• Published 31st Mar 2012
  • 3,691 Views, 126 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: The Equestrian Chronicles - ed2481

Sora and company crash land in Equestria

  • ...

Chapter four

Chapter four

“Sora do you think you could move out of the doorway, you’ve been standing there staring with your mouth open for a while?” Donald asked his friend.

“Donald, they’re gods, the Princesses are gods.” Sora replied softly looking at the two ponies in front of him.

They were both tall and elegant easily twice Sora’s height, he guessed that if he’d been human then he would’ve come up to the white one’s shoulders. What had stopped Sora and made him gasp was the amount of power that they both gave off. He’d fought Hades in the underworld at his full power, but either of these two could have utterly destroyed the god of the dead in a fight.

The other thing that had caused Sora to become awestruck was the amount of love he could feel in their hearts. These two beings had been around for a millennia and yet they still cared; he could detect no hint of darkness in them. Actually no, the smaller darker one she had been lost once, he knew because he could feel her heart. She’d managed to fight her way back to the light through the power of heart, much as Sora had when he’d been lost once. Sora walked through the door until he was standing directly in front of the dark alicorn, then he did something unexpected. He pulled her into a tight hug.

“What do you think you’r-” Shining Armor began before he was silenced by a look from the white alicorn.

“Thank you Keyblade Master.” The dark alicorn told Sora softly as she returned the hug.

“My lady, if I had been aware that there was a god in need of help I would have come immediately, can you possibly forgive me?” Sora asked shocking Donald and Goofy, they’d never seen their friend like this.

“Sir Sora there is nothing to forgive, it happened long before you were born, and I was saved in my own time after serving a punishment that I deserved.” The dark alicorn told him Sora gently.

“But I-”

“No, that was hardly you.” She told Sora cutting him off quickly before he could finish his sentence.

“I’m still sorry.” Sora told her, Luna nodded.

“That shows your character, along with how worthy of your mantel you are; now I believe that there is some explaining to do.” The dark alicorn said with a small smile. Sora nodded and released his grip from around the alicorn’s neck “Besides what would Kairi think if she saw this?” she asked slyly.

“She’d probably join the hug, she’d better at reading hearts then I am.” Sora replied with a small smile as he thought of his girlfriend.

“So I’ve heard.” She said with a nod.

“Sora, what’s going on?” Donald asked in confusion.

“She lost her heart.” Sora replied softly.

“I didn’t think that gods could lose their hearts Sora.” Goofy said scratching his chin.

“We can and she did; now I believe it is time that we answered some questions so everypony please gather round.” The white alicorn said softly, but there was a slight hint of iron in her voice, enough to make the three adventurers stop their conversations and kneel in front of her.

“Sorry for ignoring you your majesty, but she needed the hug.” Sora told the white alicorn matter-of-factly.

“I do not begrudge you for it Keyblade Master.” The white alicorn said inclining her head slightly in a nod.

“That’s good, because I’d do it again if I needed to despite anything you had to say against it.” Sora replied with a grin, all the while shocking everypony in the room except his friends and the two princesses with his boldness.

“Yes I’m quite aware Sir Sora, the king has told me about you.” The white alicorn agreed with a smirk.

“Oh good then we won’t have to reintroduce ourselves.” Sora told her with a grin rising back to his feet along with Donald and Goofy; if he’d been human he would have put his arms behind his head.

“Sora, you can’t talk to Princess Celestia like that!” Twilight said as she recovered from her shock.

“Yes I can Twilight, she may be a god, but thanks to her her sister lost her heart.” Sora told Twilight lightly, but there was an edge to his voice.

“Now you listen here you do not talk to Celes-” Shining Armor began before he was interrupted by the dark alicorn.

“Enough, all three of you! There will be no more discussion; my sister was guilty of only ignorance nothing more nothing less. Her ignorance was as much my own fault as hers and I will not allow you to harbor any feelings of distrust towards her!” The dark alicorn said looking Sora in the eyes; he met her gaze for a moment before he nodded. “Good, we have work to attend to and the longer we tarry over useless matters the worse the situation outside of the capital gets for our citizens.”

“I am Princess Celestia.” The white alicorn said gesturing to herself. “And this is my sister Princess Luna.” She said gesturing towards the darker alicorn.

“Your majesties.” Donald and Goofy said with a bow, Sora remained upright but nodded to Celestia and smiled at Luna.

“Alright now we can get down to the matter at hoof.” Celestia began “The three of you know that when anything losses its heart both a heartless and a nobody are created, when my sister was taken the heartless claimed control of her body and used the moniker Nightmare Moon. That heartless was destroyed by the mares behind you two and a half years ago. However I have recently detected the incursion of darkness back into this world and I believe the nobody to be responsible for this.” Celestia told them, Sora nodded, he’d expected that.

“So we get to fight off both an invasion of heartless; and a god level nobody who most likely knows who I am and what I represent.” Sora said.

“Yes, however there are other balls in play as well.” Celestia said with a nod.

“Oh good, I love it when there’s more than one, it keeps things interesting.” Sora said rolling his eyes. “Next thing you’ll tell me is that another god is out there helping this nobody.” Sora said.


“Of course, there would be one.” Sora nodded with a sigh. “This reminds me of that time when-”

“We need to concentrate here.” Celestia said cutting Sora off.

“Right, sorry.” Sora replied.

“No matter, this entity is known as Discord.” Celestia told Sora.

“Let me guess, chaos?” Sora asked while the six mares behind him stared at Celestia in shock.

“If Discord is lose why aren’t things all crazy?” Dash asked.

“Because he’s not actually free, his mind is out there advising the nobody. He is essentially powerless besides the ability to speak to minds who let him in.” Luna answered. “The shield around Canterlot has two effects, it keeps anything, even heartless out, and it prevents Discord’s mind a clear view of our position.” Luna finished.

“Alright, do you know where this nobody is, or are we going to have to search for it?” Sora asked Celestia.

“We do not know exactly where it is, but we believe that it has taken refuge among the changelings. Their queen would most likely see it as an excellent tool to further her goals.” Luna replied answering for her sister.

“Ok, we can handle this.” Sora said with a confident smile. “Just to be clear, we’re facing off a god level nobody, the mind of a chaos god, and last but not least a kingdom of things called changelings.”

“That is correct.” Celestia replied.

“Eh, we’ve faced worse odds, right guys?” Sora asked Donald and Goofy who nodded. “Alright then point us in the right direction and we’ll have all of your problems taken care of in a day or two.” Sora said flashing the co-rulers a large grin.

“Sora, are you sure you know what you’re doing?” Twilight asked.

“Definitely Twilight, you’re new to this but I’ve lived through more than enough situations like this to know how it works. Although I might need to call for backup if things are really the way they are we’ll need all of the competent fighters we can get and I’m sure Riku would kill me if I let him miss this.” Sora replied with a smile.

“Hey are you saying that we can’t fight?” Dash asked flying towards Sora angrily; before she could say anything else Sora’s keyblade was at her throat. Dash froze where she was.

“Yes, I’m sorry but all that you girls coming along would accomplish would be more people that we have to protect.” Sora said withdrawing the blade and letting it vanish again.

“But this is our home; we deserve the right to defend it!” Applejack protested angrily.

“Yes darling I know that I for one want to stomp out every one of these heartless for the terror that they’ve been causing the countryside.” Rarity said nodding in agreement.

“Um Sora, if you don’t mind too much, I think that you should really let us come with you.” Fluttershy added haltingly.

“I want to use my cannon on them!” Pinkie cried jumping into the air in excitement.

“Um girls, I agree with him.” Twilight said calmly.

“But Twilight, don’t you want to be out there fighting?” Dash asked in confusion.

“Of course I do Dash, but girls we’ve been lucky so far, incredibly lucky actually. The fact that the six of us are all still alive let alone friends is incredible enough as it is, I don’t want to risk you lives fighting something this powerful.” Twilight replied softly looking at each one of her friends as she said it. Then they all grabbed her in a large group hug.

“Aw shucks Twi yall don’t have ta worry about us!” Applejack told her.

“Yeah we know what we’re doing!” Dash agreed.

“Besides darling we’re the Elements of Harmony, we can fix this in no time.” Rarity added.

“Yeah Twi geese you don’t have to worry so much.” Pinkie said with a grin as she bounced in place.

“I’ll help to.” Fluttershy agreed, her face showed her fear, but she was willing to ignore it to help her friends.

“I love you girls!” Twilight told them with a grin.

“Princess please tell them this is a bad idea?” Sora asked Celestia desperately, he didn’t need another Axel on his conscience.

“I agree with Sora on this Tia, it is simply too dangerous for them to accompany Sora and his friends.” Luna told Celestia worriedly.

“I know, Twilight I’m sorry but none of the six of you are permitted outside of castle ground for any reason whatsoever.” Celestia told her student.

“But-” Twilight began.

“No Twilight, this is out of your league, I would prefer to deal with this myself but Luna and I are required here to help uphold the shield along with Cadance and your brother.” Celestia said firmly.

“Fine Princess if you think it best.” Twilight said sadly with a sigh.

“Thank you for understanding Twilight, Shining would you find your sister and her friends rooms to stay in?” Celestia asked.

“Of course Princess.” The white unicorn replied “Come on Twilight I know just the place.” Shining told his sister and her friends. All seven walked out of the room with sad expression on their faces leaving Sora, Donald, and Goofy alone with the two princesses.

“How long do you think it’ll take them to escape or find a loophole?” Sora asked Celestia who shook her head.

“Around four hours once her brother leaves them.” Celestia replied with a shrug.

“Well then we’d better get started. Princess do you have a private place that I can summon my friend from? I don’t know if he’ll come through as a pony or as a human.” Sora asked Celestia who nodded.

“Yes, Luna show him to the chamber of light.” Celestia said.

“Follow me Sir Sora.” Luna commanded as she rose to her hooves, her starry mane flowed behind her as she walked. Sora, Donald, and Goofy followed behind.

“Goofy, Donald are you two alright with sitting this one out?” Sora asked Goofy as they walked.

“Sure Sora, I’ve been meaning to do a few things around the castle anyways.” Goofy said shrugging his shoulders.

“Yeah I think Daisy wants to spend some more time with me to make up for how much I’ve been gone.” Donald agreed.

“So is Riku the one I think he is?” Luna asked Sora.

“Probably.” Sora replied with a grin.

“I see, do you think that he’ll give me a hug to?” Luna asked.

“Maybe, he’s not as comfortable about these kind of thing as I am, but he’s gone through something closer to what you did then I did so his reaction might be more even severe.” Sora replied with a shrug as they entered a new room.

The room’s walls were a calming blue while the floor was a spotless white; the ceiling had been enchanted to show a scene of the night sky. Several red metal circles split up the white floor and they appeared to have been engraved with glowing runes.

“You know I expected more white from someplace called the chamber of light.” Sora remarked looking around with a small smile.

“This is our summoning room, anyone that you wish to bring here can be summoned from one of the circles with royal permission of course.” Luna told Sora. “You should be able to contact your friend from here.” She added with a smile. Sora nodded before he shut his eyes.

Riku can you hear me? Sora called out mentally.

Loud and clear Sora, what do you need? Riku’s voice replied inside Sora’s head.

Well it’s a long story, trust me I need your help with this. Sora answered, a few minutes passed as Riku searched for

Sora across the multiverse.

I’ve got you locked in and I’ll be there the second that you call.Riku told him. Sora nodded and opened his eyes before walking over to one of the circles. f

He placed his hoof on the edge and willed Riku to join him; Goofy and Donald stood waiting on the other edge of the circle preparing for the jump. The room was suddenly filled with blinding light, when their vision cleared a tall gold colored unicorn with a bleached white mane stood in the middle of the circle. Goofy and Donald had disappeared entirely but Sora knew they were fine.

“Sora why am I a unicorn?” Riku asked looking around himself until his gaze settled on Luna.

“It’s so that you can fit in better.” Sora replied with a shrug, Riku’s eye hadn’t left Luna as Sora spoke. Then suddenly he asked.

“Sora who is this?”

“I am Princess Luna.” Luna answered easily while bracing herself for whatever reaction Riku had.

“Sora you are hopeless without me aren’t you?” Riku asked before he drew his black keyblade and placed the blade against Luna’s forehead. There was a blast of light and the sound of a keyhole locking echoed throughout the room. Luna stared at Riku for a second before she rushed towards him and wrapped him in a hug.

“Thank you Sir Riku you have locked the darkness out of my mind and at long last it is no longer there whispering seditious thoughts that even the Elements of Harmony could remove!” Luna cried as she squeezed Riku.

“Anytime your majesty it’s what I do, and by that I mean clean up things that Sora forgets about.” Riku said cheerily.

“Gee thanks for the ringing endorsement.” Sora told Riku who snickered once Luna released him from her grip.

“Hey it’s a dirty job but someone’s got to do it.” Riku replied with a shrug. “So Sora, why did you need me so badly?” Riku asked changing topics.

“Oh you know the usual.” Sora replied.

“So you missed not having my body around to look at?” Riku joked with a grin.

“Yeah that’s it, seriously why do you do that?” Sora asked his friend sarcastically with a scowl.

“Because the look that you always get makes me laugh.” Riku replied with a chuckle.

“Boys stay on topic.” Luna said interrupting their banter.

“So we’re fighting gods?” Riku asked his face immediately become more serious.

“More or less.” Sora replied with a shrug.

“Sounds like fun, where do we start?” Riku asked with a grin.

“I thought we’d scope out the local bar for rumors.” Sora replied his mouth turning up into a grin.

“Ah yes bars are always the best place to begin any quest.” Riku said with a nod before he turned back to Luna. “But in all seriousness where are we going?” He asked her.

“Your most likely destination is the hive of the changeling queen Chrysalis, I’ll provide you with all the information that you need to get there on the way to the train station.” Luna answered as she began to walk out of the room. Sora and Riku followed close behind.

“By the way Riku we’re going to have the company of six determined mares who have decided that it’s their job to help us in around four hours or so.” Sora told his friend who nodded.

“Let me guess no real combat experience but they want to help protect their land so they’ll get away from whoever you have watching them whether you like it or not?” Riku asked casually.

“Yep.” Sora replied simply.

“Well this should be fun.” Riku said with a small smile. “So what do the local heartless look like?”

“So far I haven’t seen much verity the usual Shadows along with a few Neoshadows.” Sora replied.

“Odd, I would’ve expected to have run into some horse heartless somewhere along the way.” Riku said.

“Yeah I’m waiting for one to appear.” Sora nodded.

“Hmm, well no use waiting let’s get on with this so we can get back to the island!” Riku told Sora with a large smile on his face.

“And back to Kairi!” Sora added with a grin.

“You two are very odd.” Luna told them.

“Ha you haven’t known Sora very long if you’re just now figuring that out.” Riku told her with a grin at his friend.

“I’ll show you weird!” Sora cried before he grabbed his face and started to pull the skin out to the side while rolling his eyes.

“See what I mean?” Riku asked Luna who started to giggle.