• Published 23rd May 2014
  • 698 Views, 13 Comments

Turning tables - DarkShadow95

An unlikely alliance, in a world torn by war. Will this end all the bloodshed?

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Chp.5 Mane 6

Chp.5 Mane 6

"You want to do what now?!" Applejack shouts "You got concussion or sommin sugarcube?"

We are all gathered around a map of Ponyville placed in the middle of the table. The library is cool since I've opened the windows but the tension in the room is raised to boil as I've explained to all of them exactly what I wish to plan. The cyan and rainbow mane Rainbow Dash hovers above us. All five of us on the ground around the table look towards Applejack. She's an earth pony who lives on Apple acres with her family, the orange and blonde maned mare has a look of shock and curiosity beneath her Stetson hat.

"Look I know this sounds bizarre and well unbelievable" as I facehoof, "but this may be the only chance we may get to learning of the humans".

"Ya and the chance for us to get killed in the chaise!" she sternly replies, "you av seen what those humans can do! Now you want to go on a wild apple chaise to find one that could still kill us all! Anyway what if it just does what the rest of them do huh?! It may just kill itself at the sight of us OR kill us!"

"I agree with egghead on this matter" Dash interrupts.

"WHAT?! You can be serious Dash?!"

"Well I am" She folds her forehooves with a pride look on her as she just hovers there, "C'mon AJ when what the last time we had a chance to kick flank against the humans? NEVER! Twilight can learn what she needs to know while me and you can rough him up a bit like they do in CSI: Las Pegasus. Cmos plus we have the element of surprise which is my speciality. Human watch out coz dash is flying your way to kick your flank back off world!"

"No one is kicking anypony's flank dash" I put in getting a pout in response. "We just need to capture him and take him to the princesses they will know what to do. We as elements of harmony can still do this even without the elements themselves." Now getting the attention of everypony in the room "This may be the only chance we get at getting one up on the humans and hopefully put an end to their plans".

Everypony looks around at each other waiting for a response AJ still has the stubborn look on her face only one pony left to voice their opinion to make this go ahead. Rarity.

"Well Rarity what's your take on all this?" I ask making all eyes turn towards her.

"Well then It seems the decision has came to me." She states waving her violet curled mane with her pure white hoof. "To a point AJ does have a point-" she states before interrupted.

"Thank you Rarity! Now I sujest we for..." before AJ is cut off.

"HOWEVER! Twilight and Dashie have a point darling" she simply states.

"WHAT?! YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS RARE?!" AJ pointing a hoof at Rarity.

"Well yes I do for a matter of fact," she states to her friend with a stern look the tension rising.

"This may be our only chance to stopping all this barbarity. Plus I'm sure our darling Fluttershy and Pinkie pie will agree am I right girls?" Gesturing a hoof to the yellow and pink mares.

"YA we can go and get this homo sapien! Then we can make him pay for what he did!" Exclaims pinkie pie with her insanity look...scary.

"Well...um...I guess so he may be hurt so... um yes" Speaks a quiet tone of Fluttershy behind her pink mane.

"See AJ they all agree so lets go and kick this guys flank!" Rainbow points at AJ about to fly out the window before I stop her.

"Nert do ferst RD!" I mumble with her tail in my mouth dragging her back. Spitting out her hair and getting dirty looks from her. "There is more to this than what I've already said". Getting quizzical looks for the mares around me. "The lieutenant said last night the human we are on about well...Looks different and well didn't kill anypony." At this point the curiosity increases with a dash of shock. "I know it seems odd but according to the patrol that chased him he managed to well take them all down, with no deaths. He even took down 2 pegasi guards with his..err...hands! Even had one at Knife point in the neck but he didn't kill her!"

The room falls silent as the reality kicks in. This is not the usual Humans we deal with this is different.

If there is one thing we truly know of the humans is that they take no prisoners. We don't know why. They just appeared 6 years ago, we only just managed to repel them with magic but we lost so much. Even after that they attacked again only just holding them off alongside the princesses. Now they are back. A gut feeling this wont end, unless we go on the offensive.
This may be our only opportunity, if not the humans may destroy us that much is clear.
Eventually the silence is ceased by applejack "Well looks like there is no turnin any hooves around at this darn point".

"Good then its settled. Spike send this letter to princess Celestia" Spike who just sits there with a look of scorn and arms folded ignores me. "Spike I asked you to do something" the purple dragon just remains there refusing to move.


"Okay! Sheesh! I'm writing the damn letter BUT I still say this is a bad idea twilight. I mean c'mon these humans are way too danger..."

"SPIKE JUST WRITE THE LETTER!" I stop a hoof down to stop his complaining. "We already went over this, you were there and you have no say in this we are going and that is final."
My purple assistant looks down in defeat knowing there is no turning my mind once it is set.

"sigh okay just tell me what to send".

Canterlot palace

Princess Celestia

The news of the humans being back is not good not good at all! I pace around the marble palace, with rain hitting at the stained glass only reflecting the mood well for this grim occasion. Reports came In this morning that it was Ponyville that was attack and that only made this worse that my student and her friends are all there! I just need to know they are okay, for all my little ponies to be okay.

"Princess I'm sure Princess Twilight is okay". A friendly voice appears behind me.

"Are you sure of that? Prince shining?" The prince now my nephew in law also brother to Princess Twilight looks straight at me with his blue eyes. "She still has not sent a report and its been well over 12 hours. Curse to this curfew I have set upon myself!" Only reason I cant go is my curfew my military advisors advised me to keep me safe.

Just as I display my disgust to the idea by stomping a hoof down. A green flame ignites before us stunning the prince but planting a smile on me. Grabbing the letter in my aura I break the seal and start scanning the writing.

Dear Princess Celestia

Me and my friends are fine. So please do not worry about us as I predict you already have. You can stop worrying now. All is okay however Ponyville is some damage and many ponies have been lost which has set the mood low here. The reoccurrence of the humans has sent the moral of ponies down. All can be rebuilt though but my concern still clouds me that the humans are back which mean more is to come and I know we are not ready.
Which Brings me to my second reason to me writing to you (Princess its not actually Twilight that is writing its Spike I never seem to get any credit here). It Appears the humans have left one of their own behind. We currently do not hold him as he has ran off into the Everfree forest. So I have set it upon us to go and collect him and try to learn as much as we can about the humans to see if we can gain the upper hoof this time. I hope this does not disturb you at all but time is of the essence here. I worry that our opportunity may run into a 5 headed hydra or something and be lost. So Me and the other Elements are setting out soon as to try and apprehend this human. We still do not know why he is here whether he was left on purpose or accident we don not know but we will know soon as we apprehend him.

Your faithful erm... Student princess
Princess Twilight

"Oh goddess" I say aloud.

"What?! Is it my sister is she okay?!" Prince Armour demands. A look of confusion worry and anger all roll on his face.

"Twilight is fine but she's... well... Going after a lost human" Trying to be sheepish to contain the reaction I'm about to get once the brother of Princess Twilight realises.

"Say again Princess?" With added confusion.

"Well um... Seems your sister is fine," He lets out a small sigh of relief "but" he inhales.

"Seems to chasing a human that was left behind in the attack, then is going into the Everfree forest to capture him".

The Confusion in the prince is wiped by the emotion of shock and absolute worry. "Is she out of her mind?! Its a human in the Everfree forest! Could you get any more of a crazy idea than that?! What was going through her bookworm head to think that?!" His face appears to be a lovely shade of cherry at this time seems... cute hehe.

"I'm going to get the guard and drag her flank back home! I don't care if she is a princess she's my sister and its my job as her BBBFF to take care of her!" He turns towards the doors and stomps through with a march of scorn. One that I may not cross today, If there is one thing I know of the prince NEVER cross his family. However I am glad he will look over Twilight and her friends when in search of this human.

A part of me agrees with Twilight this may be our chance to learn of the Humans intent but the other worries for their safety. All I can do is ponder these halls and wait for news.

Just outside Everfree forest 2hrs after Library meeting

Twilights viewpoint
It was still enough light to go off searching in the Everfree. Still dangerous either way no doubt. Even though we have been in there numerous times it still sends a cold chill through me. The Twisted trees and the dark corridors are just the tip of the iceberg here. The deeper you go the more dangerous it gets. I turn towards my friends all of them look as concerned as I. Especially Fluttershy who is now hidden in her pink mane whole body trembling. On the other end of the scale was a bouncing Pinkie pie just jumping on the spot with a giant grin on. Her curly pink mane just bouncing with her body.

"Well girls looks like we are going in anyone wishes' to back out now. You can do so there is no shame in doing so." I question trying to stay strong for our group. I scan around but no one says anything, if anything Rainbow dash just give me a look of seriously? with her hooves folded as she hovers over us looking down.

Just as I start to trot towards the entrance to the forest a familiar voice appears from the skies.

"You take one more step sis and I'm going to tell mom and dad!"

I Turn looking for the source of the voice but there is no one nearby or even in the horizon. So looking up what do I see? My brother in a royal guard chariot looking down at me with a shameful look here we go. Eventually his chariot lands right besides us with two pegasi guards looking out of breath latched up to the chariot. My brother Prince Shining armour walks off and heads straight towards me eyes locked to mine.

"What in hay bails do you think you're doing Twilly!?" He demands now his head is pressed against mine pressing into me trying to intimidate me. He missed be pissed to be like this.

"I'm guessing Princess Celestia told you about the letter? hehe" I reply sheepishly in a low tone. Backed up trying to get away from my brother.

"Yes she did" he sternly acknowledges "You're going after a human. What in Celestia sun gave you that idea?! You know how dangerous these things are and now you want to go and get one like some pet. Hay no I say to that, what would mom and dad say about this huh?!".

Okay now I'm not sure what to say. I look over to my friends with a look of 'little help over here? Eventually Applejack snorts and steps forward. "We already had this discussion Prince. Ah tried everything to convince her but she is still going with it and you know I'm the most stubbern here."

My brother then backs off from my head with a very loud snort knowing that if Applejack couldn't convince me then he couldn't either. Element of honesty has a huge stubbornness everyone knows that. "Anyway" Dash picks up "Your sister is now a Princess so she outranks you" She adds with a smug smile on her knowing she is right.
My brothers eyes widen at that idea as if a foal being caught in the cookie jar. The reality also hits home with me after all this time of me being a princess I am the boss now. Ha! this is going to be such fun.

Prince Shining backs up realising he has just already committed an offence for touching a princess without reason or permission. I just smile smugly knowing I can get away with it now. No more Big brother to boss me around.

"Well then BBBFF looks like the tables have turned. By royal decree I say you follow us and go and aid in capturing this human" Oh that felt good.

Every jaw is now flat on the ground at this point. Best of all is My brothers look of overload on his face. I just snigger at the looks I am getting. "So you are coming with us BBBFF and that's a royal order" I say to him just getting the same expression from him.

"Any questions captain?" I ask getting no response. "Take that as a no then now then lets go everypony!"