• Published 29th May 2014
  • 4,386 Views, 47 Comments

Project Accelerator - Wildcard25

A teen boy after spending three years experimented on, breaks free and using the gift the scientists bestowed upon him broke through the barrier and into a world of magic and equines. Will he find peace after living a nightmare for three years?

  • ...

Monkey Business

Four days passed since Accelerator started his little odd job business. Since then he was getting multiple customers throughout Ponyville who needed help with various tasks. Some tasks included helping the garden ponies Daisy, Lily, and Rose with their gardening and fetching more gardening supplies for them, assisting Zecora with gathering herbs and other ingredients for her elixirs, helping the Apple family harvest their apples, even helping Pinkie and the Cakes at making some sweets, or even watching their twins.

On a beautiful afternoon, he was at Fluttershy's cottage helping her feed the animals. He placed a bowl of acorns and nuts for the squirrels and mice, "There you go fellas, eat up."

Fluttershy flew over, "Very good, Accelerator. The animals are warming up to you very well."

"I thank you for teaching me how to be so gentle with them." the speedster replied.

Soon Twilight, Spike, and the girls came over, "Hey Fluttershy, Accel!" Rainbow greeted them.

"Hey, girls and Spike." Accel greeted them.

"How's your job going, sugarcube?" Applejack asked.

"Very well, actually. We just finished feeding the animals here."

"I'm amazed at the rapid growth of your business in only four days." Rarity said in amaze.

"I know. Who would've thought so many ponies would need so much help?" Accel said.

"Well at least you're making a profit off this." Rainbow stated.

"Uh-huh, but Fluttershy got me a different payment this time."

"Different payment?" Twilight asked.

"She got me a pet."

"A pet?" the girls asked.

"Yeah, she felt like I deserved a companion. You know being the only human here in Equestria and all?"

"So who's the lucky critter?" Applejack asked, as they looked around seeing many of Fluttershy's animal friends.

Suddenly swinging down from a tree was a little capuchin monkey, who landed on Accel's back and sat on his shoulder, "This little guy." Accel answered.

"Ooh, it's a monkey!" Pinkie cheered.

Spike and the girls gathered around, as Rarity spoke, "He's so adorable."

"Looks cool to me." Rainbow admitted.

"What's his name?" Twilight asked.

"His name's Sonic."

"Where'd ya come up with that name?" Applejack wondered.

"I got it from an animal character who's about as fast as me."

"Is it a monkey?" Pinkie asked.

"No, a hedgehog." he answered.

"A hedgehog that can move as fast as you?" Spike asked in confusion.

"It's an old show I used to watch."

"Well, I think it's nice to see you getting a pet." Twilight said.

"Yeah, I always wanted one. But I never in my wildest dreams would I get a monkey for a pet." he chuckled.

"I do hope you'll be able to take care of him." Twilight warned him.

"Don't worry, Fluttershy told me everything about how to properly raise him."

"And if he has any more questions he can come straight to me." Fluttershy put in.

Accel nodded before letting his monkey down on the ground and spoke to him, "Sonic, this is Twilight, Spike, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie. Say hi."

Sonic gave a few monkey noises before clapping his little hands together, making the girls laugh, "He's funny, like me." Pinkie laughed.

"Well, it's a good thing you got a pet, Accel. Our weekly pony pet play date is tomorrow in the park." Rainbow said.

"Now that you have a pet, we can introduce him to ours." Applejack added.

"That'd be cool." Accel admitted.

"Well, Accelerator, thank you for your help." Fluttershy thanked him.

"Thank you, Fluttershy, for introducing me to Sonic here," Accel said, as his pet climbed up his arm and back onto his shoulder, "Well I'm gonna show him around Ponyville, and I'll catch up with you all later." he dashed off with Sonic clinging to him.

Meanwhile at the Ponyville Schoolhouse, all the fillies and colts were at recess having fun. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were planning on their next plan to earn their cutie marks, "Skydiving?" Scootaloo asked.

"Too dangerous." Applebloom said.

"Synchronized swimming?" Sweetie Belle suggested.

"Too difficult." Scootaloo answered.

"How about juggling?" Applebloom suggested.

"Actually, I think that's a good idea for you." a voice said belonging to Diamond Tiara with Silverspoon at her side.

"You think so?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Sure, after all juggling is a perfect talent for clowns!" she mocked, followed up with laughter along with Silver following her.

The three frowned at their never ending quest to bring down their morale. Applebloom turned her head to the side and her eyes widened, "Hey girls, look! There's Accelerator!"

The girls and the rest of the kids looked over and saw Accelerator walking around the schoolhouse whistling to himself, while Sonic was clinging to his back. Sweetie Belle called out, "Hey, Accelerator, over here!"

Accel snapping out of his thoughts, looked over and the three familiar fillies from his welcome party. He jogged over and stopped, "Afternoon, girls. And how're you three?"

"We're doing great." Scootaloo admitted.

"What're you up to?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Well I just came from Fluttershy's. She needed me to help feed her animals. I even got a pet out of the deal. Meet Sonic." his monkey climbed down and landed on the ground.

"Aw!" Applebloom and Sweetie Belle cooed.

"Cool monkey." Scootaloo said.

"He is cool, isn't he?" Accel asked, as his pet remained close to him.

"Cool? More like filthy." Diamond mocked.

Accel frowned having been warned by the trio of this bully, "Hey, back off. He's been nothing but nice to you."

"Well I don't make it a habit to be nice to beasts," she continued to mock, until she was met with a dirt clod in the face. She growled as the dirt fell off her eyes and saw Sonic with a dirty hand, "You little!"

Sonic jumped up into his owners hands, as Accel spoke, "Hey, you insulted him first. So it's your own fault for provoking him."

Diamond huffed as she trotted away wanting to get cleaned up with Silver following her. Applebloom spoke up to the human, "So Accelerator, are ya doing anything?"

"Well, not at the moment." he answered.

"Then why don't you play with us? We're on recess break." Sweetie Belle offered, and many of the other kids started pleading with him.

Accelerator smiled, "Ok-ok, settle down. I'll stay and play until recess is over. How about it, Sonic?" Sonic gave happy little monkey cries, "All right, let's play!" the kids cheered.

And so Accelerator and Sonic began playing with the kids, such as pushing them on the swing set, giving them piggy back rides while running around at normal speed, even letting them dog pile on him like they were heroes and he was a villain. Sonic was doing some jumps and climbing around on the kids backs, as the filly's were rubbing his head with their hooves.

Finally, Accelerator was aiming his arms upward while spinning them around creating two mini twisters. Above those two twisters were Scootaloo and Pipsqueak who were floating in mid air due to the twisters Accel was creating with his fast spinning arms. The two kids were laughing in enjoyment while hovering in mid air.

Accel finally lowered them back to the ground, as the kids cheered. Finally Cherilee stepped outside hearing all the kids cheering, "Class? Oh, Accelerator."

"Afternoon, Cherilee." he greeted her.

"No wonder the children were sounding more happy than ever, even during recess," Cherilee chuckled, "What brings you by?"

"Well I was passing by, until the kids saw me and begged me to play with them. Who was I to deny a request from these little ones?" he rubbed the manes of Applebloom and Sweetie Belle.

Cherilee smiled and turned to the kids, "Well class, what do we say to Mr. Accelerator?"

"Thank you for playing with us." they said collectively.

"You're welcome." he answered.

"Oh, Accelerator, I been meaning to tell you we do have some new shipments of school supplies arriving at Ponyville's Post Office tomorrow. Would you be willing to help deliver them?"

"Sure thing." he nodded.

"Oh, thank you," a bell rang, "Well come on class, recess is over."

The class nodded, as they looked at Accelerator who picked Sonic up, "Bye, kids. Gotta run!" he took off like a shot.

The class watched him dash off in amaze, "Wow, he is fast." Pipsqueak gasped.

"Meh, Rainbow Dash could beat him with no sweat." Scootaloo stated.

When nighttime came, at the Ponyville castle inside Accel's guest room. He had a basket bed for Sonic along with a pillow and blanket. The monkey curled up in the basket before pulling the blanket over him.

Accel smiled as he got into bed, "Night, Sonic." he said before falling asleep.

As the human slept peacefully, his sleeping face started shifting into a look of discomfort. He started tossing and turning as the sounds of screaming and electric shocks echoed in his thoughts. He kept on tossing and turning while the screams continued to echo, before he shot up in bed panting.

He panted as if he was going to have a heart attack, before wiping the sweat off his forehead. He suddenly felt something in his lap, and looked down seeing Sonic giving him a concerned look, "Oh, it's ok, Sonic. Just a bad dream. I'm ok now, so let's go back to sleep," he saw Sonic looked like he didn't want to leave him alone. Taking the hint he spoke, "Ok, you can join me."

The monkey snuggled up with Accelerator, as he went back to bed and slept calmer this time, with Sonic at his side.

The next day in Ponyville park around Lunch time, the girls had gathered their pets together while waiting for Accelerator and Sonic. Rainbow was pacing with Tank flying at her side in the same pace, before the pegasus spoke, "For the supposed fastest human there is, he's really late."

"Don't be so impatient, Rainbow Dash. I'm sure he has his reasons." Rarity answered.

"Yeah, he was helping to deliver some new classroom equipment to the school." Twilight stated.

"And he isn't done with that?" Rainbow asked dryly.

Suddenly Accelerator pulled to a halt with Sonic in his arms, "Hey, sorry I'm late."

"What kept ya?" Applejack asked.

Accelerator started listing off what kept him late with his fingers, "Well, after I finished my job for Cherilee I saw an old pony trying to carry some grocery's in a busy section, so I helped her back to her place. I then saw a black cat cross my path so I had to take another route. Finally I just got lost on the road of life."

All but Pinkie and Fluttershy gave him a dry look, as Rainbow spoke, "Seriously?"


"It's a legitimate excuse," Pinkie spoke up, "I get lost on the road to life every day."

"But with you it's normal, Pinkie." Rainbow stated.

"Well better late than never," Twilight stated, "Come on, you and Sonic can meet our pets." the ponies brought the two over to where their pets were, "You already know Owlowiscious. Then there's Winona, Tank, Angel, Opal, and Gummy."

Accelerator sat Sonic down on the ground, and the monkey went over to the animals, as Fluttershy introduced them, "Every animal, meet Sonic."

The animals at first gave Sonic questionable looks, except for Gummy who always retained the same blank expression before blinking. Winona finally approached Sonic and began sniffing him to get familiar with his scent. Finally, after she got his scent she gave Sonic a lick. Sonic in response jumped a bit before climbing on Winona's back as she gave him a ride.

"That's the spirit, Winona!" Applejack smiled.

After getting a ride from Winona, Sonic jumped off her and went to Opal who at first wanted to be left alone. Suddenly Sonic put his hands on her fur and started to massage her. As he did, Opal started purring in relaxation and allowed Sonic to continue.

Rarity watching this looked amazed, "My stars, I've never seen Opal this relaxed before."

Accelerator turned to Fluttershy, "Did you know Sonic could do that?"

"Actually, yes. He would scratch and massage some of the backs of my more larger animal friends, and they all seemed to enjoy it."

"Opal, especially." Rarity said, as she continued to watch her pet get pampered.

After giving Opal a massage, Sonic went over to Tank who was on ground level. He knocked on Tank's shell and was almost startled by the sound. He did it again, and started knocking on it some more producing bongo sounds. Tank hearing the sound started slowly moving his head having no problem with Sonic knocking on his shell.

Angel started getting into the beat by thumping his foot to the beat, and soon the animals joined in and moved to the rhythm. Accelerator spoke to Rainbow, "Your tortoise's shell sure can produce a beat."

"That's my Tank." Rainbow said proudly.

"Let's dance!" Pinkie cheered, as she picked Gummy up and danced around with him.

The group chuckled as they started moving to the beat Sonic was making with Tank's help. When he finished, the ponies applauded for the performance as Sonic climbed on top of Tank's shell and did a victory clasp, "That's my monkey! Here ya go, Sonic." Accelerator tossed him a banana.

Sonic caught it, and undid the peel a bit before he took a single bite out of it and gave a wink before it irised out around him.