• Published 23rd May 2014
  • 698 Views, 13 Comments

Turning tables - DarkShadow95

An unlikely alliance, in a world torn by war. Will this end all the bloodshed?

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Chp.4 Unusual behavour

Chp.4 Unusual behavior

Twilights view point.

Next day after the assault.

The clouds linger around the town. It wasn't meant to be this weather today but with the latest events no pony was complaining. It just gives a grey feel to the day which seemed appropriate at what had just transpired. All of the fires have been put out but they have still left a lot of damage. It wasn't just the fires that have left their mark all of the fighting has too. With the random recurrence of body bags filled with dead ponies. The thought sends a sick vile knot in my stomach. A lot of the buildings are damaged in some way some with explosions littering debris across the streets. Guards and ponies alike try to lend hoof in repairing the damage but now one can repair the damage of the ponies lost in this battle. Crying mares cling to loved ones dead or alive mourning those who had died. A small tear I shed for those we have lost.

It just makes me angry at the shire barbaric acts of the humans. We may of killed a few however we did not stop them from destroying our new canons that were meant to prevent such an invasion. It is a major loss we have had we lost so many good ponies and lost our tactical advantage over them now we are vulnerable. I trot along the streets trying to make the way to the trauma centre. By the time all the humans left we were able to get all the injured out and in treatment. What was left of the injured anyway. After a few turns I find it the white tent with a huge red cross painted on each side of the tent. I can see doctors and guards walking around trying to treat those on stretchers. I make my way through all those groaning in pain the odd scream as the doctors perform first aid.
"Twilight!" A familiar voice appears.

I look around trying to I identify the voice who called me. Eventually spotting the pink mane Pegasus between the doctors. Fluttershy is a yellow Pegasus very shy but her kindness shines through. She became a nurse once the war started. She was one of the best at first aid so naturally she became obsessed with caring for the wounded. She's standing there waving her forehoof at me wearing a first aid white apron and a nurses hat with the red cross logo on. I canter up to her and hug her tightly relieved that she's okay she returns the hug gladly.
"Fluttershy I was worried sick!" I exclaim "Are you okay? Nothing happened did it?".
"I'm okay twilight" She replies in her quiet calm tone "I just need to take care of all these poor wounded ponies. You know how much I'm needed after events like this."

"I know and we are truly grateful but you need to keep yourself safe too. You know how these humans can be if they do find you" The thought shudders through me of what the humans have done in that past with cornered ponies.

"They are all big meanies for hurting so many ponies!" she scream aloud, you never get on the wrong side of Fluttershy her shy exterior holds a angry pony within. "They all deserve to go to... go to... GO TO BUCKING HELL!" wow, for her to swear and shout it takes some hatred. I've never heard her swear and shout at the same time. The fact she's just done so proves how much she hates these humans and I don't blame her, they have killed thousands of us.

"its okay shy, we all hate them for what they have done." I hold her trying to calm her. To see her in this state scares me the knock on effect of the humans is starting to crack ponies. How long is it till we lose our sense of pony kind?

"I'm sorry twilight it just hurts to see what they have done over the years" She returns to her calm state shy but kind. I give her a reassuring smile to help her. " I better get back to healing these ponies, you take care of yourself twilight" she smiles at me no need for a goodbye we all have jobs to do. I walk out of the tent and trot to my next destination. The command centre of the guard. Maybe I will get some answers there.

Its easy to find just a large building next to the town hall. Its has the symbol of the guard crested in gold. It's just a converted building of Ponyville but the guards have made best use of it. Many guards run in and out all white in their golden armour even the odd night guard. Walking up to the door while dodging the stampede of pony guards I eventually make my way inside. Charts sprawled everywhere people shouting orders or trying to communicate over the frantic rush of guards all over this tiny converted building.

I search around dodging the guards. I'm looking for a pony with the blue sash on. Eventually I spot him and call for him. "lieutenant Hoof Blade!" He looks up and gives a warm smile acknowledging my presence. He looks similar to the rest of the guards white with blue eyes but his sash where his sword is hilted gives him away, along with his cutie mark of a hoof and knife. Trotting over he does the same but before I start to ask questions he speaks first.

"Princess twilight let us talk outside It would be best to do so" Curious I follow him out of the back door into an alleyway seems odd.

"What's this about lieutenant?" I ask tilting my head.

"Well we have a situation, a very interesting one" His voice seems a little hushed must be important "It appears the humans left one of their own behind."

"What?!" I'm shocked how could they leave their own behind? Is he lost is he injured? Can we find him and learn from him?

"I know you're excited princess but we must be cautious in this matter. Two of our soldiers get caught up with him last night but he knocked out one and left the other alive. Which in my books is odd and we have to be cautious with strange things. Even if the Humans are strange already."

"Sorry lieutenant but this is our one chance to actually capture a live human!" I'm still portraying my shocked expression. "You know what happens if we try to capture one they just well...kill themselves. If we get him we can learn from him and get information out of him! We both know that if we capture him we could get a head start on the humans and stop there invasions!" gasping for air he just looks at me. I can tell he's thinking about what he might say. Looking at me he lets out a sigh of defeat.

"Okay Princess you can go find him." I smile with the biggest grin possible. Oh the things I am going to learn! (that's if we catch him) "BUT" he says "I want you to inform the other princesses about this we can't have a princess getting captured can we?".

"Don't worry lieutenant, I will send a letter to the princess before we set off" I'm too excited! "I wont go alone either Ill bring the other elements with me just to keep us safe." Smiling my biggest grin at him.

"Good, just be careful princess" says the lt.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" I leap at him trying to hug him. Only just to embarrass myself in the awkwardness. I just slide off him and give him a look of sorry. Soon as he nods I gallop back through the building not giving a care to what the other guards are doing even knocking a few of them down along the way. Sure they will be fine. I need to gather everypony, to the library!

I gallop towards the only pony that could gather all of the mane six. Pinkie Pie.
Okay Time to get to sugar cube corner. Only then does the dread hit me. I was too distracted in mind of a human to learn of, I had completely forgot about the possibility of all my friends being okay after the crash. Which also means.. Sugar cube corner could've been hit. Oh god no I'm not letting the thought get to me. I just pick up my speed to check on the building. I hope she's okay! I know pinkie could survive almost anything with her supernatural abilities, but I can't get the feel of dread out of my system.

I'm getting shouts of slow down off ponies I pass. each of them trying to aid in the repair of Ponyville. Each thought of 'what if' races through my mind only for one to be confirmed as I turn a corner to the destruction I see before my eyes.

The building its half destroyed! Half the building is in rubble black scorch marks where impacts hit is remain like scars. timber sprawled everywhere. The thatched roof in ruins with bits of thatching everywhere it just doesn't seem fair at all! a tear escapes my eye as the shock and dread just build. My mind screaming all sorts of things. I'm just dumbfounded at all of this! Pinkie where is Pinkie?!
I frantically look around, maybe she escaped but I can't see the pink pony anywhere! Oh go I hope she is okay! I trot to the door of what remains of the bakery, pushing open the door cautiously. I'm still not sure if this place safe to go into but buck that my friend could still be here!

The room at first glance appears to be in one peace. However the kitchen behind the café part is filled with dust and rubble where the roof had collapsed. I scan the room at the upturned tables and broken glass. Until my eyes come upon the pink mare of Pinkie Pie. My heart feels no dread but the urge to just hold her in relief as tears start to escape me.

I walk up behind her and just notice her mane is all down rather than its usual springy lively self. Oh dear "Pinkie?" I whisper but all I can here is the gentle sobs of her as she just hangs head down at my presence.

"They destroyed it all" she sniffles. "All of it is gone, all the happiness is gone Twilight" She turns around only to see her eyes red from crying and her coat soaked in her tears. Her lips are shaking but the look in her eyes just breaks part of me, to see the happiest pony just broken like this.

I just go up to her to embrace her in a hug. Then I start to tear up "I'm sorry Pinkie" I whisper. Her tears now soaking my coat as her head just buries itself in my neck. "Its okay, Its okay. Look this is just temporary we can rebuild right?" she then looks up to me at eye level.
"but it will just get destroyed again and it won't be the same!" she shouts a lot more anger in her now. "All those meanies come her and destroy all we have! Why twilight why?!"

"Pinkie look at me" I coo, holding a hoof to her mouth to make her listen.

"Pinks all of this can be rebuilt. Yes they may of damaged it but not all of it because YOU are still here. The happy pony of Ponyville is still here" I grab her and hold her to me as I draw up to her ear and whisper "because right now that all that matters. This place, yes we have had the best parties here but that's only because of one thing. That thing is you." She pulls back to look at me with a small smile on her face and the tears have stopped. "Objects and places may be lost throughout time but ponies like you cannot be replaced."

I give her one last smile before her mane picks up and the smile on her just grows and grows thank Celestia for that.

"Thank you twilight" pinkie says "I just...I just hope all of this will be over. I don't know when but I just want the old times back where we don't have to fear the humans".

"I know Pinkie. You and me both" I respond, we both hold each other for a moment before withdrawing.
"Pinkie I need to tell you something" she perks up and looks at me listening. "We may know just how to stop all of this. ITs a small break but it might just help us in many ways". One of her eyebrows rises as the attention on her turns to one of curiosity.

"What are you talking about Twi?" She renounces.

"Well you know we have never been able to capture one of those humans because well..." the memories shudder me of the previous attempts to capture a human. All they do it look terrified and well...they just kill themselves! Pinkie must of noticed me react to the memory as a I feel her hoof on my shoulder followed by a reassuring smile.

"Well according to the lieutenant, we may have a lead on one who is still alive and still here"

"WHAT?!" Pinkie jumps in the air with shock eyes wide with the shock in her face.

"Keep it down Pinks!" as I drag her back down from her reaction. "Look we can have anypony else knowing this because it may be the only chance we ever get to talking to one. If everypony goes out looking for him you who knows what may happen to him. The thing could be killed after some pony wants revenge and there goes our chance down the drain". The look on her then changes to one of realisation. So many emotions on this mare. "So we have permission to go and get the human and take him to Canterlot to learn from him" ending with a sheepish grin. The look on her is just still, I think she's trying to process what I have just said.
"So we are going to go and collect all the gang and head to the Everfree forest capture the human travel to Canterlot to meet with the princesses for them to find out the humans secrets to put an end to this war so all of us can go back to all our normal lives? inhale" she blabbers.
I roughly got the just of that if it weren't for the speed she just went at.

"Erm... ya... all of that sums it up" dumbfounded I reply. "Look Pinkie I came here to check if your okay and to gather everyone at the library. We have a chance to gain some very valuable information here and I'm not going to risk it with some other pony so its up to us to complete this mission" I state.

"Ooo a mission! So what we are now military Twi? Wait I mean ma'am?" as she throws me a salute. Yep she's back up and running now.

"No pinkie this is just a little adventure the mane six have to do" I say so proudly. "So go gather everypony and tell them to meet up in the library in an hour okay?" By the time I finished she's already skipping out of the door.

"Don't worry Twi ill get them" pinkie smiling at me.

"Oh and make sure they attend!"

BANG as the door slams behind her.

Well I better go and ready for our little meeting. I just hope the others understand.