei will set this world ablaze once again.”

There was another camera flash, and the photographer immediately wiped the false wing stumps off, and packed up her things. Argent Quill was looking at Persei. “My lady, when will we reveal our goddess?”

“That is my decision to make, but…” Violet looked at Persei. “Go tell Commander Maelstrom to mobilize our forces. Once ponies see her in the flesh and confirm their beliefs of Celestion’s return, it will catalyze a storm of anti-Nightborn sentiment, and we have to be ready to capitalize on that. Go…” she gestured towards the door. “Go now.”

Argent and the photographer rushed out, ecstatic. As soon as Ultra Violet closed the door behind them, she gave a deep sigh of relief, grinning to herself.

Persei crossed her hooves impatiently. “So, I’m Celestion now?”

Ultra Violet looked at her and smiled. “Yes, partially.”

“Partially?” Persei asked.

“I suspected it before, but when that cutie mark appeared…I knew. It was as the thousand year old prophecy foretold.” Ultra Violet drew close to Persei. “You mentioned you and your brother shared space in your Mother’s womb.”

“Yes…” Persei said. “Where are you going with this?”

“Celestion was supposed to be an alicorn; A pony with both a horn and wings, like Nightmare Moon.” Ultra Violet raised her hooves in an explanatory gesture. “You see, fraternal twins are the result of one sperm fertilizing two eggs. As a result of this, you and your brother were created. You got the horn, Cepheus got the wings. You both are different aspects of Celestion, but…” Persei smiled. “I’ve decided that you’re the only half we want. We can make do without your brother.”

Persei shook her head. This was all too much to take in at once. “So… I am Celestion?”

“The superior half,” Ultra Violet whispered. “You are her wrath incarnate, and…” she paused, pursing her lips. They both looked into each other’s eyes, and some kind of tension flared in between them. Ultra Violet exhaled, and leaned forward. Their lips met, and Persei was stunned. She wanted to get away and demand what was wrong with her… but she liked her taste. Ultra Violet drew back, a trail of saliva connecting their muzzles. “My fair goddess…” she whispered, and folded her fore-hooves, kneeling before her. “Will you lead this revolution with me? Will you be the champion of the Scions and the Dayborn people?”

“Rise,” Persei whispered, her heart racing, her breath shallow. Ultra Violet rose, the strands of her lilac mane brushing her face. “I would be honored to take up the cause. I will play my role as the balefire….”

Persei leaned in again, their muzzles locking together again. She tasted of strawberry wine....

Persei’s heart was pounding in her chest, and she caressed the other mare’s face, before kissing her again. They began to devour each other, and Violet pushed her down onto the cot. She leaned over Persei, perspiration beading on her forehead, her purple eyes blazing with lust. "You don't know how long I've been wanting to do this..." her words as raggedy as her breath.

The door slammed open, and Violet immediately backed away. Persei caught her breath, and acted like nothing had happened as the dark gray pegasus trotted in. He was armored, had an air of authority, and bowed before Ultra Violet. He regarded Persei sitting on the cot with a nod, and she hoped that he didn’t notice how flushed they both were.

Ultra Violet wiped her muzzle with a hoof and puffed her chest up. “Commander Maelstrom, what is it?”

Maelstrom flared. “What is it? WHAT IS IT?! Your chief writer was raving about the return of Celestion, and the priests are practically frothing at the mouth. It’s amusing to watch…but that’s not why I’m here.” He sighed, taking off his helmet. “I’m afraid I have some bad news. That white pegasus you wanted us to track…..”

“Cepheus!?” Persei blurted out.

Maelstrom nodded. “You must be Persei, or Celestion, whatever.” He faced Persei again. “He and his entire village have been captured by the Knights of Lunara.”

Ultra Violet’s lilac mane blazed up, her face tightening with rage. “Those murderers need to be brought to justice…I’d wipe them out if I could spare a few soldiers.”

Persei couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Is Cepheus alright? Who are these Knights of Lunara?”

Maelstrom spat on the ground. “They are the worst of the worst. They are all ex-soldiers of Nightmare Moon. They were too insane for her to control, so she banished them all into the forest. They’ve banded together and lurk in the forest, killing any Dayborn they can get their hooves on.”

Persei was terrified. “We have to rescue them all! We can’t just leave them….”

Ultra Violet hung her head. “I’m sorry, Persei. They’ve been there for a while now… there’s no one to rescue now.”

“No, no, no…” tears streamed from Persei’s eyes. “He’s my brother! He’s the only family I have left!”

Commander Maelstrom hung his head. “I am sorry for your loss,” he hastily bowed, flipped around, and left the room.

Persei was overwhelmed with grief. “Cepheus didn’t deserve to die, nor did all the other villagers.”

Ultra Violet embraced Persei. “I am truly sorry… It was I who separated you two in the first place. I should have forced your brother to come with us.”

Persei shook her head as Violet climbed onto the cot with her. “It wasn’t your fault,” she whispered. “Cepheus was a noble pony. He died doing what he thought was right….”

Violet moved behind Persei, and was massaging her shoulders. “I lost my family to the Nightborn scourge as well. I understand what you’re going through.”

After what felt like hours of crying, exhaustion swept over Persei. She collapsed on the cot, curling up into fetal position. Ultra Violet lay with her, kissing her softly, consolingly.

Persei breathed her scent in. She nuzzled her head against her barrel, and fell asleep in her embrace. As she fell into the void of sleep, she dreamt of Cepheus and all the happy moments they had shared together. Deep inside her, something broke.

Author's Note:

An unexpected romance between Violet and Persei.

The Knights of Lunara.... the explanation of that name will be presented in the next chapter.

Discussion/Feedback is encouraged.

Fun Fact: I was originally planning to write a grimdark option for the previous chapter. In the end, Necron was going to cannibalize Sirius instead of choking him.

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