• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 2,263 Views, 48 Comments

Blazing Dragon - Zanem-Ji

It's been over 70 years since Spike has become the Corrupted One. With the world now thrown into chaos, it's up to one mare to find the only six ponies who had dealt with this evil before, and help her defeat the Corrupted One.

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They were galloping as fast as their hooves could take them. Sparks’ adrenaline was kicking through her body so fast, that it felt like she was on fire. The tinnitus in her ears nearly drowned out the sounds of war that surrounded her. Her once un-beating heart, now thundered in her chest. Her legs felt like she was running through molasses, and tunnel vision had kicked in long ago. She hadn’t even realized Twilight was galloping beside her until she heard Dash screaming at her from the skies above,

“You’re gonna mess up your leg, Twilight!”


She looked over at Twilight. Despite just having the leg put back on, she was keeping up with Sparks. Blood poured from the socket, coating the prosthetic in a crimson hue. Dash was suddenly flying right above the older mare,

“Well, I’m not going to let you mess up something that I just fixed!”

She picked up Twilight, then shot off towards where the explosion happened. Sparks’ horn blazed to life, as she began of series of short teleportation jumps to the site. A few minutes later, she found herself standing beside Fluttershy, who stared straight ahead with wide, glassy eyes. The Unicorn followed her gaze, her breath catching in her throat, and her heart sinking in her chest.

Dark Star was standing across from them, in front of the rest of the Elites. Eternal stared at him with shock on her face. Trixie looked at him with a tinge of fear in her eyes. Sombra was taking in the whole scene with an amused look on his face. There were other Hellions, and fighters from the rebellion nearby. All fights in the surrounding area stopped and they all froze, waiting for either side to make a move.


Sparks’ ear swiveled towards the voice, then looked over. Twilight slowly walked towards her. No one around them moved, but simply looked on as Twilight treaded towards Rarity’s form. The mare’s armor had been shattered to pieces, and her brilliant white coat was now red-washed and tainted. Her body was badly burned, and a gaping hole in her barrel replaced where most of her organs should’ve been sitting. Steam flowed from the wound in a thick torrent, as the Element tried it's hardest to sustain it’s host. They all knew better though.

The damage was far too great, and she just simply didn’t have enough time to recover...

Twilight sat down beside her, and gently took the mare’s head into her forelegs. Rarity’s chest rose and fell just a fraction, as the mare struggled to hold on. Rarity slowly opened her good eye, and focused on Twilight,


The lavender Unicorn choked back a sob as Rarity’s scratchy voice hit her ears. The white mare got a tiny smile on her face,

“Don’t cry, my love…you’re far too beautiful to be crying…”

Twilight rubbed a hoof through her lover’s blood soaked mane, but said nothing.

“We knew…when we started this war…things were going to get very dangerous…” Rarity continued. “We knew there…would be a lot of bloodshed, and sweat and tears. We knew that everyday…we were putting our life on the line…” she let out a wet-sounding cough then smiled again, “But what I didn’t know would happen…was that I would end up falling in love…while we were in the middle…of a war. I didn’t know...that I would wake up...and find myself wrapped...tightly in your forelegs…” her voice got even softer, “I didn’t know...that I would end up...falling for you, loving you, and...finding happiness from you…” she strained to lift her neck and head up, gently placing her lips to her lover's in a gesture of affection,

“I love you, Twilight Sparkle…and I always will…”

Twilight started to open her mouth and reply, but a lump formed itself in her throat as she watched the light in Rarity’s eyes start to dull. Rarity let out one last shallow exhale as her life winked out of existence. Twilight’s eyes went wide with horror,

“No…no…NO! NO NO NO NO NO!! You can’t do this to me!! You can’t leave me without hearing me say ‘I love you’ back! YOU CAN’T LEAVE ME AT ALL!!!” she gripped her closer to her, “RARITY!!! RARITY, PLEASE, DON’T LEAVE ME!!!”

Her screaming morphed into hard, uncontrollable sobs, as she started to rock back and forth while holding on to her lover’s corpse. A faint glow emanated from the white mare, and the tiny purple jewel that was the Element of Generosity slowly emerged, hovering in front of Twilight’s surprised face.


The jewel zoomed past her head, skidding to a mid-air halt in front of Sparks. The orange Unicorn looked at it through teary, confused eyes,

“Is this…is this one of the legendary Elements of Harmony?”

Fluttershy turned to her, “Yes…and its chosen you to be it’s next Bearer…”

The Element started to glow brightly and get closer to Sparks, getting warmer to her as it got near. She closed her eyes as a warmth enveloped her. When she opened her eyes, the Element was gone, and she felt stronger than she ever had before. She let out a sharp exhale and looked at the scene in front of her. Dark Star smirked at her,

“So…my daughter is now the Bearer of the Element of Generosity…” he slowly shook his head, “And I thought I was going to be able to save you from certain destruction, but it seems that you’re truly have chosen to walk the same path as those pathetic creatures you call your family…” he looked over at Rarity’s body and sneered, “Oh well…at least I killed off one of the conniving bitches that let me die.”

The ground suddenly shuddered, and gravity seemed to shift to a slightly higher level. The air started to get warm, and all turned to the source of it; Twilight.

“How dare you…” she whispered in a dangerously low tone. “You took the mare of my dreams…the savior from my nightmares…the love of my life...away from me…” her real eye had a wisp of lavender magic flowing from it. She gently placed Rarity back on the ground and rose to her hooves, “Dark Star...I will make you suffer. And after torturing you, making you cry out in agony until I feel like you have felt the same amount of pain that Rarity felt, I will end your worthless life. After that, I will rip your head clean off of your body, and present it to the Hell King…and show him what a pathetic little shit of a fighter you turned out to be…”

Dark Star snorted and let out a chuckle, “You can’t even defeat the other Elites. Do you really think you’ll stand a chance against me?”

The ground shuddered some more from the epicenter that was Twilight. Dark Star arched a brow while the others looked on in surprise. EvenTide crystals started to burst from the ground around the Unicorn, sparking with black electricity. Rainbow Dash’s eyes went wide,

“Somepony…call CBS-01. Now.”

Fluttershy turned on her mouthpiece and spoke as quietly as the environment would allow. Although, none of them were paying her any attention at this point. Sparks staggered back a couple of steps. Her body was reacting to the magic Twilight was giving off. The small crystals that had sprouted from her body long ago were growing, black sparks circling the small pillars. She then noticed something that she was sure the others noticed as well,

The EvenTide Crystals were starting to turn black.

She felt as if there was almost too much power coursing through her veins. The thing that crawled beneath her skin was now clawing it's way out, begging to be released. She wanted to attack all that had made her suffer, and return that same suffering tenfold, until she destroyed them. She could only imagine what Twilight was going through. The smell of burning ozone started to float through the air, as more and more black crystals started to burst from Twilight’s body. Neither of the two Unicorns noticed that CBS-01 had arrived. Dash looked over at her,

“Disengage CBS-01 Protocol. Activate Memory Program: Burning Sun.”

The light from CBS-01's eyes faded to nothing, and the Alicorn removed her helmet. She shook her mane a couple times before focusing on Dash,

“What is it, Rainbow Dash?”

“I know we rebuilt you and everything...but you still retain the memories of Princess Celestia…” Dash stepped closer, “So please…tell me that something, somewhere in you, remembers being a Follower of Ubenox, and knows what the hell is going on with Twilight…”

Burning Sun looked over at Twilight’s twitching form, and her eyes went wide.

“The Corrupted One’s magic and her magic are supposed to be separated, kept in different magical reserves in her body. But now…her rage has caused the two reserves to spill over into one another, and forming a type of magic that even I haven’t seen, but have heard of from my elders…”

“What was the magic called?” Dash questioned.

The crystals that had exploded from Twilight’s body had started to form a casing over her body, slowly forming a full body suit of some strange armor over her. The white and iris of Twilight’s real eye started to morph and fade into a deep, infinite black. The cybernetic eye popped out of her socket, as a new, onyx colored eyeball started to form itself. Her horn straightened itself out and grew to intimidatingly long proportions.

“It goes by many names, most of them lost over the course of Time…But my elders used to call it ‘GodFlow Magic’…” Burning Sun looked over at Sparks, “And it would seem that it’s starting to happen to Bright Spark too, though she does not have as much of the Corrupted One’s magic flowing through her as Twilight does…”

Dash looked back at Sparks. Sparks’ eyes had gone completely black as well. She gasped out, as her teeth turned into wicked fangs made of black crystals. Casings of black crystals had formed themselves around the lower halves of her legs, and her coat paled until it was an ashen grey. Her mane and tail had all of the hues sucked out of them, until they were both bleach white. Her hooves became hooked cloves of onyx, digging into the earth beneath them. Her coat bristled up, as each hair turned into individual strands of grayish crystals. A surge of power burst from them as they both stood tall and proud, black electricity sparking off of them.

“’GodFlow Magic’?” Applejack tilted her head in confusion, “So…what are they?”

“They are something…stronger than any Alicorn. Something stronger than Discord, or any previous Harbinger of Chaos.”

Twilight and Sparks’ eyes lost their shine. Their bodies went completely stiff as a massive surge of black electricity flowed off of them. There was a few moments of complete and utter silence in the world as they remained motionless. Then, there was a soft electrical hum in the atmosphere as glowing irises rolled from the backs of their sockets. Twilight’s were a shade of bright lavender, with matching magical wisps flowing from her eyes. Sparks bore a glowing orb of lavender with a wisp to follow, and a strange glowing orb of hazel from the other, with a tail of amber colored magic flowing from it.

“While us Alicorns…and Draconequui, and Dragons, and any other powerful living beings may bear magic with ease…these two, have in a sense…become goddesses among us. They are deities, that now walk among the living…”

Their heads slowly swiveled towards Dark Star’s direction, the crystal of Twilight’s body clinking as they both turned. The humming in the air grew louder as they focused on Dark Star. More electricity shot off of them, and their irises glowed brighter.

“And they are…in lack of better terms…very…very pissed…”