• Published 16th Apr 2014
  • 4,555 Views, 56 Comments

Blackest Twilight - Zanem-Ji

After Celestia and Luna's battle, a new sky was created. Twilight, loving this new sky, did whatever she could to recreate it. But when Celestia disapproves of this creation, Twilight's dark path into a twisted enemy begins...

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The Monster In The Mirror

Three months.

EvenTide had painted the heavens for three months, except for one day. For one day, the sun was out for the entirety of the day.

And that day was to pay respect to Celestia, the beloved Princess of the Sun.

Twilight pulled the entire populace of Canterlot into the borders of the castle city itself. She knew the populace wouldn’t be able to comprehend the thought of what she had truly done to the former Head Ruler of Equestria. So she told them something that while it would shake her subjects to their cores, it was something they’d be able to wrap their brains around;

Celestia was dead. Dead by suicide.

The pain of losing her sister was too much. She had lost her best friend and the only living relative she had left. She no longer had anyone she could truly confide in. That she wished Cadence and herself had been worthy of her trust…but that she understood. They were not her sisters. She would always hold Celestia in high regards and have nothing but love and respect for her. She advised that her subjects should do the same, and do their best not to look down on the choice she made, given her circumstances.

Of course, it was all a lie…but the public accepted it none the less.

At least…most of them did.

There were a few though. A few who could see the lie that she laced with false comfort. A few, that while they didn’t believe Twilight had murdered Celestia, did think that the alicorn had done something to usurp the Sun Princess. A thought like that would spread like wildfire throughout Equestria if Twilight had allowed it.

But course, she would never allow that.

The moment that the idea of Twilight committing foul play had escaped someone’s lips, they were scooped up by Canterlot’s guards and taken back to the castle.

Most never made it back home. And if they did, they were never the same.

A growing fear of Twilight started to sprout here and there throughout the kingdom. The princess didn’t want it to be this way. She wanted her citizens to respect her, not fear her. So, she decided to do acts of kindness throughout the land. Host a few parties here, create more beautiful crystals there, donate to charities, anything she could do to quell the uneasiness in her kingdom.

And it worked.

Before long, their fear was gone, replaced by unwavering loyalty and servitude to Twilight. More parties reigned on, and Twilight was at the peak of power once more.

She stepped out onto her balcony and looked out at the city. The streets bustled at all times of EvenTide, filled with happy citizens who loved being under her protection. She smiled in satisfaction.

“Your kingdom looks beautiful…”

She turned and glanced over at the vanity by her bed. She slowly walked up to it and met herself in the mirror. She smiled at the form that lied within the reflective glass,

“Why thank you. I’ve been doing pretty well so far with ruling the kingdom.”

Her eyes in the mirror were a deep ebony circling crimson irises. They crinkled as her reflection’s lips curled into a twisted smile,

“Yes…you have done well…so well, that I think others may try to cut your success a bit short…”

Twilight frowned a little, “What makes you say that?”

“Your so-called friends want to hurt you. They want to bring Celestia back and try to stop you.”

“No…they didn’t. they wanted to find her because they’re friends with her. They are far too sweet to try and hurt me. They’d never hurt me.”

“And yet, those same ‘friends’ were willing to fight their own parents to help Celestia keep the kingdom.what do you think they’re going to do to you when they find out what you’ve done?”

Twilight rolled her eyes, “What I’ve done doesn’t even remotely compare to what Eternal Slumber did. Besides, they’re not even going to find out. I am the most powerful Princess in on the planet. Not even Discord could challenge my power, much less them…”

“They’re not just some regular ponies though, are they?” her reflection pointed her crown, “They share a power with you, which would be quite a problem if you don’t take care of it.”

“They don’t understand just how powerful the Elements are alone. They think the only thing they can do is heal them quickly and expand the longevity of their lives.”

“What if they do though? What if they find out just how powerful they are? It would be their Elements against your own. You may be powerful, but do not forget, the Elements have slain and tamed enemies that were just as strong as you are.”

“They wouldn’t use them against me. Besides, not even the other Princess fully understood the knowledge of Elements of Harmony. Even I don’t fully understand them, despite knowing more than anyone else. There’s no one in Equestria that matches my knowledge.”

“But there is a being out there who does…”

Twilight honed in on her twisted counterpart, “Go on…”

“There is someone out there.” Her reflection repeated. “Or should I say…some dragon…”

Twilight’s eyes widened and bit her lip in discomfort. One horrified laced tone, slipped from her lips;


She’d bring Spike into this world with her magic, and he had been with her ever since she was a filly. Despite birthing him, they both easily accepted that their relationship was that of siblings. On top of being her brother, he was her assistant, constantly fiddling with books for as long as he was able to hold on. And as he got older, he switched from constantly reading his comic books to tomes on the theoretical birth of the cosmos. Astrology, medicine, chemistry, alchemy…anything that could expand his mind, he’d read. About a year before he left Ponyville, he expanded his magic beyond that of his ability to send letters via flame. And that was ten years ago. There was no telling just how powerful the dragon had become. He could be a threat…

A threat that needed to be taken care of.

“You should go and get rid of the dragon, before he cripples your perfect kingdom.”

“I will go and talk to Spike. He’s still my little brother. Not to mention he’s been up in the mountains all these years, minding his business. I doubt he knows too much about what’s going on right now.”

The eyes in her reflection stared deep into her, narrowing with focus. Twilight suddenly felt herself get tingly, and then a sudden numbness. She shivered a little before smiling,

“Time to go and see Spike…”


Spike was surrounded by tiny blue and purple spurts of fire. His eyes were shut and his breathing was slow. He used his meditation time to focus his magic, using it to feel the towns and forests around his mountain. He loved this time, the time to feel the calmness around him. So peaceful..so quiet…


He could feel it. Something dark and angry was near his mountain. It was getting closer, and fast. Whatever was coming towards him was incredibly powerful. It was on his mountain. It was the entryway to his home.

It was gone.


Spike opened his eyes, and looked over in the direction of an all too familiar voice. He smiled gently as Twilight slowly approached him.

“Ah, Twilight…” he rose to his feet and looked down at her, “It’s a pleasure to see you again, Sister. It’s been about…oh, 11 years now…” he went and sat down at his dragon sized desk and jotted down a quick tone on a piece of parchment.

“How have you been doing?” Twilight asked as she teleported herself to Spike’s desk. The dragon quickly rolled up the parchment,

“I’m doing quite well.” He blew his signature green fire onto the parchment, sending it away to wherever he wished, “And yourself?”

Twilight smirked, “Oh, you know, just ruling a kingdom is all.” She arched a brow, “So…what was that you just sent out?”

“It was a response to a dear friend of mine who resides in Saddle Arabia. We’ve been engaged in a deep conversation for a while now.” He cooly replied. He rested his head in one of his hands, “What brings you to my mountain? I haven’t seen you since I left Ponyville.”

“I ended up moving back to Canterlot…but that’s besides the point.” Her tone suddenly tuned serious. “I came to have a little chat with you.”

His soft smile disappeared. “Oh? What about?”

“I don’t know how much information you get about the rest of the world from inside your cave. But-”

“Oh, I get plenty of information.” Spike interrupted. “Celestia committing suicide to join her sister in the afterlife.” He shook his head and clicked his tongue. “Such sad news.”

“Quite terrible indeed…” Twilight agreed.

“Or…it would be…if it were true…”

Twilight looked up at him, “What are you talking about?”

The dragon stood up, his gaze hardened on her, “She didn’t kill herself. She would never fall that far into her depression. I don’t know what you’ve done to her, but I do know that you’re the main cause of her disappearance.” He rubbed his chin, “We grew up together, and you’re my big sister, but you’re not the same pony I knew. So…whoever you are now, is not someone I’m going to speak with.” Smoke started to pour from his nostrils, “Leave now, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight’s horn glowed dangerous, “Spike, I can’t do that. You know too much. I have to-”

“Do what? Slay the dragon?” Spike snarled. “I don’t care who you are…I will not allow you to kill me!”

Twilight fired off a burst of magic. Spike instinctively threw up an arm to block the attack. He roared, the sound causing the cave to tremble. Twilight splayed her wings and brayed in response. It had been made clear that Spike had grown into a very powerful dragon. She fired another, much more powerful beam. His hand was covered in red fire, and he quickly waved it in front of him, instantly creating a shield made of fire. Twilight smiled,

“Wow, Spike…you’ve learned some real magic I see.”

Spike’s expression remained frozen, “You never know what you will need it for.” Flames around his fists suddenly burst to life,

“You never know when evil will show it’s face again.”

‘See? He said you’re evil because you don’t act like everyone else. Because you better want your kingdom.’

Her horn glowed a fierce violet, and sparked with black electricity. Her eyes shut tight as the power around her horn grew wilder. When they snapped open, black veins crawled over her eyes. Her pupils dilated. Wisps of wild violet magic danced at the edges of her transformed orbs. Spike’s expression turned to surprise.


“I am not evil! I am still your sister, Spike! You know I’m not evil! I’m just making changes to Equestria!!”

“You’re not making changes! You’re going to destroy everything!”

A lavender crystal suddenly exploded from the ground directly in front of Spike. His eyes went wide, and the cave became heavy silence. A small and steady ‘plip’ broke the silence. Spike looked down,

A lavender translucent crystal was plunged into his abdomen. He slowly moved to touch it, and felt the muscles in his back scream in agony. He painfully looked over his shoulder to see that the crystal had indeed impaled him, noticing a few chunks of his flesh snagged onto the tip. He looked back at Twilight, betrayal and hurt clear in his eyes.

‘The dragon has indeed been slayed.’


The evil spark in Twilight’s eyes vanished, replaced with an expression of silent horror. Her horn flashed, and the crystal retracted back into the earth. He staggered forward and fell to his knees. The steady drip was now a torrent. He was losing blood, and fast. Light blue fire surrounded the wound to cauterize it, but the damage was still too great. His teeth clacked together as his chin hit the dirt. His vision started to blur in the corner of his eyes. Twilight galloped up to him,

“I didn’t want to do this, Spike! You didn’t leave me any choice…”

“You did…” he coughed up a spurt of blood, “You chose to betray your kingdom, you chose to betray your friends, and you chose to betray me…your own brother…”

Twilight said nothing.

“And you betrayed me in the worst way. I never though I would die at the hooves of my own sister.”

‘Yes…you will die like a pathetic little lizard.’

Twilight shook her head as an eerie calmness overtook her, “You’re still my brother…I’d never kill you. but you know too much, and I can’t let you have the freedom of continuing to wander about.” Her eyes glowed violet, “Rest brother. I want you to see the rise of my kingdom, and a new era…”