• Published 6th Apr 2014
  • 1,830 Views, 99 Comments

And They Call It Puppy Love - kudzuhaiku

Screwloose has been seeing a therapist. She's getting better. The therapist suggests that she tries dating. She does.

  • ...

Chapter 8

“I’m seeing somepony.”

Screwloose felt a small pang of guilt about the lie. Not really a lie, more of an omission of the truth. She was leaving out the details. It wasn’t her fault that pony language was pony centric. She twitched in her chair, looking at Dr. Hornwinkle.

“That is great news.” Dr. Hornwinkle replied, smiling a therapeutic smile and taking notes. His pen scratched as his horn glowed, his papers rustled. The clock on his desk ticked and the sands in the hourglass dwindled downward.

“I’m really happy. My relationship with my roommate seems to be better than ever. I’ve been feeling confident lately and it has made all of my relationships stronger. And I think I’ve made some new friends as well.” Screwloose stared at the hourglass as she spoke, one ear twitching in time with the clock’s ticking.

“So you are integrating.” Dr. Hornwinkle commented, almost absentmindedly. “You went on a date, found some confidence, and now you are seeing how easy it is to fit in and adapt to society. All it took was believing in yourself, feeling positive, and being confident.”

“Yeah.” Screwloose replied, halfheartedly. “So easy. Now I am just like everypony else.”

Dr. Hornwinkle nodded. “I knew you had it in you. You say your relationship with your roommate has become stronger?”

Screwloose nodded. “She’s always loved me without reservation. And now I’ve kind of let down the last few barriers and let her in. Now we are intimate. Well, not in a sexual way. I don’t think. I don’t know. She flirts with me because I checked her out. But she has stated she isn’t really going to put any moves on me because I am vulnerable.”

“I see.” Dr. Hornwinkle said, his face blank. “Screwloose, you seem unusually calm today. You don’t seem nearly as agitated as you usually do. Your twitches and tics seem minimal. Seems we have found optimal levels for your medication. And you’re starting to function in society now. This has to make you feel hopeful.”

Screwloose’s mind whirled. She hadn’t taken any pills. Her mind felt clearer. And the doctor was saying that she appeared to be somewhat improved. It was difficult to take in. She desperately wanted to say something.

Screwloose remained silent.

“How is your job Screwloose?” Dr. Hornwinkle inquired.

“I’m getting a bonus for sales.” Screwloose replied, suddenly animated again. She smiled broadly. “I’m handling the pressure of the job just fine. Fridays for example, we rarely have any shoppers. Actually harder to handle to boredom than it is the ponies.”

Dr. Hornwinkle nodded thoughtfully. “And work today went well?”

“Yeah. Fine.” Screwloose answered. “It was a long day. I had to move couches around to make room for new stock to be displayed. Good thing I’m an earth pony. Makes moving couches easier.

Dr. Hornwinkle grinned. “That’s what I like to hear. An acknowledgement of self. You are an earth pony. Good Screwloose. Every day you show signs of getting better.”

Screwloose suddenly felt quite ill. Her stomach turned in lurching sense of revulsion. She fought back the urge to be sick, struggling, feeling more than a little queasy. She wondered what was wrong. Drug withdrawal? The doctor’s almost predatory grin? She thought it was predatory. It was not a warm honest grin, not to her anyway. Seemed almost like he was gloating. Her stomach lurched again.

“You feeling alright?” Dr. Hornwinkle asked.

“The pills make me a little queasy sometimes.” Screwloose lied. She felt her guts twisting as the words came out.

“That’s normal.” Dr. Hornwinkle assured. “Side effects are to be expected. Occasional dizziness, nausea, light headedness. Sometimes a headache. We’ve been over symptoms before. And, since this may be relevant to you now, there may be some sexual dysfunction as well from the pills. Small price to pay for getting better.” Dr. Hornwinkle grinned again.

“Sexual dysfunction?” Screwloose said in a low whisper.

“Yes. Reduced sex drive, sometimes the inability to orgasm, little harmless side effects that are of no real consequence.” Dr. Hornwinkle assured.

“Yeah. I guess those things really aren’t a big deal.” Screwloose said, her voice quavering slightly. “I suppose when you’re sick like I am you probably shouldn’t be doing those things anyway, right?”

“Indeed.” Dr. Hornwinkle said.

“So why did I start dating?” Screwloose said.

Dr. Hornwinkle scowled, his eyes narrowing, his jaw clenched. “Social interaction. We’ve been over this.” He hissed, now annoyed, all traces of his grin now gone. “Social integration. Your dating is mere social interaction to teach you new skills. In my opinion, you should remain celibate until such a time that I let you know that you are stable enough to get involved in a serious relationship.”

“Of course. You have my best interests in mind. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to cause a problem, I just didn’t understand the reasoning behind all of this.” Screwloose said, her voice a near monotone, all traces of emotion carefully withheld. “I really wasn’t trying to be defiant.”

Dr. Hornwinkle stared at Screwloose, studying her, trying to read her motives.

Screwloose felt a faint prickle of fear. She had felt this before, but it was a nameless dread more than anything. Now it was a bit more than nameless dread. She felt overwhelmed and frightened.

“Do you ever think I’ll be well enough to become sexual? Or have foals?” Screwloose said, her throat tight.

“Perhaps.” Dr. Hornwinkle said. “At least regarding sexuality. As for motherhood, I highly doubt you would be a fit mother.”

The words were like a slap to the face. It took every bit of willpower Screwloose had to hold her emotions in check.

“Not all that long ago, we took care of that issue with compulsory sterilisations. That has fallen out of favour. A big mistake in my opinion. Mentally ill ponies such as yourself don’t always make the best decisions and then little foals get brought into the mess, and there is too much suffering. Was so much easier for everypony involved when we still had compulsory sterilisations. I suppose at some point, we should have a discussion about birth control and add that to your daily medications. Wouldn’t want any accidents.”

“Yeah, you’re right. Accidents would make everything complicated and I don’t think I could deal with that.” Screwloose deadpanned. She felt something pulling inside of her guts.

“Good girl.” Dr. Hornwinkle said, his tone insincere.

“I’m a lucky mare to have you looking out for me and keeping me out of trouble.” Screwloose said, trying to smile, one eye beginning to twitch painfully.

“If you don’t believe that yet, you will eventually.” Dr. Hornwinkle said, jotting down notes. “I think we’ll cut things short today. I want you to go home and think about potential consequences for being irresponsible. Not just for you, but for everypony around you, including your roommate. How much would it hurt her if something happened to you?”

Screwloose nodded, saying nothing.

“I shall see you again soon. Our usual time.” Dr. Hornwinkle said, unable to hide his annoyance and agitation.

“You look sad.”

Screwloose looked up from her milkshake at the pink pony now sitting in the chair on the other side of the table.

“I am.” Screwloose admitted to Pinkie Pie.

“Well maybe I can help you find your smile?” Pinkie asked, looking hopeful.

“I don’t know where I left it.” Screwloose said, looking sullen.

Pinkie Pie chortled, mirth overtaking her features.

“I had a bad session with my therapist today.” Screwloose said in a low embarrassed tone. She nursed her milkshake slowly and steadily, trying to avoid brain freeze.

“Well maybe I can be your therapist for a little while.” Pinkie Pie said, smiling broadly. “Tell me what is troubling you Screwloose.”

“My therapist for one.” Screwloose said, the first hint of a smile cracking upon her muzzle.

“The old one or the new one?” Pinkie said, cocking her head to the side and looking at Screwloose intently.

Screwloose couldn’t help it, she laughed. A bit of milkshake dribbled down her lip and onto the table.

“Okie dokie loki. The new therapist is a problem.” Pinkie Pie said, her tone serious. “I should have a notepad or something. I feel inadequate. Probably why I am a terrible therapist.” She slumped in her chair.

Screwloose fought back a giggle.

“So tell me more.” Pinkie insisted gently.

“My therapist said some very hurtful things.” Screwloose answered. “Under the guise of trying to do what is best for me.”

“Oh.” Pinkie said.

“Oh?” Screwloose replied.

“Just oh. That sounds awful. I didn’t know how to reply. I’ve never been to therapist school. I’m just making this up as I go.” Pinkie Pie squirmed in her chair.

“He scared me today.” Screwloose said.

“So stop seeing him.” Pinkie Pie said.

“I don’t have that option.” Screwloose said. “The court says I am required to see a therapist. If I stop going, I could be locked back up.”

“That’s awful.” Pinkie Pie said in a small wavering voice. “You must feel trapped.”

“I do.” Screwloose said, slumping down in her chair, taking another slurp from her straw.

“Isn’t there somepony you can go to for help?” Pinkie asked.

Screwloose shrugged.

“I’m going to talk to my friend Twilight Sparkle. Maybe she’ll know what to do.” Pinkie said, glancing upward at the ceiling, rubbing her chin with her hoof. “But she is away right now. Doing princess stuff somewhere.”

“Thank you.” Screwloose said.

“Don’t mention it. I’m your friend.” Pinkie quipped. “I mean that.”

Screwloose nodded.

“Speaking of friends.” Pinkie whispered. “How is your special friend?”

“He’s fine I think. We had him over for dinner. It was nice. One of the best nights of my life.” Screwloose replied, smiling a little bit as she did so.

“Well bring him by.” Pinkie said. “I’ve talked to Mr. and Mrs. Cake. He’s welcome here.”

“Really?” Screwloose said, her ears drooping, her eyes going wide, her tone hopeful.

“Really really.” Pinkie giggled. “There are ponies that care about you Screwloose. You may not know it, but there are.”

Screwloose’s eyes teared over, watering, her lip beginning to quiver.

“Now now, that’s not allowed.” Pinkie Pie chided. “I want to see you smile smile smile.”

Screwloose nodded, trying to smile, a tear rolling down her cheek.

“I gotta get back to work.” Pinkie said, getting up from her chair.

“See you Pinkie. I’ll try to smile. Thank you so much for everything.” Screwloose said.

“You won't being be saying thank you when you see my bill!” Pinkie said, bouncing off to continue her job.

Screwloose giggled and smiled.

The moment Screwloose went through the door she was tackled. A loud wet kiss was planted on her cheek, and two legs wrapped tightly around her neck. Mint Jewelup held her for a long time.

“You look rough.” Mint said, seeing Screwloose. “Rough session?”

Screwloose broke down and told Mint everything, every detail, all of her thoughts, everything. She left nothing out. After about a half an hour so, she had everything out of her system, leaving Mint looking shocked and confused.

Both of them sat on the couch, neither one saying anything for a while, just looking at one another. Mint occasionally scratched her head thoughtfully, unsure of what to say.

“Well bother.” Mint finally said. Screwloose nodded.

“You know what? Screw everything.” Mint said. “I had good news to tell you. Tonight, there’s going to be a threesome and you’re coming.” Mint waggled her eyebrows suggestively.

“What?!” Said Screwloose, completely flabberghasted.

“I have three tickets to a special concert, one night only, here in Ponyville. I’m taking Parasol and I am dragging you along for your own good.” Mint said. “Special benefit concert, all funds raised go to a good cause. Thunderlane gave me the tickets for standing me up the other night. He had to foalsit his brother.” Mint paused thoughtfully. “Thunderlane is a good pony.”

“I was just going to stay at home and do as Dr. Hornwinkle suggested.” Screwloose said, shaking her head.

“Nope. Not happening.” Mint replied, shaking her own head no. “You are coming with me, even if Parasol and I have to drag you.”

“I don’t understand how you can be seeing Thunderlane and Parasol at the same time.” Screwloose said.

“Parasol is positively gay for me and Thunderlane is absolutely straight for me. Both have different needs and I provide for them. Thunderlane is also seeing Flitter and Cloudchaser, so it isn’t a big deal. We’re not exclusive.” Mint sat back and looked pleased with herself. “Plus, I hope to get Parasol and Thunderlane in one big threesome someday. I can look after Parasol, Thunderlane can look after me while taking care of his own needs, and I get to be in the middle of a hot and sloppy pony sandwich of love.”

Screwloose boiled over, immediately turning a shade of mauve from hoof to ear.

“I intend to go down on Parasol you see,” Mint said, pressing her advantage, “playing a nice game of hunt the radish. Snuffle the truffle. And while I am doing that, I hope to have Thunderlane plowing my plot. Planting seed in the fertile valley. Thunderlane has powerful hips. He’s a kicker. I’m thinking with every thrust, my snout will be driven right into Parasol’s bedrock. Plus, they’re both pegasi, so they have that athletic endurance thing going on for them. I hope I am fit to compete or they could tear me apart.” Mint fanned herself with her hoof, looking somewhat sweaty.

Screwloose broke. She sat there for several moments, stammering and spluttering, her nostrils flaring, both eyes blinking out of synchronisation.

“Whew I feel hot and bothered.” Mint complained.

Screwloose nodded, feeling a bit hot herself. She wasn’t sure about the bothered part.

“So, concert tonight. The three of us. And no moping at home for you.” Mint said, still fanning herself.

“Alright.” Screwloose said, nodding, feeling an odd surge of emotion welling up from within. “Fillies night out.”

“Yeah!” Mint agreed.

Author's Note:

Well, that was a rough chapter to write.

Eeyup. Writing the first half made me genuinely uncomfortable. **shudder**