> Turning tables > by DarkShadow95 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chp.1 Orbit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turning tables Chp.1 Orbit Equestria a beautiful pearl in the vacuum of space. I look on the blue marble but yet its beauty that is so similar to earth. It looks so similar to earth beautiful, peaceful and yet it so different, in so many ways. Primarily the fact that ponies that live there. I look out the window at what will be the next planet to fall under the Human Space Alliances. The ship I'm on, the HSA honour is ready in orbit  for its mission, to recon and prepare the area for its invasion of Equestria. I look around the grey interior of this cold ship I have called home for the last 24 months, the gentle whirring of the ships artificial gravity continues to drive me insane. The ship I'm standing is only one of 4 to the HSA has making these things is not cheap at over 60 billion per carrier ship. Although She is beautiful a narrow ship that is grey can also carry 7 cruisers below her for any sort of role in our case invasion. Also she has a 70mW ion cannon planted on top capable of ripping a hole in a planet with ease. carrying over 100,000 personnel 5000 small craft and more. It has five nuclear fission propulsion engines that can make speed of 70% of light. Fastest we can go so far. Yet even as I look around this marvel of mankind, I am deep in my thoughts trying to remember how this hell of a war came to start. Only to be startled by my overly active corporal "HI BOSS!" jumps Paul literally out of no where. Making me shoot up and nearly head butt a ventilation pipe. "JESUS PAUL!" Literally I have no idea how this bundle of energy works. One minute he will be in your vision, next he will be robbing the doughnuts in the mess hall all in 10 seconds flat. How he has this supernatural ability to disappear I will never know. I always noticed his stupid hair cut. Short sides long top with a stupid pink streak through his white blonde hair, seriously? He stands just taller than me quite thin with a dynamic look about him just looking at him you can tell he loves a wild party. "What's up now corporal? did you get caught robbing the doughnuts again?" I ask sarcastically. "Noooooooooo," as he winks at me...creepy "just thought I would say HI!" I stare at him with predator eyes "Spit it out Paul...". "Well I was told to tell you from Alex, who was told by Rob who was told by the chef who was told by the chief 'that you are required to meet up with the chief in the armoury before the drop' well that's what I think he wants" he looks at me with a huge unnatural smile, waiting for my response. "Fine," I sigh "Go around and tell him to meet up in the armoury room in 15 minutes". "SURE!" he shouts as he leaps out the automatic door. He really needs to be assessed. Well least that was over fast, normally I would have to put up with an hour of 'Paul talk'. Anyway might as well make my way to the armoury, I prefer to check on my kit in peace before a drop. Gives me time to think about the mission ahead and its details. This one seemed rather simple anyway, get in take out some magic crystal cannons gain some intelligence and get out. Simple. I walk through the grey metallic interior of the assault ship. Eventually finding the armoury I log in and start to collect all my armour and equipment. The beauty of peace. Well that was what I thought. The security door opened to reveal a large stocky silhouette, instantly recognising the booming voice that could split a mountain. "STAFF SERGEANT!" booms the chief. Even knowing he was there his voice still hit nerves in my brain at how much I hated this guy, but I know what he is capable of. "CHIEF!" I formally reply bringing myself to attention. "Good to see my least favourite Sergeant getting ready for his drop!" This guy is a massive dick. He hates me due to me not having a good kill count on all my missions. I didn't join the army to kill, I joined to make a difference. Not like this prick. He may be big and seem a good leader but by god did I know he was pure evil. Appointed by Satan himself. He just killed anything, didn't care for a soul on his team and his 'objective' seems to always be kill all the enemy...in what ever way possible. This is what most HSA soldiers believed in. Its what they are fed during their training. I didn't believe in all the HSA crap of all the enemy must be killed to protect humanity. No my philosophy was an enemy is defeated when they become your allies. However when you're held against your will in an army that is deranged you have no choice but to survive. If I die my ideals die with it. Hence why I'm an operative class soldier. Less shooting more thinking. "Its always good to see you chief!" Ide rather replace your steroids with laxatives you sted head. "It always is when I'm around! Anyway I have good news for you," Ah this can’t be good "Looks as if you won't be joining us on the assault. You have a new primary objective. One you and I will enjoy, simply because it means you won’t be in my way." Not on the assault, new objective? What the hell?! "Looks like you on recon duty, this comes from the top commanders to you so you can’t argue this time. Your new mission is 'to gain any actual intelligence for the final assault and suggest any ideas to the plan that will ensure victory. So looks like you will stay on the planet longer than you expected," he lets out a small chuckle. "Fuck" is all I can say. He lets out a bigger laugh this time. Now I'm on borderline of hitting him. "Looks like you will be dropping separately from us as we are the distraction." "So what? The assault is a massive cover?" questioning him. "Yes," he explains further details "You will drop single manned. you will go rouge for a while so at least you will get to do whatever you like, but this is recon. So you will have to report all that you learn when out in the field is that understood?" "Yes chief, anymore details though?" I am curious as to how this has came out of the blue. I'm just shocked at all of this. "Well you will be given your choice in equipment, however no vehicles command want all of them for the assault. AS this is recon you will have to lie low and keep out of sight. They said you fit the mission profile perfectly, hence why you get it". He grits his teeth must be having memories of how I've got in his way before. "What exactly am I looking for?" continuing. "Anything with significant value; Numbers signals strengths weaknesses locations logistics, anything really that can aid us. Oh and no prisoners for simple reason you're on your own for 3 months." a cold grin grows across his face. Not liking that at all. So let me get this straight. I'm going rouge on a planet I barely know with a shitload of ponies that would rather put my head on a spike, with no reinforcements or support, all in the time frame of 3 months!? I am a dead man. "Don't tell me I can't turn down my orders" "No," he explains bluntly "so I suggest you get your gear sorted and leave your will behind." He turns towards the door and heads out soon as the door shuts, I return the kindness by giving him a loving gesture of 2 fingers with a side order of mocking face. I then start to mull over what he just said. Great now I'm going to be stuck on that hell hole below me for the next 3 months. Plus I have no say in the orders, I just have to get it done Get in get out that's the rule that keeps me alive. I take a deep breath and begin to think about what I'm going to need, no point in overthinking my orders if there is nothing I can do about it. I'm Just going to have to deal with it and keep my mind off them for now. Making a mental list in my head of what I need will help. I just hope it is nothing like last time. Well first thing on my list is armour. I walk over to the armour configuration machine, all of our armour is stored in here, repaired and modified in this wonder machine. I look at the screen and type in what I'm going to need for my mission. Hmmm I'm going to need camouflage so adaptive camouflage select. next I will need good optics select. Oh also going to need it for long duration select, last and not least manoeuvrability for my CQB specialty. Now to hit produce. The machine whirs into life as electronic parts start to move inside the white crate. It says on screen it will take 1 hour to modify my armour which gives me all the time to put on my under armour suit and get my weapons. Next on my list weapons. I walk over to my locker and pick out my personal weapon the LRR-30. A beautiful piece of tech one that I adore. It can take all types of rounds from simple FMJ's to explosive rounds (even though most the time I us incapacitation rounds so I don't actually kill anyone unless necessary). Its has the capability of being an assault rifle and at the click of a button a marksman's rifle thanks to its extending barrel and targeting computer sight. Next I pick up is my bolt gun looks like a pistol on steroids which basically it is. I only have it for its capability to carry the heavier rounds so I can use it as a small bunker buster. It also can carry and select the type of rounds you want to fire quite smart I think. I pick up the extend magazines and slot them snugly in front of the pistol grip. Trying to get a reading on the magazines, the display at the back lights up with a symbol and numbers for each type of round; 20 incapacitation, 10 shotgun, 10 incendiary, 10 bunker buster and 5 grenade. Sweet just what I need. Now its time for my CQB weapons. I use a teslar baton and a extendable bayonet for my choice. The baton is something I prefer since it is not designed to kill, it is charged with electricity so anything that touches it beyond the hilt gets stunned. Plus it sets of jumps of electricity along its 3 foot extendable pole which is pretty cool. The bayonet on the other hand is designed to kill but it has other uses such as survival plus it extends into a short sword which is useful since the ponies like to use swords in this world so pretty handy. I pick up all of these and make my way to the table in the middle of the room. soon as I check they are all clean and serviceable I start to fill up my magazines 4 mags for my bolt gun and 12 for my LRR each containing different rounds for specific jobs. The Armour configuration machine then starts to beep stating my modifications are complete. I walk over and open the door next to the console of the crate. I eye the armour that has been made just for this mission and it looks beautiful. I grab it quickly and start to put it on like a kid on Christmas morning. As I put it on the fresh scent fills my nostrils and makes me even more eager to put it on. I swear it was the quickest I have changed in my entire life. Once all of its on except the helmet I start to appreciate how bloody comfy it is! I know I selected the long duration modification but I never knew it was this comfy! defiantly selecting that again. Walking over to the mirror to see how it looked on me. It was amazing the plates were pure white and shaped around my major muscle groups but gave me enough room around my joints to manoeuvre, perfect. I strike poses looking like a dick sexy, well at least I'm on my own. I hope... I then pay attention to the helmet it has a silver visor at the front with optics just below on the right cheek and a vent on the other cheek, it also has a sun guard over the visor that will come in handy. I admire it for few more minutes and then slip it over my head . Perfect fit sweet. I wait for it to power up, lighting up the HUD displaying my armours condition and my health. Only to notice when I look around its outlining the items in the room, anything I look at directly it gives stats and information on it. This is going to make things easier I spend the next few minutes playing around with the optics in the helmet. I then look at the corner of the HUD and realise the time Huh time flies when having fun, better get my kit sorted before the drop. I quickly grab my bag and fill it up with rations and water and any other equipment to help me survive in the field no need for shelter the armour can keep my safe from the elements. Well that's all of it now to wait for the call up. Only for that time to be filled with dreading the fact Ill be on my own for 3 months. Dreaded scenarios run through my mind, making me shiver. Even the one I most fear. About 7 scenarios later the warning light start to flash orange. "WARNING ALL PERSONNEL PREPARE FOR DROP IN 30 MINUTES" the intercom bellows out. Well here we go, Time to jump into hell. I sling my rifle to my back holster my bolt gun and attach my melee weapons to my forearms. One quick glance to mirror possibly the last time i'll see myself. I start to march towards the door slipping on my helmet and slinging my backpack on. Turning left down the corridor to the hangar. Time seems to be slow with all the steps I take, running through the checks on my armour. I take one last look out the window to my left looking at the planet, in 30 minutes Ill be fighting down there. Its so peaceful up here but soon I will see for myself the hell down on the surface. I take slow steps to the door of the hangar. I take in one deep breath and exhale. I start a quick jog as the automatic doors open trying to identify my drop ship. I look and identify it using my optics. I realise its a TCS-20 a troop carrying ship. It has the cockpit in the front for the pilot and gunner but the separate compartment behind, which houses all the drop pods. At the side of the compartment is the dual rotor jets that give its agile ability. On the side of the compartment house the 35mm cannon that use explosive rounds to clear the area for the drop so troops don't get shot soon as the land. I still have no idea why they painted it white though, paint a huge target on us why don't you? I make my way to the side of the compartment as it slides open revealing the pods slightly bigger than a coffin not as big as orbital drop pods. These instead were designed to drop in low atmosphere so less need for shock absorbers. I hop in and lock down the holder to my chest. I see other troops around me wearing standard assault armour do the same. I wait for the ground crew to check us in a crewman comes up to me checks I'm secure and asks if I'm ready to go I nod to him firmly getting the same response. Soon as he passes round all the troops the doors on the pod close and screw in. I feel the dread start to kick in as the mission really starts to sink in. So this is it Then the side doors close on the aircraft. The interior light switches on along with all the guidance instruments leap into life. "WELCOME STAFF SERGEANT LOCATION FOUND FOR DROP" I look at the screen below me and hit the confirm button just outside a place known as Ponyville. Looks like ill be landing just outside of the main part of the village. Maybe I will have to fight great. I hear the intercom sound up as the pilot sounds off "Good afternoon gentleman you will be dropping into Equestria, we will be setting off now so good luck and wish you victory." Soon as the intercom turns off the engines charge up and start to move towards the drop pad. Below us the duel doors shield us from space but as soon as they open we will fall into the depths of hell however i'll be the one who gets left behind. My last thoughts are of those who will die which could also be me but I know I deserve it. "PREPARE FOR LAUNCH IN 5...4...3...2...1!" > Chp.2 boots on the ground > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turning tables Chp.2 Boots on the ground The whole transport vehicle shudders as the ground doors open dropping us into the blue abyss. The engines flare up trying to win against the force of gravity. Winning eventually they tilt propelling us more forward. The forces on my body are crushing as we thunder through the atmospheres layers. I may not be able to see out the craft but I can tell we are starting to catch on fire as I can feel the temperature rise in the pod. At this point I close my eyes and hope we don't burn up, what a way that would be to die. I eventually open my eyes as a feel the tremors subside. At this point we must be gliding through the air the engines sound different now a lot more smoother. My presumptions are confirmed when the pilot speaks up "Soldiers prepare for drop in 2 minutes!". I grip the bracket over my chest and hold on for dear life 2 minutes in real life is 30 seconds. An orange light starts to flash above my head illuminating my pod in a hazardous glow. I breath deeply hoping I survive the drop. Only for my fears to be escalated as the cannons light up. Realising already the we must be near the drop zone. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM I start to get jittery as the tension keeps building. I know these ponies can take down a troop carrier with ease just by themselves. No pressure then Mr pilot. I feel the craft circle round for the drop run here we go. The side doors open revealing the world before me. Only to my joy that its sodding night time. WHY THE HELL ARE WE DOING AN ASSAULT AT NIGHT?! doing and assault at night is suicide as you can't see the enemy positions so who knows what you will run into! Looking out of the reinforced glass slit on the pod and look down as tracer rounds, bolts of magic and flares it looks like the sky is on fire with a rainbow of colours. The sad truth is anyone of those could kill me. I can make out roughly where the enemy positions where by following the pathways of the bolts. My analysing is disturbed as the pods beside me explode into life being dropped into the dark abyss. I brace myself even tighter thinking this is it I grab on tightly to the bracket around my chest. Suddenly the orange light turns green and a large buzz sounds off. CRACK The sudden loss of gravity startles me, I look out and see I'm hurtling towards the planet. Oh why did I have a large lunch I feel as if I could paint this whole pod in vomit. The zero-G feeling suddenly disappears as a new feeling of the air breaks and rockets make the pod tremble, working against gravity to ensure a safe landing. BANG I've landed BOOM The door flies outward. The sudden shock of my senses assaults my brain. The sound of explosions, gunfire, lasers and screaming, working alongside the sight of complete hell of soldiers firing and laser bolts flying towards them. I freeze as my brain cannot cope with all the information flooding in at once. What do I do? Amongst all the haze, a bolt catches my eye its red and is about half a foot long. It actually looks quite beautiful. Until I realise exactly where its heading, towards ME. My eyes widen as the whole world turns slow from the sudden adrenaline flooding my bloodstream. My brain screams at me to duck as the projectile edges towards me. I comply in time as the bolt just misses my helmet by and inch. CLANK I turn around as the bolt landed inside the pod of where I once stood, at head level too! The impact has left some damage and my head tells me of the scenario if the worst would've happened, my head exploding. I forget that thought and concentrate letting my training and experience kick in. The adrenalin surging round my body helps. I need to get to cover! I'm exposed! I spin back round still crouching, making me a smaller target. I spot a cart that looks sturdy enough to resist fire. I sprint towards it at full speed bolts suddenly start to whizz round me as the enemy target me. That just makes me run faster. Slamming into the wooden cart and use my mass as force to knock it over. This makes it a larger form of cover. The bolts slam into it as it tips, making it splinter a little. I crouch behind it, my back towards the cover and gather my breath at the sudden rush. As I'm doing that I look around doing my assessment of the ground. I notice we are in a built up area with thatched buildings. I look towards source of the gunfire noise. 5 men are pinned behind some rubble to my right,  all of the trying to return fire to no avail. The bolts fly over their heads as one lands square into a guys chest. Now make that 4 pinned soldiers. I look back to my pod just away from me and realise the mass inferno that is raging behind it. How I missed that I will never know. Looking in front of me and notice the street is clear. Perfect. I think inside my head for a moment coming up with a plan to get these guys out of here without getting killed. Soon as I'm done I unhook my bag and go into one of the side pockets. I pull out a flash grenade, its looks like a tennis ball but shiny and a red button on one side. I put my bag back on while un slinging my rifle. I take one deep breath as I switch it to auto. I leap from cover and pull the trigger. Fire erupts from the muzzle. CRACK ACK ACK ACK ACK "COVERING FIRE!" I shout out. Immediately the soldiers rise up and start to fire towards the enemy in a chorus of gunfire. The enemy's rate of fire slows down as we start to win the firefight. I run towards the soldiers letting off a few rounds as I go. I crouch down as I reach the soldiers. The soldier in front of me faces me and opens his mouth about to speak before I cut him off. "Don't say anything!" I order "Just listen I'm going to toss this grenade and as soon as it goes off we pepperpot down the street understood!?". "UNDERSTOOD SERGEANT!" he shouts spitting on my visor. Thanks loudmouth. "PREPARE TO MOVE!" I bark as I arm the grenade pressing the button. "MOVE!" I rise up from cover and plant the grenade right in the middle of the street. I start to sprint in the opposite direction. Just as the bolts come hurtling towards us again the grenade goes off. Great flashes of pure white illuminate the entire street. Luckily the visor on the helmet blocks the light so no damage comes to my eyes. Then the enemy stop firing. "Sprint it!" I bark as all of us run at full pelt towards the end of the street. We make it there with no interruptions. Thank god for that. I turn towards the soldier from before to talk to him. "Soldier I need to split off from your group," he looks at me dumbfounded "I have my own objective and so do you" pointing towards the explosive charges on his backpack. He must be going after one of the cannons. "Understood sergeant" he replies, still panting from the sudden rush "thank you sergeant, without you we would of been done for". I take thanks and wish him good luck as I turn the opposite way. Breaking into a jog I look around on how to getting out of here unnoticed by anyone. I spot a hill just rising some distant buildings. Perfect. Now jogging in the general direction I turn on the optics on my helmet. Looking around trying to learn more. Then to my dread spot movement in the distance. I skid to a halt freezing hopefully they wont notice. Only next is not what I wanted to hear. "Look! There one of them!" a commanding deep voice erupts. They all start running towards me. Only to make out its the royal guard ponies. In their white coats and gold plated armour these guys are the elite. Not good!. They all run towards me all 5 of them, not a fair fight. I look around frantically trying to find a way out only to my demise that I'm in a large courtyard, with no cover. So much for running then! I raise my weapon and take aim firing off 2 rounds, only 1 hitting its mark. The pony I shot falls down convulsing as the electrical pulse through him. By then the other ponies are too close to hold my ground time to move. Only I can either move forward or backwards, if I move backwards they will just catch me up they do run faster. Looks like its forwards. Slinging my rifle and start to run towards them. They pick up speed into a full gallop, only then do I pick out they're class of pony 2 pegasi, a unicorn and an earth pony. This is really not in my favour now. I sprint with all my might until literally we are 6ft away from each other. I dive into a slide tackle aiming straight for the earth pony's legs. I take him out by hitting him making him collapse behind me with an almighty thud. Once through I get up and keep sprinting, no looking back just get out of here! "Get him! C'mon!" shouts one of them behind me.          I just keep going and going. Still keeping the hill in my sights but listening for the 2 pegasi flying overhead in case they try to swoop in. The only way is to keep diving into different streets making it harder for them to find me, plus to give me the advantage of agility. I start to gain some distance between them and halt for a second in a narrow street, as a come up with an idea. Pulling out the bolt gun and switching to grenade rounds I fire at the buildings either side. Rubble starts to fall around making a massive dust cloud, with the added bonus of a blockade with the rubble. That should stop the 2 grounded ponies. I continue running along my previous direction. hearing the shouting from behind and the sound of wings! BUGGER! I'm almost at the hill so I draw my rifle again and try to see the ponies on the night sky. Nothing is all I see but I can still hear them. Even my optics cant work it out with the battle in the foreground and smoke in the air. Only option now is run towards the open ground see if that may help. May seem suicidal but its my best option. Complying I keep going till I make it to the hill climbing half way to turn around as the smug beggars are right there watching me! Literally just hovering there! We just look at each other right in the eye. We have a 2 minute stare down. Analysing each other trying to work out moves, strengths and weaknesses. Eyes still locked onto each other. they may look the same visually ( I have no idea how they stay all white must be they're magic) but one has a tattoo mark of a feather on fire on his left flank. Where as the other has sword and lightning going from it. Both are well built and will be trained advantage them. I however have the weapons but they can fly. I'm not liking my odds now. "Give it up soldier you have no where to run!" a feminine voice picks up. Okay I missed that one of them is female, interesting. "Maybe but you forget I can still fight!"  I reply as they fly there stationary waiting for my sudden move. "We both know that won't end well for you," she tones down a bit "There is 2 of us and you can't fly so I think we have the upper hoof here". Upper hoof? What in space is that dialect?. I think for a second on how I can fight them. Shooting them will just be too difficult. They are in the air and its hard to aim for 2 targets that are more agile in the air. Plus if I did hit they would fall and I might kill them by the fall. Only other option is CQB. I pull my baton from my gauntlets. I speak as I turn on the baton sending blue bolts across the baton "Well then lets see shall we?". They both descend towards me at rapid speed. They must be thinking to both tackle me at once. Bad Idea, just as they were about to make contact I dive to my left. Making them collide with the ground rolling down the hill. It isn't over yet though, I run down seeing them as they struggle to get up. They see me and take up defensive stances but its too late. I clash into them breaking the male ponies guard and shove my baton straight into the gap in his chest armour. Sending pulses of electrical energy through him. He just stands there tensed till I pull it away from him. He falls onto his side still twitching like a dreaming dog. Turning around I see the shocked face of the female guard only for it to turn to anger instantly. "You will pay for that!" she yells. "Doubt that, he is still alive anyway" I calmly reply. She lunges for me with killer eyes. "YAA!" she yells. She clashes into me sending us flying backwards. We fall to the ground as she raises her hooves to punch me repeatedly so raising my arms in defence. I knee her side aiming for the kidneys, sending her into writhing pain. She lets out a almighty cry. Quickly I then push her off with my hands and pull out my bayonet from my other arm. I get up fast and thrust kick her while she's still stunned in pain. Making her fall to the ground, I walk up and grab her helmet bringing her face to mine. My other hand bring the knife to her throat. She looks at me with absolute fear tears streaming lips trembling but no noise. "Please don't kill me," she manages to break out trying not to loose her voice "I have 2 foals, please!" "I'm not going to kill you," I whisper but her face is still in fear "Nor am I going to capture you or harm you in anyway. I'm not like the other soldiers I can assure you that". She looks right into me as I try to give her a look of trust and reassurance. Her tears slow down and she stops trembling "I don't understand," she still sobs "Any other one of your kind would kill us, why?". "Like I said I'm not like them. I am better than them," I reply "I'm going to remove this knife and then going to let you go only if you let me go. I don't like killing". Removing the blade from her she nods still in tears though. "I want you to remember this moment. Please remember that not all humans are pure evil. Your friend over there is not dead he's just knocked out keep an eye on him though. Also I'm sorry for any damages I have caused but I have orders to follow just as you". She gently nods in agreement. I pull away and pick up my baton and check I have all my gear. I start to walk away. "Wait!" I hear and halting right there. "Thank you" I hear her voice now calm, I smile knowing I've just shown it isn't all a dark world. I climb up the hill till I just reach the top. I turn around to take in the devastation  that we have just brought to Ponyville. For a simple raid to take out some cannons we have left a lot of damage. Buildings in flames screaming and gunfire shoots around the place with more gunships firing around. I just stand there dumbfounded as to how barbaric we have become. Its just like my first crusade here, all of it on fire. A tear falls in my helmet as the dark memories flash to me. All the screaming. Closing my eyes to take deep breaths to block the memories out. I continue running previously and see a forest I can rest for the night. I sure hope all this pain can end soon. > Chp.3 Dark Nightmares > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chp.3 Dark Nightmares The dark shroud of the night encompasses the forest. Giving it a mystical feeling. All the trees seem twisted in some magical deranged form.  I really feel the cold of the night now. The dramatic shift in temperature sends shivers through my spine, only for it to be made worse by the loss of adrenalin in my system. Walking through the overgrowth kicks up the dew from the cold ground frost. This place seems all too calm, an eerie state of calm. I cant hear the gunfire from the battle. So either its ended or I've gotten far away from it. Either way I'm away and now in this place. The forest is just blanketed in fog. You can only just see in the distance making out the shapes of the trees. Branches reaching out as if to grab you. Who knows what lurks here, just waiting for its next meal. I continue walking through the forest weapon raised in patrol mode, looking around covering all possible arcs of fire. Keeping it slow makes my movements less noisy ensuring not to break the peace. This place Is definitely unnatural. The fog starts to thicken around me so I turn on the optics and the long endurance on my armour. I start to feel a bit more warm so I wont die of hyperthermia, plus I can now see through the fog, only just however. I carry on walking east according to the compass in the helmet, if Equestria has an east that is. One thing I notice though, no wildlife. Sure there is plants and stuff but I haven't seen one animal yet, not even bugs for that matter. Something is very wrong with this forest. Eventually I come to a clearing in the forest the fog seems less dense here. It only lingers along the ground, unsure of what's underneath though for all I know it could be a pit. So I take my left foot forward, treading lightly in the fog making sure it has no surprises under the dense fog. To my relief my foot makes contact with the ground so I walk into the middle of the opening. Taking to one knee in the middle to take in my surroundings. It give good fields of view perfect to see anything that approaches. This is where I will stay for the night but I need to keep an eye out for anything also to see if I was followed. Be a bad place to be ambushed. I think its best to only stay here one night. I keep still for the next hour letting my body adapt to the surroundings. Keeping vigilant for any movement in the trees. Still no wildlife though. After the hour is up I decide it is safe to make camp for the night. Luckily I don't need to pitch a tent or anything, thanks to the Endurance mode on the armour. It keeps you safe from the elements and regulates your temperature. They even say you can urinate in these thing, lets not try that though. Also it comes with local radar ping, sending out radio waves while you sleep so no one can sneak up on you while asleep. Things like that have been known in Equestria, soldiers wake up with either half the team missing or dead. This place seems like that could happen but its all I've got. I settle down and turn on the local radar laying right in the middle of the clearing. The fogs cleared up a little so I can see the stars shining away in the dark blue of the night. Along with the crescent moon that stands guard over them. A great white guardian keeping loyal watch. It reminds me of all those stories of the moon that some powerful magic being controls the moon. Knowing this Place it's probably true. I keep admiring the stars how the glitter in the blue abyss like putting on a light show. Calming me and distracting me of the forest. The night sky its so much more beautiful than earth, with all the light pollution on earth its hard to see the full beauty of the night sky. So here I am on an alien planet admiring the stars what could be better? So slowly but surely I start to drift off shutting my eyes for the end of the long day. "Shepard" "Who's there?!" I feel cold so cold. Its dark and the world feels too small. I'm starting to panic as it feels like I'm choking. I cant see anything It's just black all of it. I'm not sure I know I'm standing up but I just can see anything not even myself. What's going on? "Shepard!" The wispy voice again replies. "Who are you!?!" I demand. Suddenly in the distance lights start to appear. Like comets out of the sky blazing white the disappear over in the distance. When suddenly it explodes into a sea of fire. Spreading right towards me at an alarming rate. I try to run away but it catches up with me, engulfing me in a shroud of heat and light. It suddenly becomes too hot as I'm surrounded by fire. Then out of the haze comes silhouettes of both ponies and humans running just running. They are all black and give off this black haze as they run a nightmare just to look at and with no distinct features. There is no general direction they just run around giving off the black haze. As if panicked all of them I'm as panicked as they are. "SHEPARD!" "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" I cry tears streaming from my eyes not knowing why I am being punished. Then the screaming starts. The howling screaming of people crying out for help and in pain. Oh god why does this have to happen. All the cold calls of death ringing from around me. Oh god why?! The flames dance around violently. Sending jets of flames everywhere, but worst is yet to come. Screaming children echo around me sending to my knees. All the silhouettes dance around me some falling to the ground. Some seem possessed as they run as if trying to shake something off. All of a sudden it stops. even the black silhouettes disappear and the flames calm. I just stay there on my knees crying as I realise what this is. All those people all of it I remember. Tears roll down my cheeks staining my shirt below. Until something walks out of the fire a small pony. Only a few years old a filly I think they call them. She's light yellow, Pegasus with an orange mane free flowing. she walks up to me with blue eyes calm looking at me. She then sits there in front of me still staring at me with young eyes. Slowly I raise my head looking right at her. "It's ok Kyle," She says calmly "You had to do what you were ordered to". "But its my fault over all of this!" I scream at her. "I know, after all you did murder us" All of a sudden her tail and mane start to catch fire as she just keeps sitting there. She just lets the flames slowly engulf her. Her skin starts to melt and burns begin to appear. She doesn't scream in pain just lets it take her but she's still staring at me with those young blue eyes. I'm still sat there tortured at what is happening right in front of me. I can't move though. My mind screams to save her but I just can't move! "After all you did murder us" "NO!" Jolting up back into reality gasping for air. Sitting there letting me recall its just a dream. just a Nightmare. A nightmare that is also a memory. All of it come back to me. I'm oblivious that its now morning my mind is still going through the dream. Every scene every feeling bringing my darkest memory back. I just sit there like a doll, crying at all the pain I had caused. This causes me to just lay back down and carry on crying. What have I done? > Chp.4 Unusual behavour > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chp.4 Unusual behavior Twilights view point. Next day after the assault. The clouds linger around the town. It wasn't meant to be this weather today but with the latest events no pony was complaining. It just gives a grey feel to the day which seemed appropriate at what had just transpired. All of the fires have been put out but they have still left a lot of damage. It wasn't just the fires that have left their mark all of the fighting has too. With the random recurrence of body bags filled with dead ponies. The thought sends a sick vile knot in my stomach. A lot of the buildings are damaged in some way some with explosions littering debris across the streets. Guards and ponies alike try to lend  hoof in repairing the damage but now one can repair the damage of the ponies lost in this battle. Crying mares cling to loved ones dead or alive mourning those who had died. A small tear I shed for those we have lost. It just makes me angry at the shire barbaric acts of the humans. We may of killed a few however we did not stop them from destroying our new canons that were meant to prevent such an invasion. It is a major loss we have had we lost so many good ponies and lost our tactical advantage over them now we are vulnerable. I trot along the streets trying to make the way to the trauma centre. By the time all the humans left we were able to get all the injured out and in treatment. What was left of the injured anyway. After a few turns I find it the white tent with a huge red cross painted on each side of the tent. I can see doctors and guards walking around trying to treat those on stretchers. I make my way through all those groaning in pain the odd scream as the doctors perform first aid. "Twilight!" A familiar voice appears. I look around trying to I identify the voice who called me. Eventually spotting the pink mane Pegasus between the doctors. Fluttershy is a yellow Pegasus very shy but her kindness shines through. She became a nurse once the war started. She was one of the best at first aid so naturally she became obsessed with caring for the wounded. She's standing there waving her forehoof at me wearing a first aid white apron and a nurses hat with the red cross logo on. I canter up to her and hug her tightly relieved that she's okay she returns the hug gladly. "Fluttershy I was worried sick!" I exclaim "Are you okay? Nothing happened did it?". "I'm okay twilight" She replies in her quiet calm tone "I just need to take care of all these poor wounded ponies. You know how much I'm needed after events like this." "I know and we are truly grateful but you need to keep yourself safe too. You know how these humans can be if they do find you" The thought shudders through me of what the humans have done in that past with cornered ponies. "They are all big meanies for hurting so many ponies!" she scream aloud, you never get on the wrong side of Fluttershy her shy exterior holds a angry pony within. "They all deserve to go to... go to... GO TO BUCKING HELL!" wow, for her to swear and shout it takes some hatred. I've never heard her swear and shout at the same time. The fact she's just done so proves how much she hates these humans and I don't blame her, they have killed thousands of us. "its okay shy, we all hate them for what they have done." I hold her trying to calm her. To see her in this state scares me the knock on effect of the humans is starting to crack ponies. How long is it till we lose our sense of pony kind? "I'm sorry twilight it just hurts to see what they have done over the years" She returns to her calm state shy but kind. I give her a reassuring smile to help her. " I better get back to healing these ponies, you take care of yourself twilight" she smiles at me no need for a goodbye we all have jobs to do. I walk out of the tent and trot to my next destination. The command centre of the guard. Maybe I will get some answers there. Its easy to find just a large building next to the town hall. Its has the symbol of the guard crested in gold. It's just a converted building of Ponyville but the guards have made best use of it. Many guards run in and out all white in their golden armour even the odd night guard. Walking up to the door while dodging the stampede of pony guards I eventually make my way inside. Charts sprawled everywhere people shouting orders or trying to communicate over the frantic rush of guards all over this tiny converted building. I search around dodging the guards. I'm looking for a pony with the blue sash on. Eventually I spot him and call for him. "lieutenant Hoof Blade!" He looks up and gives a warm smile acknowledging my presence. He looks similar to the rest of the guards white with blue eyes but his sash where his sword is hilted gives him away, along with his cutie mark of a hoof and knife. Trotting over he does the same but before I start to ask questions he speaks first. "Princess twilight let us talk outside It would be best to do so" Curious I follow him out of the back door into an alleyway seems odd. "What's this about lieutenant?" I ask tilting my head. "Well we have a situation, a very interesting one" His voice seems a little hushed must be important "It appears the humans left one of their own behind." "What?!" I'm shocked how could they leave their own behind? Is he lost is he injured? Can we find him and learn from him? "I know you're excited princess but we must be cautious in this matter. Two of our soldiers get caught up with him last night but he knocked out one and left the other alive. Which in my books is odd and we have to be cautious with strange things. Even if the Humans are strange already." "Sorry lieutenant but this is our one chance to actually capture a live human!" I'm still portraying my shocked expression. "You know what happens if we try to capture one they just well...kill themselves. If we get him we can learn from him and get information out of him! We both know that if we capture him we could get a head start on the humans and stop there invasions!" gasping for air he just looks at me. I can tell he's thinking about what he might say. Looking at me he lets out a sigh of defeat. "Okay Princess you can go find him." I smile with the biggest grin possible. Oh the things I am going to learn! (that's if we catch him) "BUT" he says "I want you to inform the other princesses about this we can't have a princess getting captured can we?". "Don't worry lieutenant, I will send a letter to the princess before we set off" I'm too excited! "I wont go alone either Ill bring the other elements with me just to keep us safe." Smiling my biggest grin at him. "Good, just be careful princess" says the lt. "Thank you thank you thank you!" I leap at him trying to hug him. Only just to embarrass myself in the awkwardness. I just slide off him and give him a look of sorry. Soon as he nods I gallop back through the building not giving a care to what the other guards are doing even knocking a few of them down along the way. Sure they will be fine. I need to gather everypony, to the library! I gallop towards the only pony that could gather all of the mane six. Pinkie Pie. Okay Time to get to sugar cube corner. Only then does the dread hit me. I was too distracted in mind of a human to learn of, I had completely forgot about the possibility of all my friends being okay after the crash. Which also means.. Sugar cube corner could've been hit. Oh god no I'm not letting the thought get to me. I just pick up my speed to check on the building. I hope she's okay! I know pinkie could survive almost anything with her supernatural abilities, but I can't get the feel of dread out of my system. I'm getting shouts of slow down off ponies I pass. each of them trying to aid in the repair of Ponyville. Each thought of 'what if' races through my mind only for one to be confirmed as I turn a corner to the destruction I see before my eyes. The building its half destroyed! Half the building is in rubble black scorch marks where impacts hit is remain like scars. timber sprawled everywhere. The thatched roof in ruins with bits of thatching everywhere it just doesn't seem fair at all! a tear escapes my eye as the shock and dread just build. My mind screaming all sorts of things. I'm just dumbfounded at all of this! Pinkie where is Pinkie?! I frantically look around, maybe she escaped but I can't see the pink pony anywhere! Oh go I hope she is okay! I trot to the door of what remains of the bakery, pushing open the door cautiously. I'm still not sure if this place safe to go into but buck that my friend could still be here! The room at first glance appears to be in one peace. However the kitchen behind the café part is filled with dust and rubble where the roof had collapsed. I scan the room at the upturned tables and broken glass. Until my eyes come upon the pink mare of Pinkie Pie. My heart feels no dread but the urge to just hold her in relief as tears start to escape me. I walk up behind her and just notice her mane is all down rather than its usual springy lively self. Oh dear "Pinkie?" I whisper but all I can here is the gentle sobs of her as she just hangs head down at my presence. "They destroyed it all" she sniffles. "All of it is gone, all the happiness is gone Twilight" She turns around only to see her eyes red from crying and her coat soaked in her tears. Her lips are shaking but the look in her eyes just breaks part of me, to see the happiest pony just broken like this. I just go up to her to embrace her in a hug. Then I start to tear up "I'm sorry Pinkie" I whisper. Her tears now soaking my coat as her head just buries itself in my neck. "Its okay, Its okay. Look this is just temporary we can rebuild right?" she then looks up to me at eye level. "but it will just get destroyed again and it won't be the same!" she shouts a lot more anger in her now. "All those meanies come her and destroy all we have! Why twilight why?!" "Pinkie look at me" I coo, holding a hoof to her mouth to make her listen. "Pinks all of this can be rebuilt. Yes they may of damaged it but not all of it because YOU are still here. The happy pony of Ponyville is still here" I grab her and hold her to me as I draw up to her ear and whisper "because right now that all that matters. This place, yes we have had the best parties here but that's only because of one thing. That thing is you." She pulls back to look at me with a small smile on her face and the tears have stopped. "Objects and places may be lost throughout time but ponies like you cannot be replaced." I give her one last smile before her mane picks up and the smile on her just grows and grows thank Celestia for that. "Thank you twilight" pinkie says "I just...I just hope all of this will be over. I don't know when but I just want the old times back where we don't have to fear the humans". "I know Pinkie. You and me both" I respond, we both hold each other for a moment before withdrawing. "Pinkie I need to tell you something" she perks up and looks at me listening. "We may know just how to stop all of this. ITs a small break but it might just help us in many ways". One of her eyebrows rises as the attention on her turns to one of curiosity. "What are you talking about Twi?" She renounces. "Well you know we have never been able to capture one of those humans because well..." the memories shudder me of the previous attempts to capture a human. All they do it look terrified and well...they just kill themselves! Pinkie must of noticed me react to the memory as a I feel her hoof on my shoulder followed by a reassuring smile. "Well according to the lieutenant, we may have a lead on one who is still alive and still here" "WHAT?!" Pinkie jumps in the air with shock eyes wide with the shock in her face. "Keep it down Pinks!" as I drag her back down from her reaction. "Look we can have anypony else knowing this because it may be the only chance we ever get to talking to one. If everypony goes out looking for him you who knows what may happen to him. The thing could be killed after some pony wants revenge and there goes our chance down the drain". The look on her then changes to one of realisation. So many emotions on this mare. "So we have permission to go and get the human and take him to Canterlot to learn from him" ending with a sheepish grin. The look on her is just still, I think she's trying to process what I have just said. "So we are going to go and collect all the gang and head to the Everfree forest capture the human travel to Canterlot to meet with the princesses for them to find out the humans secrets to put an end to this war so all of us can go back to all our normal lives? inhale" she blabbers. I roughly got the just of that if it weren't for the speed she just went at. "Erm... ya... all of that sums it up" dumbfounded I reply. "Look Pinkie I came here to check if your okay and to gather everyone at the library. We have a chance to gain some very valuable information here and I'm not going to risk it with some other pony so its up to us to complete this mission" I state. "Ooo a mission! So what we are now military Twi? Wait I mean ma'am?" as she throws me a salute. Yep she's back up and running now. "No pinkie this is just a little adventure the mane six have to do" I say so proudly. "So go gather everypony and tell them to meet up in the library in an hour okay?" By the time I finished she's already skipping out of the door. "Don't worry Twi ill get them" pinkie smiling at me. "Oh and make sure they attend!" BANG as the door slams behind her. Well I better go and ready for our little meeting. I just hope the others understand. > Chp.5 Mane 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chp.5 Mane 6 "You want to do what now?!" Applejack shouts "You got concussion or sommin sugarcube?" We are all gathered around a map of Ponyville placed in the middle of the table. The library is cool since I've opened the windows but the tension in the room is raised to boil as I've explained to all of them exactly what I wish to plan. The cyan and rainbow mane Rainbow Dash hovers above us. All five of us on the ground around the table look towards Applejack. She's an earth pony who lives on Apple acres with her family, the orange and blonde maned  mare has a  look of shock and curiosity beneath her Stetson hat. "Look I know this sounds bizarre and well unbelievable" as I facehoof, "but this may be the only chance we may get to learning of the humans". "Ya and the chance for us to get killed in the chaise!" she sternly replies, "you av seen what those humans can do! Now you want to go on a wild apple chaise to find one that could still kill us all! Anyway what if it just does what the rest of them do huh?! It may just kill itself at the sight of us OR kill us!" "I agree with egghead on this matter" Dash interrupts. "WHAT?! You can be serious Dash?!" "Well I am" She folds her forehooves with a pride look on her as she just hovers there, "C'mon AJ when what the last time we had a chance to kick flank against the humans? NEVER! Twilight can learn what she needs to know while me and you can rough him up a bit like they do in CSI: Las Pegasus. Cmos plus we have the element of surprise which is my speciality. Human watch out coz dash is flying your way to kick your flank back off world!" "No one is kicking anypony's flank dash" I put in getting a pout in response. "We just need to capture him and take him to the princesses they will know what to do. We as elements of harmony can still do this even without the elements themselves." Now getting the attention of everypony in the room "This may be the only chance we get at getting one up on the humans and hopefully put an end to their plans". Everypony looks around at each other waiting for a response AJ still has the stubborn look on her face only one pony left to voice their opinion to make this go ahead. Rarity. "Well Rarity what's your take on all this?" I ask making all eyes turn towards her. "Well then It seems the decision has came to me." She states waving her violet curled mane with her pure white hoof. "To a point AJ does have a point-" she states before interrupted. "Thank you Rarity! Now I sujest we for..." before AJ is cut off. "HOWEVER! Twilight and Dashie have a point darling" she simply states. "WHAT?! YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS RARE?!" AJ pointing a hoof at Rarity. "Well yes I do for a matter of fact," she states to her friend with a stern look the tension rising. "This may be our only chance to stopping all this barbarity. Plus I'm sure our darling Fluttershy and Pinkie pie will agree am I right girls?" Gesturing a hoof to the yellow and pink mares. "YA we can go and get this homo sapien! Then we can make him pay for what he did!" Exclaims pinkie pie with her insanity look...scary. "Well...um...I guess so he may be hurt so... um yes" Speaks a quiet tone of Fluttershy behind her pink mane. "See AJ they all agree so lets go and kick this guys flank!" Rainbow points at AJ about to fly out the window before I stop her. "Nert do ferst RD!" I mumble with her tail in my mouth dragging her back. Spitting out her hair and getting dirty looks from her. "There is more to this than what I've already said". Getting quizzical looks for the mares around me. "The lieutenant said last night the human we are on about well...Looks different and well didn't kill anypony." At this point the curiosity increases with a dash of shock. "I know it seems odd but according to the patrol that chased him he managed to well take them all down, with no deaths. He even took down 2 pegasi guards with his..err...hands! Even had one at Knife point in the neck but he didn't kill her!" The room falls silent as the reality kicks in. This is not the usual Humans we deal with this is different. If there is one thing we truly know of the humans is that they take no prisoners. We don't know why. They just appeared 6 years ago, we only just managed to repel them with magic but we lost so much. Even after that they attacked again only just holding them off alongside the princesses. Now they are back. A gut feeling this wont end, unless we go on the offensive. This may be our only opportunity, if not the humans may destroy us that much is clear. Eventually the silence is ceased by applejack "Well looks like there is no turnin any hooves around at this darn point". "Good then its settled. Spike send this letter to princess Celestia" Spike who just sits there with a look of scorn and arms folded ignores me. "Spike I asked you to do something"  the purple dragon just remains there refusing to move. "SPIKE!" "Okay! Sheesh! I'm writing the damn letter BUT I still say this is a bad idea twilight. I mean c'mon these humans are way too danger..." "SPIKE JUST WRITE THE LETTER!" I stop a hoof down to stop his complaining. "We already went over this, you were there and you have no say in this we are going and that is final." My purple assistant looks down in defeat knowing there is no turning my mind once it is set. "sigh okay just tell me what to send". Canterlot palace Princess Celestia The news of the humans being back is not good not good at all! I pace around the marble palace, with rain hitting at the stained glass only reflecting the mood well for this grim occasion. Reports came In this morning that it was Ponyville that was attack and that only made this worse that my student and her friends are all there! I just need to know they are okay, for all my little ponies to be okay. "Princess I'm sure Princess Twilight is okay". A friendly voice appears behind me. "Are you sure of that? Prince shining?" The prince now my nephew in law also brother to Princess Twilight looks straight at me with his blue eyes. "She still has not sent a report and its been well over 12 hours. Curse to this curfew I have set upon myself!" Only reason I cant go is my curfew my military advisors advised me to keep me safe. Just as I display my disgust to the idea by stomping a hoof down. A green flame ignites before us stunning the prince but planting a smile on me. Grabbing the letter in my aura I break the seal and start scanning the writing. Dear Princess Celestia Me and my friends are fine. So please do not worry about us as I predict you already have. You can stop worrying now. All is okay however Ponyville is some damage and many ponies have been lost which has set the mood low here. The reoccurrence of the humans has sent the moral of ponies down. All can be rebuilt though but my concern still clouds me that the humans are back which mean more is to come and I know we are not ready. Which Brings me to my second reason to me writing to you (Princess its not actually Twilight that is writing its Spike I never seem to get any credit here). It Appears the humans have left one of their own behind. We currently do not hold him as he has ran off into the Everfree forest. So I have set it upon us to go and collect him and try to learn as much as we can about the humans to see if we can gain the upper hoof this time. I hope this does not disturb you at all but time is of the essence here. I worry that our opportunity may run into a 5 headed hydra or something and be lost. So Me and the other Elements are setting out soon as to try and apprehend this human. We still do not know why he is here whether he was left on purpose or accident we don not know but we will know soon as we apprehend him. Your faithful erm... Student princess Princess Twilight   "Oh goddess" I say aloud. "What?! Is it my sister is she okay?!" Prince Armour demands. A look of confusion worry and anger all roll on his face. "Twilight is fine but she's... well... Going after a lost human" Trying to be sheepish to contain the reaction I'm about to get once the brother of Princess Twilight realises. "Say again Princess?" With added confusion. "Well um... Seems your sister is fine," He lets out a small sigh of relief "but" he inhales. "Seems to chasing a human that was left behind in the attack, then is going into the Everfree forest to capture him". The Confusion in the prince is wiped by the emotion of shock and absolute worry. "Is she out of her mind?! Its a human in the Everfree forest! Could you get any more of a crazy idea than that?! What was going through her bookworm head to think that?!" His face appears to be a lovely shade of cherry at this time seems... cute hehe. "I'm going to get the guard and drag her flank back home! I don't care if she is a princess she's my sister and its my job as her BBBFF to take care of her!" He turns towards the doors and stomps through with a march of scorn. One that I may not cross today, If there is one thing I know of the prince NEVER cross his family. However I am glad he will look over Twilight and her friends when in search of this human. A part of me agrees with Twilight this may be our chance to learn of the Humans intent but the other worries for their safety. All I can do is ponder these halls and wait for news. Just outside Everfree forest 2hrs after Library meeting Twilights viewpoint It was still enough light to go off searching in the Everfree. Still dangerous either way no doubt. Even though we have been in there numerous times it still sends a cold chill through me. The Twisted trees and the dark corridors are just the tip of the iceberg here. The deeper you go the more dangerous it gets.  I turn towards my friends all of them look as concerned as I. Especially Fluttershy who is now hidden in her pink mane whole body trembling. On the other end of the scale was a bouncing Pinkie pie just jumping on the spot with a giant grin on. Her curly pink mane just bouncing with her body. "Well girls looks like we are going in anyone wishes' to back out now. You can do so there is no shame in doing so." I question trying to stay strong for our group. I scan around but no one says anything, if anything Rainbow dash just give me a look of seriously? with her hooves folded as she hovers over us looking down. Just as I start to trot towards the entrance to the forest a familiar voice appears from the skies. "You take one more step sis and I'm going to tell mom and dad!" I Turn looking for the source of the voice but there is no one nearby or even in the horizon. So looking up what do I see? My brother in a royal guard chariot looking down at me with a shameful look here we go. Eventually his chariot lands right besides us with two pegasi guards looking out of breath latched up to the chariot. My brother Prince Shining armour walks off and heads straight towards me eyes locked to mine. "What in hay bails do you think you're doing Twilly!?" He demands now his head is pressed against mine pressing into me trying to intimidate me. He missed be pissed to be like this. "I'm guessing Princess Celestia told you about the letter? hehe" I reply sheepishly in a low tone. Backed up trying to get away from my brother. "Yes she did" he sternly acknowledges "You're going after a human. What in Celestia sun gave you that idea?! You know how dangerous these things are and now you want to go and get one like some pet. Hay no I say to that, what would mom and dad say about this huh?!". Okay now I'm not sure what to say. I look over to my friends with a look of 'little help over here? Eventually Applejack snorts and steps forward. "We already had this discussion Prince. Ah tried everything to convince her but she is still going with it and you know I'm the most stubbern here." My brother then backs off from my head with a very loud snort knowing that if Applejack couldn't convince me then he couldn't either. Element of honesty has a huge stubbornness everyone knows that. "Anyway" Dash picks up "Your sister is now a Princess so she outranks you" She adds with a smug smile on her knowing she is right. My brothers eyes widen at that idea as if a foal being caught in the cookie jar. The reality also hits home with me after all this time of me being a princess I am the boss now. Ha! this is going to be such fun. Prince Shining backs up realising he has just already committed an offence for touching a princess without reason or permission. I just smile smugly knowing I can get away with it now. No more Big brother to boss me around. "Well then BBBFF looks like the tables have turned. By royal decree I say you follow us and go and aid in capturing this human" Oh that felt good. Every jaw is now flat on the ground at this point. Best of all is My brothers look of overload on his face. I just snigger at the looks I am getting. "So you are coming with us BBBFF and that's a royal order" I say to him just getting the same expression from him. "Any questions captain?" I ask getting no response. "Take that as a no then now then lets go everypony!" > Chp.6 Campfire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chp.6 Campfire Everfree forest 2hrs before the mane 6 entered the forest Kyle's viewpoint ''...Sierra23 this is 012 radio check over...' The sudden call wakes me from my nap. Finally I get contact with the ship, I look up checking the signal is secure and encrypted in my HUD. It is, so I go to respond. 'This is Sierra23 radio check okay over...' There was a pause. No idea why but must be command checking on my progress or some field orders coming in. Its now quite warm in the forest I can see all around me and thank god for the birds singing. Was getting pretty weird not having an wildlife around. I'm sat against a tree facing me is a ditch just in case I need to leap for cover. Its Bright I can tell, as the visor is shaded trying to block out the sunlight warming me up. Getting pretty toasty in this suit and sweaty, nice. 'Sierra23 send current location over...' I press the function keys on the side of my helmet selecting to send my current position on the signal. 'Sending confirm receive over...' 'Text received message from 0Charlie over... ' Zero Charlie being commands call sign this must be orders being sent through. Looks like I will be doing some work after all. 'Send over...' 'As follows; new objective to current mission recon areas sent via text and satellite map, Check for possible landing sites for cruisers for FOB to be made. This is priority must be completed ASAP. Comply?' 'Comply Sierra23 out'  That ended the radio transmission. I already downloaded the satellite map of the area to my HUD. A crude map that was very accurate but not official, mainly used for operations use like now. I look at the file and open it revealing a birds eye view of the ground with a grid layer on top. small red triangles indicating the places to recon 5 in total all seemed to be in large open field areas. Must be trying to find a place to set down the cruisers to set up a beachhead for the ground assault. It is different to the previous crusades. The first Crusade, the one I took part in, involved mainly aircraft and small skirmishers but the shields were too strong. Second was a ground invasion using vehicles that just ended up in all the tanks being blown up using unicorns magic. However that got close to the capital, now its just a full scale invasion minus the orbital bombardment. They really want this planet. After setting up bearings towards the recon areas and eating some of my rations I make my way towards my first area. Which is about 2.6Km north east. I'm still wondering whether this place even has an 'east', yes sure it's natural to us east is east but here? For all I know east is west concerning this place. Ahh stuff it I'm just confusing myself, need to stay locked on to my mission than wondering about this planet. I patrol through the overgrowth the armour protecting me from the twigs and thorns. Seems quite dense all the undergrowth. Although I cannot use my knife to cut through or that would be too obvious to track. I just carry on walking making very little distance as the growth is just slowing me down. Eventually I look and the clock on the HUD it reads that it is now 1600. I really need to get my way at least to the first recon area I really wanted to get two done but maybe not today. Least the birds don't mind me just tweeting in the trees, if it weren't for my mission this would be a brilliant walk. Kind of reminds me of my long walks with my brother through the forests. Always exploring looking for fossils, animals and basically new dens. I always looked up to my older brother. He took care of me when mom and dad died in the riots. We both lived near a lake so pretty much we always walked ran did stupid kid stuff. Just me and him against the world. One distinct run stays in my head though it was a warm day in April. Me and my brother him being 24 and me being 19 where both on our run. The usual run around the lake and back to the house but we spotted something in the distance smoke rising from the treeline. As we jogged to it we realised it was just a fisherman. We just sat by and watched him cast his line out and just kept catching fish after fish. It was fascinating how many he caught. He then noticed us and asked us would we like to try and well that was it. It became a competition to see who could catch the largest fish. The fisherman was just amused at our antics, the classic sibling rivalry. Eventually my brother won but I still protested. We had fun that day even got some free fish off the fisherman who was kind enough to hand us some. How times change, shame that is all over. The recall of those memories help to pass the time, putting a small smile on my face until I reach the recon area. Finally I step out into the open air its now sunset 1800 took a bloody long time. If it weren't for all that vegetation I would normally be here in an hour max. My legs are killing me from having to step over, climb and vault over various plants and obstacles. Here I am though time to see what's around. The ground is not too boggy plenty of space and seems all flat no inclines seems perfect. Seems no one has been here either no sign of recent activity but best hold out for an hour to see if anyone comes by. So I head back into the treeline picking a spot that gives me full coverage of the ground. Satisfied I get down into prone. Sadly the vegetation is way too thick to see out of so instead I just sit there with my helmet popping over the bushes, a right comedy look I would say. Then I simply turn on the adaptive camouflage, changing all the plates on my armour green disruptive pattern. Simulating the vegetation around me like a chameleon. Only thing that doesn't change is the visor, they still stay the same no matter in my case silver may of been a bad choice to tint the glass. Rifle unstrapped, comfortable and alert I start to play the waiting game. This may take all night. Everfree forest present time Twilights viewpoint Its starting to get dark now. Celestias sun is now heading towards the horizon and the orange sky gives the whole forest a magical feel. We need to find open ground and quick you do not want to be in the Everfree at night. It is crawling with creatures just waiting to eat you from timber wolves to 6 headed hydra and if really unlucky a dragon. S all of us are pretty nervous right now if we dont find open ground and fast. “Urm...Twilight you don’t suppose we can find somewhere safe to sleep for the night do you?” Fluttershy besides me whispers. Already shes hiding in her mane shivering from both fear and the falling temperature. My brother appears to my other side“I agree with Fluttershy, we should really find open ground so we are safe from the forest the moonlight will help too” he states. I already agree with them its getting late and we are all tired from walking especially Rainbow dash and Rarity. One is because of the lack of naps and another from being unlady like to walk in a dark place but both resulting in two very cranky ponies. “Alright according to the map” conjuring it out of my saddle bags “There should be a large opening about 2 miles west of here. We can spend the night there and carry on in the morning.” “Oh do we have to darling? I know this human seems so much to you Twilight but do we have to camp out with my mane like this with no shower in sight?” Rarity asks. Always concerned for her looks she never had a sense of adventure. “Yes we do” I answer “If we go off now we would have to start the search all over again with the ground we lost. Who knows where this human has wondered but he cant of gotten far on foot” I explain, getting a look of defeat off Rarity. Looking up I see dash looks exhausted, without her midday naps she really looks terrible. Bags under her eyes wings scruffy along with her mane and also little bit dopey not flying straight. That is confirmed when Rainbow bashes into a tree making a loud thump that everypony jumps to. “Sorry” she says “Not much sleep makes me fly like derpy”. With that the group heads in the direction I just pointed out. On the plus side we are still looking out for the human maybe even along the way we can spot him. However maybe not chase after him especially this tired. About an hour of silent walking later we come to the opening. It looks a little bigger than what it says on the map. Although the map is dated 3 years ago. It looks so peaceful and there is no waterlog or sign of anything being here. Looks perfect so we head out to the middle of the clearing and set up camp for the night. Rainbow is already curled up asleep under a blanket, I think she deserves it after flying up ahead all day trying to be our spotter. Me and my brother Prince Armour are setting up three pony tents, while Pinkie, AJ and Fluttershy get a fire going. Rarity still trying to untangle her mane with a brush of Rarity. Eventually all our jobs done we are all huddled around the fire waiting for food to be cooked, In our case Carrot soup, Not special but we are camping. Still sat in silence till my brother breaks it. “I still think this is a bad idea you know sis” nursing his hooves around a cup of hot  chocolate. “Hey” I nudge him “You came with us didnt you?” “Ya because you ordered me to! Your the one who used the ‘princess card’ on me even though I’m still your big brother and is my job to take care of you.” He looks down in shame as if hes just failed me. By Celestia he knows how to pull my heart strings. “Look” I place a hoof on his back for reassurance. “Right now you are looking after me and my friends. You also know we have been in here before…” Right before he cuts me off slugging off my hoof. “No! This time its different Twiley! For  start you're camping out at night which is dangerous! Secondly You're going after a human! Plus of all the other times you have gone in here have been on the tracks right now we are off the track who knows what lives here” He tones down from his outburst vented al his negativity. “Look Twilley if anything happened to you I just couldn't live with myself. If you die part of me dies with you and Ill never forgive myself for not being there to protect you.” His words hit me, I feel my eyes start to well up as well I a see his as well. Eventually giving in I just jump right on hi and embrace him in  giant hug. This surprises him and i just nuzzl him in the neck. I love my BBBFF and right now thats all I care about him always being there. We depart from our embrace and just turn around as the pot starts to rattle as the soup just about boils. “Soups up every pony!” Applejack melodies. “Erm AJ, you may want to wake Rainbow Dash” Pointing at the sleeping log next to the tent. “Ah got this” She smiles with a wicked grin. She happily trots over to Rainbow lean downs and simply whispers “Apple cider”. The immediate reaction ta followed was one thing I will always remember. All in one motion her eyes open, her eyes perk up  and her wings sand up. She jumps up the blanket flying off with a look of surprise and anticipation like a foal. “Where?! where?” She states. At That point everyone is laughing even My brother but AJ s on the ground rolling and chuckling at the fact shes got one u on Dash again. Dash just frowns at the reality that there is no cider. The look from before just turns to unamusement. “Oh ha ha, very funny AJ” The Look on her face just sets everypony laughing again. “The look on ya face pfhahaha! If only we had a camera!” AJ only just manages to say as she just about holds her laugh to get back up again. Eventually the laugh dies down and soup is served to everypony around the campfire. If this weren't a mission this would just be nice all of use BBBFF included. I must make a mental note to do this another time. Plus not in the Everfree forest. Once all the soup is gone and the memory of dashes reaction is now branded on her flank. Talk goes back towards the Human at hand. “So how are we going to find this thing anyway Twilight” Rainbow Dash if first into the subject “because as far as I know we haven't found him?” The question was little blunt but she is right. Jus lookin is not going to work. So its time to add some knowledge into the mix. If it weren't for the book I read a while back ‘How to be the best at hide’n’seek’ I wouldn't know what to do right now. “Wellso far no we have no found it. Although I do doubt Pinkie shouting ‘HereMrHumanC’monboy!’ is good method that finds a creature that does not want to be found.” I explain. Which then makes Pinkie pop her head from licing her bowl wth a childish smile of innocence. “So what is the solution because I would rather this be over with so I can tame this wi mane of mine before it causes a public scene!” Rarity pipes in, receiving a lok of ‘seriously?’ from RD. “Well I did read about being the champion of hide’n’seek and Rainbow can't exactly be flying around randomly so we need to work in a formation from what I can remember.” I take my saddle bag and magically take out the map of the area, spreading it out on the ground when a sudden chill comes across me. It must of been obvious because Rarity picks up on it. “Are you okay darling? It looks as if you just seen a ghost” she asks. “I dont know it just seems like…” I look up from the map to stare at the treeline something just seems well out of place. “its like we are being watched”. “Oh Im sure its nothin Twi” AJ reassures “Everything in this forest seems off at night” “Your right AJ, I must just be tired yawn” but I just cant help it but keep an eye on the trees as I’m explaining the plan. Kyle’s Viewpoint The treeline Oh god lord she is looking right my way! Of all fuckups to happen this as to hit the top 5! Not only is the site compromised. there is a group of ponies right in front of me! They Are camping! That Not even the end of it! Its a sodding Alicorn they are actually looking for me from what I’m hearing! I'm literally sat here with a peanut butter sachet in my mouth not being able to move. If I move or try to put my helmet back on I'm sure to be spotted they are only 50 meters away. I now have jaw lock thanks to them being there. The purple one, the allercon is explaining to the others some sort of search plan. A plan they will use against me. Then it hits me, listening in will help to avoid them by using their plan against them. If I have my helmet back on I would be able hear this in more clarity. However I can just about make out what they are saying. So might as well sit by and enjoy the show. As long as I keep still nothing can go wrong. Worst case scenario is that they do spot me. Ive heard stories of these Alicorns only few ever spotted but have been known of extreme magical power. It was two of them that took down whole squadrons of aircraft during the first crusade. So lets not think about worst case scenario. One appears to be a royal guard and has some sort of personal relation to the Alicorn. While the others all seem to be just well friends. Already just seen the orange earth pony startle the sleeping blue pegasus. I had to stop myself from laughing when i saw its face ha! look of absolute embarrassment! Now though comes the real intelligence. Better get comfy because I am definitely not going to get any sleep. > Chp.7 Intervention > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chp.7 Intervention Twilight’s viewpoint Campsite I went over the plan that I had once read in one of my books. I have a book for every occasion. Everypony had their ears on me. Except mine, I had kept mine on the treeline something was odd about it. I kept looking at it in the corner of my eye. It felt like we were being watched but I could not put a hoof on it. I just stared at the trees every now and then. Then the thought hits me. What if the human is watching us? That would be a disaster he could come after us at any time, just run at us start shooting killing us all! “Twilight?” “Huh?” “Twiley, are you okay?” Shining spoke up. “Oh right...um...ya I’m okay just daydreaming must be tired hehe” Looks like I was away in my thought longer than usual and in a very obvious matter as everypony is now looking at me with worry. “I must be tired, c’mon it is night after all” I said in my defence, trying to cover up my worry. “Twi ah know a liar when ah see them” States AJ “Ah am the element of honesty after all but it doesn't take me to know your lying sugarcube you are a bad liar.” “Twilight what is on your mind darling?” Okay looks like everyone has had their curiosity on me now. “sigh I thought I saw something odd in the treeline over there” I point a hoof to where I think something is. Rainbow Dash lifts off without warning. heading over to where my hoof is. Everypony falls silent as Rainbow makes her way towards the treeline my brother gets up. He put on his helmet and draws a sword from his armour. Rainbow waits just a few  meters away. trying to get a look in the trees but its dark so it is hard for her. My brother carefully walks up underneath her. Still silence is around as my brother gestures for Rainbow to stay put. He carefully walks over to the trees. I can see the look on his face as it changes one from curiosity to alertness. The tension rises as my brother starts to poke around the bushes. Each time his sword goes in every one goes tensed as we don't know what is going on. Rarity and Fluttershy are holding eachother, AJ is standing ready for whatever thing comes leaping out of the bushes and Pinkie. Well Pinkie appears to be eating popcorn  for some reason. Just as I’m about to return my attention to my brother Pinkie pie starts to shake. Oh no that can be only one thing… “Guys! my Pinkie sense is going off!” She shouts spilling her popcorn from her violent shaking. Oh no! My brother is poking around the bushes of the Everfree and Pinkie’s sense is going off! “Shining get out of there!” Just as my brother responds by turning around, his sword is already making its way into the bushes. As it makes its way in it makes contact with something, making a noise that shatters the silence. Tink Kyles viewpoint Okay this is awkward. My heart in my chest is still going at a million miles an hour but they are not even near me. Instead the purple allercon pointed just to my left and now the guard pony i saw is stabbing the bushes just a few meters from me. Just in the corner of my eye I can see him just prodding the undergrowth. The Blue pegasus is hovering a few meters behind him. Looking quite terrified I might add. I turn my eyes to the group near the campsite even they all look terrified all eyes locked onto the stallion prodding the bushes. It is quiet all round. Even the chirping of insects has stopped. I return my attention to the guard next to me. He makes on final prod in the dark. Tink His sword makes contact. He reaches his hoof out and slowly peels away the branches. His expression is turned from suspicion to relief. He sheathed his blade and turns around to face everyone. “Its okay everypony just a massive rock!” He shouts making his way back. The blue pegasus flies over to the bushes “huh stupid rock” she then proceeds to lightly kick the rock. Only for that rock to move and start to rise into the air, to reveal two very large red eyes open. BRAAAAAAAW! Twilights viewpoint “Godzilla!” screams pinkie pie. The ‘rock’ as my brother pointed out was infact a very large head. It let out a loud roar that shook the air around us and the trees. We all look towards the head that is now looking down at Rainbow. Shes just there hovering in the air being toward over by the black silhouetted head the eyes staring at her but shes just shocked by the beast before her she can't move! “Dash get outta there!” I shout at her. She comes back to reality and shakes her head. Her immediate reaction was look of horror as she flies backwards just as the head tries to reach for her with its mouth open. Its razor snake like teeth just missing her as she flies back. The beast recoils back to the dark its red eyes spot us and as they do so four more heads rise from the trees all of them with the same red eyes as the one that attacked Rainbow. All of us look in horror as the beast starts to make its way forward out of the trees. Breaking trees as it slowly walks forward, with a low growl accompanying the sound to wood breaking. It eventually walks out to reveal a colossal size of a 5 headed hydra. BRAAAAAAAAAAAW! All of us cover our ears as it lets out its deafening roar. As it stops all heads look at all 7 of us. My brother shining draws out his sword out, AJ and Dash stand beside me bracing ourselves for a fight. Not the first time we handled one of these. Rarity is still shocked at the sight of the hydra while Pinkie Is running around screaming which is not helping Fluttershy who is curled up hiding in her mane trembling. I charge my horn preparing a spell to throw the hydra back hopefully scare it off. I do so and aim right for the hydras chest. I release the energy from my horn. a blinding orb of light heading straight towards the beast. It makes contact exploding, releasing all of its force to the hydra kicking up dirt and dust. Making all of the ground between us and it kick up making us blind. We stand our ground, waiting for the dust to settle to make sure the hydra is gone. The cloud before us dissipates and the light of the fire start to break through it. Only it reveals the hydra still standing there, looking angrier than it was before. oh dear. It starts to run towards us, all its heads opening revealing all sets of teeth. “Everypony run! I’ll handle this! My brother shouts beside us with a very and angry look on his face. “No way Shining we stick together!” I reply. My brother letting out a growl of disapproval. “If we split up there is no way in tartarus we will out run that thing!” The hydra raises its middle head to attack letting out a loud hiss opening its mouth to reveal its teeth, with the four oversized dagger teeth at the front of its jaw. It reaches its peak arching its neck and rushes down to strike. I conjure up a shield to protect us for a second a small spell to stop immediate impacts. The head makes contact with the shield, sending out a purple flash of light as the shield shatters. Rainbow takes this opportunity and dashes from the sky landing a double hoof kick on top of the hydra which is still stunned from its headbutt. “Take this lizard head!” Rainbow shouts as she lands on top of the head. The hydra head screams out in pain and rears back sending rainbow flying through the air. She regains control and starts flying around the hydra's heads, now all the heads are focused on Rainbow. My brother now steps in taking his opportunity and raises his sword using his magic. He runs a the the belly of the hydra attempting to stab it in its main body. I realise what he is doing getting a flashback about reading how hydras belly armour is too thick to break. “Shining no wait!” I say to him but it was too late. He tried to slam his sword into the belly of the beast but the sound of shattered glass echos t the state of the blade my brother once had. Now just a handle and the blade shattered. Shining looks up in shock as hydra stops its failed snappings at Rainbow, it now looks down at my brother all 10 hungry eyes looking at him. They recoil back ready to strike at my brother. I look in horror as the hads come down hurtling towards him. But just as I expect to hear the sounds of my brother screaming in pain. five ropes tie around each head of the hydra and tension stopping right in front of Shining. “Now would be a good time to move Mr Shining” Applejacks shouts with he strains of holding down the dydra with her impressive rope skills.My brother runs back towards us with no hesitation. Although he does look in shock to the fact he almost died, to admit even I was at the time that was all too close. Rainbow helps AJ tie down the ropes using the pegs Rarity is collecting from he tents. The hydra struggles trying to break free but Applejack keeps throwing ropes around all of its limbs tying it down more making a whole network of ropes. A few ropes later and the hydra stops struggling, looking at us accepting it is not getting its meal today. “Ha not so terrifying now are ya!?” Rainbow taunts pulling faces at the heads. I think that is just making it angry. “Rainbow dash can you please stop that?” A yellow pegasus speaks up to her. Trotting past all of us who stare at the contained beast. I was unsure what to do now with it after all we can not just leave it here tied up. Fluttershy will have to do maybe her stare can knock some sense into the wild creature. It still makes me wonder how a shy, timid and innocent mare can be the most terrifying just by looking at them. She trots past us all all of us turning our attention to her, except Shining who is wondering what is going on. With a look of bravery in her eye and a face of a mother who is giving a filly a scalding, she speaks up from her mane. “How dare you!” The hydra looks down at her in shock at the fact a small being is standing up to it in this sort of way. “You come here harming not just ponies but my friends! You should be ashamed of yourself! I know you are angry from being rudely awakened in your sleep but that gives you no rights to harm anyone now then does it!?” She gives the hydra her trademark stare the hydras eyes start to widen with fear and confusion. The hydra head nods as if in understanding. We all watch in amazement as the hydra actually understands her. My brother next to me has a look of fear in him, if only we did have a camera. “But… wa… how!?” Is all he can say. “Hehe mister shining never get on the wrong side of Flutters here. She can make the meanest of stallions or creatures run away in fear from just a look in her eyes” AJ states to him. I look back to Fluttershy still giving the Hydra a scalding but i Notice something. Fluttershy is only speaking to one of the heads of the hydra. On realising this the ground starts to tremble I look towards the source of the trembling only to find pinkie vibrating making reverberations through the ground. “Ooooohhhhh noooooo thiiiiis onnnnne isssss aaaa biiiiiig onnnneeee!” she says in a weird manner. I return my attention to the Hydra fluttershy is only talking to one of the heads which means…. IT WON'T WORK ON THE OTHER HEADS OF THEY ARE NOT LOOKING AT HER! “FLUTTERSHY GET OUT OF THERE!” I shout towards her. She turns around breaking eye contact with the hydra. She proceeds to run towards us but it was too late. One of the hydra heads that was not looking, with a burst of strength breaks free and proceeds to strike Fluttershy. The only thing I see is the teeth of the Hydra sinking into the coat of her, sending blood splatter everywhere. I know shes screaming but I can't hear it as my mind is too shocked to acknowledge what's happening. All of us look is shock as the head rises up and shakes Fluttershy around like a dog with a chew toy. She lets out a high pitch scream in pain as her body tried to struggle out of the jaws but only to cause more damage and more blood to be flung all over the place. Eventually the jaws of the beast release Fluttershy mid shake and send her across the air. She lands in a cloud of dust all of us a mix of emotion at the sight of our friend mauled like that. “Fluttershy no!” Rainbow heads off into the direction of where the yellow pegasus landed. All of us follow in pursuit. We run at full gallop until we reach the sight of Rainbow dash slutching a red stained yellow body in her arms splayed across the ground. Her blood is soaking the ground as well as Rainbows tears. Fluttershy appears lifeless. This can’t be it no it just can't! She is still bleeding and quite heavily. Everypony is too shocked to do anything as Rainbow just keeps crying and my eyes start to swell with tears. My brother rushes forward and places his head on her chest listening for signs of life. “Shes alive but with injuries like that she won't be for long, we need to get her medical attention now!” He orders in his officer voice. I am relieved that Fluttershy is alive as I’m sure everypony else is. Although we still have that thing to deal with. I can feel my reage build towards the five headed monster. My thoughts though return to Fluttershy in Rainbows hooves, I need to use my magic to slow the bleeding and maybe repair some of the damage. It looks like a lot two puncture wounds on either side of her body with scratches and cuts as well. Maybe even a broken wing. I look towards Rainbow who is still holding onto her “Rainbow you need to let go, I can help her but we need you, AJ and Pinkie to go distract the Hydra while me and Rarity stabilise Fluttershy.” She looks up with her red sore eyes and just nods. She lets go of her and whimpers “Just make sure she lives okay? Its my fault if I was jus….” I place a hoof on her mouth stopping her guilt talk. She may be the element of Loyalty but she take anything that happens to us and blames it on herself, which is not good for her at all. “Rainbow go I’ll heal Fluttershy, just keep that thing off me while I do my work Okay?” “Right” She puffs out her chest getting ready for a fight. She lifts off and joins the fight with AJ and my brother I hope they will be okay. They are the toughest ponies I know. “Rarity” I call out drawing her attention off her gawking of Fluttershy. “I need bandages cloths and anything that will keep her warm. I need to stop the bleeding and stop her going into unconsciousness.” She gallops back over to the campsite trying to dodge the distraction the trio are making. I begin my work on the unconscious mare, normally it would be her doing this but right now its up to me. I take a deep breath and focus my magic on her body assessing the sate her body is in she’s already lost a lot of blood so her blood pressure has dropped. So I cast a spell on the wounds to clean them I can feel the dirt being vapourised from her wounds. Then I proceed to cut off circulation to the wounds to stop any more blood loss. I can feel her breathing getting laboured as she can’t get enough oxygen around her body with little blood. I pull out of my focus and all my senses come back to me I can hear the fighting behind me, it dawns on me that the fighting has moved closer to us. I look towards rarity and tell her what to do “Rarity she needs blankets to keep her warm. Is there an IV pack inside Fluttershys nursing pack?” She fumbles around the saddlebags finding Fluttershys and taking out a glass clear bottle with a cork in. She then hands me a needle and tube. As I set up the IV drip. I try to recall all the books I have read in medical knowledge. I place the needle into her forehoof and tell rarity to hold the bottle upside down to allow the fluid in, that should get her blood pressure back up a little. Rarity puts a blanket over her not covering the wounds as I am still working on them. I’m physically shaking here from what I having to do. Normally its Fluttershy who does this but shes a nurse not me! I compose myself once more to start treatment on the other wounds on the other side of her torso. But suddenly a large shadow creeps over us just as I am about to focus my magic. I see Raritys eyes turn to pinpricks. I turn around to see what she is looking at, to my horror is the towering hydra with two of its head ready to strike at us. I don’t know how it got past the other four but the only thing I can do is look is horror as I can cast a spell and this will be the end for me. “AHHHHHHHHHHHH!” BANG One of the heads of the Hydra's heads explodes in a shower of red covering us. I stop screaming and look towards the source of the noise. There standing a few meters away is the human. his weapon raised and covered in armour. My heart starts to race again in fear of the human. Then it talks “Hey beasty!” He draws the whole attention of the Hydra “Why don’t start with the main meal first before dessert!” > Chp.8 Conflict of interest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chp.8 Conflict of interest Kyles viewpoint Okay wherever the fuck that thing came from I have no idea! It freaking huge! The thing that pink pony shouted pretty much explains it. I’ve never seen anything like it. Its like a dragon but with 5 heads that more resemble a snake. I look in awe as the thing tries to attack the group of ponies I was monitoring. They seem to put up a good fight especially the purple Allercon who sends out a devastating amount of magic but to no effect. The others piped in trying to tie down the thing, but even though holding it down for a few minutes it breaks free and actually gets a hold of the yellow pegasus. who for some reason just stood there trying to reason with a wild beast!? Was she out of her mind!? Now shes being flung around in the jaws of one of the serpents heads. Screaming that chills me right to the bone. There is no comparison to the sound of innocence screaming. A flashback of flames comes to my mind and I start to hyperventilate. I look on seeing the pony blanding just to the edge of the forest opposite their camp. All of the group run towards her as the beast starts to untangle itself biting away at the ropes that bind it. I can’t exactly see the group now as they are out of the light of the camp fire. In response I put on my helmet on and switch on the starlight night vision. I can now see them all crowded around the body of the injured pony. They all seem to talk I can't hear them at this time but the Purple leader seems to get them organised. She starts to heal the Injured pony and the others spring into action trying to delay or distract the beast. It seems to work as she is trying to heal them. I think i should help them. ‘No you will compromise your position.’ ‘Yes but If I don't help they will be killed!’ ‘Its not your mission to save them! They are the enemy, they will kill you as soon as the fight is over. Plus it was their mission to search for you!’ ‘Yes but I can outrun them these don’t seem military and you heard that poor thing scream! Now its on the brink of death we can't just let a civilian get killed!’ ‘You know its not our concern of the civil…’ ‘Thats the exact attitude that got us into this mess in the first place! Always blinded by the future rather than the torture of today! Fuck this shit Im going in!’ With that mind argument over I grab my rifle , load it with armour piercing rounds and ready it. I sprint out of the trees heading straight for the thing that is about to strike at the purple pony. I skid to a halt and raise my rifle flicking the marksman setting on. I can feel the rifle’s parts move as the extra barrel part moves into place with the sound of motors and seals coming to life. In that moment time seems to slow down. It always does in moments that count, you only have one chance to make a difference. Its either try and fail or not try at all. I Take my memories on how to make an accurate shot. Steady breathing to reduce weapon sway and increase oxygen in the blood stream. Squeeze the trigger to the firing point and hold. Take aim down the sights and align them. Calculate where the shot will land, take into account the environment that could affect the shot. Take one last deep breath, pick your aiming point and exhale. Pull the trigger. The weapon fires and the muzzle flash releases the bullet out landing straight into the head of the striking serpent. Silence hold for a second as the head lands on the ground with a heavy thud. All the creatures look towards the head in shock, even the beast looks to its fallen limb? I try to think of a good comeback to the event “Hey beasty!”. The thing looks towards me now, moment of truth. “Why don’t start with the main meal first before dessert!” Oh cmon brain could of come up with something better than that! You had one job! BRAAAAAAAAAW! Okay now I have its attention good, also it is now pissed fuck!The towering beast runs towards me making the ground quake as I try to take more shots. I just have to keep its attention while the civilians can get out. The thing starts to get within striking range so I high tailed it backwards but this thing is fast thanks to its colossus legs, praise it doesn't have wings. The thing tries to snap at me with its head as we sprint right into the middle on the field. I glance back to see the rest of the ponies try to help the yellow one, a few still looking at me. I then come to a stop looking straight at the monster I may of killed one head but still have another 4 to deal with. only way I can take this thing out is taking out the other heads. A blade can’t make it through its body armour I saw that. It stops a few meters away but just out of its reach weird. It just looks at me and then looks towards its down sibling. Even I look at it, is it me or is it shaking? It is its shaking. I watch in curiosity at the head its like its having a fit, that could be due to me hitting its brain but I can't tell from here. The head then opens its eyes and starts to heal itself at an alarming rate. What kind of creature is this? It then starts to split in 2 like a cell devising making 2 heads from one. Then a memory hits me form one of the books I read. Its a Hydra a mythical beast that has multiple heads from greek legends, kill one head 2 more will take its place fuck! How can a creature from ancient myth on earth appear on another world!? Logic be damned! It then looks at me, I swear all those heads are smiling at me! Cheeky bugger! Okay so shooting its heads won’t kill it. So what can? The Hydra then runs towards me hissing, recoiling its heads to strike. I let off a few rounds it may not kill it but I know it can hurt it. Once it was in range I dove to my left as 2 of the heads slam into the ground burrowing its teeth. Eat my dust mother trucker. We keep repeating this action multiple times I let out a few rounds it tries to strike I dive out the way. Like a dance that was never ending. I did throw in different directions in the dives to throw it off a pattern. It must of learnt what I was doing as once I dived another time the tail whacks me and sends me back into the spot I just dive out of. All I see is a head coming down towards me, reflex takes over and I draw the boltgun and slam a few rounds into the head stopping it right before me. Great now I have 7 heads to deal with! “Aw cmon!” I shout out “how the fuck can you have that many heads and stay alive!?”. There has to be some sort of way to control all those heads. Each one can’t have a brain It would cause chaos in the main body...Wait thats it its brain is in the body! The heads are just limbs not heads, thats why its body is so well armours to protect the brain! Now I have the problem of trying to get to the brain. I come back to reality as another head moves to strike. I roll out of the way just in time. I realised I’m now too close to roll to the side or another head will take me out. So I get up and run towards the body, last thing this thing will expect. With the bolt gun still in my hand I land some lead point blank into its body. It must of hurt it as the heads scream in pain with a godzilla like raw. I smile as its left a few dents in the armour of the belly. Looks like its not impenetrable after all. Before I could switch to bunker buster rounds a head lingers above me drooling all over my armour nice. I run towards its hip which was a bad idea as I get thrust kicked by one of its legs all the way across the field. Has pretty powerful legs that thing has. I lay there dazed trying to get a hold of the spinning world, gathering my senses. I get up with a pounding headache coming on. I look back to see the Hydra walking towards me knowing I’m easy pickings. Guess again motherbucker. I pull out the boltgun pressing the bunker busters and aim. I smile as this things has no Idea what it has coming. I line up a shot into its chest smiling like a cheshire cat. when a flash besides us blinds us. Im not sure what it is but its blinded me through the night vision on my helmet, temporarily preventing my shot . It must of affected the hydra as well as the thing is shaking its head trying to shake off the effects. I look to where the flash came from seeing the group of ponies I’m trying to save, minus the purple one and the injured one. Don’t know what's caused it but its now the rest look towards us mouths open, except the pink one who is eating cotton candy. I turn back to the threat in front of me, seeing it eyeing up its original meal. It must of thought I was too much hassle as it makes its way towards the pony civilians. Oh no you dont. With a surge of adrenalin I come back to reality more focused and buzzing. I reach into my rucksack, to the grenade compartment anything will do at this stage. I pull out a red incendiary grenade, that will do nicely. I scramble up grenade in hand, with one swift throw I land the grenade between the hydra and the group of ponies. The grenade explodes in a wall of fire that spits out other smaller fire that light up the entire area. It was like the gates of hell suddenly exploded, this stuns the hydra and the ponies. I smile in amusement, least they are safe more good done. The field is now on fire with all the fuel the grenade spat out making a fire barrier between the predator and prey. With that done they hydra returns to look at me. “Told you you need to finish your tea first!” Best recovery I can make from earlier. I raise my boltgun again just as before aiming right for his chest. The thing lets out a roar in anger, I just let a smug smile at my small victory. It starts to walk towards me murder in its eyes. Just a little closer so you're in range beasty. I squeeze the trigger in anticipation. BANG BOOM The round lands in its chest with a second explosion to penetrate the armour. Now wait. Tick Tick BOOM! The round explodes in its chest sending out tissue matter everywhere with blood. I look at the mess in front of me from its now gaping hole in its chest. There is no cry in pain from the monster, it just stops in its tracks and falls over towards me. THUD All its heads are now lifeless no twitching nothing and they eyes have stopped glowing. I think I killed it quickly if I hit the brain, no pain just a quick death. I keep staring at the eyes still open in front of me, drained of life. I can only hear the sound of the of wall of fire to my left cracling lighting up the area. I turn towards wall of fire looking through at the ponies I saved. They look at me in a mixture of fear and shock, like I was the hydra. They can’t see my face behind the visor. If they did they would see a friendly smile. They must only just see another human soldier. Ready to kill them now. At that they take a defencive stance and turn to anger . The Orange pony pulls out a rope and swing it in her teeth. The Blue pegasus appears to crack its knuckles, even though it has hooves not hands. They two unicorns light their horns up charging up magic. As for the Pink one she has drawn out a freaking cannon out of no where. But I still can’t see the Purple pony or the wounded yellow one, that worries me. I count up my chances and decide the best chance is to avoid conflict. Two unicorns I can’t deal with. We have a staredown all of them not even flinching as the flames dance between us. Fed up with this and the cramp building in my legs I proceed to remove my helmet making all the ponies flinch. I pause for a second and resume once they settle and move more slowly. Pulling off my helmet and letting the natural light of the fire light the area. All of them look at me in the same way as before in fear and anger. “A simple ‘thank you’ would be nice, ya know” I shout over. They all seem shocked at me for talking. Its quite comical looking at their faces, I think I can actually hear the cogs turning in their heads. “Why’d ya help us?” The orange one asks in some sort of southern accent. “Simple, you looked in trouble so I helped. Your friend looked wounded and you had a hard time fighting off this...thing” I gesture to the now dead corpse. I decided not to explain all I know and that I had been watching them for a while not a good subject to start off on. “I have a feeling you have been looking for me. Probably to capture me, I know you want me alive because; A you have never captured a human before so I’m a high value target and B If you wanted me dead I would be dead now. However I must advise against that If you capture me I will not break, I’m not like the other soldiers you have encountered. I am a different class of them. If you come after me, I will kill you.” At this point I am trying to hold all the cards, maybe scare them off. I don’t want to kill them it would just cause more harm than good, plus I doubt I would get out alive against this group. “I suppose you found me by the two guards I left alive huh?” The white unicorn nods slowly but I get the message. I expected this “Then you know If you leave me alone, I will leave you alone. I know you have a job to do but I mean no harm. I am no killer.” I try to lie through my teeth. “Liar!” The orange earth pony screams at me. “Ah know liars and I hate them!” she spits on the ground, how the hell she work that out? “And I definitely hate murderers of ponies and fillies!” Thi seems to affect the others as all of them tense up and look even more angry. Okay so talking is not working. In one swift movement I take to one knee just as 2 magical bolts fly over my head. I drag my rifle from behind me and take up an defencive stance. But I can’t fire, I still have lethal rounds loaded! I can only do this as a last resort. “HEY!” They all stop their attack, well the unicorns do still a wall of fire between us thank god. “Yes I have killed but only out of necessity! I know killing is wrong hence why I am giving you a chance to just walk away. If you carry on I will have no choice but to defend myself, as I have with the ponies I have killed before. It was all in defence!” This seems to hold them, even the fiery orange one. “Look no need for death here just let…” Just as I am about to finish a white flash appears between them, blinding me as I am the one looking directly at it. I regain my vision, (dam not putting my helmet back on). Looking back I see that the purple pony is back. She looks like she was about to say something. Her mouth is open but her eyes just stare at me, I simple return the same gesture. One minute no pony, then flash and ta dah pony! Something even Derren Brown would be proud of. We just stay in a locked battle of confusion. Me in one corner wondering how the hell she just appeared. Her in the other probably wondering how she is looking a  live human. She then looks around seeing the wall of fire, her friends all angry and the dead hydra next to me. She returns to look at me now even more confused and shocked from before. I just smile sheepishly. I am so fucked. “Erm Twi if you would come out of your daydreaming sugar, we could use some help capturing this human” the orange pony states to the purple one, still looking at me. Well I outlived my stay here. The purple one then seems to come back to reality, and starts to charge up her horn.