• Published 24th Mar 2014
  • 4,351 Views, 221 Comments

It's Time To Duel! - DagaYemar

Yugi Moto and friends face off against a group of duelists from a far off land, but are the stakes as innocent as they first appear?

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Turn 2: Dark Magic React vs. Wonder Bolt Rush

Yugi Rainbow
4000 4000

“So since C lost, I take the first turn!” Rainbow shouted. “Which is just how I like it! And now for one of the best monsters in my deck, Wonder Bolt – Spit Fire!”

A flash of light briefly appeared behind the arena and a figure in a blue uniform leapt clear over Rainbow. She turned a small somersault in midair and her left foot caught fire, leaving a circular tail of sparks in the air as the figure spun. With a final kick she launched the mini fireball straight at Yugi. He managed to throw up his hands in time to deflect the missile harmlessly around his duel disk, but it still knocked him back a step. The monster landed in a crouch and straightened up, crossing her arms and smirking.


“What was that?!” Joey cried, rubbing his eyes and blinking furiously. “It happened too quick for me ta follow!”

“That’s the awesome speed of my Wonder Bolt cards!” Rainbow Dash said, beaming with pride. “Each one of them hits the ground running, and my Spit Fire just shaved two hundred life points simply by showing up!”

“Yeah, but it’s only two hundred points.” Mai said critically. “Hardly devastating.”

Twilight sighed, rubbing her temple to stave off a headache. “I can’t believe she brought that deck…”

“What’s the deal, Rainbow?” Applejack called. “Ah thought you were goin’ to use that fighter jet deck of yours. You know this deck’s not all done yet!”

“Not done?” Joey asked, looking around for an explanation.

Celestia crossed her arms and supplied it. “There’s a tournament held semi-annually called the Wonder Tournament. Duelists who win join a very select team who train and compete together, and they also get a card created to represent them. But there haven’t been enough winners to build a complete deck out of them yet.”

“That’s because no one’s tried!” Rainbow declared, holding her duel disk to her chest and staring fondly at her deck. “I put a lot of work into finding as many of the promotional cards as I could, even winning a copy of the prize cards right from the Wonder Bolts themselves. And someday I’m going to take these cards and use them to win that tournament myself! I believe in these cards and I know that they can carry me though even this battle.

“Now let’s get on with the duel! I’ll lay two cards face down and pass the turn to you. Show me what the King of Games can really do!”

“Very well.” Yugi said, drawing his card. “I admire the faith you have in your cards, but I also have a lot of respect for mine. They have carried me through many a challenge and you are about to see how well we work together.”

He flipped a spell card from his hand and showed it to his opponent. “I will use my polymerization card to fuse Berfomet and Gazelle together to form a new monster. Behold Chimera, the Flying Mythical Beast!”

The two beasts appeared briefly on the field before they swirled together like paint on a spinner. From the center of that spiral a monster charged out and landed heavily on the field, bracing itself with its wings spread for balance. It raised its two heads and roared.

Yugi turned to the sidelines and grinned. “Hey, Kaiba. As I recall, the rule that fusion monsters can’t attack on the turn they were summoned was only implemented for your tournament, right?”

Kaiba nodded with a grunt. “You know that as well as anyone else. What’s your point?”

“Because that means my Chimera can attack right away! And now it’s going to tear your monster apart!” Yugi pointed dramatically and the Chimera leapt forward on command.

“Not so fast, I’ve got a trap!” Rainbow declared, revealing one of her face downs. “It’s called A Hero Emerges! Now here’s what going to happen; you pick a random card in my hand and if it happens to be a monster, I get to summon it. Now which one is it going to be?”

“Relying on luck, are you?” Yugi taunted, but Rainbow didn’t rise to the bait. She held the three cards in her hand up confidently and smiled without taking her eyes off his. Yugi grit his teeth and pointed. “Alright, then I pick the card on the far left!”

“Ooh, bad choice. For you, I mean. You just picked my Wonder Bolt – Soarin!”

Rainbow slammed the card onto her disk and another flash of light flared from behind her. A second blue clad figure jumped over her head and turned a couple flips before landing feet-first on Chimera’s heads. Its momentum drove the beast to the ground where it slid to a halt.

“Soarin cuts your monster’s attack and defense by three hundred points for every Wonder Bolt on my side of the field. So now it doesn’t have enough points to beat either of my guys.” Rainbow cut the air with her hand dramatically. “But that’s not the only thing that happens! Did you forget about my Spit Fire?”

Soarin lifted its arm out as Rainbow’s first monster suddenly ran forward, jumping up and using the offered arm to launch itself high into the air. Its leg started shooting off sparks as it turned a somersault, kicking a ball of plasma at Yugi. The ball detonated above his head, showering him in flames. Spit Fire landed and leapt backwards to her original side of the field, quickly followed by Soarin.


“Spit Fire’s effect doesn’t just activate when she’s summoned.” Rainbow explained, grinning from ear to ear. “She gets to hit you directly each time one of her teammates is summoned, for each Wonder Bolt I’ve got out!”

“So that means, uh…” Joey mumbled, counting on his fingers. “So… if she’s got two monsters, then…”

“With two monsters, she deals four hundred points.” Bakura said, coming to Joey’s rescue before he could embarrass himself further. “And if she summons another, it will be six hundred points of damage. And then eight hundred, and so on.”

“So watch out, here I come!” Rainbow announced, drawing her card and beaming at what it was. This is so awesome! I’m totally winning against the King! “I summon Wonder Bolt – Fleet Foot to the field! And you know what that means!”

A third uniformed figure appeared in the air above the duel, spinning in a tight ball before landing in a crouch with its arms spread out wide. Spit Fire took a running start and leapt off the new monster’s back, sailing through the air towards Yugi. This time its leg was already almost completely wrapped in yellow flames and with a kick the monster launched it in a straight line right at him. The bolt of fire slammed into his chest and pushed him back several feet, clutching his chest in pain.


“She’s not the only one with a special ability! When Fleet Foot is summoned, I can look at the top three cards of my deck and add any Maneuvers card directly to my hand.” She picked up the cards and studied them, but a frown crawled across her features.

“What’s wrong?” Yugi asked. “Didn’t get the card you’re looking for?”

“This is why ah said that deck wasn’t ready…” Applejack sighed, crossing her arms. “There just aren’t enough cards yet.”

“Doesn’t matter!” Rainbow declared, putting the three cards back into her deck and playing another from her hand. “Cause I can just get a do-over with this. My Aerial Maneuvers card returns all my Wonder Bolts to my hand.”

Her three monsters simultaneously tossed out a salute and leaped into the air, turning into energy at the apex and shooting back to Rainbow’s hand. She held up her now full hand and waved it back and forth.

“Wanna know why I did it? Well, now I can summon as many Wonder Bolts to the field as I just returned to my hand!”

“But that means their effects will activate again!” Yugi cried, his eyes growing wide. He leaned back as a white glow appeared from behind Rainbow once more.

“Exactly!” Rainbow Dash shouted, and slammed them back onto the field.

Immediately the three monsters appeared again, flying through the air straight towards Yugi’s field. Fleet Foot landed first, landing in a handstand at Chimera’s feet. She pushed off the ground and kicked the beast up, causing it to rear back on its hind legs. Soarin dropkicked it in the chest and the beast fell over onto its back at Yugi’s feet, knocking the duelist to the ground. A cloud of dust was kicked up around the two of them, and a status box appeared to inform them that Chimera’s attack points had dropped to twelve hundred.

Meanwhile, Spit Fire had come to ground and ran at Fleet Foot, who formed a step with its hands. Spit Fire leapt off Fleet Foot and Soarin caught her as he was pushed back by his kick, using their momentum to spin the two of them in a spiral. Fire and electricity gathered as they spun and when Soarin finally released her, her leg was blazing with power. A kick sent that bolt of energy at the duelist lying beneath her, where it detonated in a blast of fire.


“How’s that for hardly devastating?!” Rainbow crowed as her three acrobatic monsters leaped back to her field. “And Fleet Foot lets me look at the top three cards again. Let’s see… ha! It’s Evasion Maneuvers, and I get to add it to my hand!”

“WOO! Go Dashy!” Pinkie cheered, bouncing up and down in excitement.

“Not bad at all.” Yugi congratulated, getting to his feet smiling. “Your monsters pack a lot more punch than first appears. But can you follow through with it?”

“Follow through? Did you forget that Soarin weakened your big bad Chimera just now?” Rainbow turned sideways and threw her whole body into pointing at the creature only now getting slowly to its feet. “Well I didn’t, and now he’s going to wipe it from the field! Wonder Crush!”

Soarin knelt and clenched its hands into fists, and bursts of electricity traveled up and down its arms. It charged forward and leapt right into Chimera’s face, delivering a punch that nearly bent back the beast double. Lightning traveled up Chimera’s body before the monster shattered into fragments.


“And with this attack I win!” Rainbow shouted in triumph, leaping up and throwing her fist into the air. On the field, her other two monsters charged forward.

“Not so fast, my Chimera has an effect as well.” Yugi said, as a light appeared emanating from the graveyard slot of his duel disk. “When it is destroyed, one of the monsters used to create it is summoned to the field. So I will revive Berfomet in defense mode!”

The two Wonder Bolts skid to a stop as a pillar of light appeared before them, fading to reveal the fiend blocking their path to Yugi. It growled softly as it glared at them above its crossed arms, and the two fighters backed up a step nervously. Neither had the attack points to overcome Berfomet’s defense.

“Grr, so close!” Rainbow grumbled. “I guess I’ll play this card face down and end my turn.”

“Come on, Yug, stop letting her walk all over ya!” Joey shouted from the sidelines.

“I must say, I am impressed with your ability.” Yugi said calmly, drawing a card from his deck. Then his eyes hardened. “But now’s the time for my counter attack! I’ll start by offering Berfomet as a sacrifice to summon my Dark Magician Girl!”

His fiend disappeared in a pillar of light, out of which one of the most popular monsters from his deck emerged. The Magician Girl winked at her audience and floated down to join Yugi’s side.

“And now that she’s out, I’m able to activate my Sage’s Stone.” Yugi declared. “This means another monster joins me from my deck!”

The spell card appeared on the field and the sorceress struck it with her wand, instantly turning it into a solid rectangle of white light. A figure grew out of this brilliance and alighted on the field. The spellcaster nodded to the magician girl, who ran a hand through the back of her hair and giggled self consciously.

“Is that what I think it is?” Rarity asked in a low voice.

“The famous Dark Magician.” Twilight replied in awe. “It looks like Yugi is taking this seriously, to bring out a card like that on only his second turn.”

“Good to see you, partner.” Yugi said to the Dark Magician in greeting, and then turned his attention back to his opponent. “Your monsters may work very well as a team, but that means they come with quite the weakness.”

“What weakness?” Rainbow challenged.

“Let me show you!” Yugi replied, playing a spell. “I activate my Diffusion Wave-Motion!”


“You see, your monster's effects are only impressive if you have a lot of them on your field. And with this spell, my Dark Magician can attack all of them at once! Go, Dark Magic Wave!”

The two magicians placed their wands together and power started gathering at their points. The magical energy pulsed and circular bursts of magic flared out from the weapons, quickly closing in on Rainbow’s three acrobats.

“Shoot! I’ll save them with Evasion Maneuvers!” Rainbow shouted, activating one of her traps. Her monsters all jumped backwards before the attacks could reach them, shimmering into energy and disappearing back into her hand. Denied their original target, the magic waves washed over Rainbow instead. She cried out as they knocked her off her feet.


“So you chose to save you monsters over your life points.” Yugi said, setting the last card in his hand face down on the field. “A good move, but now you have no Wonder Bolts in play to boost the power of their effects. And with my two magicians out, you won’t get the opportunity to gather steam again.”

“You just wait; I’m not out of this yet!” Rainbow said as she got slowly to her feet, but a hitch in her voice betrayed how hard that last move had hit her. Come on, Rainbow, this is your moment! You can do this! Somehow… I just need to draw the right card.

She drew her card and cautiously peeked at it, and it took all her willpower to keep her elation from showing. Awesome! I can’t believe I actually drew this, just when I needed it most! I knew this deck wouldn’t let me down!

“First, I’m going to summon Soarin back to the field!” Rainbow declared with renewed vigor, as her monster once again appeared. “And I think I’ll use his effect to drop your Magician Girl’s attack points by three hundred. Just enough for him to send her packing!”

Her monster charged forward once more and leapt, spinning like a corkscrew to gather momentum. Lightning played along its arm as it spun and it lashed out at the sorceress with a straight jab. The Magician Girl caught the blow on her wand, but the lightning traveled up from the blow and played all over her body. She cried out in shock before shattering into fragments.


“And next I will use my Tag Out Maneuvers to switch out Soarin for a different Wonder Bolt!”

Soarin flashed one last salute in Rainbow’s direction before leaping straight up into the air, where he disappeared in a flash of light. Another familiar figure descended from that light and Spit Fire landed in a handstand, spinning in a tight circle like a break dancer. A sparking ball of fire launched from her foot as she finished spinning, detonating in front of Yugi’s face. Spit Fire rolled over to Rainbow’s side and crouched in defense mode, her arms crossed defensively in front of her.


“A bold move.” Pegasus congratulated her, studying the field with interest. “Yugi-boy had the right idea about clearing her field of monsters, but it cost him a heavy price to do so. All this girl has to do it pick his few remaining life points apart bit by bit and this game is hers.”

Kaiba tsked in annoyance and tossed his head. “As if Yugi would be foolish enough to let her keep doing it. There’s no way a duel of this level would beat him.”

“Hey, don’t count her out so quickly. Rainbow’s just one move away from winning.” Twilight shot back, looking at her friend’s face down card out of the corner of her eye. “And I think I know what that one move is…”

“I’ll end my turn there.” Rainbow continued, leaning forward in anticipation. “I think this is going to be the last turn, so show me what you’ve got!”

“You asked for it!” Yugi said, drawing his card and playing it. “I summon the Obnoxious Celtic Guardian! Go and cut that Wonder Bolt down to size!”

An elf in battle armor appeared on the field with a grunt. It grimaced in annoyance and charged, readying its broadsword for a swing that would cleave the blue-clad figure in two. It swung, but just before the blow landed a silvery radiance appeared over Spit Fire and she disappeared from the ground up. The elf’s sword cut through empty air, causing it to overbalance and stumble off to the side.

“What happened?” Yugi demanded.

“My trap happened!” Rainbow returned, pointing out the card that had been chilling on her field since the first turn. “Rescue Maneuvers! My Spit Fire is saved and returns to my hand. But my field won’t be empty for long, as the Wonder Bolt who saved it is going to take its place. I summon Wonder Bolt Trainee!”

A flash of light appeared above her head and a figure landed on the field. Unlike the other Wonder Bolt, this one didn’t have a jacket and its hair was a swirl of many colors held back by a backwards cap. In fact, that card bore a startling resemblance to…

“I’m seeing double!” Joey said, rubbing his eyes in disbelief. “That monster looks just like her!”

“Rainbow, I wasn’t aware you had gotten that far…” Celestia said, looking at her in a new light.

“That’s right!” Rainbow shouted, pride radiating off her like sunlight. “I’m the favorite to win the Wonder Tournament this year, so they went ahead and made a temporary card just for me! This is its debut appearance, and it’s going to win me this duel! Know why? Because when my Trainee is summoned, I can immediately summon another Wonder Bolt from my hand!”

“If she summons that Spit Fire of hers again, Yugi will take four hundred points of damage!” Bakura gasped. "That will cost him the duel!"

“And that’s just what’s going to happen! Victory is mine!” Rainbow raised her card into the air in triumph, and a flying sword bisected it right through the middle. The card was torn from her hand and the sword impaled into the ground behind her, pinning the card in place.

For a few seconds Rainbow didn’t even react, frozen in place with slowly dawning disbelief. Then she spun around and stared at the sword in shock. “What was that?!?”

“That was my Lightforce Sword.” Yugi replied, pointing out his own trap. “It allows me to remove any card in your hand from the game for four turns. That pesky Spit Fire won’t be bothering us anymore. Now where were we? Dark Magician, attack her Wonder Bolt Trainee with Dark Magic Attack!”

“No!!! Wait!!!” Rainbow cried, but it was too late. The magician thrust out its hand and all the colors on the field were inverted. Rainbow’s lone monster leaned back in pain and shouted as its body shuddered violently and blew up.


Rainbow Dash dropped to her knees as her duel disk disengaged and the holograms faded away. “Blast it, I almost had that one!”

“It was very close.” Yugi agreed, walking over and offering his hand to help her up. “How about we have a rematch someday, once that deck is finally complete?”

Rainbow blinked up at him and smiled, taking his hand firmly and pulling herself up. “You’ve got a deal!”

“Dashy!” Pinkie cried, leaping onto the stage and wrapping her friend up in a tight hug. “You were so so so so so so SO close! I thought for sure you were going to win! You must feel awful!”

“Pinkie, calm down!” Rainbow said, pulling out of her friend’s tight embrace and trying to regain some of her dignity. “I’ll get him next time. Now let’s get off the stage, unless you wanted to duel next?”

“No, the next duel’s mine.” Applejack declared, striding forward confidently and tightened her duel disk on her arm. “Someone’s gotta break this losin’ streak, and ah’m just the gal to do it.”

“Pretty confident, aren’t you?” Mai asked, stepping forward. “Alright then, I’ll take her on. If you boys don’t mind me taking the lead?”

“Go right ahead.” Yugi said, stepping aside so she could take his place. “Good luck, Mai.”

“Don’t need it!” Mai said confidently, activating her disk with a snap of her arm. She glanced back at where Pegasus was standing on the sidelines, and the card designer caught her eye and nodded.

Alright, Pegasus. Mai thought, placing a hand on her cards. Let’s see just how good these improvements you made to my deck really are…

Next time on Yugioh: It's Time to Duel
Harpie Party Frenzy vs. A Day at the Rodeo

Author's Note:

This chapter's card art is supplied by the very talented Mauros! I can't believe he actually gave me permission to use his awesome comic for my little story! Go check out his art if you've never seen it before, it's amazing!

And I don't have an artist for the next chapter! So the story is on temporary hold while I scrounge around for someone to help me with art. Think you can draw a cowboy or two for me? Send me a message! The sooner I can get the art, the faster the next chapter gets done. Any amount of help is appreciated, so let me know what you can do!

This was the first duel I completed in my head and was the core behind my belief that I could do a whole story like this. Rainbow's cards are inspired by the Dark Scorpions, which are one of my favorite archetypes. I felt she needed something fast, something that hits you repeatedly right from the get-go and doesn't let up until the last card was played. The Wonder Bolts all have come into play effects that trigger based on the number of them still out, which is difficult to maintain in a normal game, and Rainbow's deck used bounce effects to make use of those abilities over and over again. To balance this I made the deck list incomplete, so gathering the necessary field presence is currently hard.

But now that's she's out of the tournament, will we ever see her deck again? And what was that Fighter Jet deck Applejack mentioned...?