• Published 6th Apr 2014
  • 731 Views, 4 Comments

Hexed Lives - Awesomedude17

Discord has been released from his prison, and has brought six humans from various world to aid him in stopping the Elements of Harmony.

  • ...

The Man in Black, The Hero in Blue

Hexed Lives
By Awesomedude17 & The P Co

-Several Weeks after Discord’s return-

Harry walked down the street, wishing to talk to Wilson after than horrid incident on Nightmare Night.

Wilson raised his Light Sword and screamed, slashing at Princess Luna as she landed.

Harry restricted Wilson and reprimanded him, “Calm your bollocks, Wilson, it’s one of the princesses, remember?” The messy-haired man reminded, shifting inside of his copy of Snape’s outfit.

Wilson straightened his fedora and pinstripe suit, sheathed his Light Sword, and looked at Luna, bowing.

“I am so sorry, your highness, please do not smite me.” He pleaded, instantly desperate for his life, “I’ll do anything-er, almost anything!”

Luna was forgiving, however, and set a hoof on Wilson’s shoulder.

“You do not need to worry, my friend, we are willing to forgive you for this action.” Luna said with a small, wise smile.

“Oh thank you, I’m so sorry, I’m just so jumpy, and I’m kinda… really afraid of the dark.”

“We understand, we too were once of an easily frightened mindset, but in safety, we found a toughness, you will get better, young one.” Luna empathized

Wilson looked at the ground, then back at the dark blue alicorn in front of him, smiling.

“God bless the Queen! Or… wait no you’re a Princess I think… oh wait I’m supposed to be an American, or am I? Dah, forget it! God bless the President! Wait… no… I guess Princess!” Wilson finally decided as he adjusted his Golden 20s outfit and raised a fist into the air in victory.

Every day, along with his own report on the information of the Organization, now Wilson sent a small journal note to Luna, who was helping him to become more mentally stable.

Harry was now going to investigate a cave that apparently had had so much residual chaos magic in it that the magic and permeated the stone and the cave had become enchanted.

He stopped walking for a second, hearing a distant clip-clop sounds of somepony galloping down the street.

He turned around and saw Rarity galloping in his direction, then turned back.

*VORP* A group of people, and a single tall, black-skinned humanoid appeared on the street.

A magical screen he’d had up, which had a compilation of the notes he’d made on the Organization, caught a man in the group.

One second.

During that one second, the tan-skinned man with the light brown hair, gray shirt, and blue jeans locked eyes with him.

*BAMF* and the group was gone just as suddenly as they’d appeared.

“Oh! Mister Potter, nice to see you today, sorry, but I must make haste, my little sister is-” Rarity stopped and gasped in surprise when a beam of energy went right by her ear, singing the tip of it.

Harry knew what this was, “BLUE! STOP!” He shouted to the offending ex-agent

“I could have hit her if I wanted to, that was just a warning shot, a warning to you, Harry, not this bitch.” Blue said as he flew up to the pair.

“Now Sir Blue Comet, that is very rude.” Rarity indignantly protested.

“So’s blowing the fuck out of an entire desert town just because ‘there might be terrorists’, while that might seem like a good reason to bomb a dune, or an empty valley, THAT’S NOT A GOOD REASON TO TAKE INNOCENT LIVES, AGENT 4!” Blue raised his SBC-SR again and prepared to blast Rarity between the eyes.

Harry slapped the barrel away, “Calm your bollocks, Blue, Rarity is not a… whatever you’re implying she is.”

“A member of the Organization… but then again… hmmmmm, okay, answer me this: If you’re Rarity, then… who is the King of Pop?”

“Muzzael Jockeyson, of course.” Rarity knew this answer perfectly.

“Okay, it’s just a Rarity, not Agent 4, Agent 4 doesn’t really follow the trends.” Blue backed off and flew away, “I’ll keep an eye out for any more agents, okay?”

“Okay Blue, just don’t jump on anyone’s back for being slightly suspicious.” Harry instructed to the departing man.

“Bloody...” Harry soon found himself hearing some noises from an alley.

Thinking it might be worth investigating, he slowly approached the noise.

It came from a trashcan.

“Must be a rabbit or something.” Harry mused to himself.

“ATTACK!!!” A man in light blue fatigues that were covered in garbage jumped out of the can and charged toward Harry.

All Harry did was sidestep, and the man crashed into the wall, headfirst.

He fell backwards, dizzy, but conscious.

“Are you al...”

“You damn British sympathizers, YOUR KING WILL NOT TAKE AMERICA AGAIN AS LONG AS I LIVE, AND I GOT A BOOTED FOOT TO SHOVE STRAIGHT UP THEIR COLLECTIVE ASSES!!!” The man took out a degraded cardboard roll and began whipping Harry with it.

Harry merely ignored the barely annoying strikes, and walked away.

“Ha, retreat while you can, for you will never de-story the American way.”

“Destroy.” Harry corrected.

“Exactly! You will not win, you British Bulldog.”

‘Well, Wade’s no longer the crazy one here.’ Harry thought as the crazy man continued ‘attacking’ him.

“*sniff sniff* I SMELL SOMEONE THINKING OF ME!” Wade said as he swung through the branches of Sweet Apple Acres like a monkey.

‘Might be a random thought.’

‘From the Harreh Pothead… lel.’

‘Yes, makes me wonder, what’d he think?’

‘No matter, there is someone ahead of Wade, Blue, acquire visual.’

Deadpool stopped from his chanting of “Parkour!” whenever he grabbed another branch, and looked ahead.

A muscled man in some kind of ragged clothing was standing there, looking around. Deadpool dropped down, and looked at the man.

“Hey, who’re you?”


“Steve? That’s your name?”


“And you’re from this planet called Pandora?”

“Heyoo!” Steve, despite being covered head to toe in clothing, made it very clear that he was being annoyed by the merc.

“Why? The readers need to know what you’re saying.”

“Hayoo.” Steve said as he flipped of Wade.

“Well, I’ll translate.” Deadpool turned to the screen of the viewer.

“He told me to shut up and go fuck myself, or he’ll shoot me with Hyperion guns.”

Steve pulled out one such gun, a pistol of some sort.

‘That’s actually a Jakobs gun.’

‘If it didn’t take one shot, you’re not using a Jakobs.’

“Yeah, sorry bro.” Wade replied.

“Heyo.” Steve briefly replied. “Heyoo?” Steve twirled his gun and holstered it.

“Oh yeah, follow me to Ponyville, please, and I can show you THIS, the land of ponies.”

“Heyoo.” Steve followed Wade to the ponyville with literally no logical reason to do so other than being asked nicely.

John stood crouched right outside the border of Ponyville, his sniper rifle zoomed in as he watched the Everfree Forest.

“Chief, I am detecting an unknown presence and a friendly signal within 4 feet of each other, be wary, they are approaching your position at 20 meters per second, NOTICE: suit power levels at 55%”

“Copy that, Cortana.” John readied his rifle and aimed at the general direction of the signal.

A large wood-textured boat burst out of the foliage, slowing down on its ion thrusters as a song came into hearing distance.

“What the hell?” John watched as the boat stopped about twenty feet away from him, a large ramp lowering to the ground.

Down the ramp came two humanoid figures, one was a Sangheili, or an Elite, as most called them.

The other was a slightly hunched-over man in pirate gear, with long black vines growing out of his jawline.

“Ohhhhh damn Charlie, you’re a party animal.” Arbiter slurred, trying not to drool on his translator device.

“Aye lad, Charlie Scene Blackvine is all the party in da galaxy… aye, HUWAAAAAAAAAAH! AN ENEMY!” The red-clad pirate-looking guy shouted as he raised his hat, revealing a ninja headband.

“What?” John was confused at this sudden and confusing turn of events.

“Johnny~! HEEEEYYY!” Arbiter said as he stumbled over to his friend.

‘What the fuck? I don’t remember the Arbiter acting like this.’

‘He’s drunk, somehow.’

‘Fucking pirates. Always stealing something.’

‘In this case, Arbiter’s sobriety! Yay drunkenness! Such beautiful mischief.’

‘I am sensing that they are magical ninja space-travelling pirates… I’m too old for this bullshit.’

‘That is the most ridiculous thing I’m going to agree with you with.'

“Arby, ye know this landlubber?” Charlie said as he pulled out a pistol and a throwing needle, tossing the latter at John’s shoulder.

The extremely lightweight projectile bounced off of the armored soldier’s shoulder plate and fell to the ground. The tip had been dented, rendering the unorthodox weapon unusable.

“Alright, you have ten seconds to explain yourself, now.” Chief said sternly to the ninja-pirate.

“I was sad, because I didn’t know where you went, so I searched for people who know maps.” Arbiter started.

“Ain’ nobody knows tha star-charts like ol’ Blackbeard here, of tha planet o’ Ents.”

“Tree people? That planet was found to not have any intelligent life.”

“Aye, but ye was lookin’ at arr dogs, we’s a fine race, an’ I cad’nt a done me piratin’ thang without me crew an’ me beard.” Blackbeard gestured to his viny beard.

“How is that even possible?”

“Yae Humans grow mini-vines outta ye faces all the time, why’s it so weird thayt us Ents have beards as well?”

“Our beards are made of hair, which is a natural growth composed of chemicals that our bodies make.” John replied.

“Ain arr beards are made o’ vines, ain sometimes leaves, if ye be a flatter kinda Ent, ain sometimes moss, for the especial growy types.”

“...Fair point.” John felt like part of his brain had melted out of his ear, the part that prevented him from suspending his disbelief.

“Right, so eh’ll be on me way, the clan’s ‘avin a meet-up at tha Star-Nets.” Blackbeard mounted his ship again and sailed off into space.

“The Star-Net is a series of stars that are highly unstable, they’re going to get blown up in a solar flare.” John said as he watched the brown boat-ship become a tiny dot, and then disappear completely.

“So~… *BLAH-BLAAAARG*” Arbiter vomited all over the ground, so much vomit that John had to step back from the expanding puddle

Even through his vents, Chief could smell that Arbiter had just voided his body of all of the alcohol in it, and this act was so intense that he now had labored breathing, “*huff* … water?” The heaving elite requested.

Chief sighed and pulled out his canteen, handing it over.

The purple-armored Elite took it and drank almost the whole thing in one go, coming up for air about fifteen seconds later.

“Thank you, alright, so… hostiles?” Arbiter crouched down again to protect his neck as he brandished out his dual energy swords and looked at the brightly-colored town.

“No, friendly, very friendly, Arbiter, this place is kind of weird.”

The Elite nodded, putting away his swords, but not standing up straight again.

“If they are as friendly as you say, then they can understand that they will need to earn my trust.” It was biological response to nearby danger than the sangheili lean their heads down to protect their necks, only willing to expose them in the presence of their closest friends, as a sign of trust.

Even Arbiter himself only ever stood up straight when he was alone with John, and if one was attentive, they could use a sangheili’s leaning response as a silent and subtle alarm of nearby danger.

“I’m sure of it… and I gotta say, even I was surprised to find out just how huge you are.” John said with his hands behind his head in a relaxed stride.

“Yes… nine feet tall when standing straight up.” Arbiter recalled his true height.

The two old friend’s walked down the street, catching up as they made their way to the library.

Wilson walked down the street.

It was yet another day to go find a job.

He couldn’t believe it… almost two whole months, and no luck.

He had managed to get a few bits, enough to get Twilight a new mug, during the first couple of weeks when everypony was rebuilding the town.

However, any work that was more full-time or permanent was evasive, and he dared not try to get a job at the spa.

Especially since Rarity had some... less than graceful moments at that place.

-One month ago-

Wilson was looking for a job, and decided that there might be one in the spa.

He walked inside, then heard a loud moan from deeper within the building.

Taking up his light sword, he ran further in, thinking that someone was dying.

Within a minute, he found the source.

In a room, behind a closed door, was Rarity, getting a… less than appropriate massage from an unidentifiable stallion masseuse.

“Oh... my...” Wilson felt extremely embarrassed, closed the door slowly and quietly, and then ran like hell.

-Present day-

The messy-haired scientist/wizard shook his head free of those thoughts, and he bumped into something.

It felt like a padded wall, and look opened his eyes.

Looking down at him was a man dressed in an immaculate pinstripe suit with a worn-out fedora topping it off (and denoting the length of his time in , with a Tommy Gun in his jacket, a Colt 1911 in a holster in his pants, and a stiletto knife in his pocket.

This was a member of the mafia, the deadliest and most present force Wilson knew of from a month-long trip to America he had once.

“Uhhhh… have mercy?” Wilson unsurely asked.

“Do you know… who I am?” The mobster asked.

“I am sorry, I do not.”

“My name… is Adam Corleone, you are… a brother?” Adam asked as he eyed the cut of the suit Wilson was wearing, it was the same as his own.

“Uh… yes… yes I am, brother, I did not recognize you at first.” Wilson lied, hoping to make a new friend.

“Neither did I, my stol-… licensed vehicle... was crashed in an escape from the poli-... pigs…” Adam stuttered as he turned away from Wilson, in a minor amount of shock from being in this candy pony land, “Walk with me, brother, I find it easier to talk over a plate of lunch, no?”

“Yes.” Wilson agreed happily, he loved having a steady supply of food, he’d already gained ten pounds from his time in Equestria, and generally felt better about himself due to the friendliness of the townsfolk towards him.

While they couldn’t help much with his fear of the dark, Princess Luna had helped him to be more comfortable with it.

-Town Square-

The ponies of Ponyville had experience many weird things in their time, especially over the course of the last several months.

From Nightmare Moon’s return to Discord’s return

Then violence was wrought over the town by an impromptu magic fight between Harry and Twilight due to Twilight almost going insane for ‘being tardy’ (which had earned her a hearty slap of percussive maintenance).

Then there was Nightmare Night.

Then today’s event, the Sisterhooves Social.

So nopony really thought it weird when a few extra humans showed up.

Twilight did, though.

The mare in question had been just now stepping out of Town Hall from a meeting with Mayor Mare over the lack of a ‘Jobs Board’ in town, the addition of which would allow the ponies of Ponyville to get help with their medium-sized problems, I.E. problems too big to fix on their own, but too small to need specialized assistance.

She looked around, and found a set of odd sights.

Chief was walking to the center of town with a large humanoid figure next to him, it had dark blue skin, shiny purple armor, and a large pole-hammer and rifle-shaped object with strange, purple jagged thingies poking out on its back.

Coming from another street at a different angle was Deadpool and a strange human with a mask on.

The human looked at her, then Twilight and every human present turned to some shouting coming from another street.

Harry was being followed by a shouting man who was assaulting him with a degraded paper towel roll.


Harry had finally been annoyed to his breaking point.

“Petrificus Totalus!” He recited, causing Soldier to stop his movements, seize up, and then fall to the ground.

“If you are a wizard, THEN I AM WILLING TO BE ROOMMATES WITH YOU!” Soldier noisily informed, still able to move his lips.

Harry groaned in exasperation, hesitantly releasing the spell on the crazy soldier.

Jane Doe, or ‘Soldier’ as he preferred to be called, stood up again, bringing out a toolbox.

“Engy gave this Dispenser to me, I definitely did NOT rip this up from the battlefield when I noticed I was fading out of existence, it was given to me by an Engineer, yep, definitely was, so you have no reason to doubt that.” Soldier conspicuously assured his innocence, placing down the toolbox shape and beating on it with his paper towel roll.

Steve the Lion-hearted looked at the blue-clad soldier.

“Listen, whoever you are, you’ve obviously been… eliminated from the battlefield, or however you soldiers say it.”

Steve perked up at the word ‘eliminated’, and pulled out his rocket launcher.

“Whoa dude, that’s cool, wish I had a model like that.” Deadpool said as he watched Steve take aim and fire.

Soldier didn’t miss a beat as he caught the rocket mid-air, “YOU CANNOT USE MY OWN WEAPON AGAINST ME! IT’S MY WEAP- YOU FILTHY RED SCUM!” Jane turned the rocket (which was still propelling itself) around and let it shoot off towards Deadpool.

Wade jumped, getting his legs blown off.“HAHA! TAKE THAT!” Jane cheered as he resumed whacking the Dispenser.

“HEYOO!” Steve shouted, readying another rocket.

A few hits later, the Dispenser’s box (surprisingly) opened up in response, becoming a Level 1 Dispenser and giving Soldier some ammo for his empty rocket launcher.

“Haha!” He shouted as he reloaded his own rocket launcher, the Direct Hit, and aimed it.

Deadpool pulled out an RPG-7 and aimed it at Twilight for some reason.

Twilight saw the weapon aimed at her at prepared a flurry of Magic Missiles.

From a nearby rooftop, Ezio prepared a fragmentation grenade and Link prepared a Bomb Arrow.

What do we do? Who should I aim for?

“Aim not for Lady Twilight, or for Sir John, aim for a newcomer, or Deadpool, he is aiming for Twilight.” Ezio instructed, cocking his arm back.

Chief pulled out his Brute Shot, and Arbiter prepared his Needler Rifle.

Everyone aimed at each other, waiting for the shot that would unleash hell.

*PW-BOOOOOOM...clatter clatter*

A strange, black-clad man, with Blue Comet underneath him, crashed down from the sky, making a huge noise and sending pebbles into the air, which made clattering sounds when they fell back down again, making everyone jump, but luckily not fire any explosives.

Blue curled up his legs and kicked Condition One off of him, using his wings to push himself up.

Condition One did a single pushup and was on his feet in a second, MP5s drawn.

Blue flexed his fists as he drew his SBC-SR, ready to put a nice, clean hole into the other agent.

“You’re hesitating, you’ve never hesitated before!” CO shouted

“You’re outnumbered and outgunned, D, so either fuck off or get wrecked, kid.”

“You may be a few years older than me, but you’re not nearly as skilled as I am.” Condition One said as he looked around.

Chief was too heavily armored to kill in time.

Deadpool had his healing factor.

Twilight’s Magic Missiles would home in on him.

There were a total of 9 attacks aimed at him, and he knew that he wouldn’t be able to dodge all of them, no matter what angle he dodged at. CO knew that even with his reflexes and training, even he couldn’t move that fast.

So he did the next best thing, fire randomly with one MP5 and punch in the teleport code.

Blue noticed CO putting away one MP5, and knew immediately what was about to happen.

He ducked just in time for CO to fire right where his head had been, and the bullets flew towards Soldier, who blocked them with his surprisingly tough helmet.

*PWEEOOSH* went the SBC-SR as a hole was cut clean through CO’s body, making him stumble as he punched in the last key, teleporting away.

Chief, Arbiter, Soldier, Steve, Deadpool, Link, Ezio, and Twilight put away their respective explosives and looked at each other.

Twilight’s eye twitched, “This is going to be a lot harder.”

“TELL ME ABOUT IT!” Wilson called out from a cafe right next to the square, he and Adam had seen the whole incident.

Blue narrowed his eyes and looked at the others, evaluating them.

“I agree.” The former-agent said as he put his rifle on his back and flew upwards to watch over the town again.

Twilight looked at the others, waiting for an intelligent response.

“Heyoo!” Steve called out to the pretty little unicorn, wishing to brush her mane.

“YOU, YOUNG LADY, ARE A BLASPHEMY!” Soldier said as he was about to aim the Direct Hit at the pony who dared to be purple, but was immediately hit with another Petrificus Totalus, “Alright, nevermind, you’re okay.”

Arbiter stayed stooped, but was trusting enough to put away his Needler Rifle.

Ezio and Link dropped down, relaxing from battle stances to casual stances.

Wilson and Adam walked into the scene, ready to act.

Twilight sighed, levitated out a piece of paper, and began making a chart.

-11 Days Later-

Applejack looked up at the moon, then down at the lantern.

She lit up another cigarette and took a drag.

She’d never admit it unless pressured, but she was a pretty bad smoker, and somehow she’d kept it secret thus far, maybe she didn’t even show any signs of it, she’d managed to stay quite healthy with her rigorously active lifestyle.

‘Earth ponies’s known fer ar physical stuff, ‘n Ah’m lucky ‘bout that, t’ain’t right how some ponies go an’ get themselves all fucked up though, gettin’ lung illnesses n’such, dear Celestia I hope John ain’t mad that I borrehd his smokes, but these’re really good.’ She thought as she sighed, expelling white smoke from her mouth as she continued to look up at the moon.

The green-eyed farmer watched the moon for an hour, putting out the lantern and lighting another cigarette from the one she had.

About three cigarettes later, she felt tired for being up so late, and the chemicals in Chief’s smokes were really relaxing.

She briefly thought about how the past week and a half had gone.

‘Thangs’re pretty established now.

Harry n’ that weird Jane Doe guy with the blue uniform’re roommates, n’ they’re still in Twilight’s basement.

Wilson n’ that creepy Adam guy, they got back from Manehattan today, they done made some business decidin’s n’ got a whole mess’a bits, they’s gettin’ themselves a mansion built.

That Blue Comet guy is bunkin’ with RD, and that Ezio Auditorium’s rentin’ a house in town with Link, Deadpool, and Steve, and I guess Adam and Wilson while they’s waitin’ fer their mansion to get done bein’ built.

Chief and that Arbiter thingy have done taken up residence here at the Acres. They’re both willin’ to help out with the farm work, they’re both pretty strong.’

Her eyes fluttered shut, and her forehead made a small *slap* sound as it fell a few inches onto the edge of the barrel she had been sitting in front of.

She was so deeply asleep that she didn’t get woken up by the rooster’s call.

“Awaken, John-117, it is 6AM, as your employers had requested you awakening time be, todays missions:

Get out of bed (recently completed)

Groom (in process)

Consume Breakfast (not completed)

Accomplish Farm work (not comp-” Cortana stopped when Chief put up a hand in a ‘stop’ gesture.

“I know my daily chores Cortana, you can stop now.” Chief assured.

“Side mission: Locate Applejack, she ‘stepped out’ last night and did not ‘step back in’, as the saying goes.”

“I’ll do that now, and I’m shutting you off.” John removed his helmet, then his whole suit.

“Suit power levels at 48%” Cortana informed from his helmet, taking the responsibility of shutting off Chief’s armor for him.

Underneath his armor was a simple white muscle shirt and blue camouflage pants, which covered him enough and kept his armor from giving him a rash or something.

‘But or something sounds really dangerous! Also I noticed that last chapter, we introduced shutting off the voices, but this chapter, we’re just completely ignoring that idea.’

‘Stop talking to Wade, red-voice.’

‘But I’m so fun to talk to! Could you think of how a world without me talking would be?!?!?!’

John sighed and ignored the re-colored Deadpool thought-voice.

He kept his pistol in his pocket as he stepped outside before Granny Smith was done making breakfast.

Walking around the left side of the barn, he found Applejack’s hat sitting on the edge of a barrel.

Coming closer, he heard some light snoring, and found that Applejack was still wearing the stetson, and was just asleep with her head on the barrel.

“...Private Applejack?” He addressed her sleeping form.

Applejack jumped awake and looked around.

“GAH! Huh? Wha-oh shit.” A cigarette butt fell out from between her lips as she scrambled to hide it.

“What? You smoke?”

“Uh… eenope, Ah don’t, whaddya mean by smokin’?” Applejack was a bad liar, and the fact that she kept looking side to side and had her mouth scrunched up was a big sign that she was, indeed, lying.

John didn’t have much time to respond, the orange mare’s stetson had been sliding forward on her head, and it finally fell off.

“Whoa-oh!” Applejack caught it, but a pack of cigarettes fell out.

John noticed that they had the same symbol on them as his own pack of cigarettes, and reached into his pocket for his own pack, to compare the boxes, “Huh?” His pack was not in his pocket.

He looked down at Applejack with a stern gaze, Applejack was about half his height from this position.

“You stole my smokes, why?” He interrogated.

“Ah was gonna giv’em back, Ah juss needed a few, my own pack was all empty!” Applejack pulled an empty pack out from behind the barrel and showed it to the soldier.

“I see… well alright… you smoked ten cigarettes in about one and a half hours?! That’s highly unhealthy Private Applejack.” he warned, counting the extra empty spaces.

“Yeah, well ya don’t see me coughin’ now, do y-*Cough*... Sorry ‘bout dat.”

“Yes, but I suppose the effects of smoking a large quantity of tobacco products for a long time are starting to show up.” Chief noted.

Applejack sighed, and shook her head.

“S’not any of yer business here, Chief. See ya inside.” Applejack hopped from her seat, then trotted back into the farmhouse.

Chief just stared.

It was a stare of concern, but there wasn’t much to move this pony.

Applejack was a very stubborn pony.

“God-…dammit... I’m too old for this shit, two or three wars and a whole load of bullshit between, with cryo and slipspace, and… god I feel like I’m in my 80s.” John was already tired of all the struggles he’d had in life, and that exhaustion was starting to degrade into sickness.

He picked up his pack and lit up his own cigarette, he saw this pack of special blend (these were smooth and clean-burning, and also full of relaxing agents) as an award box, each time he’d done something to either earn or deserve one, he’d smoke one.

But Applejack… with the way she was acting about it, she’d been keeping this dirty secret for a long time.

And John knew from experience that the longer you stayed dirty, the harder it was to come clean.

Ezio eyed the brown, steaming liquid in a mug, and took a sip.

“I am glad you enjoy coffee now Ezio.” Wade said as he took a sip.

“Heyoo.” Steve said as he sipped his coffee.

Quite good indeed.” Link noted.

“Yes... it’s a bit bitter, but it’s still good, do they have any molasses or honey?”


“Steve’s right... no better invention than coffee.” Deadpool ignored Ezio’s request.


“Yeah, except... wait, was he some muscular guy who screams every line he says?”


“Oh, yeah, Mr. Torgue was killed by Chief.”


“Oh, he did? So did I! Screw you, Osborn!” Deadpool yelled the last line in an annoying tone as he did a fist shake.

What are they...

“It’s better that you do not ask at this point, we will say that Deadpool is Deadpool, and leave it at that.” Ezio interrupted Link as he took another sip of coffee.

Link soon follow suit as he took a sip of coffee himself.

Mm-hm.” Link hummed as he took a sip.

“Yep.” Ezio said as he took a sip.

Heyyy-yoo.” Steve muttered as he took a sip.

“Eeeee-yup… oh wait or was it mmm-yup? CRAP! I forgot my line, sorry, sorry.” Deadpool said as he put up a hand of apology to the viewers.

I do not understand this ‘fourth wall’ that he insists he breaks, we are outside, structurally, there are no walls.” Ezio muttered as he leaned over to Link.

Fire, water, wind, and earth... deserts, oceans, canyons, and mountains, those are natural barriers.

While strong, I sincerely doubt Deadpool is capable of destroying a mountain.” Ezio remarked.

Link nodded, and took another sip of coffee.

Ezio got his honey, and Deadpool and Steve were lost in their own conversation.

“He-he-he-he-he-heyoo.” Steve chuckled.

“YES! BAHAHAHAHAAAA! YES!” Deadpool commended, when suddenly...

“WATCH OOOOOUUUUUUT!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she redirected a falling cart away from crushing Deadpool.

And most importantly, his head.



‘Wait, huh?’

‘What? How is Rainbow Dash hearing our thoughts?’

‘I don’t… what? I don’t get it.’

‘Testing, testing, one two three, can you hear me?’

‘Deadpool? DISCORD?! What the hell is going on here?’

‘Oh goody, we needed a fourth, and you seem to be it, Dashie.’

‘Don’t call me that, only Pinkie’s allowed to call me that… idiot.’

‘You sound like an english-speaking tsundere… OH THAT’S SO CUUUUTE! Dashie’s secretly girly, Dashie’s secretly girlyyy!

Rainbow Dash looked at Deadpool, who was doing a little dance, and punched him in the face, hard.

*crunch* His skull caved in.

‘That was very rude, dude.’

‘NOOOOOOO! Not blue voice! NOOOOOOOOOO!’

‘Head trauma towards Deadpool is a risk, as you may end up with a worse voice to hear, if you don’t mute them out, which it seems like we aren’t actually really doing.’

‘Shut up and explain this shit.’

‘I’m Randomness, AKA a lighthearted form of chaos, the orange one is DPV1, DPV2 is the red one, the yellow one is Justice, who is a badass form of harmony.’

‘My fellows always call me a ‘badass’, but I am good, and I lack an ass.’

‘No dude, they mean you’re awesome, like me.’

“I think they are speaking through thoughts.” Ezio said, slightly weirded out about how Deadpool and Rainbow Dash just seemed to be standing there, looking at each other.

I feel like they are, it’s probably magic.” Link guessed.

“Heyoo.” Steve put in his two cents.

“I still do not know why you only say ‘Heyoo,’ my friend.” Ezio noted.

“Heyo.” Steve shrugged, looking at the weird scene.


‘Now what was that?’

‘Steve, you joined in too? HOW?’


‘So, we need a fifth now?’


‘Is that all he says?’

‘Pretty much.’

‘Yep, pretty much, like pretty pony here.’

‘Shove it!’

‘Like up dat a...’


‘Alright Steve, geeze... you’re a prude.’


‘Wait, really?’

Steve held his hands about 8 inches apart.

‘You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.’

‘What’s he saying?’

‘Don’t ask, but that would be how long his ‘midget’ brother is, if you catch my drift.’



Shut the fuck up Steve!’

‘And people say we’re annoying.'


‘I feel ignored.’

‘I feel like beating the shit out of your racist ass for some nonsensical reason again. *BAP*’


Rainbow Dash fell to her side and was soon out like a light.

That happened...” Link looked at the pony on the ground.

“I feel bad for her.” Ezio said.

“Heyoo.” Steve said, tilting his neck.

“Same here.” Wade finished off his coffee, and left.

Steve went to the pony, and began scratching her chin.

“Leave?” Ezio asked.

Yes.” The two got up, paid for the drinks, and left the Bandit and the unconscious pony alone.

Heyoo.” Steve whispered as he petted the pretty pony, the pretty, pretty pony.



“We’re wiping the ability to hear voices to everyone but you, Chief, Blue and some fourth guy.”

“What! Why?”

“Because we got a broken pony, and Steve broke into the mind chat without trying. It’ll get too confusing at this point.”


“P1, would you like to do the honors?”

“Of course buddy, *ahem* Deadpool, by his Lordship’s Divine Decree (‘his Lordship’ meaning me) you are hereby sentenced to a sealed voice-pallet, or something, I’m not sure on the terminology to be used in this situation, but…*hefts godly hammer*”

‘But RD was in on it too *BASH* OW! YOU FUCKNUGGET!’

‘I feel like I’m eavesdropping, I’ll just leave then.’

‘Same here, um… is Rainbow Dash still supposed to have the Randomness voice tied to her, or are we waiting for a fourth person?’

“No to Arbiter, or Link, Wilson would go mad, it’s not for any of the alts really, so that leaves Harry, Ezio, and RD, and since this is technically a reality-bender thingy, Harry can’t be affected by it, so either Ezio or RD… I’m trying to think of which one would be the better story… COIN FLIP! Heads for Ezio, Tails for RD, because of dat tail.”


“Tails, it goes to Dashie, because in a story where we have to keep just about everything completely organized, the perfect way to make it work is with an important decision being decided by a coin toss… Hmm… I think my GF is here… maybe… gotta go.”


“Bye P1!”


‘Don’t leave! I’m scared… I don’t like being alone! Hello? Oh shit… I think they’re gone furreals!'

‘Do wake up, dear, it is safe now.’

“Ugh… what the heck just happened?” Rainbow Dash asked as she stood up with a helping hand.

She looked up and found Blue holding her hoof and helping her stand again.

‘Each of the four voice holders fell unconscious, this also meant that…’

‘You should have seen John’s face when he woke up with a face covered in cereal, IT WAS HILARIOUS!’

‘Okay, um… I’m new to this… can I get… like… a biscuit call or something?’

‘Piece of shit...I blacked out and fell into my breakfast, and the first thing Granny Smith said to me was ‘Never met a pony that hungry before,’ it was ridiculous.’

‘So I’m guessing that’s John Chief or something.’

‘Master-117… no it John-117 or Master Chief, I got your back RD, and your front, and your sides too if I’ve had some coffee.’

‘I am Justice, and Randomness, AKA the voice in your head, is acting suspiciously civil right now.’

‘You racist, Randomness is Randomness, and he can randomly decide to be good, or evil, either way he’s still fun to be around.’

‘That’s not even racist, that’s going off of the proof he’s presented thus far, that’s a fallacy, a hasty generalization to be specific.’

‘Just remember Blue, you’re stuck with me, so don’t piss me off.’

‘So we have Justice the jerk, Randomness the weirdo...’

‘Orange voice.’

‘And Red voice.’

‘And also the person, the STAR!!! Me, DEADPOOL!!!’

‘More like Deadfool.’

‘Hey, I’m awesome, like you. Wait, my significance sense is tingling!’

‘Oh… shots fired, he just countered your insult by making you a part of it, I STILL LOVE THIS GUY!’

‘Anypony noticed that he said that his ‘significance sense’ is tingling?’

‘Ya, and I kinda decided that I should figure out what it is… what is it?’

‘I do not know, I think it’s Wade being Wade.’


‘Or maybay I am sen-sang that somethang’s important ‘round these here’s parts of Equasteria.’

‘Hearing that made my eyes hurt.’

‘My brain hurts even more, ugh.’

‘You get used to it Dashie, after a week, it’ll be fine.’

‘A week is too long.’

‘And a month is too short.’

‘Wait what?’

‘Wade, the significance?’

‘I... have no idea! Gotta go find... stuff!’

‘Good riddance.’

Suddenly, a mechanical roaring noise, was heard throughout the town as something approached.

Rainbow Dash looked towards the noise.

A large technologically modified cart of some sort was barreling down the road, with Wilson and Adam trapped inside.

“THE BRAKES ARE BROKEN! THE BRAKES ARE BROKEN!” Wilson shouted at the top of his lungs to the cafe group as the car passed by in a second.

Nobody present could identify the car, mainly because Ezio and Link had lived in a time prior to cars, and Steve only knew Pandoran cars.

That, and this highly advanced supercar was going over 200 miles per hour.

Rainbow flew after it, matching the speed with relative ease.

Suddenly, a large humanoid wearing black and blue fell down in front of the speeding vehicle, catching it with his large muscles and using his own additional friction to slow the car down.

The blue paint burned away when a spark from the steaming-hot tires (which was questionable), and it was revealed to actually just be Deadpool forcing the car to a stop.

“PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN!!!” Deadpool screamed as his feet began to leave a bloody trail along the ground, and his feet were soon ground down to his ankles, then his calves, and then to his shins, and finally up to his knees as the car finally ground to halt.

With the car finally stopped, Adam and Wilson stepped out to see Wade on the ground with bloody stumps that reached up to his knees.

“Oh my goodness, what the hell happened to this mook?” Adam looked at the result of the impromptu brake.

“Oh, he does that sometimes… he’ll be fine in a minute.” Wilson assured with a wave of his hand.

“Are you kidding me, look at... him.”

Adam then saw Wade’s healing factor replacing his legs.

“Superman ain’t got nothing on this, dog.” Deadpool said in a gangsta tone.

‘Wrong type of gangster.’

‘Who cares? He still gangsta!’

'I am going to ignore you now.'

The gangster used his finger to draw a cross over his chest, in a failed attempt to ward off this demon-like presence.

Deadpool sneezed, turning himself into a pony.

Adam fainted, landing on the hood of the car.

“Geez, like he hasn’t seen magic before.” Wade said.

“But he hasn’t seen your sneezy transformation.” Wilson pointed out.

“Oh right... That’s sciency stuff that I never bothered to remember, my cancer balances it out though.”

Wade smiled in satisfaction and Wilson frowned in confusion.

“Did you say that you had cancer?”


“As Sir John informed me, that is a terminal illness…”

“Yeah, but my superpowers that I... got... helped save me, and made me DEADPOOL!!!”

“How’d you get those superpowers?”

“I found ‘em.” Wade smiled as he ran a hoof over the hood of the car, “An SSC-”


“An SSC Ultimate Aero XT, this is a 2013 model… it has several upgrades from the 2009 version of SSC, it’s top speed is 275 miles per hour.”

“Where did you find those powers?” Wilson wondered, not really paying attention to the car specifics.

Wade frowned, and glared at Wilson.

“Stop asking that.”

“Is it a sore-”


“Oh… you poor soul…” Wilson trailed off in a sad tone, and Wade sighed in response.

“Listen, just… you didn’t know… alright? Y’wanna know how I got these scars that you can’t see under my mask butIassureyouthey’retheredon’tthinkforasecondthey’renot.” He said really fast.

“Um… yes?” Wilson said as he raised an eyebrow and scratched the side of his head in confusion.

“Cancer… and do you know the definition of insanity?”


“Me… and do you want to know how I got these powers?”

“Not anymore.”

“Good… and do you want to know how I got this sneezy transformy power?”

“If you don’t mind explaining that one.“

“I went through the chaos barrier, Johnny-boy has it too.”

“Oh… well that was a very tame and safe explanation.”

“Oh… dear lord… is that creature gon-NOPE!” Adam pulled out his Colt M1911 and aimed it at Deadpool.

“Hey, you’re left-handed!” Deadpool noted, not really flinching at Adam’s dangerous act.

“I am left-handed, yes, this is a thing, it is not common, but I am good… you are not really bothered by my pointing a gun at your head?”

“I got a healing factor, I can’t really die by a headshot.” Wade explained.

“Oh… well then…” Adam sighed and surrendered, putting away his M1911 and looking at the car.

“Yes, Wade’s healing factor has helped him a few times, especially that time he was on a wagon that rode off a near-by cliff.”

“Wanna make that a noodle incident?”

“A what now?”


“What’s a TV?”

“I think it was an early 1940’s invention, it’s awesome, I have one in my pad, it’s sweeeeet.” Wade waved gang-signs around.

“Oh… uh… when Adam came around, I remembered… I had my numbers wrong, I’m from 1926, rather than 1962.” Wilson explained.

“Oh… well you missed out on a lot then, bro-ski.” Wade stood up and started sensually rubbing his body on the hood of the car, “This is a badass car though.”

“The problem with this car, is that it requires fuel, as all cars do, and all attempts at finding fuel thus far, much less any car besides this one, have been fruitless.”

“So, your answer?”

“I had to improvise.” Wilson replied.

“Oh, is it that ‘nightmare fuel’ you mentioned the first night we were here?” Wade said in a cheeky way. “Because that sounds badass.”

“Well, actually, there was some fuel already inside, which helped get it started, but it was on less than ⅛th of a tank, so yes, improvisation, and Wilson had that black jelly substance.”

“It’s Nightmare Fuel, and apparently it’s universal, though the car had orange details when we found it, now those details are red.”

“So, if you need more, you’re going to have to go to the woods, and go insane again?” Wade asked.

“Mayhaps... yes… yes I would.”

“Woods, insane? You both are insane.” Adam said incredulously, not believing how quickly this conversation had swerved to a topic stranger than his cousin’s American trading partner, one young mister Roger Phillips.

“We found the car in the woods, Adam, it was parked next to a tree about five feet into the treeline.”

“Yes, but those woods were bright, cheery, and certainly not maddening.” Adam recalled seeing a deer in there and considering killing it for some quality meat.

“We’re talking about the Everfree Forest, not the Whitetail Woods, dude-ishini.” Wade clarified


“Yes, the Everfree, a dangerous place, where the weather is exactly like the weather back home.” Wilson explained.

“The weather here ain’t like home?” Adam hadn’t noticed, he’d just sort of marvelled at the amazingly accurate ‘weather forecasts’ that were in the newspapers.

“Pegasuseseses control the skies.” Wade pointed upwards, diverting the mobster’s attention to some pegasi moving a few clouds around.

“I was wondering how Miss Rainbow Dash was napping on the clouds, I imagine they are quite soft.”

“I bet, but non-pegasuseseseseses can’t go on them without a spell, and even then, ya gotta get up to them in the first place.”

“I see… and I believe the term is ‘pegasi’.” Adam corrected.

“That’s what I said, pegasuseseseseseseseseseseseseseseseseseses.”

“Saying it longer isn’t gonna make you more right, dude.” Rainbow Dash finally spoke up, poking her head out from the window of the car, which she had climbed into out of curiosity.

“Well excuse me for forgetting how many syllables are in pegasuseseseseseseseseseseses.”

“So… how do you make this thing work?” Rainbow asked from the front passenger seat.

“Oh, there’s a key in the hole over there, and as long as you have fuel, you can run it. There are pedals that make it go forwards, or backwards.” Wilson explained.

“On base speed, it is so powerful that, in drive, it rolls itself forward at 10mph without braking or gassing it.” Adam noted.

Rainbow grabbed the key and turned it, cranking up the powerful engine and making the supercar roar to life.

Adam quickly got in behind the wheel, “I have a license, Miss Dash, and I am fairly certain that you do not, as there are no automobiles in Equestria.”

“Why do we need a license then if these just came here?” Wade asked, making some nonsensical point, as well as a somewhat plausible argument.

“Driving is not a permission to be allowed, it is a discipline to be learned, if this is the only car in Equestria, I don’t want an unlicensed driver and/or someone who drives like a maniac to crash it through the town hall, that would be bad, as we would not have a car, and there is no replacement for it.”

“Oh poo, I’m a licensed driver, but I’m also a guy who drives like a maniac.” Deadpool pouted.

“You do everything like a maniac.” Rainbow replied.

“I know, that’s why I am pure sweetness!”

“You are one screwed up guy.” Adam said as he began to drive away.

“Tell that to my psychologist.” Wade said back.

“I will be sure to give him a call, and a pay-raise if he must deal with you regularly.” Adam laughed, his smooth, light baritone voice with his accent making the laughter sound very insulting.

“Yeah, haha... *gasp* next section please.”


-A Month Later-

Harry looked around, blinking for a second as the spell he was casting was interrupted by the *BOOM* of Pinkie’s party cannon as the Element Bearers had their party for Twilight’s birthday.

He had been trying to gather information on the mysterious ‘Michael the Guide’ person from about 40 days ago, but to little success.

Nothing so far, except a vague mention of a world known as Terrania.

“So… Private Potter, am I the only one that finds it odd that the Equestrian calendar has four weeks a month, forty eight weeks a year?” John asked, sitting next to the wizard.

“Well, it is another world altogether. We have to accept that this world does not follow the same trends as Earth.” Harry decided in that moment.

“I understand, but it is a small oddity, and I suppose the small ones are the most interesting, each month is exactly the same, seven days a week, four weeks a month, twelve months a year, forty eight weeks a year, 336 days a year… it’s just really interesting to me.”


“Attention John-117, suit power levels at 31%.” Cortana reported, John still had his helmet with him, as it provided many good benefits.

“What can you use to charge that suit of yours? I don’t think it’ll last much longer at this rate.” Harry asked.

“It’s been four months, just about, it’s designed to last six months without recharging, and there are no electricity chargers that I’ve been able to locate in Equestria, so when the time runs out…” John hated the idea of having to ditch his armor.

“Have you considered Soldier’s dispenser?” Harry asked.

“I did, while it gave me ammo and cured a mild neck-ache, the current was much too weak for any sort of reliable charge-up, I laid my suit there for an hour, and it had charged up by 1%.”

“Hmm... that’s a bit bothersome indeed.”

“Like your roommate?”

“Please don’t remind me of him!” Harry snapped.

“I suppose he’s been bad.”

“If you, British Pansy, and you, Steel Wall, are done with your chit-chat, I believe it’s time for some dancing!” Soldier grabbed the two by their hands and pulled them up.

With surprising strength, Soldier managed to get John to his feet (or rather, convince him to stand up, and the fact that he was out of armor was a major factor in it.)

Harry was much less problem, and he began dancing the second he stood up, which looked a bit funny, considering that he’d joined the ‘pinstripes club’, alongside Wilson, Adam, and Ezio.

All the club really did was wear pinstripe suits to both formal and casual occasions, Harry had made sure that Adam understood that he wanted no part of his mafia activities.

The party was nice, even Deadpool had decided to cut back on the shouting for this one.

...well, there was still some shouting.


Pinkie joined him, and the two sang out the song.


Adam looked at the somewhat cut up hand that used to hold his glass of scotch, and winced.

“Ow… that was very unnecessary, Miss Pie.” The mobster said as he pointed directly at Link, “You, you go fetch the first aid kit, right now, I’m bleeding.”

Link nodded and went to the nearest bathroom in the castle to fetch the kit.

“Oh, Dios Mio.” Ezio sighed.

Link soon returned with the first-aid kit, and pulled out some medical cloth.

Adam went through the process of applying pressure to stop the bleeding, then having Link wrap up the wound tightly, and finally he was done.

“Sorry bro, but you can’t help my sexy singing voice.” Wade said.

“Alright, now… do we have any cups made of that ‘plastic’ stuff? I still want my scotch, and I want it without further injury.” Adam was still thirsty.

A cup was fetched for him, and the party continued as normal.

Link looked at the large cake, and thought about how to cut it.

Um, do we have a knife?

Ezio nodded, pulling out a slightly curved dagger and cutting the cake into many squares, giving the biggest piece to Twilight.

“Ahh, good! Everything’s good. We got Sparkle-butt, Sneaky man, Mafia guy, Masky McChatterbox... man I wish Merasmus could see us all hanging out!” Soldier yelled out.


“So he can be angry at how I’m better than him, but he’s in jail.”

“Why?” Wade said as he ate a slice of cake.

“That automatically makes you better than him, Soldier, because he was caught.” Ezio assured as he ate his own cake.

“He’s in jail because I killed Tom Jones. The heart makes its own rules gentlemen.” Soldier took a sip from his cup. “Mmm, blue punch.”

Some people looked at the crazed man with weird looks.

“Err, wasn’t that your RED self?” Wilson asked.

Steve cocked his head to the side.

“Heyoo?” he asked Deadpool.

“It’s a weird sub-plot involving an otherwise mindless game about shooting and killing people… but it’s got a better story that Call of Duty at least.” Deadpool assured.

“I don’t remember.” Soldier replied in a straight tone. “But I remember Miss Pauling helping me make sure that there is nothing to make my life worse. Absolutely not!”

“Heyoo.” Steve said as he put his top hat back on.

Steve’s ‘formal’ attire was just his normal attire with a top hat added in.

Deadpool wore a clip-on tie.

And Soldier just had a Trilby (“It’s a fedora, Spy told me it was a fedora.”) on.

“All he says is Heyoo.” Adam looked at Steve.

“Heeeeyyyy-YOO!” Steve accused.

“I AM NOT! YOU TAKE THAT BACK, YOU MOOK!” For a second, Adam could have sworn that he understood Steve’s speech.

“Yeah, that was not nice Steve.” Wilson said, angry at the former’s rather blatant outburst.

“Hey-hey-hey-yoo, HAAAAAAAAH-YOOOOOOO!” He jumped up and down at pointed at Soldier.

“Let me take care of him.” Soldier said as he took out a Market Gardener.

“Heyo...” Steve said meekly, right before running away as Soldier charged at the masked man.

“Oh… OH I GET IT!” Deadpool realized, “Soldier Boy, that old song, I love that song, AAAAAAAHHHH-YOOOOOOU.”

“Please do not sing.” Ezio yelled out.


“Yes, don’t sing!” Twilight said, annoyed.


A collective response of “Don’t sing.” came from the rest of the group.

Deadpool pouted, “Why I gotta get-some prude-ass friends?” He sang quietly, crossing his arms and pouting like a child.

“It’s not that we are prude, it is that your normal speech is annoying enough.” Arbiter informed, snarling at the song that had almost been sung.

“Yeah, and to be honest, you’ve kinda got that personality that screams annoying.” Midna said.

“I agree with my favorite coy little imp.” Ezio said, pointing at Midna and nodding to the masked man.

Frankly Wade, I don’t think there’s anyone more annoying that you.” Link said, bluntly and truthfully.

“Wowwwww… with friends like these… who needs enemies? Mi’rite? Mi’rite.” Deadpool lamented, nodding to himself.

“Face it Wade, the only reason we keep you around is because you’re bloody stuck with us, much to our misfortune.” Harry said as he tried to think of the Silence spell.

“Well… *sob*... FUCK YOU GUYS! I WILL IGNORE ALL OF THAT, AND SAY, LET ME SING, DAMMIT!!!” Wade cried, flipped off every human and humanoid present, and started to run away.

“AWW, DON’T FEEL BAD!!!” A new voice rang out.

Everyone drew their weapons, or entered a battle pose.

“What was that?” Rarity asked.

Then some song came on.

“This seems kind of… off for ‘swing’.” Wilson noted.

And then the synth came on, and something in the middle of the room exploded.

A man in a purple pinstripe suit was there, twirling his cane repeatedly as he tapped his foot to the beat. He smirked and stopped the song abruptly.

“That was annoying.” He said, which Applejack caught as an immediate lie.

“Who the hell are you?” Adam asked.

The man snapped his fingers, and Adam’s mouth was zipped up.

“Gentlemen, I am AD17, but that’s a short version. I will not tell you what it stands for, because that would imply that I’m a bigger narcissist than I am acting like now.”

Wade looked at the purple-clad man, and sneered in a not-so-comical way.


“Halfway. Frankly, you should know at this point that something had to have happened, what with that blue eyed dickwad, and when we left from the lines between the story.”

“Then… wait… did P1 leave because he ended up in some other story then? WHAT’S GOING ON!?!?” Deadpool asked, contemplating running away.

“Codex. By the way, he’s in the other version of Equestria, looking for Fluttershy.” AD17 made a much more comical sneering expression at that thought.

EEP!!!” David deadpanned, and facepalmed at Fluttershy’s noise.

Ezio looked back at the masked maniac the group called ‘friend’ on occasion, noticing his stance.

He looked ready to swing a fist, but was doing little hops on his toes, just as Ezio himself did when he was ready to start fighting.

“What are you?” The hooded man demanded.

“At this moment, a more dickish, but benevolent version of Discord.” AD suddenly snapped his fingers, and Soldier’s hat turned into a Ghastly Gibus.

“NOOOOOOOOO!!! MY HAT!!!” Soldier grabbed at his now ruined hat, lamenting at now being Poor and Irish.

“If you are with Discord-”

“NICH, NIEN, NYET, NO!!! I am not.” AD replied, slightly annoyed.

Wilson immediately turned around and walked away, not wanting any part of this.

“I sorry, I do not know you enough, who are you?” AD asked Wilson, appearing right in front of him.

Deadpool turned tail and ran away while the suited man dealt with Wilson.

“I am Wilson Percival Higgsbury, scientist and wizard… I don’t want any part of this craziness.”

“Oh right, P1 mentioned something about not starving. Hmm... Yes...” AD waltzed around the man, then turned towards Rarity.

“Hello mi’lady, how are you today?” AD17 held out a hand.

“Umm, I am good, thank you very much.” Rarity hesitantly shook his hand.

Harry teleported out, taking Steve, Soldier, and Blue with him.

Ezio climbed the wall with Link, and the two escaped through the air-vents.

“Oh, they’re gone. Listen Sparkle-Butt, I gotta go talk to Sun-butt. Later bitches.” AD disappeared in a flash of blue light.

Twilight looked at the spot the man had been standing in two seconds ago.

“Did he call me ‘Sparkle-Butt’, and Celestia ‘Sun-Butt’?”

“He did, and it’s kinda weird.” John said as he began a movement to the human’s room, needing his armor in case things got worse.

AD17 appeared right in front of Harry and swiped his wand out of his hand.

“What the...”

“Listen, I’m going to take you to the Enderworld place to talk to these Endermen thingys, and maybe this Michael person.”

“What, why are you...”

“Because I’m crazy, and you’re British!” AD did a swish and flick with Harry’s Wand and teleported the messy-haired man out of the world, then came up to Soldier and turned his hat into a magnificent Towering Pillar of Hats with a Green Confetti effect.

“*GASP* I have an American HAT!!! YAAAAAAAAY!” Soldier smiled as AD teleported to Celestia.

-The Ender Castle, infinity time units after the inception of existence-

The End, a place in the center of The Void, while most would see it as a desolate wasteland, it was actually an extremely large town full of commerce, enjoyment, and mind-numbingly amazing art that had been made over the course of hundreds, thousands, millions, or even billions of years, all made by the steady hands of the ageless Endermen.

The stone may have been white, and the sky may have been black, but there were many friendly faces out and around, parks, the friendly Endermen, and the grass was a soft purple-pink color.

Harry took all of this in as he realized that he was standing in the archway of some castle walls.

“Harry Potter, your presence has been requested, please follow me.” An Enderman servant, identifiable by his plain brown robe, directed the Wizard to the interior of the castle.

Inside, he found his breath taken away by the heavenly sight of the most detailed carving he’d ever seen, it depicted thousands of beings on the borders of a city, and then Harry realized that the city in the carving must have been a map of the Ender City.

“Harry Potter, I am Queen Enderia MCMXCIX, or 1999 for short, I was told that you would be arriving soon, please, follow me.” A huge black dragon with a sweet, motherly voice introduced.

The messy-haired brit followed her as she directed him to a nearby room.

Harry shook his head, and wondered what happened back in Canterlot. He simply decided to just walk through the doors.

Inside was what looked like a pretty typical interrogation room at first glance.

Further examination revealed that it too was more art, the table and chairs appeared to have been whittled and ground down into elaborate shapes.

The table’s legs had flared bases that made it look like it was melting into a puddle.

The chairs looked like they were cushions that were held up by the arms of Endermen, the skin made 100% accurately to the skin of real Endermen, almost making Harry think that they’d simply used the severed arms of some Endermen to make it.

Harry sat down in one of the two chairs and waited, thinking over the events in Canterlot.

He figured that the Endermen were a very creative race, or perhaps an ageless race, as it would have taken many millions of years to build a castle of this size with this incredible level of detail.

From the presence of guards, officers, priests, monks, scholars, and more, all just in the castle alone, he knew that these creatures had a complex government that probably held both church and state in equally high value.

He hadn’t seen many muggle weapons like guns, or even cannons, but there was a plethora of sharp and blunt melee weapons of all shapes and sizes, making him think that either they didn’t accept gunpowder, or had advanced past it onto things like energy weapons or something, with the incredible and undeniable power of sword and shield staying in for the long haul.

He heard voices behind the doors, and Queen Enderia talking to someone else.

The doors opened suddenly, and the man he’d been searching for walked into the room.

There he was.

Michael the Guide.

“Hello Mr. Harry James Potter, I believe it’s time we discuss our current situation.” Michael said.

“Yes, Michael, we should.” Harry replied, ready to speak to this mysterious man.

“Just a heads up, one of our own is undercover in the Organization.”

“We have an Assassin in their base, looking for info too.” Harry lied, hoping to outdo this person’s boast.

Michael smiled, and spoke.

“Good, by the way...the Assassin vs Templar endless war? It rages on even in the Equestrian lands?”

“It’s bloody everywhere Michael, same with the Wizards and the Firsts, they are everywhere, and while we aren’t exactly actively seeking out fights against each other, if we meet, we will clash.”

“Yes, I suppose that’s also something to note. But in this dire time, we may need to work together to stop this threat.”

“In the end though, is the villain not destroyed by one final hit?” Harry philosophized.

“Yes, yes he is, but the two important questions are: When will that hit be? And who will deliver it?” Michael asked the hard question, shaking his head with thought.

“Only time will tell... that’s something my good friend Ron once said to me, of course he used it as an excuse to not attend a test back in Hogwarts, but the weight of the situation is still distributed the same.”

“Hehe... Well, most of the Weasley’s aren’t exactly the most... well… um... BUT they do have wise words, nonetheless.”

“Are you thinking of proactive? And I agree.”

“Yes, proactive… there is another group that may help or hurt us… two men from Earth Alpha.”

“I’ve heard of the Alphas, we can only hope that their better nature takes hold, and that their haste does not. Else this Organization will surely kill them, and our only lifelines will be cut.”

“Correct, I can only hope that they are safe… at least………… for as long as possible.” Michael had paused for a long while as he felt a sense of importance rising, “I can only hope that our final battle does not resort to the sociological trickle-up theory.”

“We are twelve strong, if this sociological ‘trickle-up’ theory, from what I can infer, were to happen, then the last person left alive would have the strengths of a dozen, how many do you have mate?”

“We are also twelve strong, it is… unfortunate… if our ranks were to diminish, and each of us were to improve as a result… if only we had more time...”

“Well, it’s been four months since the defeat of Discord… so that’s something.”

“I know it has been, but our worlds are out of sync, while you, Wilson, Ezio, Link, Master Chief, and Deadpool, defeated Discord, god-level Avatar of Chaos, we have just defeated King Sombra, a beast of darkness and evil, father of Princess Cadance.” Michael noted, thinking hard.

“How’d you know the names of my people?”

“I’m the Guide, it’s my job to know, as dictated by the Elder Gods, Gaming God Redigit specifically… you were created by Writing Goddess J.K Rowling…”

“Um… okay…” Harry was weirded out by this, this may have been Deadpool level weirdness, but this wasn’t Deadpool style weirdness.

“In your presence, I am subject to automatically gathering knowledge about the worlds that you present ties to, which means your Earth, and your Equestria.”

“Oh… that makes sense, I suppose.”

“Listen Harry, I have magic as you do, but I am not a Wizard, I am technically classified as a First… being an NPC before, and becoming a Player a yesterday… it is amazing that all that has happened to my group has happened over the span of one day.”

“If you suppose that trickle-up theory is correct, can you count on us to be the only ones remaining?”

“I can tell that the purple-suited man known as AD17 is not intending to do evil, all he really wants is to make a story… and I think our alliance would add a nice bit of twist to it, no?” Michael held out his hand.

“Yes… alright, I’ll do it… if it’ll get me back home faster…” Harry shook Michael’s hand.

Together, the two got some officiated Endermen Transporters to send them back to their respective Equestrias.

-Canterlot Castle Throne Room-

“So, this person, Damon...” Celestia knew the name, she’d heard it before

“Yeah, he’s more dickish than Dick-world and me combined, and we’re dicks.” AD17 told Celestia, sitting with his cane in a cross-legged position.

“I see... and what’s his power like?” She hadn’t really interacted much with him during his time in Equestria, though that may have been for the best.

“I... haven’t decided yet. I know he’s smart, deceptive, and he’s suave enough to seduce even the most asexual person to bed.”

“Oh my, with a set of skills like that, and an intent for evil, he could seize as much power as he wanted.” Celestia thought of the only other person with power-draining abilities she knew of, Tirek.

“He’s also the son of Lucifer. Don’t know why he has such a bad relationship with his dad.” AD pouted, mad that he was supposed to know everything about Damon, but didn’t.

“Lucifer is Lawful Evil, as opposed to his brother Satan, who is Chaotic Evil.” Celestia recalled the infernal tales.

“Yes, Damon’s very Lawful in the morality thingy. His regime is one that bigots hate the most.” AD17 absentmindedly twirled his cane around a couple times.


“He charges the minor bigots, imprisons the moderate bigots, and kills the extreme bigots.”

“Oh dear mother… that’s… well…” Celestia found herself hard-pressed to explain the evil in that.

“I understand your reluctance, his way of doing things is... weird. At least he’s better than Hitler.”


“That too. Got any soda?”

“Um… in the royal kitchen.” Celestia pointed in the general direction it was in.

AD teleported there, then came back 10 seconds later.

“All there is is club soda, blegh! Oh well.”

“Oh… well.” Celestia could hardly speak, as she was still processing all of this.

“Yeah, by the way, have you met the new humans?” AD asked, floating in the air.

“Soldier, Adam, Blue, Midna, Steve, and Arbiter? Yes.” Celestia recalled meeting the new six humans to evaluate their threat-level towards Equestria.

“Well… Blue, Midna, and Arby’s aren’t really humans, per-se... frankly, I’m surprised Doomguy’s not here.”


“Demon killer with awesome guns.”

“Oh... well I suppose he’d be helpful.”

“He died from a freak meteor shower or some fuckery like that, it’s fucking bullshit!” AD had a look of anger and annoyance.

Celestia cowered back in fear, not thinking wholly clear at the moment.

“Oh, Tia, don’t be so fearful of me, I’m a dick, not a villain. Try reforming Discord, he’ll become like me.” AD said smugly.

Celestia had thought of that, but the idea seemed far-fetched and not likely to work.

“And who would I trust with that act?”

“Fluttershy?” AD shrugged.

“Hmm… it could work… it could work quite well, I’ll have him over in less than a week’s time.” Celestia assured.

“Yay, canon breaking!” AD snapped his fingers, and summoned his lackeys.

“What the-...” The Slavic one said, stopping when he saw his surroundings.

“Where the f...” The Hispanic one said, also stopping when he saw his surroundings.

“You two, I won something, now go on and try to find the others, chop-chop!” AD17 clapped his hands as Dmitri Vulakh and Romero Lopez shook their heads, and walked away, muttering something about ‘Awesomedude17 being a crazy dickwad.’

Celestia overheard that remark, and looked at AD.

He deadpanned, and spoke in an equally flat manner.

“Don’t judge, I’m a narcissist now.”

“Like you weren’t before?”

“Only on the internet. Only on the internet.”

In another part of the castle, Link and Ezio dropped down into a hallway, right on top of some guards.

“OOF! HEY!” One guard shouted as he threw Ezio off.

“Sorry, Amico, my mistake.” Ezio said as he got up from the ground.

“Oh hey… you’re that Ezio human, you’re pretty famous here in the castle.” The guard remembered hearing the maids talking about the ‘charming Istalian human’ all the time.

“Yes I am.” Ezio took a bow.

Link rolled his eyes, then noticed yet another human walk towards the two, armed with a shotgun of some sort.

“You two, AD wants you!” The Slavic man yelled out.

Link raised his shield and slowly back away from the man.

“Listen comrades, I do not want conflict, I am just under orders from a reality warper, who I hate.”

Link lowered his shield and stepped towards the man again.

Is that the truth?

“As true as it can be.”

“Well, while I would much rather see what the maids in the castle are so avidly on about when it concerns me, I would rather talk to the psychopath than possibly ‘get laid’ as Deadpool says.”

“They are ponies!” The man took a step back.

“I do not discriminate when it comes to the micia, amico, I never discriminate with anything.” Ezio’s only prejudices were towards Templars. In all other occasions, he was okay with everyone and everything unless physically, morally, or principally threatened.

Ezio, they aren’t exactly...” Link decided to let it go, whenever Ezio started speaking his ‘Italian’ ‘Whatever that’s supposed to mean.’ words, that usually meant that he was going to do whatever he wanted, and nobody could influence him to do otherwise without a fight of words and/or blood.

“Listen, the superpowered sociopath wants you both, are you coming?” The man said, clearly annoyed.

“Eh, alright.” Ezio started walking towards the throne room.

“Good. My name’s Dmitri, I come from another world that AD apparently controls.” Dmitri said as he led the two down the hall.

“I am from Earth in 1512, my name is Ezio Auditore da Firenze.”

“I am from Earth too, but from the year 2029.”

I am Link, from the world Trireign in 1123.

“Oh, from the past. Sounds reasonable that you may have never heard of guns before we came here forcibly.” Dmitri said as he shouldered his shotgun and opened up the doors to the next stretch of hallway

My experiences with Deadpool and Master Chief have told me enough about guns to know that they are dangerous, loud, and painful.

“It’s why I wear armor and earplugs.”

Hmm, I suppose that makes sense.

Ezio sighed, he’d really wanted to go check out the maids, and his mind filled with the possible images of them.

‘French… yum.’ He thought, licking his lips.

Steve, Arbiter, and Chief were outside of the castle, waiting for Blue, Adam, and Wilson to reach the rendezvous point.

“Alright me, listen up, we’re dealing with what is essentially a more proactive form of Discord, and we don’t have any Elements of Harmony to help us now.” Chief said.

“And, he’s obviously more apathetic to our well being.” Arbiter added.

“HEYOOO!!!” Steve pointed at the approaching Adam, Wilson, and Blue.

“Listen men, is everyone unwounded?” Blue asked the three.

“Eenope.” Chief assured.

“No.” Arbiter answered.

“Heyoo.” Steve made a no motion with his head.

“Good. Let’s go on and give this AD17 a good whupping!” Wilson said, holding out his Light sword.

“Nobody fucks with the mafia and gets away with it.” Adam said angrily as he loaded his Tommy Gun.

Blue turned on the camera sight for his rifle.

“Hey, you six!”

The group turned to the Latino sounding voice, and saw a man in military type camouflage walking towards them, gun held up high in one arm.

“Heaven or hell, I’ll break out either way.” Blue said as he aimed towards the man.

“Listen, AD told me to get you, and if you want to kill him, be my guest amigos!” Romero sighed. “I fucking hate the bastard, man!”

“Hmm… Chief, how does one win in a situation like this?” Blue asked, keeping his SBC-SR trained on Romero.

“Don’t hesitate.” Chief answered, walking towards the man.

“Good to see one of you is willing to work with me. Frankly, the sooner I can get back to the Valor boot camp, the better.”

“Then I won’t keep your manager waiting, but I’m keeping my rifle in my hands, Blue lowered his SBC-SR and walked closer to the man.

Steve shrugged and walked over to them, shortly followed by Arbiter and Adam.

Wilson had a gut feeling that something was about to happen.

“I got a bad feeling about this.” Wilson walked towards the man.

“Do not mention it, that is how the book characters always get screwed over.” Adam chastised.

All of a sudden, his immaculately tailored pinstripe suit, which he’d valued more than his ten best whores, was suddenly transformed into a brightly colored clown suit, a garishly light blue and painfully vivid yellow, his ‘smart folk’ glasses had been transformed into facepaint and a big red nose, and his worn-out fedora, its state showing how long he’d lived in the Mafia, was turned into a poofy, bright red afro wig.

“You were saying?” AD said, smirking as Adam tried to rip off the horrid outfit.

“YOU WON’T GET AWAY WITH THIS! EITHER YOU CHANGE IT BACK OR I’LL CUT OUT YOUR TONGUE!” The wizened mobster shouted, so fed up that he flicked his wrist.

*shing* A blade popped out from under the saggy cuff of the overly puffy sleeves.

The group went silent at this sudden revelation.

He cut off the cotton/plastic/whatever-the-fuck-it-was outfit, revealing that he mercifully still had his undershirt and boxers on.

A sleek, non-reflective golden casing was fixed to a thick, black silk sleeve, the blade itself was coated in a non-stick substance, and a strange sort of mechanism attached to the casing looked to be the thing that made it work like it did, the technology looked a lot more advanced than what the 1920s could offer, however.

But as Ezio had informed them all, the Assassins are always about four steps ahead in technology.

“Um… I’ve never seen one up close like this.” Wilson said, leaning in to get a closer look at the hidden blade.

At that moment, Adam realized what had just been revealed from his person.

“Oh dios mio…” He said, sheathing the blade and hiding it behind his back, having no other option.

“You… you’re an Assassin too?” Blue asked, unsheathing his own blade, made of carbon-steel with one side serrated.

“...Yes… okay? I am, this wasn’t supposed to happen, I should have kept my cool… and now you know the truth.” He sighed, sounding dejected.

“Heyoo.” Steve informed.

“Hm?” The dejected Assassin perked up.

“Listen soldier, none of us care, we’ve pretty much learned from dealing with Deadpool, it doesn’t really matter what you do or what you are, just as long as you’re on our side.” John assured

“Just look at me, the way things used to be, John would have killed me on sight, but now the Covenant and the UNSC are in alliance.” Arbiter added, putting a comforting, if weird-feeling, four-fingered hand on Adam’s shoulder.

“I don’t really care either way, I need to get out the sun ASAP, so follow me.” Romero led the group.

“Why?” Adam asked, wishing that his suit was back.

“I noticed that his eyes are an unusual color.” Arbiter noted.

“I’m an albino, and that’s that.”

Steve nodded, knowing the feeling.

“Heyoo.” Well, he himself wasn’t albino, but he’d met albino people before.

“I agree friend.” Wilson said as he felt his sanity draining from the dread of having to talk to another reality warper.

‘Achtung, hel-... hear-.... -now?’

“Hmm...” Wilson wondered what this would be.

“Achtung, hello, can you hear me now?”

‘Oh no... Not again.’ Wilson thought with dread, hearing the whispering again.

“Oh, you can! Vunderbar!” The voice suddenly tripled in strength and clarity, establishing itself as a permanent entity (until removed, that it), “I am Doktor Edward Richtofen. I’ve looked for someone to contact for so long, und you are ze one. Too bad you are on ze wrong plane of reality, I could’ve used you. Pity.”

‘Oh... umm...’

“But, I digress. You still have some use, und I can fully expect you to fulfil mien backup plan in case my first one, vell... blows up in mien face, as ze saying goes. Haha!”

‘A-Alright... M-my name’s Wilson.’

“Vilson... Ja, I zink I can help you, just keep yourself a little under half-sane until you’ve done your duty. First off, you vill need a Tesla coil, und Element 115!”

‘Wait? Why?’

“Zose blueprints in your inventory, I can read ze German one. Ze Wunderwaffe DG-2 is my greatest creation, und for it to be remade, better und more powerful ze ever! It vill aid in my revival to ze physical realm! So, vhat are you doing listening to voices in your head, GET TO IT, SVINEHUND!!!”

‘Wait… I’m talking to a… GHOST?!?!’

Wilson swatted at the air above his head, narrowly suppressing the urge to run away screaming.

Deadpool was on the edge of Canterlot.

He looked down the mile-high drop, and contemplated it.

“Those assholes… I guess they really don’t want me to sing then… I’m sorry for doing this so soon orange voice, but I’m switching sides, starting with this…” He jumped off the edge.



Deadpool splattered across the ground, his body breaking his guns’ falls.

*BAMF* Harry appeared with an Enderman holding onto his shoulder.

*VORP* The Enderman disappeared.

“What the he-BLOODY HELL-*BLARG*” Harry threw up at the disgusting smell and sight of Deadpool’s organs and bones flattened into the ground.

-Purgatory, between death and the afterlife-

Deadpool woke up in a cool, comforting embrace.

“Hey babe.” He knew what Death felt like, she felt nice, kinda soft and squishy.

“Oh Wade, what happened this time?”

“I… fell… off a cliff…” Wade cried a few tears, “All my so-called ‘friends’ turned out to be assholes… all of them… even… well maybe not Steve, but he sided with them anyways… *sob sob sob*”

Death merely rubbed Deadpool’s back and head as he faded away, knowing that any of the usual conversation wouldn’t be appropriate at this time.

The puddle made of Deadpool shrank and reformed upwards into the mouthy merc, he clenched his fists and pulled out a pair of silver Forty Knocks/Fort Inox Blowouts, aka a pair of 40mm caliber handguns.

He turned around at the sound of retching, and found Harry standing in front of a puddle of vomit.

“Y’know, I thought we could be friends, like D-Pooley and a bunch of Cables, y’know, I thought you might have been able to pull me to the fixing point, and I could be Chaotic Good instead of Chaotic Neutral… but instead you pushed me to the breaking point, and now I’m going to be Chaotic Evil… goodbye, you asshole wanker, wanker of assholes.” Deadpool took aim at Harry.

Harry backed up in fear and cast a shield spell.

“Protego!” He cast, using the Elder Wand, as his own had been taken by AD.


A screen of intense air distortion appeared in front of him, and the massive bullet ricocheted off it.

Harry was fearful, if Deadpool had really gone evil, then he wouldn’t stop until Harry was dead.

The brit looked around, and found Deadpool standing several feet away at an angle from which Harry wasn’t protected.

“Protego Totalum!”

A dome of air distortion surrounded Harry, and Deadpool couldn’t get through.

That didn’t stop him from trying.


Harry knew that he had to stop this, and now.

A set of memories surfaced.

The shield didn’t protect against the three unforgivable curses.

He wasn’t under any obligation to not use any of the three unforgivable curses.

Deadpool’s healing factor didn’t protect him from pain.

And the name of the unforgivable curse that Harry had been through personally, the one that he feared even more that the Killing curse.

Just as Voldemort had, Harry raised his wand, and just like Harry had been so unprepared when on the receiving end, before Deadpool could do anything to defend himself, before he could even move…

“Crucio!” Harry cast

Wade had been hit by the Cruciatus curse.

The pain was so intense, so all-consuming, that Wade no longer knew where he was... white-hot knives were piercing every inch of his skin, he felt that his head was surely going to burst with pain; he was screaming more loudly than he'd ever screamed in his life.


‘We’re changing colors!’

‘Oh fuck.’

AD17 frowned at the scene, and simply decided to stop this altogether.

He reappeared right behind Harry, took off the wizard’s glasses, and then snatched the Elder Wand.

Mostly blinded and unable to use magic, Harry was easy to knock out. AD17 then walked over to the writhing merc.

“You can rest easy now.” He soothed as he stopped the spell.

“And to think my alternate self raised him up to be a nice boy!” Wade whined.

‘Yeah... that’s a whole other thing.’

‘I also call bullshit. He grew up batshit crazy.’

“Listen Wade, I know you feel alone, but listen, everyone treats you like shit...”

“Gee, nice words.” Wade replied, rubbing his head.

“Let’s be frank, these guys hate your personality, but deep down, they do care for you.”

“I don’t think so!” Wade pouted and turned away from the purple-wearing lunatic.

“I do think so. You’re useful, and beside, I can see you being of such great use later, that they’ll cheer your name from here on out!”

“Really?” Wade sniffed.

“Shit yeah, let’s go!” AD17 took Wade and Harry and teleported them to the throne room.

“Fine Adam, but only because I did it for Solly here.”

“Solly? I like the sound of that, has a nice ring to it.”

“Whatever.” AD used his magic to summon a brand new suit for Adam, and bring his aged fedora back as well. Content, the group soon went into the Throne room.

-Canterlot Castle Throne Room-

Celestia watched as AD brought in the twelve humans, and stood up when he turned to her.

Link silently bowed to the white alicorn.

“Ah… princess.” Ezio greeted, bowing as well.

Celestia turned to AD, who stood smiling.

“So, explain why you wanted to gather us.” Chief said with authority.

“With pleasure.” AD spun his cane and summoned a mini-window in space and time.

“You see, there is this thing called the multiverse. Where if it can be thought up, it exists.” AD explained as he showed Maxworld in its natural state during summer.

“Yes…” Deadpool and Harry remarked in unison, turning to each other in surprise.

“How did you know about that?” Deadpool asked.

“Because I didn’t, I just figured that Einstein was correct.” AD replied, shrugging.

“No… he was talking to me, and I learned from another wise man known as Michael, he’s in another Equestria, where twelve more humans reside in wait for battle with our enemy.” Harry revealed.

“Ah, yes...” David showed Terraria in the window. “That genius from that 2D world. Kinda smartassish if you ask me.” David then showed another world, a bustling metropolis known as Liberty City.

“My world, that place...” Adam tried to speak.

“Is Liberty City, from a gritty world of crime, debauchery, and cheap entertainment.” AD then showed Los Santos.

“That kinda reminds me of California, I vacationed there once in my youth.” Wilson remarked.

“I suppose you could say that.” David then changed different angles of the city.

“Dios Mio, this is...” Ezio trailed off, entranced in awe by the miracles of architecture.

AD then messed up, and by that, he ended up showing someone in the shower.

The man turned towards the window, and screamed.

“OH SHIT!!!” The man grabbed at the curtains, then found himself getting tangled, and fell.

AD then tilted the window forward, and it fell, shattering on impact with the floor.

“We never saw that.” AD17 said without hesitation.

The rest of the group quickly agreed.

“What of Italy?” Ezio asked.

“Sure.” AD then showed the Republic of Florence during Ezio’s time.

“Hm, what of the modern day? I understand much has occurred since my time.” The Assassin requested.

“Well...” AD then showed Italy during the modern day.

“Oh look, more of those cars.” Wilson said.

“And the architecture certainly looks the same as the last time I was there.” Deadpool said.

“Those cars… they look good… good enough to steal.” Adam licked his lips and twiddled his hands.

AD then switched to a picture of a world with zombies running around a burning wasteland.

“What happened here?” Harry asked, filled with dread.

“Oh, this isn’t one of your places. Here, Nazis made zombies, zombies grew numerous, people on the moon blew up Earth, it’s complicated really. I blame Germany though.”

“Oh, zat asshole, eet’s not Germany’s ‘fault’, it’s mein own beautiful creation.”


“Something wrong, boy?” AD asked Wilson.

“Firstly, I must inform you, sir, that I am in my mid-30s, and secondly, nothing is wrong, other than the sight of this… place.” Wilson couldn’t believe that something had gone so wrong in a place that would typically be quite normal.

“I’m a demigod, so all of you are boys to me, also, this place is doomed either way, we got this guy-” AD showed a picture of a bearded man. “-who wants to blow up Earth, and then we got-” AD then showed the face of Richtofen. “-this guy, who wants to make the world his bitch.”

“Ja, it’s true. Dr. Maxis must not be allowed to gain enough power. Ze world is better of vith me at it’s helm, Ja? Look at mein beautiful face.”

‘You’re… eugh.’

“Vilson, you are ze only one who can build ze Wunderwaffe, und you can control ze elements of nature vith ze devices I can help you vith. At least be grateful!”

‘And I am, I really am… it’s just… not that I don’t appreciate you, it’s just that you’re a bit ugly, I will build the Wunderwaffe though.’

“Zank you Wilson, also... look at zis man, Dempshey first before you judge. He’s very ugly, ja? HA HA HA HA!”

‘Hehe, I don’t think you were watching when I accidentally walked in on Deadpool showering, I nearly threw up at the time… it was bad, but I look back on it, and now it’s funny.’

“Hmm, I vill take your vords vith a grain of salt.”

‘Trust me, he’s more scars than skin.’

“So, these two men are basically going to doom this world?” Celestia asked.

“Pretty much. I feel sorry of the poor shlups who have to die either way.” AD then moved on to the next world, Hyrule.


“We knew that, we can read the narration… or at least I can.” Deadpool said, looking two lines above.

“Yes... Hmm...” AD then saw Ganondorf, sitting on Zelda’s throne.

“One sec.” AD then caused the world to take on a blue hue, and time seemed to stop in its tracks.

“What did you do?” Link screamed out, his voice at normal speaking volume.

“I froze this world, trust me, they’ll thank me later when you have to come back to save the world, that’s what these stories always do.” David then switched to 2fort, in the midst of battle.

“OH YEAH!” BLU Soldier yelled out, pumping his fists.

“You know this place?” Adam asked.

“YEAH! GO FRENCHY!“ Soldier shouted to the BLU Spy disguised as a RED Spy, who dropped a knife he had ready.

It was at that moment that a RED Sniper turned around, and noticed the supposed ‘RED’ Spy, who then glared at the window, and Soldier looking through it.

“YOU IMBECILE!!!” BLU Spy yelled out as he tried to pick his knife back up.

“SPY! JARATE!” Sniper then threw the Jarate at the spy, and took out a Bushwacka.


Soldier aimed and fired his Direct Hit at the Sniper.

The rocket then hit the window, and it shattered.

“We can only see and hear through it, genius. And now your partner is covered in piss, and probably dead.”

“Don’t worry, we got a respawn!” BLU Soldier said, smiling.

“I call hax.” Deadpool accused.

“I watched you regrow your goddamn LEGS, you RED scum, how is a Respawn considered hax when compared to that?!”

“Aren’t you supposed to be stupid?” AD noted Soldier’s rather smart moment.

“It’s on and off, most of the time I’m brilliant, but other’s just don’t know it.”

Mostly off really.” Harry muttered.

“HEY! I have to admit, that even a broken clock is right twice a day… or was it a fixed clock is wrong twice a day? I don’t know… hmmm...” Soldier put a hand to his chin in thought.

“Enough! Next!” AD then made a new window, which showed a crater.

“Did The Dude already come through here? I don’t know.” AD shrugged and turned to the next world.

Or rather, a giant ship floating in space.

“The UNSC Mothership… damn.” Chief lamented, thinking about the good times.

“Oh, that what that is.” AD noted.

“Is that what the future’s like?” Adam looked on in awe.

“Well, there’s also another economic sink after the one in ‘29.” AD said.

“I’m from ‘28… SHIT!” Adam immediately began to dread the future when he got back.

“Invest in gold, your wallet will thank you later.” AD advised.

“To visit the stars? Amazing, I was not aware there was even a way to visit the clouds.” Ezio looked at the constellations in the background wishing to sketch them for reference.

“Ask Trevor here.” AD then showed the world with P1.

The window showed a balding, filthy man walking down an empty hallway with some black man, who seemed to be a mutant, and they both turned towards the window at the sound of it opening on their side.

“What the hell?” The black man yelled out.

“Is that… some sort of… HOLY SHIT, ANOTHER PRINCESS PONY!” Trevor pointed at Celestia.

“Uh, yes...” Lee said as he took in the sight of the others.

“From another dimension, you Canadian motherfucker.” AD insulted the balding man.

“WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU CALL ME!?” Trevor exploded, having been dealt a double whammy that had put him into an unstoppable rage.

“Hey fellow Nuck!” Deadpool ran up to the window and waved.

“FUCK YOU, YOU CUNT!!!” Trevor flipped off the men and tried to punch through the window.

Deadpool, using his ‘4th Wall Immunity’, reached through the window and caught the fist, pushing Trevor back.

“Wait Wade, don’t pull him-”

Wade then pulled him into the world, and onto the ground.

“-Through... crap...” AD dropped his cane, and began to worry.

“Don’t worry, I can fix this.” Wade took Trevor’s hand again, and climbed through the window with the methhead in tow.

Trevor then headbutted the merc once they were through, making him let go.

With Wade through, the dirty man then proceed to beat him up, eventually moving on to repeatedly stomping on the man’s head, all while repeatedly yelling out the word ‘cunt’ over and over again.

Lee knelt down in front of the window, then tapped on it out of curiosity.

The window instantly shattered.

“And Wade’s gone, fuck.” AD slumped down and sighed.

“Well, we’ll just have to find him, eventually.” Harry said with little hope.

“Yeah, I suppose. But for now, let’s move on to Damon, the guy who’s fucking with you guys.” AD then changed to a still of Damon from a projector he summoned.

“That…yes... I’ve seen him before… long ago.” Celestia recalled.

“So did I, but I’m sure Sunbutt here saw him, like, millenia ago, meanwhile I saw him about four months ago.” Blue replied.

“Yes, this guy is the most charismatic, powerful, and intelligent tyrant you’ll ever meet, and he’s pretty mean if you’re against him.”

“He sounds dangerous… but I want Celestia to explain her knowledge on him.” Ezio evaluated.

“He is dangerous.” AD then changed to a still of the world he controlled. “This is what he’s done after he left, by the way.”

“Dear mother… that’s even worse than the works of Discord and Sombra combined.”

“Yep.” The still was of a regime of controlled civilians, with many being weeded out by the apparent officers.

“Of course, those guys are assholes who deserved it, so...” AD slammed the tip of his cane onto the ground.

“Explain, now!” Ezio shouted, readying his stance, standing with both arms half-raised and doing small hops to stay flighty, while Blue aimed the SBC-SR.

Link had his shield half-forward and his sword held back, while Midna prepared the Twilight Crystal to zap AD to death.

John and Arbiter readied their weapons, John with an Assault Rifle, Arbiter with a Gravity Hammer.

Harry looked at Soldier, who aimed his Direct Hit at AD, and decided to cast a wandless spell.

“Accio Elder Wand.” The large, powerful wand flew into his hand, and he aimed it at the demi-god.

Steve aimed his rocket launcher.

Wilson raised his Light Sword in one hand and his wand in the other.

Adam readied his Thompson.

AD simply snapped his fingers, and everyone’s weapons were transformed into exaggerated toy versions of their weapons.

“Say please, and maybe I’ll answer, dickwads.” AD then snapped his fingers to change his clothing to a more modern type of clothing, with a purple v-neck, and blue jeans with blue sneakers.

“Please… answer.” Adam asked, putting away his large-SMG-turned-toy into his jacket.

“Thank you!” AD then changed the weapons back, and began to explain the time Damon spent in Equestria.

“You see, thousands of years ago, before Discord and this guy, Sombra came to the picture, Damon found himself with his crew in Equestria. Back then, he was basically less influential than he is now. The most he did was rob big chain banks and assassinate high profile businessmen.”

“I was young when I heard of him, young and foolish.” Celestia added.

“Yes, before you learned, however, he found himself meeting this guy, Scorpan, and befriended him.” AD changed the still to a picture of Scorpan, accompanying Damon during some kind of journey.

“Interesting.” Harry noted.

“Damon was a pragmatic person, he didn’t even plan to attack anyone, simply to go back home. However, he then noticed how... perfect this world was.”

“He’s a demon… of a sort, and so he, by his own need, desired to corrupt anything perfect.” Celestia said with an angry tone.

“WRONG!!!” AD yelled out.

“What?” Celestia was confused.

“Actually, he did those things so you’d banish him to Tartarus, so he’d be able to get back into his world, and change the world into one with the same ideals as yours, or at least try.”

“Wait, are you saying...”

“If you simply decided to kill him then, he would not be a problem, at all.” AD pointed out, matter-of-factly. “And because he saw how perfect this world was, he decided to try and make the world he lived in to a close enough copy. We can all see how well this is going, right?”

“I… I was so close too… he… he killed…” Celestia began to tear up, if anyone would ask, she would tell them ‘It’s a sore subject’.

“So... basically... he’s after us because...” Wilson did not want to believe it.

“He’s after you because you killed a few of his troops, and discovered Agent 4, the woman.” The still was now of Agent 4 herself.

“Damon, or ‘Big Boss’ as I had to call him, is very protective of his troops, mainly because if they die, then that’s a huge investment gone down the drain.” Blue remembered that bit.

“Emotional and Economical. ‘Condition One,’ the guy who attacked you, is the most expensive in the economic sense. However, he’s an asshole to most people, and as such, is less expensive in the emotional sense.”

“I looked into his eyes… if not for my enchantment, he’d have the worst pair of eyes in the Organization.”

“And he managed to counter those special, special eyes too.” AD pouted, shaking his head.

“No… he just didn’t look directly at them, the only one the enchantment doesn’t affect is Damon… though I might be wrong.”

“Oh, trust me, he did, and he managed to avoid the mind-rape. You know why? Because he’s insane and malicious! More-so than Deadpool at his worst.” AD patted the Assassin on his head like he would to a pet.

You can’t break the mind of a psychopath.” Wilson muttered to himself.

“I would’ve said you can’t break something that’s already broken, but that works too.”

“Well, that’s why you can’t break the mind of a psychopath, ‘because it’s already broken… so… that means that Wade has a bit of sanity left in him.” Wilson deduced.

“Oh forsooth, and in the eve, doth the light catch mine Lady Death, and illuminate her cleavage, which I doth desire to motorboat the shit out of.” Wade prosed with several waving and flourishing motions befitting of the greatest of Shakespearean actors.

Almost everyone jumped at the voice.

“How’d you come back?” Soldier asked Wade, not flinching at the sudden entrance.

“I was here a second ago, but I’m stuck over here…” Wade was behind a window, and he tapped on it, unable to get through, “This one is covered in glass, and it’s too small for me to squeeze through.”

“Uno momento, por favor!” AD then snapped his finger, and Wade was now on the other side of the window.

“Awww… but I liked the shiny city, I could’ve harvested that shit and made millions!” Wade protested, trying to get back through by breaking the glass in the way.

When he broke the glass, the window in space closed.

“AwwwwwwwWWWWWW!” The merc whined, pouting and crossing his arms over his chest.

“Wait, was he in...” Celestia knew of only one city that was shiny and could be harvested for money.

“An alternate Equestria, in the future, Princess Sunbutt, I’ll explain later.” AD clicked his tongue and leaned towards the princess.

“*snicker* Sunbutt...” Wilson tried not to laugh. It was more difficult that it looked.

Steve failed, and began laughing to himself.

Celestia glared at Steve.

“He-he-heyoo... Heyoo...” Steve said meekly as he finished laughing.

“Oh… shit… I feel like something’s about to happen.” Deadpool looked around, feeling something oncoming.


Steve was thrown into a random building as a roar came out.


-Two Weeks Later-

Chief climbed up Spike’s back with a pair of combat knives.

“All of this came from greed, goddammit FiM!” Wade yelled out as he looked on.

“This is why I don’t like stealing.” Wilson said as aimed the half-powered Wunderwaffe at Spike.

“That is where you and I differ, brother.” Adam said as he rolled his left cuff up once and unsheathed his hidden blade.

“I have to agree with Adam there, amico.” Ezio said as he joined his fellow Assassin and climbed up Spike’s back.

“Heeeeyoooo...” Steve said weakly from the wreckage he was buried under.

The huge purple dragon roared and did a quick spin.

Chief was thrown off, but Ezio and Adam, with their more specialized techniques, held fast, and took Chief’s combat knives.

Link looked up at Spike, and sighed in grief.

He didn’t want to do this.

Harry looked over as Link switched to his Hero’s Tunic.

“Specialis Revelio.” The Wizard cast, knowing that this was going to be a big fight.

Draconic Knave

Spike the Greedy

Immediately, all of Spike’s attention was practically forced towards Link, who raised his shield in defiance.

Spike merely reached down and tried to rip it out of Link’s hand, resulting in the warrior being lifted up to eye-level.

Link looked into Spike’s eyes, his own filled with despisal towards the evil the dragon had embraced. As Spike breathed smoke in the elf’s face, an X-shaped scar on his left cheek from a training accident showed more prominently amongst his slightly grayed skin.

“I FEEL LIKE ANOTHER FORCED CROSSOVER IS ABOUT TO BE ADDED!” Deadpool said as he strafed Spike with dual Barrett M82s.

“You…” Spike said in his newer, louder voice.

Link frowned, thinking of draconian words, and considering the wisdom of shouting such words into the dragon’s face as it held him forty feet above the ground with its fire-breathing mouth on level with his face, he instead settled on throwing his sword into Spike’s mouth.

“GAAAAHHH!” The dragon yelled as his mouth was filled with pain from the divine sword’s evil-destroying power.

He spat it out, watching as Link caught it again, the handle nearly slipping away due to the added slickness of Spike’s saliva, but stopping because of the pommel. Link frowned at having to hold a spit-slicked sword, but put away his minor disgust in order to do what he needed to do.

Spike decided that Link wasn’t worth it, and threw him away.

“YAAA-AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!” Link shouted at the top of his lungs as he was launched across the town.

AD17 then grabbed Link, and let him drop onto the ground.

“We need Rarity!”

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” A distant girly scream sounded out through the otherwise silent (except for Spike’s rampage) town.

“Rarity’s been foalnapped!” AD yelled out, waiting for the resolution to happen by itself.

Link raced back to the center of town, but to his dismay, Spike had walked away and began climbing a nearby mountain after stealing the water tower’s top and putting his stuff in it.

“Uh, AMICO, HELP!” Ezio called out as he and Adam were carried away, still clinging to Spike’s back.

“Quickly Link, we must SAAAAAAAAVE THE DAAAAAY for those two!” Deadpool yelled out as he grabbed Link by the arm and began to run towards the dragon.

Link used his puzzle-solving skills to figure out a way to get up to them.

“Wade, I’m going to need you to launch one of those RPG things, I will hookshot onto it and be flown onto Spike’s back, ready?”

“Alright bro-ski.” Wade pulled out his RPG-7 and aimed at a portion of Spike’s back that was clear.

*PWEE-SHOOOOOO* the explosive rocketed off.

*CLICLICLICLICLICLI-CLUNK* The Hookshot grabbed the RPG, and Link was carried with it.

*BOOM* it blew up against the purple beast’s back, and Link quickly latched onto the scales and began climbing.

“That was some amazing skill there, Green Person.” Adam said, admiring Link’s skill.

You know my name is Link, Adam.

“OH! Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t recognize you at first with the change of clothes.” The mobster sheepishly smiled in embarrassment, looking down at the ground, which was getting further away.

Link looked around, and figured out how to ‘MacGyver’, as Deadpool called it, his way out.

Okay, I will use a bomb to propel us towards that nearby lake, you two will need to… no wait, that won’t work, we’ll still be too far away, even with this height… shit.” Link cursed as he mentally facepalmed.

Ezio frowned, “So… how will we get out of this, then?”

“I prefer my body to not be splattered against the ground.” Adam admitted.

Link thought, he thought hard, they would all surely die if he didn’t think of something, and very, very soon.

“Link… play the ocarina thing, it has power in it, and maybe you can think of something.”

Link took out the ocarina, and tried to think up anything.

‘Good thing I practiced.’

He thought of the lake, and played what came to mind.


> >



You played: The Serenade of Water.

Spike’s body suddenly shrank to its normal size, right as blue sparkles shot out of the small blue instrument and absorbed the three Assassins.

As Spike and Rarity fell, Link, Ezio, and Adam were safely deposited in front of the lake.

“Woah.” Adam found himself saying.

“Dios mio, that was intense.” Ezio had felt an incredible rush.

To be honest, I didn’t expect that to work.” Link admitted, looking at the ocarina.

Its flawless blue surface reflected his own face back at him.

His ears were filled with wind for a few seconds, and when he felt like muttering something, he suddenly he felt himself being shaken.

“Link, Link, amico you’ve been staring at that instrument for almost three minutes now.” Ezio said as he shook his fellowman into awareness.

Huh?” The green-clad man hadn’t noticed the time progression, and shook his head to clear it, “Sorry, I blanked out for a bit there.

“I would say so too.” Adam nodded to Link as he began walking back towards town, his hands in his pockets.

Ezio gave Link a pat on the shoulder and began the parkour process back to Ponyville.

Link looked at the ocarina again for a second, then put it back in his pocket.

“Not to be a jerk, or anything, but you three need to come to town, now, and help us fix it up, AGAIN!!!” AD groaned as he held some 2x4s and a toolbox in his arms.

Link nodded, and looked at the area below where Spike had been.

“Oh, RD and Fluttershy took care of those two, by the way, come on! The sooner we finish, the sooner we can be lazy jack-offs.”

I feel like something was left behind… I’m going to go check out the area over there, I’ll join you when I get back.

“Alright, but I’m going to kick you in the ass if you don’t show up.” AD said as he teleported to Ponyville.

Link quickly made his way back to the mountain, and found a large chest sitting on the ground.

He unlatched it and opened it.

Inside was a deep red scale mail tunic, with a pair of silver scale gauntlets, gold scale-soled boots, dark brown scale leggings and sleeves, a steel-colored scale undershirt, but no helmet.

He picked up the suit, finding it to be mostly made of actual scales, from dragons.

YOU GOT: The Draconic Armor

This armor protects you from cold, fire, electricity, poison, and pretty much all elements.

It appears to be made from the scales of many dragons, and lacks the color blue, which denotes that it won’t keep you breathing underwater.

You however become a lot slower the more rupees you have, so keep your wallet as empty as needed.

Don’t fall into the temptations of greed.

Link was relieved to find a purple scalemail helmet with a pair of curved green dragon horns on the sides (like a recolor of the Dovahkiin helmet).

‘At least I’ll have headwear.’

The armor vanished and appeared into the fifth armor slot in his inventory, leaving only one suit left.

He looked at the symbol on his armor screen, and found that each of the suits was surrounding a Triforce with a flowery circle around it.

The Hero’s Tunic and the Magic Armor were by the Triforce of Courage.

The Zora’s Armor and Twilight Armor were by the Triforce of Wisdom.

The Draconic Armor and the lone empty slot were by the Triforce of Power.

If I’d had to guess, I’d say that each armor corresponds to an element, and the last armor corresponds to Spirit… the Desert People, Ganondorf’s people.” He calculated, looking at the empty slot with anxiety.

And power… I wonder what that has to do withhhh… no time for this right now, I need to help with the town’s reparations.

Link switched back to his Twilight Armor, which he’d found gave him a speed boost at the cost of stability, and ran back to town.

-In the Middle of Winter-

Everyone was on a train ride towards Canterlot, where there was supposed to be...

“A play?” Ezio inquired.

“Yes, a play about how Hearth’s Warming Eve came to be.” Twilight explained to the humans.

“Yes, I remember making a universe where a shrieking robot tried to do that to Rarity, except she already knew, and the robot was just making it up on the fly.” AD17 explained as he looked out the window.

“Sounds dreadful.” The mare in question replied, wearing a christmas tree hat.

“Oh trust me, you got the guard while it was talking, you didn’t remember a thing, although you did beat up a robotic turkey.”

“Sounds like you made some weird worlds.” Adam looked on at the crazy man.

“Yeah... I like to bring the craziest of crossovers to reality at some point.”

“And make two stories that you ended up canceling, jerkface.” Deadpool glared at the author.

“Writing nonsensical plots is harder than it looks!” AD yelled back.

Twilight stuck her head out the window to get a good look on their progress.

“Hey everyone, we’re pretty close now!” She shouted over the winds.

Rainbow Dash, who had sworn up and down that she could have flown to Canterlot and back by now, looked outside to confirm.

“Yeah! Come on train, speed up! I can hardly wait to check out what the city looks like this time of year.” She whooped.

“WHOO-WEE!” Applejack shouted, stopping for a second to cough, “Canterlot, HERE WE COME!”

Rarity adjusted her massive tree-shaped hat, “Oh I do hope I look festive enough, can anyone offer a second opinion?”

“LOOKS LIKE CHRISTMAS!” Soldier assured, wearing a pair of reindeer antlers.

“Yes, a holiday from our world.” Harry said.

Where’d you get those?” Fluttershy asked Soldier.

“Whitey here made them, they look AMAZING! A WONDERFUL HAT!” Soldier informed.

“Yes, it takes a while to find genuine, cruelty-free antlers from deer who don’t really need them.” Rarity said, beaming with proudness.

“I was informed that these were stuffed felt… BUT REAL STUFF IS EVEN BETTER!” Soldier whooped.

“Yep, I bet this Mann CO. just beats up the deer to get them though.”

“You remind me of Frenchy, he was a cultured dick.”

“Oh, well... erm...” Rarity felt confused at whether to be angry, or annoyed.

“Dude, not cool.” Deadpool said, leaning over to talk into Soldier’s ear.

“Yes, only I get to be a cultured dick, my dear boy!” AD said as he dressed up in some kind of stereotypical rich man’s clothes.

Arbiter looked at John for insight.

“Hearth’s Warming is essentially just the pony equivalent of Christmas, you know, I told you the story.”

“Oh yeah, of the heroic Jesus guy who fought the evil people, and then they captured and staked him in the end, but he turned it around on them with his cool holy powers, and humans were cursed with consciences and senses of honor.” Arbiter recalled very, very inaccurately.

“That sounds… confusing and awful.” Twilight summed up in three words.

“And we humans are not?” Wilson remarked.

“Well… I mean… you’ve stayed on our side throughout the past… six months, so I would say that you’re quite good people.”

“Yeah, but you all remember what I said about Trevor, right?” AD asked as everyone, especially Deadpool, remembered Trevor’s... colorful response.

“That guy was the worst kind of dick, one that’s uncut and uncensored.” Deadpool scowled under his mask.

Harry, Adam, Wilson, and Link all gagged at the thought.

“And probably frayed and overused too.”

This added pretty much all of the Mane 6, as well as Chief, Arbiter, Steve, and Soldier.

“Dammit Wade, now I’m gonna have nightmares for weeks.” Rainbow complained.

“Heyoo... oh...” Steve ran off to find the bathroom.

“At least I didn’t say burnt and covered in shit.”

That set off Ezio, Blue, and Midna into their own nauseated reactions.

“FARORE-DAMMIT DEADPOOL, SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Midna yelled, narrowly fighting back the urge to vomit, using her hair-hand thing to hold Wade’s mouth shut.

Ezio considering deafening himself.

Blue raised his hood and pulled the strings to close it around his face.

Deadpool shrugged and walked to the door of the train.

He opened it and stepped out, immediately getting thrown along the ground by the leftover momentum from the train and stopping a few feet away from where the train-car stopped.

With dozens of broken bones, several square feet of skin sheared off, and trail of blood a hundred feet long, Wade stood up.

“I’m fine, it’s okay.” He assured the many high-class ponies looking at him in shock and disgust.

His body healed up, but they were still looking at him in disgust.

“What’s wrong?” He queried, scratching the top of his head.

That’s when he felt it…

...his mask was off.

“OH SHIT! NONONONONONONONONOOOOOOOOO!” He ran to the discarded piece of red and black cloth laying on the snow-covered ground.

“Oh my goodness... Wade... is...” Rarity muttered as she watched on.

“SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT NOOOO, DON’T LOOK!” He shouted as he hastily tried to put his mask back on, ending up with it backwards.

“Oh dear...” Wilson muttered as he saw the sad sight of a desperate man trying to put his facade up again.

Finally, by the time he’d properly re-applied his mask, most of the others had seen his abysmal face.

Wade then ran off, clearly wanting to stay away from all of these witnesses.

“I’ll go fetch him.” Chief said, getting up and running towards the merc.

‘You have to help him.’

‘Weren’t you grey the last time we talked?’

‘Yeah, but that was temporary.’

‘He reformed when my skull shattered on the pavement!’

‘I’m still with you, John....’

‘And I’m back to normal.’

‘Gee, that’s wonderful, does that mean your going to start acting like a dick?’

‘At least my identity has not been spoiled.’

‘Good, I don’t want some other shit going on in my head, I like you, Justice.’

Chief finally caught up with Wade, who was hiding in a dark alleyway and crying.

“They all saw it…*sniff*... MY SHAME!” He hammily lamented as he picked up a discarded napkin and held it up to the light.

“Wade… stop, just stop. If we were going to leave you over something as pointless as how you look under your mask, then we’d have left you a long time ago for something a lot less secretive.” John pointed out, taking off his own helmet to make things a bit more personal.

“Wait… so…*sniff* you don’t care?” Wade asked with hope.

“No… nobody gives a shit, the rest of you pretty much drowns out all the worry about your scarred face.”

“Oh… JOY!” Deadpool jumped ten feet into the air and hugged John as tightly as he could.

Chief held him at bay for a few seconds, then decided that it wasn’t really worth it, and hugged him back.

“ALRIGHT! LET’S GO WATCH THAT PLAY!” Deadpool shouted as he over-dramatically led the way.

“Uh… Wade, the Royal Auditorium is this way.” John pointed the opposite way the mouthy merc was going.

“I KNEW THAT… I was just… taking the scenic route!” Wade lied, turning around, “But I suppose TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE! SO MAKE PASTE!” He said, running down the street.

“It’s MAKE HASTE!” John shouted after him as he sprinted after the psychopath.

“THAT TOO!” Wade shouted back, somehow running while bent over backwards to look at John.

He noticed something behind John, on the rooftops.

A dark figure with a billowing black cloak.

"Chief, warning, suit power levels at 5%, all radar and HUD functionalities disabled to preserve battery life.’"

“Keep the radar on, I don’t need the HUD, however.” John instructed.

Suddenly, the radar came back on, and he saw a red blip coming towards him.

An enemy.

He stopped and spun around, catching the Organization Assault Agent by the foot and crushing it into bits.

Thladimir screamed in pain and turned on his armor’s taser functionalities.


"Chief, suit power levels at 8%, whatever this agent is doing, it’s helping us more than hurting us."

“Good.” Chief reeled back his fist, and punched the man.

Thladimir shrieked in pain as he felt each of his ribs cracking.

“Who sent you?” Chief asked.

The Assassination Agent spat on his foe’s armor and scowled.

“CO, not that you’d have any luck identifying him.”

“You know a man known as ‘AD17’?”

“... shit...” Thladimir muttered, almost timidly.

“Yes, indeed.”

“*crrk* “Yes, Agent Thladimir.”

“HQ, I’m about to die, and one last report, they have AD17, they know CO, an unknown amount of information is compromi-GAH!” The electricity expert found himself choked to near death.

“Who is killing you? COME IN AGENT!”

Chief ripped the comm from Thladimir’s armor, and spoke into it.


“... John-117, Master Chief Petty Officer of the USNC.”

“How do you know all that?”

“... *laugh* This is Ex-Sergeant Johnson, maggot.”

“Why do you sound like a woman?”

“Voice changers, dumbass… prepare for the storm, we’ve seized the ‘Taint Master’, as he’s known.”

“What does that mean?”

“*click* *crrrrrrrrrk*” The other line went dead.

“Son of a bitch… and there’s no frequency module on this… Damon’s people plan too far ahead… DAMMIT!” Chief broke the useless device and looked into Thladimir’s dim eyes.

“What’s that thing Ezio says?... Requiescat en Pace.” Chief ripped the agent’s head off, then unloaded all of the electricity capacitors into his own armor.

“Chief, suit power levels at 20%.”

“Thank you Cortana. This is better than nothing at least.”

“Would you like me to run a database scan, to see if we have any information on this ‘taint master’?”

“Yes, but do it very efficiently.” He needed to preserve as much power as possible.


Turning off his speed facilitators, John led Deadpool to the Royal Auditorium.

“Hey, Chief, just read your run in with that electro-dude.” Deadpool said as he showed this exact page to Chief from his laptop.

“...These notes… do you know anyone who has powers over electricity?”

“Thor is a guy who‘s like Luna, but with storms and shit instead of nighttime.”

“Thor… Asgard… Mjolnir… I know the tales, my armor is named after his hammer.”

“Yep, Asgard is real in my world, and Loki is famous after The Avengers.”

“But why is… wait… do you know of anyone with… power suits?”

“Iron Man-Dude-Bro, he’s like me, but he’s really self-centered and self-praising, and an asshole sometimes. He had a run-in with Thor once…”

“Hmm... You think you can find a way to bring either of them here?”

“I might… but I’m kinda worried about how Thor pertains to this ‘Taint Master’ guy.”

“Do you know who the Taint Master is?“

“Nope… no idea, but… if the Taint Master guy is anything like he sounds like, then he might make Thor evil, and then send him to attack us.”

“Then that will solve getting Thor here, though having a 640 or so pounds heavy wrestlemania master jacked up on storm-controlling powers and evil will not be an okay thing to have wanting us dead.”

“But if I get him, then he’d be on our side.”

“Yes… how does this pertain to Thor and Iron Man?”

“Iron Man-Dude-Bro drinks about half as much as Thor, oh yeah and Thor once tried to lightning him, it didn’t work.”

“What happened?”

“Oh, Jahvis Fancyantsyson told him what’s what.”

“And what was what?”

“His suit got overcharged, like 400% battery.”

“The MJOLNIR Mk6 power armor’s safety functionalities are capable of safely storing up to 500% energy levels.”

“Who makes something for a situation like that?” Wade inquired, confused at how the makers had reasoned that feature into the design.

“Whatever it is, it’s useful, now if only I had-”

“Sorry to interrupt, but if you can find a Mk7 ARM-ORION plate, then I can install a new feature, Overdrivers.”

“I guess that would solve the issue of using up the extra power.”

“Yes, they will essentially double your abilities, and another feature is arm cannons.”

“Okay, that’s too far into copying Iron Man-Dude-Bro’s designs, he had palm-lasers.”

“Frankly, if it helps me, I don’t really care about plagiarizing other designs.”

“I can install the arm cannon, or Plasma_Fist.aff, at any time, but it will require the sacrifice of your Spartan Laser.”

“I’ll hold off on that until we can get that overcharge.” Chief assured, stopping his stride.

“Why are we stopping?” Wade asked. looking up at John’s helmeted face.

“We’re here.” He pointed at the sign above the door, which read:

Canterlot Royal Auditorium

A sign beside the door, this one much less fancy and much more temporary-looking, read:

Today’s Schedule:

Hearth’s Warming Eve Play [ 12:30PM - 3:30PM ]

“Convenient, we’re about two minutes early.” John said, checking his clock.

“Yep, let’s go see where them mares at!” Wade looked around, putting a hand over his brow to block out the bright lights from overhead.

“They’re in the play, so they’ll be on stage, we need to find our seats, which I’m assuming are up in the area where I can see Harry, Wilson, and the others.”

“CONVENIENT!” Deadpool shouted, only to immediately get shushed.

He flipped the shushing ponies off, confusing them long enough to escape to his seat, singing “Nana-nana-booboo.” at them.

John shook his head and sat in his own spot, right between Ezio and Deadpool’s empty seat.

“So amico, how do you think the story of Hearth’s Warming will go?” Ezio asked, having discovered the wonder of popcorn and was now eating some.

“I’m not sure, but let’s not ruin it with wild guessing, did you see the mares backstage, I haven’t gotten a chance to talk to them since we got off the train.”

“I did… it was great.” Ezio recalled the recent memory.

-Flashback to Eight Minutes Ago-

Ezio stood on his perch in the rafters, looking down at the element bearers, watching them get dressed with a perverted smile on his face.

‘I should drop down and talk to them… but… eh to hell with it.’ He thought, dropping down.

“Hey amicas, nervous?” He asked, taking a few steps forward to make it seem like he was walking in normally, rather than dropping down from the rafters.

“Nervous, but excited!” Pinkie exclaimed, jumping up and down in her Chancellor Puddinghead hat, “I’m nervicited, I want to jump up and down and shout YAY YAY YAY!... But I also want to curl up into a teeny tiny ball and hide!”

Oh my, that sounds like me… a lot.” Fluttershy sheepishly admitted, not being heard over the din of conversation.

“I must say though, you all look very pretty in your costumes.” The suave man complimented in his most charming voice.

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes, but then decided that it was okay, “Not too bad yourself there, stud.”

“Why thank you, I do work out, a lot.” He flexed his arm, showing off his visible muscles.

“Mmmm.” Rainbow rubbed her hoof over his biceps, smiling and letting out a small purr.

“RAINBOW! Stop drooling over the stupid sexy Istalian and get dressed, the play is on in six minutes!” Twilight reprimanded.

Rainbow shook her head, and gave Ezio a light slap to the face.

“Stupid sexy Istalian… idiot.” She said with a blush.

She gave Ezio a half-hearted punch to the chest and hovered over to the box with her costume in it.

“I see, the sweet and spicy kind of girl, I can work with that.” The master Assassin said to himself, nodding and walking out of the room and to his seat.

-Flashforward to Now-

“That’s… Ezio… you’re acting awfully lenient towards these concepts.”

“I have been without for the past three months, John, please do not worry about what I do behind closed doors.”

“Um… Ezio… we’ve been here for six months, as in 1+1+1+1+1+1, or 2+2+2, or 3+3, or 4+2, or 5+1, the point is… it’s been more than three months since we arrived here.” John felt uncomfortable with the implications of the Assassin’s words.

“Ehh... I sexed an alien once, no biggy.” Deadpool said.

“Lady Lyra Heartstrings practically melted when I introduced her to my masterful hands.”

“Ohhh... I wonder how that goes.” Deadpool asked, thinking hard.

“It already went, and she didn’t walk straight for a week.” The suave young man smirked at his success.

“I did not need that image in my head.” Chief said.

“I apologize amico.”

“Frankly, I don’t care, mainly because they are both consenting individuals.” AD said as he leaned back in his seat. “You say bestiality, I say xenophilia.”

“I don’t care either Mentore, mainly because I used to be a pony myself.” Blue said, leaning forward so that other ponies didn’t hear him.

... I don’t want to hear another word of this…” Link could only imagine Epona when thinking of what Ezio was implying, and the thought made him shudder with disgust.

“Yeah, I agree, the play’s starting, and I want to enjoy this.” Harry told the others.

“Yeah, me too, it would be a shame if there was a…” Deadpool trailed off.

-Three Hours Later-

“...Scene transition that didn’t let us show our reactions to the various parts as they happen.” Deadpool finally finished, having (much to everyone’s surprise) not talked throughout the whole play.

“Yes, but that doesn’t really make much sense amico.” Ezio said, having enjoyed the third musical number.

“At least the play was jolly good.” Harry said as he clapped.

“I wish I could’ve known, I was attacked during my trip to the bathroom, had to fight with both my swords out.” Wilson said, thankful that the less-than-elite agent had gone done quickly.

“Wait, attacked?”

“Another Organization Assault Agent jumped me while I was at the urinal, luckily I had my Light Sword ready, and I managed to come out unscathed, despite fighting with my pants down.”

“That sounds like something that you could expect in my video game.” Deadpool noted.

“Hmm... why you?”

“Well, while we’ve been here, I have been tinkering with something.” Wilson said as he took out the incomplete Wunderwaffe DG-2.

‘AH! Wunderbar, it’s almost done, all you need is a focus… do you have a focus?’

“All I need is a focus, does anyone know where I can get a focus?”

“Well, a good gem might do the trick, come brother, we’ll get one.” Adam said, leading the way.

“Alright, we’ll be back in a bit everyone, don’t let our absence detract from your Canterlot experience though.” Wilson said as he put away the Wunderwaffe and followed Adam.

“I wonder where they’re going?” Arbiter mused as he watched the pinstripe-clad pair disappear around a corner.

“I’m sure they’re just going to buy a gem at the gem shop, come, darlings, let’s enjoy Canterlot while we’re here.” Rarity said, scratching behind her left ear, “Ugh, that crown may have been lovely, but it quickly became itchy.” She complained, still scratching.

-At Gems and Jewels Canterlot Branch-

Adam looked around at all of the precious stones.

Wilson went down the lines.

‘Nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, JA!!!’

‘Phew, for a good minute there, I thought you’d become a broken record.’

‘Nein, but zis gem is perfect.’

“This gem is perfect.” Wilson said, picking up the clear crystal lens, marked ‘10 degree incline convex lens Diamond.’

“Hmm, you looking to make a monocle, pal?” The shopkeeper asked.

“No… but I could use one.” Wilson picked up the gem next to it, with was a concave version of the first.

“Alright then, for those two, that’ll cost you-”

*CHIK-CHIK* Adam pulled out his M1911 and cocked it, aiming it at the shopkeeper's face.

“Nothing, we’re walking out with these two trinkets, and you will not stop us, understood?” He threatened, his smooth, monotone voice scaring the shopkeep half to death.

Lost for words, the stallion simply nodded, and backed away.

Adam kept his pistol aimed at the pony, and he and Wilson backed out of the shop.

‘Oh... vell zat vas unexpected. Not zat I’m not complaining zough.’

‘Ohhhh… Adam always bloody does this… I try to get something the honest way, and he says ‘that’s not the mafia way, brother’, and then he uses violence to steal it.’

‘Oh, zat vas vhat zose mental complaints vere about, I vas not paying attention to your eyes.’

“Adam, this is my purchase, not yours. Please just let me do my business.” Wilson complained.

“If you really wish to pay for things… so be it, but don’t dip into the protection money, we need that to operate.” Adam said, finally surrendering.

“What’s with the sudden change of heart?” Wilson asked, minorly confused.

“The mansion is complete, it took them fucking long enough, the last time you asked, it wasn’t done, so taking a risk with added expenses just wasn’t a feasible option at the time, better safe than sorry.” The professional mobster answered.

“What do we need all this money for? Who are we paying for protection?”

“Princess Celestia said that if we relinquish funds back to the government in order to stimulate the flow of the economy, then she would forgive any crimes we commit, so long as we don’t kill any ponies.”

“WHAT! Why haven’t I heard of this before?” Twilight shouted, feeling betrayed and confused, “Why would Princess Celestia harbor criminal acts? IS THIS HOW YOU’VE GOTTEN EVERYTHING?”

“Calm down Miss Sparkle, yes… yes it is… listen, as the Don once told me, ‘Everyone is corrupt, even the gods lack purity in their hearts’, Celestia is willing to deal with me as long as I don’t actually go through with my threats, no bank robberies either, just businesses, have to get that money back into circulation.”

“I… the principle of it is morally wrong, and I can’t agree with your decision, but I’ll accept it for now. I’m warning you, however, if you ever… ever go back on the non-violence pact, I will create a barrier inside your stomach, and expand it until you explode.” Twilight threatened with a scowl and angry eyes, her horn and irises lit with magical energy.

“Celestia already threatened to send me to the moon, I don’t want any more pianos hoisted over my head sweetie.” Adam coolly responded.

“Oh… oh my…” Twilight was taken aback by her own reaction.

Had she really just said that?

That was awful.

That was terrible.

That was… human-like.

The dozen humans (well, technically 9 humans, a twili, an pony-turned-human and an alien) had been rubbing off on her, making her, and her friends, act more like them.

She gasped and teleported away.

“Well then, I suppose that we may continue unopposed, come on Wilson, we have a Wonder Waffle to complete.” Adam said, mispronouncing the weapon’s name.

“No, I have a Wunderwaffe DG-2 to complete, Sir Corleone, if you want more weapons, ask Wade.” Wilson dismissed as he walked away.

“I understand, brother, personal achievements are something to be proud of, and I won’t invade on that.” Adam was, alongside Ezio, tied for the coolest head in the group.

Cool heads don’t make for Normal heads, however.

And Normal heads don’t make for Stable heads.

But Stable heads are, by necessity, Cool heads.

And Adam, unlike Wilson, was very stable.

Wilson peaked around the corner of a wall in the cave he was in.

It was a dark cave.

A very unassuming, dark cave.

A very unassuming, dark cave that no sane person would consider going into.

But Wilson was not sane at the moment.

And he had plenty of time, the others were trying to find out what happened to Applejack after that weird Rodeo Tournament thingy.

-One Month and One Week Later-

“Alright, you just need a highly concentrated source of Element 115 before ze Wunderwaffe can be at it’s most powerful form.”

‘Yes, finish ze Wunderwaffe, create SCIENCE!!!’

“JA!!! Science is alvays fun, ja!”

Wilson snickered as he stroked his magnificent beard, and looked for what Richtofen described as glowing blue rocks that can power all kinds of stuff.

It took him several minutes, which felt like hours to him, he found something.

“Buried deep in ze earth, ve found it, Element 115!”

Wilson grinned as he looked at the massive meteor, buried several hundred feet underground, there were a few holes in the ceiling that led upwards, it seemed as though this meteor had crashed here less than a century, but more than a decade ago.

And it was ready to be mined.

Wilson took out a Pick/Axe and proceeded to mined the material, ready to finish this wonderful piece of science.

Several hits allowed Wilson to completely shatter the rock, and he quickly harvested the material.

He began to craft the final product with all of the Element 115 he had, and his ‘Underpowered Wunderwaffe DG-2’.

It was complete.


‘Yes, it is! It’s... beautiful... *sniff*”

“I am so happy... If I had tear ducts now, I’d be crying so hard, und I’d be so hard too... jjjjjjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!”

Wilson grinned even more as he carried his achievement outside of the cave and into the desert sun. He held it up high above his head, and yelled out in joy.

“I DID IT MUM! LOOK, I DID IT!!!” Wilson laughed, and caught the attention of an Organization spy, “JA!!! GUTEN ZEITEN!!!” He shouted, taking after Richtofen.

He had the ‘Fully Powered Wunderwaffe DG-2’

“Oh dammit.” Rachel said in worried tone as she began to call her boss.

“Yes?” Condition One said on the other end of the line, his deep voice disguised to sound like a stern mother.

“Boss, this is O.R.A #4. It seems that Group 935 is involved in this, Wilson has a Wunderwaffe DG-2.” She reported, waiting for the no-doubt well-calculated instructions of her highly intelligent superior agent.

Several seconds passed, and finally he replied with...

“Erm... care to remind me which one that was?”

“It’s the lightning gun. The shorter englishman built it himself, crazy as a bat.” Rachel replied, slightly annoyed at that remark.

How the top Agent of the Organization’s Combat, Assassination, Unassisted Stealth (after Blue’s betrayal), and Assault rosters, had forgotten something so unbelievably simple, yet very important, as the fucking NAMES of the Damon-damned TARGETS was beyond her.

“Keep an eye on him, he’s likely dangerous and insane.”

“Yeah, like Deadpool.” Rachel sighed away from the comm, annoyed at having to watch over these annoying sons of bitches for as long as she wasn’t discovered, which made her want to throw herself out into the open just so she could get reassigned.

“Copy, over and out.”

CO hung up, and Rachel just looked at the crazy Wilson waving around the lightning gun.

‘Goddammit Richtofen, does your influence know no bounds?’ She thought as she looked at the ground and sighed, thinking about her home, she’d been from the world that Richtofen had ruined with his zombies, and she hated him to an immeasurably high degree for that.

'What the bloody hell are you doing here ya ol’ cow?’

“Vilson, zat eez an Organization Reconnaissance Agent, vy don’t joo introduce her to ze foolly powered Wunderwaffe? Ve’ll zee how vell eet’s vorking?”

‘Ah, I see, I can hear ozzers’ thoughts at this level of insanity, zank you, Doktor Richtofen, for giving me zis boost.’

Rachel looked up to find the wizard standing over her.

“...Shit.” She quickly tried to find her liquid nitrogen sprayer.

She shrieked in pain as the weapon she had been looking for was used on her, freezing everything below her neck nearly solid and ceasing her movement.

With a few tears of pain in her eyes, she looked up at her foe...

… And nearly poked her eye out on the lightning rod of the Wunderwaffe.

*BOOM-ZZZZZZZZZHHHH* A small shockwave was heard, and then she was quickly roasted from the inside out by a strong bolt of lightning.

“Jolly good, that’s… Agent 4 and Condition One, this one, Ezio’s kill, John’s kill, Blue was turned, and that incident with the blades guy and me with my willy out spraying piss on the floor… so that’s six out of a few dozen… good progress!” He said, putting his top hat back on and going to check out the progress on finding Applejack.

Walking through the desert was calming… it was nice.

His sanity went back up, and Richtofen was silenced.

For a little while.

“♪Two weeks until the end of spriiiiing, it won’t be so bright, but it’ll still be greeeeen.” Wilson quietly sang as he found himself delving into yet another cave.

-One Month Later-

“Vhy are you singing?”

“♪It helps keep my sanity stable~... okay where was I? Oh yes. ♪No it won’t be so briiiiight, but it’s time to introduce even longer days, and even shorter niiiiiiights. ♪OH Summer, a time of rest and relaxaaaation. ♪Summer, come on, let’s go on a vacaaaation. ♪Summer is coming, and it’s fiiiiiine, let’s throw a party with ice-cold drinks and lots of liiiiiiime.”

“Eugh, vhy rhyme, of all zings?”

“♪I didn’t write the song~... shit.” Wilson had been delving into Canterlot Mountain.

After Twilight’s freakout and Cerberus’s leaving his post, Wilson had been charged with making sure he’d been led back successfully and that he was, indeed, at his post.

The scientist may have gotten lost along the way.

It might have been a mountain closer to Ponyville, and not Canterlot mountain.

That didn’t matter right now, he was deep in Canterlot Mountain now, and despite technically being several hundred feet underground, he was still thousands of feet above the ground outside.

He wandered, and wandered, and wandered, eventually finding himself down in a cold part of the cave, so cold that it had snow on the floor.

Using his Light Sword as a light source, the scientist/wizard/mobster/gentleman found himself looking into a cave full of gemstones and other crystals.

“Vilson, I am getting un eerie feeling from zis, please leave, NOW!”

‘No, I can feel it too, it’s something to do with chaos magic, I think this is a sort of… spatial rend, a rift, a hole, a wormhole.’

“Vhat are you? A thesaurus?”

‘I read one once… hold on, do you hear that?’

There was a sound like a distant shuffling on the snow, and then an “Oh shit!”, immediately followed by a falling sound, some clattering of plastic on ice, and a *click*.

Wilson felt extreme dread as he now had to wander through this chaos-filled area with an unknown other person somewhere, probably very nearby, and probably wanting to hurt him.

A pulse of chaos energy lurched out at that moment, launching his sword out of his hand and deep into the snow somewhere in the darkness, its glow drowned out by the thick layer of snow on the everywhere.

‘This is bad, this is not good at all, oh lord how could this get worse?’

Fate saw this thought as a challenge, and the song started, the beat reverberating off the crystal walls with great clarity and ambience, making it sound like the music was coming from everywhere.

Bloody goddamn motherfucking HELL!” Wilson whisper-deadpanned to himself, scrambling through the snow to find his sword.

“AW HELL!” David yelled as he scrambled through the snow to find his iPod.

Author's Note:

And then the cliffhanger came!

Do I need to say it?