• Published 23rd May 2014
  • 698 Views, 13 Comments

Turning tables - DarkShadow95

An unlikely alliance, in a world torn by war. Will this end all the bloodshed?

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Chp.7 Intervention

Chp.7 Intervention

Twilight’s viewpoint

I went over the plan that I had once read in one of my books. I have a book for every occasion. Everypony had their ears on me. Except mine, I had kept mine on the treeline something was odd about it. I kept looking at it in the corner of my eye.
It felt like we were being watched but I could not put a hoof on it. I just stared at the trees every now and then. Then the thought hits me.
What if the human is watching us? That would be a disaster he could come after us at any time, just run at us start shooting killing us all!



“Twiley, are you okay?” Shining spoke up.

“Oh right...um...ya I’m okay just daydreaming must be tired hehe” Looks like I was away in my thought longer than usual and in a very obvious matter as everypony is now looking at me with worry. “I must be tired, c’mon it is night after all” I said in my defence, trying to cover up my worry.

“Twi ah know a liar when ah see them” States AJ “Ah am the element of honesty after all but it doesn't take me to know your lying sugarcube you are a bad liar.”

“Twilight what is on your mind darling?” Okay looks like everyone has had their curiosity on me now.

sigh I thought I saw something odd in the treeline over there” I point a hoof to where I think something is. Rainbow Dash lifts off without warning. heading over to where my hoof is. Everypony falls silent as Rainbow makes her way towards the treeline my brother gets up.
He put on his helmet and draws a sword from his armour. Rainbow waits just a few meters away. trying to get a look in the trees but its dark so it is hard for her. My brother carefully walks up underneath her. Still silence is around as my brother gestures for Rainbow to stay put. He carefully walks over to the trees. I can see the look on his face as it changes one from curiosity to alertness.
The tension rises as my brother starts to poke around the bushes.
Each time his sword goes in every one goes tensed as we don't know what is going on.
Rarity and Fluttershy are holding eachother, AJ is standing ready for whatever thing comes leaping out of the bushes and Pinkie. Well Pinkie appears to be eating popcorn for some reason.
Just as I’m about to return my attention to my brother Pinkie pie starts to shake. Oh no that can be only one thing…

“Guys! my Pinkie sense is going off!” She shouts spilling her popcorn from her violent shaking.

Oh no! My brother is poking around the bushes of the Everfree and Pinkie’s sense is going off!
“Shining get out of there!”

Just as my brother responds by turning around, his sword is already making its way into the bushes.
As it makes its way in it makes contact with something, making a noise that shatters the silence.


Kyles viewpoint

Okay this is awkward. My heart in my chest is still going at a million miles an hour but they are not even near me. Instead the purple allercon pointed just to my left and now the guard pony i saw is stabbing the bushes just a few meters from me. Just in the corner of my eye I can see him just prodding the undergrowth.
The Blue pegasus is hovering a few meters behind him. Looking quite terrified I might add.
I turn my eyes to the group near the campsite even they all look terrified all eyes locked onto the stallion prodding the bushes. It is quiet all round. Even the chirping of insects has stopped.

I return my attention to the guard next to me. He makes on final prod in the dark.


His sword makes contact.
He reaches his hoof out and slowly peels away the branches. His expression is turned from suspicion to relief. He sheathed his blade and turns around to face everyone.

“Its okay everypony just a massive rock!” He shouts making his way back.

The blue pegasus flies over to the bushes “huh stupid rock” she then proceeds to lightly kick the rock.

Only for that rock to move and start to rise into the air, to reveal two very large red eyes open.


Twilights viewpoint

“Godzilla!” screams pinkie pie.

The ‘rock’ as my brother pointed out was infact a very large head. It let out a loud roar that shook the air around us and the trees. We all look towards the head that is now looking down at Rainbow.
Shes just there hovering in the air being toward over by the black silhouetted head the eyes staring at her but shes just shocked by the beast before her she can't move!

“Dash get outta there!” I shout at her. She comes back to reality and shakes her head. Her immediate reaction was look of horror as she flies backwards just as the head tries to reach for her with its mouth open. Its razor snake like teeth just missing her as she flies back.

The beast recoils back to the dark its red eyes spot us and as they do so four more heads rise from the trees all of them with the same red eyes as the one that attacked Rainbow. All of us look in horror as the beast starts to make its way forward out of the trees. Breaking trees as it slowly walks forward, with a low growl accompanying the sound to wood breaking.

It eventually walks out to reveal a colossal size of a 5 headed hydra.


All of us cover our ears as it lets out its deafening roar. As it stops all heads look at all 7 of us.
My brother shining draws out his sword out, AJ and Dash stand beside me bracing ourselves for a fight. Not the first time we handled one of these.
Rarity is still shocked at the sight of the hydra while Pinkie Is running around screaming which is not helping Fluttershy who is curled up hiding in her mane trembling.

I charge my horn preparing a spell to throw the hydra back hopefully scare it off. I do so and aim right for the hydras chest. I release the energy from my horn. a blinding orb of light heading straight towards the beast. It makes contact exploding, releasing all of its force to the hydra kicking up dirt and dust. Making all of the ground between us and it kick up making us blind.
We stand our ground, waiting for the dust to settle to make sure the hydra is gone. The cloud before us dissipates and the light of the fire start to break through it.

Only it reveals the hydra still standing there, looking angrier than it was before. oh dear.
It starts to run towards us, all its heads opening revealing all sets of teeth.

“Everypony run! I’ll handle this! My brother shouts beside us with a very and angry look on his face.

“No way Shining we stick together!” I reply. My brother letting out a growl of disapproval.
“If we split up there is no way in tartarus we will out run that thing!”
The hydra raises its middle head to attack letting out a loud hiss opening its mouth to reveal its teeth, with the four oversized dagger teeth at the front of its jaw. It reaches its peak arching its neck and rushes down to strike. I conjure up a shield to protect us for a second a small spell to stop immediate impacts. The head makes contact with the shield, sending out a purple flash of light as the shield shatters.
Rainbow takes this opportunity and dashes from the sky landing a double hoof kick on top of the hydra which is still stunned from its headbutt.
“Take this lizard head!” Rainbow shouts as she lands on top of the head.

The hydra head screams out in pain and rears back sending rainbow flying through the air. She regains control and starts flying around the hydra's heads, now all the heads are focused on Rainbow.
My brother now steps in taking his opportunity and raises his sword using his magic. He runs a the the belly of the hydra attempting to stab it in its main body. I realise what he is doing getting a flashback about reading how hydras belly armour is too thick to break.
“Shining no wait!” I say to him but it was too late.

He tried to slam his sword into the belly of the beast but the sound of shattered glass echos t the state of the blade my brother once had. Now just a handle and the blade shattered.
Shining looks up in shock as hydra stops its failed snappings at Rainbow, it now looks down at my brother all 10 hungry eyes looking at him. They recoil back ready to strike at my brother. I look in horror as the hads come down hurtling towards him.

But just as I expect to hear the sounds of my brother screaming in pain. five ropes tie around each head of the hydra and tension stopping right in front of Shining.
“Now would be a good time to move Mr Shining” Applejacks shouts with he strains of holding down the dydra with her impressive rope skills.My brother runs back towards us with no hesitation. Although he does look in shock to the fact he almost died, to admit even I was at the time that was all too close.
Rainbow helps AJ tie down the ropes using the pegs Rarity is collecting from he tents. The hydra struggles trying to break free but Applejack keeps throwing ropes around all of its limbs tying it down more making a whole network of ropes. A few ropes later and the hydra stops struggling, looking at us accepting it is not getting its meal today.

“Ha not so terrifying now are ya!?” Rainbow taunts pulling faces at the heads. I think that is just making it angry.

“Rainbow dash can you please stop that?” A yellow pegasus speaks up to her. Trotting past all of us who stare at the contained beast. I was unsure what to do now with it after all we can not just leave it here tied up. Fluttershy will have to do maybe her stare can knock some sense into the wild creature. It still makes me wonder how a shy, timid and innocent mare can be the most terrifying just by looking at them.

She trots past us all all of us turning our attention to her, except Shining who is wondering what is going on. With a look of bravery in her eye and a face of a mother who is giving a filly a scalding, she speaks up from her mane.

“How dare you!” The hydra looks down at her in shock at the fact a small being is standing up to it in this sort of way. “You come here harming not just ponies but my friends! You should be ashamed of yourself! I know you are angry from being rudely awakened in your sleep but that gives you no rights to harm anyone now then does it!?” She gives the hydra her trademark stare the hydras eyes start to widen with fear and confusion.

The hydra head nods as if in understanding. We all watch in amazement as the hydra actually understands her. My brother next to me has a look of fear in him, if only we did have a camera.

“But… wa… how!?” Is all he can say.

“Hehe mister shining never get on the wrong side of Flutters here. She can make the meanest of stallions or creatures run away in fear from just a look in her eyes” AJ states to him.

I look back to Fluttershy still giving the Hydra a scalding but i Notice something. Fluttershy is only speaking to one of the heads of the hydra. On realising this the ground starts to tremble I look towards the source of the trembling only to find pinkie vibrating making reverberations through the ground.
“Ooooohhhhh noooooo thiiiiis onnnnne isssss aaaa biiiiiig onnnneeee!” she says in a weird manner.

I return my attention to the Hydra fluttershy is only talking to one of the heads which means….

“FLUTTERSHY GET OUT OF THERE!” I shout towards her. She turns around breaking eye contact with the hydra. She proceeds to run towards us but it was too late.
One of the hydra heads that was not looking, with a burst of strength breaks free and proceeds to strike Fluttershy. The only thing I see is the teeth of the Hydra sinking into the coat of her, sending blood splatter everywhere. I know shes screaming but I can't hear it as my mind is too shocked to acknowledge what's happening. All of us look is shock as the head rises up and shakes Fluttershy around like a dog with a chew toy.

She lets out a high pitch scream in pain as her body tried to struggle out of the jaws but only to cause more damage and more blood to be flung all over the place. Eventually the jaws of the beast release Fluttershy mid shake and send her across the air. She lands in a cloud of dust all of us a mix of emotion at the sight of our friend mauled like that.

“Fluttershy no!” Rainbow heads off into the direction of where the yellow pegasus landed. All of us follow in pursuit. We run at full gallop until we reach the sight of Rainbow dash slutching a red stained yellow body in her arms splayed across the ground. Her blood is soaking the ground as well as Rainbows tears. Fluttershy appears lifeless.

This can’t be it no it just can't!

She is still bleeding and quite heavily. Everypony is too shocked to do anything as Rainbow just keeps crying and my eyes start to swell with tears. My brother rushes forward and places his head on her chest listening for signs of life.

“Shes alive but with injuries like that she won't be for long, we need to get her medical attention now!” He orders in his officer voice. I am relieved that Fluttershy is alive as I’m sure everypony else is. Although we still have that thing to deal with. I can feel my reage build towards the five headed monster. My thoughts though return to Fluttershy in Rainbows hooves, I need to use my magic to slow the bleeding and maybe repair some of the damage. It looks like a lot two puncture wounds on either side of her body with scratches and cuts as well. Maybe even a broken wing.

I look towards Rainbow who is still holding onto her “Rainbow you need to let go, I can help her but we need you, AJ and Pinkie to go distract the Hydra while me and Rarity stabilise Fluttershy.”
She looks up with her red sore eyes and just nods. She lets go of her and whimpers “Just make sure she lives okay? Its my fault if I was jus….” I place a hoof on her mouth stopping her guilt talk. She may be the element of Loyalty but she take anything that happens to us and blames it on herself, which is not good for her at all.
“Rainbow go I’ll heal Fluttershy, just keep that thing off me while I do my work Okay?”

“Right” She puffs out her chest getting ready for a fight. She lifts off and joins the fight with AJ and my brother I hope they will be okay. They are the toughest ponies I know.
“Rarity” I call out drawing her attention off her gawking of Fluttershy. “I need bandages cloths and anything that will keep her warm. I need to stop the bleeding and stop her going into unconsciousness.” She gallops back over to the campsite trying to dodge the distraction the trio are making. I begin my work on the unconscious mare, normally it would be her doing this but right now its up to me. I take a deep breath and focus my magic on her body assessing the sate her body is in she’s already lost a lot of blood so her blood pressure has dropped.

So I cast a spell on the wounds to clean them I can feel the dirt being vapourised from her wounds. Then I proceed to cut off circulation to the wounds to stop any more blood loss. I can feel her breathing getting laboured as she can’t get enough oxygen around her body with little blood.

I pull out of my focus and all my senses come back to me I can hear the fighting behind me, it dawns on me that the fighting has moved closer to us. I look towards rarity and tell her what to do “Rarity she needs blankets to keep her warm. Is there an IV pack inside Fluttershys nursing pack?”
She fumbles around the saddlebags finding Fluttershys and taking out a glass clear bottle with a cork in. She then hands me a needle and tube. As I set up the IV drip. I try to recall all the books I have read in medical knowledge. I place the needle into her forehoof and tell rarity to hold the bottle upside down to allow the fluid in, that should get her blood pressure back up a little.

Rarity puts a blanket over her not covering the wounds as I am still working on them. I’m physically shaking here from what I having to do. Normally its Fluttershy who does this but shes a nurse not me! I compose myself once more to start treatment on the other wounds on the other side of her torso. But suddenly a large shadow creeps over us just as I am about to focus my magic.

I see Raritys eyes turn to pinpricks. I turn around to see what she is looking at, to my horror is the towering hydra with two of its head ready to strike at us. I don’t know how it got past the other four but the only thing I can do is look is horror as I can cast a spell and this will be the end for me.



One of the heads of the Hydra's heads explodes in a shower of red covering us. I stop screaming and look towards the source of the noise. There standing a few meters away is the human. his weapon raised and covered in armour. My heart starts to race again in fear of the human. Then it talks

“Hey beasty!” He draws the whole attention of the Hydra “Why don’t start with the main meal first before dessert!”

Author's Note:

Yes I hurt Fluttershy Muhahahaaaaaa! (Insert hate comments below) Don't worry though She isn't dead...
yet anyway.

So now we have the 2 forces seeing each other and a hydra in the middle. Sounds like a fun party in my books. Will Kyle beat the Hydra how will the mane 6 react to Kyle? and most importantly what did Kyle do?

Stay tuned for more!
P.S I'm going to keep each chapter above 2900 words at least in each chapter also still need feedback guys! Negative or positive! I need it to carry on writing.